Lukichev R.V..
The evolution of the Semantic Web technologies: problems and prospects
// Software systems and computational methods.
2024. № 3.
P. 37-43.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0714.2024.3.71719 EDN: JJXDYW URL:
The article is devoted to the consideration of key Semantic Web technologies, the analysis of their features, problematic aspects and growth points, which seems especially relevant in the context of import substitution and improving national information security. Special attention is paid to RDF graphs, which are based on an ontology-oriented approach, as well as the OWL language as the main tool for organizing machine-readable data structures with complex relationships between entities, a hierarchy of classes and properties. Attention is also paid to the limitations associated with the security of semantic databases, the need for their simplification, standardization and development of specialized software that meets usability criteria are analyzed. In addition, the prospects for further improvement of these technologies in the context of the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence are outlined. The article uses a comprehensive methodological framework, which implies the use of mainly general scientific methods, in particular, systematic and analytical. The article summarizes and analyzes current developments related to the Semantic Web technologies, which made it possible to identify a number of problems that need to be solved. First of all, the tools available today often have a high entry threshold, are characterized by an excessively complex, featureless interface without functions of complementary prompts and query visualization. Moreover, the Semantic Web languages need standardization and the introduction of a common protocol in order to simplify the process of working with multiformat data aggregated from different sources. Other important issues are ensuring the reliability and relevance of information, its integrity and confidentiality, as well as the contextual conditionality of logical conclusions and compliance with user requests. Among the key prospects is the creation of an intelligent autonomous environment in which devices can freely exchange data and interact with each other at the semantic level in order to provide high-quality personalized services. The provisions of the article can be taken as a basis for the development of domestic systems for structuring and describing data available for machine processing, as well as specialized lecture courses in higher education institutions.
SPARQL, OWL, RDFS, RDF, semantic web of things, data models, graph databases, ontologies, semantic web, XML
Simankov V.S., Drilenko M.V..
Integration of information resources of situational centers
// Software systems and computational methods.
2021. № 4.
P. 58-67.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0714.2021.4.34845 URL:
The existing approaches towards formation of a single information space for accessing from various information resources are not effective enough from the economic and operational perspective. The subject of this research is the information assets from different sources used for the work of intelligent situational centers. The goal lies in the development of methodology for unification of such resources into a single information space, which is essential for the processing of large volumes of unstructured and poorly structured information. The article explores the models and types of data, information space of the activity for determining the end type of data representation, and the algorithm of transitioning from the object to NoSQL model. As a result of the conducted research, the author built a new information structure of the intelligent situational center. The proposed methodology for the formation of physical data models is compatible with the four types of NoSQL databases: columns, documents, graphs, and a key value. The data models (conceptual, logical, and physical) used in the developed process comply with the meta-models: from conceptual to logical stage, followed by from logical to physical stage. The offered solution should be implemented in the form of a hardware-in-the-loop complex that utilizes the described methodology for integrating the information flows from various situational centers. This would ensure the adaptive dynamic transformation of incoming data and their further use within the situational center.
data models, information flow consolidation, situation center consolidation, data structuring, data analysis, data processing, intelligent situational centers, data integration, meta-models, NoSQL
Volushkova V.L..
Integration of heterogeneous data in corporate information systems
// Software systems and computational methods.
2019. № 1.
P. 81-90.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0714.2019.1.28768 URL:
The object of the research is ways to store master data in corporate information systems. Building systems for integrating heterogeneous data is one way to solve the problem of master data management. The paper discusses the storage system for structured data in various databases. Such systems are called heterogeneous systems. Heterogeneous systems usually arise in cases where nodes that already operate their own database systems will eventually integrate into a distributed system. The aim of the work is to create a storage system for heterogeneous data in databases of various types. To build the system, the methodology “divergent development” is used. An approach to improving the efficiency of managing heterogeneous data in corporate information systems based on the “divergent development” programming paradigm is proposed. Within this paradigm, a domain-specific query language for a heterogeneous database has been developed. The effectiveness of the data integration system created can be judged by the test results given in the article.
SQL, MDM, DB ORACLE, MongoDB, NoSQL databases, heterogeneous data, databases, DSL, syntax tree, semantic model
Trub I., Trub N..
The model of hierarchical indexes of databases with decision making and its comparison with the minimax model
// Software systems and computational methods.
2018. № 1.
P. 18-36.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0714.2018.1.25369 URL:
The subject of the study is the concept of hierarchical bitmap-indexes proposed by the authors. In order to improve the processing performance of queries on the time filter, the indices are supported not only for the values of the basic unit of time, but also for arbitrary larger multiple units. The object of the study is to construct a probabilistic model that makes it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of decision making: what bitwise operation to apply at the next level of the hierarchy when constructing the resulting sample is a disjunction or an exclusive OR. The author focuses on justifying the validity of the model and comparing the results with the previously constructed minimax model, in which the decision was made according to a pre-established rule and did not depend on the current state of the system. The methodology of the study is probability theory, methods multicriteria optimization and computational experiment, as well as related methods of intuitive evaluation of the likelihood of the results. Main conclusions of the study: an analytical model of the dynamic selection of an index operation has been constructed and verified; It is shown that the proposed discipline of choice gives higher productivity in comparison with the minimax model and software is developed to obtain a numerical estimate of this difference; a model for estimating the costs of dynamic decision making and a weight function that allows one to evaluate the efficiency of the model with decision making and to choose one of the two models is proposed for this or that choice of weights.
multi-criterial optimization, binning, minimax rule, exclusive OR, disjunction, exponential distribution, total probability, random flow of events, hierarchical bitmap-indexes, weighted function
Martyshenko S.N..
Automating the formation of databases based on the results of questionnaires
// Software systems and computational methods.
2017. № 4.
P. 7-14.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0714.2017.4.22887 URL:
The research is devoted to computer technologies for processing personal data. In the article particular attention is paid to the preparatory stage of data processing, which precedes the meaningful analysis of data. This stage of work largely determines the quality of the results of the whole work. The preparatory stage is very time-consuming and requires a lot of time. Automation of the work of participants in the process of collecting information makes it possible to increase the efficiency of the entire system for the analysis of personal data. The purpose of this study is to develop a software tool that allows the data collected in various ways to be combined into a single database. To analyze various schemes for organizing information collection and transferring information to the computer medium, the methodology of system analysis was used. In addition, the practical experience of using various Internet services for organizing online surveys was used. Computer technology has the property of universality, allowing the use of a wide range of schemes and methods of organizing questionnaires. The advantage of the technology is its ease of use and availability to a wide range of users who use the EXCEL environment in their work. The effectiveness of the developed software was confirmed in the course of practical work on the study of the socio-economic problems of the region.
computer technology, quality of data, software, database, automation of scientific research, online survey, questionnaires, data analysis, Internet, Excel
Trub I..
Probabilistic model of hierarchical database indexes
// Software systems and computational methods.
2017. № 4.
P. 15-31.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0714.2017.4.24437 URL:
The subject of the study is the concept of hierarchical bitmap-indexes proposed by the author. It is that in order to improve the processing performance of queries on the time filter, the indices are supported not only for the values of the basic unit of time, but also for arbitrary larger multiple units. The object of the study is the construction of an analytic probability model of such indices for the particular case of the exponential distribution of a random stream of recording records in a database. The author focuses on such an aspect as the calculation of the discrete distribution of the number of indices involved in the processing of the query. The methodology of the study is probability theory, combinatorial methods, measure theory, computational experiment. In addition, it is shown that the latest concepts of the theory of cellular automata, such as the Zaitsev's neighborhood, can be used to study the features of the proposed model. The main results of the work can be formulated as follows: introduced an original, intuitive concept of building indexes; new, meaningful optimization problems for selecting a hierarchical index system are formulated; a mathematical model is constructed and verified, allowing to estimate the efficiency of using the chosen hierarchy of indices. It is shown that in the limiting case the model naturally tends to a set of fractal nature, in particular, one of the varieties of Cantor dust, for which the formula for calculating its Hausdorff-Besicovitch dimension is derived through the application parameters of the initial problem.
Cantor dust, fractal set, total probability, exponential distribution, random flow of events, hierarchical bitmap-indexes, Hausdorff-Besikovitch dimensionality, disjunction, exclusive OR, Zaitsev's neighborhood
Trub I..
On the distribution of bitmap indexes quantity for an arbitrary flow of writing data to a database
// Software systems and computational methods.
2017. № 1.
P. 11-21.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0714.2017.1.21790 URL:
The subject of the study is the problem of calculating distribution of probabilities of the number of unit intervals for a time interval of a given length, on which at least one event of some random flow predetermined by arbitrary probability distribution occurs. The applied value of this task is that its solution gives an estimate of the number of bitmap-indexes falling into the result of a query to a database filtered by a time range. The object of the study is the mathematical model of the problem constructed by means of the theory of probability, and the methods of obtaining numerical results with its usage. The methodology of the research is a detailed decomposition of the random flow of events, taking into account the applied logic of the problem being solved and the derivation on the basis of methods of probability theory of equations satisfied by the desired distribution function. An important part of the methodology is the use of the Laplace transform apparatus and the application of the convolution theorem. The main result of the study is the formulation of the original problem of queuing theory and the derivation of its solution in the form of a system of integral recurrence equations for a set of auxiliary piecewise continuous functions whose totality allows to obtain the final function. The author formulates a computational algorithm for solving the resulting system. The article shows that, for the case of an exponential distribution, the solution immediately obtained, because of its simplicity, satisfies the system of integral equations.
integral equation, conditional probability, exponential distribution, bitmap index, probability density function, random flow of events, queueing theory, Laplace transformation, convolution, boundary conditions
Trub I.I..
Analytical probabilistic modeling of bitmap-indexes
// Software systems and computational methods.
2016. № 4.
P. 315-323.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0714.2016.4.68448 URL:
The study is devoted to bitmap-indexes as a tool of improving efficiency of processing search queries and reporting in the current database. The subject of research is mathematical model of dependence of the number of indexes, required to build a sample that meets the request, on the intensity of adding records to the database and query the specified range of values. This characteristic is most significant for evaluating query processing performance because it determines the number of disjunction operations on bit strings, required to get a result set. This problem arose entirely from the practical needs due to the critical impact of the speed of building of reports on customer value commercial products - database applications. The methodology of this study is probabilistic analytical modeling based on representations of the original data in the form of Poisson process and the use of the apparatus of mathematical analysis (integral calculus and summation rows) to get the final results. The novelty of the research is to develop a suggested mathematical model, which allows to put a wide range of problems of the analysis and optimization. The problem is solved – the author presents the formula for the distribution of the number of indexes, and the average number of indexes in a single query. For each result author evaluated reliability on the basis of an alternative approach or plausible reasoning. The paper sets the tasks of constructing a probabilistic model for the distribution of any type of query processing and optimization using hierarchical bitmap-indexes. It should be noted, that formulated problem and the results obtained have an independent theoretical value within the queuing theory without regard to the application area.
integration and summation, balance equations, queueing theory, poisson distribution, fetch request, database, combinatorics, disjunction, bitmap-indexes, analysis and optimization
Korovina L.V., Usmanova I.V..
Influence of a condition of a clerical work on efficiency of organization activity
// Software systems and computational methods.
2016. № 4.
P. 324-332.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0714.2016.4.68449 URL:
In this article questions of increase in efficiency of organization activity due to enhancement of a clerical work are considered. Influence of a condition of a clerical work on effective management of processes of activities and the organization in general is researched. The authors proved that for improvement the quality of management it is necessary to support the sphere of a clerical work in an urgent condition by means of the purposeful analysis of a clerical work and processes of activities as information sources for documents. For the solution of the specified task it is offered to use the automated information system using methods of engineering of knowledge. The main method of a research within this work is the theoretical analysis of the processes of activities realized within functioning of the organization, and also structure, content, traffic routes of the documents accompanying implementation of processes. Scientific novelty of work consists in: 1) research of influence of a condition of a clerical work on efficiency of organization activity; 2) reasons for feasibility of application of engineering of knowledge in the course of the analysis of a condition of a clerical work of the organization. The results of the study can be used in the development of a new system and enhancement of the existing system of the analysis of a condition of a clerical work.
automated information system, office-work problems, management problems, state indicators, set of documents, processes of activity of the organization, analysis of office-work, methods of engineering of knowledge, efficiency of activity, forecast
Gribanova-Podkina M.Yu..
UML-model of accounting of supplied goods for an automated information system
// Software systems and computational methods.
2016. № 2.
P. 111-123.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0714.2016.2.67832 URL:
The object of research is a module for accounting of supplied goods, which is part of the automated information system. The author presents a project for module implementation. The project contains a technical description of functions and features of the software implementation of accounting of supplied goods as well as the objects included in this software. The given model gives a clear view of the automated information system components that must be deployed for accounting of supplied goods using FIFO or LIFO methods. The model shows algorithms for the implementation of operations of incoming, expenditure and cancellation of the goods. The model is constructed using the CASE-tools in UML 2.1 notation and includes a data chart, use case diagram, and other diagrams, which describe the details of behavior, implementing and deploying the module. The used approach to automating the accounting of supplied goods is based on including a certain degree of redundancy in the logical database model, which allows using a more convenient mechanism of registration of supply and consumption of goods and raw materials. The proposed model provides a software client-server implementation of the different options: using a thin and thick client with a dedicated business logic layer.
UML, deployment diagram, activity diagram, sequence diagram, use case diagram, data chart, database, information systems development, information system, accounting of supplied goods
Martyshenko S.N., Martyshenko N.S..
Computer technology of revealing and evaluations of priorities of regional social and economic problems solving (on an example of Primorski kray)
// Software systems and computational methods.
2015. № 4.
P. 345-364.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0714.2015.4.67453 URL:
The object of the research is a computer technology of processing qualitative information. The authors used cognitive the approach for data processing. As information base for building cognitive models of finding the solutions of regional social and economic problems the authors use the opinions gained as a result of discussion of problems in expert groups, at interrogations of the population of region, at innovative seminars. Cognitive modeling is applied in finding administrative solutions in economic, sociological, ecological and others semistructured systems. The authors give special attention to understanding of social and economic problems and phenomena. The understanding of a problem is a prerequisite of a finding of comprehensible decisions. The method of processing of the qualitative information is based on typification. To increase an overall performance of computer technology the authors included elements of intellectual system in it. The developed computer technology allows processing big amounts of not structured information received during monitoring of social and economic processes. An advantage of the technology is in simplicity of use. It can be used by a wide range of the users familiar with the EXCEL environment. The knowledge formed in the processing of open questions by one researcher can be easily shared with other researchers in the form of a file that can essentially facilitate their work.
structural analysis, data analysis, expert system, knowledge bases, questionnaire, typologization, qualitative data, cognitive model, computer technology, social and economic processes
Gribanova-Podkina M.Yu..
Software implementation of product accounting based on FIFO technology
// Software systems and computational methods.
2014. № 4.
P. 411-417.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0714.2014.4.65858 URL:
the article reviews a model of supplies accounting based on the FIFO technology.
The mentioned technology allows consequent write-off (or consumption) of raw materials for
the production, starting with the earliest deliveries while recording the price of each consumed
shipment. The descried technology is in demand while accounting goods, as it enables
determining the availability, price and quantity of product on stock. That helps, for example,
to recalculate real product cost at any time. The implementation of the system is formed of
database and client-side components, which carry out registration of supply and consumption
of goods. The feature and novelty of the proposed approach is in redundancy in the logical data
model that creates a more transparent mechanism for registering deliveries. The mentioned
above implementation can be considered as a general scheme for write-offs of raw materials
technology using FIFO principle in automated information system on any software platform.
FIFO, information system, software, automation, cancellation of raw materials, software implementation, flow of goods, logical model, database, client-server application
Mokrozub V.G..
Functional and procedural models in technological equipment design
// Software systems and computational methods.
2014. № 4.
P. 418-430.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0714.2014.4.65859 URL:
the article presents a functional model (diagram) of the process of designing
technological devices. The diagram includes steps of structural and parametrical synthesis of
the device and its elements. Based on the functional design model the procedural model is
created. It’s meant for converting the information flow defined by the terms of reference into
the information flow for the working draft. Terms of reference defines a set of device functions,
conditions of its interactions with user, workspace and environment. Working draft includes
sketches, specifications, calculations and other documents. Functional diagram is created
using IDEFO technology. Procedural model is represented by a set of formal statements, ways
of converting input information flows in the output information flows. Procedural model of
designing technological devices is characterized by the use of the following models: information
and logical model of the designed equipment, model of processes taking place in the device,
model of manufacturing technology of the technological equipment. The developed functional
and procedural models can be used as a base for creating intelligent automated systems for generating project documentation with minimum human involvement.
technological device, functional design model, procedural model, computeraided design, intelligent systems, mathematical provision, information model, hypergraph, product structure, working draft
Kruglov A.V., Yugfel’d I.D..
Designing database for an Android application for calculating the cubic capacity of
// Software systems and computational methods.
2014. № 4.
P. 431-436.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0714.2014.4.65860 URL:
the article is devoted to design a database for an Android application for calculating
the cubic capacity of roundwood. The authors analyze advantages and disadvantages of
different ways of storing data and chose the best way taking into account the predetermined
conditions. The authors also developed and presented a structure of the database designed
considering specific characteristic of the information being stored: a need to group different
records logically related to the same entity, establishing relations between tables. The best
way to store data was obtained in comparing different alternatives. While choosing a suitable
database structure the authors analyzed input information, highlighted the general properties
of the data under consideration and grouped it input tables. The novelty of the research lies
in the uniqueness of the research subject. As a result of the study a database for an Android
application for calculating the cubic capacity of roundwood was designed. The database
structure is designed considering all characteristics of stored data, as well as the hardware
capabilities of the platform. The developed module is included in the application, and it made
a favorable impression.
DBMS, database structure, OS Android, mobile devices, SQLite, binary data, blobs, image storing, roundwood cubic capacity, reports generation
Vorob’ev A.A., Lagoyko O.S..
Information and diagnostic systems for built-in condition monitoring of aircraft
// Software systems and computational methods.
2014. № 4.
P. 437-445.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0714.2014.4.65861 URL:
The subject of the study is the technology of improving operational reliability
of aircraft state aviation. The object of the study is a computer-aided tool for controling the
technical condition of the aircraft. The authors substantiate the importance of practice for
optimizing the requirements for means of ensuring the maintenance and repair of aircraft,
for their continuous and complete information support. The article shows possibilities of
providing more efficient use of information gathered by the system of operational control of
the aircraft, in the interest of the control of their condition and to ensure its speedy recovery.
The paper presents an expediency of supplementing the operational control of aircraft by specialized information-diagnostic built-in control system of their condition, providing
information interaction between the controlled part of the aircraft (which is subject to control)
and control devices. The authors describe a system of indicators of the reliability of self-control
state of the built-in control system. Methodology of the research is structured systems analysis
and domain information and logical modeling of data collection and processing. The article
reviews the modern approach to the creation of embedded control systems for aircraft,
lists the requirements to them and offers basic mathematical relationships for calculating
estimates of indicators characterizing the accuracy of the test results. The novelty of the study
is in showing the expansion of the list of priorities used in aviation means for the operational
control of aircraft in order to create information systems and diagnostic tools for controlling
its technical condition.
onboard automated system, information and diagnostic system, informatization of built-in control, diagnostics of technical state, intelligent aircraft equipment, the accuracy of control, in-service inspection, built-in control automation, aircraft condition, fault tolerance of complex systems
Denisenko V.A. Ksalov A.M., Gorshkova F.M.
Methods for parsing agglutinating languages for natural language interfaces in multiagent and knowledgebased
// Software systems and computational methods.
2013. № 3.
P. 230-232.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0714.2013.3.63825 URL:
One of the main tasks of artificial intelligence is to simplify the process of human-computer interaction
by providing, in particular, the opportunity to communicate in natural language via natural language interface –
software that accepts text message in natural language and either translate it into some formal language, or
performs some actions based on the message received. In order to understand the meaning of the text the
system needs to parse each word of a sentence and analyze the interrelation between the words. Parsing words
in agglutinative languages at the first glance seems quite complicated, since such languages are characterized
by a variety of derivational and inflectional affixes. However, the affixes in agglutinative languages express
only one meaning, which leads to stringing affixes for different grammatical meanings. Another feature of the
affixes is that they may be adjoined to the base from both sides. Also in agglutinative languages there’s usually
no different types of declension and conjugation. One of the agglutinative languages is Bashkir languages, for
which the Bashmorph software for automatic morphology analysis is created. The Bashmorph can determine
the meaning of the entered word and detect its form, case and mood, check if it is plural or singular. Based on
such program the frequency dictionaries, automatic translators, search engines can be built. Technical progress
poses new challenges, brings new terms and changes the environment. All these changes are reflected in
language which is a mean of communication between people, and in the future, between man and machine.
Creation of natural language interfaces for agglutinative languages is an important task for preservation and
further development of such languages.
parser, grammar, parsing, agglutinating language, multiagent system, natural language interface, explainer, agent, human-computer interaction, intercommunicating system.