Baykov M.D., Pavlov N.M..
The Religious Factor in the Electoral Behavior of the Voter on the Example of Municipal Elections in Moscow in 2022
// Politics and Society. – 2022. – ¹ 4.
– P. 12-29.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2022.4.39597.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2022.4.39597
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Abstract: The subject of the study of the influence of the religious factor in the electoral behavior of Muscovites. The purpose of the study is to assess the motivation of political choice and the participation of the electorate in the 2022 election campaign in Moscow from the point of view of the religious factor. We have considered aspects of electoral behavior, the significance of the religious factor, and conducted a characteristic of municipal self-government elections in the city of Moscow. The main analytical base of the article was collected as a result of a sociological survey conducted in August 2022, the data of which were obtained through a remote survey via the VKontakte social network, as well as through personal surveys of respondents.
The voter's personal religious beliefs, which formed his attitude to the candidate, as well as the declared religiosity of the candidate himself, affecting his image, were established as a source of forming attitudes towards the candidate. Our research allowed us to form an opinion on the impact of the religious factor on the political sympathies of the electorate. Often, the political choice depends on the ethical and moral ideas formed by religion, with the help of which the program and the candidate's image are evaluated. At the same time, the electoral behavior of the voter is not dependent on his religiosity. We hope to continue our research to further understand the value of a religious resource in creating motivation for political participation among the electorate.
Keywords: sociological research, candidate, voter, political image, elections in Moscow, religious beliefs, municipal elections, religious factor, elections, electoral behavior
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Ðîññèÿ-95 íàêàíóíå âûáîðîâ: ìîíîãðàôèÿ / Îòâ. ðåä. Ã. Â. Îñèïîâ. Ì.: ÈÑÏÈ ÐÀÍ, 2014
Pishchulin A.V..
On the question about strong states
// Politics and Society. – 2016. – ¹ 1.
– P. 65-72.
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Abstract: This article discusses various approaches towards the question about strong states, and poses a problem of inappropriateness of combination of the modern signs that determine the modern state, problem of structuring and functioning of the state, as well as problems of modelling of the modern effective and strong nation. Depending on one or another point of view a upon the strength of the nation, we can make different conclusions about the efficiency and consistency of the modern state. The author analyzes the problem of juridization of the modern states, as well as the empirics that often does not coincide with the specified juridical constructs. The scientific novelty consists in the correlation of the technological approaches towards the strong nation with the ideological. The author concludes that an attempt to stay with one of these approaches will lead to the establishment of the inefficient statehood.
Keywords: State, Strong, Weak, Essence, Modern, Technology, Contradictions, Consistency, Establishment, Modelling
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Paradoxology of choice: choice in the conditions of paradoxicality and uncertainty
// Politics and Society. – 2015. – ¹ 12.
– P. 1633-1652.
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the human choice in the conditions of paradoxicality, compared in the series of reviewed precedents with the uncertainty and risk. A special attention is given to the choice in the area of public and political relations. Rational and intuitive choice is being analyzed from the perspective of the influence of rational-logical paradoxes, freedom of choice paradox, and limited choice paradox. The author also draws attention to the examination of the restrictions of human choice, which include gender, rational, procedural, situational, intuitive, etc. The article presents the examples of human choice within the world history and modern political sphere. The scientific novelty of the conducted research consists in the author’s approach towards formation of the analytical spatial model – “foundations/criteria/terms of choice”, which would reflect key variables of the analysis of human choice with the focus upon the information-analytical component of the process. The author also concludes that the intuitive choice requires moderate and rational optimization, which can be achieved by using the information-analytical methodologies of increasing the fullness and structuring of information that lay at the core of the rational choice.
Keywords: manipulation of choice, paradox of choice, limitation of choice, uncertainty, choice, paradoxology, paradox, intuitive choice, rational choice, freedom of choice
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Kabanov, P.A..
Political Banditism as a Criminal Form of Supporting Political Activity: Definition and Meaning
// Politics and Society. – 2015. – ¹ 1.
– P. 124-133.
Read the article
Abstract: The research subject of the present article is the political banditism as a criminal form of supporting
political activity. The purpose of the research is to develop a new scientific category “political
banditism” and to provide the definition of political banditism from the point of view of the modern
Russian political criminology. The tasks of the research include the following: a) to analyze and critically
evaluate contemporary researches on the problems of political banditism; b) to provide a general
description of the basic elements of political banditism as a criminal form of supporting political activity;
c) to offer a definition of political banditism as a criminal form of supporting political activity.
The methodological basis of the research involves dialectical materialism and associated general research
methods such as comparison, analysis, synthesis and others methods of humanities. The main
result of the research is the author’s definition of “political banditism” as a political and criminological
category and description of the main elements of its structure and meaning of political banditism as
a criminal form of supporting political activity. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the
fact that the author provides a new definition of political banditism. This definition is different from
definitions offered by other researches as it involves criminal support of political activity.
Keywords: political criminology, political crime, political extremism, political banditism, banditism, expropriation, economic terrorism, support (guarantees) of political activity, political activity, political actors.
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Tsvetkova, M. V..
Refl exive Mechanisms of Subject Relations
// Politics and Society. – 2014. – ¹ 4.
– P. 470-479.
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Abstract: The present article reveals individual understanding of the essence of refl exive mechanisms and their direct infl uence
on subject relations. The author emphasizes the algorithmic weakness of existing approaches to describing refl exive
mechanisms which complicates their practical use, fi rst of all in the sphere of research of subject relations. Refl ective mechanisms
should be shown in the course of motivation formation through reorganization of self-assessment of a subject. Therefore
the author expands the defi nition of the refl exive mechanism as a procedure of detection of compliances of representations
by applying assessment and evaluation to both compliances and reactions to them. Based on the analysis of various
models of refl ection the author of the present article defi nes and classifi es working refl exive mechanisms. At the same time
stages of the process of refl ection are considered. The author also focuses on the need for introduction of assessment procedures
of mechanisms and offers and describes particular procedures for assessing refl ective mechanisms. The author of the
article proves the importance and signifi cance of refl ective mechanisms of self-assessment due to their mathematical constructibility
in studying subject relations. The type of refl ection used by a subject as a strategy of behavior, confl ict or cooperation,
has the greatest importance. Thus, the results of the present research may help to better understand the category of
refl exive mechanisms and their role in the organization of subject relations and self-knowledge processes. This seems to be
a rather promising direction for future researches.
Keywords: refl ection, refl ective mechanisms, subject relations, evaluation systems, psychological image, perception, selfknowledge, self-assessment, representations, refl ective control, political subjects.
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