Iarkeev A.V..
The state and biopolitics: towards the origins of interrelation
// Politics and Society.
2021. № 3.
P. 39-47.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2021.3.36524 URL:
The subject of this research is the state as a biopolitical project founded on the principle of government intervention in life of the population. Leaning on the ideas and theoretical intentions of the “archeology of power”, economic and political anthropology, the author examines the genesis of the state from biopolitical perspective, proceeding from the hypothesis of the initial animalization of human presence pursuant to state power, which at breaking point, turns into biopolitical death machine, or thanatopolitics. In view of this, the author reveals the role of ancient state formations as the agents of forced “domestication” of the members of agricultural and cattle-raising societies based on the concentration of human resources and coercive labor as state-forming “technologies”, which allow producing surpluses appropriated by the power elites. The idea of pastoralist power, which emerged along with the first states, identifies subjects to a herd under wardship, treating them as a form of wealth similar to livestock. The main conclusion lies in explication of the biopolitical matrix of state administration, which identifies the subjects of the state with livestock, and the state territory with enclosed pasture. This leads to the parallels between cattle-raising and control over population, which paradigmatically determines the political modus operandi of state power that is implicit in the trajectory of its evolution up to the present day. At the threshold of “evolution” of such administrative paradigm emerge the modern radical topoi of the antihuman – the concentration camps (labor camps and death camps) organized by the model of cattle pens and slaughterhouses.
violence, territory, population, state, biopolitics, biopower, power, labour, rent, camp
Demetradze M.R..
The origins of conservatism in China’s political culture. Central zone of the traditional Confucian values
// Politics and Society.
2017. № 7.
P. 22-27.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.7.23214 URL:
This article is dedicated to the determination of sustainability of the traditional Confucian values in China. The meaning of the “Hundred Schools of Thought” along with the scholars, scribes, and Confucian academic elite is being highlighted. The traditional Confucian values are introduced as a central zone of social culture that plays a crucial role at the various stages of Chinese history, including the current political systems of the Capitalist and Communist China. The subject of this research is the traditional Confucian values, turning points of the middle XX century, division of the single country into two states, etc. The work applies the structural anthropological, politological, legal, and social methods. The scientific novelty consists in identification of the conceptual core of China’s culture, which had established under the impact of multiple religious movements: Buddhism, Taoism, Legalism, and Confucianism. They comprised the conceptual core of China’s intellectual capital, symbols of the public and state orders, intellectual networks, and centuries-long ties between the generations. Each school can manifest as a prototype of the political party, while their rivalry – as a confrontation of the political opponents and oppositional experimentalism.
Maoism, Taoism, Practice of sage ruling, Imperial examination , Hundred Schools of Thought, Cultural core, Conservatism, Confucian values, Central zone, Intellectual capital
Kim H..
Analysis of stateness of Kyrgyzstan using the Fragile States Index
// Politics and Society.
2017. № 6.
P. 60-70.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.6.23104 URL:
The goal of this article is the stateness of Kyrgyzstan at intrastate level within the framework of the Regional security complex theory of Barry Buzan. It claims that the binding ability of stateness is the fundamental condition of intrastate security, and the inadequate level of stateness usually shifts the state into the category of pre-modern, fragile, weal, and failed states. Among five countries of the Central Asia, Kyrgyzstan apparently is one of the most fragile, as evidenced by the serious of bloody conflicts that took place throughout the period of 1990-2010: Osh Riots in 1990, Tulip Revolution in 2005, and second Osh Riot in 2010 with the subsequent sedition. This article attempts to examine the level of stateness of Kyrgyzstan using the methods of qualitative and quantitative analysis. The data necessary for qualitative analysis is borrowed from the article “Fragile State Indexes. For qualitative analysis, the author applies the interpretation of discourses. The inner fragility of Kyrgyzstan is significant: the level of stateness has not been noticeably improved over the 10 years, and such factors as disagreements, activity of radical Islamists, and especially, clannish character of politics, decreased the level of Kyrgyzstan’s stateness. Being a country without a stable source of material wealth, institutional control, and strong ideological unity, it is necessary for Kyrgyzstan to improve the sociopolitical cohesion leaning on the economic development and stronger institutional control.
fragile state, domestic security, Central Asia, Fragile States Index, pos-tmodern, modern, pre-modern, stateness, Kyrgyzstan, legitimacy
Dudin P.N., Razhbadinov R.R..
Statehood of Mongolian nations of Inner Asia in 1920-1930's, located in the Soviet Union zone of influence
// Politics and Society.
2016. № 11.
P. 1521-1529.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2016.11.54646 URL:
The subject of research is the system of public authorities, as well as the constitutional development of the three political formations of Inner Asia, that were included in the so-called Soviet zone of influence in 1920-1930's: Mongolia (which later became the Mongolian People's Republic), Tannu-Tuva People's Republic and Buryatia (which later became the Buryat-Mongol Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic). In the period of 1921-1936, all of them were legally a part of the Soviet Russia and the USSR (BMASSR 1923, TTNR - since 1944), or the Republic of China (Mongolia / MPR - in 1911-1945). The object of the study is the system of higher and local authorities, their constitutional and legal consolidation, conditions of the statehood process, and circumstances that influenced its change. The study was conducted using the analysis of the Constitutions and other legal acts (decisions of public authorities), examination of the status, order of formation and powers of the public authorities, as well as identification of their common and distinct features. The author is the first to comprehensively explore the nature of all of the three sate-like formations of Mongolian language peoples of Inner Asia that were under Soviet control and influence. The study subjects to the detailed analysis the Basic Laws of Mongolia, Tuva and Buryatia, as well as compares the bodies of state authority in their historical retrospective. This demonstrates the degree of influence of the Soviet Russia upon the polities comprising the zone of its interests.
Mongolian peoples, Constitution, Public authority, Nation-sate building, Statehood, Buryat-Mongolian ASSR, Congress
Zanko T.A..
The Principles of Transformation of Federal Executive Bodies
// Politics and Society.
2015. № 9.
P. 1117-1121.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2015.9.54436 URL:
The article formulates and justifies the principles that should be applied to the transformations of the system and structure of federal executive bodies. Particular emphasis in the article is made on the need for legislative reinforcement of the system and structure of federal executive bodies and, therefore, the principles of their transformation. Thus, the principles of the transformation should become: legitimacy, federalism, centralisation and decentralisation, priority of the rights and freedoms of man and the citizen, democracy, transparency and openness, reasonableness, rationality, efficiency, resource prosperity, expediency, preservation of human capacity, legal succession, stability and integrity.
The study uses formal-legal, structural-functional and historical methods that give scientific basis for the principles of transformation of the system and structure of federal executive bodies.
The formulated principles should not just be proclaimed and formalised in legislation, they should also be applied comprehensively (due to their interconnectedness and interdependence), become a real direction for action during reforms, objectify the process of the transformation of the system and structure of federal executive bodies.
federalism, legitimacy, principles, executive branch, public administration, administrative reform, efficiency, ministry, agency, service
Maksimov, A. A..
Management at State Organizations as a Method
of Increasing Effi ciency of State Administration
// Politics and Society.
2014. № 6.
P. 659-667.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2014.6.54240 URL:
The subject under review of the present research article is the improvement of the management effi ciency at organizations
of the state sector through using different mechanisms of adopting methods and models from organizations of
the private sector of the economy. The author describes modern trends in choosing methods of increasing management effi
ciency such as human resource rotation in the state and private sectors of economics and provides a critical evaluation
of these methods. The author also views peculiarities of using the concept of the new public management as an alternative
to the traditional form of public administration and provides a critical evaluation of these methods as well. In his research
the author has used the following methods: the expert survey method, content analysis of documents and scientifi c
resources on the matter and secondary data analysis. The article also presents the results of the analysis of the methods
of improving effi ciency of public management that are of immediate interest under the conditions of the modern Russian
environment. The author also offers his own classifi cation of effi ciency improvement methods and carries out a critical
analysis of the results of implementing the new public management concept. At the end of the article the author concludes
about the need to apply the evolutionary approach to increasing the effi ciency of public administration.
Effi ciency, management, rotation, revolving door syndrome, management, new public administration, evolutionary, revolutionary, bureaucracy, neo-liberalism.
Gorelova, O. A..
The Problems of Taking Disciplinary Actions
Against Judges in Modern Legislation and Practice
of Judges’ Qualifi cations Board
// Politics and Society.
2014. № 2.
P. 190-196.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2014.2.54193 URL:
The article is devoted to the defi nition and description of forms of disciplinary liability as well as the most topical issues
related to the legal regulation of disciplinary liability of judges by modern legislation. The author of the article analyzes the foreign
experience in regulating forms of disciplinary liability to be applied. The author also studies the most nettlesome problems faced
by the judges’ qualifi cations boards when taking disciplinary actions against judges. The author also describes the opinion of the
International Commission of Jurists on the actual status of the Russian community of judges and the most important remarks of the
aforesaid Commission regarding the improvement of the legal system. In this regard the author also describes recent changes in
the Russian legislation. The author also provides the opinion of the Judicial Council of the Russian Federation against making any
alterations or changes in the legislation. According to the Judicial Council, the current legal regulation of taking disciplinary actions
against judges is more than enough. Based on the results of the research, the author defi nes the main directions of improvement
of the Russian legislation regulating disciplinary liability of judges taking into account the law-enforcement practice of the
judges’ qualifi cations boards. In particular, the author offers to specify the grounds for holding judges disciplinary liable, to specify
requirements applied to evidence of a disciplinary offence and to create individual boards as the part of the Judges’ Qualifi cations
Boards that would examine only cases of taking disciplinary actions against judges.
legal studies, judge, status, independence, disciplinary liability, qualifi cations boards, disciplinary proceedings, act (behavior), punishment, responsibilities.