Yanova M., Ozolina I..
Formation of foreign language interaction skills of students in the digital educational environment of the university
// Pedagogy and education.
2025. № 1.
P. 16-28.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2025.1.69880 EDN: WJFWAJ URL:
The subject of the study is the specific character of developing foreign language interaction skills in the modern digital educational environment of a university and its transformative influence on the structure and characteristics of foreign language interaction among students.The interaction of subjects of the educational process can be considered as a manifestation of individual methods of action and communication between a teacher and a student in a digital educational environment, aimed at each other, determined by their functional role and personal positions, the consequence of which is mutual changes in the activities, communication, and relationships of participants in the pedagogical process , as well as their personal development. The research methodology included an analysis of scientific literature on the problem of foreign language interaction in the digital educational environment. The results of the analysis were systematized and generalized to create organizational and pedagogical conditions that reflect the characteristics of the subjects of pedagogical interaction in the digital educational environment. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that the types, participants and features of interaction in the digital educational environment are identified. It is noted that foreign language interaction in the context of digitalization has its own characteristics, since it includes the digital educational environment as a mediator between the student and the teacher. The digital educational environment plays a dual role, being an educational environment for organizing learning in a digital educational environment and having specific features that affect the process of educational and pedagogical interaction in the context of digitalization. In conclusion, it is noted that the study made it possible to identify the characteristics of subjects of foreign language interaction in the context of digitalization.
digital technologies, english lesson, communicative skills, students, digital educational platforms, foreign language interaction skills, theoretical analysis, organizational and pedagogical conditions, Digital learning environment, Foreign language interaction
Glebova L.N..
Vectors of Development of Educational Activities in General Education Institutions on the Example of the Nizhny Novgorod Region
// Pedagogy and education.
2024. № 4.
P. 1-15.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2024.4.71088 EDN: PYIAGX URL:
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Third Peer Review:
This article considers a modern approach to the organization of educational activities in educational institutions, using the example of the organization of such activities in the Nizhny Novgorod region of the Volga region. A feature of the modern education system is a high level of sensitivity to changes in the educational process: the content, forms, and methods, assessing the relevance of events, responding to what is happening in the experience of actions, the evolution of teaching teams, those communities that deal with children outside school, are engaged in achieving practical educational activities. The urgency of the problem is associated with significant changes in the activities of all specialists and employees of educational institutions in Russia who participate in the educational process in one way or another. There is an urgent demand in Russian educational institutions for competent personnel in the field of education of the younger generation, which, due to the state's request, has become a prerequisite and one of the criteria for the effectiveness of the educational organization. The experience of training the personnel potential of the Nizhny Novgorod region (Volga Federal District, Russia) confirms the expediency of creating platforms for the exchange of experience in different areas where educational work programs are successfully implemented in the format of project educational intensive courses for specialists in the field of education and the organization of forum platforms for advisers to the director of education, classroom teachers, heads of children's public organizations and specialists of educational authorities in charge of education issues in the educational space of the Nizhny Novgorod region. The experience of training the personnel potential of the Nizhny Novgorod region confirms the expediency of creating platforms for the exchange of experience in different areas, where educational work programs are successfully implemented in the format of project educational intensive courses for specialists in the field of education and the organization of forum sites for advisers to the director of education, classroom teachers, heads of children's public organizations and management specialists educational institutions responsible for issues of education in the educational space of the Nizhny Novgorod region.
children, employees of educational institutions, children's public organizations, teaching staff, the educational process, education, educational institutions, educational activities, human resources potential, education program
Kozlov A.E..
Challenges and Approaches for Foreign Students in Studying a Writer's Biography
// Pedagogy and education.
2024. № 4.
P. 113-125.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2024.4.72079 EDN: SPJQBU URL:
Based on the material of classical and modern works on the methodology of teaching literature and learning Russian as a foreign language, the specifics of teaching the biography of a writer in secondary and high schools are analyzed. At the beginning of the article, the primary methods and approaches to defining biographical material are described, and the problems arising during its study are identified. The key difference between courses representing the literary process concentrically and the study of literature designed for a semester (or two-semester) study is shown. In the latter case, each topic is mastered once, which makes it impossible to draw parallels and update previously studied contexts. Many students coming to Russia for internships are at the mercy of persistent stereotypes associated with the Modern and Post-Modern eras. The teacher's goal is to develop critical thinking skills during one semester or academic year. The practical part of the study describes the experience of studying the biography of a writer by international students from European and Chinese universities, with special emphasis on studying the literary heritage of the twentieth century. The options for using digital methods in classes on writer's biographies are presented, and the forms of work are described: literary portraits, comparative descriptions, source analysis, discourse, and content analysis. The novelty of the work lies in the study of methodological problems and approaches to their solution, as well as the selection of ways to update biographical material. Based on methodological experience and survey data, the author proceeds from the possibility of studying Russian culture and literature through the prism of biographies. Studying the biography of a writer involves a constant expansion of the context; it is necessary to talk about the writer or poet's contemporaries and describe the literary environment and life to create the impression of a continuous process. The task of the methodologist is to show the variety of assessments and the specifics of lifetime and posthumous assessments that affect the design of a biographical myth. As a result of mastering topics related to a writer's biography, foreign readers can become involved in the lives of outstanding personalities who are united not by geography or political views but by language as the primary tool of culture.
stereotype, comparative description, portraite, biographical myth, content-analysis, cultural competences, cultural studies, intercultural dialogue, intercultural communication, biography of a writer
Vaganova V.M..
The Study of Leadership Development in Schoolchildren in the Late Twentieth Century
// Pedagogy and education.
2024. № 4.
P. 126-134.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2024.4.69498 EDN: SMRQBQ URL:
This article is devoted to studying leadership in the context of the school environment in Russia in the second half of the twentieth century. Special attention is paid to analyzing various aspects of school leadership, including its impact on the educational process, the development of students' personalities, the formation of team spirit, and social responsibility. The article also discusses methods and approaches to developing student leadership skills and the impact of school leadership on public life and success in future careers. The results of the study reveal the importance of school leadership for the formation of values, skills, and qualities necessary for successful social adaptation and professional development of students. The article provides an opportunity to consider the aspect of school leadership in various historical periods of the country's development. The work uses theoretical research methods, such as the analysis of the literature under study, the synthesis of the data obtained, and the method of summarizing information. Scientific novelty: Identification of development patterns of leadership qualities in schoolchildren in the educational process in the second half of the twentieth century in Russia. Leadership is a truly complex social phenomenon. The development of this area is relevant in this period of time. Society and its dynamics present new challenges and form new requirements for a true leader. The ability to manage a group, interact with each of its members, take responsibility, and lead a team to its goal can be called an art. Leadership issues are key to achieving effective work organization. On the one hand, leadership is considered as the presence of a certain set of qualities attributed to those who successfully influence others; on the other hand, leadership is a process of predominantly non-forceful influence in achieving a group's goals. Leadership is a specific type of managerial interaction based on the most practical combination of various power sources and aimed at encouraging people to achieve common goals.
periods of leadership development, lead, development of school leaders, features of the development of leadership studies, features of leadership development, the typology of leadership, the history of leadership development, leadership development, school leadership, leadership
Kalugina K.V..
On the Issue of Teaching Foreign Languages in Non-Linguistic Educational Institutions
// Pedagogy and education.
2024. № 4.
P. 135-143.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2024.4.69541 EDN: SNEEDF URL:
Nowadays, learning foreign languages is an important aspect of modern human life. This article discusses methods of effective teaching of a foreign language in non-linguistic educational institutions. The author studies methods of learning foreign languages in non-linguistic educational institutions. When researching the topic, many questions arose: Is there a relationship between mastering a foreign language and the teacher's attitude to the discipline being taught? What factors influence the learning of foreign languages? Is it possible to form an interest in a subject through curiosity in the learning process? How can students be motivated to learn a foreign language in non-linguistic institutions? The main task was to find ways to solve the problem of educational material development in the absence of interest in the subject. To implement it, theoretical aspects, statistics of foreign language learning among first and second-year students of a non-linguistic educational institution based on a questionnaire, and practical methods of mastering foreign language material were used. The results were expected: Students are partially involved in the language environment due to ignorance of grammatical basics and their application in practice, misunderstanding of foreign language speech when using audio-linguistic means of communication, and, as a result, the inability to build monological and dialogical speech. Based on the survey data, it can be concluded that most students are focused on learning a foreign language, which is necessary in the future. Naturally, a conscious interest and incentive would be comfortable conditions for productive language learning, but this is more a utopia than fertile ground for students of non-core specialties. In this regard, there are questions about learning and teaching foreign languages. The primary condition in learning a foreign language is motivation.
interest, speech, technology, approach, anxiety, motivation, method, non-profile, teaching, foreign language
Shelkova S.V., Shipulina I.A., Izhboldin-Kronberg A.R..
The University 4.0 project: the role of the teacher in the emerging educational space
// Pedagogy and education.
2024. № 3.
P. 75-88.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2024.3.71571 EDN: JYYHBN URL:
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Third Peer Review:
The subject of the study is a dialectical description of the importance of a teacher in the educational process of domestic education. The study of the University 4.0 system is relevant, since within the framework of the fourth industrial Revolution, according to K. Schwab, the ongoing "Great Reset" implies a fundamental change in public relations, including changes in the education system. The purpose of the publication is to describe the role of the teacher in the educational space. The most pressing issue is understanding the role of a teacher who gives knowledge to his students, and forms their worldview during a period of technological change in society. Can artificial intelligence replace a teacher? The research methodology is a set of procedures based on the analysis and synthesis of the information used. The novelty is presented by considering the role of a teacher in the context of digitalization of education. The conclusions of the study. 1. Education reflects the social order of society. 2. The tradition of national education is represented in the form of collective co-creation of the mentor and students. 3. University 4.0 actualizes a different format of education due to its formalization. 4. The role of a teacher in the educational process is increasing due to the growth of the formalization of education and the need to obtain a holistic worldview. The results of the study are to describe and systematize the role of the teacher in the educational process during the formation of the digital educational space, including the university. The research materials can be used as part of the development of textbooks and lecture courses for students and teachers.
technological structure, formalization of education, artificial intelligence, digitalization, educational traditions, interaction, educational sovereignty, teacher’s role, educational space, University four zero
Goriainova O..
The problem of teaching secondary school students argumentative academic speech in English
// Pedagogy and education.
2024. № 2.
P. 105-116.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2024.2.40687 EDN: WEIQEE URL:
The article is devoted to the issues of teaching oral argumentative speech to secondary school students in the aspect of preparing for entry into the subsequent academic discourse. The purpose of the work is to consider the degree of development of the methodology of teaching argumentative speech on the material of the English language. The choice of research is dictated by the increased scientific and methodological interest of Russian linguistics in the issues of English-language academic discourse. The author conducts a comparative analysis of tasks in textbooks on the English language of secondary school aimed at the development of oral speech of an informative, evaluative and argumentative nature. The selection of tasks on the basis of which the analysis was carried out is dictated by the structural and functional features of the argumentation. The results of the analysis indicate that the methodology of teaching oral argumentative academic speech to middle and high school students is insufficiently developed in a situation as close as possible to situations of real academic interaction, in comparison with its varieties such as informative and evaluative. The author proposes a technology for teaching oral argumentative speech, which is of methodological value in the development of educational and methodological literature for teaching oral speech to secondary school students on the material of the English language. The ways of creating a system of exercises that gradually form and develop argumentative skills and abilities that play a significant role in the formation of communicative competence are outlined.
language functions, speaking skills, informative speech, evaluative speech, argumentative speech, argumentative skills, comparative and functional analyses, secondary school, foreign language teaching, argumentation
Bobarov S.V..
About the role of trust and motivation in the process of self-determination of cadets of the educational organization of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.
// Pedagogy and education.
2024. № 2.
P. 117-125.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2024.2.40819 EDN: WEWSNG URL:
The subject of the study is the trust in the process of training and self-improvement of cadets of higher military educational institutions as a motive for obtaining greater degrees of freedom during self-training classes. The author explores the possibility of attracting cadets to scientific, creative and sports activities, allocating a time resource for these purposes and giving the target group the authority to independently build their activities. Special attention is paid to the analysis of work efficiency and accounting of the final results of the research.The respondents were divided into 2 groups. The first group is those who do well and excellent. The second group is those who succeed in "satisfactory" and "good". The scientific novelty of the research consists in giving cadets more independence to organize and conduct their scientific activities within the framework of the service time regulations established at the higher educational institution of the Ministry of Defense. Previously, students did not have such an opportunity. Departure from the audience planned for independent work was not allowed. The final results of the experiment showed the presence of a clear boundary in performance between the students who are passionate about science and the trainees who previously had no motivation to study. The main conclusions of the study are to increase the effectiveness of successful cadets by giving them additional time to engage in science, creativity and other hobbies.
cadet, higher education, grade, degrees of freedom, independent work, effectiveness, symbiosis, motivation, trust, experiment
Fedotkina E.V..
Digitalization in foreign language transport education
// Pedagogy and education.
2024. № 2.
P. 126-137.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2024.2.40975 EDN: WNSFCA URL:
The article is devoted to the issues of digitalization of foreign language education at Russian University of Transport. The object of research: the process of digitalization of foreign language education in the RUT (MIIT). Subject of research: changing the content of foreign language communication by including topics related to the processes of digitalization. The purpose of the study is to determine the state of digitalization of foreign language education at Russian University of Transport and outline the ways to improve it. The research objectives are to identify the most relevant for a transport university aspects of digitalization, to compare the level of digitalization of the educational process of the discipline “Foreign Language” with general trends in higher education in Russia, to analyze educational documentation regarding the aspects related to digitalization, to put forward some proposals for improving the educational process in the era of digitalization. As a result, aspects of digitalization in the field of economics, politics, transport industry, leisure relevant for teaching a foreign language at a transport university are identified, the level of digitalization of foreign language teaching is proved to be corresponding to the general trends in higher education, the proposals for improvement of the educational process that means including aspects of digitalization in foreign language educational discourse are outlined. Conclusion based on the results of the study is the following: the processes of digitalization of various aspects of public life change not only the living conditions of the Russian citizens, but also the content of communication, including educational foreign language communication. The inclusion of aspects of digitalization into the working program of the discipline “Foreign language” contributes to improving the quality of foreign language communication by enriching the students’ vocabulary and developing skills of foreign language communication.
motivation, new specialities, working programme, foreign language communication, teaching content, foreign language, higher education, transport, digitalization, learning experience
Kalinina Y.V..
Continuous professional development and personal development of dental specialists and maxillofacial surgeons
// Pedagogy and education.
2024. № 2.
P. 1-15.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2024.2.70199 EDN: MDMSZN URL:
The mutual complementarity of continuous professional development (CPD) and self-development of a medical specialist is characterized. The contours of the CPD in the Central Scientific Research Institute of Physiotherapy and Maxillofacial Surgery, the training structures of systematically organized training of students is described. The introduction of joint parameters of CPD and self-development into the educational practice of dentists and maxillofacial surgeons helps to increase the effectiveness of their professional training, since self-development activates all aspects of the professional activity and scientific activity of doctors of this profile. The CPD system that is emerging on a global scale creates educational environment that precisely ensures the self-development of a highly qualified specialist, building his individualized educational trajectories and supporting career growth. A comparative analysis of the concepts of CPD and self-development is carried out. Based on the methods of historical analysis, growth points of scientific development in educational activities are identified. A research program has been substantiated and implemented to study the characteristics of the perception and evaluation of CPD by residents, graduate students and students of additional vocational training cycles at the Central Scientific Research Institute of Physics and Maxillofacial Surgery, based on questionnaire and interviewing methods. The article contains the results of empirical studies conducted for the first time in December 2023 among students at the Central Research Institute of Chest and Physiology. It is shown that the personal and professional growth of specialists is the main goal of CPD, and its implementation in Russia should be based on local traditions of forming its personnel potential and become an integral part of state social policy.
continuing medical education, continuous medical development, self-design of a dentist, dental education, professional growth, digitalization, self-development, pedagogical component, continuing professional education, continuous professional development
Sapronov V.A..
Classification of Models in Pedagogy
// Pedagogy and education.
2024. № 1.
P. 84-100.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2024.1.40102 EDN: DRALRY URL:
The paper reflects the results of activities related to the development of models of fragments of reality: their purpose, features and classification, in relation to the study of processes in pedagogy. The analysis of scientific research is carried out, revealing the basics of mental formation, construction and implementation in practice of the model–representation of the original, answering the questions “what should the model be and what properties should it have?”, “what information to carry and in what form to display?”, “how to characterize the developed model without revealing its content and features? The article includes examples of classification of models distinguished by the authors according to specific characteristics: the principle of conformity to the properties of the object and the degree of materialization, the sequence and periodization of their construction, the similarity of the model with the original, the direction of the main information flows circulating between the subject and the world around him. In order to organize knowledge and indicate the subjective position of the author, the principles of model construction, the requirements for their content and their inherent individual properties, taken as a basis in the work, are given. A variant of classification of models according to characteristics is proposed: relation to the original in the process of activity, method of implementation, form of representation and reflection of the state of the simulated object. The typology is based on the principle of a universal decimal classifier with the possibility of making changes and additions to the structure and content. The models mentioned in the works are included in a separate list, but due to functional similarity with other models (or rather a clear lack of originality), the presence of controversial issues in the issues of application in pedagogy, were not reflected in the proposed classifier.
model functions, signs of classification, defining the model, typology, universal classifier, classification of models, model, modeling, pedagogy, model properties
Gemranova A.D., Mitina T.S., Mitina I.D..
Youth University Subculture as an Element of the Organizational Culture of the University
// Pedagogy and education.
2024. № 1.
P. 101-110.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2024.1.40414 EDN: EVSIET URL:
This study, the purpose of which is to identify the views of students of Ulyanovsk State University on the concept of "organizational culture", is based on general scientific methods, such as analysis and synthesis of information from open sources, analytical generalization of theoretical data, and the survey method. As a result of the study, the existence of several student subcultures was established, one of which is in conflict with the dominant one, based on the cultural traditions of the university. The study of the student subculture as an element of the organizational culture of the university showed that the level of understanding of the organizational culture of the university among the students is quite high. The relevance of the research topic is due to the fact that the university is constantly in a state of change, in perpetual motion on the way to finding its own idea. The novelty of this study lies in the analysis of the levels of university development in the framework of the model of organizational culture according to Edgar Schein. The practical significance lies in the possibility of using this study for the most complete and broad study of this topic.
cultural consensus theory, sociocultural, education, representations, values, artifacts, university, subculture, students, organizational culture
Gabelko O., Aleksandrova O..
The Era of Hellenism in Russian school textbooks on the history of the Ancient World
// Pedagogy and education.
2024. № 1.
P. 17-24.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2024.1.68990 EDN: UILRZP URL:
The subject of the study is the reflection of the history of the Hellenistic era in current school textbooks on the history of the ancient world (5th grade). The history of Hellenism is one of the most interesting and complex periods in the history of not only Ancient Greece, but also Eastern civilizations, as well as the entire ancient world as a whole. This is the time of the appearance of new states on the political map and the formation of a complex system of relations between the peoples who inhabited them. It is natural to believe that such an important period should have been appropriately reflected in the school course of the history of the ancient world and textbooks: familiarity with the history of Hellenism helps not only to better understand historical processes, but also to study more deeply the history of culture and science that flourished in this era. The analysis of the textbooks, which remain the main source of information for schoolchildren, gives, however, a very ambiguous picture. Analysis of the material of current school textbooks allows us to form an idea of the general trends in the display of the history of Hellenism in the framework of school education. As a result of the consideration of the relevant topics of textbooks, a general trend in the coverage of the history of the Hellenistic era in school textbooks was revealed. The authors of the manuals, as a rule, turn to the vivid example of Alexandria of Egypt, focusing on this city to a much greater extent than on the very fact of the synthesis of Greek and Oriental cultures. The names of the rulers, both the founders of Hellenistic dynasties and their descendants, are mentioned infrequently, much more attention is paid to the development of science and art. Textbooks are limited in the selection and presentation of material both by the cognitive abilities of fifth grade students, who are important not to overload with information, and by a large volume of historical events that need to be packed into a small volume. In light of this, the authors' decision to focus more on culture and art looks quite logical, but the choice of a specific material does not always seem fully justified.
Pedagogy, Education, School, Culture, Textbooks, Ancient Greece, Ancient world, Hellenism, History, World History
Pasholikov M.S..
Preparation of pedagogical university students for professional activity in additional education.
// Pedagogy and education.
2024. № 1.
P. 1-16.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2024.1.68685 EDN: EQAFIX URL:
Additional education has long been an integral part of the educational environment. Painting, sports, robotics and other areas make a significant contribution to the development of personality, while teachers play a key role in this process. Education and teaching go hand in hand, which makes it important to invest in the training and professional development of teachers. Today, teachers need various knowledge, skills and abilities to create lesson plans, organize training, work with the administration and interact with parents. Based on the analysis of modern literature and practical experience of the functioning of institutions of children's additional education, the author defines a set of competencies that allow teachers to make a significant contribution to the success of students, and therefore can be taken into account when designing the main professional educational programs of higher education as the results of their development. The article substantiates the relevance of the problem of updating the content of teacher training in the context of the interaction of higher pedagogical and children's additional education. The concept of training pedagogical personnel for the education system for the period up to 2030, methodological recommendations for the training of pedagogical personnel for bachelor's degree programs based on unified approaches to their structure and content ("Core of higher pedagogical education"), professional standard "Teacher of additional education for children and adults" are analyzed. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the fact that on the basis of concretization of scientific ideas about the content of professional training of students of pedagogical vocation, a set of requirements for its results is proposed, clarified taking into account the qualification characteristics of the positions of employees of the system of additional education. The article offers recommendations that allow future teachers to prepare for a career in additional education. The practical significance of the research lies in the possibility of using its results in updating the content of the training of students of pedagogical specialties, compiling textbooks and workshops on the pedagogy of additional education.
critical thinking, key skills, pedagogical university, interaction, teacher of additional education, professional training of teachers, additional education of children, functional literacy, cooperation, professional competence
Vasyuk A.G..
Health care is at the heart of preparing future social workers for activities to overcome the risks of social adaptation
// Pedagogy and education.
2024. № 1.
P. 111-123.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2024.1.70242 EDN: BZPKJE URL:
The subject of this article is health care in the activities of social workers to overcome the risks of social adaptation. The object is to prepare future social workers for activities to overcome the risks of social adaptation. Considering the essence of social adaptation of military personnel, the author names the main stages of social adaptation of military personnel, dwells on those that should be formed at the university, believes that at each stage different mechanisms of its formation and development should work. The article reveals the conceptual essence of the risks of adaptation of military personnel. The author argues that the system of training social workers to overcome the risks of social adaptation among combatants should be carried out in specially created conditions for the formation of subjective qualities, psychological relief, group and individual approaches. Health saving, the author emphasizes, health and a healthy lifestyle should become a priority in the education of these students, makes practical recommendations for improving health-saving technologies in education as a basis for preventing adaptation risks. For the first time, the author shows the role of education in the activities of social workers to overcome the risks of social adaptation among combatants. For the first time, the article addresses the problem and reviews the literature on the topic of training social workers to overcome the risks of social adaptation among combatants. As a result of the analysis of the literature on the research topic, the author concludes that the system of training social workers to overcome the risks of social adaptation among combatants should be aimed at strengthening their health, makes specific proposals to improve the training of social workers to overcome the risks of adaptation in military personnel, names adaptation technologies in the training system of social workers to this type of activity. A special contribution of the author is the actualization of the research topic, conceptual approaches to its study and the conclusion that the development of the health culture of students participating in hostilities is ensured by the practical implementation of the specific conceptual provisions proposed by him.
participants in combat operations, stress tolerance, health care, post-traumatic stress disorder, adaptation risks, social adaptation, training of social workers, pedagogical tools, social immunity, adaptive potential
Wu R..
Ways and prospects of development of higher inclusive education in Russia
// Pedagogy and education.
2023. № 4.
P. 171-185.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2023.4.69012 EDN: JMQMDV URL:
The subject of the study is the problem of the functioning of inclusive education in Russian universities. Through the analysis of modern documents proclaiming the right of persons with disabilities to receive quality education, as well as the actual practice of introducing inclusion in the activities of universities, the author attempts to assess the level of development of higher inclusive education in Russia. The paper describes the main approaches of universities to teaching students with disabilities and with disabilities. The problems of universities that cause insufficient readiness of universities to accept and train people with disabilities are identified. The author's attention is focused on ways to overcome the identified difficulties, as well as issues of improving the process of inclusion in the activities of universities by conducting self-examination in higher education institutions for the university's readiness to teach students with disabilities. When considering materials of a legislative and legal nature, the author of the work used such research methods as analysis, description, synthesis. In order to identify the most fruitful ways of organizing an accessible educational environment for people with disabilities in universities, the method of analyzing pedagogical experience was also used. When formulating the conclusions of the study, general theoretical methods of comparison and systematization proved to be in demand. The main conclusion of the study is that Russian higher inclusive education is currently experiencing only a stage of its development, and it is too early to talk about true inclusivity in the practice of Russian universities. However, the work reflects the measures taken by universities to ensure comfortable conditions for the education of people with disabilities. Among them: the desire to expand the specialized material, technical and didactic base, the organization of psychological and pedagogical support of the category of students and teachers interacting with it. The fruitfulness of the introduction of advanced training courses for the teaching staff, the creation of resource training and methodological centers is noted. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that the author of the work introduces the concept of the inclusivity index – a kind of result of self-reflection of the university's activities, which allows to indicate the degree of its readiness to accept students with disabilities.The author also presents the main components of the inclusivity index, which are necessary for clarification when compiling questionnaires for self-examination of the university.
adaptive methods, mentoring technology, learning technologies, inclusiveness index, students with disabilities, disabled students, higher education, inclusive education, Inclusion, psychological and pedagogical support
Griber Y.A., Ustimenko Y.A..
Evidence-based color: an explorative study of the quantity and quality of knowledge about the color of Russian design students
// Pedagogy and education.
2023. № 4.
P. 122-135.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2023.4.69016 EDN: WKTXRL URL:
The relevance of the research presented in the article is due to new trends in modern education related to the need for competent implementation of the results of modern cross-disciplinary color studies in the process of professional training of design students. The purpose of the work is to use the methodology tested in Sweden and the UK to establish the quantity and quality of knowledge about the color of Russian design students and to compare these parameters with the corresponding indicators of foreign students. The object of the study is the color competence of Russian students, the subject is cross–cultural differences in the principles and mechanisms of using color in everyday design practice. The authors consider in detail the main areas of research that have formed the scientific basis of evidence-based color design. To assess the quantity and quality of students' knowledge about color, a modified method of Janssens & Mikellides was used. The answers were collected during an online survey in which 187 students of the Design program (147 women and 40 men) aged 17 to 48 years took part (average age 20.43, SD=3.5). The main conclusion of the study is that Russian students have a fairly high index of knowledge about color and even surpass students studying in the UK and Sweden by this indicator. The value of the index of general knowledge about color is almost the same for first- and last-year students. A lower index of knowledge about the color vision of elderly people among students starting their studies compared to graduates correlates with differences in the choice of sources of information about color. Undergraduates are experiencing an increase in interest in evidence-based design and a change in the target setting for the use of classical color theory in the development of design solutions in combination with proven empirical data, which reflects the anthropological turn of modern design and urbanism in general. The results of the analysis have both practical and theoretical significance and will contribute to further understanding of art education in the world.
cross-cultural analysis, design, evidence-based design, color competence, professional education, art education, color didactics, colour, color vision of the elderly, methods of teaching color
Belkina V.V..
Designing a Program of Educational Work at a Pedagogical University
// Pedagogy and education.
2023. № 3.
P. 110-118.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2023.3.38917 EDN: ZMEKYQ URL:
The subject of the study is the process of developing a student education program as part of an educational program at a pedagogical university. The article includes a description of the program design algorithm, which includes analytical, target, design, substantive, procedural, organizational and reflexive steps. Also, the content of the article reflects the main ideas and stages reflecting the logic of educational work at the university, taking into account the course of study and the results provided for by the relevant standard of higher education. According to our research logic, the following stages of the educational work program are distinguished: stage 1 "Value-semantic self-determination" (1st year); stage 2 "Professional self-determination" (2-3 courses); stage 3 "Professional self-actualization" (4-5 courses); stage 4 "Professional self-realization" (young specialist). The basis of each stage is a system of interconnected tracks that determine the directions of solving educational tasks in a certain period of mastering an educational program by a student. The main conclusions of the study are the following ideas that actualize the process of designing an educational work program: -educational work is part of the educational process and a component of the university environment; -educational work is of an event-activity nature; -educational work is variable, focused on voluntary self-determination and freedom of choice by students of activities; -educational work is carried out on the basis of the binary of educational influences on students in the university environment and the manifestation of the subjective position of students; -the results of educational work are part of the educational results of the Federal State Educational Standard and are formulated in terms of universal and general professional competencies. The novelty of the results obtained is determined by an innovative approach to design and the relative novelty of the phenomenon of considering the education program as part of the educational program, the appearance of which is associated with the corresponding amendments to the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" dated July 31, 2021.
educational outcomes, educational program, pedagogical university, designing, students, educational work programs, educational work, education, stages, competencies
Sosnovskaya E.M..
Technologies for the Development of Personal Competitiveness of High School Students
// Pedagogy and education.
2023. № 3.
P. 119-128.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2023.3.39005 EDN: ZNBDMU URL:
In the article, based on the analysis of scientific developments of domestic scientists, theoretical research and personal pedagogical experience of the authors, the concept of "competitiveness of personality" is revealed from the point of view of the tasks of pedagogy. The effectiveness of the competitive movement for the formation of personal competitiveness of high school students as a separate age category of students is substantiated. Among the competitions of achievements considered in the aspect of competitiveness education and traditionally used in school didactics, two main types are distinguished from the point of view of their form and content: subject Olympiads and contests of creative works. The role of pedagogical technologies as the main practical tool in the process of education in general and education of personal competitiveness in particular is determined. The analysis of pedagogical technologies as organized regular algorithmically constructed sequences of actions of the teacher and students, formed on the basis of pedagogical scientific research and allowing to solve practical problems related to the education of personal competitiveness of high school students. A technological model of educating the personal competitiveness of high school students using the potential of achievement contests has been developed. Within the framework of the model, some interrelated pedagogical technologies and groups of technologies are considered, the development, improvement and application of which is of practical importance for the formation of competitiveness, among which it is necessary to highlight the technology of personal competitiveness education developed by the author through the competitive movement, including a long-term set of measures for the preparation and participation of high school students in the competitive movement; the technology of organizing competitions of achievements in the direction of a more complete their compliance with the competitive realities of life; technology for measuring the competitiveness of high school students and evaluating pedagogical efforts to form competitiveness (diagnostic technology).
development, model, pedagogical technologies, test of competitiveness, competitiveness cultivation, high school students, contest movement, students, achievement contests, personal competitiveness
Altynnik N.I..
Career guidance in the Belgorod region
// Pedagogy and education.
2023. № 3.
P. 62-73.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2023.3.43944 EDN: VHEWVK URL:
Vocational guidance within the framework of educational activities is an extremely relevant area of work. This activity is regulated by both Federal Laws and regional regulations. In this paper, we analyzed the main methods for the development of career guidance activities. On the example of the Belgorod region, we determined which of these techniques work and what results they give. There are various vocational guidance centers in the region that assist schoolchildren and students in choosing a profession, providing information on the labor market, training and employment opportunities. However, despite the results achieved, there are still a number of challenges and problems that need to be addressed. One of these problems is the lack of information about the labor market in the region for specific professions, which makes it difficult to choose a future profession. The paper shows, taking into account trends in the labor market and the socio-economic situation in the Belgorod region, career guidance activities have great potential for development and improvement.
social problems, profession choice, career guidance centers, Belgorod region, labor market, social partnership, network cooperation, practical orientation, education, career guidance
Qi Z..
Painting skills in the system of professional training of designers of various profiles in modern Chinese universities
// Pedagogy and education.
2023. № 3.
P. 129-141.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2023.3.43727 EDN: YWYVSG URL:
The article examines the process of formation of painting skills as part of the professional training of designers of various profiles in modern China – a country with huge economic potential and in need of professional designers of various kinds of products. The problem of the research is that modern design is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon. While it requires standardization and compliance with rules and regulations, it still presupposes a breadth of creative thinking and imagination, as well as the ability to implement their ideas in an artistic form. This puts forward the need to preserve and develop disciplines related to the visual arts, and in particular painting. The subject of the author's attention is Chinese design education, and the object is the role and place of painting in the process of training specialists in such popular areas as art design, fashion industry, building and interior design, industrial and computer design. The purpose of the study is to characterize the position of disciplines related to the pictorial art in Chinese design education at the present time. To do this, it is supposed to consistently consider the features of teaching painting for different specialties in the largest universities in China. It can appear as an integrated beginning in professional disciplines, be an independent and rather isolated discipline, and also be used as a means for mastering the theory of color. The duration of training also varies, as well as the degree of permissibility or undesirability of creative self-expression. The techniques of image in the process of preparing educational design projects of Chinese students are systematized. The interaction of the sketch of the future designer in color with the embodiment of the finished product is revealed.
design, painting, China, color theory, modern universities, painting skills, professional training, industrial design, art design, specialization in design
Bazueva A.V..
Structural features of the model of formation of students' readiness for design and research activities in the system of mathematical education
// Pedagogy and education.
2023. № 2.
P. 30-37.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2023.2.40526 EDN: SKRLIB URL:
The subject of the study is the model and pedagogical conditions for the formation of design and research readiness of future mathematics teachers. The purpose of the study is to determine the structure of the model of formation of readiness of students of pedagogical specialties for design and research activities in the system of mathematical education. The article examines the potential of the model and pedagogical conditions for the formation of students' readiness for project research activities based on the application of the project method. The conditions of its integration into the university mathematics course are presented. The article describes the model of formation of readiness of students of pedagogical specialties for design and research activities in the system of mathematical education. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the theoretical substantiation and development of a model of design and research activities of future mathematics teachers, which is implemented using interdisciplinary connections and is aimed at increasing students' interest in vocational education, obtaining fundamental knowledge. The study used a set of theoretical and practical methods: analysis, synthesis, generalization of psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of research, pedagogical experiment, observation. As a result, it is proved that this model and pedagogical conditions contribute to the development of creative abilities of students, as well as the development of design and research activities and increase interest in obtaining professional knowledge.
model, structural features, formation of students' readiness, model, pedagogical activity, project method, higher professional education, mathematics teacher, design and research activities, pedagogical conditions, mathematical education
Kukharenko S.V..
Peculiarities of Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language in North Korean Schools (Based on the Analysis of the Textbook Series "Russian Language")
// Pedagogy and education.
2023. № 2.
P. 117-126.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2023.2.40564 EDN: RHUMYO URL:
The subject of the research is teaching Russian as a foreign language in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. The object of the study is the methodology of teaching Russian as a foreign language. In the article, the author presents the results of the analysis of the textbook series "Russian language". The following research methods were used: a comprehensive analysis of the "Russian language" textbook series, analysis and generalization of methodological techniques used in the textbooks, and drawing of conclusions. The theoretical significance and scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that the textbooks used for teaching the Russian language in the DPRK was considered and analyzed for the first time in a Russian scientific journal, the features of the methodology for teaching Russian as a foreign language in the DPRK and the presentation of educational material in the considered textbooks were identified, a number of recommendations were made regarding improvement the quality of the textbooks. The main conclusions of the scientific study are that when studying the Russian language in the schools of the DPRK, the main emphasis is made on memorizing phrases and developing the ability to reproduce them, but not on developing the ability to express one's thoughts. The ideological component can be traced quite strongly in the textbooks considered. The absence of native speakers in the team of authors led to a significant number of errors on the pages of the textbooks.
language, textbook, method of teaching, foreign languages, North Korea, DPRK, Russian language, speech skills, RFL, ideology
Grebennikova V.M., Vinogradova K.N..
Educational resource of new social media: problem statement
// Pedagogy and education.
2023. № 2.
P. 38-47.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2023.2.40584 EDN: TBXIXJ URL:
The article is devoted to the problem of the implementation of the educational resource of new social media in the educational process of educational organizations. The author conducts a systematic review of modern scientific and methodological literature, identifies the problem that has developed in the modern theory and practice of using new social media in pedagogical activity, and determines its current state in modern Russia. The article presents the results of a study of the attitude of high school students and their teachers to the use of social media for educational purposes, their ideas about the effectiveness of such a means of teaching and upbringing, about its main strengths and possible threats. The main conclusions of the conducted research are the results of the conducted survey, which suggest that the majority of both high school students and young teachers have a positive attitude to the integration of new social media into the educational process of the school.There are also a lot of questions related to the lack of scientific research of educational opportunities of the developing institute of social media, questions about how to use them in an educational environment, what rules and regulations should be followed, what is the content of a new educational resource, what are its risks and threats, what is the algorithm of its actualization and how to combine it with traditional teaching and upbringing technologies.
pedagogical communication, teacher's blog, educational environment, teacher's readiness, educational resource, social media, digital tools, new media, blogosphere, education system
Mansurova S.E..
A meaningful analysis of the updated Federal State Educational Standards and the problem of implementing their requirements in the work of a teacher
// Pedagogy and education.
2023. № 2.
P. 85-93.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2023.2.40608 EDN: HIGGQB URL:
The subject of the study is the updated Federal State Educational Standards (FGOS) of all levels of general education. The object of the study is the formation of a unified educational space in the Russian Federation, one of the leading instruments of which is the Federal State Educational Standard. The study presents a detailed analysis of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for the results of the development of basic educational programs. Special attention is paid to the professional competencies of the teacher, which determine the possibility of forming results within the framework of subject-based learning. The study was carried out on the basis of a meaningful analysis of updated FGOS and other regulatory documents, statistical analysis of FGOS of different generations, monitoring studies of professional competencies of teachers. Based on the conducted research, a number of conclusions were made. It is revealed that the leading update of the Federal State Educational Standard is the concretized and systematized requirements for personal, meta-subject and subject results of mastering the basic educational programs, which are holistically presented in relation to training and upbringing and formulated in an activity form. It is shown that the updated FGOS answer the systemic questions "what to teach?", "how to teach?", "why to teach?", i.e. they have an applied nature. The requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard set the framework of requirements for the professional competencies of a teacher – subject, methodological, personal. The study revealed the deficits of professional competencies, the leading of which is the willingness and ability to carry out professional activities on the basis of a system–activity approach, which acts as a system-forming condition for the implementation of requirements for learning outcomes. The scope of application of the research results is to determine the directions of professional development of teachers in the context of changes in the regulatory framework.
professional competencies, system-activity approach, personal results, meta-subject results, subject results, learning outcomes, Educational Standards, monitoring, professional deficits, professional development
Bogachev A.M., Lomonos A.A., Bobrova N.V..
"Strict Care" as the Basis of Educational and Psychocorrective Activities in Russian Penitentiary
// Pedagogy and education.
2023. № 1.
P. 1-16.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2023.1.38849 EDN: GRNRFV URL:
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Third Peer Review:
The article presents the adaptation of the pedagogical and psychological-pedagogical approach based on the idea of "strict care". The authors prove the thesis about the need to actualize in the mental reality of individuals who have committed crimes a sense of belonging (community) and creative attitudes (first of all, towards healthy parenthood) as a basis for awakening conscience as opposed to malignant guilt and shame. This feeling, in turn, turns to a transcendent function that manifests itself during the spiritual development of the individual and the acquisition of meaning. The authors also present the idea of developing a program for the upbringing and personal development of women convicted for the first time for crimes of small and medium gravity. It is assumed that the implementation of the developed program will become the basis for a series of empirical studies. The scientific novelty of the research is in the synthesis of the domestic approach to education based on the experience of Anton Makarenko and the concept of individual psychology and pedagogy by Alfred Adler, as well as an existential approach equally applicable both in the field of pedagogy and psychology. This kind of synthesis allows us to reach a practice-oriented methodology and appropriate methods in educational and educational-psychological work on rehabilitation and personal development of women convicted of minor crimes and convicted for the first time. In case of practical success of the implementation of the relevant program, it can be extrapolated both to other categories of convicts, and, in the future, to the pedagogical and psychological-pedagogical co-education of persons suffering from PTSD.
Superiority, Insight, Involvement, Sense, Shame, Guilt, Conscience, Development, Personality, Soul
Kukuev E.A., Volosnikova L.M., Ogorodnova O.V., Elantseva S.A..
Resource Assessment and Inclusion Risks: Students' View
// Pedagogy and education.
2023. № 1.
P. 17-29.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2023.1.39971 EDN: AZCKSD URL:
The study aims to analyze the resources and risks of inclusion in a comprehensive school from the point of view of students. The authors proceed from the position that one of the criteria of inclusivity can be the subjective well-being of students, as a direct integrative assessment of satisfaction and positive emotions. Therefore, it is important to analyze the student's position (voice) in assessing inclusive educational processes in schools. In 2021, a continuous survey of students from one school in the city of Tyumen was conducted. The sample consisted of 807 students. The study was conducted using the author's questionnaire. The questionnaire of the international research project on the study of the subjective well—being of children "Detsky Mir" - Children'S WORLD and inclusion indicators (Booth, T. Einscow, M.) is taken as a basis. The statistical software package SPSS-23.0 was used for statistical analysis. The analysis made it possible to identify the risks of inclusion that must be taken into account when organizing and implementing the educational process, insufficient level of satisfaction with school as a component of subjective well-being; a tendency to decrease school satisfaction during the transition from 7th to 11th grades; significantly lower grades of all components of subjective well-being by students with OOP; significantly lower grades of all components of inclusion in students with OOP. The survey revealed the inclusion resources in the school under study: satisfaction with friends, family, yourself and your life prospects; high appreciation of inclusive culture at school.
parents, school, evidence-based educational policy, assessment, satisfaction, inclusive education, subjective well-being, special educational needs, inclusion, life prospects
Tavberidze D.V., Paimakova E.A..
Video Materials in Teaching the Specialty Language at the University
// Pedagogy and education.
2022. № 4.
P. 24-33.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2022.4.38883 EDN: DDEDFQ URL:
Teaching a specialty language as one of the aspects of a foreign language course requires the teacher to pay special attention to the vocabulary. One of the strategies for expanding the vocabulary of students is the use of English-language video materials devoted to the topics studied and lexically echoing them. The object of the study is the influence of English-language video materials with a certain set of words and notions as one of the tools for expanding vocabulary. The hypothesis was that the effectiveness of using this type of educational work to expand the vocabulary of students. The experiment was conducted in groups studying the specialty language. The authors of the study selected experimental and control groups, and a preliminary test was conducted before the experiment. After the course, students were offered a post-test, which consisted in checking students' vocabulary in control and experimental groups and an oral interview based on the results of training. The main conclusions of the study are: the results of the experiment show that the use of specially selected video materials has a positive impact on the development of special vocabulary. The final conversation of the teachers with the students of the experimental groups revealed a high level of satisfaction with the course and significant signs of an increase in motivation to further study the language of the specialty. Despite some limitations of the study, the authors consider the results of the experiment to be a weighty argument in favor of using video materials as an effective tool for expanding vocabulary.
testing, motivation, functions of video materials, video materials, vocabulary expansion, vocabulary, teaching methods, specialty language, teaching, English language
Solntseva E.S..
Priority Focus in Media Literacy of Youth
// Pedagogy and education.
2022. № 4.
P. 48-59.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2022.4.39170 EDN: KMRDBE URL:
The article is devoted to the study of media literacy skills of young people. On the one hand, theoretical studies of the issue are taken as a basis, and on the other hand, the practical understanding of media literacy that has developed among young people and is reflected here as a result of a sociological survey of schoolchildren aged 10-18 and students aged 18-29. In contemporary studies there is a certain lack of a single definition for media literacy and an integrated approach to this concept from the point of view of interdisciplinary research is in demand. Generally, media literacy include abilities to read and write; to distinguish fake from the truth and check facts; to distinguish opinions from facts; to recognize the emotional background of the message; to think critically; to evaluate the message in terms of the opposition «good – bad». This work results in establishing the following priority: for schoolchildren the ability to evaluate mass media content in terms of the opposition «good – bad» and for students the ability to think critically.
bad, assessment, critical thinking, fact-checking, survey, skills, abilities, youth, media literacy, good
Konkol M.M., Kochkina O.M..
Analysis of Approaches to Foreign Language Training of International Specialists (on the Example of MGIMO of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia)
// Pedagogy and education.
2022. № 4.
P. 34-47.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2022.4.39201 EDN: KNSRLE URL:
The subject of the study is the effectiveness of approaches to the formation of foreign language linguistic competence of future international specialists. The object of the research is the professional language training of future international specialists studying at the Departments of Romano-Germanic and Oriental Languages of MGIMO of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia. The purpose of the study is to generalize the cathedral approaches, their description, analysis and justification of their effectiveness in the process of teaching the language of the profession in all areas of university training. The authors consider in detail the approaches to teaching the language of the profession at the university as a whole, focusing on the analysis of approaches, methods and strategies used to form productive and receptive skills, considering all types of speech activity. The main conclusions of the study are the theoretical justification of the effectiveness and practical assessment of the reliability of approaches and methods of teaching the language of the profession, aimed at the formation of professionally necessary skills and abilities of future specialists, taking into account each of its specifics and practiced by all departments of foreign languages of the university, providing training in all areas of professional training of future international specialists. A special contribution of the authors to the study of the topic is the theoretical consideration of the effectiveness of approaches to teaching the language of the profession, taking into account certain specifics and complexity of some types of speech activity; generalization and analysis of the cathedral approaches and methods; consideration of approaches to the peculiarities of teaching translation of texts from a foreign language into Russian and from Russian into a foreign language. The novelty of the research lies in the concretization of approaches to teaching the language of the profession as a fundamental condition for the formation of foreign language linguistic competence of future international specialists; in determining the most effective methods and strategies for teaching a foreign language in terms of specialized professional training of students at the level of joint interrelated activity "teacher-student".
professionally oriented translation of texts, productive and receptive skills, educational project activity, formation of foreign-language competency, personalization of education, teaching foreign languages, competence approach, professional linguistic competence, language training of would-be international specialists, foreign language teaching
Gur'yanchik V.N., Belkina V.V., Makeeva T.V..
The Educational Aspect of Ensuring the Safety of Children from the Liberated Territories
// Pedagogy and education.
2022. № 4.
P. 72-81.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2022.4.39265 EDN: QCVLXN URL:
Social security is one of the guarantees of development of the contemporary society. The term “social security” has recently become broadly used in psychological, pedagogical and social contexts, when the issues of human and society protection joined the priority tasks of science and practice. The relevance of providing the social security of childhood is actualized at the level of national state policy and is recognized as an important tool in solving the foreign policy issues. The article actualizes the attention on the problem of social security of children from liberated territories of Ukraine (Lugansk People’s Republic and Donetsk People’s Republic) in the aspect of implementing educational projects for schoolchildren with a view of learning the Russian traditions and customs, which makes it possible to review the life values and attitude to our country. In July and August 2022, Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinskiy took part organization and implementation of “University Sessions”, initiated by the Ministry of Enlightenment of the Russian Federation within the frameworks of a federal project. The program implied a number of events of educational, cultural-historical, sportive, leisure and career guidance character. The University accepted three sessions with total of 109 children of both genders aged 12 to 17 y.o.
value-semantic guidelines, schoolchildren, University Sessions, event-oriented approach, enlightenment projects, liberated territories, social security, children of Donbass, armed conflict, safe childhood
Buyarov D.V., Ivanov P.A..
The Study of the Formation of Universal Educational Actions among Students in the Preparation of the Final Individual Project
// Pedagogy and education.
2022. № 4.
P. 60-71.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2022.4.39293 EDN: OSWOWL URL:
The subject of the study is the methodology for the formation of universal educational activities that are trained in the process of implementing the final individual project. The object of the research is universal learning activities. In the course of the study, a model for the formation of universal educational activities was developed, as well as a form for studying the level of their formation. In the course of the study, the theoretical foundations of the process of forming skills and abilities were studied, the results of scientific works aimed at studying the use of final individual project as a form of attestation of students, as well as the provisions of the main legal acts that consolidate these theses, were used. The Federal State Standards consecrate the requirements for the results of the development of the main educational program, including the implementation of the final individual project. Concretizing the used theoretical provisions on universal educational activities, a pedagogical model of their formation in the process of creating final individual project was developed. This model is a practical understanding and consistent implementation of the theoretical vision of the process of their formation. The pedagogical model of the formation of universal educational activities can be used both in the phased implementation of the final individual project, and in the analysis of final works, at the stage of demonstrating and summing up the results of activities. Based on the methods used for organizing experimental work, a phased plan was implemented aimed at the formation of universal educational activities through the implementation of final individual project. A comparative analysis at the final stage of the experimental work revealed a positive dynamic in the formation of universal educational activities, which was confirmed by the results in the experimental group of students.
metasubject results, experiment, monitoring, students, project activities, educational research, method, pedagogical model, final individual project, universal learning activities
Vinokurova O.S..
Dropout in Russian Higher Education and Ways to Reduce it
// Pedagogy and education.
2022. № 3.
P. 1-13.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2022.3.38313 EDN: LXCDGQ URL:
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Third Peer Review:
The subject of the study is the dropout rate in higher education. The number of students who were enrolled and did not graduate from educational institutions is analysed with the goal to increase the number of graduates when number of educational institutions and students is not subject to change. An empirical method is used: documents and expert opinions are studied. Method of obtaining information: open statistical databases and relevant analytical studies. The methodology of the OECD in compiling statistical databases and the levels of education in Russia are considered. The differences between «tertiary» and «higher education» are highlighted. The position of Russia in terms of the level of literacy of the population among the OECD countries is considered: a modest indicator of the level of «higher education» of the population of Russia is noted amid a high indicator of «tertiary education». The importance of reducing the dropout rate in the context of a direct correlation between the level of «higher education» and the development of a country and society is emphasized. Main reasons for dropping out of educational institutions are considered. The novelty lies in providing the definition of the dropout rate in higher education and its target indicators. The importance of using the term «dropout» in official sources and tightening the criteria indicators used for the purpose of accreditation monitoring is substantiated. The result of the study is the proposals intended to achieve the above designated goal: to provide detailed and additional information to the applicants, to increase the flexibility of curricula and educational programs, to design and aware the target audience of the affordable educational loans etc. In conclusion the importance of further research into the dropout rate to increase the level of higher education is stated.
OECD, bachelor program, dropout rate, graduates of the university, curriculum, vertical mobility, standard period of study, literacy rate, higher education, tertiary education
Kannykin S.V..
Educational and educational functions of running in the pedagogical system of P.F. Lesgaft
// Pedagogy and education.
2022. № 2.
P. 47-62.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2022.2.35822 EDN: LCZTHB URL:
The subject of the study is the pedagogically significant functions of running and running exercises, which are the basic components of the physical education system created by Peter Frantsevich Lesgaft (1837-1909). Clarification of the educational and cognitive potential of running practices for the formation of physical abilities, mind, character and moral qualities of students in the light of P.F. Lesgaft's humanistic ideals is the purpose of the proposed scientific work. The author draws attention to the depth of comprehension by the great Russian teacher of the historical, theoretical and applied aspects of various running exercises, their systemic relations not only with other types of physical activity, but also with the school complex of natural disciplines, as well as the educational process as a whole. The practical significance of the article is manifested in its focus on improving the quality of teaching physical culture in educational institutions. The historical and anthropological approach, a number of general scientific (systematization, generalization, comparison) and theoretical methods (analysis of literature on the research problem, terminological analysis) were chosen as research methods. In accordance with the concept of multidimensional correlation of physical and intellectual-spiritual development developed by P.F. Lesgaft, it was found that running without turns (ekpletridzein) forms a muscular sense of space as a training exercise; long running, obstacle running and running with weights are accustomed to perseverance of actions; high–speed running - to concentrated activity that requires significant stress in a short period; running with a torch develops coordination of upper and lower extremities; running on socks promotes grace of movements; running in "party" games teaches discipline and responsibility to the team; running with a metronome develops a sense of time. Also, running exercises prepare young men for military service, and in relation to schoolchildren of both sexes, they perform a recreational function and develop the skill of finding the optimal ratio of the distance to be overcome, time and effort expended.
kalokagatiya, game, ekpletridzein, running, education, physical education, humanism, pedagogy, Lesgaft, history of education
Sleptsov Y.A..
Teaching the Even language in a nomadic camp: problems and solutions
// Pedagogy and education.
2022. № 2.
P. 28-34.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2022.2.38248 URL:
The subject of the study is the education of children in a nomadic camp for indigenous minorities; the analysis of the difficulties that the organizers encountered in the first years of the nomadic camp when learning their native language by Even children was carried out. For the educational system of small comprehensive schools, the nomadic camp is a new form of organization of temporary association during the summer holidays as an inseparable system of teaching the native Even language in natural nomadic conditions. The first years of work showed that children hardly master their native language. One of the reasons is that in secondary schools they were taught the Even language based on the Olsky dialect, which Momsky Evens do not understand. Considering the above, the Even language was taught in the local dialect in the nomadic camp. Author concludes that children that were recruited to the camp did not have the opportunity to go to reindeer herding brigades, and thus had no idea about the traditional way of life of their people. Work experience since 2000 has shown positive dynamics in the field of teaching the native Even language and national culture. After graduating from secondary school, many students of the nomadic camp entered various secondary specialized educational institutions and higher educational institutions and subsequently joined the ranks of teachers in secondary schools, preschool educators, and cultural workers.
dialects, teaching the Even language, national traditions, problems, preservation of the native language, even language, evens, indigenous peoples of the North, nomadic lifestyle, nomadic camp
Shaikhislamova N.B., Bulatbaeva A.A., Akbaeva G.M., Abildaev B.Z..
Formation of competitiveness of future teachers in the university education system.
// Pedagogy and education.
2022. № 1.
P. 77-87.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2022.1.37583 URL:
The purpose of the article is a theoretical and practical justification of the process of forming the competitiveness of a future teacher. Research methods: theoretical analysis and generalization, modeling, in-depth interviewing. The results of the study: the essence of the competitiveness of the future teacher is determined, the developed model of the process of forming the desired quality is presented, the results of diagnostics are presented. Based on the results of the study of the formation of the competitiveness of future teachers, it was concluded that it is necessary to develop and implement a holistic model of the formation of the desired quality through mentoring and coaching techniques, the development of personal qualities in training training, the development of a system of professional counseling and career guidance. The authors define the competitiveness of the future teacher, substantiate some conditions for its formation. The process of globalization and the variability of the environment today require that society ensure sustainability for itself and its environment throughout life. Therefore, the paradigm of competitiveness of an individual and a specialist is currently changing. For graduates, it is important not only to achieve academic results, but also how they can take into account the likely level of competition in the labor market and be ready to respond flexibly to these changes. The authors of the article, analyzing the psychological and pedagogical literature, come to the conclusion that along with the development of professional qualities, it is necessary to develop habits of leadership, analytical abilities, involvement in public life, active citizenship, as competitive advantages of a specialist.
Leadership, knowledge management, University education system, Future teachers, Competitiveness, self-education, competitive advantage, development management, competitive qualities, self-improvement
Kozilova L.V..
The development of supra-professional competencies of future pedagogues in the practice-oriented environment of the university
// Pedagogy and education.
2021. № 4.
P. 45-53.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2021.4.37202 URL:
The subject of this research is supra-professional competencies that contribute to successful pedagogical activity. The author examines the impact of supra-professional competencies upon the success of practical pedagogical activity. Having specialized knowledge, skills and professional competencies is not always sufficient to meet the requirements of modern educational environment. Developed social and emotional intelligence, ability to work both in a team and independently, balance between subordination and leadership qualities, organized thinking, and other qualities are becoming increasingly relevant in pedagogical profession. The scientific novelty consists in determination of the key supra-professional qualities that contribute to successful pedagogical activity. The experienced pedagogues believe that emotional intelligence, ability to work independently, and critical thinking are considered supra-professional qualities, while young pedagogues believe that such qualities are social intelligence, proclivity for leadership and design thinking. Despite the fact that depending on age category, the pedagogues have different representations of supra-professional qualities, they are not contradictory. In the context of practice-oriented educational environment of the pedagogical university, the students should be taught not only specialized knowledge and skills, but also develop supra-professional competencies.
Teamwork, Striving for separateness, Striving for leadership, Social intelligence, Emotional Intelligence, Practice-oriented environment, Supra-professional competencies, Autonomy of activity, Organization of thinking, Self-development of a teacher
Malakhova E.V., Stepanov E.A., Yanova M.G..
The development of business character traits of high school students based on economic stereotypes
// Pedagogy and education.
2021. № 3.
P. 8-25.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2021.3.35664 URL:
This article provides the results of theoretical research aimed at determination of the impact of economic stereotypes upon the formation of business character traits of high school students in the Far North. Students’ representations on the economy are determined as the value foundations for understanding life activity for their effective inclusion into the system of socioeconomic relations. In order to develop the methods for overcoming economic stereotypes by high school students, the authors solved the following tasks: outline the conceptual framework of the term “economic stereotypes”; carry out the analysis of their impact upon human behavior; reveal contradictions in the representations of high school students; determine the key economic stereotypes of high school students of the Far North and the need to overcome them in modern conditions. The relevance of this research is substantiated by the need for the formation of adequate perception of economic reality among youth of the Far North, which would eliminate negative economic stereotypes on the one hand, and contribute to the development of business character traits on the other. The main conclusion lies in identification of such economic stereotypes in the youth consciousness that impede young people in submerging into the economic environment and organizing entrepreneurial activity in the conditions of the Far North. The authors believe that the most effective strategy for overcoming negative economic stereotypes of high school students that hinder their productive economic activity lies in strengthening of the role of education in this sphere, as well as increasing the level of economic competence of the pedagogues and the parents.
indigenous small people, socialization, Extreme North, high school students, business traits, personal qualities, economic stereotypes, economic activity, economic conditions, educational space
Pazukhina S.V., Ponomareva T.M..
The improvement of academic and methodological support of psychological-pedagogical disciplines in the conditions of digitalization of higher education
// Pedagogy and education.
2021. № 2.
P. 113-129.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2021.2.33538 URL:
The article discusses the problem of reconsideration of components and improvement of academic and methodological support of university psychological and pedagogical disciplines. The object of this research is the academic and methodological support of psychological-pedagogical disciplines in the digital educational environment of higher education. The subject is the improvement of academic and methodological support of psychological-pedagogical disciplines, taking into account competencies (components of competencies) developed in the course of their study for use in digital educational environment. The author determines the specificity and forms of providing academic and methodological support in transition towards digitalization of higher education. The author summarizes the productive experience of implementing these forms of work in Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University. The article suggests the vectors for improvement, gives theoretical substantiation to the new variants of development and provision of academic and methodological support for psychological-pedagogical disciplines demanded in the digital environment. It is established that the process and dynamics of improvement of academic and methodological support are primarily associated with overcoming psychological and qualification barriers that impede the participation of pedagogues in the digital transformation of education, and increasing their readiness to learning and using new information and communication technologies and software, which is most effective when they receive specialized training based on implementation of the principles of system-activity, competency-based, information, and individually-differentiated approaches, interdisciplinary integration, organization of joint activity of the educators of different academic departments.
digital technologies, digitalization, competence, psychological and pedagogical disciplines, improvement, educational and methodological support, higher education, digital educational environment, digital skills, digital certificates
Rostovtseva M.V., Pomazan V.A., Rutts M.L., Anan'ev V.N., Bobrik E.S..
Readiness of public school pedagogues for implementation of inclusive education
// Pedagogy and education.
2021. № 2.
P. 130-144.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2021.2.35622 URL:
This article touches upon the problem of readiness of the modern public school pedagogues for implementation of inclusive education. The author carries out an empirical research, the results of which demonstrate unwillingness of the pedagogues to teach children with health limitations. This is manifests in poor organization of correctional and developmental environment for inclusive education, as well as insufficient pedagogical interaction between all actors of the inclusive process pedagogical interaction between all subjects of the inclusive process; inability to select optimal means to arrange inclusive education and use various resources for the development of all children, etc. The author offers the key strategic directions for administration of public schools aimed at working with the indicated flaws, which for the most part are related to the arrangement of comprehensive interdepartmental interaction of all parties to the educational process. The author obtained the data on the main shortages of public school pedagogies in working with impaired children. Based on the method of self-analysis of pedagogical difficulties, the respondents indicated the reluctance to solve professional tasks in lesson planning, difficulties in communicating with children with health limitations, no methodological support or competence to develop it themselves. The author suggests arranging joint activity between the specialists in the field of correctional work (psychologists, speech-language pathologist, defectologists, tutors) and teachers, organizing methodological support in the educational institution to select techniques for working with children in the conditions of inclusion, tracking the dynamics of their development.
communication, methodological support, tutor, readiness, limited opportunities, educator, inclusion, tolerance, high school, correctional work
Arzhakova M., Egorova K.E..
Evaluation of professional competence of future chemistry teachers in the current context
// Pedagogy and education.
2021. № 1.
P. 25-35.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2021.1.34367 URL:
The implementation in the higher school of such new normative documents as Federal State Educational Standard, unit standard and others, set the goal for realization of competence approach in education. At the same time, such competence as the expected results serve as the evidentiary base for guaranteeing the quality of graduates training. There is currently no unified standard for assessing the quality of education overall. The subject of this research is the formation and assessment of formedness of professional competences of students on the discipline 44.03.01 Pedagogical Education with major in Chemistry and 44.03.05 Pedagogical Education with major in Biology and Chemistry. The goal of this research consists in formation of professional competence of students in the conditions of a classical university through creation of the system of occupational assignments. For the development of theoretical platform of research, special attention is given to the theoretical questions of formation of professional competence of students majoring in pedagogy. The author describes the requirements to evaluation tools and the structure of evaluation tools. The article employs the general theoretical methods of summarization, systematization, analysis, and comparison. The scientific novelty consists in outlining approaches towards solution of the problem of formation of professional competence of the students majoring in pedagogy in the conditions of a classical university; determination of criteria and indicators of professional training of future chemistry teachers in the context of implementation of the new educational policy. The conclusion is made that the practice-oriented educational institutions are one of the means of formation and evaluation of the formedness of professional competences of the students majoring in pedagogy.
methodological competence, professional competence, competency approach, competence, higher education, education, professional standard, Education Standard, practice-oriented tasks, evaluation of the results
Liventsova E.Y., Obukhovskaya V.B., Fakhretdinova A.P., Larionova A.V., Malkova I.Y..
Arrangement and conditions of professional activity of an educator: comparative analysis of work experience in Russian and foreign universities
// Pedagogy and education.
2021. № 1.
P. 36-49.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2021.1.34742 URL:
The subject of this research is the conditions of professional activity of an educator viewed through the prism of arrangement of the university campus space (based on comparative analysis of work experience in Russian and foreign universities). The indispensable conditions of professional activity are as follows: spatial organization of campus including safety and comfort; organizational environment; quality of relationship with the subjects of campus; possibility for professional and personal growth; language and cultural environments. The research is based on the method of thematic essay. The study involved educators with work experience in Russian and foreign universities. The scientific novelty consists in identification of psychological factors responsible for the professional development and performance of educators within the educational space of a campus, which would allow elaborating the strategies and ways for optimization of these processes. In the course of research, it was established that for successful professional activity, an educator must feel physical and psychological comfort and safety within the campus environment. The efficiently arranged campus space affects the professional performance of educators. The comparison of Russian and foreign university campuses indicated that the foreign ones outclass in level of educational supplies and equipment, advanced digital environment, work schedule that promotes better efficiency. The acquired results can be used for optimization of the conditions of professional activity of educators and increasing competitiveness of a university.
organizational environment, space, conditions, lecturer, professional activity, universities, university campus, performance efficiency, success, personal development
Rodnaeva O.A., Tykheeva N.A., Etobaeva I.G., Kapustina Y.A., Lamazhapova G.P..
On the issue of forming a culture of healthy lifestyle of students as an integral part of the processes of education and training
// Pedagogy and education.
2021. № 1.
P. 50-57.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2021.1.34925 URL:
In pedagogical theory and practice, the problem of the formation of health and a healthy lifestyle (HLS) of students occupies one of the priorities, since the preservation and strengthening of public health is one of the main strategic objectives of the country's development, regulated by federal regulatory documents. The article is devoted to the formation of a healthy lifestyle culture of students as one of the priority tasks of the educational and educational activities of a medical university. The authors conducted studies to assess the commitment of students of the 2-3 courses of the medical Institute to a healthy lifestyle according to a validated methodology, within the framework of the federal priority project "Formation of a healthy lifestyle". The results of the students' self-assessment of health showed that the largest number of students surveyed assess their individual health as good (55.8% of students). At the same time, the monitoring of adherence to healthy lifestyle revealed that the proportion of students smoking and drinking alcohol was 15.8% and 21.9%. accordingly, physical activity does not meet the recommended standards in 59.6% of students. In the course of the research, the index of adherence to healthy lifestyle among students was determined primarily due to poor-quality, unbalanced nutrition, eating habits, as well as the low financial situation of a significant part of students. The assessment of the index of adherence to healthy lifestyle among students of medical educational organizations showed extremely low values. Thus, only 2.6% of students have a high index index and only 39% are satisfactory, in the sexual difference, girls have slightly better indications compared to boys. Thus, the results indicate a low culture of students' health, which determines the importance of improving the effectiveness of teaching the basics of healthy lifestyle in the framework of educational programs, the introduction of new methods and forms of training into the educational and educational process aimed at forming the competence of future doctors in the field of healthy lifestyle.
risk factors, new competence, medical institute, students, educational work, comptency, health monitoring, health culture, healthy lifestyle, self-assessment of health
Goncharova N.V., Baklyskaia L.E., Zadokhina M.B., Denisova A.A..
Educational meaning of on-location practice for the students of architectural specialties
// Pedagogy and education.
2021. № 1.
P. 58-71.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2021.1.35098 URL:
The subject of this research is the vocational training of the students of architectural specialties and the the need for on-location practices in the Russian and foreign historical cities. The relevance of this topic is defined by the fact that the importance of such practices is questioned in the context of development of new educational curricula. Analysis is conducted on the historical aspect, the role of practice in vocational training, as well as peculiarities of perception of reality by the future architects and designers and cognitive activity in the open-air environment. The author outlines and substantiates the goals and tasks aimed at the development of knowledge and skills acquired the students during on-location practice. The research leans on the experience of conducting practices by the Institute of Architecture and Design of the Pacific National University in Russia and abroad. The authors discuss the positions of the planners, heads and participants of the on-location practices. The conclusion is made that such practices and not only the immersion into the historical environment, but its grasp by means of visual arts, which is an integral part of vocational education. The experience acquired by the student in the course of on-location practice is irreplaceable and necessary for professional growth of future architects and designers in accordance with modern requirements.
presumption of mobility, eidetic image, architecture, measuring practice, plein air, visiting practice, educational standard, personality formation, student, excursions
Medvedeva I.N., Martynyuk O.I., Pan'kova S.V., Solovyova I.O..
To the question of assessing universal competences of students
// Pedagogy and education.
2020. № 4.
P. 30-36.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2020.4.34184 URL:
The subject of this research is the assessment of competences that are crucial in modern life, known as 4K-competences (critical thinking, creativity, communication and cooperation) among the first-year students. Within the framework of the federal state educational standards of higher education, these competences are referred to as universal competences, while in public schools – in the list of metasubject learning results. The goal of this work consists in the analysis of experience of assessing general cultural/universal competences of the first-year students (recent high school graduates). Research methodology is comprised of the methods of theoretical analysis of this problem in scientific literature, examination and generalization of the approaches towards assessment of general cultural/universal competences. The novelty of research consists in actualization of the need to assess general cultural/universal competences of first-year students, as well as in justification of application of assessment method with regards to these competences. The conclusion is made that the input assessment allows detecting the level of formation of universal competences, and if necessary, adjusting individual educational routes of the students. In the course of assessment, the students were immersed into project activities for the purpose of revealing the elements of universal competences, as well as learning teamwork, communication skills and critical thinking.
competence-based approach, project-based learning, higher education, assessment center, competence evaluation, key competencies, cooperation, communication, critical thinking, creativity
Vasyuk A.G..
Social work for adaptation of the military personnel: essence, functions, and techniques
// Pedagogy and education.
2020. № 4.
P. 122-131.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2020.4.34247 URL:
The subject of this research is the social work with military personnel, while the object is the socio-psychological adaptation of young soldiers. This article demonstrates the problems of adaptation of military personnel to the conditions of army. Special attention is given to socio-psychological problems of adaptation of the participants of military operations, which should be solved on the state level, as well as to the development of new social policy with regards for military personnel and their families. It is underlined that is an immensely serious, psychologically difficult process that requires scientific approaches, high level of competence of the persons performing such activity, and elaboration of the new normative legal framework that can meet the demands for their professional training. Taking into account the key aspects and techniques of social work on adaptation of military personnel, theoretical and methodological research on the topic, the author comes to the conclusion that a wide range of activities requires better professional training of the people involved, and it should be provided in the higher education institutions with the specialization in “Social Work”. Such activity should be conducted on the state level, as it implies the development of a new normative legal framework that regulates the introduction of social services into military units, as well as the organization of training of military personnel within the system of education of social workers that incorporates research and implementation of new social work techniques with regards to military personnel.
education, legal framework, rehabilitation, technologies of social work, stages of social work, social work, participant of operations, combat action, military, adaptation
Mikhailova T.A., Gabrielyan Y.S..
Formation of readiness for employment among university students
// Pedagogy and education.
2020. № 4.
P. 86-95.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2020.4.34329 URL:
The article is devoted to one of the urgent problems of modern society – the employment of graduates of higher educational institutions and the reduction of unemployment among young people. Thus, the object of the study is readiness for employment, the subject of the study is the process of formation of readiness for employment among students in the conditions of a higher professional educational institution. In the course of the study, the main reasons for the lack of employment of university graduates were identified and described. The article reveals the concept of "readiness for employment among students", describes the components of readiness that affect the independent solution of practical tasks in job search and employment. Special attention is paid to theoretical aspects in the formation of readiness for employment, the importance of organizing special conditions at the university aimed at forming students' readiness for employment in the process of obtaining professional education as an integral part of professional training of a specialist is separately shown.  The novelty of this study consists in describing the essence of the concept of "formation of readiness for employment among students", determining the reasons for the lack of employment of graduates, substantiating the conditions for the formation of readiness for employment. In the course of the study, the authors come to the conclusion that it is necessary to introduce an optional course "The Art of Employment" for senior students, which contains an algorithm for organizing and implementing the stages of forming students' readiness for employment. The revealed relationship between the use of this course and the formation of a competent, competitive graduate who is able to independently solve practical problems when looking for work and further employment has been confirmed in the course of experimental work. The article is of interest to managers, teachers and employees of employment departments of higher educational institutions, employees of employment centers and representatives of non-profit organizations.
competitiveness, professional activity, specialization, labor activity, unemployment, young people, readiness for employment, employment, busyness, competence
Rudakova A.A., Zaitseva A.S..
Peculiarities of improvement of the national system of education quality assessment in the conditions of implementation of the curriculum of public secondary education integrated with the curriculum of professional training
// Pedagogy and education.
2020. № 4.
P. 96-105.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2020.4.34685 URL:
This article thoroughly examines such aspects of the topic as determination of new trends and approaches towards ensuring systematicity and comprehensiveness of functionality of the national system of education quality assessment; effective managerial decision-making via development and implementation of the local normative acts under the authority of educational institution with regards to education quality control. In the conditions of establishment of the unified system of education quality assessment in the Russian education and limitations of resources (organizational, personnel, methodological, normative, motivational, etc.), the heads of educational institution are aware of the need and importance of improvement of the national system of education quality assessment . This article examines the key stages in improvement of the national system of education quality assessment in the context of implementation of curriculum of public secondary education integrated with the curriculum of professional training on the disciplines “Horticulturist”. The novelty of this research consists in the fact that systematic gathering and analysis of information on the content, students’ performance, and conditions for implementation of the curriculum of public secondary education integrated with the curriculum of professional training on the profession “Horticulturist”, with subsequent determination of the problems, contributed to the making effective management decisions aimed at elimination of the “problem areas”. The expected result of improvement of the model of national system of education quality assessment consists in quality improvement of the public general education. The authors’ special contribution into the research of this topic lies in obtainment of practical results in the course of implementation of the improved model of the national system of education quality assessment on the level of administration, bodies of state administration, pedagogical personnel of the educational institution.
secondary general education, working profession, professional education, innovation in education, project management, assessment of the quality of education, management decisions, Internship, Professional competencies, VSOKO model
Pesha A.V., Evplova E.V..
Supra-professional competences of pedagogues of the XXI century
// Pedagogy and education.
2020. № 3.
P. 29-46.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2020.3.33247 URL:
Digitalization and advancement of knowledge economy, formation and proliferation of the new technological didactics based on the didactic tetrahedron, lead to requirements changes in the development of pedagogical competencies. These trends influence the selection of the topic of research aimed at studying the relevance of formation of supra-professional competencies of future pedagogues. The goal of this work consists in carrying out an empirical study, based on the content analysis of previous research, of the opinions of students of pedagogical universities on the importance of self-evaluation and evaluation of opportunities for the development of supra-professional competencies essential for the pedagogues of the XXI century. The online survey involved 150 students from three pedagogical universities – Ural State Pedagogical University, South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University, and Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University. The article presents an original definition of the concept of “supra-professional competence”, as well as makes an overview of national and foreign literature on the matter. The authors revealed the results of pilot study conducted among students of the aforementioned pedagogical universities. As a result of the research, based on the collected opinions of the students of 7 fields of study in two perspectives – self-evaluation of the level of development of students’ competencies and assessment of the importance of competences on the job market. The acquired results of assessment of opportunities for the development of supra-professional competences testify to the fact that there is room for improvement of educational process.
teacher, supra-professional competencies, soft-skills, competence, development, didactic tetrahedron, higher education, student, competencies of XXI century, digital economy
Zakharova O.V., Suvorova L.G., Zakharov A.V..
Features of environmental non-formal education
// Pedagogy and education.
2020. № 3.
P. 10-28.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2020.3.33617 URL:
The purpose of the article is to identify the most significant characteristics of the environmental educational program from the point of view of visitors and experts. The object of the study is informal environmental education, and the subject is the program of informal environmental education implemented at the ethnographic camp "Uvăs Mir Hot" (House of Northern People). Special attention is paid to the substantive and formal characteristics of the program under study. The authors' contribution to the research of the topic is to highlight the characteristics of the program that effectively affect visitors and change their attitude to the environment. At the first stage, the analysis of theoretical studies devoted to modern environmental education was carried out and basic characteristics were identified. At the second stage, the content and formal characteristics of the educational program are analyzed. At the third stage, three types of reviews were analyzed, which made it possible to identify the most effective characteristics of the educational program. The novelty of the study lies in a comprehensive research method involving the analysis of several types of reviews to determine the most effective characteristics of the educational program, as well as in the description of the unique platform on which the program is implemented. The theoretical significance of the study is related to the search for an optimal set of meaningful and formal characteristics of educational programs that form responsible environmental behavior. It is concluded that environmental education is impossible in the old educational paradigm, therefore, a variant of informal additional environmental education based on the wisdom of indigenous peoples and containing elements inherent in modern environmental education is proposed. However, a number of characteristics need further refinement. The content characteristics were not reflected in the reviews, although the formal characteristics of environmental education are recorded (emotional and aesthetic impact, informal nature, involvement in the issues discussed, the playful nature of the events). The analysis of the expertise carried out by specialist teachers shows the presence of almost all the characteristics of the educational program. The results of the study can be used to improve the program under consideration, and environmental education programs in general.
the wisdom of indigenous peoples, interactivity, the content of environmental education, ethnographic camp, environmental values, culture of the peoples of the north, forms of environmental education, non-profit organizations, informal environmental education, environmental crisis
Grebennikova V.M., Leus O.V..
Qualimetric monitoring of professional competences of a teacher in the conditions of digitalization of education: problems and solutions
// Pedagogy and education.
2020. № 2.
P. 86-95.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2020.2.33065 URL:
This article is supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project No. 19-013-00163 А “Methodology and Technology of Socio-Pedagogical Research of Family as a Subject of Creation of Individual Educational Trajectory of a Child”). The author examines the problem of monitoring of professional competences of a teacher in the conditions of digital environment. The authors propose a new technique for development of a method for assessing professional competences of a teacher based on latent variables theory, where private criteria manifest as integral with regards to indexes and indicators of professional competencies of a teacher. Qualimetric monitoring of professional competences contributes to the growth of personal growth of a teacher and improvement of the quality of his work in digital environment. The authors outline the scientific basis for qualimetric monitoring of professional competences of a teacher using the RUUM 2020 software (Rasch Unidimensional Measurement Models). The suggested approach proves that in the school digital environment can be resolved the issue of accessibility and automation of assessing professional competences of a teachers, apply Qualimetric monitoring for motivation of personal growth and self-improvement of a teacher. The new approach allows presenting the qualitative indicators in quantitative dimension. Such solution of the problem corresponds to the current level of requirements of digital environment for monitoring and scientific organization aimed at improvement of teacher’s competences.
teacher self-improvement, teacher self-development, automation of teacher, teacher's professional skills, latent variable theory, RUUM, qualimetric monitoring, teacher portfolio, digital environment, school digital environment
Kozilova L.V..
Cognitive dissonance among students in the conditions of online communications of modern educational environment
// Pedagogy and education.
2020. № 2.
P. 96-106.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2020.2.33113 URL:
The subject of this research is the educational environment of a pedagogical university, in the conditions of which the educational process is realized through online communications and characterized by the presence of phenomena of cognitive dissonance within the system of intersubjective relations. The authors views the features and assessments of discomfort of cognitive dissonance impeding students’ inclusion into the educational process. The assessments of cognitive dissonance are analyzed depending on its causes among the students of Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree. Attention is paid to perception of cognitive dissonance by the students as a lack of freedom of choice of the individual communication strategies, which on the subjective level is accompanied by feeling of indifference to the need for fulfilling the set assignments. The main conclusion consists in the thesis that the shift of pedagogical paradigm is accompanied by the phenomena of cognitive dissonance depending on its causes among the Bachelor’s students mostly relate to the absence of interest to online communications, inertness of feedback, and failure to understand the logic of the communication process itself. Among the Master’s Degree students there were no evidence of cognitive dissonance of any critical quantitative values. In quantitative regards, all of these indicators were below average, except such factors as the lack of freedom in selection of individual communication strategies. The scientific novelty consist in identification of the key characteristics and assessments of discomfort of cognitive dissonance impeding students’ inclusion into the educational process of modern educational environment.
intersubject communications, causes of cognitive dissonance, assessment of cognitive discomfort, characteristics of cognitive dissonance, cognitive dissonance, dynamics of the educational environment, modern educational environment, educational process, online communications, the formulation of educational tasks
Egorov S..
Mechanisms and practices of professionalization of workers within the system of evangelical theological education
// Pedagogy and education.
2019. № 4.
P. 65-75.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2019.4.27661 URL:
The subject of this research is the principles and practice of ensuring professional growth of educators and administrative workers in the Russian evangelical educational institutions. The focus of research interests is life strategies of the workers that brought them into the professional sphere and encourage staying within it, as well as the mechanisms of adaptation and support used by the religious educational organizations. In the context of extensive discussion on increasing the quality of higher education in Russia, it seems especially relevant to compare the experience accumulated within the framework of state system of education with similar experience of the private educational systems, namely the experience of theological education. The goal consists in comprehensive comparison of the secular and evangelical theological education in the aspects of models, stages, principles and mechanism op professionalization of staff of higher education. Methodology is based on the systemic approach, complemented by the methods of labor psychology and social psychology. This allows conducting systemic analysis of the corresponding practice with consideration of the peculiarities of the topic in question. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that for the first time the life trajectories and specifics of professionalization of worker of the systems of evangelical higher education were subjected to detailed systemic examination, which accounts the Russian practice along with the relevant global experience. The conducted research allows determining the typical behavioral patterns, as well as the most significant problems in professional growth of personnel of the sphere of higher theological education compared with the similar occurrences in the secular education.
professional psychology, educational policy, higher education, Russian legislation, motivation, theological education, professional growth, philosophy of education, pedagogical psychology, evangelical churches
Chelnokova T.A..
Social competence of the participants of education relations – the development framework of inclusive education
// Pedagogy and education.
2019. № 4.
P. 27-33.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2019.4.31349 URL:
The new phenomenon within the system of Russian education becomes practical implementation of the ideas of inclusion in educational institutions. Active development of inclusive education directly affects the problem of social competence incorporated in the unified space of the participants of education relations. The object of this study is the social interaction of such participants. The subject of this study is the social competences of persons engaged in the system of education relations. The goal consists in identification and description of social competences of the participants of education relations essential for the development of the system of inclusive education. Research methodology leans on sociocultural approach towards examination of the phenomenon in question, which mainstreams the need for integration of knowledge in the area of sociology and social psychology into pedagogical research. The author refers to the concept of sociology and interprets their content with consideration of the specifics of education as a pedagogical phenomenon. The article presents the original understanding of social competences relevant for all participants of education relations emerging within inclusive environment and defining its development. The scientific novelty is defined by integration of theoretical foundations of sociological science into the area of pedagogical practice that is at the center of the purpose of the transformation.
interpersonal relations, communication relationships, communication, inclusive educational environment, inclusive educational, social interaction, Social competences, social and role behavior, limited health capacities, educator
Tlyavsin I.B..
Formation of technological discipline in technology classes
// Pedagogy and education.
2019. № 4.
P. 20-26.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2019.4.31210 URL:
This article examines the peculiarities of using education technologies in technology classes of public schools. The concept of technological discipline in technology classes, which contributes to the development of educational process, is revealed. Technology classes are aimed at fostering certain skills and qualities in students. The subject of this research is the technological discipline in technology classes. The goal consists in formation of technological discipline in technology classes. The main research methods contain analysis, synthesis, and comparative analysis in the area of pedagogy. The results lie in determination of the peculiarities of formation of technological discipline in technology classes. The scientific novelty is characterized by the fact that the formation of technological discipline in technology classes stimulates the improvement of educational process, which currently is at the stage of rapid development. Conclusion is formulated on the importance of the formation of technological discipline in technology classes for the purpose of development of particular skills and abilities in students.
information and communication technology, technologies, students, class, technological discipline, engineer, school, teaching, education, pedagogy
Bazik O.V..
The Main Areas for Promoting Higher Education in the Leading Cities of the Republic of India
// Pedagogy and education.
2019. № 3.
P. 26-35.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2019.3.27529 URL:
The subject of the research is potential risks of promoting higher education in the leading cities of the Republic of India. The author of the article focuses on the project Smart City aimed at not only raising the living standards of Indian population but also promoting the prestige value of education institutions for both citizens and potential students from other states. The aim of the research is to describe the main characteristics of these cities and to outline the priority areas for higher education institutions located in their territory. To achieve the research targets, Bazik has studied the main institutes and universities and has described the latest researches and objectives faced of these institutions. The methodological basis of the research includes general principles of analysis and synthesis. Using the method of analysis, the author has outlined the key factors and institutions that drive the development of higher education in these or those cities of the Republic of India. Using the method of synthesis, the researcher has also summarised the main trends of the educational system of the state and its development vectors. The rationale of the research is caused by the fact that potential opportunities of higher education in the Republic of India are understudied. Most of the researches give a general description of this sphere while the author of the article focuses on particular cities taking into account their economic and political environment and opportunities.
institute, university, college, educational sphere, education policy, higher education, Smart city, Republic of India, infrastructure, IT-sector
Egorov S..
Approaches and Methods of Developing and Implementing Educational Programs at Systems of Evangelic Theological Education
// Pedagogy and education.
2019. № 3.
P. 36-46.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2019.3.27660 URL:
The subject of the research is methodological aspects and experience in developing and implementing educational programs under the conditions of Russian Evangelic educational systems. From the very moment of their creation, these systems in Russia, on the one hand, have been trying to take into account national educational traditions and, on the othr hand, are oriented at harmonization of global trends of higher education including theological education. As part of attempts to promote Russian universities on the global stage, it is important to study long-term experience of integration of approaches and methods from different educational environments. The main research targets imply the use of Peter Checkland's soft system methodology. Egorov has chosen this particular kind of systems approach as a result of his analysis of problems and variety of available data. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that for the first time in the academic literature Evangelic theological programs have been studied in comparison to global trends and tendencies in the sphere of development and implementation of educational programs. Having analyzed a great variety of data, the researcher has been able to analyze the most advanced approaches and methods applied by the systems of Evangelic education that can be also used in other spheres. The scientific results of the research are of great important for those who are concerned about problems and success of the integration of Russian higher education into the global educational system.
evangelical churches, freedom of conscience, teaching methods, higher education, Russian legislation, educational standards, religious education, theological education, education management, philosophy of education
Abibullaeva E.E..
Developing the Competence of Bilingual Teachers Under the Conditions of Multicultural Crimea
// Pedagogy and education.
2019. № 3.
P. 47-53.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2019.3.30491 URL:
Training of bilingual teachers is still an important issue for educational institutions of Crimea. On the one hand, there is a growing demand of the society and parents who are ready to bring children to preschool centers and elementary schools of Crimea. On the other hand, there is a problem that preschool children do not speak Tatar at a decent level. Thirdly, it is important to develop competences of bilingual teachers. Thus, the subject of the research is the process of teaching bilingual teachers in the sphere of preschool and elementary education in modern Crimea. The research methods used by the author of the article include analysis of literature and summary of theoretical grounds for training a modern bilingual teacher, questionnary survey of students majoring in sychology and teaching (based on the inventory offered by A. Prigozhin). As the main outcome of the research, the author emphasizes the importance of training a bilingual teacher in Crimea who would speak Russian and Crimean Tatar. She also describes the elements of bilingual subject competence of would-be teachers, this competence is interpreted as the key to professional success of bilingual teachers at preschool centers and elementary schools. Taking into account the fact that teachers are usually willing to learn two languages and to work at bilingual preschool centers and elementary schools, it is important to develop their competence and skills, the latter constituting the scientific novelty of the research. Training of bilingual teachers is possible as part of bachelor studies or continuing professional education (re-training or raising proficiency level).
preschool educational institutions, multicultural education, language competence, subject competence, bilingual subject competence, bilingual teacher, teacher training, bilingual education, bilingualism, teacher training system
Tretiakova L.R., Rogaleva E.V..
Current State and Development Trends of Labour Education of School Students in the Irkutsk Region
// Pedagogy and education.
2019. № 3.
P. 54-62.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2019.3.30598 URL:
The article is devoted to the current state of teaching the subject area 'Labour' and development trends for improving the curriculum of the discipline based on documents and guidelines of the Russian law. According to the new concept of teaching labour, it should help school students to get acquainted with the world of new technologies and modern equipment as well as various professions. The authors of the article focus on the analysis of how teachers of the Irkutsk Region conduct labour training at school. They analyze the role of additional education centers in the process of attracting school students into engineering, technological and construction activities. The article is based on the systems approach and structured analysis of legal documents and guidelines, empirical research methods and conceptual element of the discipline as well as the competence-based approach. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors analyze the experience of teachers who teach labour and make recommendations for all those who participate in labour education in the region. Labour education aimed at implementation and development of professional skills, knowledge and competences demanded by the modern economy of the Irkutsk Region and Russia provides opportunities for continuous education and development of universal skills and competences not only through the system of general education but also additional education of school children.
concept, indivisible classes, technologies of conducting the house, industrial technologies, teacher of technology, subject area Technology, technological education, content of training, additional education, kvantorium
Akutina S.P..
Role of the museum as an educational center in the training of bachelors of "Service" orientation through the educational discipline "Holidays and traditions of peoples of Russia" at the psychological and pedagogical faculty of Arzamas branch of National Research University - N. I. Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod
// Pedagogy and education.
2019. № 2.
P. 53-60.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2019.2.29487 URL:
In the article, innovative forms of training bachelors of "Service" orientation (orientation - social and cultural service) in the context of the implementation of the Federal state educational standard of higher education through Museum Pedagogy are observed. The purpose of the study: development of conditions for the formation of museum-educational competences of bachelors using Museum Pedagogy. The subject of the study: innovative forms of training bachelors of "Service" orientation. Work of Arzamas Museum of History and Art as an educational center is observed. Pedagogical conditions of formation the museum-educational competences of students in the process of professional training are allocated. The brief content of the training course "Holidays and traditions of peoples of Russia" is given, the role of tour classes for students at the museum while studying the history of the Russian costume, the everyday life of ordinary people and the nobles, and holidays and ceremonies of the inhabitants of the Arzamas region is showed. The experience of interaction between various universities and museums in the context of training of bachelors of "Service" orientation is presented. Method of the research: observation, content analysis. The methodology of the study: system, competence, and cultural approaches in the context of training of bachelors of "Service" orientation. The novelty of the study is due to the conclusions that a modern museum is a pedagogical, psychological, and multicultural environment, which, in the process of education, gives students an opportunity to obtain knowledge, skills and practical experience; to form the competences, required for successful professional activity. The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that methodological approaches to the educational activities of the museum can serve as a guide in the training of bachelors for the implementation of socio-cultural and educational activities, taking into account the museum component through the inclusion in the university programs of the course "Holidays and traditions of the peoples of Russia", which axiologically fills the student audience.
service, culture, the museum, education, direction, humanitarian, bachelors, innovations, tours, competencies
Glavan A.A., Gramma D.V..
Development of critical thinking in the process of teaching a foreign language to students of non-linguistic specialty
// Pedagogy and education.
2019. № 2.
P. 24-31.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2019.2.29671 URL:
Critical thinking relates to the ability of a person to think independently and make the right decisions. Nowadays, the introduction of abilities of critical thinking is regarded as one of the purposes of university studies. In the article, the experience of practical applying the technology of development of critical thinking of students of non-linguistic specialties in the process of studying a foreign language is described. The subject of the study: a process of teaching a foreign language in university as a tool for developing the critical thinking of students. On the first stage, the level of development of critical thinking was analyzed in order to study the level of the development of critical thinking in the process of teaching a foreign language. The research method was the observation of students' communicative activity. On the second stage, there was created and realized a foreign language learning system, based on the technology of critical thinking, which lasted for a term. On the third stage - in order to re-diagnose the level of development of the activity component of critical thinking and evaluation of results - were used such methods as monitoring the work of students in foreign language classes and the method of statistical analysis. The conclusions of the conducted research provide valuable information for improving the technology of the development of critical thinking strategies in the process of teaching a foreign language to students of non-linguistic specialty. The authors emphasize the necessity of implementation of a given technology referring to the demands of Russian Federation state educational standards of higher education on specialty "Software engineering". Information, received in the process of diagnosing of the level of development of indicators of critical thinking among future IT-specialists, indicates the effectiveness of the proposed technology.
stage of understanding, stage of challenge, analysis, university, teaching, non-linguistic specialty, foreign language, critical thinking, technology, stage of reflection
Egorov S..
Theoretical bases and practice of organization of educational process in systems of Evangelical theological education
// Pedagogy and education.
2019. № 1.
P. 8-19.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2019.1.27650 URL:
The subject of the study is settings of the philosophy of education, on which the educational process in various systems of Evangelical theological education is based. The main attention is paid to the way how the ideas about educational activities recorded in normative and declarative documents affect the direct practice in this field. In spite of the availability of various documents, describing the components of the philosophy of education, there is no cohesive doctrine of educational activity in the Evangelical community yet. Moreover, programs at different levels are often implemented according to different settings. Meanwhile, there exists a wide range of common settings, which allows talking about the integrity of theological education. As the main approach for this study, the methodology of soft systems was chosen, the development of which began at Lancaster University by Peter Checkland and his colleagues. This methodology allows renovating the concepts of education, existing in official documents and the direct practice, and also carrying out their comparative analysis. The novelty of the study is due to the fact that various aspects of the philosophy of theological education used in the Russian systems of Evangelical education were subjected to extensive system analysis for the first time. The author shows how certain attitudes from the philosophy of education are manifested in various components of programs of different levels and directions on the basis of a significant array of data. The obtained scientific results allow, on the one hand, formulating recommendations for the development of this professional sphere, and on the other hand, promoting the development of effective state policy in relation to theological education.
education management, higher education, Russian legislation, educational standards, religious education, theological education, social philosophy, philosophy of education, philosophy of religion, evangelical churches
Lukina S.A..
Consideration of National and Regional Specific Features of Yakutia in the Course of Teaching the 'Human and His Health' Discipline as Part of School Biology Curricula
// Pedagogy and education.
2018. № 4.
P. 61-66.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2018.4.27834 URL:
The object of the research is the biology teaching and educational process at school. The subject of the research is the development of a valuable attitude of 8th-grade school students. Lukina focuses on the analysis of the biological curricula at Yakutia (Republic of Sakha) schools. She analyzes the experience in the regionalization of education based on the example of teaching biology at Yakutia schools. The results of the analysis of theses and researches on the matter demonstrate that a regional component is insufficiently presented in the biological curricula of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The regional component in teaching biology should include peculiarities related to the mentality, language, traditions, customs, culture and psychophysiological features of the nation. The methodological basis of the research implies a set of psychological, pedagogical, methodological and natural scientific concepts of developing a valuable attitude to a healthy life style, the basic conceptual grounds and the main didactical and methodological principles of teaching school students. The researcher has also used such methods as tests and statistical methods such as using measuring scales and descriptive statistics. The results of analysing the biology curricula demonstrate that Yakutia schools lack certain solutions and methods that would contribute to the development of a valuable attitude to health. Lukina offers her own theoretical model of developing a valuable attitude to a healthy life style in the process of teaching the Human and His Health discipline at Yakutia schools. The researcher conducts an experiment to verify efficiency of her method in developing a valuable attitude to a healthy life style as part of biology teaching. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author develops methodologies and conditions for teaching the Human and His Health discipline for the 8th-grade school students in Yakutia taking into account their regional and ethnic peculiarities.
learning biology, education of Yakutia, regional component, health of value, valuable attitude, standard, biology teaching methods, school education, healthy lifestyle, regionalization
Volkov I.A..
Research Activity in a Village School: Can School Students Reproduce New Research Knowledge?
// Pedagogy and education.
2018. № 4.
P. 67-75.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2018.4.28330 URL:
The subject of this research is the research activity of students in a village school. In his research Volkov provides details of organizing research activity at secondary schools. Compared to village schools, municipal schools do not face so many problems when it comes to the organization of students' research activity. First of all, municipal schools have better funds, developed infrastructure, more opportunities of leisure activities for children and involvement of children to research activities of other municipal companies. In the course of the research Volkov has used the following methods: comparative analysis of research activity in village and municipal schools; systems approach to developing recommendations on how to arrange for research activity in the country-side, interview of teachers about peculiarities of their teaching at school, and logical method to analyze the modern stage of the social development and research activity in general. In accordance with the requirements of new educational standard, research is becoming a mandatory school activity and part of academic success. Therefore, it is necessary to arrange for research activities throughout the elementary and high school both in a city and the country-side. There is a great number of village schools in the Russian Federation and these schools face certain difficulties with organizing new methods and forms of teaching. This research is devoted to specific features of a village school and what conditions are necessary for their successful development.
advantages of the scientific work, an educational organization, Education in the Russian Federation, a project activity, a research project, a research activity, disadvantages of the scientific work, a village school, a scientific work, recommendations of the scientific work
Enygin D.V..
History of Multicultural Education in World Pedagogy
// Pedagogy and education.
2018. № 3.
P. 12-17.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2018.3.23368 URL:
The object of this research is the phenomenon of multicultural education. The subject of the research is the historical prerequisites for the emergence and development of this phenomenon in world pedagogy. The author pays special attention to the analysis of the origins of multicultural education and traces the continuity of ideas in the works of scientists from different countries of the world. An interesting point is that the author considers not only the historical aspects of the evolution of the key concept of research but also shows the social features of the emergence of multicultural education in various countries of the world. The main research method used by the author is the analysis accompanied with comparison and description as well as synthesis. The main conclusion of the article is the statement that multicultural education has a long history of development beginning with the problems of discrimination of the African-American population. The important fact is that with each period of its development this pedagogical phenomenon was expanding and getting new facts and features, which became the reason for such a number of discrepancies in the interpretation of the key concept of this research.
ethnopedagogy, multilingual education, educational environment, multicultural educational environment, multilingualism, multiculturalism, policultural education, multicultural education, multilingual educational environment, history of education
Rostovtseva M.V., Dogadaev O.N., Zhigaev I.G., Vasil'eva T.B., Petrov I.A..
The Problem of Inclusive Education in Evaluation of Secondary School Teachers
// Pedagogy and education.
2018. № 2.
P. 22-30.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2018.2.26351 URL:
The subject of the research is the inclusive education at secondary schools. The researchers carry out an empirical research aimed at analysing the opinion of teachers about difficulties that may be faced in the process of transfering to inclusive forms of education and up-bringing. The survey involved 87 teachers of five secondary school in Krasnoyarsk. The authors of this article presents the results of the research and discovers that difficulties faced by teachers in the course of inclusive education are caused by the deficit of professional skills, poor use of educational resources during lessons in mixed groups, and teachers being psychologically unready for innovations. The research has been carried out using the questionnaire-based survey. The authors wrote their own questionnaire 'Difficulties of Inclusive Education Faced by Teachers'. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research is the person-centered approach. The results of the research demonstrate certain difficulties faced by teachers in the course of inclusive education. These difficulties deal, first of all, with the deficit of professional skills, absence of a fccused policy from the side of the school authorities, poor use of educational resources during lessons in mixed groups, and teachers being psychologiclyl unready for innovations. The authors give recommendations for the school authorities and municipal units. These recommendations provide opportunity for all actors of the educational process to fully participate in teaching and up-bringing. For this purpose, it is necessary to review and prepare new educational resources of the educational process and to create new conditions for training inclusive education teachers.
educational process, upbringing, high school, pupils, psychological spore, learning problems, pedagogue, inclusive education, inclusion, conditions of education
Mel'nikova L.A., Mkrtchyan N.M., Metelkina Z.S..
The Role of Cultural and Educational Environment of the College in the Personal and Professional Development of Future Teachers
// Pedagogy and education.
2018. № 1.
P. 12-18.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2018.1.22396 URL:
The authors of the article reveal the peculiarities in the organization of cultural and educational environment for the professional development of future teachers in the teacher-training college, based on the unique cultural and historical situation in which this educational institution develops, culture and traditions of the Upper Don widely represented in scientific and fiction literature, and the history of the Cossacks and folk crafts. That support was possible due to the selfless activity of teachers, the development of a regional module for the content of teacher training and the systematic organization of the educational process in the college. The main methodology of the research is related to the design of the cultural and educational environment for the professional and personal development of students: the development of the appropriate content of education, the organization of the professional development environment, the saturation of the living environment with cultural events and the involvement of students in the cultural life of the region. The novelty of the research is that the article shows how the cultural and educational environment of personal and professional development of future teachers is organized in a specific educational institution, what cultural events are included in the educational process and how the immersion of subjects of upbringing into the cultural events of the region produces the maximum educational effect .
regional pedagogy, professional development, creative laboratory, cultural identity, ethnic culture, cultural and educational environment, event pedagogy, immersion technology, traditions, cultural phenomenon
Lonskaya L.V., Avdeev D.B., Malyutina T.V., Karimov A.V..
Psychological and Pedagogical Conditions for Formation of Healthy Lifestyle at a Medical University
// Pedagogy and education.
2017. № 3.
P. 12-19.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2017.3.24096 URL:
This research article is devoted to important components that form a health saving environment at medical universities of the Russian Federation. The authors provide results of their monitoring over the activity of universities run by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. They have carried out their analysis based on organisational, methodological, and pedagogical methods of health lifestyle formation used at universities. Winners of the contest undertake similar activities to form healthy lifestyle. In particular, they all have clearly structured activity plans. In accordance with the research target and hypothesis, the authors have selected the following research methods: theoretical (analysis of academic, pedagogical and psychological literature, innovative pedagogical experience, analysis of documents, results of sport and scientific achievements as well as generalisation, systematisation and classification), and practical (observation, interview and tests). The main results of the research and recommendations made by the authors are going to be included in the new concept of health lifestyle formation at Omsk Medical Academy for 2017 - 2020. Methods described by the authors will be also actively implemented as practical activities aimed at formation of healthy lifestyle. Moreover, the main provisions and results of the research have been discussed at department and committee meetings concerning extra-curricular and social activities at Omsk Medical Academy.
lifestyle, health improvement program, health saving environment, activity approach, motivation, healthy lifestyle, program, environment, approach, motivation of students
Bleikh N.O..
Problems of Religious Education of Muslims of the Northern Caucasus (the XIXth Century)
// Pedagogy and education.
2017. № 2.
P. 67-74.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2017.2.22946 URL:
The article is based on little known archival and documentary sources. The author of the article examines the problems of religious education of Muslims of the North Caucasus. It is proved that socio-political and cultural development of the North Caucasus region in the nineteenth century was marked by the involvement of Muslim peoples in the social, cultural and economic field of Russia through school policy. The Russian government in the region tried to implement not only the "stick" (military action, economic blockade), but also the "carrot" policy (education development), knowing that the latter will evoke sympathy among the local population and the spiritual elite. To the traditional system of education, which was submitted to the Koranic school, the Mekteb and medrese were added to the state "public" educational institutions that educate youth in loyalty to the Russian state. Methodologically the article is based on the achievements of Russian historical science in the field of Caucasian studies, history of Russian education, educational thought, urban studies, and studies of the social system of the Russian Empire. The methodological basis of the research involves the principles of objectivity, consistency and historicism, which is dictated by the complexity of studying the topic. Conclusions are made about the fact that after the establishment of the Russian statehood in the area of distribution of Islam, everyday way of life of Muslims changed for the better. The traditional Muslim system of education has been changed, too, in which there was an increase in the number of new theological schools, and have significantly improved their training facilities. However, Muslim educational paradigm implemented by the Russian Empire in the North Caucasus still needed in a substantial upgrade.
school policy, medrese, Mekteb, Koranic school, Muslim system of education, North Caucasus, Russian Empire, Caucasian society, modernization, knowledge
Popkova N.V..
Education Ecology as a Part of Culture Ecology
// Pedagogy and education.
2017. № 1.
P. 57-65.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2017.1.21707 URL:
The author of the article emphasizes the need to inculde a new academic discipline, education ecology, into the sphere of culture ecology. The crisis in some areas of the social life has caused the need to ecologize corresponding sciences. In particular, the threat to culture preservation has led to the occurrence of culture ecology. Meanwhile, cultural standards are transferred through the social institution of education, therefore, preservation of the overall educational level should become the major part of culture ecology. The author demonstrates that thee modern condition of education as a social institution providing reproduction of the socio-cultural environment is critical. The author suggests to develop education ecology. According to the author, the object of this new discipline should be the influence of the socio-cultural environment on the education system and the object thereof should be conditions of functioning of education as a social institution, standards and norms of its realisation and ways of its preservation. In her article Popkova describes the primary goals of education ecology. In order to achieve these goals it is necessary to analyse, in particular, models of education institutes of various societies considering them as tools of self-preservation of society. As a result, it would be possible to develop measures aimed at society modernisation instead of breaking its valuable bases. Thus, education ecology is represented an obligatory stage of any actions oriented at increasing the efficiency of education.
education as a social institution, education systems, crisis of civilization, modern epoch, culture ecology, ecology, functioning of educational process, higher education, culture, efficiency of education
Khakimova G..
Experience of School Libraries in Germany for Motivation Reading of Pupils
// Pedagogy and education.
2017. № 1.
P. 42-50.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2017.1.22576 URL:
The subject of the study is the experience of German school libraries in organizing their activities aimed at preserving interest in reading and the book. It is shown that the observed growth in the diversity of services provided by school libraries, close cooperation with public libraries, and orientation toward improving the quality of library activities are aimed at motivating students to read books. The general scientific methods of research - analysis, synthesis, generalization, systematization, allocation of the most valuable material from the primary source are used in the article. The author provides a description of the project-training to improve reading skills of pupils of the 5th classes with the use of audiobooks and the online portal held in the gymnasium of the Friedrich Spee in Trier in three areas, designed for different reading levels of students. The author examines also initiated in 2006 in the Federal state of Rhineland-Palatinate the project «Die goldene Leslie» («Golden Leslie»), the purpose of which is to motivate reading in children and adolescents based on their participation as jury for awarding the annual youth literary awards best children's and youth book in German language. The author comes to the conclusion that the library has the potential active participant in the contemporary socio-political and cultural-educational processes among the priorities of the school library should be considered a book promotion and sustainable preservation of interest in reading as a necessary basis for raising the General cultural and educational level of society. The results of study can be used in educational process of library schools and faculties and activities of national libraries.
online portal Antolin, prize Golden Leslie, readers competence of pupils, training with audiobooks, interest in reading, improving of reading skills, quality of library activities, experience of school libraries, school libraries in Germany, librarians of schools
Vaskevich T.V..
Dispute of Education Systems: Is a Compromise Possible? Anthropological Mission of Education
// Pedagogy and education.
2016. № 4.
P. 353-362.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2016.4.68459 URL:
The present article is devoted the development of the Russian education system. The author of the article describes theoretical grounds for the current developmental path of education in Russia and gives a description of Anglo-Saxon and Romano-German education systems. Educational strategy and various aspects of interpretation of education are also considered. Relying on V. Slobodchikov's, A. Ostapenko's, A. Muravev's and A. Shuvalov's researches the author pays special attention to the anthropological approach to interpreting education that allows to reveal a true mission of education, i.e. formation of the human in a human. Within the anthropological interpretation of education, the anthropological principle as the practice of cultivation and formation of subjective abilities in a human is being realized. The research methodology is based on the comparative analysis and synthesis of scientific sources on the problem of education systems and educational models. The basic results of the carried out research are recommendations about formation of the Russian education system as the optimum convergence of existing education systems constructed on the basis of the principle of reasonable balance, i.e. identity of theoretical and practical education, within the framework of the anthropological approach that reveals the true humanitarian side of education which is the development of the human in each human.
anthropological prospect, humanitarian education, Russian education system, principle of reasonable balance, Romano-Germanic education system, Anglo-Saxon education system, anthropological approach to education, interpretations of education, education model, education model
Naumova N.V., Glushak A.S..
About Paradigm Principles of Education Reforms (View from Inside)
// Pedagogy and education.
2016. № 1.
P. 10-27.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2016.1.67685 URL:
The article gives the analysis of reforms in higher education which were performed in the Russian Federation and also in Israel, the USA and France. The main aim of the article is to clarify paradigm principles, main purposes and objectives of reforms being conducted. Attention is paid to the necessity not to destroy previous achievements and avoid coping the experience of other countries and nations but to save best achievements of our nation in the sphere of education and to multiply them. It is underlined in the article that cutting down humanitarian cycles and socially-oriented blocs will inevitably lead to spiritually poor personality with low potential of social activity. Western European countries orientation on specialist and professional is only one side of education, the other one is educational, spiritually enriching and personality forming side of the process of education. The Western model can be defined as empiric-rational with the stress on professionalism. The main task which is stated is to create a person-function, person of wish. The aim of our system of higher education is to develop an intellectual human-creator. The research methodology is based on the comparative philosophical and religious analysis. The main research method is the comparative analytical method. General scientific methods such as analysis, synthesis, generalization and individualization have been also applied. It is stated in the article that the prospect for our development is the formation of mature personality with philosophical and cultural outlook and breadth of thinking but not a person- “small screw”, not a professional of narrow sphere. Political, ideological and economic problems of the modern world are often concealed in the destruction of the system of education, its orientation not on statement of universal principals and norms but on search of particular, narrow professionally oriented, pragmatic factors of growth. The authors believe that when one conducts reforms he should be moderate which supposes the harmony of common and particular, scientific and humanitarian knowledge and preparation of the person creator and person-professional and performer. It is concluded that pre-revolutionary as well as the Soviet system of education in Russia had humanitarian character of upbringing of intellectual and paid insufficient attention to the formation of professional while the Western model is vice versa has always been considered to be successful in creating professional, person-function but both models have their own disadvantages. Educational reforms are performed everywhere but tasks are different. So, it is important to save everything valuable that our secondary and higher schools have always had.
personality, professional, human-creator, teacher, humanities, natural sciences, science, education model, paradigm, reform
Levin V.I..
New Program of Graduate (PhD) Studies
// Pedagogy and education.
2015. № 4.
P. 336-343.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2015.4.67417 URL:
The article is devoted to the problem of educational training of graduate students and PhD students in Russia. The researcher describes the current systems of educational training in the world and focuses on their pluses and minuses. Special attention is paid to the systems of training in Germany, France, Great Britain and USA. The author also describes and analyzes the system of graduate training which was formed in the USSR and is still efficient in today's Russia. The author offers a new system of educational training of Russian graduates. This program is oriented at modern tasks and goals of Russian higher education. The curriculum includes: history of scientific discoveries, logic and critical thinking, research methods, investigation culture, academic ethics and law basics. The research is based on the analysis of both Russian and foreign researches conducted by specialists in the sphere of personnel training as well as methodological works of graduates' research advisors. Levin has also used a lot of Russian and foreign researches on the history of science, methods of scientific research, logic, investigation culture, academic ethics, methods of writing thesis research and articles. The main conclusions are the following: 1) introduction of the three-stage educational system in Russia (bachelor's, master's programs and graduate (PhD) studies) offers a good opportunity to improve training of Russian graduates; 2) there is a great variety of educational schools for graduates all over the world, each school having its own curriculum and national traditions; 3) the current system of training Russian graduates provides neither a good education nor a decent overall cultural level of students; 4) in order to improve the system of graduate studies, it is necesary to review their programs and curricula.
history of science, three-stage educational system, new educational program, graduates in Russia, scientific-educational school, graduate student, educational training, research methods, investigation culture, academic ethics
Karpov A.O..
Cognitive Generative Principles of Research Education in Terms of the Formation of the Knowledge-Based Society
// Pedagogy and education.
2015. № 3.
P. 223-237.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2015.3.67117 URL:
In his research article Karpov provides the results of studying the new model of science education that ensures the formation of the knowledge-based society. The main cognitive tool of this education model is the scientific research and the main pedagogical objective is raising young people capable of creating new knowledge. The research education becomes the mission of not only a special research university but also a special 'scientific school'. The need for the continuous cognitive development of a researcher as a person requires development of general epistemological and didactical positions at universities and schools. The purpose of the present article is to analyze the concept of the transformative education programme, based on the results of such analysis formulate and prove cognitive generative principles of the research education, define types of transformative frameworks of education and determine the relation between education and truth. Researcher's attitude to truth is not only ethical but also professional basis for research knowledge. The methodological basis of the research involves interdisciplinary synthesis of contextual activity pedagogy, cognitive psychology, epistemology and education ontology. Karpov shows the role of the research education in the socio-cultural and economic development of the knowledge-based society as well as the importance of research competencies on the modern labour market. The author also offers a definition of generative didactics as the theory of research education. In addition, Karpov views the idea of knowledge transformation in terms of research education epistemology. He also describes the concept of the transformative academic programme that is capable of rebuilding its own structure and the schemes of cognitive activity taking into account generative assessment of a student. According to the researcher, the basic cognitive generative principles include cognitive flexibility, cognitive generativity and socio-cultural interactions. Karpov also analyzes transformative education frameworks associated with these principles including didactical, epistemological and ontological (environmental) concepts. The author underlines that in order to arrange for the research education it is very important to look at research as the way to find the truth.
education, didactics, research, cognition, society, knowledge, transformation, generativity, teaching, context
Polyakova E.I..
Evolution of Ideas about Teaching Foreign Languages In History and Pedagogy
// Pedagogy and education.
2015. № 1.
P. 12-18.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2015.1.66322 URL:
The research object of this article is teaching foreign languages. The matter under study is the evolution of views on this pedagogical process and consequently the methods, means and forms of its realization. The author deeply studies the process of the development of the methodology of teaching foreign languages as an applied scientific discipline as well as the influence that other adjoining sciences such as linguistics and psychology havehad on it. Considerable author’s attention is paid to communicative teaching as the most practiced nowadays. The research method is the comparison based on the historical and pedagogical analysis. It helps not only to trace back the evolution of teaching foreign languages but also to distinguish the most characteristic features of the process for every definite period. The principal author’s conclusions are the following. 1) Though languages have been taught since ancient times, this process started to be treated scientifically only in early 20th century. 2) Scientists’ methodological views on teaching foreign languages were formed based on such sciences as linguistics and psychology. 3) Methodology of teaching foreign languages is an applied scientific discipline and therefore it has always conformed to society’s needs at every state of the development. 4) No method can become completely outdated. Nowadays each of proven methods can be successfully applied depending on a due level of teacher’s mastery. The novelty of this article consists in carrying out a historical and pedagogical analysis through the prism of present realities and contemporary practice of teaching foreign languages.
evolution, communication, linguistics, methodology, method, history, language, development, speech, society
Khovov O.B..
The Social Space and Social Reality of the System of Continuing Education
// Pedagogy and education.
2014. № 4.
P. 8-15.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2014.4.66045 URL:
The initial phase of post-industrialism engendered the «spatial» perception of the problems of globalization
by the humanities, including the problem of socialization of an individual. Until recently, Russian
paedagogy and philosophy have regarded socialization as involvement of an individual into the system of social
relationships, as «mastering of the socio-cultural experience – work skills, etc.», whereas Western psychologists
and sociologists have historically studied socialization as relationships between individuals in various life situations.
This problem has determined the subject of study chosen by the author of this article: the social space of
the system of continuing education viewed within the framework of the changing paedagogical, philosophical
and sociological ideas.The author analyzes historical-philosophical, scientiic-paedagogical, sociological and
cultural-scientiic literature; and performs theoretical modelling with the use of the model of metaphysical
processes of activities.The development of a three-component model of the social space of the system of continuing
education is a new line of research work. The author offers a conceptual model of educational social
activities of students, which permits to pass from the subject-free teaching technique of rewards and punishment
to subject-oriented cognitive activities aimed at formation of real social relationships, social choice and
social behaviour in general, taking into account the powerful inluence of a social space.
educational social activities, systematization, structurization, establishment of relation, metaphysical processes of activities, educational space, social space, relationship, choice, responsibility.
Kirko, V. I., Pak, N. I., Malakhova, E. V..
Principles of Education of the Future and Their Implementation in Teacher Education in the Krasnoyarsk
// Pedagogy and education.
2014. № 2.
P. 8-21.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2014.2.65468 URL:
The subject under research is the main trends and principles of educational technologies which will be
demanded in the medium and long term under the conditions of the globalizing market of educational services and
labor market in general. As a result of a number of professions, specialties and qualiications being eliminated in
the near future as well as a rapidly growing global competition in the sphere of education, Russian universities have
to study these tendencies and prepare for ‘education of the future’ which principles are described in the present
article. Regional peculiarities, individual educational path and application of modern distant technologies are all
the reality of the near future of education at modern universities. The main research method used by the authors is
the conceptual analysis and scientiic assessment of representative expressions of political leaders, policy papers of
the leading actors on the market of educational services and modern futurologists and sociologists in the sphere of
education. The authors of the article have summarized their own experience in distance education and ield research
in the Northern and Arctic zones of the Krasnoyarsk Krai. The scientiic novelty of research is related to the integration
of policies or conceptual principles and experience of particular distance education projects carried out at
Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University Named After V. P. Astaiev. Strategic planning in the sphere of educational
technologies is accompanied with practical elaborations according to the Mega-Lesson and Hyper-Brain methods
that are being tested in the Krasnoyarsk Krai.
education, future, strategies, globalization, futurology, distant technologies, Krasnoyarsk Krai, professional competences, the North, labor market.
Skorkin, O. A..
Creating the Humanitarian Components in Technical Higher Education Facilities
// Pedagogy and education.
2013. № 4.
P. 288-295.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2013.4.64116 URL:
As the information streams radically increase, the processing and realizing mechanisms change as well,
as an important part of education that follows ever-changing social realities. The education ideology, subliminal
setting of goals towards unified common tasks, which is guided by governments as clients who order products with
middle and high-level education, reflect the importance of humanitarian parts of overall organized common learning.
Humanitarian sciences are not only a way to familiarize oneself with the achievements of human culture but also are
an educational core when it comes to common sense and cultural thought. The author brings up reflective arguments
the overall meaning of humanitarian and general world-view disciplines (like astronomy in school, philosophy and
social sciences in higher educational facilities with technical, mathematical or physics direction) and brings up a
spectre of meta-problems in relation to current changes in the modern educational system in this country. The lack
of political will to ensure that deprives metalevel significant advantages of the education – to become a person and
a good citizen of his country.
World view, humanitarian sciences, personality, mission, anthropology, cultural studies, society, information technology, contemporaneity.
Novikov, D. S..
Health Making Activity as a Teacher’s Mission in XXI Century
// Pedagogy and education.
2013. № 3.
P. 191-201.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2013.3.63732 URL:
The author views health issues of the younger generation as a threat for national security of Russia. Based
on that, the author establishes that today’s society needs a social figure who would have enough competence in the
sphere of health making. In other words, as the author of the article assumes, the Russian society needs an educator
who has enough knowledge and skills in law making teaching activity. Summarizing the information contained in
the article, the author formulates the following three conclusions: 1) heath is not only the basic (biological) need
of an individual but also a very important resource for formation of a subject of modern modernization of the
Russian society — educated and competent individual who is able to interact with other individual like him. 2)
Teaching community can play a key role in formation of healthy generations. 3) The core of health making teaching
activity should acquiring the meaning of health making, in particular, creating conditions for free and harmonious
development of personality rather than learning health making practices.
health, activity, personal motivation, health making activity, health making teaching activity, health making culture, up-bringing, subject of the post-industrial modernization, kalokagathia, meaning.
Barbashin, M. Yu..
Institutes of Higher Education and Social Dilemmas (Comparative Analysis of the Russian
and American Systems of Education)
// Pedagogy and education.
2013. № 2.
P. 151-158.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2013.2.63183 URL:
The article analyzes institutional processes in the system of higher education in Russia and United States. It
is underlined that higher education is required for civil development because a democratic society needs educated
citizens who would participate in the decision-making process. Since one of the declared targets of institutional
reforms at universities is the transition to innovation-driven education which would guarantee a proper level of
proficiency of graduates in comparison with the leading universities (mostly American ones), it is necessary to carry
out a comparative analysis of institutional processes which would lead to positive changes. By using the provisions
of comparative analysis and neoinstitutionalism, the author of the article views the leading institutions which
implementation in the Russian education environment (taking into account the national specifics) would make the
transition to innovation-driven education easier, raise proficiency level of graduates and help Russian universities
to achieve the international standards.
education, neoinstitutionalism, institutes, university transformations, comparative analysis, social dilemmas, Russian society, education reform, academic community.
O.V. Dolzhenko.
University and Education:
between the past and the present
// Pedagogy and education.
2013. № 1.
P. 19-36.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2013.1.62553 URL:
The article attempts to analyze the nature of the crisis in today’s system of education. The author offers several
arguments in favor of the thesis, according to which the cultural and civilizational crisis is the reason for the changes
in education, as well as a sign for the coming of a new geological era of Anthropocene in the planet’s history.
This very thesis means that what we experience is not a regular crisis, which would be followed by further advance ments in education which would elevate it to a new level (the emergence of universities in Middle Ages, Renaissance
and Reformation). It rather is a revolutionary process of fundamental reevaluation of education and its place within
modern society, which spans across several decades already.
In these conditions the numerous attempts to overcome the existing obstacles on the way to development are doomed
to failure because much rides on the layout and characteristics of each single society while maintaining significant
risk of an anthropological catastrophe.
Thus, in the contemporary period, it’s more pertinent to debate a transition to a new paradigm in the evolution of education,
the basis of which consists of social and cultural characteristics of individual societies. During the transformation,
education becomes less about inheritance and more about preemptive development of society.
Globalization and contemporary global challenges, rapid rates of technological and informational advancement, as
well as the increasing scale of information and communication technology use, demands not only conceptual, but
fundamental reformation of educational practice — new strategy and tactics, rethinking of the very mission of education,
which becomes not only a continuous process, but a complex phenomenon which exists in space, time, culture
and society, capable of dynamically adapting to changes of society and environment. The author speaks of a transition
to a learning, adaptive society and university, dynamic system of education which absorbs knowledge and changes
according to challenges of the era of global crisis and anthropocene.
The coming of the anthropocene age implies radical rethinking of the most basic notions about the system of education,
as well as reorienting it towards new forms of teaching and upbringing, development of new forms of “smart-education”,
as well as interaction between teacher and student.
Due to rapid development rates, the individual whose real life is measured against ages of the past, but whose lifestyle
drastically changes with age as well as environment’s transformations, became the main subject of education.
This is the exact reason that traditional notions of the nature and specifics of the teacher’s and the student’s work
require a revision. A transition towards a new theory and philosophy of education seems imminent.
pedagogics, education, erudition, philosophy of education, culture, civilization, crisis, revolution in education, education of the anthropocene era, smart-education.
Sizemskaya, I. N..
Education Issues as a Part of Russian Philosophical and Pedagogical Heritage
// Pedagogy and education.
2012. № 3.
P. 7-15.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2012.3.56121 URL:
The article is devoted to the modern problems in education and interpretation of social and cultural meaning,
purposes and goals of the Russian philosophy and pedagogy at the end of XIX — beginning of XX centuries.
pedagogy, philosophy, education culture, national traditions, perception of the world, modernization, upbringing, personality, creative work.
Ursul, A. D..
Process of Futurization and Formation of Advancing Education
// Pedagogy and education.
2012. № 2.
P. 20-33.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2012.2.59590 URL:
The author suggests a conception of futurization of education tat is the core of the temporal aspect of education
for the benefit of sustainable development. The main idea of this conception is the advancing development of
education (which forms a global noospheric consciousness) compared to other spheres of activity, especially those
that are connected with nature transformation, and orientation of the education process at creation a stable future
for all of us. In the article the author discusses the main ideas of formation of the advancing education conception
aimed at formation of noospheric intellect.
teaching, globalization, innovation processes in education, noospheric education, education for a sustainable development, teaching, advancing education, sustainable development, futurization, developmental approach.
Ursul, A. D., Ursul, T. A..
Education Perspectives: Informational Ecological Orientation for the Benefit of Sustainable
// Pedagogy and education.
2011. № 4.
P. 14-25.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2011.4.58945 URL:
The author of the article offers us information and environmental approaches to the study of forming models
of education in perspective of an approach to sustainable development. In this regard, we expect principal evolutionary
transformations of education from modern forms of education to education for sustainable development.
pedagogy, information- based approach, education for sustainable development, teaching, sustainable development, futurization, environmental studies, environmental education, evolutionary pedagogy, evolutionary approach.