Belov I.V..
The Biopolitical dimension of the modern macropolitical identity of Russians
// Politics and Society.
2025. № 1.
P. 29-42.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2025.1.73300 EDN: KCSGJC URL:
The subject of the study is the biopolitical toolkit used by modern Russian elites in the context of building the macropolitical identity of Russians. This process is characterized by a complex nature. The identity policy implemented in the post-Soviet period takes into account the need to strengthen intercultural and interethnic unity in society. In this regard, the construction of a special macropolitical identity takes place not only in the space of memory politics and in the broad sense of symbolic politics, but also in the space of biopolitics. Biopolitics has made it possible to unify the principles of management based on the physiological and social manifestations inherent in humans. Of particular research interest is the problem of using biopolitical methods in the context of building a macropolitical identity, a special form of self–identification that overcomes religious, cultural and ethnic differences in society. In Russia, this process is particularly relevant, since in a multicultural and multiethnic state, the process of building socially shared forms of identity sets the foundation of society. We propose to consider examples of the use of biopolitics in the framework of building this identity. The research methodology includes an analysis of the dynamics of Russian legislation and biopolitical tools, which is revealed by the example of individual cases and political technologies used by political elites in the course of building the macropolitical identity of Russians. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the consideration of the principles and tools of biopolitics through the prism of the macropolitical identity of Russians. It is based on identification with the broader community, which presupposes solidarity across borders related to political and ideological preferences. We examine in detail how modern biopolitics, performed by Russian elites, allows us to overcome these preferences and use the biological essence of a person in solving problems related to the political solidarity of society. Separately, an analysis of legislative norms and practical cases was carried out, which demonstrated the variety of biopolitical tools used in modern Russia. As a result of the research, we come to the conclusion that biopolitics can be effectively used as a measure to counter nationalist tendencies in society. The conclusion is also formulated about the need to introduce bioethics, i.e. the moral dimension of those political and technological processes that are implemented in the political space of modern Russia.
macropolitical identity, society, social ties, conformism, group identity, political behavior, population, biopolitics, political elites, domestic politics
Ndayishimiye T.G..
Is democracy possible in the society without democratic traditions?
// Politics and Society.
2016. № 3.
P. 320-325.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2016.3.54530 URL:
One of the most important conditions, which form the character of political regime and its legitimacy, is the political traditions of the society. It is obvious that traditions of democratic nature encourage the consolidation of democracy. Therefore, this work analyzes the research discussions about the presence or absence of the democratic traditions within the Russian political culture. Predominance of the authoritarian traditions in the political culture of Russia and strive of our government to become democratic, require searching the effective ways on eliminating from the political culture such elements that hinder this process in practice. Using a comparative method the author formulates a list of traditions, which have formed the foundation of the political culture of modern Russia, as well as determines a number of traditions necessary for the formation of democracy, but which are absent in the Russian political practice. The author scientifically substantiates the established deficit of democratic traditions, and proposes rational ways on consolidation of the democratic values and traditions based on the corresponding political practice enriched with democratic elements; he also expresses the caution that in practice we often can see a manifestation of so-called selectiveness (in this case – traditions) in creation and implementation of the artificial elements into a such natural institution as political culture, thus, this process requires succession, continuity, and approbation of all of the democratic traditions which are able to establish a true democracy.
Democratic traditions, Authoritarian traditions, Political culture, Conditions for democratic transition, Political regime, Society, Government, Succession, Changes, Elimination of authoritarian traditions