Nikolaev I.V..
The Temporality of the Official Discourse of the Russian government (2012-2022): grammatical vs semantic dimension
// Politics and Society.
2024. ¹ 4.
P. 77-93.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2024.4.71843 EDN: XDWVBA URL:
The article examines the phenomenon of temporality of political discourse, which is understood as a specific configuration of grammatical and semantic markers of referring to the past, present and future. The object of the study is the official political discourse of the Russian government in the period 2012-2022. The subject of the study is the patterns of the use of time markers in the official discourse of state power. The empirical basis of the research is the messages of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly, as well as solemn speeches dedicated to the celebration of Victory Day, National Unity Day and New Year. Special attention is paid in the article to the connection of the temporal characteristics of discourse with the historical policy of state power. The research methodology is based on an interdisciplinary synthesis of linguistic and semiotic approaches. The measurement of temporality in the discourse of power is carried out at three levels: grammatical (the ratio of the tense forms of verbs), lexical (symbolic words referring to the past and future), semantic (semantic content of images of the past and future). Variations of quantitative and qualitative content analysis are applied at each level. The main conclusions of the study include the following provisions. Firstly, the official discourse of the Russian government in the period 2012-2022 is timeless and fixated on reproducing the present. Secondly, the key tool for this reproduction should be considered stretching the time continuum of the present from the recent past as a measurable actual result of government activities to the near future, known from already formed work and budgeting plans. Thirdly, despite the dominance of references to the future at the grammatical level, the past is semantically more significant and structured. Fourthly, the main reference historical period for the discourse of power is the post-war Soviet period, which corresponds to the current public demand. The novelty of the research lies in the application of an approach to the phenomenon of temporality, which allows us to take into account not only the manifestations of historical politics, but also to identify its correspondence to temporal orientation at the grammatical and lexical level. The study differentiates the natural orientation in time from the mythologized study of the past, placing it in a continuum of understanding the development of society by the Russian government.
symbolic politics, historical politics, The word marker, the temporal form of the verb, The symbol word, the president, official discourse, temporality, the past, future
Kulnazarova A.V., Nesterova M.V..
Features of communications in social networks of the candidate A. Beglov in the election campaign for governor of St. Petersburg in 2024
// Politics and Society.
2024. ¹ 3.
P. 46-55.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2024.3.70999 EDN: DLWAJJ URL:
The purpose of this article is to identify the features of the candidate's communication in social networks, identify areas of improvement and problem areas in interaction with target audiences. The subject of the study is the digital communications of candidate A. Beglov in the framework of the election campaign for governor of St. Petersburg in 2024. The empirical basis of the study was publications on the candidate's official account in the Telegram messenger in the period from August 10 to September 5, 2024. The authors pay attention to identifying the key themes and analyzing how the candidate interacts with various target groups of voters. The article also provides statistical information on the publications. The methodology includes a discourse analysis of publications using thematic, lexical and tonal analysis, as well as an assessment of the involvement of the target audience based on statistical data. The novelty of the research lies in a systematic approach to studying the candidate's interaction with target audiences through social networks, which allows us to identify both successful aspects of communication. The main conclusions of the study are to identify the predominance of messages related to urban infrastructure, social and educational projects in A. Beglov's telegram communications. A special contribution of the authors to the research of the topic is a detailed analysis of vocabulary with a positive tone, which allows us to evaluate the rhetoric of a candidate in the context of his election strategy. It is revealed that publications related to solving urban problems and improving living conditions play a key role in forming a positive image of a candidate. The linguistic features of the texts of publications contribute to creation of a positive and trusting image of the candidate, create a balanced and convincing pre-election discourse.
Governor of St. Petersburg, discourse analysis, elections, digital communication, Telegram, electoral campaign, social media, political communication, linguistic analysis, digitalization
Voronin V.A., Voronov A.V..
Changing Russian Presidential Discourse on the example of Putin's inaugural speeches: results of quantitative content analysis
// Politics and Society.
2024. ¹ 2.
P. 24-36.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2024.2.71182 EDN: XADZGM URL:
This article examines V. V. Putin's discourse from the point of view of its semantic content – the values voiced by the president, a view on the further development of the country, setting goals, etc. The object of the study is the inaugural speeches of the President of Russia, and the subject is the narrative aspect of these speeches. The article hypothesizes that the semantic accents in the inaugural speeches of the head of state changed in accordance with the domestic and foreign policy situation and in later speeches became more focused on foreign policy problems, as well as had a more conservative orientation. The purpose of the work is to identify changes in the narrative aspect of Vladimir Putin's inaugural speeches and evaluate them in the context of changes in the political situation in the country and the world. During the research, methods such as quantitative content analysis (performed separately for each text), comparative analysis, and graphical modeling were used. The authors concluded that over time, the presidential discourse considered on the example of inaugural speeches has undergone significant semantic changes. The share of values characteristic of conservative ideology has become higher in later speeches. At the same time, the presence of liberal democratic narratives in recent speeches has been minimal. The President's speeches have become more focused on global foreign policy issues, as well as security issues. The authors associate these changes with changes in the country's foreign and domestic policy. In the 2000s, it is necessary to build a free democratic society, as well as solve the problems of poverty and terrorism. However, after overcoming these problems, the state and the president are faced with the tasks of maintaining living standards, maintaining power and opposing Western countries. All this was reflected in V. V. Putin's rhetoric.
history, stability, unity, goals, inaugural address, values, Russia, President, discourse, Content analysis
Safonova A.S..
Comparative analysis of the representation of youth cells of the parliamentary political parties in the Internet
// Politics and Society.
2024. ¹ 2.
P. 37-50.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2024.2.71195 EDN: UERLEQ URL:
The object of the study are the youth "wings" of Russian parliamentary political parties: the Young Guard of United Russia, the Leninist Communist Youth Union of the Russian Federation, the All–Russian Youth Organization of the LDPR, the Youth of a Just Russia, the subject is the practice of their political Internet communications. Central attention is paid to studying the level of media activity of the youth "wings" of the parliamentary political parties of the Russian Federation in the digital environment, as well as identifying the nature of political discourse and communication barriers and gaps between youth organizations as the basic subjects of communication interaction and Russian youth. In the context of growing digitalization, the issue of creating digital ecosystems and platforms aimed not only at strengthening party brands, but also at discussing problems and implementing ideas and proposals of Russian youth is becoming relevant. Using analytical services , , Jaga Jam and Medialogy an attempt has been made to compare the communication activities of Russian youth cells of parliamentary political parties in the digital environment according to three criteria: the importance of the official websites of the parties, activity in social networks on the example of the VKontakte social network, as well as publication activity in the media. The analysis revealed that the agenda of the youth departments seems to be deeply formalized and monotonous. News, information and event products of all youth cells do not reflect the current interests and needs of youth, are not aimed at their organic involvement in the social and political agenda, the content is imperative and agitational in nature, which enhances the asymmetry and subject-object nature of communications. The author concludes that the youth "wings" of political parties as important actors of the communicative space need regular and systematic media analysis in order to assess the general public profile, including public opinion, image, reputation and competitiveness, which will help effectively manage communications, be relevant to the youth audience, control the image in the media and adapt to the changing conditions on the political scene.
youth political organizations, young people, political communications, communication gaps, social media, publication activity, website, media analysis, communication analysis, Internet activity
Koshmarov M..
Opportunities and risks of using artificial intelligence in propaganda
// Politics and Society.
2018. ¹ 12.
P. 52-62.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2018.12.28325 URL:
This article explores the possible prospects for the development of the currently existing technologies of artificial neural networks (artificial intelligence) in the area of producing social harmony. The author examines the possible vectors in advancement of such technologies in the short-term and medium-term perspective. The capabilities of such technologies are viewed with regards to optimization of production, resource conservation, solution of environmental and healthcare problems, as well as national security. The risk of using the new technology are viewed in the context of terrorist threat. The possibilities of artificial intelligence by the leading world powers are considered. The research results contain the previously unpublished theses on the capabilities of new technologies of neural networks (artificial intelligence) and potential use of such technologies by the key international players. The author underlines the importance and need for state regulation in this field. A conclusion is made on the relevance of international agreement in the sphere of cyber security.
personal assistant, cybersecurity, digital transparency, national security, artificial intelligence, infocapsule, artificial neuroweb, model propaganda-economy, Keynes-Bernays model, Alice-Yandex
Koshmarov M., Trubetskoi A.Y..
The evolution of propaganda. Some aspects of political practice
// Politics and Society.
2018. ¹ 8.
P. 1-13.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2018.8.26962 URL:
This article examines the evolution of propaganda since the ancient times until the present stage, as well as the ancient protopropaganda. The authors analyze the transitioning processes from the ancient times to early Christianity from the perspective of state ideology. The article also studies the emergence of Protestantism and its role in development of Capitalism and establishment of the economic system of the XX century, which the authors call the economic model of Keynes-Barnays. The newest propagandistic opportunities and the potential for processing big data is reviewed. The article explores the phenomenon of the recent decade – the social networks as the new instrument of propaganda. The scientific novelty consists in examination of the propagandistic opportunities of Hollywood and the analysis of the potential of big data processing, new terms of implementation of the future consumption, implementation of the behavioral templates, information capsule, description of the postwar economy as the Keynes-Barnays model. A conclusion is made on the singularity of propaganda and the need for further research of this phenomenon.
the singularity of propaganda., infocapsule, patterns placement, future placement, social networks, Keynes-Barnays model, protestantism, social credit score, ancient protopropaganda, axial age
Gladkov I.A..
Communication foundations of political power in modern society
// Politics and Society.
2018. ¹ 4.
P. 10-20.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2018.4.25992 URL:
The subject of this article is the phenomenon of communication power as the foundation of political power in modern society. Informatization of public relations, caused by the implementation of information and communication technologies, leads to transformation of the political sphere of society. Escalation of the role of mass media in the political process puts forwards the problem of establishment and realization of the forms of governance based on communication and information. The author analyzes the content of the notion of political power, as well as reviews the communicative interpretations of the political power. Communication power, associated with the formation of social norms and values and structuring of representations on social reality, is the method of stabilization of the relations between power and supremacy, as well as one of the fundamental forms of governance in modern society. Due to the growing role of communication in the society, are developing the various methods of control over the information environment. The author concludes that the political struggle shifts towards the sphere of media politics, while the organized political communication becomes the key method of distribution of political power in the society. The article determines the dependence between the communication capabilities of the political subject and its competitive ability in the process of distribution of the political power. The author underlines the in the process of distribution of the political power in society, one of the defining factors is the possession of communication power than consists in ability of influencing the information social space, within the framework of which establish the opinions, values, and representations about the world at the public and individual levels. The scientific novelty consists in examination of the question about the reproduction of relations of political power in the society as a process based on the social communication.
media policy, media, legitimacy, political power, political communication, communication power, communication, power, information society, information confrontation
Kosorukov A.A..
Algorithms of search engines and social networks as a factor of establishment of the digital public sphere
// Politics and Society.
2018. ¹ 2.
P. 23-31.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2018.2.24734 URL:
The subject of this research is the algorithms of search engines and social networks that underlie the establishment of communication space of the digital public sphere. An important element of the subject of research is the practice of implementation of algorithms for personalizing the flows of search and news information tailored profile of a specific user that depends on the universal information platforms (Google, Facebook, Twitter and others), which due to the latent algorithmic mechanisms allow realizing the political-administrative and corporate control in the Internet. Particular attention is paid to the manipulative potential of the algorithms, integrated into the information platforms of new media and affecting the social interactions between the users alongside their political preferences. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that based on consideration of the contemporary sources, the author researched the innovative practices of algorithms application, including generation of the natural language, practice of “robo-journalism”, and implementation of robots for scanning and producing the information message, as well as impact upon the results of political elections and social interactions.
media, personalization, Internet, digital public sphere, social network, search engine, algorithm, communication space, robot, discrimination
Shuneyko A., Chibisova O..
Transformations of information flow in the regional press (using the example of newspapers of the Khabarovsk Region)
// Politics and Society.
2018. ¹ 1.
P. 50-61.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2018.1.23505 URL:
The subject of this article is the analysis of the specify of delivering of the relevant information to society in the regional newspapers, and particularly how it deforms compared to the materials of central press. The authors analyzed the peculiarities of covering by central and regional press of a remarkable information occasion – Navalny’s March of March 26, 2017. In the course of this study, the authors questioned to what extent the presentation of information in the regional press differs from its broadcast in the central press. This research leans of the following scientific methods: thematic analysis of the text, which allows identifying the maximal amount of topics covered in publications; 2) semantic analysis, which allows detecting the differences in covering the same topic. The scientific novelty consist in revealing the new perspectives in examining the specificity of the existence of regional press, types of information representation, and character of emergence of the empty sets. The results of the analysis prove that the information policy of regional press is aimed at lowering the magnitude, importance, and political component of the event. This is realized through a series of tendencies discovered by the authors, which combined can lead to the decline of trust in the regional press.
information, text, information policy, empty set, theme, regional press, broadcast, newspaper, transformation, information flow
Khimichuk E..
Digital inequality and inequality in numbers
// Politics and Society.
2018. ¹ 1.
P. 44-49.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2018.1.25222 URL:
This article analyzes the definition and conceptual characteristics of digital inequality as a complicated, multicomponent phenomenon. The factors of emergence alongside the consequences of digital inequality are demonstrated. Special attention is given to the political legal consequences of the phenomenon at hand. The author underlines that disregard of such problem as digital inequality will lead to the establishment of “electronic elite”, while the majority of citizens will become out of touch with the infrastructure of e-government and e-democracy. The article provides the data of various ratings, including the rating of development of the e-government of the United Nations that allow assessing the place of Russia within the global information space. The scientific novelty consists in using the system approach towards examination of the digital inequality. The indicated category is covered in the context of cause-and-effect relation. In conclusion, the author suggests the legal methods for elimination of the digital inequality in the conditions of Russian realities. It is noted that the full support of the information rights of citizens becomes one of the priority tasks of the state.
Demenchuk P.Y..
Political realm of the idea of multinational university
// Politics and Society.
2017. ¹ 12.
P. 46-54.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.12.24894 URL:
The subject of this research is the idea of multinational university in the context of political impact of the globalization processes of higher education. The author examines the prospect of expansion of the international impact of the states exporting educational services that became the centers of development of multinational educational institutions, as well as increase of their economic and scientific potential in terms of reduction of political control and volume of economic resources of the states exporting the educational services. The article points at the key aspects of establishment and approaches to overcoming the educational inequality of the states by the developing countries. Methodology includes the historical-philosophical approach, socio-philosophical analysis, method of consideration of political processes within the framework of “center-periphery” model. The scientific novelty consists in examination of multinational university as the means of international political impact that can significantly affect the societies of other states. The main conclusion lies in the statement about the emergence and development of educational inequality, the overriding of which requires great effort from the developing countries.
higher education, government, inequality, multinational university, globalization, ideology, education, political impact, human capital, transnational education
Negrov E.O..
Specificities of the discourse of politically active subjects offline and online: the experience of empirical analysis
// Politics and Society.
2017. ¹ 12.
P. 55-65.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.12.24990 URL:
This article is dedicated to the analysis of peculiarities of the collective and individual discourses of the politically active subjects in comparative aspect of public presence in the Internet resources Web 2.0 and public activity “offline”, in other words, through the traditional methods of mass information. The author examines the phenomenon of political activeness, demonstrates the substantial differences between the political actors as the subjects of action and decision-makers, and politically active subjects that not quite always have sufficient powers and real authority. The peculiarities of individual discourse of the politically active subjects alongside their representation within the virtual space are being determined. Methodology implies the elements of discourse analysis within the framework of normative and institutional approaches, as well as historical and comparative methods, critical discourse analysis, cognitive analysis of political discourse, linguistic discourse analysis, and content analysis. In conclusion, the author reveals the similarities and differences between the presentation strategies within the real and virtual public space. The empirical base for this research lies in the cumulative data on representativity of the politically active subjects in TOP-100 of the leading social networks (Vkontakte, Facebook, Twitter, LiveJournal, YouTube, and Instagram).
social networks, virtual reality, politically active subjects, political actors, individual discourse, political discourse, political activity, public place, translators, self-identification
Nosikov A.A..
Politics in conditions of nonlinear dynamics: policy networks and diversification of ways of development
// Politics and Society.
2017. ¹ 4.
P. 45-53.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.4.22826 URL:
The author analyzes in detail the possibilities of policy networks influence on the political sphere, emphasizing the formation of new network institutions of public and political participation, the transition from a linear model of political participation to interactive. Analyzing technological and socio-economic changes, the author comes to an intermediate conclusion that the basic actor of modern politics is an individual able to directly participate in socio-political processes thanks to modern means of network communication, and the policy itself acquires the properties of a nonlinear dynamic system. The object of the research is a political space that is under the influence of the processes of networkization and socio-economic transformations, thereby acquiring the properties of a nonlinear dynamical system. The subject of the study are possible ways of development in the conditions of nonlinear dynamics. In the course of the research, the author models the most likely scenarios for changing political systems and management practices in these conditions. As a result, the author identifies seven possible ways of development in conditions of nonlinear dynamics. Some of these ways are based on the assumption that the political system perceives the network environment as a destabilizing and hostile factor, which leads to a confrontation between traditional political systems and the network space. Other ways of development involve the use of the effects of self-organization, co-creation and the complicity of political networks to formulate and implement effective policy. The author comes to the conclusion that the most optimal solution is the diversified implementation of those development ways that would allow using the synergistic effects of networks for the development of policies corresponding to the public interests.
civil society, development ways, monitory democracy, policy development, political communication, data-driven policy making, policy networks, nonlinear dynamics, network society, public administration
Tabakaev F., Fatikhov S..
Political myth as a strategic resource of the territorial image policy
// Politics and Society.
2017. ¹ 4.
P. 39-44.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.4.22916 URL:
The subject of this research is the political myth that manifests as an important strategic resource in creation of the image of territory. The authors thoroughly examines such aspects of the topic as the mythological consciousness, functions of the political myth as means of implementation of the political goals (replacement of reality, overcoming fear by an individual, legitimatization of authority, realization of hierarchy in society, etc.). From the perspective of methodological approach of political constructivism, the article reviews the question about the role of political myth in promoting the territorial image. The author highlight functions of the political myth in the context of image communication, as well as underline the meaning of myth in the process of personification, legitimization, identification, and management of the behavior. The territorial image policy is defined as a form of symbolic policy, implemented within the framework of the vertical political communication, Myth alongside the ritual is viewed as the elements of marketing of the territory, event-management, and territorial identity.
event-management, strategy, construction, place image policy, image, communication, myth, symbolic politics, branding, identity
Bogomolova E.S..
To the question of vector of the state communication policy in modern Russia
// Politics and Society.
2017. ¹ 3.
P. 111-118.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.3.19441 URL:
The central subject field of this research is the character of communication vector of the modern Russian political elite. Special attention is given to the conceptual models of administration of public relations by means of communication. The author detects antagonism in the approaches towards the public communication. In the aspect of the question at hand, the author underlines a trend towards universalization of the general principles and approaches in the area of state administration; however, accent is made on the need to consider the substantial differences of the cultural-historical and political-institutional specificities of the Russian statehood. The author’s contribution consists in revelation of dualism in structuring the coordinates of communication vector, on one hand – under the influence of the conjuncture systemic changes, while on the other – under the guidance of examination of the extra-institutional aspects in the political process. During the course of research of the character of modern public orientation, was highlighted the bifurcation of the communication policy vector, as well as absence of the clear gradient of political elite in administration of public relations. Suggestion is made that not so much the ideological adherence to conceptual approaches, at times radical and illogical in their positions, as the acceptance of traditions of the national statehood and consideration of its exclusiveness within the historical experience, allow to properly determine the new organizational-political forms of the development of Russia.
Symmetric dialogue, Dialogue model, PR-communication, Manipulation of public opinion, Social connections, National statehood, Social relations, Public policy, Public relations, Political communication
Savchenko I.A., Ustinova O.E..
The relevant issues of Internet communication between the government authorities and citizens: sociological analysis
// Politics and Society.
2016. ¹ 9.
P. 1233-1243.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2016.9.54618 URL:
This article is dedicated to the examination of relevant issue in development of Internet communication between the government authorities and citizens in modern Russia. As the example, the authors use the analysis of Internet communications of the municipal authorities of the Meshchansky District of Moscow. The subject of this research is the process of realization of Internet communication between the municipal authorities of the Meshchansky District of Moscow and the citizens. The article reveals the notions of Internet communication, as well as defines the peculiarities of Internet communication between the government and municipal administration and the society. The analysis of the normative legal grounds of administration of Internet communications between the aforementioned subjects, and the modern forms and methods of its realization is being conducted. The main conclusions of this work consist in substantiation of the need to improve the Internet communications between the government and municipal authorities and citizens regarding the provisions of the information openness and establishment of constant feedback system. The scientific novelty lies in the interdisciplinary character of this research, use of sociological methods for examination of the separate aspects of Internet communication between the government administration and citizens.
communication, information transparency, interaction, website, government administration, Internet communications, state, citizens, public administration, Internet
Kul'nazarova A.V..
Restriction of the access to the Runet content: current situation and prospects
// Politics and Society.
2016. ¹ 8.
P. 1049-1058.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2016.8.54599 URL:
This article presents the results of monitoring of the Unified Register of the banned websites. The author determines the dynamics of placing websites on the register, defines the main categories (themes) of the blocked content, as well as examines the legislative base of restriction of access to the Internet sources. An analysis is conducted on the popularity of the services of circumventing of the blocks that significantly lower the efficiency and the point of existence of the Register. The author determines the main problems and trends in the limitation of the access in the Russian Internet, as well as the possible scenarios of further government control over the Internet. The goal of this research is to determine the dynamics, regularities, and prospects of restriction of access to the Runet content. In order to achieve the set goal, the author conducted monitoring of the Unified Register of banned websites, classification of the prohibited content, as well as qualitative and statistical analysis of the data. The conclusion is made that the theme of the blocked websites matches the most acute sociopolitical problems (terrorism, Islamism, Ukrainian and Crimean questions, etc.); the majority of the blocked websites belongs or dedicated to the activity of the prohibited in Russia nationalistic, terrorist, and extremist organizations, whole the portion of the oppositional resources comprises just 11% of the websites. Considering the existing trends, we can suggest the further strengthening of control over the Internet environment with preparation of the corresponding legislative base and implementation of new techniques, which would hinder the unauthorized access to the banned materials.
extremist materials, government regulation, Internet technologies, blocking, Internet content, restricting access, banned websites, Unified Register, Internet communication, oppositional websites
Kazakov A.A..
The ability to understand the theories of framing and establishment of attributive agenda (on the example of the elucidation of the Eastern Ukraine by the “Novaya Gazeta” and “New York Times”)
// Politics and Society.
2016. ¹ 7.
P. 928-938.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2016.7.54587 URL:
The subject of this research is the peculiarities of elucidation of the Eastern Ukraine conflict by the Russian “Novaya Gazeta” and the American “New York Times”. The author analyzes the distribution of the articles dedicated to the events in the neighboring country, compares the subject matter of the publication and the broadcasted by the publishers framings and sources of the quotes. By dividing the materials of the newspapers into several informative blocs, the author gives special attention to the analysis of the most popular blocks on the events inside Russia and Ukraine, associated in one or another way with the aforementioned crisis. The conclusion is made that the simultaneous use of the framing theories and establishment of attributive agenda can be considered as one of the efficient mechanism of examination of the media texts. The author also notes the similarities in both newspapers regarding their approach towards the coverage of Ukrainian events. And moreover, it is interesting to observe that in certain cases, when talking about the assessment of the actions of Russia, journalist of the Russian “Novaya Gazeta” were at times more critical towards Kremlin than even their foreign colleagues.
conflict, USA, Russia, Ukraine, New York Times, Novaya Gazeta, attribute agenda establishment, framing, methodological potential, theory
Papush A.A..
The study of information society: influence of the Internet upon society
// Politics and Society.
2016. ¹ 6.
P. 745-754.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2016.6.54570 URL:
The problematics of the study of the role of Internet in politics is directly connected with the establishment of information society and the further understanding of politics. Due to this fact, the subject of this article became the examination of theoretical research of information society in the context of the influence of Internet upon people’s lives, and particularly upon the political process. The article presents the forecasts of the scholars pertaining to the transformation of human civilization from the moment of active informatization and popularization of Internet in the developed societies since the end of 1960’s. The author explores the concepts of the scholars, whose works to the most extent affecter the study of the establishment of post-industrial society. Based on the rendered in the article forecasts of the development of human civilization under the influence of informatization and extensive spread of Internet, the author formulates the basic features of post-industrial society. The description of prospects of the use of Internet technologies contains the listing of available options of increasing the efficiency of the society, as well as the threat to their destabilization.
Political process, Information revolution, Post-industrialism, Mass communication, Futurology, Internetization, Informatization, Political communication, Internet, Information society
Barinov D.N..
Political discourse in social media: specificity of production and factors of efficiency
// Politics and Society.
2016. ¹ 6.
P. 755-764.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2016.6.54571 URL:
This article is dedicated to the specificity of production of the network political discourse. The article examines the influence of the conceptual features of Internet upon the political communications in the network space; genre specificity of political discourse; role of cognitive factors on the process of information impact in social media; interaction between the network communities in situation of ideological confrontation; functions of political communications in social media. The research is based on the principles of social constructivism, P. Bourdieu’s concept of symbolic power, R. Barthes’ semiotic concept of myths, and T. A. van Dijk’s theory of discourse analysis. During the course of this research the author determines that the political discourse in social media attain the following features: miniaturization and visualization of the genres of political discourse, application of the methods of carnivalization, use of the means of nonconventional communication. The aforementioned peculiarities create a foundation for realization of the following functions of political communications in the social media: representation and interpretation of the events of political sphere; mobilization of the supporters and expansion of the area of communicative effect; compensation of the normative restrictions of an official information field. One of the conditions of the efficiency of the impact upon the Internet audience is the organization of information flow within social media, within the framework of which the two types of information are being highlighted: conjuncture (situational) and conceptual. The latter possesses an recursive character and forms a contextual frame which affects the processing of information about the current events of political life. It is noted that the interdiscursivity of the network political communications ensure the continuality of mass media content. Due to this fact, it is underlined that despite a horizontal character of interaction in social media, diversification and demassification of audience, the network communications ensure the reproduction of the symbolic power, formed by the “global discourse” of mass media.
political conflicts, information war, public opinion, sociology of communication, social media, political communication, Internet communication, power, information society, political humor
Karpov V.V..
Political communications within the structure of the regional political PR (on the example of executive authorities of Omsk Oblast)
// Politics and Society.
2016. ¹ 5.
P. 611-625.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2016.5.54557 URL:
The subject field of this research covers the processes of political communication on the regional space in the aspect of the work of executive authorities. The dialogue character of communications provides the achievement in realization of the participatory democratic model. Due to the fact that mass media of diverse political orientation, views, and ideas act as the most complete and systemic source of information about the political PR strategy realized by the government authorities, thus one of the most representative methodologies of the assessment of political PR on the level of regional level consists in content analysis. The subject of this research is situated in the intersection of several scientific disciplines, by adding to the latter completeness and integrity of the process of implementation of the author’s idea. The scientific novelty consists in the introduction of a theoretical applied method of content analysis for the purpose of assessment of the work of Omsk Oblast representatives of executive branch. The attraction of content analysis is being realizes via determination of the main indexes that reflect the peculiarities of mass media perception of the work of the government authorities. The channels of political communication used by the government authorities are considered to be insufficient, because they testify to the mobilization character of the PR policy, rather than strategic. The dialogue character of communication requires inclusion of a number of political actors into the government administration as equal partners, as well as suggests the processes of mutual communication, true dialogue, and mutually developed agreement. It means that the regional government not just delivers the already developed solutions and programs to the citizens, but attracts them to participation in the entire process itself. And not necessarily the government acts as the initiator of dialogue. Only in the conditions of the equal dialogue we can talk about the network structure of the political PR.
Political actors, Political communications, Political culture, Semantic scale, Political image, Executive authorities, Political system, Political process, Content analysis, Political PR
Kshemenetskaya M.N..
Contemporary mechanisms and techniques of political communication in the state administration of Russia
// Politics and Society.
2016. ¹ 4.
P. 457-465.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2016.4.54543 URL:
The subject of this research is the contemporary mechanisms and techniques of political communication as the process and structure of information exchange between the key political actors in the state administration of Russia. The article examines such mechanisms of political communication as: 1) mechanism of long-term and trustworthy communication between the bodies of government authority and society; 2) mechanism of political communication on the central, regional, and local levels of making state decisions; 3) mechanism of electronic government communication; 4) mechanism of electronic political participation in state administration. Within the framework of the highlighted mechanisms, the author reviews such the electronic techniques of political communication in state administration, which transform the nature of communication between the government, mass media, and society. The scientific novelty consists in consideration of the modern models of e-democracy and its techniques (electronic petitions and consultations, involvement into the conducted political course, public diplomacy, increase of transparency of the government activity, overcome of the digital gap), as well as in the mechanism of political communication on the central, regional, and local levels of making state decisions, models of e-government, and peculiarities of electronic political participation.
electronic participation, e-government, e-democracy, levels of state decision-making, public administration, political communication, technology, mechanism, mass media, Russia
Rozin V.M..
Plausible conspiracy theories (discourse analysis)
// Politics and Society.
2016. ¹ 3.
P. 301-310.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2016.3.54528 URL:
This article analyzes one of the types of conspiracy discourse, to which the author refers as “plausible”. These discourses can be quite complicated, thus for their argumentation use modern scientific knowledge, namely economic, social, political, and psychological. They are addressed to the more educated audience, who is at least partially acquainted with these scientific disciplines. The author demonstrates the examples of plausible discourses and the possible attitude towards them. It is illustrated that such theories help the contemporary individual build the world, where one can live and solve their problems – a world that meets the interest of the specific person. In the end, the author examines the social, hermeneutic, and axiological peculiarities of the plausible conspiracy discourses. The author introduces and analyzes the new type of conspiracy theory, as well as demonstrates that a conspiracy discourse suggests interpretation, and due to the latter this discourse gets various evaluations. The plausible conspiracy theories should be considered in two aspects – psychological and social.
interpretation, explanation, management, world, elite, conspiracy, theory, discourse, audience, awareness
Kshemenetskaya M.N..
Peculiarities of transformation of electronic government in the modern world: mobile government
// Politics and Society.
2016. ¹ 3.
P. 311-319.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2016.3.54529 URL:
The subject of this research is the process of transformation of e-government in the modern world, as well as the examination of its stages – transforming, electronic, and universal government. At the same time, mGovernment is reviewed as an element of development of electronic and universal government and is referred to both: in the first case as technique, and in the second case as strategy that activates the establishment of universal society. On the example of the Republic of Korea the author illustrates the peculiarities and problems of the use of information technologies in the process of formation of the universal government and universal society. Scientific novelty consists in the gradual examination of the key stages in the establishment of e-government – transforming, electronic, and universal government; and on the example of the Republic of Korea the main peculiarities and challenges faced by this process, are being demonstrated. The novelty also includes the analysis of electronic tools of mGovernment and universal government.
Internet, Republic of Korea, universal society, mGovernment, universal government, transforming government, e-government, State services, Information-communication technologies, e-democracy
Kshemenetskaya M.N..
E-government as an element of establishing the information society: indexing experience
// Politics and Society.
2016. ¹ 2.
P. 150-163.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2016.2.54515 URL:
The subject of this research is the development of e-government and the experience in creating the international indexes that evaluate the progress in the area of establishing the information society (Index of readiness of the UN e-government, Index of network readiness of the World Economic Forum, Index of development of the information and communication technologies of the International Telecommunication Union). The article analyzes the international and Russian experience of implementation of e-government, types of the applied electronic communications (intergovernmental, between government and business, and between government and citizens), stages of its establishment (transforming, electronic, and ubiquitous government). The major vectors of the successful realization of e-government, including the elements of the U-government construction strategy on the example of the Republic of Korea are being determined. Methodology of this research includes the use of the methods of theoretical analysis of the e-government and information society, carrying out the legal analysis of the government initiatives in the area of introduction of e-government, as well as the implementation of the applied methods in evaluation of the e-government indexes, types of electronic communications and peculiarities of establishment of the ubiquitous government. The scientific novelty consists of the conducted research consists in the comprehensive examination of e-government with the use of international indexes and its main stages.
informatsionnoe obshchestvo, gosudarstvennye uslugi, elektronnye kommunikatsii, Indeks, informatsionno-kommunikatsionnye tekhnologii
Leonova O.G..
Information field of politics
// Politics and Society.
2016. ¹ 1.
P. 39-46.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2016.1.54502 URL:
This article is dedicated to the analysis of the information field as a scientific category ans as a phenomenon of the global political space. The subject of the research is the information field, while the object – information field of politics, its role in the life of modern society. It is noted that currently the information field represents a platform for geopolitical confrontation and rivalry between the actors of the global world, which increases the level of relevance of the research of all aspects of this topic. This work clarifies the essence of this notion, formulates the author’s definition of it, as well as suggests classification of information fields from the perspective of their spatial configuration. The author examines and compares various approaches towards the interpretation of this notion, which exist within the foreign and Russian science. A special attention is given to the concept of “global information field”; the criteria of its globality are being determined. The author pursues correlation between the notions “information field” and “communicative space”, and detects such properties of the information field as: size as a spatial characteristics; volume; intensiveness and density of the information stream. The dependency of the effectiveness of information stream from the speed of movement of information and intensiveness of the information stream is revealed. The author determines the mechanism of control over the information field, as well as factors that weaken its effectiveness.
Information field, Global information field, Criteria of globality, Information space, Communicative space, Information stream, Intensiveness of information stream, Density of information stream, Movement of information, Effectiveness of information field
Kshemenetskaya M.N..
“Electronic participation” as an element of the e-government concept
// Politics and Society.
2016. ¹ 1.
P. 47-55.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2016.1.54503 URL:
The author of the article thoroughly examines the electronic participation within the framework of realization of the e-government concept as a new paradigm of the government administration. Electronic participation is viewed through the prism of attained by people large quantity of digital skills, access to the relevant government information, participation in the government decision-making and online procedures of participation in the public life. The article, based on the example of the European Union, determines the main obstacles on the way of increasing the e-participation, starting with the wrong priorities in the development on the information-communicative technologies, insufficient information openness, and ending with the sociocultural and organizational barriers. For the purpose of overcoming these obstacles, the author demonstrates a new model of participation, which is developed based on the experience of e-participation in the EU (dynamic model of e-participation), as well as analyzes the peculiarities of motivation of the electronic participation. Scientific novelty consists in the systemic examination of the new model of e-participation (A Domain Model for e-Participation) and its elements, such as interested parties, process of participation and instruments of e-participation, which affect the successful implementation and improvement of the e-participation.
European Union, barriers to participation, good governance, information and communication technologies, decision-making process, electronic participation, electronic government, new model, dynamic model, motivation of electronic participation
Manoylo A.V..
The Normandy Format of the European Union's Hybrid Diplomacy
// Politics and Society.
2015. ¹ 9.
P. 1122-1127.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2015.9.54437 URL:
The present article is dedicated to the evaluation of the results of the Berlin tour of the Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko that took place on 24 August 2015, as well as the trilateral negotiations between Poroshenko, Merkel and Hollande, held without the participation of Russia. The object of study are the negotiations between the heads of the four states — Russia, Germany, France and Ukraine — regarding compliance with the Minsk Agreements held in the Normandy format. The subject of the research are the results of the unscheduled meeting of the leaders of Germany, France and Ukraine held in Berlin on 24 August 2015 that was dedicated to the observance by the participants of the armed conflict in the Donbass of the main provisions of the Minsk Agreements.
The methodological basis of the research are systems, structural and functional, comparative political approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, and observation.
The author notes that the Minsk Agreements were never perceived by the Ukrainian leadership as a document of direct action — for the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko and his American overseers they have always been only a pretext that allowing to gain time required for the re-mobilisation of units and formations, defeated near Donetsk — for their equipment, training, replenishment, for one sole purpose — a new offensive in the Donbass. The psychology of Poroshenko and other representatives of the new government in Ukraine is that they simply do not see any other solution to the problem on the south-east, except of the power of repression and the complete destruction of their opponents.
interests, democracy, colour revolutions, hybrid wars, state, France, society, politics, values, security
Kirka A.V..
The Question of Structure of Social Network Communications
// Politics and Society.
2015. ¹ 7.
P. 863-872.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2015.7.54409 URL:
The subject of the study is the structure of social network communications within the framework of modern social network web-services and related information resources. The article considers the factors that influence network information exchange, compatibility of programming interfaces of applications that unify the process of information transactions between program platforms of different types. Classifications and types of network communications have been considered. The article examines the process of establishment of network communications and development of the Internet, as well as its impact on social communications. The author considers political significance of network communication. The methodology of the study is based on systems and comparative approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, modelling, as well as informational-political approach. In course of the research the author outlines the classification of modern social network web-services, based on functional characteristics which are supposed to be in four types of modern social network communications: discourse, content generating, resources accumulating and organisational coordinating social network communications. The author gives a definition of each of the types of social network communications, reveals their main essential characteristics and possible directions of their display in social-political sphere. The classification suggested by the author can be used as a structural component of the research tools for the empirical studies of the peculiarities of display and influential impact of modern social network communications on political process.
political communication, Internet, social networks, social network communication, web-service, social life, focus on customer, influential impact, social-political sphere, political process
Dobrynin I.M., Lebedeva A.M., Narkhov D.Yu..
Information and Communication Technologies in Students Sporting Events
// Politics and Society.
2015. ¹ 7.
P. 873-878.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2015.7.54410 URL:
The object of the present study is the student youth as one of the most socially dynamic social entities that possesses a considerable resource potential that needs to be purposefully formed. The student culture of healthy lifestyle in this case is considered both as a part of the students' resource potential, and as an element of the state youth policy, which actually forms the mentioned resource. The subject of the study are the information and communication technologies in the field of fitness and sport. The authors study their specific features, role and significance for the students when conducting mass sporting events. At the same time, the focus is made on the ambiguity of the potential of the information and communication technologies: on the one hand, it has a negative impact on the youth, including the exploitation of the sport topics, but on the other hand - it is an effective means of involving students to systematic fitness and sport activities, including mass sports as the most available and fruitful from the point of view of the healthy lifestyle culture. The data of regional sociological research on the attitude of the population in general and students in particular, to fitness and sport, conducted with the participation of the authors, are compared to the results of the sociological survey of the participants of the "Utro-2014" forum (purposive sampling, every tenth participant surveyed, N=259), and a series of expert semi-formalised interviews. Based on the original sociological data, the authors demonstrate that the modern opportunities of the media for the propaganda of fitness and healthy lifestyle are not used to the full extent. It is justified that on the regional level there is an interauthority disruption regarding the management of student sports and its media support. The authors justify the need to elaborate targeted projects to activate the information support of mass sporting events under the implementation of state youth policy on the formation of a stable demand for fitness and sports among students.
healthy lifestyle, information and communication technologies, advertisement, public relations, fitness, youth, mass sporting events, students, state youth policy, information influence
Vladimirova T.V..
Network Practice of Information Security
// Politics and Society.
2015. ¹ 2.
P. 250-261.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2015.2.54350 URL:
The subject of the proposed study is the description of the social network of practices aimed at ensuring security in the Internet environment.The author examines several aspects of the activity of subjects in the safety set by the nature of social communication in cyberspace and network, streaming the organization of the virtual space of the Internet. Risks and threats in the Network formed by the presence/absence information and the increasing rate of obsolescence information. Social actors produce all new practices to protect the interests and security, including in the virtual reality of cyberspace. These practices are associated with information security and protection of information, and facilitate orientation in the information space Network, with the aim of obtaining new information. The theoretic-methodological basis of research is the socio-philosophical and sociological theory. The author refers to the ideas of Maltsev, Nazarchuk, Ivanov and others. In her research Vladimirova has used the network and information approaches. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author has identified the specific social practices of security on the Internet. The formation of personal micro-networks, clonable cell network and their ability to high variability are peculiarities of network security practices. Practices of cultivation of "temporal gaps" and / or "bridge gaps" are also viewed as a tool of information security and protection of information. Standard practices of Internet safety today are "risk taking" and "comfortable anomie" which only encourage further multiplication of threats to information security.
information security, network practices, comfort anomie, temporal gaps, social norm, multifactorial regulation, weak ties networks, freedom risk, burden mobility, cyberspace
Dunyaeva, M. M..
The Role and the Meaning of Mass Media in Modern Political Processes
// Politics and Society.
2014. ¹ 10.
P. 1252-1257.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2014.10.54296 URL:
The subject under research is the activity of mass media in the course of military and
political conflicts, their role and place during information opposition between states. The author of
the article clarifies such definitions as “media”, “media communication”, peculiarities and influence
of modern media on political processes of the modern world. The author analyzes the processes of
information opposition as an element of the political process. Theoretical grounds of the research
include works written by Russian and foreign scientists in the sphere of conflict management and
modern information and political processes. When solving the goals of the research, the author
has used both general and private research methods such as system, dialectical, logical and functional
methods, analysis and synthesis methods, empiric methods, method of prognostic scenario
and content analysis. The scientific novelty of the research is in establishing new approaches to the
role and place of mass media in the course of military, state and political conflicts, clarification of
the mechanisms of information opposition in modern conditions and application of conceptual
developments to analyzing global information opposition.
communication, politics, media, society, mass media, information opposition, media communism, political processes, political discourse, information society.
Ozturk, A..
Coverage of Negotiations between Russia
and Turkey Regarding the South Stream Gas Line
in Turkish Print Media
// Politics and Society.
2014. ¹ 9.
P. 1133-1139.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2014.9.54285 URL:
The subject under research is the coverage of negotiations between Russia and Turkey regarding construction
of the gas line ‘South Stream’ in Turkish print media. The author of the article analyzes different opinions of experts
on construction of this gas line. The author also provides opinions expressed by the representatives of different
political parties on the matter. It is demonstrated that there are those who approve and disapprove of the South Stream
among experts of both Turkish print media and political parties. The author focuses on the antagonism of the two gas
line projects, the South Stream and Nabucco. In his research the author uses the methods of analysis and comparison.
He analyzes how the opinions expressed regarding construction of the gas line depended on the nature of a particular
publishing house as well as the period of negotiations being analyzed. The author also uses the principle of historicism
to analyze prerequisites for the current historical conditions and study the course of negotiations taking into
account the current historical situation and general nature of the Russian-Turkish relations. The novelty of the article
is in the following: despite the growing infl uence of mass media, their social role is still understudied by the Russian
humanities. The author of the present article demonstrates the development of the opinion of Turkish mass media on
construction of the South Stream gas line and describes what opinion different political parties and individual analysts
expressed on the matter. The author emphasizes that the two projects of constructing gas lines to bring gas to Europe,
the South Stream and Nabucco, meet interests of different groups and therefore compete with each other. This has put Turkey in the center of political attention because the European security of energy supply is now dependent on the decision
of Turkey to construct the South Stream. Those who speak against Turkey joining this project say it is necessary
for Europe to stop being depended on the Russian gas by participating in the Nabucco project aimed at delivering gas
from the Central Asia to Europe by-passing Russia. On the contrary, those who approve of the South stream, believe
it to be an advantageous project for Turkey taking into account the growing volumes of consumed gas and favorable
terms offered by Russia to Turkey when signing the agreement on construction of the gas line.
South Stream, Nabucco, Turkey, Russia, gas line, gas, energy resources, Russian – Turkish relations, mass media, print media.
Iokhim, A. N..
Peculiarities of the Creation
of the External Political Discourse
(The Case Study of Russia’s Policy
in 2008 – 2010)
// Politics and Society.
2014. ¹ 9.
P. 1140-1147.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2014.9.54286 URL:
The article is devoted to the analysis of the discourse of external policy of Russia in 2008 – 2010. Such a
period has been chosen on purpose. In 2008 a new head of Russia and the Russian government was elected. Based
on the example of conceptual changes in the ‘language of power’ during the fi rst half of Dmitry Medvedev’s presidential
term, the author describes discursive technologies of succession and transformation of the orientation of the
country’s policy. The discursive approach to politics allows to reveal the semiotic potential of the political language
in relation to construction of the socio-political reality. By interpreting the key concepts and using particular strategies
in the discursive practice, the discourse creates a collective identity and has an impact on the global agenda.
As the research methodology the author has used instruments of the critical discourse analysis and multi-parameter
modeling of the political discourse offered by E. Kozhemyakin and E. Pereverzev. The results of the analysis allow
to defi ne the key strategies of the orientation of the Russian external political discourse. These strategies are
expressed in using techniques of the positive self-representation and a negative image of the Other as well as dominating
stereotypes based on the ‘Us’/ ‘Them’ dichotomy. Based on his research the author makes a conclusion that
the repeated articulation of the main concepts in the Russian external rhetoric of 2008 – 2010 allowed to guarantee
the succession and continuity of the orientation of political policy.
External policy of Russia, external political discourse, concept, Medvedev, Putin, Ukraine, points of intersection, stereotype, ‘language of power’, identity.
Karpov, V. V..
The Role of Political Advertising in the Activities
Performed by State Authorities
// Politics and Society.
2014. ¹ 5.
P. 585-597.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2014.5.54233 URL:
Political advertising is an effi cient mechanism of positioning of regional government institutions in the internal
and external political environment. The subject under review of the present article is limited to regional political
communications that involve the following key actors: state authorities, political parties, social organizations
and interest groups. Using various communication channels, political actors get involved into networks and create
the image of particular political institutions and political leaders. Regional models of political communications
demonstrate insuffi cient use of network tools and Internet resources when arranging for and carrying out election
processes. As the research methodology, the author uses a neo-institutional approach that involves evaluation of
both formal and informal elements of the communication potential of the regional political process. This approach
is completed with special scientifi c methods of analysis, synthesis, systems analysis, comparative political analysis
and modeling method. The novelty of research is in using regional experience for attracting political advertising in
order to position regional government institutions and particular offi cials in the external environment. The variety
of regional models of political advertising raises the need for fi nding the best mechanisms of formation of a positive
image of state authorities. In this respect, the experience of the Omsk Region as one of the most typical constitutions
of the Russian Federation seems to be rather interesting and useful for understanding variants of further development
of political advertising at the regional level.
Political communications, political advertising, political institutions, public relations, mass media, state authorities, information policy, political agitation, election campaign, political networks.
Vladimirova, T. V..
The Intensity Level of Communication
as the Criterion of Information Security
// Politics and Society.
2014. ¹ 4.
P. 461-469.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2014.4.54221 URL:
The subject under review is the intensity of communication as a criterion of information security of an individual
where information security is understood as the safety of social practices in the information environment by the means
of new mobilities and orientations of social networks under the conditions of growing intensity of informational fl ows and
information deterioration. This approach allows to outline a social external contour of the idea of information security
and keep to the traditional and more technological defi nition of the information security as the “protection of information
and protection against information”. The theoretical and methodological basis of research includes the theories of social
philosophy and social studies. In particular, the author bases his research on V. Muravyev’s, Alvin Toffl er’s and Zygmunt
Bauman's ideas as well as the theory of mobilities offered by John Urry and etc. The author claims that the most important
aspect of the new social mobility is the high intensity of communication expressed in the speed and variety of interaction.
Temporal characteristics of social practice have a direct bearing on information security provided by an individual.
The ‘ladder’ of actors; people of the past, present and future; the man of space and the man of time are all metaphors of
actors with different intensity of information interaction with the world. The higher the intensity level (speed and variety)
of communication performed by an individual is, the more his practices are protected under the conditions of growing informational
fl ows and information deterioration.
communication intensity, information security, criterion of information security, temporal characteristics of practice, new social mobilities, safety practices, growth of informational fl ows, information (data) deterioration, growth of situational temporality, acceleration of changes.
Zobnin, A. V..
Information Force in the World Policy
and International Relations
// Politics and Society.
2014. ¹ 2.
P. 238-247.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2014.2.54198 URL:
The article is devoted to one of the phenomena of modern world policy and international relations, the
force of information. Theoretical grounds of the aforesaid global phenomenon were laid at the end of the 1990s by
famous American politicians Joseph Nye Jr., David Rothkopf, Martin Libicki and Solomon based on numerous researches
of works written by Karl Deutsch, Manuel Castells and Jurgen Habermas. Taking into account the methodological
and theoretical instruments used by modern politics today, research of the phenomenon of the force of
information should be related to the two paradigms, subjective-objective and spatial. The force of information in
spatial paradigm represents the model – antithesis to information security. Information force is the action while
information security is the counter-action. As a result of research, the author creates the 3D model of information
force and offers a classifi cation of the leading states depending on the level of their information force potentials.
information force, information security, information influence, world (global) policy, information force potentials, spatial paradigm, objective-subjective paradigm, Joseph Nye Jr., international relations, information domination.
Bodrunova, S. S..
Deliberative ‘Top-Down’ Democracy:
Concepts of the European Public Sphere
and the Problem of the Democratic Defi cit
in the European Union
// Politics and Society.
2014. ¹ 1.
P. 88-99.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2014.1.54183 URL:
The article is devoted to the process of building up the European Public Sphere (EPS) in the light of the democratic
defi cit in the European Union. The author of the article points out that the EPS is the best example of the developing
public sphere even despite the diffi cult multiple structure of the EPS. Methods used by the author to analyze the effi ciency
of the EPS an be used to analyze public spheres of other countries as well. The author analyzes the current approaches to
theoretical concepts of the EPS including the ‘school of impossibility’, ‘school of coherence’, ‘multiple level school’ and
‘web school’. The author also provides examples of modern European media projects as the elements of public sphere
from the point of view of the aforesaid schools. Based on secondary data, the author analyzes effi ciency of these schools
and projects. The author makes an assumption about very low effi ciency of the modern European public sphere and casts
doubt on the idea of ‘top-down’ pubic sphere as an effi cient mechanism of deliberative democracy. The democratic defi cit
turns out to be conditional upon the communication defi cit in the European Union. One of the solutions of the problem of
the communication defi cit in the European Union can be the refusal from the media –centered orientation of the formation
of the unifi ed European Public Sphere.
European Union, constitutional patriotism, liberal nationalism, European integration, European public sphere, democratic defi cit, deliberate democracy, European mass media, political communication, effi ciency analysis.
Skriba, A. S..
Energetic Component of the Balancing Policy
of the Republic of Belarus
// Politics and Society.
2014. ¹ 1.
P. 100-111.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2014.1.54184 URL:
The article is devoted to the balancing policy followed by the Republic of Belarus throughout the post-Soviet
stage of development. The results of the research conducted by the author of the article show that over the last ten years
the balancing policy has been mostly based on the energy economic relations with other countries and Russia in particular.
Events of recent years show demonstrate that Belorussia has rather limited opportunities in using the energy.
Nevertheless, different realism theories evidently prove that the balancing policy in general and the policy followed by
Belorussia in particular have their own grounds. This allows to make a statement that a certain level of confrontation between
Russia and Belorussia will continue and most likely to be complicated by interstate disagreements regarding energy
resources. Noteworthy that Belorussia itself is putting forth efforts towards implementation of the balancing policy
between Russia and the European Union despite the fact that Belorussia participates in the Customs Union and the European
Economic Area.
regional policy, balancing policy, adjoining, Belorussia, European Union, energy economy, integration, common state, realism.
Gorin, E.V..
Language Representation of the ‘Terrorism’ Frame
// Politics and Society.
2013. ¹ 9.
P. 1165-1176.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2013.9.54133 URL:
This article is aimed on evaluation of frame as a category and a methodological cognition instrument
in political sciences, or, more specifically on establishing the benefits of frame approach for the analysis
of elements of public opinion and cognition, development of the key principles for the verbal representations
analysis for a specific frame, and showing efficiency and productive character of such an approach
taking an empiric study as an example. The study is based upon the general methodological principles of the
political discourse analysis and structural content analysis. The study of frame structure of the everyday experience,
public opinion and conscience allows establishing a subjective image of a certain matter, which
is much more important for the everyday life, than its objective characteristics, since common people based
their actions upon the subjective ideas of an object and not the scientific data based on in-depth, comprehensive
analysis. Study of the frame structures in various sources allows to single out an actual image in a
public conscience on one hand, and direction and vector of the information streams forming such n image
on the other hand. In turn, this achievement allows to directly approach the problem of manipulation of the
public conscience and use of such technologies in social and political spheres of social life.
frame, conceptual frame, discourse analysis, interpretation scheme, terrorism, terrorist act, mass media, verbal representation, context.
Skriba, A. S..
Prospects of Balancing in the Ukrainian Foreign
Policy under Conditions of Approximation
of Regional Integration Unions
// Politics and Society.
2013. ¹ 7.
P. 931-941.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2013.7.54107 URL:
The article is devoted to foreign policy of the Ukraine aimed at retaining the non-aligned status between
the European Union and Russia. Despite declared interest in European integration, actual behavior of the
Ukraine in the 1990s 2000s is a classical example of balancing between two regional leaders for the purpose
of retaining sovereignty and internal power. Nevertheless, the research showed that further efficiency of such
policy is not that certain. With the active Eurasian integration in the picture, the Ukraine has to chose between
the two integration directions. It is proved that the country is in a difficult situation because all foreign policy
decisions as well as refuse from integration will be accompanied with certain losses and expenses which can
shake the stability of the present government. Under these conditions, the main goal of Russia and European
Union is to develop a policy aimed at long-term involvement of the Ukraine into integration through performing
a number of integration conditions.
external policy, balancing, realism, regional integration, Eurasian integration, Ukraine, Russia, European Union, choice of foreign policy sovereignty.