Arzhaev F.I..
The new trends in the development of the former Yugoslavia countries: the fast development with EU or the Greek scenario
// National Security.
2024. № 5.
P. 39-49.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2024.5.71068 EDN: EYPDYQ URL:
After the Yugoslavia had collapsed, the Balkan region became one of the most complex and heterogeneous in Europe. Countries, earlier united by Yugoslavia ended up in wars. This caused both political and economic problems; their solution may lie in the accession to the European Union (EU). At the same time, the EU is also not an ideal tool to solve its member countries’ problems: Greece can be considered as an example. Within the article, the authors set the task to answer the question: what scenario for former Yugoslavian countries’ economies will be realized if these countries enter into the EU. The major challenge of this article is to assess the effectiveness of the EU mechanisms without being affected by the high social role of the EU integration, so the authors concentrated on the economic factors. The authors answer the posed question and classify the former Yugoslavia’s countries; the authors also prove the low efficiency of the EU mechanisms in solving the economic and political contradictions of the countries, situated in the Balkan Peninsula. The major contribution of the article is the assertion that Slovenia and Croatia, despite being less involved in the Yugoslavian conflict, can become triggers for the negative effects transfer to the EU. It should be noted that the situation in the region is fragile and support of the countries of the former Yugoslavia from such an economically powerful association as the EU will lead to a worsening of the situation and destabilization.
Serbia, Slovenia, Croatia, contradictions, consequences of accession, European Union, economy, Countries of the former Yugoslavia, Albania, Greece
Bdoyan D., Suslin S..
The future of Russian federalism in the context of relations between Russia and partially recognized and unrecognized states of the post-Soviet space
// National Security.
2023. № 2.
P. 55-69.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2023.2.40397 EDN: RBAIBG URL:
The object of the study is the future of Russian federalism in the context of the possible inclusion of new subjects into the Russian Federation. The subject of this research is the probability of the Republic of South Ossetia, the Republic of Abkhazia, the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic and the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic becoming parts of Russia. The analysis is carried out through examining the history of the formation of the objects of research, their relationship with Russia and the comments of public administration officials on the prospects of these relationships. This research is relevant because of global transformation processes brought about by Russia’s special military operation. The scientific novelty of the work is proved by the absence of a comprehensive analysis of potential integration processes between the Russian Federation and the members of the partially recognized and unrecognized states of the post-Soviet space, caused by the aggravation of the international political situation. Based on the results of the analysis, different approaches to potential integration processes have been developed, among them are: Republics becoming a part of the Russian Federation following a referendum, the creation of a supranational entity or inclusion of the aforementioned state entities into an existing one. Following the executed analysis, the authors came to the conclusion that currently the most optimal form of unification, taking Russian interests and the foreign policy situation into account, is the entry of some of these states into a joint supranational entity with Russia, following the example of the Union State of Russia and Belarus.
partially recognized states, Union of Unrecognized States, unrecognized states, Union State, Nagorno-Karabakh, Transnistria, Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Russian Federalism, Post-Soviet space
Degterev D.A., Kovaleva D.V..
The role of Albania and Albanian organized crime in drug transit along the Balkan route: network analysis
// National Security.
2016. № 4.
P. 509-518.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2016.4.68014 URL:
The object of this research is the participation of the Albanian organized crime in opiate transit by the so-called Balkan route (Afghanistan - Western Europe). The position of Albania in transit network and its role in drug trafficking is being analyzed. The authors thoroughly explore such topics as the structure and principles of the Albanian Mafia, mechanisms of decentralization and conspiracy of organized crime, problem of the analysis of its activity at national level, as well as structure and characteristics of the Balkan route of drug shipments to Europe. In the first part of this research the authors assume that Albania is one of the main drug distributers in Europe.The research is based on the method of network analysis, involving the construction of a network graph and identify the most influential actors by evaluating the betweenness centrality and closeness centrality expressing various measures to control a particular node on the network. Network analysis has been successfully applied to study the logic of attitudes and behavior in many informal or criminal organizations, including terrorist networks.The main conclusion of the study is the position of Albania as a network broker which has a direct access or an access through its Balkan neigbors to the two out of four largest European markets. The hypothesis on its status as of the country responsible for drug distribution in Europe has not been confirmed. The mechanisms of interaction with the neighboring countries of Albania and their access to European markets are analyzed. The special contribution of the authors is a research of organizational structure of the Albanian mafia and Balkan route through the prism of network analysis. The novelty of the research consists in the implementation of the network method towards cooperation of the cpuntries with regards to drugs distribution in Europe.
formal modeling, quantitative methods of analysis, Balcan Route, drug trafficking, Albania, network analysis, Albanian Mafia, international criminal networks, Europe, Cytoscape
Degtereva E.A., Sayapina K.V..
Priority markets for Russian arms and military equipment in the BRICS countries
// National Security.
2016. № 3.
P. 390-400.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2016.3.67891 URL:
The subject of this article is the current status of the military technology cooperation between Russia and the BRICS partners. In the first part of the article, the authors define the main principles of interaction between the BRICS member-states, as well as explain mutual interests and goals of the partnership. In the second part, the authors examine the macroeconomic environment of each of the BRICS member-states (the structure of supply and demand, current achievements in the sector of arms industry, key partners and most promising sub-branches). The third part of the article presents an analysis of the military technology cooperation between Russia and the BRICS countries for the purpose of determination of the most promising in the long-term perspective market niches, mutually beneficial for both sides in the context of each country. The authors explore the currently used financial mechanisms and schemes, such as export crediting, government insurance of export operations, offset obligations, compensation payments, direct financial aid, and leasing scheme. Currently, there is an understanding that activation of cooperation in the arms area has to be one of the key elements of collaboration within the BRICS block. There is a significant potential for increased volume of trade of medium and high technology products within the framework of the union, realization of joint investment projects in highly scientific fields, as well as exchange of experience in the area of improving the institutional component of the innovation sphere. Practical implementation of this potential will minimize the negative influence of the Western sanctions upon the Russian economy, as well as ensure the sustainable innovative-technological development of the country.
Arms technologies, Financial mechanisms, Export crediting, Offset obligations, Priority markets, Defense industry of Russia, National security, Armament, Military technology cooperation, BRICK block
Pyatachkova A.S..
Cooperation between China and the United States in maritime space of the Pacific Rim
// National Security.
2016. № 3.
P. 401-407.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2016.3.67892 URL:
The article examines the cooperation between China and the United States in maritime space of the Pacific Rim; therefore the object of this research became the issue of maritime security in the Pacific Rim, while the subject is the collaboration between China and USA in this area. The work analyzes the notion of maritime security, influence of the key tendencies in the relations between PRC and USA upon their interaction in the area of maritime security, as well as their approaches towards understanding of this phenomenon. The research is based on the theory of neo-realism and systemic approach. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that the issue of ensuring security in maritime space of the Pacific Rim in the China-America relations is being comprehensively examined, taking into account the general tendencies and peculiarities of the development of this situation in the sphere of maritime activity in the context of relation between the People’s Republic of China and the United States. Maritime space is being views as a unified field of interaction (for example, in this context the problems of South China Sea and East China Sea are positioned as private cases of general tendencies). In the conditions of the growing competition for the regional leadership between PRC and USA, the cooperation between these two countries as the most influential actors in the Pacific Rim can either stabilize the situation in the area of maritime security, or worsen the already existing issues. At the same time, the maritime territorial disputes act as an instrument for establishing new order in the region, therefore, both sides use various means for supporting their presence in the region. Due to this fact, we can assume that the rivalry between China and the United States will remain.
Non-traditional threats to security, Piracy, Maritime activity, Maritime strategy of PRC, Maritime strategy of USA, Maritime territorial disputes, Problem of East China Sea, Problem of South China Sea, Maritime security, China-America relations
Makarov A.V..
Relevant issues of the development of Mongolia-Russia cooperation in the context of Baikal basin transboundary water protection
// National Security.
2016. № 2.
P. 236-244.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2016.2.67750 URL:
Due to the plans of Mongolian government on realization of a number of major resource and infrastructure projects, the problem of ensuring environmental security in the Lake Baikal basin gained special relevance for Russia. This article examines the economic development strategy of Mongolia in the medium term prospects, which is based on the development of mineral deposits, as well as the energy and transportation infrastructure. The review is given to the largest projects which figure in the official and departmental documents of the adjacent state. The energy policy of Mongolia and the prospects for development of hydroelectricity in the Selenga River basin are being analyzed. Within the framework of the strategic environmental assessment the author explores the consequences of the major economic projects on the Mongolian territory that can produce a significant transboundary effect on the environmental situation, health and safety of the population in the Russia’s part of Lake Baikal basin. The potential problems in the Russia-Mongolia relations in the field of the joint use and protection of the transboundary waters are being determined. The conclusion is made that reaching the balance in the environmental and economic interests of Russia and Mongolia is possible in the context of mutually beneficial collaborations in the energy sector.
world natural heritage, environmental safety, benefit-sharing, energy, the lake Baikal protection, transboundary waters, international cooperation, strategic environmental assessment, Russia-Mongolia relations, Selenga River
Shapkin M.N..
Russia-Kazakhstan relations in the context of rebirth projects of the Great Silk Road
// National Security.
2016. № 2.
P. 245-252.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2016.2.67751 URL:
This article conducts an analysis of the major infrastructure projects within the Eurasian space from the perspective of their influence upon the dynamics of the Russia-Kazakhstan relations, as well as the national interests of Russia and Kazakhstan. The author examines the cooperation between Russia and Kazakhstan in the transportation-logistic field and their interaction with other actors within the framework of the regional infrastructure development programs. In addition to that, such initiatives are viewed in the context of their future collaboration or competition with the Eurasian integration project, which represents one of the most important dimensions in the Russia-Kazakhstan relations. The scientific novelty consists in the exposure of the urgently relevant topics – Russian-Kazakhstan relations; Eurasian integration; and regional infrastructure projects, which as a rule, are studied separately, as the elements of the unified regional system. The conducted research demonstrates the collaboration between Russia and Kazakhstan in the transportation-logistic sphere is of paramount significance: it represents one of the major directions of the Russia-Kazakhstan bilateral relations; one of the key factors of extension of the Eurasian integration; the necessary condition for ensuring national security and economic development of both countries; and lastly it is a one of the core elements of the continental transportation system and the intrinsic parts of projects of its development.
Eurasian Economic Union, international transport corridor, transportation and logistics, infrastructure, Great Silk Road, Russia-Kazakhstan relations, cooperation, integration, connection, Silk Road Economic Belt
Filippov V.R..
Uranium factor in France’s foreign policy towards Africa
// National Security.
2015. № 5.
P. 705-720.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2015.5.66983 URL:
Use of the comparative political analysis allowed the author to identify certain trends within France’s foreign policy towards Africa of the beginning of this millennium. Analysis of the geographic localization of the expeditions of the French armed forces into Africa confirms the fact that the Élysée Palace initiated the peacekeeping and humanitarian interventions within the territories of the sovereign nations of the Dark Continent whenever France faced a serious threat to their energy security. The threat to the interests of the French state corporation AREVA, which specializes in recovery and refinement of uranium ore, was always followed by operations of the special services and military interventions in Niger, Mali and the Central African Republic. The methodological basis for this research consisted of the systemic, structural-functional, comparative-historical approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis, observation, and modeling. The author substantiates the opinion according to which the rapid escalation of the competitiveness and the African uranium markets, emergence of new players in these markets, first and foremost China, prompts France to resort to various forms of political and military pressure (from political assassinations and incitement of confessional and tribal conflicts to direct military intrusion) upon the political elites of their former colonies. A conclusion is made on the fact that it is the direct dependency of the French nuclear power plants, and therefore the whole French economy, upon the African uranium defines the main vector of the Africa policy of the Fifth Republic.
neo-colonialism, intervention, Françafrique, France, Central African Republic, Mali, Niger, Africa, values, safety
Zhemukhova M.A..
Root cause analasys of Russian economy's offshorization and underlying principles of deoffshorization
// National Security.
2015. № 5.
P. 721-731.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2015.5.66984 URL:
The subject of the research is to determine causes of Russian economy's offshorization and what kind of preventive measures can be taken for its deoffshorization. A high level of offshorization is explained by the fact that the largest percent of Russian corporations is controlled by the companies registered in offshore zones.The article presents the main advantages of using offshore schemes whereas author points out the following aspects: minimisation of taxation, available long-term bank loans at the reduced interest rate provided by IMM (International Monetary Market), anonymity of end-beneficiaries and securitization of the property. It was applied a comparative analysis of various approaches to solving the issue of offshorization.Analysis would also take into consideration several key actions such as: tax, monetary and economic measures. The major measure to combat the trend of economy offshorization is to conduct a competent proactive monetary policy aiming to increase the money supply in the country, enhance the level of monetization and liquidity resulting in lower interest rates on credit resources as well as significant decreasing of the need for the long-term funds abroad. It is stated in the article that the negative effects of the offshore activities has dual economic consequences. As a result residents of the country eventually pay more taxes to compensate the occurred damage because of the money disappearing in the offshore territory. Author demonstrates the urgent need to revise or even reject the agreements in order to avoid double taxation, to enhance foreign exchange control, determine a list of end beneficial owners of active offshore companies in Russian Federation. Author emphasises the need of establishing of domestic long-term lending at low interest rates through development of the Russian stock market as an opportunity for borrowing funds for corporate business.
transfer pricing, capital outflow, black market, money laundering, tax evasion, deoffshorization, offshore business, foreign parent company, beneficiary, inflation targeting
Filippov V.R..
Françafrique: the Guinean precedent
// National Security.
2015. № 4.
P. 563-576.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2015.4.66738 URL:
The main accent in this article is made on determination of the role of the French secret diplomacy and the French secret services, which since 1958 have done everything possible in order to undermine the foundations of the sovereignty of the Republic of Guinea, which rejected the membership in the French Community and declared full sovereignty. The article examines the socio-political and economic factors that allowed a small and very poor African nation to successfully oppose the French neocolonialism. Assessment is given to the role of the Soviet Union and the countries of socialist coalition in ensuring a real sovereignty of Guinea, and restoration of its economy and financial system. The author concludes that the international situation, which has formed in the world after the end of the World War II, did not allow the secret networks of “Françafrique” and the Portuguese special services to demolish the statehood of Guinea and physically remove the leader of the Guinean nation Ahmed Sékou Touré. The author highlights the role of Guinean precedent in demolition of the French colonial empire.
Portugal, China, Soviet Union, France, Guinea, Africa, society, politics, neocolonialism, Françafrique
Sazonova K.L..
The "state terrorism" policy: challenge to the existing system of universal collective security and the possible basis for international state accountability
// National Security.
2015. № 1.
P. 67-72.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2015.1.66137 URL:
This article examines the debatable category of "state terrorism". The object of this research is the certain illegal activity perpetrated by a state, for example, the organization of revolutions, active financial and military support of the opposition, the illegal listening of foreign embassies, murders of politicians and other illegal actions that are carried out by intelligence services of one state on the territory of another. The subject of research is normative-legal regulation contained in the international legal documents on state accountability for such illegal activity. The main conclusion of this research is that the actions related to policy of “state terrorism” are extremely difficult to diagnose as basis for international accountability of a state. Nevertheless, taking into account the illegality and big social danger of the state terrorism, it is necessary to promote the development of the universal international standards for further determination of such activity as the basis for international accountability of the states.
secret services, use of force, internationnal responsibility, revolution, opposition, state terrorism, international law, security, secret operations, legal regulation
Zhong R..
The Indochina War of 1962
and the post-war structure
// National Security.
2014. № 5.
P. 739-759.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2014.5.65582 URL:
This article examines the events which preceded the war between China and India that
occurred in 1962, briefly the military engagement itself in the Eastern sector and its results. In
author’s opinion this conflict carried a number of causes, among which is India’s annexation of
Tawang Town (a part of South Tibet), the Tibet situation in general, as well as certain aspects of
the Indian border policy. The author studies the specifics of the cooperation between the leaders of
People’s Republic of China and India on the controversial issues, which prompted the Chinese army
to attack India’s positions on October 20, 1962. Methodological base for this research consists of
the systematic, structural-functional and comparative historical approaches, methods of analysis,
synthesis, induction, deduction, modeling and expert assessments. The boarder war between China
and India lasted a month, while creating a new type of warfare, where the fight is not to capture
enemy territory, but to punish the other side. It is clear that in many cases the controversial issues
should be addressed separately, suspending the difficult and complex ones for an indefinite period
of time.
National security, foreign policy, China, India, border conflict, diplomacy, country, interests, values, war.
Karpovich, O.G..
Foreign political (international) lobbying: views from Washington and Brussels.
// National Security.
2014. № 4.
P. 543-552.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2014.4.65411 URL:
The article is devoted to
the analysis of the international lobbying and its role in managing political processes in the conditions of globalization. The
international lobbying activity involves interaction of legal entities and physical persons with the structure of state government
and governing institutions at the global level in order to influence development and adoption of their decisions in the interests
of a lobbying organization or its clients. The main goals of the lobbying activities are formation of communications with
the nation state structures and international organizations, providing to them information regarding the object of lobbying,
monitoring of the work in the spheres involving interests of a state or an organization. The methodological basis for the work
involves systemic, structural-functional, comparative political, comparative historical approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis,
induction, deduction, observation, modeling. Additionally, the main goals of international lobbying include guaranteeing
representation of the interests of a state or an organization of other state at the various levels of state government and global
administration; influencing the legislation involving interests of the relevant segments of the global community, guaranteeing
informing and understanding of the legislators towards their problems and activities.
national security, foreign policy, the USA, the European Union, lobbying, international lobbying, state, interests, values, cooperation.
Panenkov, A.A..
The outer security contour of the fuel
and energy complex objects of Russia
and the activity directions
for neutralization of the sources
of external threats.
// National Security.
2014. № 1.
P. 61-78.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2014.1.63894 URL:
In this article the author discusses the
problems of fighting real external threats to
security of fuel and energy complex objects
in Russia, and provides information on some
directions in this fight.
jurisprudence, security, object, fight, sources, terrorism, threats, neutralization, activities, directions.
Karpovich, O.G..
The peace-making activities
within the framework of transformation
of the international relations system.
// National Security.
2014. № 1.
P. 79-85.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2014.1.63895 URL:
The current relations among the leading
states in the world allows some hope in the
small potential for a global nuclear conflict and
a new global war. However, both small-scale
and large-scale armed conflicts arise regularly
in Europe and Asia, in the so-called “third
world states”, some of these states claim to have
nuclear weapons, and their political systems
lack stability, which provides for the possibility
of unlikely event scenario, including a large
military tragedy. The unsolved disputes and
conflicts, and the armed conflicts arising out
of them, touch upon the vital interests of every
state and pose a real threat to international peace
and security. In the political conflicts, which
often become civil wars, the mass crimes are
committed against the civilians, towns and cities
are destroyed in grave violation of international
international relations, foreign policy, peace-making, conflict, state, global order, interests, values, security, cooperation.
Karpovich, O.G..
Some specific features of the current
foreign political relations between
the USA and Venezuela.
// National Security.
2013. № 6.
P. 105-110.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2013.6.63876 URL:
The modern specificities of the foreign
political relations of the global leaders (such as
the USA) and the rest of the world are defined
by the growing value of the former “Third
World” states, wishing to play an independent
role in the international arena. These category
of states includes the young states in Africa,
Asia and Latin America, which quite recently
were the colonies of the leading European states.
Venezuela, being at the peak of its passionarity
and having the right to claim the role of the leader
of the Latin American world, attracts most of the
global attention today. While being behind their
former metropolitan countries in economic and
social development, these states have always
tried to get outside the narrow limits, imposed
on them by the Great Powers, denying the Third
World countries the full amount of rights of
participants of international relations. While
purposefully limiting the participation of the
young post-colonial states in the global political
process and the peacebuilding, the Great States
(and first of all, the USA) gave them the role
of the political periphery, regional states (with
the immature systems of political government
institutions), and that of the raw-material
appendages to the economies of the industrially
developed states.
international relations, foreign policy, the USA, Venezuela, conf licts, diplomacy, interests, values, security, cooperation.
Manoylo, A.V..
Geopolitical situation in the modern world.
// National Security.
2013. № 5.
P. 149-155.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2013.5.63363 URL:
The modern geopolitical situation is
rather unstable. Its main specific feature is that the borders separating modern states and nations
are formed in the minds of people, separating the
society into “us” and “them” based on belonging
to certain national interests, values, ideological
concepts and doctrines, models of political
behavior, which are suitable for both continental
and island states, rather than finding these
borders in geographical boundaries of water
and mountains ridges. In order to support these
boundaries in the minds of the population the
marker symbols are used in order to mark “us”
and these markers are recognized by other “us”
people, separating “us” from “them”. Sometimes
these markers may be primitive, such as flowers
(roses in Georgia, tulips in the Kazakhstan, the
cornflowers in Belarus, cacti in Mexico, jasmine
in Tunisia) in the hands of supporters of colored
revolutions in the CIS territory, or bits of orange
cloth in Ukraine, or white ribbons in Russia,
the figs in Tunisia or Egypt, etc. Sometimes,
more complicated symbols and symbolic
constructions are used to distinguish “us” from
“them”, such as democratization, followers of
which wish to introduce the Western liberal
values into the traditional communities at any
costs, reviving the traditions of the Crusades,
or the technical gadgets, such as iPhones and
iPads, allowing to use social networks for the
conflict mobilization of the society (“Twitter”
revolution in Egypt in 2011, etc.). These markers
may bring together large numbers of people
living around the globe, in the territories of
different states, having different landscapes
and climatic zones, on the isles and continents,
highlanders and the lowlanders. Thanks to the
modern connection and transportation means
the geographical borders become transparent
and easily crossed, they are no more the natural
boundaries, holding back the foreign political
expansion of the leading world powers, claiming
leadership in the modern world.
international relations, foreign politics, Russia, geopolitics, political instability, international conflicts, state, nation, interests, values.
Karpovich, O.G..
Modern concepts and models of international conflict
management: comparative political science analysis
// National Security.
2013. № 4.
P. 605-612.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2013.4.63059 URL:
The article evaluates cultural and civilization approach to the modern models, means and
technologies of psychological management of international and internal political conf licts from the
standpoint of comparative political science analysis. Currently there is a great variety of various methods,
means and technologies in the world allowing to have psychological inf luence onto the conf licts,
however, their in-depth analysis shows that all of them have clear cultural and civilization-related differences
and they can be divided into four key worldview approaches: Anglo-Saxon, Eastern – Asian,
Middle Eastern (Islamic) and Western European (Roman-German).
political science, national security, managing international conflicts, international relations, foreign policy, psychological technologies, psychological operations, information warfare, diplomacy.
Borodin, E.A..
Republic of Kyrgyzstan and the return of Russia
to the Central Asia
// National Security.
2013. № 4.
P. 613-619.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2013.4.63060 URL:
This article is devoted to the goals and aims of return of Russia to the Central Asian region and
the role of Russian – Kyrgyz cooperation in it. The Central Asia currently plays an important role in international
relations, being the crossing point for the interests of largest global actors – Russia, the USA,
China, the EU, and the field for the mutual penetration and clash of interests of largest global civilizations:
Christian, Confucian and Islamic. The modern Central Asia became a key region in the global map, and
control over the region allows to control global transit of hydrocarbons and other strategic raw materials
for the largest developing economics, and to influence their economic growth, combined power and directions
of their expansion. Russia currently is returning to the Central Asia as a key foreign political player,
and it should find support in regional allies and partners, including Kyrgyzstan. There is no doubt that
currently Russia needs a foreign policy, which should be adjusted to the current situation, and aimed on
the support of national interests in the region, stability of the borders and restraint of the foreign political,
economic and military expansion of non-regional players, such as the USA, the NATO, and the EU.
political science, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Central Asia, foreign policy, international relations, national security, national interests, integration, strategic partnership.
Evseev, V.V..
The concept of the Greater Middle East
from the angle of national security
// National Security.
2013. № 4.
P. 620-628.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2013.4.63061 URL:
The article evaluates the Greater Middle East Concept as presented by the Administration of
President Bush-junior in November 2003. It is based on the democratization and reconstruction of the
Middle East and Northern Africa, where previously used US foreign policy on support of authoritarian
regimes for the sake of stability and security failed. Based upon the analysis it was found out that the
concept of the Greater Central Asia was to a great degree based upon the ideas of the Greater Middle
East, but it was applied to a more limited region. It was shown that both concepts formed an inalienable
part of the US regional policy for both the Republican and Democratic rule. It was noted that the
activities of the USA led to destabilization of the situation in the Middle East and in the Central Asia,
which had negative impact on the national security situation in the Russian Federation.
political science, East, the USA, reconstruction, democratization, Asia, Russia, security, interests, concept.
Karpovich, O. G..
Democratization in Modern Concepts Presented by
Russian and American Researchers
// National Security.
2013. № 3.
P. 494-500.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2013.3.62821 URL:
At the present time Western and Russian
researchers are paying much attention to one of the forms of political process – democratization. This
may be due to the fact that over the last few decades
many countries have been facing the collapse of
authoritarian regimes and consequently attempts
to establish the democracy institutions. One of the
researchers in this sphere, S. Huntington, called
that process ‘the third wave of democratization’
that covered a significant number of countries.
However, noteworthy that the history of the countries
which have experienced the third wave of democratization
partly rejected Huntington’s conclusions.
Their political development has demonstrated
how controversial and complex this process is. A
bright example is the other side of democratization
– establishment of totalitarian and authoritarian
regimes in the former USSR countries.
political studies, national security, politics, international relations, democratization, democracy, liberalism, national interests, Russia, USA.
Evseev, V. V..
Concerning Contradictory Policy of the USA
in the Central Asia
// National Security.
2013. № 3.
P. 501-510.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2013.3.62822 URL:
The article contains the analysis of the USA
politics in the Central Asia over the last twelve years,
i.e. during the shift from involvement of nearby
states into the ‘war against terrorism’ and attempts
to reformat the region up to using the ‘smart’ force
during Obama’s governance. It is concluded that
during both republican and democratic governance
the USA regional policy has remained contradictory
and inconsistent. It has also been inertial for the
most part and has considered peculiarities of the
Central Asia from the point of view of Afghanistan.
The author describes the process of development
of the bilateral relations between the USA, Russia
(which at first was viewed as the factor allowing
American invasion into the region) and their main
regional partners, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. It
has been discovered that the ‘war against terrorism
’ did not keep the USA from implementing the
policy of intervention into internal affairs of their
regional partners which could seriously damage the
national security system of the Russian Federation
and create both internal and external threats for it.
Such contradictory external policy of the USA is
most likely t remain in the future, too, which pushes
Russia towards both cooperation and opposition
to national interests of the USA for the purpose of
reinforcement of its own security.
political studies, Asia, USA, partner, Russia, involvement, reformatting, security, interests, region.
Belyaninov, A.Y..
Security of Russia in the Eurasian territory
// National Security.
2013. № 2.
P. 318-324.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2013.2.62616 URL:
This article includes analysis of the geopolitical aspects
of the foreign policy of Russia based on the Example
of the Eurasian Economic Union. The author
characterizes the tendencies in the global community,
which take place under the influence of the forming
new world order – multipolar world. The author analyzes
the threats to the national security of Russia,
which appear due to the strife among the world powers
for leadership and control over the integration processes
in the Eurasian territory.
Russia, integration, post-Soviet territory, politics, economics, security, international relations, globalization, regionalization, federalism, conflict, national interests.
Karpovich, O.G..
The nuclear program of Iran in the focus of foreign
policy of the USA.
// National Security.
2013. № 1.
P. 128-130.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2013.1.62347 URL:
The Secretary of the Iran Supreme National Security
Council Said Jalili once again supported the right of
Iran to the access to the global nuclear energy within
the framework of the Treaty on Non-Proliferation of
Nuclear Weapons. According to the Iran Information
Agency, during the briefing with foreign and Indian
journalists at the Iranian Embassy in New Delhi on January 4, 2013 the main negotiator for Iran on nuclear
issues Mr. Said Jalili has stated that in latest years
the IAEA experts visited the nuclear objects of Iran
over 5000 times. In accordance with his statement, the
report of the head of the IAEA contains 25 direct mentions
of the lack of direct evidence of military nuclear
studies by Iran. Said Jalili added that the IAEA inspection
of Iranian nuclear objects in December 2012 also
did not find out any violations of the IAEA norms and
rules for the peaceful use of nuclear energy by the Iranian
nuclear specialists.
political science, national security, Iran, the USA, IAEA, the nuclear program, international control, non-proliferation regime, international relations, international conß ict.
Narutto, S.V..
Definition and borders of the constituent subject
of the Russian Federation.
// National Security.
2012. № 6.
P. 69-76.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2012.6.61997 URL:
The author considers territory of a constituent
subject of the Russian Federation to be an inalienable
element of the status of such a subject, having
analyzed the provisions of the Constitutions of the
Republic and the Ustavs of other subjects of the
federation,which provided for the legal regimes
of their territories and having noted the unclarities
in their formulae. The author also formulates
the conclusion that the territory of the constituent
subject cannnot be characterized as “state territory
” in generally accepted constitutional and international
legal sence, since the subjects do not
have sovereignty. It is noted that the territory of
a constituent subject of the Russian Federation
is an inalienable part of the territory of the Russian
Federation, which precludes the subjects of
the Russian Federation from separation, division,
or other types of integrity violations in a federal
state. Then the author analyzes the norm of the regional
basic laws on the principles of unity, inviolability
and territorial integrity of the constituent
subjects of the Russian Federation, as well as the
status of the administrative border of the constituent
subject of the Russian Federation.
jurisprudence, territory, organization, constituent subject, unity, integrity, sovereignty, federation, competence.
Galumov, A.E..
The role of public diplomacy in the formation of the positive image of the EU in Russia.
// National Security.
2012. № 4.
P. 77-85.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2012.4.61358 URL:
The public diplomacy is a complex of measures, which are aimed to study and to inform the foreign audience, and to form
contacts. The public diplomacy is the relations between the states, which do not include the traditional connections between
the governments. In other words, the public diplomacy presupposes open dialogue between the private persons and the
non-state structures of the states. Such an interpretation of public diplomacy does not coincide with the interpretation
of the offi cial American administration, which gave rise to the development of public diplomacy. In accordance with the
interpretation by the US Administration the public diplomacy regards mostly the infl uence on the public opinion in the
target states in order to infl uence their foreign policy, and it may be implemented at the state level.
political science, international relations, national security, state, image, the EU, public diplomacy, Russia, interests, foreign political strategy.
Grigoryan, I.V..
Values and interests of the foreign policy of Turkey in the Southern Caucasus.
// National Security.
2012. № 4.
P. 86-90.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2012.4.61359 URL:
The Southern Caucasus has a certain priority in the foreign policy of Turkey. The importance of the all-inclusive study of
this key region is quite obvious, considering that without in-depth analysis of a number of issues, it is hard to understand
the processes in this region, which in turn defi ne the key tendencies of development of the Southern Caucasian states, as
well as the characters of peoples on this vast territory.
political science, politics, Turkey, Southern Caucasus, expansion, international relations, interests, national security, confl ict, foreign policy.
Manoylo, A.V..
Interests of foreign policy of the USA in the Afghanistan.
// National Security.
2012. № 3.
P. 76-81.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2012.3.59473 URL:
The article includes analysis of dependency of the foreign policy of the USA in Afghanistan on 2 key factors: national interests
and universal values. The author shows that the confl ict of values and interests in the US policy in Afghanistan lead to its
instability and lack of balance and ability to adequately respond to new threats and challenges. The foreign policy of the USA
towards other states for a long time was based on two leading ideological concepts: political realism and political liberalism.
Both concepts supported and developed the idea of the global historical mission of the USA, which were destined to become
the center for the management of resources of the entire civilized world, however they have different political trajectories
toward that goals, and also different means, methods and instruments, which are necessary for their achievement.
political science, politics, the USA, national security, Afghanistan, Pakistan, interests, values, international relations, confl ict.
Manoylo, A.V..
The USA and the Taliban: strategic partnership.
// National Security.
2012. № 3.
P. 82-85.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2012.3.59474 URL:
On April 6, 2012 Afghanistan has again became the object of attention for the mass media: the Afghani Talibs which were
inactive in late months organized an attack on Kabul. The armed attack on April 15 was directed to the diplomatic part of
the capital, including the embassies of the USA, the Great Britain the FRG, the Presidential Palace, the Parliament, the
UN Mission, the Headquarters of the International Forces for Promoting Security in Afghanistan. The attack took place
only one month before the NATO summit in Chicago, during which the administration of President Obama was meant to
introduce the fi nal plan on bringing international forces out of Afghanistan.
political science, the USA, national security, Afghanistan, Pakistan, international relations, values, confl ict, foreign policy.
Petrova, T.P..
Modern condition of the foreign political relations of Russia and Peru: problems and perspectives
of international cooperation.
// National Security.
2012. № 3.
P. 86-92.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2012.3.59475 URL:
This article is devoted to the current situation of foreign political relations between Russia and the Republic of Peru. The
author analyzes the history of formation and development of Russian-Peruvian relations, its current situation, threats and
challenges of national security.
political science, national security, international relations, foreign policy, Peru, Latin America, identity, political system, political process, information policy.
Petrova, T.P..
Relations between the USA and Peru: Monroe-ism vs. Bolivar-ism.
// National Security.
2012. № 2.
P. 104-110.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2012.2.59462 URL:
The article includes analysis of the foreign relations of the USA and the Republic of Peru, which for a long time
was formed as a result of competition among the concepts of Monroe and Bolivar. The result of competition of
these cultural and civilization concepts made a key influence on nature and contents of the foreign policy of Peru,
which in turn was formed with the strong outer infl uence from the USA, but still retained the national ideology
and values of the Latin American culture.
political science, politics, society, the USA, Peru, international relation, Monroe, doctrine, conflict, interests
Panenkov, A.A..
The problems of fi ghting terrorism and new forms of its fi nancing in the world and in the Russian
Federation. The advice of the UN experts. Intermediate results of scientifi c studies in fi ghting terrorism and its fi -
nancing. Fighting terrorism in the Internet.
// National Security.
2012. № 1.
P. 106-119.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2012.1.59035 URL:
In this article the author based on the global review on implementation of the Resolution 1373 (2001) of the Security
Council of the UN by the member states shows some ways to solve the problems in the sphere of fi ghting terrorism and the
new forms of its fi nancing in Russia and in the world. The author also shows the Russian practice of fi ghting terrorism in
the Internet.
jurisprudence, fi nancing, terrorism, studies, experts, sources, fi ght, Internet, channels, science.
Nikolaev, S.A..
The counteraction to challenges and threats of international and regional security in the Central
// National Security.
2011. № 6.
P. 46-54.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2011.6.58988 URL:
The paper presents an analysis of contemporary challenges and threats to international and regional security in
Central Asia. The basic problems of security, the ways of solving them. The efforts in maintaining international and
regional security in Russia and Central Asian states, the ways and prospects of building in the region of Central Asia
collective security system.
politics, national security, Central Asia, international relations, foreign policy, Afghanistan, Russia, Color Revolutions, the transit of hydrocarbons.
Lyubimova, T.M..
The ultra-leftist anarchism in France in the conditions of net-centrism.
// National Security.
2011. № 6.
P. 55-64.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2011.6.58989 URL:
The article is devoted to the small group of “autonomous ultra-left anarchy movement” in the modern France, about its
diversions on the background of the new wave of social protests against neo-liberalism and class struggle in France.
The author also discusses a book, which expresses the views of the members of this group, and which attacks the
network society via network methods, non-standard measures of counteraction to the leftist radical terrorism by the
French government.
political science, anarchism, class terrorism, diversions, network society, network-centric strategies, neoliberalism, UN, Trotskism, communist revolution league.
Trifonova, I.A..
Foreign policy of Russia and formation of a positive image of the Russian state.
// National Security.
2011. № 5.
P. 115-125.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2011.5.58761 URL:
The article is devoted to the principles of formation of the positive image of Russia when implementing the key goals of
its foreign policy. Much attention is paid to the issues of analysis and concretization of goals, aims and directions of the
formation of the positive image of the state, while implementing Russian foreign policy in the West, establishing the key elements
of state policy on formation of the positive image of Russia abroad, establishing its place in the foreign and domestic
political events, as well as strategies and principles of implementation.
image of the state, state security, political communication, foreign policy, national security, international relations, information management.
Mlechin, V.L..
FRG, Russia and NATO: the succession and changes in the foreign policy of Germany.
// National Security.
2011. № 5.
P. 126-134.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2011.5.58762 URL:
In this article, the author analyzes and traces the evolution of the foreign policy of FRG after the unifi cation. The new
Germany found itself in a new world – the eastern bloc has disintegrated, the iron curtain has collapsed and the cold war
has come to an end. In this context, the country had to adapt its foreign and defense policies. The author notes its continuity
in that it seeks to support allied relations with the USA, NATO and European Union countries, and also looks into new
areas, such as relations with Russia after the disintegration of the USSR.
FRG, RF, foreign and defense policy, European Union, USA, NATO
Manoylo, A.V..
Paradigsm of management of international confl icts: competition or confontation.
// National Security.
2011. № 5.
P. 135-142.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2011.5.58763 URL:
The paper presents results of research promising lines of development of modern concepts of management of international
confl icts based on cultural and civilizational paradigms. We defi ne the prospects and directions of further development of
models of confl ict management the U.S., formulate predictions about the fi nal shape to the concept of confl ict management
of the European Union’s own orbit in modern peacekeeping operations, in the dominant models of confl ict management
studies the trend towards mergers and acquisitions, as well as study the prospects of achieving the global political arena,
Latino and African models of confl ict management that are now on pre-paradigm level, but rapidly develops its own cultural
and civilizational identity. The evolution of global concepts and models of confl ict management is considered in light of the
global political modernization of international relations.
national security, foreign policy, international relations, international confl ict, confl ict management, political modernization, psychological operations, information policy.
Kantorovich, O.G..
Perspective directions of development of the Russian concept of international confl ict management.
// National Security.
2011. № 5.
P. 143-151.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2011.5.58764 URL:
The paper presents results of research promising lines of development of the Russian concept of management of international
confl icts, based on their own cultural and civilizational paradigm.
national security, foreign policy, international relations, international confl ict, confl ict management, political modernization, psychological operations, information policy.
Kantorovich, O.G..
National state approach to management of national confl icts (the Western vector).
// National Security.
2011. № 4.
P. 54-59.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2011.4.58498 URL:
In spite of the fact that the epoch of global opposition in the modern world, the quantity of political confl icts keeps
growing, arising in new forms, which are hardly infl uenced by the stabilizing effect of traditional institutions and
systems of collective security. At the same time international activities in the sphere of resolving political confl icts
is undergoing a systemic crisis, which calls for new approaches and new paradigms of infl uencing international
confl icts. In such conditions the technologies of information and psychological infl uence gain importance, and
these technologies now do not have universality, while they do have national, cultural and civilization-related
political science, national security, foreign policy, international relations, political confl icts, management of international confl icts, psychological operations, diplomacy, peace-keeping.
Manoylo, A.V..
Topical issues of modernization of the current cultural and civilization theory of management
of international confl icts.
// National Security.
2011. № 4.
P. 60-66.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2011.4.58499 URL:
The paper presents the results of a study of perspective directions of modernization of the management theory of
international confl icts based on cultural and civilizational paradigm. A comparative analysis of Anglo-Saxon,
Roman-Germanic, East Asian and Middle Eastern models of confl ict management determined that the system of
models, contrary to popular belief, is not complete and compensated. This creates certain problems in using these
models in modern peacekeeping operations, which requires upgrading of cultural and civilizational paradigm
and new demands to the Russian national model for managing international confl icts.
national security, foreign policy, international relations, international confl ict, confl ict management, political modernization, psychological operations, information policy.
Poltorakov, A. Yu..
Strategy of the Outdoor Security of Ireland: Political and Economical Contexts
// National Security.
2010. № 3.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2010.3.57526 URL:
Irish neutrality practically does not have the famous ‘international guarantees’. However, this country has always spent less than other European neutrals on its military (about 1.3% of GDP at the present). This is due to a quite ‘safe’ geopolitical location of the ‘green island’, far from the main ‘frontal lines’. This is why we can agree with the researches who suppose that Ireland position was strategically and thoroughly considered. First, independence was the mean of self-protection, later it became the mean of development. Respectively, one of the factors of prejudice of Irish population towards European political and economical integration was the perspectives of non-participation of Ireland in military aspect of the external policy and security policy of the EC
political sciences, Ireland, security, strategy, neutrality, NATO, EC, integration, history
Monaylo, A. V..
"Green Revolution" in Iran: Experience of Applying Western Technologies of Color Revolution in Islamic World
// National Security.
2009. № 5.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2009.5.57023 URL:
The article contains a political analysis and comments to the "Green Revolution" in Iran, — an attempt to change the political system with the use of Western technologies of color revolutions. It is underlined that there is an evident connection between the technology of Irani "Green Revolution" and other famous color revolutions. The author also described the nature of the ‘Green Revolution’ as a technology of managing the political situation in the country under the conditions of artificially created instability.
psychology, national security, Iran, color revolution, psychological operations, technology of conflict management, international relations, world policy, conflicts, green revolution
Bogatyrev, K.A..
Conflict in the Caucasus:
geopolitical specificities of the region.
// National Security.
2009. № 2.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2009.2.56646 URL:
The author attempts to analyze the process of changes in the post-Soviet period in the Caucasus region. The author shows the influence of Islam ideology and the ideology of its most aggressive branch — Wahhabism. The author evaluates the interests of world empires, and their correlation with the Russian policy within the region.
Keywords: sociology, Northern Caucasus, Transcaucasia, transformation of ideology, Islam, Wahhabism, terrorism, CIS, foreign policy of Russia, strategic interests, USA, Europe and NATO
Svininykh, O.Y..
The foreign experience of legal regulation of activities of the state in the sphere of guaranteeing national security in the marine territory (taking as example the Coast Guards in Canada) and its significance for the activities of the border guards of the FSS at the marine border territory.
// National Security.
2009. № 1.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2009.1.56218 URL:
This article by O.Y. Svininykh is devoted to the experience of the Coast Guards in Canada. As the author points out, the study of legal regulation of activities of the foreign law-enforcement bodies in this sphere is rather topical for the Russian Federation.
Keywords: Coast Guards, Canada, experience of the foreign states, marine territories, national security, calculation, reporting, FSS, marine border territory