Dimitrov N.S..
Topical issues of the European Civil Procedure
// International Law and International Organizations. – 2020. – № 4.
– P. 1-10.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0633.2020.4.34496.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0633.2020.4.34496
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Abstract: The object of the study is issues related to: a/ admission and consideration of civil and commercial cases by EU Member States in the Republic of Bulgaria and b/ recognition and enforcement in a Member State of judicial decisions rendered in another EU Member State. The subject of the study is the differences between national norms applicable to jurisdiction and recognition of judgments rendered in other Member States, as well as the extent to which these differences hinder the functioning of the internal market in the EU. The research methodology includes: analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, observation, analogy, systematic approach and comparative legal method. The emphasis is on an in-depth study of the court's practice in Bulgaria on the acceptance and consideration of civil and commercial cases with an international element. The main conclusion of the conducted research is the statement that the norms of international civil procedure are game.t plays a primary role in the civil process. In each specific case, the norms of international civil procedure determine the court that will protect the violated right, define formal rules, etc. The author's special contribution is the recommendation to improve legal regulation and the adoption of the same conditions for the execution of foreign and national court decisions within all EU states.
Keywords: cross-border cases, execution of court decisions, recognition of court decisions, regulations, European Civil Procedure, international civil procedure, international element, European Union, foreign court decision, conflict of laws rules
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