Savchik K.V..
Mediation in juvenile justice: a perspective assessment
// Police activity.
2024. № 6.
P. 185-196.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2024.6.72312 EDN: IZWPCQ URL:
The Russian legislator is currently following international trends that determine the development of restorative justice for minors, the application of the principles of humanization and liberalization of criminal responsibility and punishment. The Russian criminal procedure provides for separate mechanisms that allow the release from criminal liability and punishment, in particular, they include compulsory measures of educational influence and the possibility of reconciliation with the victim in a criminal case. The subject of the study is individual legal norms that establish the specifics of mediation in Russian legal reality while mentioning the used foreign experience; scientific literature on this topic. The purpose of the work is to consider the potential possibility of introducing the mediation into the Russian criminal process in the administration of juvenile justice. The methods used include general scientific (analysis, synthesis, system) and private scientific, among which a special place is given to the formal legal one. The relevance of this author's research is due to the ongoing scientific discussions on this topic, while the voiced points of view are contradictory. The scientific novelty of the research is associated with the conducted critical analysis of a large number of author's points of view, on the basis of which the author formulated and justified his own conclusions. In the end, the author comes to the conclusion that despite the possible positive impact of mediation for resolving legal conflicts, its use in juvenile justice is more rational in relation to persons who have not reached the age of criminal responsibility, and it is more expedient to be guided by existing norms in the criminal process. Consequently, changes in the criminal procedure legislation in this part are not required.
punishment, minors, juvenile offenders, mediation, reconciliation with the victim, juvenile justice, release from liability, compulsory educational measures, restorative justice, criminal liability
Kolesnichenko O.V..
Peculiarities of determination of a fact of official duties performance for the purpose of implementation of government guarantees of compensation of damage to life and health of public law-enforcement officers
// Police activity.
2017. № 2.
P. 35-46.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2017.2.21806 URL:
The article considers the problems of linking death or bodily injuries of a public law-enforcement officer with official duties performance. The author analyzes the legislation and the judicial practice, gives attention to disputable aspects of differentiation of a legal status of persons, suffering from such damage in the result of implementation of important functions of law-enforcement agencies, and persons, harmed in the process of performance of other duties. The author formulates recommendations, aimed at the development of the system of insurance and other guarantees in this sphere. The research methodology is based on the dialectical method of scientific cognition, general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction, analogy) and specific research methods (system-analytical, complex, formal-legal, etc.). The author suggests finding out, whether the damage was caused by the actions of other persons or the actions (or negligence) of the damaged person himself/herself, to define the link between death or bodily injuries of a public officer with the performance of his/her official duties. The author substantiates the necessity to transfer the task of determination of causal link from military physician boards to permanent payment commissions.
law enforcement agency, public officer, guarantees, causal link, compensation of damage, performance of duties, death, injuries, health damage, damage to life
Kuznetsova T.V., Kuznetsova O.A..
Illegal takeover of business as a form of economic crime: pro et contra
// Police activity.
2016. № 2.
P. 247-253.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2016.2.67490 URL:
The long dispute over the protection of business owners’ rights in the cases of illegal takeovers of business has been solved by amending the current criminal law with several articles, which provide punishment for such criminal actions. Most legal novels of this kind are contained in the chapter 22 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, and are officially recognized as crimes in the economic sphere. The analysis of regulatory provisions on illegal takeovers gives the reason for doubts both in the chosen form of the object of legal protection, and in the necessity to criminalize such actions. The research methodology is based on the historical analysis, comparative analysis, the method of division of notions, the system and statistical methods. The author concludes that: 1. the analysis of regulatory provisions on illegal takeovers gives the reason for doubts both in the chosen form of the object of legal protection, and in the necessity to criminalize such actions; 2. the commentaries of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on the peculiarities of application of these provisions are necessary.
ekonomicheskie prestupleniya, ob'ekt ugolovno-pravovoi okhrany, interesy gosudarstvennoi vlasti, reiderskie zakhvaty, reglamentatsiya reiderskikh deistvii, reiderstvo, mezhdunarodnoe finansirovanie, khozyaistvuyushchii sub'ekt
Astanin, V.V..
Review of the PhD thesis of Bagmet M.A. “Fighting corruption in police (a criminological
// Police activity.
2014. № 4.
P. 385-390.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2014.4.65332 URL:
The article provides analysis and evaluation of scientific and practical importance of
a PhD thesis on criminology regarding fighting corruption in police. The author discusses the
key positions of the PhD thesis regarding testing authenticity of results and recommendations
on prevention of corruption crime in a specific professional environment. The author discusses
specific features of scientific school in the sphere of criminology, within which the PhD thesis
was written. The problem of corruption and fighting its multiple manifestations is very topical in
many respects: disciplines, consequences, reaction, spread, etc. It is quite rarely that truly topical
aspects of anti-corruption issues are singled out of these long lists, becoming institutional
due to common character and false beliefs in incurability of corruption. The methodological
basis for the dissertation was formed by the current achievements of the theory of cognition. In
the process of studies the author used general philosophical, theoretical and empiric methods
(dialectics, systemic method, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, observation, modeling), traditional legal methods ( formal logic method), and methods typical for specific sociological
studies (statistical, expert evaluation, etc.). While establishing topicality of the study, one
should take into account the institutional problems. Corruption in the police lowers efficiency
of implementation of state assignments on guaranteeing security of person, society and state.
The general consequences of spread of corruption in the police include a weak society and,
consequently, a weak state. The degree of substantiation of scientific positions, conclusions
and recommendations provided for in a PhD thesis depend on whether object, subject and
goals of the study are correctly established. The object of studies in the PhD is a complex of
social relations, causing criminological opposition to corruption crime in police. The immediate
object of studies involves general and criminological characteristics of corruption in police, its
cause-and-effect links, personality of a corrupt officer and victim of such a crime, general and
specific anti-corruption measures for the prevention of corruption in the police.
police, policeman, corruption, opposition, fighting, coercion, responsibility, sanction, method, corrupt
Trunov I.L., Aivar L.K..
Decision on the case about the road traffic accident in Leninsky Prospekt,
city of Moscow guarantees judicial remedy to the deceased suspects
// Police activity.
2011. № 5.
P. 67-73.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2011.5.58666 URL:
based on the decision of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation the article describes
the issue in protection of the rights of the victims of the road traffic accident. The article studies the
guarantees of the rights protection of the victims and a number of suggestions are made how to improve
the law-enforcement experience in the sphere of the protection of the rights of the family members of the
accident, victim, death, suspect, protection, family-member, deceased, lightbar, signal, examination, right.