Konstantinov M.S., Potseluev S.P., Pupikin R.A..
The concept of the "Russian world" in the ideological attitudes of southern Russian student youth (based on sociological research materials from 2015–2021)
// Politics and Society.
2024. № 4.
P. 126-147.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2024.4.72682 EDN: VQAQPX URL:
The article analyzes the dynamic characteristics of the concept of the "Russian world" based on a series of sociological studies of student consciousness in the South of Russia (2015–2021) conducted by the staff of the Southern Federal University. The actualization of this concept in student consciousness occurred against the backdrop of the Ukrainian crisis of 2014 and underwent a certain transformation from 2015 to 2021. The methodological basis of the study was a series of focus groups and a questionnaire survey. In the process of analyzing the data collected by means of the questionnaire survey, factor, correlation and regression types of statistical analysis were used. As a result, the specifics of the decontestation of the concept of the "Russian world" in student consciousness were established, as well as a change in the conceptual framework for interpreting this concept. In particular, it was found that in 2015, the decontestation of the concept of the "Russian world" in the structure of values of student consciousness occurred in the right ideological spectrum (up to right-wing radical interpretations), but in 2019, this concept is more often placed in the cultural and civilizational context in the structures of student identity. Key factors influencing the process of decontestation of the concept of the "Russian world" were also identified. The general conclusion based on the results of the study is that despite the fact that these variables substantively intersect with the three meanings of the concept of the "Russian world" presented in the media space of modern Russia (imperial-civilizational, super-ethnic and Orthodox-civilizational), the shifts occurring in student consciousness indicate deeper changes - about the increasing rootedness of the concept under study in the structures of student identity, and not just at the superficial level of ideological attitudes.
student youth, value dynamics, group consciousness, Russian world, ideological concept, ideological attitude, ideology, cognitive-ideological matrix, questionnaire survey, South of Russia
Ilyichev A.V..
The Image of the Sevastopol Garrison and the Russian Army during the Crimean War in the Works of English-Speaking Authors (1970-2020)
// Politics and Society.
2022. № 4.
P. 30-41.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2022.4.39855 EDN: EBQWFQ URL:
The article examines the image of the Sevastopol garrison and the Russian army during the Crimean War in the works of English-speaking authors. The aim of the study is to reveal the main trends in the consecration of the events of the Crimean (Eastern) War in the studies of American and British researchers. Due to the current situation related to restrictions on the part of foreign publishers, it was not possible to consider a number of works published in the period from 1970 to 2020. The subject of the study is the works of English-speaking authors devoted to the history of the Crimean War (1853-1856). The object of the research is the narrative created by English-speaking authors around the Russian army and the garrison of Sevastopol during the First defense of the city. Based on the research that was found in the public domain, the author comes to the conclusion that the dominant trend in the English-language literature on the Crimean War is to consider events from the point of view of exclusively British or Allied retrospect. At the same time, due attention is either not paid to the Russian side at all or it represents a brief dry squeeze. The emphasis on battlefields, on problems of supply and training of the Allied army command staff, on weather conditions takes the defense of Sevastopol and its importance into the background. Statements and assessments that are openly Russophobic in nature are not as widely presented as in studies on the Second World War.
Political technologies, British retrospective, Russian empire, Russiaphobia, Image of Russia, Eastern War, Foreign literature, Crymea, Russian army, Crimean war
Tupaev A.V..
Ideological state in the context of the European civil war
// Politics and Society.
2019. № 5.
P. 34-40.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2019.5.24880 URL:
The subject of this research is the concept of ideological state in the context of the European civil war. The object of this research is addressing the impact of ideologies of National Socialism and Bolshevism upon the political processes. Special attention is paid to interpretation of ideology as a cognitive-discursive construct that allows viewing the ideological state through the set of characteristic ideologemes. The author meticulously examines and generalizes the functionality principles of ideological states; the framework for this study serve the works of the German historian Ernst Nolte, who describes the political-ideological aspects of the European civil war. Methodological foundation is the political conceptology, which turns ideological state into a concept; ideology is interpreted through the cognitive-discursive method and phenomenology of National Socialism and Bolshevism. The author’s special contribution consists in the suggestion of the historical influence of ideologemes upon the political processes and formation of international politics. The scientific novelty lies in mainstreaming the concept of ideological state, prospects of studying the trends of ideologizaiton of the society on the basis of cognitive-discursive approach to ideology. The conclusion is made that the elements of ideological state influence the formation of worldview and cultural-sociological code of individuals, as well as principles of establishment of the political system.
Bolshevism, National Socialism, ideologemes, overcoming the past, European civil war, state, ideological state, ideology, political institution, ideological confrontation
Demetradze M.R..
The strategy of syncretizing Confucianism with capitalism in Taiwan modernization of the President Chiang Kai-shek
// Politics and Society.
2018. № 9.
P. 40-52.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2018.9.23354 URL:
This article is dedicated to the analysis of historical prerequisites of modernization processes in the Chinese Republic – Taiwan; identification of the positive and negative sides of modernization in this country. Special attention is given to the specificity of the role of intellectual capital in modernization processes, peculiarities of Chinese traditionalism and other aspects that are relevant in formation of sociocultural strategy of modernization of the societies of post-Soviet space. The subject of this research is the strategy of implementation of Confucianism into the processes of establishment of the new state by the President Chiang Kai-shek. The object is the determination of innovative catch-up modernization model. The innovative advancing, innovative catch-up, or imitative catch-up vector of modernization is defined with the help of the specifically developed sociocultural methodology. The core of sociocultural strategy is the priority of human factor and his social interests in the state, rather that the economic or other indexes. The scientific novelty lies in demonstration of the positive and negative ides of modernization in Taiwan, as well a suggestion of the idea of creating circumstances for transformation of the innovative borrowing strategy into innovative advancing. The research is conducted for the purpose of tracing of the examples of modernization of various countries of the world and their institutionalization in the post-Soviet countries. Having analyzed separate aspects of the development of Taiwan society, the author concludes that the positive and rational-constructive factors of modernization prevailed the negative and destructive. The research results can help in comprehension of practical experiences of modernization of the post-Soviet societies, as well as determination of improvement of development prospects of Taiwan.
traditionalism, modification, adaptation, central area of culture, Modernization, human factor, sociocultural doctrine of the states, loan, socialization, intellectual capital
Kalabekova S.V..
Hedonism and “compulsory happiness” of consumer society
// Politics and Society.
2018. № 7.
P. 17-24.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2018.7.26659 URL:
This article examines the phenomena of happiness and hedonism as the paramount characteristics of consumer society and the ways of human existence. The author describes the impact of the ideology of excessive consuming upon the emergence of the phenomenon of “compulsory happiness” and the formation of the value of hedonism. The work explores the so-called “hedonism effect” and its influence on the mind and behavior of individuals. The author analyzes the factors that create a hedonistically oriented person, as well as demonstrates how the ideology of materialism imparts the features of simulacrums to the paradigms associated with the achievements of happiness and hedonism. The scientific novelty lies in the following statements: the contemporary society with its focus on success creates the conditions of the emergence of hyperhedonism and the phenomenon of compulsory happiness; hedonism in consumer society attains the features of ethical imperative; “materialistic” happiness becomes the meaning of life for a contemporary person.
conformism, pleasure, the effect of hedonism, hedonism, compulsory happiness, consumerism, consumer society, simulacrum, happiness, materialism
Kalabekova S.V..
Ethnocentrism in modern realities
// Politics and Society.
2018. № 5.
P. 32-38.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2018.5.25939 URL:
The object of this research is the phenomenon of ethnocentrism, while the subject is the manifestations of ethnocentrism in modern realities. The author examines the correlation of trends of universalism and ethnocentrism, place of ideology and psychology of ethnocentrism in the processes of global homogenization and standardization. The work also explores the factors that lead to the emergence of ethnocentric worldview and the corresponding to it orientations, as well as the place of ethnocentrism within the structure “global-local”. The author also analyzes the negative consequences of ethnocentrism, phenomenon of favoritism, role of ethnocentrism as a factor of social identity strengthening, and interrelation between ethnocentrism and extremism. The scientific novelty consists in substantiation of a thesis on the relevance of ethnocentric ideology by the modern trends, which are characterized by the incoherence of development and the ambiguity of effect. The comprehension of ethnocentrism as the worldview, orientation, and instrument for the solution of diversified problems testifies to its complicated social nature that requires a multifaceted examination.
differentiation, tradition, cultural sample, cultural relativism, ethnocentrism, globalisation, xenophobia, nationalism, intensity, favoritism
Lukarevskaia E..
Ideology of Seymour Martin Lipset’s “end of ideology”
// Politics and Society.
2018. № 5.
P. 1-10.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2018.5.26189 URL:
The object of this research is the theories of deideologization and reideologization. The subject is S. M. Lipset’s concept of the “end of ideology”. The author analyzes the evolution of this concept on the example of the book by S.M. Lipset “Political man: the social bases of politics”, as well as considers the works of other representatives of deideologization theory. Special attention is given to the nature of the indicated concept and its origins, analyzing the factors of decline of the total ideologies, as well as the features of American society, which according to the opinion of deideologization theoreticians are natural for the open democratic society. The theoretical importance of this work is defined by the analysis of S. M. Lipset’s concept of the “end of ideology” as a product of the expert-ideological community. Examination of the specificity of works of the deideologization representatives encourages the more profound comprehension of the methods and key motives of foreign policy of the United States and European countries at the present time. One of the drawn conclusions implies that the deideologization theory was aimed at the criticism of value orientations of total ideologies.
reideologization, total ideology, The end of ideology, USA, deideologization, Seymour Martin Lipset, American culture, political man, democracy, Edward Shils
Lukarevskaia E..
Finalist theories. Concepts of ideology of the last quarter of the XX century
// Politics and Society.
2017. № 12.
P. 1-7.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.12.25049 URL:
The object of this research is the processes of de-ideologizaton and re-ideologizaton. The subject is the finalist theories, namely the theories of the “end of history and “and of ideology”. The goal of this work consists in demonstration of peculiarities of the concept of ideology of the last quarter of the XX century, determination and revelation of the processes of de-ideologizaton and re-ideologizaiton, as well as analysis of the views of separate representatives of the indicated directions respectively. Special attention is given to the works of Daniel Bell, Seymour Lipset, Eugen Lemberg, Jakob Barion, and Francis Fukuyama. The main scientific methodological approaches of this work are the comparative and system. Comparative method was implemented for pursuing correlation between the theories and concepts of ideology of the last quarter of the XX century. For analysis of de-ideologizaton and re-ideologizaton as a single process associated with the relevant for that time historical events, the author applied the system approach. Theoretical importance of this research is defined by the more profound comprehension of the origins and specificity of the processes of de-ideologizaton and re-ideologizaton upon the formation of the concepts of ideology. The author concludes that the theories of the “end of history” represent a vivid example of the ideological confrontation of the XX century, rather than rejection of the ideology as such; the objective scientific knowledge called by the de-ideologizators to replace the ideology, became an instrument (especially sociology) in political struggle.
liberalism, Communism, Daniel Bell, information society, re-ideologization, de-ideologization, end of ideology, end of history, Francis Fukuyama, Eugen Lemberg
Soboleva A.N..
Formation of the image of hero and image of enemy among Soviet youth during the period of 1920’s – 1930’s
// Politics and Society.
2017. № 10.
P. 78-87.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.10.22816 URL:
This article examines the process of formation of such phenomena of public consciousness as the “image of hero” and “image of enemy”. Referring to this topic is dictated by the fact that in 1920’s – 1930’s the antithesis of "hero-enemy" was one of the key moments of Soviet reality, since the Bolshevik leadership from the very beginning of coming to power actively sought to strengthen the new socialist state and the need for its protection from the external and internal interventions. The propaganda became the main mechanism in creating the pantheon of heroes and antiheroes. Certainly, the propaganda machine affected the entire population of the country, but the attention was particularly focused on youth due to their emotional susceptibility and activeness. The article analyzes the most significant ideological and practical methods applies in the compiling of the image of hero and image of enemy, as well as emphasizes its role in establishment of the patriotic mentality. The author identifies the varieties of the image of hero alongside the image of internal enemy, noting that the political transformations in the international arena throughout the late 1920’s – 1930's often led to a shifting the accents in depicting the image of external enemy. It is concluded that the official propaganda made fairly successful steps in the area of military-patriotic upbringing of the Soviet youth.
public consciousness, political propaganda, ideology, youth, image of enemy, image of hero, militarization, patriotism, Komsomol, education
Demin I.V..
To the question of “common denominator” of various types of conservatism
// Politics and Society.
2017. № 9.
P. 42-58.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.9.23418 URL:
This article is dedicated to the question of searching for a “common denominator” of the various interpretations and types of conservatism. The author examines the main manifestations of “conservative spirit” (fundamental conservatism, liberal conservatism, social conservatism, revolutionary conservatism), and determines the grounds for criticizing the liberal-progressive thinking in the context of each of the four types of conservatism. Special attention is given to the aspect of correlation between conservatism and two other basic ideologies of modernity – liberalism and socialism. The article demonstrates the insufficiency of traditional answers to the question about the integral characteristic of conservatism (anti-universalism, anti-progressivism, anti-utopianism). Methodological foundation lies in the developed by Karl Mannheim interpretation of conservatism as a style of reasoning and means of worldview. The author proposes a new interpretation of the essence of conservatism, according to which the defining and constitutive for the conservative style of thinking is not presented by one or another worldview principle, but rather the attitude towards the limits of human existence (ontological, anthropological, and sociocultural). Conservatism is determined as the protection of boundaries and apology of limitedness. Such formula can be considered as a response for the question about the positive content of various types of conservative thinking.
conservative revolution, social conservatism, liberal conservatism, traditionalism, typology of conservatism, liberalism, conservatism, ideology, conservative anthropology, epistemology of conservatism
Dashkin Y.A..
Genesis of political content of the military-patriotic education of servicemen
// Politics and Society.
2017. № 3.
P. 132-142.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.3.21914 URL:
The subject of this research is the politological aspects of patriotism. The object is the national security of the Russian Federation. The author examines the political aspects of patriotism within the armed forces, taking into account the present political situation in the world. Particular attention is paid to the urgent need for joint efforts of all patriotically oriented forces - government bodies and political parties, social organizations and religious associations, scientists and cultural figures in terms of the defense of the country and military security. Methodology of the research is based on the systemic approach and integrates the methods of political science, military strategy, pedagogy, historiography, and source studies. The main conclusions of the work consist in the scientifically substantiate positions regarding the need to restore the experience of political work in the army and navy by adjusting it to the current realities of the military-patriotic education of Russian army servicemen. The author’s special contribution into this work lies in the emphasis on the need to restore the training of the officers and sergeants to the preparation and education of the subdues, basing on the best national traditions of the country’s armed defense.
traditions of Russian patriotism, military training, military education, military and political work, formation of patriotism, national security, patriotism of the Russian army, patriotism bases, patriotism, experience in military and political work
Nikolaev I.V..
Symbolization of terminology of radicalism in discourse of the political science students (on the materials of regional study)
// Politics and Society.
2016. № 12.
P. 1620-1629.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2016.12.54655 URL:
The subject of this research is the process of symbolization of radical terms and ideological stamps in discourse of the students of higher education institutions of Rostov Oblast. The first turn noticed in the last decade in Russian policy, lead to popularization of peripheral radical ideologemes within the educational and media spaces, the digestion of which creates a complex of verbal symbols in students’ consciousness. Having lost the scientific content, these symbols become an index of latent support of the right-wing radicalism and comprise the potential of transformation into an active form of political activity. The article makes an attempt of deconstruction of the verbal symbols, as well as substantiates the affiliation of a number of universally used and scientific terms to periphery of the right-wing radicalism. The main conclusion of the conducted research lies in verification of the presence of a complex of radical verbal symbols within the students’ consciousness. Radical terminology, having become a topic of political scientists from media space, is not subjected to a critical rethinking, but is rather digested in form of stamps that distort the perceptions about the real political situation. Common to the legal radicalism peripheral concepts (great power, empire, Russian/Slavic world, civilized collapse, etc.) are extensively used by the students in communication on political topics. The scientific novelty consists in the attempt of integration of the “ideologemes” theory with the idea of presence in discourse of the verbal symbols and their lexical expression.
ideological periphery, term, student, group free interviewing, verbal political symbol, ideologeme, right-wing radicalism, political ideology, symbolization, blank sign
Potseluev S.P., Konstantinov M.S..
Imperial palingenesis: right-wing ideologies among students (article two)
// Politics and Society.
2016. № 12.
P. 1608-1619.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2016.12.54656 URL:
This article presents some preliminary results of a comprehensive study of the radical rightwing ideologemes in the minds of the student youth of the Rostov Region, conducted in 2015 by the team of scientists from the Southern Federal University and the Southern Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The theoretical foundation of this study consists in the author's concept of political ideologemes developed on the basis of integrated linguistic and political-philosophical concept of ideologeme (M. Bakhtin, F. Jameson, and others). M. Frieden's conceptual-morphological approach and R. Griffin's concept of «groupuscular right» were also used in the conceptualization process of theory of radical right-wing ideologemes. These theories have been adjusted to Russia's political and socio-cultural specificity. The study obtained precise data regarding the common among students' radical right-wing ideologemes, as well as the ideas and values that have a certain potential of development into the radical right-wing ideologies. The second part of the article is devoted to the analysis of the level of popularization within the students' consciousness of the fascist ideology – radical nationalism. It is demonstrated that the student environment has three levels of identification with the right-wing ideology. The group of respondents who consciously identify themselves average) 13-15% of the representatives of liberalism, conservatism and national patriotism.
identification, fascism, right-wing radicalism, morphology of ideologies, ideologeme, political ideologies, youth, students, social consciousness, sociologiclal survey
Konstantinov M.S..
The problem of ideological decontestation of patriotism: on the materials of sociological research
// Politics and Society.
2016. № 11.
P. 1558-1568.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2016.11.54650 URL:
Based on the material of the comprehensive sociological research of far right ideologemes within the consciousness of student youth of Rostov Oblast conducted in the 2014-2016 by the group of scholars from the Southern Federal University and Southern Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, this article analyzed the specificity of ideological conceptualization of the patriotic sense and idea. The subject of this research is the patriotism in modern Russia. The author thoroughly examines the theoretical and methodological issues of the study of patriotism, as well as proposes the cognitive-constructivist model of its analysis. In the concept of implementation of such model, the work analyzes the potential of integration of the idea of patriotism into the key political ideologies of modern Russia. Special attention is given to the far right interpretations of the patriotic sense and dangers associated with the exploitation of patriotism by the far right groups. The author’s concept of political ideologemes formulated based on the notions of Mikhail Bakthin’s “doubtful and Slavoj Žižek’s “floating signifiers”, comprised the theoretical base of the complex sociological study. In the process of conceptualization of the far right ideologemes, the author also used Michael Freeden’s conceptual-morphological approach and Roger Griffin’s notion of “groupuscular right”. The aforementioned concepts were adjustet to the Russian political and sociocultural specificity. The author demonstrates that the attempts of determination of the “validity” of patriotism lead to multiplicity of its descriptions and discredit the examined phenomenon, as well as the means of its research. On the applied level, the work presents the systematized data of the survey pertaining to the peculiarities of conceptualization of the patriotic sense within the consciousness of student youth of Rostov Oblast. The author illustrates the impact of peripheral concept upon the formation of this feeling in the context of various ideologies, including the far radical interpretations. Based on the conducted analysis, the potential of the far radical interpretations of the idea of patriotism among youth is being determined.
youth, patriotism, far right radicalism, cognitive-constructivist approach, morphology of ideologies, idelologeme, political ideology, students, social consciousness, questionnaire
Kvashonkin A.V..
The manipulative techniques of the Soviet Russia authorities on the example of the “change of landmarks movement” ( Smenovekhovtsy)
// Politics and Society.
2016. № 6.
P. 765-782.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2016.6.54572 URL:
The subject of this research is the manipulative techniques on the formation of an international positive image of the Soviet Russia used by the Bolshevik leadership for the purpose of consolidation of the international status of the country and the return into the Soviet Union of the technical intelligentsia during the period of the New Economic Policy (NEP) with the help of “Smenovekhovtsy” movement. The object of this research is the work of the Central Committee of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks), representatives of the People’s Commissariats of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade on organization and financial support of the “Smenovekhovtsy” publishers and the vector of their editorial policy. The sources of this article are the correspondence of the party leaders with the government pertaining to the aforementioned questions from the funds of the Russian State Archive of Sociopolitical History. The scientific novelty consists in the introduction to a scientific discourse of an extensive circle of new documents from the fund of the Council of People's Commissars and private collection of Stalin. The analysis of these documents allow having a new outlook upon the history of Smenovekhovtsy movement, define the role of the Bolshevik Party, its leaders and representatives of government structures in implementation through this movement of the program settings on formation of a positive image of the Soviet union abroad, as well as on return of the technical intelligentsia to Russia.
Technical intelligentsia, Solodovnikov, Potekhin, Kluchnikov, Stalin, Krasin, Krestinskiy, Manipulative techniques, Smenovekhovtsy movement, Smenovekhovtsy editions
Beskov A.A..
Degradation of mass historical consciousness of the Russian people as a threat to national security: causes, trends, and ways of overcoming
// Politics and Society.
2016. № 4.
P. 466-479.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2016.4.54544 URL:
The subject of this research is the processes, which characterize changes of the specificity of mass historical consciousness of the Russian society. The recent government initiatives in the area of historical education, as well as the noted by sociologists changes in the structure and content of the historical memory of the Russian people, are being examined during the course of this work. The author analyzes the differences between the specificity of the mass historical consciousness of Russian during the Soviet and post-Soviet time, as well as the processes which led to the emergence of such differences. Special attention is given to the formulation of the concrete practical recommendations, the realization of which will allow turning our mass historical consciousness into a self-regulating system and prevent Russians from the new drastic sociopolitical disturbances. One of the methodological prerequisites for this research became Jan Assmann’s concept about the two varieties of collective memory: communicative and cultural. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that although within the Russian scientific periodicals the topic of mass historical consciousness is being touched upon quite often, and the appeals towards its purification from the corrupted ideas of the past, very little attention is given to the questions why these ideas are being corrupted, and how this process can be counteracted. In the author’s opinion, this is because of insufficient attention of the researchers towards the interconnection between the functioning of mass historical consciousness and the issues of the Russian historical science and historical education. This article demonstrates that during the post-Soviet period, mass historical consciousness stopped progressing, thus it currently does not meet the level of development of the historical science. Its degradation is substantiated by the fact that the knowledge of the historical past became less scientific, rather than the fact that Russians know less about the history. It makes the mass historical consciousness more vulnerable and subjects the society to the targeted negative information influence, the danger of which increases in the era of global information warfare.
historical consciousness, history, collective memory, memory wars, historical education, falsification of history, national security, pseudohistory, positivism, digital diplomacy
Sulimin A.N..
The role of social ideas in organization of political order in Western and non-Western societies
// Politics and Society.
2016. № 4.
P. 480-485.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2016.4.54545 URL:
The object of this article is the constructive role of ideology in organization of the political order. It is claimed that in all societies the political process is organized on the fundamental ideas of social justice. The author points out that the individualistic ideas are common for basic institutions of the Western countries, while the collectivistic ideas define the genesis of non-Western civilizations. The author determines the regularity that the political orders based on the collectivistic ideas are more sensitive to degradation, because the ideological enthusiasm is a necessary condition for the political stability in non-Western societies. The main conclusion consists in the fact that the Russian political order genetically ascends to collectivistic institutional matrix, which existed in the form of Orthodox monarchy and Russian Communism. It is demonstrated that the attempt to dictate to the Russian society the individualistic ideas of liberal democracy turned out to be unsuccessful due to the absence of the principles of social justice in the modern politics. Thus, the organization of stable political order in Russia is impossible without implementation of the ideas of social justice within the modern political practices.
political order, social justice, collectivism, individualism, self-organization, chaos, ideology, nonlinear dynamics, synergetics, ruling class
Dokuchaev D.S., Dokuchaeva N.A..
Formation of ethno-regional identity within the post-Yugoslavian space (Montenegro case)
// Politics and Society.
2015. № 12.
P. 1653-1669.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2015.12.54491 URL:
This article is dedicated to the analysis of the means of constructing ethno-regional identity on the post-Yugoslavian space. The object of the research is the socio-political reality of the post-Yugoslavian space. The subject is the mechanisms, methods, and practices of legitimization of the political and social identity in the modern Montenegro. The authors note that after the collapse of Yugoslavia the policy of construction of a new sociality was taking place in the newly independent Balkan states in a similar way. Political and intellectual elites strived to break the ties with the past, rewrite history, and change the public consciousness. Similar processes also took place in Montenegro. The main vectors of structuring the ethno-regional identities became the underlining of the ethnic differences between the Serbs and Montenegrins, and creation of the “image of the enemy”. The article examines the ethnic, linguistic, religious and historical aspects of the socio-constructive activity of the political elites of the Montenegro. The social differentiation into Montenegrins and Serbs is only one of the aspects of the complicated ethnic composition of the country. The authors note that the role of the minorities in the construction of the ethno-regional identity of the modern Montenegro is not as evident as it is in the Serb-Montenegrin dichotomy, but the place in the formation of the modern political field of Montenegro is fairly weighty.
Ethno-regional identity, Montenegro, Political elite, Political identity, Region, Historical discourse, Ethnos, Regionalism, Post-Yugoslavian space, Balkans
Konstantinov M.S..
Imperial palingenesis: far-right ideologemes within the student environment (first article)
// Politics and Society.
2015. № 12.
P. 1670-1681.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2015.12.54492 URL:
This article presents certain preliminary results of the complex research on the far-right ideologemes within the consciousness of the student youth of the Rostov Oblast, conducted in 2015 by the scientific team led by S. P. Potseluev. The first part of the work is dedicated to the analysis of the rate of spreading of one of the two primary concepts of fascist ideology – palingenetic myth, within the student consciousness. The theoretical base of this research consists of the author’s concept of political ideologemes, developed upon the integrated linguistic and politico-philosophical notion of ideologeme (Mikhail Bakhtin, Fredric Jameson, and others); Michael Freeden’s concept-morphological approach, as well as Roger Griffin’s “corpuscular" web of far-right extremists are also used in the course of this research. The aforementioned theories were adjusted to the Russian political and sociocultural specificity. The research yielded specific data on the spread of far-right ideologemes within community, as well as on the ideas and values that can potentially develop into far-right ideologies. It is demonstrated that the imperial interpretation represents the sociocultural specificity of palingenetic myth on the consciousness of the youth of the Rostov Oblast.
right-wing radicalism, morphology of ideologies, concept, ideologeme, political ideologies, ultranationalism, fascism, youth, public conscience, sociological survey
Nemtsev I.A..
The Sustainable Development Strategy as an Integrating Core of the Eurasian Union
// Politics and Society.
2015. № 2.
P. 198-213.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2015.2.54345 URL:
In his article Nemtsev views the development of the consumer society in the post-soviet territories as a result of the influence of Western ideology of ‘overconsumption’. The author criticizes such ideology and the associated type of society. He examines other ideological concepts that could form the basis of Russian ideology (besides sustainable development) and concludes that they would have no prospects. The author also concludes that without ideology Russia would also fail as a state. The research subject of the article is the sustainable development as a common ideology of the Eurasian Union of Russia, Belorussia and Kazakhstan. Methodological basis of the research involves social and philosophical methods and principles. The aforesaid issues are studied on the basis of provisions and conclusions on the matter made by modern Russian and foreign researchers, authors and philosophers. Moreover, Nemtsev has used findings of sociological and statistical researches. He suggests that the paradigm of sustainable development should be the ‘core’ of the ideology of the Russian Federation and future Eurasian Union. He proves that it is important to develop such an ideology and describes the ideological concept. According to Nemtsev, the Sustainable Development Code should be introduced to implement the sustainable development strategies of the Eurasian Union. The author emphasizes on the implementation of the idea of sustainable development in the sphere of education to provide for the evolutionary transition of the society to a ‘sustainable’ lifestyle. Sustainable development is viewed as a system of better principles of the noospheric concept, socialism, Euriasianism and modern theories of the moneyless economy. Nemtsev also discusses the stages of establishing the sustainable development concept as a future state ideology.
consumer society, global processes, globalization, national idea, Eurasian Union, ideology, sustainable development, integration of post-soviet territories, geopolitics, custom union
Nemtsev, I.A..
The Sustainable Development Strategy as an Integrating Core of the Eurasian Union
// Politics and Society.
2015. № 1.
P. 91-106.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2015.1.54336 URL:
In his article Nemtsev views the development of the consumer society in the post-soviet territories
as a result of the influence of Western ideology of “overconsumption”. The author criticizes such
ideology and the associated type of society. He examines other ideological concepts that could form
the basis of Russian ideology (besides sustainable development) and concludes that they would have no
prospects. The author also concludes that without ideology Russia would also fail as a state. The research
subject of the article is the sustainable development as a common ideology of the Eurasian Union of Russia,
Belorussia and Kazakhstan. Methodological basis of the research involves social and philosophical
methods and principles. The aforesaid issues are studied on the basis of provisions and conclusions on the
matter made by modern Russian and foreign researchers, authors and philosophers. Moreover, Nemtsev
has used findings of sociological and statistical researches. He suggests that the paradigm of sustainable
development should be the “core” of the ideology of the Russian Federation and future Eurasian Union.
He proves that it is important to develop such an ideology and describes the ideological concept. According
to Nemtsev, the Sustainable Development Code should be introduced to implement the sustainable
development strategies of the Eurasian Union. The author emphasizes on the implementation of the idea
of sustainable development in the sphere of education to provide for the evolutionary transition of the society
to a “sustainable” lifestyle. Sustainable development is viewed as a system of better principles of the noospheric concept, socialism, Euriasianism and modern theories of the moneyless economy. Nemtsev
also discusses the stages of establishing the sustainable development concept as a future state ideology.
sustainable development, ideology, Eurasian Union, national idea, globalization, global processes, consumer society, integration of post-soviet territories, geopolitics, custom union.
Konstantinov, M. S..
Fascism: Operationalization of Features
// Politics and Society.
2014. № 11.
P. 1380-1389.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2014.11.54305 URL:
The purpose of the present work is to clarify, define and operationalize features of fascist
ideology for further social researches. To achieve this goal, the author addresses to classical researches
of fascism in works written by Roger Griffin, Stanley George Payne, Emilio Gentile, Alexander
Galkin, etc. According to the author of the article, the main problem when studying the aforesaid
topic is the absence of distinctive criteria for identification of this or that complex of ideas as a fascist
ideology. Eclectic and uncertain nature of right radicalism as well the combination of incompatible
ideas make it difficult to carry out concrete sociological researches of the potential social basis for
fascist movements. As the author assumes, the method of ideological morphology offered by a British
scientist Michael Freeden could have solved that problem. Based on the aforesaid approach, fascist
ideology has the two basic concepts (the idea of poast-crisis revolutionary revival and radical ultra
nationalism), closely related concepts (negative attitude to liberalism and conservatism, ‘creative
nihilism’, anti-elitism, holism, focus on action, masculinity, etc.) as well as peripheral concepts (the
cult of personality, leaderism, paramilitarism, etc.). Such a clear structure of fascist ideology allows
to operationalize concepts of fascist ideology for further social researches.
political ideology, morphology of ideologies, concept, ideologemes, right radicalism, fascism, ultra-nationalism, pubic movements, public consciousness, operationalization of terms.
Bagdasaryan, V.E..
Axiology of Russian in the perspective
of global development
// Politics and Society.
2014. № 7.
P. 837-854.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2014.7.54258 URL:
The article is devoted to the studies of fundamental values of the Russian way of development. The author
follows the link between value-oriented target-setting and formation of the state policy. It is proven that axiological
types of Russia and the West are principally different. The author offers materials showing degradation tendencies
in the development of the Western society. The author proposes a vision of value components, which may serve
as a foundation for a new ideological project of Russia. Analysis of the contents of main Russian ideological concepts
shows preservation of the single meaning paradigm. The only thing that has changed with time was political
language. In this respect one could speak of a uniform value project of Russia and its multiple historically specific
manifestations. The idea of unity of the humanity based upon the value platform of the “good” is key for it. The
study is based upon the axiological approach, which presupposes that according to the classic scheme the sequence
of implementation of state administration should be formed based upon the algorithm chain: establishing the values
– setting goals – identifi cation and solution of problems – achievement of a result. Before certain administrative decisions
are made there should be a desired value-oriented image of the state. The article also applies the approach
of quantity digitization of importance of various values in their defl ection in various social and cultural environments.
Historically the Russian statehood was based upon the civilization identity fundament. This fundament was
signifi cantly different from that of the state being of the Western states. Preservation of its own value fundamentals was a success factor for Russia, while departure from it had caused periods of crises and catastrophes. Several attempts
to reform Russia according to the Western standards always ended up in systemic failures. Another such try
is taken in the process of post-Soviet liberal reforms. However, it turned out to be impossible to form a new system
of life sustenance.
Axiology, values, state policy, civilizations, civilization reserve, ideological project, Russia, West, discourse, quantitative evaluation.
Nikolaev, I. V..
Verbal Symbols in the Structure
of Political Ideology
// Politics and Society.
2013. № 12.
P. 1499-1504.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2013.12.54168 URL:
Political ideologies that are usually aimed at reaching the highest level of electoral support have lost the
uniqueness of their concepts of the ideal political future. The modern ideological concepts have no clear definitions
and simply create the discursive background for political actions. Clear definitions are replaced with terms with an average
life span that are aimed at performance of mobilizing and integrating functions under the conditions of changing
political environment. The author of the article assumes that domination of such ‘verbal symbols’ lead to final degradation
of ideology as a stable system of world views and simplify it to a set of technological tools for maintaining
status quo or implementation of particular projects. The purpose of this research is to develop a theoretical model for
analyzing verbal political symbols which could be used in Russian political environment. Analysis of verbal political
symbols is based on the post-Marxian theory of discourse as introduced by Laclau and Chantal Mouffe as well as the
idea about Laswell’s ‘key symbols’. The research is aimed at attracting attention of Russian political analysts to the
theory of ‘verbal political symbols’ developed by American researchers. Being initially an ‘empty sign’, verbal symbol
acquires a meaning depending on the needs of the political environmentand therefore it is instable and constantly
changing. Ideology that is based on verbal symbols does not have a steady content and serves as a communication mobilizing
technology. Thetheoreticalmodel offered by the author of the article can be used in analysis of modern political
ideologies, election programs, discourse of political leaders and etc.
ideology, symbolization, verbal, political, symbol, environment, post-Marxian theory of discourse, empty signs, motto, stability, unity, Putin.
R.Y. Belkovich.
The institute of people’s militia in U.S. political tradition
// Politics and Society.
2013. № 5.
P. 553-562.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2013.5.54066 URL:
Resistance towards a centralized power is one
of the most prominent trends in the history of U.S. political
thought. The necessity for this resistance, however,
isn’t always promoted by the more “progressive”
and revolutionary schools of thought.The debate over
tyranny and civilian resistance is no less significant for
followers of the more conservative views on the society
and the state in the U.S.This research studies the
people’s militia movement (militia), the representatives
of which oppose the increase of central government’s
power, and support the classic republic tradition. The
ideology of the people’s militia is closely connected to
antique and medieval views of the individual and their
place in society’s political structure, which were left
behind in the modern liberal political discourse. Without
overstepping the borders of Constitution, the militia
supporters empathize on the lost social order, which
they think is still possible to rediscover. The militia
movement represents a deeply conservative layer of political
and cultural consciousness of the U.S.
Political science, militia, antifederalists, paleoconservatism, Constitution, rebellion, tyranny, USA, tradition