Chik S..
Peculiarities of parental education in Russia (USSR) (1980s to present time): historical and pedagogical analysis
// Pedagogy and education.
2025. № 1.
P. 29-45.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2025.1.73283 EDN: IRAKPX URL:
The subject of the research is the pedagogical education of parents in Russia (USSR) (1980s to present time). The purpose of the article is to present in chronological order the main pedagogically significant events and facts, to identify key ideas and features of the implementation of pedagogical education of parents in different periods. There are three periods of parents education: the Soviet (from the 1980s to 1991), the post–Soviet (1992 - the end of the 2010s) and the modern (the end of 2010 to the present time). It is shown that the pedagogical education of parents in Russia has evolved from pedagogical universal education, popularization of Westernization, opposition to Westernization and traditional approaches, to familiarization with traditional Russian spiritual and moral values. Research methods: theoretical analysis of sources, comparative analysis, generalization. Research sources: normative legal acts in the field of education, upbringing, and the development of family relations, the works of teachers, psychologists, and publicists, the journal for parents "Family and School." During the Soviet period, official pedagogical universal education with a formal approach and party postulates, and separate practices based on Western ideas (attention to the feelings of the parent and positive child-parent communication) coexisted. The specific psychological and pedagogical knowledge needed by the parent did not fit well with the communist ideology. Testing and adapting Western ideas to the Soviet reality was difficult. In the post-Soviet period, educational programs implemented in schools and social protection institutions rely mainly on a traditional approach with a passive and often indifferent parent, but influencing the child. Western practices have not been fully understood and accepted by educators and psychologists. The modern period is characterized by the development of unified methodological and substantive approaches: the All-Russian conferences on family education and parental education "School of Gifted Parents" are held annually, the All-Russian competition of best practices in parental education, a project is being implemented in all regions of Russia to provide psychological, pedagogical, methodological and counseling services to parents, university psychological services are being created that provide psychological education of parents. Information and methodological support are being created, unified education programs for parents and specialists are being developed.
a unified approach, education programs, traditional values, the traditional approach, Westernization, parental universal education, educating parents, Soviet practices, the role of the media, self-education of parents
Chik S..
Pedagogical education of parents in the USSR (ser. 1950s - 1980s): author's approaches and party work
// Pedagogy and education.
2024. № 3.
P. 39-56.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2024.3.71657 EDN: EJFSMV URL:
The subject of the research is the study of the pedagogical education of parents in the USSR (ser. 1950s – 1980s). It is argued that the author's approaches and party work coexisted in the pedagogical education of parents. The author's approaches were based on a humanistic attitude towards parents and partial independence from the state and ideology. Party work with parents was dictated by the state and determined by communist ideology. Historical and pedagogical analysis makes it possible to detect positive and negative moments of the past, to identify significant aspects for modern practices. The author's approaches and party work are analyzed in detail. The author's works are represented by the activities of the parent university at Moscow State University (V.N. Ivanov, D.B. Elkonin, N.F. Talyzina and others), the works of L.V. Pisareva, V.A. Sukhomlinsky, S.A. Amonashvili, B.P. and L.A. Nikitins, S.L. Soloveitchik, V.E. Khrapov. Party work includes: staff training at Parents' universities, the main areas of work (the parents' committee at school and the council for family and school assistance at work). The main research methods are the study and analysis of normative legal acts in the field of education, upbringing, development of family relations, the works of teachers, psychologists, the magazine for parents "Family and School". The novelty of the study lies in the fact that the holistic practices of educating parents in the USSR are described. The liberalization of all aspects of the country's life has raised hopes, including for improving the life of the family. The pedagogical education of parents was seen as a solution to the problems of family problems. Author's approaches to educating parents appeared, while party work with parents developed at the same time. It is shown that the author's approaches address various aspects of education related to the needs and interests of parents; that the party work was conducted centrally and ignored the opinion of parents. It was characterized by formalism, boredom, petty control, alienation of parents from the education system, and devaluation of author's approaches. The professional activity of teachers was replaced by public influence, family assistance and understanding of the causes of problematic behavior of parents – public condemnation, repressive measures against parents and children.
The Parents' Committee, The Parent's University, the public, party work, author's approaches, parental comprehensive education, pedagogical propaganda, educating parents, The Council of Assistance, education programs
Chik S..
The ideologization of pedagogical education of parents in the USSR (1930s – mid-1950s): historical and pedagogical analysis.
// Pedagogy and education.
2024. № 2.
P. 26-36.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2024.2.70233 EDN: CQWLEI URL:
The subject of the research is the study of the ideologization of pedagogical education of parents in the USSR (1930s – mid – 1950s). It is argued that family life was subordinated to the institutions of power: education of children in the spirit of communism. Ideologization led to the saturation of the transmitted information with certain material showing the advantage of the Soviet government: a new happy world, a Soviet family, the upbringing of a new person, Soviet pedagogy. The historical and pedagogical analysis makes it possible to identify the peculiarities of the education of parents in the conditions of totalitarianism, to highlight the dangers of the ideologization of education. The author analyzes in detail the books for parents by A.S. Makarenko, M.V. Sarycheva, K.A. Arkin and others. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the nature of work with the family. The following forms of pedagogical education of parents are highlighted: work at school, at the place of residence, parent universities. The main research methods are the study and analysis of normative legal acts in the field of education, upbringing, development of family relations, the works of teachers, psychologists, the magazine "Family and School", books for parents. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that the education of parents is considered in the context of ideological influence. It is shown that in the conditions of a totalitarian regime, in the absence of empirical studies of parenthood, the isolation of the country, the education of parents was ideologized. The ideal family was represented by an economic team with a regime, order, and unquestioning discipline. The forms of work with the family were at the same time the control over the behavior of the family. Ideologization assumed the upbringing of conscious discipline in children and was supposed to develop "correct" parenting techniques from parents and stimulate the ideological growth of the parents themselves, allowing them to counteract Western influences and educate children with the highest qualities necessary in the construction of communism. The result of the ideologization of parents' education was the spread of disrespect for the child, increased authoritarianism of parents, ignoring feelings, and disruption of communication between parents and children.
the ideological growth of a parent, education of higher qualities, obedience, fostering conscious discipline, family and school, working with family, parent universities, pedagogical propaganda, educating parents, the ideologization of the Enlightenment
Skorokhodova S.I..
Vladyka Nestor as a spiritual mentor and educator of the Russian emigration in Manchuria
// Pedagogy and education.
2023. № 2.
P. 48-58.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2023.2.40594 EDN: TMDUNT URL:
The author attempts to present Nestor (Anisimov), the recognized spiritual leader of the Far Eastern branch of the Russian emigration, as a religious philosopher whose work grows from the depths of Russian culture. It is argued that philosophy is not present in the legacy of Vladyka in its "pure form", but is dissolved in the living tissue of his works. It is noted that the language of the archpastor is peculiar and differs in emotional expressiveness, semantic saturation, symbolic imagery. The main themes of his work related to the fate of Russia, Orthodox-patriotic enlightenment, the national question, and the Russian idea are identified and disclosed. The methods used in the course of the study are hermeneutic, source studies, historical, comparative. It is proved that the ideal in Nestor's political ontology is theocracy, in which the realization of Russia's historical mission as a peacemaker-mediator between the West and the East is possible. It is shown that the eschatology of salvation dominated in the legacy of Nestor over apocalyptic moods, since the bishop believed in the revival of his Fatherland through national unity and conciliar purification from enmity, leading to the division of the Russian world. The author of the article concludes that the religious and philosophical views of the archpastor not only influenced his contemporaries, but are relevant for Russia at the present time, which requires spiritual renewal.
symbolic imagery, Nestor, Russian philosophy, Manchuria, Harbin, Russian emigration, enlightenment, Holy Russia, national unity, Russian world
Skorokhodova S.I..
The bridge above the steep: on the fate of spiritual heritage of the white émigré in modern Russia
// Pedagogy and education.
2022. № 1.
P. 18-30.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2022.1.37317 URL:
The article is dedicates to the problem of spiritual continuity of generations, the solution of which allows extrapolating our future. It is claimed that the descendants of white émigré are a thin bridge across the historical rift that separates us from the prerevolutionary Russia, the objective markers that are not deformed by the “new incubatory ideology”. The author reveals the spiritual grounds of the life of the Eastern Russian diaspora in different historical periods based on communication with M. P. Taut, a former repatriate from Harbin, involving the documents from her personal archive, publications from journals and newspapers published by the descendants of white émigré at the present time. The key research principle lies in reference to the historical sources. It is substantiated that the restoration of intergenerational link prompts the progress in terms of preservation of the centuries-old values of the Russian civilization and openness to the technological modernization of the XXI century. The author believes that in the era of the oncoming Western globalism, which threatens the national identity and historical integrity of Russia, it is crucial to build the own path of development, adopting the experience of survival and spiritual heritage of the Russian world abroad. The conclusion is made on the need for active study of the documents from the personal archives of the descendants of repatriates, as they are the reservoir of life experience and the source of national self-cognition.
national identity, Eastern Abroad, Russian world, spiritual code, Orthodoxy, emigration, education, Taut, historical memory, Harbin
Polushkin V.A..
Popularization of the scientific method of cognition as a mechanism for countering information manipulations in mass media
// Pedagogy and education.
2021. № 3.
P. 26-37.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2021.3.36274 URL:
The subject of this research is the activity aimed at popularization of the scientific method of cognition as a mechanism for increasing the degree of information security of society and citizens in the conditions of transformation of media space under the influence of modern information technologies. The goal of this article is to reveal the potential of popularization of the scientific method of cognition as a mechanism for countering information manipulations, distortion of information, and distribution of quasi-scientific or pseudoscientific theories and concepts. The key problem of this research lies in determining possible restrictions of popularization of the scientific method of cognition to achieve the indicated goals, as well as in seeking ways to optimize the popularization of the scientific method of cognition for countering information manipulations and ensuring information security. The scientific novelty consists in substantiation of the effectiveness of using scientific and educational activity of the Russian media as an intelligent humanistic technology that may improve the culture of personal information security. Both education and the culture of thinking are viewed as intelligent technologies that to critically comprehend the interpretation of facts covered by mass media. Unlike other similar research on the topic, emphasis is placed on the potential of popularization of the scientific method of cognition, rather than scientific knowledge on particular questions. The conclusion is made that popularization of the scientific method of cognition influences the behavioral model of the participants of mass communication, providing them with scientific tools for independent problematization of data messages, determination of manipulations, and formation of objective rational position on the general issues of information agenda.
scientific method, popularization of science, pseudoscientific knowledge, pseudoscience, mythologizing of science, information manipulation, mass media, agnotology, universalism, abstractness
Sevostyanova E..
The key vectors of implementation of public initiatives in the area of extracurricular education of children in Eastern Siberia in the last quarter of the XIX – early XX centuries
// Pedagogy and education.
2021. № 2.
P. 54-76.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2021.2.32636 URL:
This article is dedicated to examination of public participation in the formation and development of extracurricular education of children in Eastern Siberia. The relevance of this research is substantiated by the importance of public sociocultural initiatives in modern Russia. The author highlights the key vectors of public innovation sociocultural activity, which included environmental education, organization of reading events and libraries for children, staging of performances, literary and musical mornings, physical education and play activities. Within the framework of these directions, the author determines their popularity, dynamics and interpretation of goals by the actors of sociocultural activity. Extracurricular education was intended for all population groups, and opened new dimensions for social interaction not only for children, but for parents as well. The research is based on the comparative methodology, and methodological ideas of V. A. Glazychev on the interpretation of city as a sociocultural phenomenon and the ability of urban community to create and maintain the conditions for its development through the efforts of all residents with the leading role of mobile innovation minority. In Eastern Siberia, the development of extracurricular educational work generally corresponded with the nationwide, but at a slower pace and smaller scale. The conclusion is made that in the provincial cities, the intelligentsia led moderate, although considerable activity on the development of applied problems of pedagogy, orienting towards the needs of a child. Overall, innovation social activity expanded the “geography of childhood” of the children involved. The public initiative filled the gap in the state system of extracurricular education and evolved to the creation of multifunctional recreation and educational centers for children.
Libraries for children, socialize, playgrounds, cultural and educational societies, folk readings for children, children's performances, extracurricular education, Рublic initiative, environmental education, the geography of childhood
Skorokhodova S.I..
On the role of national education in formation of identity
// Pedagogy and education.
2020. № 4.
P. 62-74.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2020.4.33091 URL:
The object of this research is national education, viewed on the example of educational system of white émigré during the 1920s – 1940s. The article is dedicated to topical questions of national education related to ideological orientation of pedagogy, role of philosophy and religious education, concept and content of Russian Orthodox pedagogy, relevance of the spiritual heritage of the Slavophiles, etc. The author draws parallels between the post-revolutionary and post-Soviet emigration, determines the origins, objectives and mechanisms that existed within the system of education of Russian refugees during the 1920s – 1940s. The author reveals the fundamental religious and philosophical ideas that underlied the emigrant education. The succession between the philosophical and pedagogical ideas of Slavophiles and Russian thinkers who left Russia after the revolution is demonstrated. The conclusion is made that the educational system of white émigré in the West and the East in the 1920s – 1940s leant on the national traditions and history; it was oriented towards preservation of national identity and historical memory, and associated with the question of survival; it was based on the ideas of Russian religious philosophy, which comprised the ideological framework and included political component. It had impact upon the culture of other nations, and resulted in the fact that many immigrants actively fought against fascists during the Great Patriotic War.
civilizational code of development, Russian identity, historical memory, Russian philosophy, Ipatiev school, religious pedagogy, Orthodox education, Russian emigration, national enlighten, Russian world
Ostapenko I.A..
To the question of formation of cultural-educational space of a university (based on experience of the Azov-Black Sea Engineering Institute)
// Pedagogy and education.
2020. № 4.
P. 18-29.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2020.4.34159 URL:
The object of this research is the cultural-educational space, while the subject is the structure and components of cultural-educational space of a modern University based on the example of Azov-Black Sea Engineering Institute. The author understands cultural-educational space as an organized in a specific way sociocultural and pedagogical environment aimed at stimulation of the development and personal growth of each individual therein. Emphasis is made on the importance of formation and development of cultural-educational environment by each university as a condition for successful teaching of students and their full integration into the cultural community. The scientific novelty of this work consists in raising a question on the principles of finding optimal components of cultural-educational space of modern university; as the basic principle, the author advances the principle of close connection between the components of cultural-educational space. It is established that the elements of cultural-educational space is the physical space of the university, curriculum, educational techniques, methods, forms and means of teaching and learning, cultural situation, students self-governance, sphere of professional self-determination, personal fulfillment, sports and recreation activities, volunteer work, leisure, Internet component of cultural-educational space, etc. The obtained results can be used by different universities in formation of their own cultural-educational space that influences the performance of the university. It is concluded that the systemically organized components of cultural-educational space interact with each other and produce comprehensive impact upon personality of a student.
cultural situation, educational technologies, educational content, cultural and educational space, higher educational institution, education, culture, student self-government, student personality, personality self-development
Bleykh N.O..
Educational Concept of Georgy Baev (1860 – 1939), Prominent Ossetian Politician and the First Mayor of Vladikavkaz
// Pedagogy and education.
2016. № 2.
P. 152-158.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2016.2.67998 URL:
The subject of the study is the educational activity of the head of the city administration Georgy Baev whose activities have been ambiguously taken by the academic community until recently, more with the negative label of "the enemy of the Soviet government". However, while his public and political activitywas exposed by Caucasian historiographers rather well, his educational activities has been given far less attention. In this article the author tries to get rid of stereotypes that have been prevailing in science for many decades. It is time to redeem the good name to the aforesaid Ossetian activist and with good reason call him a distinguished son of Ossetia of his era, the first Ossetian economist, politician, publisher, folklorist as well as a fervent guardian of public education. The researcher has used the method of study and theoretical analysis of archival materials, scientific and literary sources. Analysis of Baev's journalistic materials on the history and didactics of the Ossetian school has allowed the author to make a conclusion about the progressive value of the ideas they put forward (humanization and democratization of school education, support of school education at the state level, continuous learning, transforming of school into the center of studies and educational work, development of the network of primary, secondary and higher institutions, etc.), which are still topical and can be used in modern education. The example of Georgy Baev's activities can teach the youth to love and respect their homeland, the place where they were born and live.
critic, literary critic, the city of Vladikavkaz, the first mayor, Ossetian leader, educational concept, Georgy Baev, educator, folklorist, North Ossetia
Pustovoytov Yu.L..
Developing Schoolchildren’s Speech Culture in the Epoch of Telecommunication
// Pedagogy and education.
2015. № 1.
P. 19-27.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2015.1.66323 URL:
The article is dedicated to problems of schoolchildren’s speech culture and its development in the context of telecommunication. The author analyses traditional definitions of 'speech culture' both from a purely linguistic point of view and psychological positions as well as schoolchildren's speech development as a pedagogical problem. Particular attention is paid to viewing communication on the Internet as a written discourse and its influence on schoolchildren’s speech culture. The research method used by the author is the analysis of classical sources and teaching practice at school as well as comparing obtained data with characteristics of the discourse on the Internet and peculiarities of its functioning. The novelty of the article consists in viewing classical postulates about speech culture from the point of view of the present reality. The main author’s conclusions are the following. 1) Written communication on the Internet is quite specific and cannot be viewed only by means of theories elaborated long before its appearance. 2) Work on schoolchildren’s speech development should proceed considering reality in which they will live when they grow up. This is why attention should be paid to not only traditional textbooks of written speech but also to the written discourse realized by means of telecommunication techhnologies.
discourse, culture, schoolchildren, text, telecommunication, communication, speech, norn, anglicism, Internet
Zvonova, E. E..
Metaphysics of Human in Alexander Chizhevsky’s Scientific Works
// Pedagogy and education.
2014. № 1.
P. 10-21.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2014.1.65196 URL:
The subject under review of the present research article is Chizhevsky’s philosophical and anthropological
views that are both presented in his researches and resulting from the latter. Much attention is paid not only to the
general description of Alexander Chizhevsky’s work and reconstruction of Alexander Chizhevsky’s philosophical concept
of human but also to touching upon questions that may arise in understanding these theories. Philosophical and
anthropological views of Alexander Chizhevsky are studied taking into account the fact that his scientiic research was
conducted according to the tradition of the Russian cosmism. This allows to demonstrate how the ideas of ‘Leonardo
da Vinci of the 20th century’ contribute to the particular philosophical tradition as well as to describe their singularity.
The following methods were used in the research: analysis of text- based sources (including materials from the funds of
the 1703 Archive of the Academy of Sciences of the Russian Federation), comparison, analysis, synthesis, induction and
deduction, classiication, generalization and historical method. The scientiic novelty of the research is in reconstruction
of Chizhevsky’s philosophical and anthropological views presented in his works as well as pointing out the problems and
contradictions of these views. Based on the statement that Alexander Chizhevsky’s metaphysical concept of human is
the part of his world view, the latter influencing Chizhevksy’s creative work in general, the author emphasizes the need
for studying Chizhevsky’s metaphysical views in order to adequately evaluate and describe the heuristic potential of the
cultural heritage of Leonardo da Vinci of the 20th century’.
Chizhevsky, science, philosophy, cosmism, philosophical anthropology, determinism, holism, heliocentricism, telepathy, evolution.
Chernov, S. V..
Unique Companion of Enlightenment: Experience in Researching Creative Legacy of Mikhail Lomonosov
// Pedagogy and education.
2013. № 3.
P. 202-224.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2013.3.63733 URL:
Studying the chronology of Lomonosov’s creative activity, we can see that he could easily go from chemistry
researches to studying ancient Russian history, from physical experiments to creating projects of scientific
expeditions, from the project of creating the first university in Russia or re-organization of St. Petersburg Academy
of Sciences to writing poems. At the same time when Lomonosov worked on mosaic art in his chemical laboratory,
he also wrote the Ancient Russian History and Russian Grammar, studied the problem of atmospheric electricity
together with the professor Richter, corresponded with a foreign scientist, wrote and defended his numerous theses.
The author bases his studies of Mikhail Lomonosov’s creative legacy on the idea of human genius. The latter was
developed by the author on the basis of issues studied in philosophical anthropology. The results of the research very
well show that all scientific, literary and social activities performed by Mikhail Lomonosov was aimed at building
the path the Russian science and Russian Enlightenment followed later. Due to Lomonosov the Russian language
gained not only national but also world significance and Lomonosov laid the foundation for the Russian language
taking the rightful place in the all human spiritual culture. Lomonosov’s pedagogical ideas are presented not only
in his works in the humanities, but also in science and even poetry. Lomonosov supported young talented Russian
scientists and teachers. These facts show that the problem of teaching and up-brining of youth and children were
one of the major matters in Lomonosov’s creative work.
mission of Lomonosov’s genius, Russian Enlightenment, the Russian language, Lomonosov’s scientific method, curious researcher, keen philosopher, Lomonosov’s teaching ideals, the problem of teaching excellence, up-bringing, labor.
Kristol, I..
Countercultures (Translated by Sultanova, M. A.)
// Pedagogy and education.
2012. № 4.
P. 39-46.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2012.4.61985 URL:
The main difficulty in understanding of counterculture is that our usual analysis methods including social,
political, scientific methods and surveys turn out to be useless in this situation. We search for the reasons creating countercultures and cannot find them or discover such a great number of reasons that it makes impossible even the
slightest attempt to conduct the cause-and-consequence analysis.
pedagogy, counterculture, conservatism, liberalism, culture, humanism, society, art, church, Orthodoxy.
Picard, L..
Victorian London. Education (translated by Kulagina-Yartseva, V. S.)
// Pedagogy and education.
2012. № 3.
P. 69-79.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2012.3.61405 URL:
Ragged schools were one of the famous achievements during Victorian epoch. Quintin Hogg was one of the
school teachers. One of the goals at raged schools was to turn hopeless young savages into well-mannered young people
who had elementary social skills, respected themselves and could leave the only world they had known — the world of
crime and poverty. Working adults who for some reason had not realized their intellect potentials could attend evening
classes at such universities like London Institute of Mechanics founded in 1823. If someone simply had no money
to attend lectures, he could also use other ways to work on his self-education in London. In 1841 London Library was
opened in Pall Mall. Later it was moved to St. James area where it has been located ever since then. London Library
still remains a wonderful example of all the best during the Victorian age.
pedagogy, ragged school, Quintin Hogg, European free school, Anglican schools, public schools, evening classes, Institute of Technical Sciences, system of prefects, London Library.
Avalyan, S. A..
Searches for the Truth in the Process of Trans-Mutation
// Pedagogy and education.
2012. № 1.
P. 68-74.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2012.1.59332 URL:
The article analyzes a Russian philosopher Georgy Gurdjiev’s teaching. Any race, national or epoch, in his
opinion, just as any profession has a certain number of ‘poses’ which make a certain ‘style’ connected with specific
forms of thinking and feeling. Human cannot change forms of his thoughts or his ‘poses’. Based on Gurdjiev, everything
in the world is material and different forms of material have different degrees of density. The author of the article also
touches upon the problem of relation between mystics and philosophy.
pedagogy, philosophy, enlightenment, mystics, culture, studies of mystery, trans-mutation, intellect, truth, human.
Savina, O. N., Ramenskaya, P. Yu..
The Problems of Formation of Tax Culture in a Modern Russian Society and Ways
to Overcome them
// Pedagogy and education.
2011. № 4.
P. 78-87.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2011.4.58951 URL:
The article studies the problems of formation of tax culture and the way it is understood by the modern
Russian society. The problem is very important, because tax culture directly depends on the tax policy introduced
by the government during this or that period of social and economic development of the country, and influences the
formation of financial resources of the government and economic entities as well as all the citizens living in our country.
The goal of the study is to define the extend to which the society understands the need and importance of paying
taxes; to define the factors influencing attitudes of each subject of tax relations towards paying taxes; and to suggest
ways which would contribute to development of tax culture and formation of active citizenship. It is obvious that tax
culture should be developed since early childhood. For the purpose of teaching the society about taxes, the author
composed and tried out a school lesson ‘Look after your taxpayer’s honor when you are young, or what taxes are and
why we should pay them’. We hope that this material will be helpful to school teachers and all those who work in the
sphere of education as well as school children who can better understand the role of taxes in the social life and put
this knowledge into practice.
pedagogy, tax, culture, lesson, taxpayer, consciousness, turnover, morals, tax system, declaration.
Nikitina, A. S..
Criticism of the Enlightenment Ideals in Philosophy of Science and Art
// Pedagogy and education.
2011. № 2.
P. 6-13.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2011.2.58476 URL:
the article brings into focus the modern criticism of the Enlightenment ideals and gives a new interpretation
of the truth. Special attention is paid at today’s discredit of the idea of beauty. The author also compares the
Enlightenment ideals with the modern ideals.
pedagogy, Enlightenment, science, art, truth, beauty, theory, cognition, modernism, Dadaism, science.