Brazhnikov P.P..
On the issue of excessive number and low efficiency of civil servants
// Politics and Society. – 2022. – № 2.
– P. 1-13.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2022.2.38394.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2022.2.38394
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Abstract: Regarding the modern state management system of the Russian Federation, it is often possible to hear an assessment that there are more "officials", compared to the Soviet era, but their effectiveness is lower. At the same time, the post-Soviet officials themselves are given a subjective negative assessment, and at least most of the civil servants are included in their number. The increase in the number, decrease in efficiency and increase in corruption are recognized in this article as a fact. At the same time, the relationship of the number and effectiveness of "officials" with the current policy of the state apparatus aimed at a low share of state ownership in the market and high independence of regional government bodies, as well as with the current level of remuneration of civil servants, is considered. Arguments are given about the consideration of these phenomena as a natural consequence of such a policy, independent of the personal characteristics of civil servants. It is also argued that even in the current conditions, most of the lower staff of state authorities are quite highly motivated employees. The increased risks of corruption are considered from the point of view of the science of public resources, where the whole state and its institutions are accepted as such. It is argued that the motivation for corruption for a small proportion of officials who have opportunities for it is also related to the general orientation of public policy, although the choice of following this motivation remains for each specific official from the relatively small group that has opportunities for corruption. The consideration of the causes of these phenomena, carried out in the article, allows for a more objective analysis of both the phenomena themselves and ways to reduce their influence.
Keywords: private property, centralized management, ideology, objectives of public administration, public resource, reduction of the number of officials, number of civil servants, corruption of civil servants, efficiency of civil servants, number of officials
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Sukhbaatar Z..
Analysis of recalling the members of Mongolian Parliament by the voters
// Politics and Society. – 2020. – № 3.
– P. 11-23.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2020.3.33733.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2020.3.33733
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Abstract: Usage of the mechanism of recalling the members of legislative body became relevant in recent years for improving discipline of the elected members of Mongolian Parliament. Due to the principle of division of powers and peculiarities of the legal status of high-ranking officials, the system of responsibility established by the Mongolian Law on Civil Service, is ineffective. The author examines the questions related to recall of the members of Mongolian Parliament, as well as compares the political responsibility of parliamentarians in different countries. An opinion is expressed, according to which the vague legal framework of responsibility of parliamentarians are being criticized by the public, which justifies the need for the reform of this type of responsibility of parliamentarians. There is yet no sufficient research on this type of responsibility of the members of parliament, and this is a novelty in the constitutional law of Mongolia and other countries. The effective use of this type of responsibility depends on multiple factors, including state administration, political culture, political maturity, and activity of the electorate. Analysis is conducted on the experience and measures taken by other countries with regards to parliamentary responsibility and recall of deputies, as well as notification of the citizens about existing procedures for recalling deputies. Clarification is made on the rights of voters to recall a member of parliament in order to increase effectiveness of the procedure for the recall of deputies.
Keywords: Voter Recall, Disciplinary Response, Political Responsibility, Mandate, Member of parliament, Representation, Voter, Constituency, Mongolia, Immunity
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Vei V..
Socioeconomic stratification of Russian and Chinese society: the definition of middle class
// Politics and Society. – 2019. – № 6.
– P. 74-82.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2019.6.26934.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2019.6.26934
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Abstract: This article is dedicated to the comparative analysis of establishment and development of middle class in China and Russia at the present stage. The subject of this research is the peculiarities of socioeconomic development of middle class in China and Russia under the current conditions. Any crisis occurrence, within or outside the country, affect the society and lives of separate individuals. The creation of social structure of middle class is essential for maintaining stability of economic development and ensuring the need for conducting socioeconomic reforms. In the course of this research, the author leans on the works of foreign, Russian and Chinese scholars in the area of sociology and political science. The comparison of middle class in two countries is demonstrated. The main criteria of affiliation to a social class are determined. The author examines the economic approach in determination of qualification criteria for the middle class in accordance with the size of income and structure of expenses. The scientific novelty consist in the need for the development of state policy for creating a fair socioeconomic structure of the society in the indicated countries.
Keywords: social structure, social justice, Russia, China, middle class, social and economic stratification, social society, policy, political society, level of living
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Kharybin A.N..
South-East Ukrainian Autonomous Republic and Novorossiya: comparative analysis
// Politics and Society. – 2019. – № 3.
– P. 36-39.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2019.3.29591.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2019.3.29591
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the two projects on reforming the Ukrainian State at the time of severe political crises: South-East Ukrainian Autonomous Republic, which was a response to Orange Revolution of 2004; and Novorossiya, which became a response of the Eastern regions of Ukraine to the events of Euromaidan. The author meticulously analyzes the differences between these two projects that led to failure in one case, and became the key to success in the other. In conclusion, the author makes a forecast of development of the Ukrainian conflict. The research methodology contains the comparative analysis (events of 2004 and 2014) and historical analysis (brief insight into the history of Ukraine and historical prerequisites for the projects). The Russian modern scientific literature lacks studies focusing on the South-East Ukrainian Autonomous Republic, therefore this article is the first Russian-language research dedicated to detailed examination of this phenomenon of the Ukrainian political life. The author explores the geopolitical, historical, and political prerequisites for this phenomenon, emphasizing that many of its ideas underlied the Minsk Agreements.
Keywords: Еuromaidan, Autonomous Republic, Crimea, Territorial structure of the state, Orange revolution, President of Ukraine, Russia, State, Ukraine, election
Khantington S. Stolknovenie tsivilizatsiy. M.: AST, 2006. 573 s.
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Sudorgin O.A..
Legal grounds of federal electronic government of the United States
// Politics and Society. – 2018. – № 3.
– P. 1-4.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2018.3.25720.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2018.3.25720
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the federal electronic government of the United States. The article examines the diverse initiatives (development plans, concepts), as well as the federal normative acts of legislative level that regulate various aspects of electronic (digital) interaction of the United States citizens with the federal government authorities. The author considers the institutional framework of regulation of the electronic government in the United States (agencies, offices), which area of work includes the regulation of multiple aspects of electronic government. The achievements in the area of electronic government alongside the separate specificities of legal regulation of these questions at the federal level are observed. The scientific novelty consists in analysis of the block of normative and program acts of the United States federal government with regards to electronic government. The author determines the key directions in development of the federal legislation in the area of regulation of the various aspects of digital interaction of the citizens with the federal government authorities. A number of institutions (administrations, departments, offices, commissions) that directly affect the policy in the area of electronic government, as well as the cooperation of federal government authorities in terms of the indicated questions are examined.
Keywords: concept, telecommunication means of communication, the Internet, authorities, prospects, digital interaction, E-government, development prospects, USA, normative act
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Sudorgin O.A..
The concept and prospects of development of e-government in France
// Politics and Society. – 2018. – № 1.
– P. 9-13.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2018.1.25348.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2018.1.25348
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the e-government in France. The article examines the various initiatives (development plans, concepts), as well as normative legal acts of legislative and bylaw levels that regulate the different aspects of electronic (digital) interaction of citizens with the French government and local authorities. The author consider the institutional frameworks of regulation of the e-government in France (departments, committees) responsible for controlling the various aspects of e-government. The main prospects of development of the e-government in France are described. The scientific novelty consists in analysis of the section of normative and program acts of governmental power of France in the area of e-government. The author determines the key prospects of development of the French legislation in the sphere of regulation of the various aspects of digital interaction of citizens with the state and local authorities. A number of institutions (administrations, departments) that directly affect the policy in the area of e-government are subjected to examination.
Keywords: concept, telecommunication means of communication, the Internet, authorities, prospects, digital interaction, E-government, development prospects, France, normative act
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Talapina E.V. Pravovaya zashchita personal'nykh dannykh//Pravo. Zhurnal Vysshey shkoly ekonomiki. 2012. S. 152-162.
Koryagin P.A..
Social control in the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union: experience of the Republic of Kazakhstan
// Politics and Society. – 2017. – № 5.
– P. 56-62.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.5.22939.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.5.22939
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This article is dedicated to the analysis of development of the processes of social control in member-states of the Eurasian Economic Union, as well as the problems of implementation of democratic practices of public (civil) control common to the specificities of the aforementioned states, taking into account their national traditions and interests. The subject matter of this article focuses on the experience of development of social control in the modern Kazakhstan. The development of social control in the member-states of Eurasian Economic Union is an objective necessity and a new trend in the context of evolution of the sociopolitical processes and civil culture. The article uses temporal analysis of the environment alongside the content analysis of the texts of program documents, reports, and articles published in the framework of this study. The political science usually examines the questions dedicated to the problematic of public (civil) control in the post-Soviet space and particularly member-states of the Eurasian Economic Union, in discursive context of the topic of democratic transit. Most often, it is customary to assess the democratic transit and pursue correlation with the transit processes in other regions. The author underlines the need in formulation of the new original (national and local) methods and mechanisms of development of social control, which consider the traditions of political culture, characteristic of the national political reality and political time – the inner specificity and challenges of the analyzes countries, and thus, new approaches towards examination and analysis of this topic.
Keywords: neo-institutionalization, institutionalization, civil society, open society, social control, public administration, power, involvement, Eurasian Economic Union, civic engagement
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Avatkov V.A..
The crisis of Turkish identity
// Politics and Society. – 2017. – № 4.
– P. 96-103.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.4.19718.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.4.19718
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the identity of a modern citizen of Turkey. The article examines the key peculiarities of establishment of Turkish identity and factors that affect its formation in the context of the conducted in the country reforms of domestic and foreign policy, as well as changes taking place in the region and international political arena. Special attention is given to the main political trends and their impact upon the transformation of the subject to disintegration over the recent years identity of Turkey’s citizen, who faces new challenges in search for his place in the country and the world. The main conclusion is based on the analysis of historical and political facts and consist in the following: as a result of internal and external identity crisis, the Republic of Turkey will either move to a new level, having determined its own way of development and preserving territorial integrity, or will face a large crisis.
Keywords: Davutoglu, JDP, Erdogan, Zero problems with neighbors, nationalism, crisis, identity, Turk, Yildirim, identification
Nadein-Raevskiy V. Vneshnyaya politika Turtsii: vetry peremen // Mirovaya ekonomika i mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya, 2013, № 2, ss. 84-92.
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Druzhilovskiy S.B., Avatkov V.A. Vneshnepoliticheskie ideologemy Turtsii (2002-2012 gg.) // Nauchno-analiticheskiy zhurnal Obozrevatel' – Observer, 2013, № 6 (281), ss. 73-88.
Avatkov V.A. Neoosmanizm. Bazovaya ideologema i geostrategiya Turtsii // Svobodnaya mysl', 2014, №3 (1645), ss. 71-78.
Avatkov V.A., Chulkovskaya E.E. Tsentry turetskoy kul'tury imeni Yunusa Emre – «myagkaya sila» Turtsii // Geopolitika i bezopasnost', 2013, № 2, ss. 116-122.