Bochkina E.V..
A folk tale as a way of developing ideas about time and space as a subsystem of a holistic picture of the world of preschoolers
// Pedagogy and education.
2024. № 4.
P. 97-112.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2024.4.72287 EDN: YFKATQ URL:
The subject of the study is the concepts of time and space as a subsystem of a holistic picture of the world of preschoolers. The object of the study is the level of development of ideas about time and space as a subsystem of a holistic picture of the world of preschoolers. The purpose of the research is to develop ideas about time and space as a subsystem of a holistic picture of the world using fairy tales. This article is devoted to the study of the influence of purposeful activities based on fairy tales on the development of ideas about time and space as a subsystem of a holistic picture of the world. The first part of the article analyzes the psychological, pedagogical, philosophical and medical literature devoted to the problem of research. In the process of theoretical analysis, it was revealed that the picture of the world is considered as an integral pedagogical category, which reflects the degree of understanding of the world and the events taking place in it at the level of systematization and generalization of knowledge previously acquired by a person. The concepts of time and space are a subsystem of a holistic picture of the world. These ideas are among the first to develop in a child. For children of early and preschool age these ideas are unconscious. In order for them to become conscious, it is necessary to carry out their purposeful development. Based on the theoretical analysis, we have identified the methodological basis of our research and compiled its design. A complex of formative classes based on fairy tales was conducted with children of senior preschool age during one school year. The result of the conducted formative classes was the revealed effectiveness of formative classes in the experimental group. Children have become better able to navigate in time intervals and determine spatial directions. Ideas about the world have expanded. The ability to set and solve search tasks has appeared. This is justified by the fact that children from the experimental group increased the level of development of ideas about time and space as a subsystem of a holistic picture of the world by 30% and 25%, while in the control group these indicators increased by 5% and 4%, which is a minor change.
representations, preschool development, a holistic picture of the world, folklore, space, time, fairy tale, older preschoolers, preschool age, social time
Khasieva M.A..
Prospects for the development of educational computer games in the context of the theory of the "state of flow" by M. Csikszentmihalyi
// Pedagogy and education.
2024. № 3.
P. 16-26.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2024.3.71124 EDN: XDDSJH URL:
The subject of the study concerns one of the most significant problems of computer gamification of education – the question of criteria for the development and evaluation of educational computer games, including optimization of their game mechanics, game structure and forms of integration of players into their space, taking into account their specifics, goals and main educational purpose. The concept of "game flow", which originated in the gaming industry under the influence of the theory of the "state of flow" by M. Csikszentmihalyi, represents an original interpretation of the criteria of internal motivation of human activity and, as the goal of game design, assumes the achievement of the highest immersiveness of the game and the creation of space for the construction of meanings. The concept of game flow is widely used in modern trends in the development of educational games: the use of innovative game mechanics that complement and enrich the traditional and most common model of PBL gamification and allow achieving the greatest human involvement in the process of playing and learning is gaining great promise in them. The article uses a comprehensive methodological approach, including a descriptive method applied to various concepts of learning gamification and motivation theories, as well as a comparative and hermeneutic analysis of research on the development of educational computer games. The scientific novelty of the research is due to the correlation of the concept of game flow and the theory of the state of flow by M. Csikszentmihalyi with the main tasks of educational games and trends in their development. The conclusions of the article state that the development of virtual, augmented and mixed reality technologies, 3D visualization, and the improvement of computer graphics open up new prospects for the use of computer games in education, including in the humanities. Despite the fact that the issue of determining the prospects for the development of computer learning games is solved in modern pedagogy by studying the mechanisms of formation of internal motivation and involvement in learning, the theory of the "state of flow" by M. Csikszentmihalyi is of great interest in this sense. Optimization of the game mechanics of modern educational computer games is aimed at personalization, creating a space of free choice for the player and involves individual selection of the level of difficulty of tasks. These and other characteristics of game design can significantly improve the effectiveness of training.
Csikszentmihalyi, flow state concept, immersive learning, gamification of learning, game flow theory, game design of educational games, digitalization of the educational environment, video games in training, serious games, the concept of the game
Kuzmina A.S., Praizendorf E.S., Khummel' N.V., Kulagina D.A..
Self-awareness of Preschoolers Born from Multiple Pregnancies
// Pedagogy and education.
2023. № 3.
P. 153-168.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2023.3.34132 EDN: ZNEVUG URL:
The subject of the study is the self – awareness of a preschooler's personality. The purpose of the study is a comparative analysis of the structure of self – consciousness of preschoolers born from multiple pregnancies and single-born preschoolers who have and do not have siblings due to the influence of special evaluation factors. The authors conducted a comparative analysis of the self-consciousness of preschoolers in connection with the special social situation of development and the presence of siblings. The role of evaluative relationships in the development of self-awareness in preschool age is determined. Differences in the characteristics of self-consciousness of girls and boys of preschool age are revealed. Research methodology: cultural and historical approach (L.S. Vygotsky), concepts of self-consciousness of a preschool child (M.I. Lisina, V.E. Mukhina, R.H. Shakurov), the effect of twins R. Zazzo. The study involved 160 preschoolers, including 88 preschoolers born from multiple pregnancies, 72 single-born preschoolers. The existence of differences in the structure of self-consciousness of preschoolers born from multiple pregnancies and single-born preschoolers associated with the influence of special evaluative relationships within the social situation of development is theoretically substantiated and empirically proven. The main conclusions of the study are presented in the provisions. Preschoolers born from multiple pregnancies are characterized by a significantly lower level of self-esteem and self-acceptance in comparison with single-born preschoolers, which may be due to a special characteristic of the parent's evaluative relationships due to the social situation of development. For preschoolers born from multiple pregnancies, evaluative relationships of a parent of the same sex are significant for the formation of self-awareness.
Younger teens, Twin developmental situation, Self-assessment, Valuation relationships, Development, Social development situation, Preschoolers, Self-awareness, Upbringing, Personality
Naumov P.Y..
Psychological Features of Officer' Intelligence in Russian Fiction of the Second Half of the XVΙΙΙ Century (Part I)
// Pedagogy and education.
2023. № 3.
P. 169-186.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2023.3.38168 EDN: ZNSLDN URL:
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For a long time, military people have occupied a very special honorable and responsible place in society. To form a system of values of future officers is becoming an urgent task of professional military education, despite the fact that the most appropriate values and ideals of humanism and social responsibility is the system of values and meanings of the military intelligentsia. The article examines the domestic literary sources, which accumulate and present the psychological features of intelligence officer in Russian fiction. The object of the work is the images of the officers in the XVIII century Russian literature, which are the artistic precursors of images of military intellectuals in Russian literature of the XΙX century. The subject of the article ‒ psychological features of the designated artistic images of a military intellectual. The main methodological approaches are systemic, cultural-historical and literary psychologism. Theoretical, general logical and empirical methods are used as methods. It is noted that the psychological representation of the features inherent in the military intelligentsia in the literature is carried out in several basic forms: 1) a direct representation of characters "from the inside", that is, through artistic cognition of the inner world of the actors, expressed through internal speech, images of memory and imagination); 2) an indirect form, i.e. psychological analysis "from the outside", expressed in the psychological interpretation by the writer of expressive features of speech, speech behavior, mimic and others means of external manifestation of the psyche); 3) in a summative-denoting form ‒ with the help of naming, extremely brief designation of those processes that take place in the inner world. The main scientific results of the article include the identification of psychological traits of intelligence officer in Russian fiction, as well as their social functions. The article consists of two parts, in this case the first part of the work is presented.
literary images, psychological traits, military education, artistic creativity, psychologism, military service, intelligence, semantic formations, mediated samples, value
Starkin S.V., Pripisnova E.S..
Studying the Problems of Youth "Transitions" in European Countries
// Pedagogy and education.
2023. № 1.
P. 116-126.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2023.1.37564 EDN: LLJOPQ URL:
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This article analyzes the research on European youth policy. The subject of the study is the main trends, typology, and principles of functioning of youth "transitions" in European countries. The need to study the phenomenon of youth "transitions" is relevant and timely as today, there is no generally accepted view on the ways to study these processes. The methodological basis of the study was analysis and synthesis, as well as institutional, systemic, and comparative approaches. Based on the studied material, the authors conclude that when considering strategies for youth "transitions," it is necessary to consider several institutional areas, such as the type of socially-oriented state and the specifics of the transition from study to work. The interaction of these strategies provides different models of youth transitions. These studies highlight important interethnic differences depending on the modes of distribution of social assistance, types of capitalism, as well as growth strategies. Thus, we have considered various strategies for structuring the transition to adulthood: to explain the different models of youth "transitions," it is necessary to consider several institutional areas, such as the type of socially oriented state and the specifics of the transition from study to work. The interaction of these strategies gives different models of youth transitions. Although many European researchers argue that age policy is important in this regard due to the aging of society and the growth of "gray power," most of the works devoted to this issue actually refute the hypothesis of bias in favor of the elderly: these studies emphasize important interethnic differences depending on the modes of distribution of social assistance, types of capitalism, as well as growth strategies. As a result, we conclude that young people should be considered part of society as a whole, and, therefore, to understand how they move into adulthood, it is necessary to see the full institutional, political, and economic picture.
young people, social security, youth policy, youth transitions, European states, welfare state, typology of youth transitions, youth transition patterns, social citizenship, education system
Agienko M.I., Naumov A.A., Saltash D., Karpenko E.P..
Pedagogical resources for the formation of optimistic worldview among modern university students
// Pedagogy and education.
2022. № 1.
P. 52-67.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2022.1.35037 URL:
The relevance of this article is determined by the need to develop motivation to work and acquisition of knowledge among students in the current conditions of simplification of the mechanism for selection of the applicants to academic programs. The object of this research is the process of increasing students' motivation to learning in higher education institutions. The subject is the correlation between the pedagogical appraisal and the level of learning motivation of students. The goal lies in assessment of motivational potential of possible remarks of the pedagogue addressed to the student. The norm of motivational potential is considered the correspondence with the parameters of optimistic worldview. The method of conformity assessment assumes compliance with the parameters of optimistic attribution of life events described in the works of M. Seligman (personalization parameters/locus of control, stability/constancy, and generalization). The novelty lies in application of the method of forecasting the impact of various pedagogical remarks on the psychological state od a student, taking into account the attribution parameters characteristic to state of learned helplessness. The obtained results demonstrate the most common remarks of the pedagogue strengthen the pessimistic style of explaining the success and failures of students, namely students in the state of learned helplessness, and entail the low level of motivation to learning.
optimistic attribution, attributive style, optimism, learned helplessness, pedagogical suggestion, educational motivation, humanization of education, personalization, locus of control, generalization
Avakova O.V..
On the adaptation of foreign students
// Pedagogy and education.
2021. № 4.
P. 54-61.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2021.4.34876 URL:
Over the recent years, internationalization of the educational process draws heightened interests to foreign students, which in turn, entails a surge of research dedicated to the problems of their adaptation. The goal of this article lies in analyzing the cross-cultural adaptation of foreign students from non-CIS states who study in Russia. The subject of this article is the targeted work of the academic staff on the adaptation of foreign students. Methodological framework is comprised of the following approaches: individual, personality-oriented, activity-oriented, humanistic, and cross-cultural, which takes into account the ethnic and cultural-specific peculiarities of foreign students. The relevance of this topic is justified by the globalization trends of international educational space, as well as strategic tasks of the Russian higher education – stimulate the export of educational services, attract foreign students, and promote the integration of foreign specialists in the Russian job market. The scientific novelty lies in determination of the factors that either contribute to or obstruct the adaptation of foreign students in the Russian universities, as well as the agents of adaptation. On the example of Moscow State University of Technology "STANKIN", the author analyzes the peculiarities of adaptation process, as well as the factors that improve the living and learning conditions of foreign citizens in the new sociocultural environment, increase the level of multicultural interaction within the framework of the educational institution. It is established that the adaptation of foreign students depends on the psychophysiological, educational-cognitive, sociocultural and casual factors, which are closely interrelated. The problems faced by foreign students are associated with submerging to a new sociocultural and educational environment of the university; therefore, the process of their adaptation should be organized, targeted, and integrated.
language barrier, survey, problem, learning, socio-cultural environment, foreign student, adaptation, factor, methodology, culture
Stepanova O.S., Nikolaeva A.A..
The study of the nature of conflicts between parents and teachers in an educational organization.
// Pedagogy and education.
2020. № 4.
P. 1-17.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2020.4.30961 URL:
The contradictory problems of the relationship between teachers and parents, the specific nature of conflicts between teachers and parents in an educational organization are considered. The concept of "conflict" is revealed, the enumeration of the main reasons influencing the occurrence of conflicts between parents and teachers is given. In order to update the optimal methods of conflict resolution between parents and teachers, a study of the causes and nature of this type of conflict was conducted. Due to the humanization of the pedagogical approach in education, there has been an ambiguous trend in the development of the relationship between teachers and parents. The relevance of this study is that the education system in modern Russia has undergone and continues to undergo quite serious changes. The results of the study showed the relationship between the high level of conflict between the teacher and the nature of the conflict between him and the parents of students. In the system of teacher–parent relations, the personality of the teacher himself plays an important role. In order to study the degree of influence of the factors we identified on the nature of conflicts between parents and teachers, a study was conducted that included the use of several techniques. In conclusion, the conclusion and recommendations developed on the basis of the results of the study are presented to improve the communicative skills of teachers, in particular the ability to resolve conflict situations related to the educational process and specifically with the parents of students.
conflictogenicity, educational environment, parents, teacher, clash of interests, the level of conflict, the nature of the conflict, children, development, methods
Ivannikova M.V..
Training of the future technology teachers of Crimean Region for inclusive education
// Pedagogy and education.
2020. № 1.
P. 63-73.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2020.1.32133 URL:
The author explores one of the problems of modern school – absence of readiness of the teachers to work with children who demand special pedagogical attention due to medical reasons. Among the reasons of low professional competence of young teachers in this sphere, the author notes the lack of complex psychological, theoretical and practical training, as well as the opportunity to acquire experience at the stage of study. The subject of this research is the training process of future teachers of technology for working with handicapped or special needs children in the Crimean Region. The article substantiates the relevance of training the teachers of technology for working in the conditions of inclusion, formulated the requirements set for future pedagogues of technology in this regard; reveals the specifics of training in the Crimean Region. The novelty consists in systematization of integral approach towards preparation of future teachers of technology for inclusive education in Crimea, as well as suggestion of methods for motivation and overcoming psychological barriers and interaction children who have special need or health limitations through the volunteering activity.
practical, activity readiness, information readiness, professional activity, teachers of technology, special educational needs, children with disabilities, inclusive education, academic disciplines, volunteering
Panov V., Kaptsov A., Kolesnikova E..
Didactic and psychodidactic aspects of modeling of formation of agency of a university student
// Pedagogy and education.
2019. № 4.
P. 125-135.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2019.4.31093 URL:
The subject of this research is the regularity of stages of formation of agency of a university student from the perspective of ecopsychological (ontological) model (Panov, 2019). The goal of this work consists in determining didactic grounds for formation of the stages of agency and research of the results of the forming experiment with their application. The stages of formation of agency (subject of motivation, “Observer”, “Apprentice”, “Student”, “Critic”, “Master” and “Creator”) define the specificity of assimilation of learning actions by the individual. Under the modeling of stages (forming experiment), this work implies targeted influence upon separate stages of formation of agency using special psychological-pedagogical conditions for the purposes of their development. The principles of modeling are formulated from the perspective of psychodidactic approach in unison with general didactic principles applicable to the process of formation of competences of a university student. The experiment was conducted with participation of 210 people. The control group consisted of 150 people, and experiment group consisted of 60 people. The results of the experiment demonstrated changes in the indexes of separate stages of formation of agency. For the first time the changes in the structure of stages of formation of agency using calculations of coefficient of connectedness are being cited. The work determines the correlation between changes of stages of agency with personal values in various spheres of life. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that based on the empirical data this work demonstrates the possibility of inclusion of development of value sphere into the psychodidactic circumstances that ensure formation and passage of stages of agency of university students in accord with the ecopsychological model.
stages of formation of agency, development, psychodidactics, model, structure, personal values, connectivity coefficient, university student, agency, didactics
Stepanova O.S., Nikolaeva A.A..
Connection between sociometric status and playing habits of elementary school children
// Pedagogy and education.
2019. № 2.
P. 105-115.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2019.2.29152 URL:
The subject of the study is the connection between playing habits and sociometric status of elementary school students in the context of conflict prevention in children group. The author pays special attention to the comparative analysis of the results of sociometric research and results of elementary school children's playing habits research. In the article, the brief review of the results of sociometric status modern researches and the main characteristics of status groups is given. Special consideration is paid to the empirical research of elementary school children's playing habits.The methods of the study are Jacob L. Moreno's Sociometry in M. Bityanova's interpretation "Sociometric method in school practice", and a questionary, created by the author, aimed at detection of elementary school children's playing habits. The novelty of the study is due to the detection of the connection between sociometric status and playing habits for the selection of the most preferable role-playing games' plots, contributing to the development of sociometric status and conflict prevention in children group. Also, a necessity of the correction of the interpersonal relationship between elementary school children through the organization of non-competitive role-playing games, which creates an atmosphere of acceptance and reconciliation between conflicting children, is proved.
empathy, playing habits, roleplay, gaming technology, sociogram, sociometric status of the student, sociometric method, aggression, conflict, conflict prevention
Bochkarnikova E.G., Nikolaeva A.A., Savchenko I.A..
Peculiarities of Interpersonal Conflicts that Result from Deviant Behavior of Teenagers
// Pedagogy and education.
2018. № 4.
P. 104-110.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2018.4.27476 URL:
The subject of the research is the definition of conflict,in particular, the main peculiarities of the conflict that arise in social groups. The authors of the article have analyzed specific features of interpersonal conflicts that may happen in a social group and give a brief description of school students with deviant behavior as well as describe causes of interpersonal conflicts faced by teenagers. The authors have also carried out an empirical research of conflicts with deviant teenagers and have analyzed particular patterns of interpersonal relationships and behavior in a group of children who have never demonstrated deviant behavior, and in a group of children who have demonstrated deviant behavior. In this article the authors give a detailed description of the diagnostics process based on the Deviant Behavior Inventory of A. Oryol. Based on the results of the research, the authors state that school children who demonstrate deviant behavior do not have an adequate conflict pattern and have undeveloped skills of compromise and cooperation. At the same time, the authors discover that a conflict pattern of a teenager is mostly conditioned by his or her position within a social group, sociometric status and leadership skills.
group, gender distribution, sociometric study, Delinquent behavior, Self-destructive behavior, addictive behaviour, deviant behavior, interpersonal conflict, conflict, leadership potential
Stepanova O.S., Nikolaeva A.A., Savchenko I.A..
Role-Playing Game as the Means of Conflict Prevention for Primary School Students
// Pedagogy and education.
2018. № 4.
P. 111-121.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2018.4.27731 URL:
The authors of the article emphasize the need in role-playing games as efficient means of conflict prevention for primary school children. The authors provide the results of their empirical research when they used role-playing games as the means of teaching efficient conflict patterns to primary school students. The research was conducted at Romanovskaya School of Moscow and involved, on the one hand, primary school teachers (8 individuals), women of 35 - 55 years old; and on the other hand, primary school students (74 children) of 7 - 10 years old. The research methodology included the following concepts: psychoanalytical theory of conflict (Sigmund Freud, Adler, etc.), psychoanalytical theory of play (Sigmund Freud, Anna Freud, Melanie Klein, etc.), cognitive theory (Jean Piaget and his followers), and culture-historical concept of play. The research methods used by the authors include: interview of teachers, diagnostics of the conflict intensity of school students based on the 'Nonexistent Animal' drawing test (offered by M. Dukarevich) and 'Pictures' (offered by E. Smirnova and V. Kholmogorova). The research hypothesis is that role-playing games may serve as the means of conflict prevention and aggression reduction of primary school students provided that the following conditions are met: 1) it is necessary to prepare a complex program of play activities aimed at elimination of conflict behavior; 2. games will be held regularly; 3. the games should be chosen based on their psychological contents, all of them should be aimed at the reduction of the aggression level, development of the emphathy and cooperation and extension of a child's behavioral repertoire.
school, educational work, aggression, educational enviroment, conflict prevention, role-playing game, conflict, pupils, teacher, children
Subbotina S.N., Nikolaeva A.A., Savchenko I.A..
Conflict Behavior of School Students with Extra- and Intra-Punitive Response
// Pedagogy and education.
2018. № 4.
P. 122-130.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2018.4.27732 URL:
The object of the research is the school students with extra- and intra-punitive response. The subject of the research is the conflict behavior of school students with extra- and intra-punitive response. Frustration is quite an understudied topic which caused the authors' interest in the analysis of the influence of extra-punitive and intra-punitive response of teenagers on their behavior in conflict situations. The authors of the article focus on the connection between a frustration response and choice of conflict pattern chosen by a teenager. For this purpose, the authors conducted an empirical research at Romanovskaya School of Moscow. The research was based on the use of theoretical methods including theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the topic, generalisation and synthesis, and empirical methods such as tests and methods of statistical processing of data. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors discover peculiarities of conflict behavior demonstrated by school students with extra- and intra-punitive response. Based on the results of the research, the authors discover that students with extra-punitive response tend to selec less constructive solutions of conflict while students with intra-punitive response select more efficient and more constructive solutions of conflict situations.
study, situation, frustration, intra-punitive response, extra-punitive response, pupils, conflict behavior, conflict, response methods, features
Kostrigin A.A..
"In Our Pedagogically Directed Time": Psychological-Pedagogical Studies at J.A. Comenius Russian Pedagogical Institute in Prague
// Pedagogy and education.
2018. № 3.
P. 46-64.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2018.3.22753 URL:
The author of the article discusses the history of Russian emigre psychological community in the late XIX - early XX centuries. Classification of psychological directions in the Russian scientific abroad is given. Attention is focused on the psychological-pedagogical and pedological problems raised by Russian psychologists, teachers and philosophers who emigrated to Prague (Czechoslovakia), in particular, those who worked at J.A. Comenius Russian Pedagogical Institute. Such scientists as A.L. Bem, S.I. Gessen, V.V. Zenkovsky, I.I. Lapshin, V.M. Levitsky, N.O. Lossky, A.V. Makletsov, S.A. Ostrogorsky, S.O. Seropolko, G.Ya. Troshin, etc worked at the Institute. Academic programmes on some disciplines that are part of the range of psychological and pedagogical issues are discussed for the first time in the academic literature. The author focuses on the creative work of V.V. Zenkovsky and his scientific school in Prague. Representatives of this school are students who were taught by V.V. Zenkovsky. The subject of this research is the papers of the students of the Institute who majored in pedagogical and children's psychology (found in archival materials). The methods of the research are the analysis of products of activity (archival materials), source analysis and problemological analysis (psychological-pedagogical and pedological problems). The author's model of the structure of psychological science in the Russian abroad scientific community is proposed: speculative, introspective and experimental psychology. The papers of students on pedagogical and children's psychology are analyzed. The works make it possible to single out some directions of comprehension of the psychological-pedagogical and pedological problems: the study of the product of children's creativity and their application in the knowledge of the child's soul and pedagogy; the study of children's questions as a process of formation of thinking and speech; the personality of the educator and teacher, its influence on the development of the child's personality; children’s religiosity; children's speech; the mother's diary and its use in pedology; children's lies and the nature of the child. The author believes that the history of the Russian emigre psychological community is a promising field of scientific research.
scientific school, student studies, pedology, pedagogical psychology, Zenkovsky, Russian Pedagogical Institute, Russian abroad psychological community, history of psychology, structure of psychological science, academic programmes
Larin N.A..
The Relationship Between Cross-Cultural Competence and Emotional Burnout Syndrome of Teachers Working with Migrants
// Pedagogy and education.
2018. № 2.
P. 1-7.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2018.2.25515 URL:
This article is devoted to the description of the results of the author's research andn reveals particularities of the relationship between cross-cultural competence and emotional burnout syndrome of teachers working with migrants. The article contains a description of the phenomenon of burnout and cross-cultural competence of teachers. In his research Larin describes the results of his research that prove the relationship between the affective motivational component of cross-cultural competence of a teacher and the level of depersonalisation as well as the overall level of burnout. Within the framework of this research, the author carried out a survey that involved 64 teachers from 6 secondary schools. To analyze the level of emotional burnout, the author has used the MBI method. To analyze cross-cultural competence, the author has used an quick cross-cultural competence questionnaire offered by M. Chibisov, T. Ivanov, and M. Kornilov. At first sight, emotional burnout and cross-cultural competence of school teachers are two absolutely unrelated phenomena. However, a school teacher may have to work with migrant children which creates additional emotional stress. In its turn, this may affect the emotional state of a teacher and, as a consequence, the level of emotional burnout.
educator, students, human migration, intercultural competence, cross-cultural communication, déformation professionnelle, burnout, school teacher, stress, depersonalization
Chvyakin V.A., Kozilova L.V..
The Structure of Social Orientations of Contemporary High School Students as Value-Based Grounds for Their Moral Education
// Pedagogy and education.
2018. № 2.
P. 53-60.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2018.2.25676 URL:
The subject of the research is the social orientations of high school students. The authors of the article focus on discovering a set of social orientations taking into account their market, consumer, accumulative, receptive, hedonistic and professional-psychological motivation. Sociogenesis of personality is the process where social orientations take an important place. Social orientations are personality orientations that are formed at a teenage age. Such personality orientation is not always intended but for a high school student such life orientations are an individual value. The methodology of the research implies Erich Fromm's concept about social characters, Milton Rokeach' concept of human values, Dimitri Uznadze's theory of stereotypes, R. Lynton's and J. Meade's theory of social roles. The research methods used by the author include tests of social and psychological personality orientations in O. Potemkina's motivational-consumer sphere, and M. Rokeach' 'values' inventory. The conclusions are as follows: 1. High school students often demonstrate a professional psychological type of social orientation. 2. Except for professional-psychological, other orientations are non-constructive and are a consequence of the deficit of socialization as a result of unfavorable social development of high school students. 7 % and 14 % of school students demonstrated hedonistic motives that determined one's pursuance of pleasure (in accordance with the age). Consumer motives dominate in 15 % and 18 % respectively. 3. High school students have an expressed tendency towards the market type of personality self-fulfilment (20 %). This is proved by their desire to make their own money. It is the first time in the academic literature that the authors define the structure of social orientations of high school students taking into account their market, consumer, accumulative, receptive, hedonistic and professional psychological motivation.
Market social orientation, Accumulative social orientation, Consumer social orientation, Receptive social orientation, Social well-being of the family, Socialization, Senior, Social orientation, Hedonic orientation, Vocational guidance
Vasil'eva Y.S., Kolesnikova E., Khafiyatullina E.R..
Individual Personality Factors of Developing University Students' Bilingualism
// Pedagogy and education.
2018. № 2.
P. 8-21.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2018.2.26290 URL:
In this article the authors set a goal to define the relationship between the level of bilingualism and individual personality traits of University students. The object of the research is bilingualism as an indicator of academic success of University students in English combined with one's self-assessment of his or her actual and desired levels of the native and foreign language. The subject of the research is the best age for starting to study a foreign language and individual psychophysiological (peculiarities of brain interhemispheric relations) and psychological (personality traits and values, and intellectual abilities) features of University students. To diagnose the self-development competence the author has used a questionnaire and bilingualism competence as an indicator of academic success. To diagnose biological properties the authors have used an original method of motor screening, to diagnose personality traits the authors have used the Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF) of Raymond Cattell (Form C), to diagnose personal values they have used the AHL 4.2 method and to diagnose the general level of intellectual abilities the authors have used Raven's Progressive Matrices. The authors have carried out correlation and determinant analysis for a group of students with different interhemispheric connections and compared their physiological properties to their personality traits and values and academic success. The hypotheses made by the authors have been proved. The results demonstrate that bilingualism competence of University students has a psychological determination. The earlier the age when a child starts to learn a foreign language is, the higher his or her scores in foreign language tests are. Students with a dominating left hemisphere who received Cs for their English tests have a lesser level of compliance with rules and are more rigid and oppressive. Ambidextrous students are more conforming with the rules and usually need an average level of intellectual abilities to be successful in a foreign language. Right-brain students do not demonstrate any significant differences in their personality traits and values.
the formation, student of University, relationships, the examination estimation, personal qualities, differences, interhemispheric asymmetry, personal values, the competence of self-development, bilingvizm
Kuzmina A.S..
Transformation of Students' Self-Attitude Parameters at Different Stages of University Education
// Pedagogy and education.
2018. № 1.
P. 1-11.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2018.1.25574 URL:
The article is devoted to transformation of the substantive structure of students' self-attitude. This is a longitudinal kind of research. In her research proves the fact that the structure of students' self-attitude changes during their university education. She analyzes factor models of students' self-attitude during the first, second, third and fourth years of University. The aim of the research is to define particularities of transformation of students' self-attitude parameters at different stages of University education. The object of the research is the students' self-attitude. The subject of the research is the process of transformation of students' self-attitude parameters at different stages of their university education. The methodology of the research includes the activity approach offered to S. Rubnshtein, theory of relationships offered by V. Myasischev, and self-attitude concept of S. Pantileev and V. Stolin. Psychological tests include Self-Attitude Inventory by S. Pantileev and V. Stolin and Life Values Inventory by D. Leontiev adapted by T. Kryukova), Self-Actualization Test by Yu. Alyoshina, L. Gozman, M. Zagika and M. Kroz. The methods of mathematical statistics include analysis of means, single-factor analysis of variance, exploratory factor analysis (the method of principal components). The data were processed by using applied statistical data processing software SPSS 17.00. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author demonstrates how the substantive structure of students' self-attitude transforms during their university education. The main conclusions of the research: the structure of students' self-attitude from the first to the fourth university year is deined by the social situation and combined professional and moral education efforts.
training, transformation, meaning, self-actualization, personality, student, education, Self-relation, upbringing, way of life
Khoroshikh P.P., Gudkov Y.E., Lekhanova F.M..
Gender Approach to Classification of Folk Games
// Pedagogy and education.
2017. № 4.
P. 18-23.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2017.4.22221 URL:
The article is devoted to the role of gender component in the structure of national games. The author notes that the theory of gender is growing more important for pedagogical psychology and development of child's personality. It is important to take into account that ethnocultural and ethnopedagogical potential plays an important role in gender socialisation and influences the development of child's personality. According to the authors of the article, existing folk games may be classified taking into account gender approach that allows to define three potential groups: muscline, feminine, and androgyne. As an example, the authors analyze folk games of Southern Yakutia Evenks. Each of the folk game described by the authors relates to this or that gender group and develops particular personality traits of a child. The authors offer their own classification of folk games based on the gender approach which allows to expand the scope of folk game research. Gender aspect is one of important components in the general structure of national pedagogics and affects the development of child's personality and his or her general idea of what is 'man-like' or 'woman-like'.
national culture, game, folk games, evenks, androgenous, folk pedagogy, muscular, gender, education, traditions
Pecherskiy Y.I..
The Theoretical Basis for Resolving Professional Interpersonal Conflicts in the Process of Preparation of Bachelors of Education
// Pedagogy and education.
2017. № 2.
P. 96-103.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2017.2.23097 URL:
The subject of the present research is professional interpersonal conflicts arising in the process of teaching bachelors of education. The object of the research is the students of a teachers' training university teaching bachelors. The author of the article examines such aspects of the topic as the essence of professional interpersonal conflicts, and concepts of conflict solutions that may be used in the process of teaching students at a teachers' training univedrsity. The author analyzes theoretical bases and concepts of the resolution of professional and personal conflicts in the process of preparation of bachelors of education. In conclusion, the author offers to include theoretical and methodological components of professional interpersonal conflict management into curricula of bachelors of education. In his research Pechersky used the main theoretical methods of pedagogical research, in particular, theoretical analysis, inductive analysis and deductive analysis. The author's contribution to the topic is his analysis of theoretical and methodological components of the process of teaching bachelor students to resolve professional interpersonal conflicts. The conclusion is that the resolution of personal and professional conflict in the process of preparation of bachelors of education is of crucial importance, which determines one's flexible response to conflict situations. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author suggests to include theoretical and methodological components of professional interpersonal conflict management in the system of training of bachelors of education.
teacher, bachelors, teachers' training university, students, pedagogy, personal development, conflict, bachelor of education, education, professional interpersonal conflict
Khashchenko T.G..
Developing the Entrepreneurial Orientation of Personality in the Process of Professional Development at a University: Features of Psychological Support
// Pedagogy and education.
2016. № 3.
P. 281-295.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2016.3.68216 URL:
The subject of the research is features of psychological support of developing the entrepreneurial orientation in the process of professional development at a University. For this purpose, the author of the article analyzes structural components of the entrepreneurial orientation as a systemic personality construct which is the internal motivational basis of entrepreneurial activity manifested not only in choosing the business option of a professional career but also in consequences of this activity for the surrounding world (social, moral, legal, environmental, etc.). Special attention is paid to psychological mechanisms of developing the entrepreneurial orientation of personality in the process of professional development which should be considered in terms of psychological support. The methodological basis of research includes interdisciplinary approaches (L. Zhuravlev, T. D. Martsinkovskaya), systems approach (V. A. Barabanshchikov, B. F. Lomov, V. D. Shadrikov), psychosocial approach (K. A. Abulkhanova, M. I. Volovikova), ecopsychological approach (V. I. Panov), systems personality-developing approach (L. M. Mitina), and contextual approach (A. A. Verbitsky). In the course of this research the author has used both theoretical and empirical methods (including formative experiment), statistical treatment and analysis of the results (Mann-Whitney U-criterion, Sign test). The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author provides a description of developed and empirically verified theoretical model of entrepreneurial orientation as a systemic personality construct, explains the connection of this concept with the concepts of "personality orientation" and "professional orientation" , approach to the entrepreneurial orientation of the personality as a result of a complex interaction of processes of economic and professional self-determination, each of which requires specific means of psychological support. A special contribution is the description of psychological mechanisms of developing entrepreneurial orientation of the personality that were implemented in the author's psychological technologies which proved to be efficient in the process of the formative experiment. The article presents the author's validated diagnostic tools and describes the results of experimental approbation of the author's psychological technologies of developing the entrepreneurial orientation of the individual within the framework of psychological support.
professional self-determination, entrepreneurial orientation of personality, economic subjectness, psychological diagnostics, psychological mechanisms, psychological technologies, professional education, professional development of an individual, economic self-determination, psychological support
Rostovtseva M.V., Khokhrina Z.V., Goncharova T.M., Gudovskiy I.V..
The Problems of Social Adaptation in the Education System
// Pedagogy and education.
2016. № 2.
P. 186-191.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2016.2.68002 URL:
The authors of the present research suggest that we should view social adaptability as a specific relationship developed in the 'human-social environment' system but not as a feature of an object as it is traditionally defined. Based on the example of the education system, the authors analyze two conditions for developing adaptability: correspondence of goals, interests, traits of a student with targets of the education system; search for adequate methods of constructive information models for the purpose of building uncontroversial adaptive strategies that would be adequate to continuous changes in the social situation. This involves acquiring skills in processing information including contradictory information, and target-setting skills, determination and responsibiilty. The research article is based on the dialectical method and understanding human life-sustaining activity as a continuous chain of solutions of social and other contradictions. In addition, the authors have also used provisions of the systems and information approaches. They offer their definition of social adaptability as the relationship between personality and society aimed at solution of any contradictions that may appear between them. Social adaptability is viewed from the two points of view including the systems approach which allows to define criteria of social adaptability as correspondence of goals and targets of parties involved, and information approach connecting social adaptability with a student's intellectual ability to find fast solutions of difficult life situations.
education system, target setting, systems approach, information, adaptive value, information approach, contradiction, personality, social environment, adaptibility
Tylets V.G., Krasnyanskaya T.M..
System of Psychological Safety at a Higher Education Institute: Approaches and Conceptual Grounds
// Pedagogy and education.
2016. № 1.
P. 50-59.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2016.1.67688 URL:
The subject under research of the present article is the conceptual grounds for building the system of psychological safety at a higher education establishment. The article was written at the confluence of the psychology of education, psychology of personal safety and psychology of corporate safety. That allowed the authors to apply theoretical findings of the aforesaid branches of psychological knowledge to creating their own concepts. The authors provide a detailed description of the contents and structure of the key elements of the psychological safety system at a higher education institute. They emphasize the need to develop the main principles the psychological safety system can be based on at a University. Special attention is paid to interpretation of the terms introduced by the authors for analyzing the psychological safety system at a higher education establishment. In order to achieve the goals of the research, the authors have applied the methods of the theoretical analysis, generalization and systematization of the key phenomena as well as analysis of the possibility to apply such empirical methods as observation and survey. The scientific novelty ofthe research is caused by the fact that the authors describe the main components of psychological safety at a University such as social-psychological, reputation and anti-terrorist safety. For the first time in the academic literature the authors view University reputation safety in terms of anti-corruption and image-building stability. The results of the research allow to refer integrity, systematicity, consistency, noncontradiction, continuity and succession as the main principles for building the system of psychological safety at a higher education university.
psychological safety, safety system, safety measures, corporate safety, reputation safety, image safety, anti-corruption safety, social and psychological safety, safety threats, safety of a University
Khashchenko T.G..
Economic Subjectness as the Personality Predictor of Entrepreneurial Career Activity of Agricultural University Graduates
// Pedagogy and education.
2015. № 3.
P. 264-276.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2015.3.67121 URL:
The object of the given research is the economic subjectness as a partial manifestation of the subjectness phenomenon within economic space of human life activity. The subject of the research is the connection between the level of college graduates' economic subjectness and their economic activity in the matter of vocational choice including their preferences for the entrepreneurial type of their professional career. The relevance of the given research is, on the one hand, determined by the fact that the economic space of human life activity (including the sphere of professional occupation) is unstable and more complicated nowadays, and, on the other hand, by the fact that the phenomenon of economic subjectness of the individual as a determinant of their vocational and economic self-determination hasn't yet been studied sufficiently. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research is represented by the fundamental works on the problem of subjectness performed by Russian and foreign scientists, theoretical and empirical reseraches of the economic consciousness, phenomena of economic self-determination of an individual, their economic socialization, economic identity and subjective economic well-being, and theoretical and empirical data regarding the relation between economical self-determination and vocational (professional) self-determination of the individual. The research involved 402 agrarian college graduates (graduate students and graduates working in the agrarian sphere) who demonstrated a certain level of economic activity (entrepreneurs, hired workers of organizations and non-workers living in the country-side). For the analysis of the received results the nonparametric statistical techniques were used. The principal result of the reesarch lies within the theoretical and empirical justification of the connection between the level of economic subjectness of agrarian college graduates and their economic activity in the sphere of vocational choice including their preferences for the entrepreneurial career type in the agrarian sphere. The research is based on the author's interpretation of economic subjectness of an individual as a way of their performance in the economic space of human life activity and on the diagnostic tools validated by the author. The investigation is performed on the matter having a significant specificity but poorly represented in psychological research (agrarian sphere and agrarian education). Besides, theoretical conclusions and empirical data can be used in the educational practice of other branch-wise colleges and within the elaboration of psychotechnologies for supporting the formation of economical subjectness of the individual within the process of their professionalization, and also in scientific research devoted to economic behaviour of an individual and a group.
economic space of life, economic subjectness of personality, economic self-determination, professional self-determination, personal professional development, agricultural education, subjectness, psychological and pedagogical conditions, economic activity, entrepreneurship
Artyukhina M.S..
Intellectual Upbringing of Students in Terms of Interactive Teaching Technologies
// Pedagogy and education.
2014. № 4.
P. 42-50.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2014.4.66048 URL:
The research subject is the intellectual upbringing of students. The general goal of the intellectual
upbringing is the enrichment of students’ mental experience. Intellectual upbringing is performed through
developing the basic intellectual qualities such as the competency in one’s major and professional competency
in general, independent activity and self-regulation, creative activity and intellectual initiative and unique attitude of mind. Mental or ‘intellectual’ experience of a student is the ground for intellectual upbringing. The
main goal of intellectual upbringing is to help a student to build his own mental world through enrichment of
his individual mental or intellectual experience. In this article Artyukhina provides a review of psychological
and pedagogical researches as well as shares her own view on intellectual upbringing of school and university
students. Artyukhina suggests that we should extend the list of the basic intellectual qualities and focus on high
school students. She also suggests to use interactive teaching technologies for intellectual upbringing of school
students because as the psychological ground of intellectual upbringing, mental or intellectual experience is
the key source of interactive teaching technologies.
intelligence, intellectual upbringing, intellectual qualities, experience, mental experience, interactive teaching, interaction, dialogue, competence, activity.
Rodin, K. S..
The Father Figure in a Son’s Life
// Pedagogy and education.
2014. № 1.
P. 63-75.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2014.1.65200 URL:
The institution of the fatherhood has been constantly transforming along with the socio-cultural changes.
Today we are witnessing traditional patriarchal principles being transformed under the influence of matriarchy. This
has been reflected not only in social transformations but also in reviewing gender roles. A modern man is influenced by
internal conflicts that make his position quite insecure. Analyzing the relations between a father and a son, the author
of the present research article does not only prove the failure of the traditional model of up-bringing but also reveals the
most profound significance of the father figure. Choosing myth as the starting point and comparing obtained data with
the historical and cultural changes, the author traces back the regular patterns in the formation of the father image
which allows to define the regular aspects of the fatherhood influencing a child’s mind. Obtained data are corroborated
by clinical material. Difficulties of father-and-son relations illustrate the dramatic nature of the traditional model of
up-bringing rooted in the depths of our unconsciousness. The complex research also allows to show the significance of
not only a biological father in a son’s life but also a symbolic father disregarding their gender. Viewing personality in
particular and the institution of the family and society in general, the author demonstrates the constant struggle of
archetypes underlying that their productive activity is possible only when they are in balance.
father, mother, son, myth, archetype, family, society, psychoanalysis, teaching, culture.
Novichkova, G. A..
Erich Fromm’s Ideas on Educational Anthropology
// Pedagogy and education.
2012. № 3.
P. 57-68.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2012.3.61429 URL:
In his creative work Erich Fromm paid much attention at the problems of educational anthropology. In particular,
he set a goal for philosophers to create a new Human who builds the society based on principles of humanism
and freedom. To achieve the above mentioned goal, philosophers can use so called humanistic pedagogy which can
humanize the personal, inner world of a person, his concepts of the Good and Evil as well as expand his ideals and make
a person better and more self-sufficient which would certainly benefit both a person himself and other people as well.
pedagogy, educational anthropology, human, society, up-bringing, education, activity, to be, to have, interest, concentration.
Gurevich, P. S..
Human of the Modern Times
// Pedagogy and education.
2012. № 1.
P. 30-35.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2012.1.59327 URL:
The 17th century does not have any specific designation in the history of philosophy. Unlike the preceding
epoch of Renaissance as well as the next epoch — Enlightenment — the 17th century does not have any specific title
and looks as if it were dissolve in the general panorama of the new times. However, that century is completely different
from all the others because it has a specific mentality. The 17th century gave us a special culture and remarkable
mental outlook.
philosophy, rationalism, Age of Reason, human, character, passions, affects, personality, human nature.