Khaidarov S.M., Rakhmatulin A.R..
Problems of depressed regions in the Russian Federation and possible solutions
// Politics and Society. – 2024. – ¹ 1.
– P. 45-54.
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Abstract: The subject of the study is the depressed regions of the Russian Federation, the object of the analysis is the characteristics of the depressed regions of Russia. The authors focus on identifying the key problems that hinder or slow down their development. The authors identified three main reasons for the low level of socio-economic development of the regions (the problem of regional disproportion, excessive concentration of resources in the capital of the Russian Federation, the taxation system, and the process of its distribution), and the authors, based on these regulatory documents and statistical sources, presented their description and the reasons for the appearance of such problems. In addition, the authors considered the consequences of the unresolved issue of depressed regions. The scientific novelty of this study lies in the proposal of possible options for reducing the gap in the level of socio-economic development between regions, the formulation of a system of equalization of subjects. According to the authors, this will largely be facilitated by making changes to the tax distribution system, improving the mechanisms for distributing subsidies by region, activating government initiatives, taking into account the practice of foreign countries. The authors considered an example of solving the problem by Germany, also analyzed the experience of Europe's "cohesion policy", according to the authors, such technologies need to be introduced into Russian reality. The authors also concluded that the important role plays the brand of the regions, the regions should use this tool more effectively.
Keywords: socio-economic development of the region, rating of regions, cohesion policy, the problem of regional disproportion, branding of the territory, grants, taxation system, alignment policy, problems of regional development, depressed region
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Moroz E.N..
Exercise of rights of the indigenous peoples on the example of Norway's policy towards Sami population
// Politics and Society. – 2021. – ¹ 1.
– P. 41-49.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2021.1.35247.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2021.1.35247
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Abstract: This article is dedicated to the relevant problem of preserving the lifestyle of indigenous peoples and ensuring their rights. Norway has a considerable experience in this sphere, and can serve as a positive example for the Russian in the sphere of exercising the rights and support of the indigenous small-numbered peoples. The goal of this article consists in examination of the government policy towards the indigenous peoples of Northern Norway, their current status, as well as assessment of government activity in solving the problems of Sami people. The subject of this research is the legislation and policy towards Sami people as the indigenous people of the North and minority in Norway. The methodological framework consists of systematic, retrospective and comparative analysis. Analysis is conducted on the international and domestic legal aspects of exercising the rights of Sami people. In conclusion, the author notes the recent fundamental transformation of the legal system towards sovereignty of Sami people, and moreover, the revival of their cultural and social traditions. The scientific novelty of lies in the comprehensive analysis of international and domestic means of protection of rights of the indigenous peoples of the North, as well as in assessment of the political program and government actions on maintaining their unique culture and ensuring the rights to self-governance.
Keywords: Arctic strategy, Far North, international law, national minorities, Norway, Sami, indigenous peoples, Arctic region, ethnic minorities, self-government
Zaykov K. S., Kalinina M. R., Tamitskiy A. M., Saburov A. A., Shepelev E. A. Nauchno-obrazovatel'noe prostranstvo Arktiki: Norvegiya. Arktika i Sever. ¹ 23. 2016. S. 144-170.
Pronyakina E. D., Shed'ko F. S., Basharov G. R., Sashanova A. A., Likhacheva A. O. Puti resheniya problemy sokhraneniya korennykh narodov na primere politiki Norvegii v otnoshenii saamov. Nauchnye trudy Severo-Zapadnogo instituta upravleniya RANKhiGS. T. 10. ¹ 4. 2019. S. 86-99.
Sokolova F. Kh., Mironenko A. A. Saamy v gosudarstvennoy politike Norvegii. Modern Science. ¹ 6-4. 2020. S. 101-108.
Khaugset P. Stsenarii Kraynego Severa i subnatsional'nye realii: politika i praktika v prigranichnoy zone Norvegii i Rossii. Arktika i Sever. ¹ 33. 2018. S. 137-156.
Lansering av ny tilskuddsordning-Arktis 2030 [Zapusk novoy skhemy subsidirovaniya – Arktika 2030]. 2014. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 03.02.2021).
National budget 2021: Major focus on North Norway. 2020. URL:
Letnyakov D.E..
Soviet as imperial: an attempt of problematization
// Politics and Society. – 2018. – ¹ 1.
– P. 62-71.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2018.1.25409.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2018.1.25409
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Abstract: The “national question” relates to such spheres of social life in which the October Revolution demonstrated the most drastic gap with the “old order”; the Soviet government has acquired the anti-colonial, anti-imperial language of self-description. However, the academic studies of the recent twenty five years mark the prevalence of representations on the imperial natural of the Soviet State (image of USSR as the “last empire” has become ingrained in the academic discourse; the post-colonial studies apprehend the post-Soviet space as a legitimate sphere of their scientific interest). The author sets a goal to problematize such approach, thus analyzes the very concept of the “empire”, examines separate aspects of the history of Soviet period, and reconstructs the identity of a Soviet person. A conclusion is made that in a number of cases, the application of the imperial paradigm in describing the Soviet realities rather impedes the adequate comprehension of the latter, because the practices of dominance and administration in USSR, language, cultural, and economic policy, identities of people and their everyday experience cannot be reduced to the imperial and colonial.
Keywords: Communism, postcolonial studies, nationalism, nation, Soviet Union, colonialism, empire, revolution, the Bolsheviks, identity
Gorak S. V poiskakh istorii Tadzhikistana: o chem tadzhikskie istoriki sporyat s uzbekskimi? // Neprikosnovennyy zapas. 2009. ¹ 4(66). Elektronnyy dostup:
Abashin S. Nation-construction in post-Soviet Central Asia // Soviet and post-Soviet identities. Ed. by M. Bassin. Cambridge University Press, 2012. Pr. 152-153.
Khalid A. Uzbekistan: rozhdenie natsii // Neprikosnovennyy zapas. 2011. ¹ 4(78). S. 34-46.
Ibid. P. 208.
Napreenko G. Korenizatsiya. Prosveshchenie. Velikorusskiy shovinizm. Elektronnyy dostup:
Roeder Ph.G. Soviet Federalism and Ethnic Mobilization // World Politics, Vol. 43, No. 2 (Jan., 1991). P. 204.
Amanzholova D. Sovetskiy narod – istoricheskaya real'nost' ili fantom? // Vestnik Rossiyskoy natsii. 2014. ¹4. S. 25.
Lapidus G.W. Ethnonationalism and Political Stability: The Soviet Case // World Politics. Vol. 36. No. 4 (Jul., 1984). Pp. 563-564.
Lipset H. The Status of National Minority Languages i
Roslyakova M.V..
Participation of the social councils of municipal divisions in implementation of national policy
// Politics and Society. – 2017. – ¹ 10.
– P. 88-104.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.10.24049.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.10.24049
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Abstract: The object of this research is the social councils under the municipal authorities, while the subject is the potential forms of participation of the social councils of municipal divisions in development and implementation of the national policy. Main attention is focused on the analysis of the tasks, goals, and functions of the social councils that are on record in the normative acts that regulate their activity. The article establishes the specificity of regulation of the activity of social councils in the area of harmonization of interethnic relations in the territory of municipal divisions of the region. Social councils are characterized from the perspective of presence of the representatives of ethnocultural and religious organizations. The information foundation for this study became the official websites of municipal divisions of Ivanovo Region, the compulsory sections of which contain the data on the social councils. The author reveals the formally enshrined role of social council under the municipal authorities in solving the issues that emerge within the interethnic sphere at the local level. Presence in the regulatory documents of special reference to the tasks of social council in the area of harmonization of interethnic relations demonstrates the priority of the problem for the specified territory. The distinct feature of the majority of councils lies in the existence of the representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church, which is explained by the maintained ethnic uniformity of the region. The system of social councils is currently in the process of establishment; therefore, it is essential to identify the directions for development of the public and local administration, in which the deliberative bodies with participation of public representatives will be most effective. The new institution creates the additional opportunities for the participation of population in realization of local self-governance, but the choice of the form of cooperation in solving the local issues, including the ethno-confessional relations, remains with the public organizations and citizens; efficiency of the process in general depends on the readiness and motivation of the participants.
Keywords: Local self-governance, National policy, Civil society, Public participation, National cultural autonomies, Religious organizations, Local community, Municipal formation, Interethnic relations, Social council
Standart deyatel'nosti obshchestvennogo soveta pri federal'nom organe ispolnitel'noy vlasti (Tipovoe polozhenie): odobren protokolom zaochnogo zasedaniya Pravitel'stvennoy komissii po koordinatsii deyatel'nosti otkrytogo pravitel'stva ot 24.06.2015 g. ¹3. Rezhim dostupa: Dokument ofitsial'no opublikovan ne byl (data obrashcheniya: 10.08.2017).
Ob osnovakh obshchestvennogo kontrolya v Rossiyskoy Federatsii: feder. zakon ot 21 iyulya 2014 g. ¹ 212-FZ (s izm. i dop.) // Sobr. zakonodatel'stva RF. 2014. ¹30. Ch. I. St. 4213.
Ob osnovnykh napravleniyakh sovershenstvovaniya sistemy gosudarstvennogo upravleniya: ukaz Prezidenta Rossiyskoy Federatsii ot 7 maya 2012 goda ¹ 601 // Rossiyskaya gazeta. 2012. 9 maya.
O poryadke obrazovaniya obshchestvennykh sovetov pri federal'nykh ministerstvakh, federal'nykh sluzhbakh i federal'nykh agentstvakh, rukovodstvo deyatel'nost'yu kotorykh osushchestvlyaet Prezident Rossiyskoy Federatsii, pri federal'nykh sluzhbakh i federal'nykh agentstvakh, podvedomstvennykh etim federal'nym ministerstvam: uka
Noyanzina O.E., Omel'chenko D.A., Goncharova N.P., Maximova S.G..
Institutional factors of activity and role of the national cultural public organizations in realization of state national policy in the region (on the example of Altai Krai)
// Politics and Society. – 2017. – ¹ 7.
– P. 84-98.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.7.20597.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.7.20597
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The subject of this article is the assessment of institutional factors of activity and role of the national cultural public organizations in realization of state national policy in the Altai Krai. The authors reveals the peculiarities of ethno-cultural situation in the region alongside the specificity of activity of the government bodies with regards to realization of state national policy. Leaning on the sociological survey data, the article provides the expertise results of the role of national cultural public organization in implementation of the policy, assessment of their inclusion into the cross-sectoral connections, as well as evaluates certain conditions for realization of activity of the national cultural nonprofit organizations. The research is conducted through the method of personal interview with the heads of registered in Altai Krai national cultural public organizations based on the structured questionnaire. The authors introduce the results of dispersive analysis and application of the procedure of scaling the expert assessments of the factors for functioning of the national cultural nonprofit organizations. The following conclusions were made: among the population of Altai Krai there is a vivid desire to unite aimed at protection of their national interests, as well as the need for preserving and developing of the cultures of diverse nationalities that populate the territory of the region. Along with the harmonious cross-national relationships between the population and national cultural nonprofit organization, there authors highlight the trusted connections, when the national cultural public organizations are open for cooperation and constructive interaction with the local community. The expert analysis also determined the insufficiently fair distribution of benefits and various positions for any of the nationalities; lack of efficiency and openness in the dialogue between the state, ethnic diasporas, and national minorities in adoption of important decisions. The most coordinate expert assessment were noticed with regards to the indexes of successful resolution of conflicts in the area of interethnic relations, control over compliance with the laws in the field of the state national policy, work of the government bodies in realization of the Russian Federation National Policy Strategy until 2025, establishment of dialogue between the state, ethnic diasporas, and national minorities in adoption of crucial decisions, supports of the national cultural public organization, and efficiency of the system of administration over the implementation of state national policy in the region.
Keywords: cross-sectoral relations, civil society, interethnic relations, region, etnic-cultural organizations, institutional conditions, state national policy, interethnic conflicts, ethnic-confessional factor, ethnic community
Sotsial'no orientirovannye nekommercheskie organizatsii v Rossiyskoy Federatsii: sostoyanie i perspektivy razvitiya: monografiya / S.G. Maksimova, O.E. Noyanzina, N.P. Goncharova; pod obshch. red. S.G. Maksimovoy. – Barnaul: Izd-vo Alt. un-ta, 2013. – 208 s.
Popov E.A., Maksimova S.G. Sovremennoe grazhdanskoe obshchestvo v Ros-sii: problemy stanovleniya i regional'nogo razvitiya // NOTA BENE: Problemy obshchestva i politiki. 2012, ¹ 1. – S. 1-20
Global Civil Society: Dimensions of the Nonprofit Sector/ Vol. 2 / Sala-mon L.M., Sokolowski S.W. and Associates. Bloomfield: Kumarian Press, 2004.
Doverie i nedoverie v usloviyakh razvitiya grazhdanskogo obshchestva / otv. red. A.B. Kupreychenko, I.V. Mersiyanovoy. – M.: Izdatel'skiy dom NIU VShE, 2013. – 564 s.
Kravchenko I.I. Kontseptsiya grazhdanskogo obshchestva v filosofskom razvitii // Polis. 1991. ¹ 5. – S. 128-138.
Maksimova S.G. Funktsionirovanie nekommercheskikh organizatsiy kak resurs obespecheniya sotsial'noy bezopasnosti v regionakh Rossii // Uchenye zapiski Zabaykal'skogo gosudarst
Fedorova E.N., Egorova T.P..
Territorial organization of Yakutia in the XVIII century based on the territorial-administrative transformations of the region
// Politics and Society. – 2016. – ¹ 8.
– P. 1066-1076.
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Abstract: This article examines the questions of territorial structure and administration in the XVIII century of one of the largest regions in the northeast of Russia – Yakutia. Immensity of the territory, geographic and geopolitical location along with rich natural resources, all were of special r importance for Russia. The need for political, economic, and ideological securing of the territory can be seen in the events of the territorial-administrative organization of Russia. Territorial expansion of the borders in the XVIII century that affected both, Siberia and Yakutia, caused multiple administrative transformations. Scientific novelty consists in the comprehensive examination of the questions of territorial-administrative transformations of the northeast of Russia, which allow following the emergence of administrative units, their adjustment to the realities of the joint territories, establishment of administration, and subordination to the tasks of the future development of the region. Administrative reconfiguration was cause by the attempt to find the most optimal forms of administration of the remote territory, as well as integration of Siberia into a unified administrative, legislative, and economic space of the Russian Empire.
Keywords: volost, Commission for tribute, management of the territory, administrative-territorial transformation, organization of the territory, Yakutia, nasleg, county, state governance, population
Basharin G. P. Istoriya agrarnykh otnosheniy v Yakutii (60-e gody XVIII-seredina XIX vv.).-M.: Nauka, 1956. - 428s.
G. P. Basharin. Proiskhozhdenie sobolino-lis'ey ili dvukhokladnoy sistemy zemlepol'zovaniya v ulusakh basseyna Sredney Leny. "Doklady na vtoroy nauchnoy sessii Yakutskogo filiala AN SSSR". Yakutsk. 1951, str. 51-65.
Kodan S.V., Vladimirova G.E. Opredelenie v Osnovnykh gosudarstvennykh zakonakh Rossiyskoy imperii 1832-1892 gg. trebovaniy k sisteme, soderzhaniyu i realizatsii zakonodatel'nykh aktov // Yuridicheskie issledovaniya. - 2014. - 4. - C. 59 - 105. DOI: 10.7256/2409-7136.2014.4.11409. URL:
Safronov F. G. Russkie krest'yane v Yakutii XVII – XX vv.-Yakutsk, 1961. – 495 s.
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Sherstoboev V. N. Ilimskaya pashnya. T. II.Pashnya Ilimskogo voevodstva XVII i nachala XVIII veka — Irkutsk : Irkut. kn. izd-vo, 1957. — 673 s.
Leonov Yu.S..
On realization of state national policy of the Russian Federation: trends, problems, and prospects
// Politics and Society. – 2016. – ¹ 4.
– P. 486-492.
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Abstract: This article examines the questions of realization of the state national policy of the Russian Federation during the period of 2005-2015. The object of the research is the relevant issues in the area od interethnic relations and the introduced administrative solutions within the framework of implementation of the state national policy. The subject is the general and specific trends on the formation of strategy of political actions in the sphere of interethnic relations in Russia. The goal of this research is the determination of the dynamics, regularities, and specificity of the work of the main political actors (government, political parties) in the area of interethnic relations. Considering the international situation (intensive migration flows from the conflict zones and associated with it sociopolitical changes), the actualization of the ethno-political problematic in the public consciousness is a stable and long-term tendency. A special attention is given to the modernization of the federal legislation in the sphere of state national policy, as well as to the questions of counteraction to the interethnic conflicts.
Keywords: Russian civil identity, migration, regions, international (interethnic) relations, State national policy, Russian nation, conflict, political parties, ideology, values
Putin V.V. Rossiya: natsional'nyy vopros // «Nezavisimaya gazeta», 23.01.2012 g. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 20.12.2015)
Rasporyazhenie Pravitel'stva Rossiyskoy Federatsii ot 15 iyulya 2013 g. ¹ 1226-r «Ob utverzhdenii plana meropriyatiy po realizatsii v 2013–2015 godakh Strategii gosudarstvennoy natsional'noy politiki Rossiyskoy Federatsii na period do 2025 goda» URL: (data obrashcheniya: 03.01.2016).
Postanovlenie Pravitel'stva Rossiyskoy Federatsii ot 20 avgusta 2013 g. ¹ 718 «O federal'noy tselevoy programme «Ukreplenie edinstva rossiyskoy natsii i etnokul'turnoe razvitie narodov Rossii (2014-2020 gody)» URL: (data obrashcheniya: 03.01.2016).
Perechen' porucheniy Prezidenta Rossii po itogam zasedaniya Soveta po mezhnatsional'nym otnosheniyam 17.03.2013 g. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 03.01.2016).
Miller A.I.
Trofimova I.N..
Innovation inequality of the territories: factors, conditions, effects
// Politics and Society. – 2016. – ¹ 1.
– P. 73-82.
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Abstract: This article examines the problem of innovation inequality of the territories. The relevance of the research is substantiated by the growing importance of innovations in life of the modern society, as well as expanding differentiation of the territories by the level of socioeconomic development. A special attention is given to the questions of territorial concentration of innovation process, specificity of the participation in this process of territories with a different level pf socioeconomic development, and the cooperation between the internal and external factors in the process of creation and spread of innovations. The author reviews the main signs of endogenic and exogenic (applied and imitation) territorial models of the innovation process. The main conclusion consists in the detection of the growing innovation inequality of the territories. On the example of foreign and Russian practices, it is demonstrated that the specificity of participation of territories in the current innovation process is to the highest degree substantiated by the established territorial separation of labor, rather than level of development of human potential – the key factor of the innovation activity.
Keywords: innovative development, regions, territorial inequality, territorial models, innovation inequality, innovation process, territorial development, factors, global innovative index, territorial differentiation
Doklad o chelovecheskom razvitii v Rossiiskoi Federatsii za 2014 god / pod red. L.M. Grigor'eva i S.N. Bobyleva. M.: Analiticheskii tsentr pri Pravitel'stve Rossiiskoi Federatsii, 2014. – 204 s.
Doklad o razvitii chelovecheskogo potentsiala v Rossiiskoi Federatsii. 2010: Tseli razvitiya tysyacheletiya v Rossii: vzglyad v budushchee. M.: PROON, 2010. – 152 s.
Informatsionnoe obshchestvo: vostrebovannost' informatsionno-kommunikativnykh tekhnologii naseleniem Rossii. M.: NIU VShE, 2015. – 120 s.
Regiony Rossii. Sotsial'no-ekonomicheskie pokazateli. 2013: Stat. sb. M.: Rosstat, 2013. 990 s.
Reiting innovatsionnogo razvitiya sub''ektov Rossiiskoi Federatsii: analiticheskii doklad. Vypusk 2 / pod red. L.M. Gokhberga. M.: NIU VShE, 2014. – 88 s.
Reiting innovatsionnogo razvitiya sub''ektov Rossiiskoi Federatsii: analiticheskii doklad. Vypusk 1 / pod red. L.M. Gokhberga. M.: NIU VShE, 2012. – 104 s.
Sotsial'nyi atlas rossiiskikh regionov
Dmitrieva A.G..
National vector of evolution of socio-political ideals in the Soviet literature during the period of 1970-1980
// Politics and Society. – 2015. – ¹ 12.
– P. 1682-1691.
Read the article
Abstract: The subject of this research is the evolution of socio-political ideals in the Soviet literature during the period of 1970-1980 within the framework of the national vector, strengthened by the crisis of the imperial ideology, and etatization of the Soviet culture. The national dimension of socio-political ideals includes in itself both, the image of Russian people (on the example of village community, religious community, national culture, and perception from the “significant others”), as well as the legitimatization of the Russian state in its “white” and “red” versions. The following conclusions are made in the course of this research: national vector of evolution of the socio-political ideals had a dual orientation, reflecting the state as well as public demand for national development; representatives of the Soviet literature made a significant contribution into the creation of the “imagined community”, concentrated on the past and the present of the Russian people. The novelty factors of the conducted research include the comprehensive study of the Soviet literary works of the 1970’s-1980’s with highlights of the national vector and its elements.
Keywords: Orthodoxy, vilage community, Soviet literature, country prose, Russian people, national elite, Our contemporary, national ideology, "white" version of legitimacy, "red" version of legitimacy
Peregudov S.P. Natsional'no-gosudarstvennaya identichnost' i problemy konsolidatsii rossiyskogo gosudarstva // Polis. 2011. ¹ 3. – S. 141-163.
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Kara-Murza S.G. Ideologiya i mat' ee nauka. M., 2002. – 256 s.
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Pokrovskiy N.N. Vlast', obshchestvo i chelovek v istoricheskikh i literaturnykh istochnikakh XVI-XX vv. – M.: Izdatel'stvo Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR, 2012. – 264 s.
Osborn R. Tsivilizatsiya. Novaya istoriya Zapadnogo mira. – M.: AST, 2010. – 768 s.
Kh'yulett Dzh. Khristianstvo i kommunizm. – M.: Neopalimaya Kupina, 2013. – 140 s.
Verkhovskiy A.M. Russkiy natsionalizm: ideologiya i nastroenie. – M.: Informatsionno-analiticheskiy tsentr «Sova», 2006. – 304 s.
Semenova G.P. Nash sovremennik – geroy
Danilov A.P..
Legal Foundations of Russian Arctic Policy
// Politics and Society. – 2015. – ¹ 5.
– P. 618-628.
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Abstract: The subject of the research are the fundamental documents of the Russian Federation, which define the policy of the country in the Arctic. The author of the article reviews and analyses the Russian state policy in the Extreme North, which is fixed in several state documents. Beside state documents, the author also brings up speeches of state leaders regarding the development of the northern regions of the country. Apart from the state documents, the author also cites the expert opinions about Russian Arctic state policy declared in the last years. During the research of the legal foundations of the Russian Arctic policy the author has applied qualitative analysis of documents, regulatory acts and speeches of the political leaders.The main conclusion of the research is that the Russian Federation has elaborated a significant legal base, which defines the state policy in the Arctic region. The Russian Federation, along with other Arctic states, currently pays more attention towards the Arctic region than before. This demonstrates the relevance of the topic of the development and exploration of the Arctic region in the international political agenda.
Keywords: national security, development, priority, strategy, Arctic policy, law, Russia, Arctic, resource potential, cooperation
Konov A.M. Problema razrabotki i realizatsii strategii razvitiya arkticheskoy zony Rossii s pozitsii teorii I. Adzesa // Arktika i Sever. ¹2. 2011. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 03.03.3015)
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Kornilova A. Arkticheskaya Strategiya Rossii do 2020 goda: ot problem k ustoychivomu razvitiyu // Rossiyskiy Sovet po Mezhdunarodnym Delam. 07.03.2013. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 18.08.2013)
Melkov G.M. Kontinental'nyy shel'f i osnovy gosudarstvennoy politiki Rossiyskoy Federatsii v Arktike // Nats. interesy. 2009. ¹ 3. S. 25-29.
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A.A. Yarlikapov.
Polyethnic Dagestan: Unity in diversity
// Politics and Society. – 2013. – ¹ 5.
– P. 568-574.
Read the article
Abstract: Ethnic identity plays a very important role
in Dagestan. Today, a common, or shared Dagestan
identity is developing, however, for an average
Dagestani, their personal ethnic group identification
has significant importance. Land issues and issues
of inter-Islamic dialogue are also prominent. Highlander
migration to the plains has transferred land
disputes into interethnic relations plane. The unclear
legal status of lands of the plains also tends to
draw republic authorities into conflict, which results
in their reputation as supporters of immigrants. The
situation is further complicated by frictions between
two main religious currents: Sufism and the Salafi
movement. Another big problem is the radicalization
of Islamic youth, who often voice their protests
in a religious form. Many of the modern problems of
the republic of Dagestan manifest as ethnic tensions.
Keywords: Political science, Dagestan, identity, ethnos, conflict, Sufism, Salafism, dialogue, Islam, youth
Abdulagatov Z.M. Islam v massovom soznanii dagestantsev. Makhachkala: IIAE DNTs RAN, 2008. – 204 s.
Adiev A.Z. Zemel'nyy vopros i etnopoliticheskie konflikty v Dagestane. Rostov-na-Donu: Izd-vo SKNTs VSh YuFU, 2011. – 144 s.
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Ideologization of ethnic and social research during the Soviet
and post-Soviet periods: institutional evaluation.
// Politics and Society. – 2013. – ¹ 4.
– P. 435-440.
Read the article
Abstract: The article analyzes the institutional aspects
of political ideology’s influence on ethnic and sociological research. The author stresses that the
Soviet ethnic research was politicized and was used
as method of reinforcing national policies. During
the transitional period, ethnic and social academic
disciplines became tools of political struggle between
ethnic elites. The author concludes that deidealigozation
of ethnic studies, which lack positivist
moderation, is necessary.
Keywords: Sociology, Ethnic and Social science, ethnos, ideology, ethics, institutes, authority, management, conflict, ethnic myths
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