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«Law and Politics»
Editorial board

V. I. Danilenko

Publisher: NB-Media LLC

Denis Vasilyevich Danilenko – Doctor of Law, Aix-Marseille University (Aix-Marseille Universite, France) Editor-in-chief of the journal "International Law and International Organizations" and the journal "Law and Politics", Executive Director of the Academic Publishing Group NOTA BENE - NB-Media LLC (115114, Moscow, Paveletskaya Embankment, house 6A, office 211)

Senior Editor of the Department of International Relations
Maxwell Baker,

Executive Editor, Editor of the Department of Financial, Banking and Tax Law
V. A. Dementyev

Editor of the Department of Sociology and Philosophy of Law
L. A. Krichevsky

Editor of the Department of History of State and Law and Theory of Law
G. G. Tartyshny

Editor of the International Law Department
A. N. Sutenina

Editor of the Department of Criminology, Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure
G. A. Korepanov

Editor of the Department of Reviews, criticism and bibliography “BIBLION”
V. A. Dementyev
Proofreader: N. Y. Tushnova
Layout and design: P.M. Samsonova

Editorial office address: 115114. Moscow, Paveletskaya embankment 6A-211.
