Kojovic S..
Consociational democracy in post-conflict societies. The possibility of application in Bosnia and Herzegovina
// International relations.
2024. № 4.
P. 130-141.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0641.2024.4.72844 EDN: ZOFLDM URL:
The article is devoted to the study of the influence of institutions of consociative democracy on the processes of pacification and democratization in post-conflict societies. The introductory part defines two approaches to the study of consociative democracy: the first, which recommends consociative democracy as a desirable democratic model for deeply divided societies, and the second, which considers consociation solely as a successful conflict management mechanism without democracy. This article also analyzes the possibility of implementing consociative democracy in Bosnia and Herzegovina as a vivid example of a post-conflict state, where even 30 years after the civil war, disorder and fear of a re-outbreak of interethnic conflict prevail. In this paper, the author tried to explain the reasons that make it difficult to apply consociative democracy in the Balkans in general and in Bosnia and Herzegovina in particular. The research is based on the methodology of A. Leiphart, which is based on a comparative analysis of empirical studies of the experience of political development in a number of states. The methodology is based on a systematic approach, which allows us to consider the object of research as an integral set of elements, as well as a cultural approach that helps to understand the specifics of the interaction of various segments of society in the state chosen for analysis. The novelty of the research lies in a special approach to the study of consociative democracy, which focuses more on the successful establishment of peace in post-conflict societies, rather than on the establishment of democracy in these territories. The author uses the model of A. Leiphart, which assumes consociative democracy as a political model with segmental pluralism, which includes many grounds for dividing people into representatives of certain groups in multi-component societies. Such differences may be religious, linguistic, racial, ethnic, or regional in nature. The main conclusions of this study are the theses that the main function of consociative institutions in post-conflict societies is to prevent the recurrence of violence, not to build democracy. Also, an analysis of the implementation of consociative democracy in Bosnia and Herzegovina shows that the theoretical doctrines of consociation are not easy to apply in practice in the conflict societies of post-Yugoslav states.
Western Balkans, post-Yugoslav states, civil war, failed state, democracy, Bosnia and Herzegovina, democratization, stability, post-conflict society, consociational democracy
Kochanov E.A..
Postmodern Interpretation of the Rise of Populism in Italy in the Context of the Offensive Against Liberal Democracy
// International relations.
2024. № 1.
P. 24-33.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0641.2024.1.39791 EDN: AUJGWJ URL:
The article is devoted to the peculiarities of the rise of populism in Italy against the background of the crisis of liberal democracy. The aim of the work is to determine the influence of postmodern phenomena described by such scientists as J.F. Lyotard, J. Der Derian and J. Baudrillard, on the rise of populist parties and movements in Italy. The object of the study was the phenomena of the postmodern world. The subject of the work is their influence on the rise of populism and disillusionment with liberal democracy in Italy. Special attention is paid to the new challenges of the 2020s for Europe and especially for Italy, where populists have achieved particular success. Against the background of these challenges, the phenomena characteristic of the postmodern era made Europeans doubt the liberal democratic paradigm, which led to the strengthening of right-wing radicals and populists. The novelty of the study is directly highlighting the connection between the rise of populism in Europe and the crack of the liberal democratic paradigm against the background of the migration crisis, the coronavirus pandemic and the deterioration of relations with Russia due to the situation with Ukraine through the prism of the works of postmodern philosophers. In the course of the study, the author came to the conclusion that the postmodern processes of the modern world, such as the collapse of meta-narratives, global surveillance, the creation of myths, images and simulacra, are not correlated with the traditional representation of liberal democracy. Against the background of new challenges and threats, it discredits itself, which gives rise to the spread of populists who skillfully take advantage of the situation that has arisen. According to the results of the content analysis, it was confirmed that the opinion of populists depends on the current agenda. It has been hypothesized that the image of liberal democracy imposed by Europe does not correspond to the image of liberal democracy in the eyes of ordinary Italians, so they see the salvation of their roots and identity in populists.
content analysis, simulacrum, global surveillance, Ukrainian crisis, COVID-19 pandemic, migration crisis, Matteo Salvini, populism, postmodernism, liberal democracy
Koevich S..
The specifics of the management of Bosnia and Herzegovina under international control
// International relations.
2023. № 4.
P. 23-33.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0641.2023.4.68851 EDN: APLPLE URL:
The subject of this article is the current political situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The article presents the definition of the concept of constitutional power in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is considered how international organizations influence the constitutional power in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The author examines in detail such aspects of the topic as the current legal state of Bosnia and Herzegovina, domestic and foreign policy, the influence of international presence and many others. The focus is on the question of who and how currently governs Bosnia and Herzegovina. The article presents a detailed analysis of the functions and work of the High Representative and the Peace Implementation Council. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that the article is a detailed constructive analysis of international interference in the functioning of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The role of the High Representative is also described in detail as one of the main contradictions of the authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The author comes to the conclusion that there is an absolute discrepancy between reality, that is, facts with the idea of the way and functioning of this state. The specificity of Bosnia and Herzegovina lies in the fact that a number of international institutions directly affect both the domestic and foreign policy of the country. The factor of internal influence is integrated into its political system through the penetration of international law there. It is noted that unlike other European countries with a complex history, Bosnia and Herzegovina lacks an initiative approach to solving problems and developing the state. The author comes to the conclusion that the role of the High Representative is one of the main contradictions in Bosnia and Herzegovina and that the illegitimate appointment of High Representative Christian Schmit throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina deepens the ethno-political conflict and puts the Serbs in the Republika Srpska in an even more difficult situation.
Western Balkans, Republika Srpska, Christian Schmit, failed state, ethnopolitical conflict, a political phenomenon, The Dayton Agreement, High Representative, international control, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bogdanova A.V..
The evolution of Belgrade's position on the Kosovo issue after 2008
// International relations.
2023. № 4.
P. 34-46.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0641.2023.4.68907 EDN: EHIKKO URL:
This article examines the evolution of Belgrade's official position on the Kosovo issue. The author explores such aspects as the importance of Kosovo in the historical consciousness of the Serbian political elite, the stages of the current attitude towards Kosovo on the part of the Serbian leadership, as well as the significance of historical events on the Kosovo for modern Serbia. The object of the study is the Kosovo crisis, the subject is the vision of the presidents and senior officials of Serbia of the fate of Kosovo. Special attention is paid to the historical stage of the formation of national ideas among Serbs and Albanians, in which the battle on the Kosovo field played a key role. Studying the positions of the presidents and senior officials of Serbia on Kosovo allows to track the process of folding the current position, and also allows to see the trajectory of the formation of attitudes towards Kosovo. The main conclusion of the study is the idea that the struggle for Kosovo in Serbia is a central national idea that serves as a unifying principle and builds patriotism around itself. A special contribution of the author is the systematic tracking of the evolution of Belgrade's position on the Kosovo issue. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that the article consistently and constructively describes the approach of various Serbian presidents to the problem based on their speeches, statements and actions in the international arena.
Aleksandar Vučić, Slobodan Milošević, Greater Serbia, NATO, Kosovo field, Serbia, Belgrade, Kosovo, USA, Russia
Khadyrov R.Y..
Correlation of Transformation and Modernization Processes in the Formation of the Political System of Tajikistan.
// International relations.
2023. № 2.
P. 1-10.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0641.2023.2.39970 EDN: CMMPOH URL:
The problems of socio-political, cultural transformation of traditional society and modernization of the political system of Tajikistan have been in the focus of attention of Tajik and Russian political scientists since the independence of the republic. This article reveals some theoretical aspects and practical results of the post-Soviet transformation of institutions and modernization of the political system. The essential links between the categories "transformation", "modernization", "political transit", revealing the nature of the political and systemic transformations that have taken place in Tajikistan, have been established. It is concluded that the general trend for traditional societies engaged in "catching up modernization" is authoritarian methods of managing the modernization process, which is typical for Tajikistan. The topic of accelerating the modernization of largely traditional Tajik society and its political system is becoming increasingly relevant in the era of global changes in the world order. The contradiction between "tradition" and "modernity" is not only a clash of ideological and political attitudes, it is a question of the survival of power elites and the source of the development of the political system. The analysis of the vectors and completeness of the post-Soviet political-systemic and regime transformation of Tajikistan is relevant and important for assessing the resilience of the state and society to the growing global challenges and regional threats. The purpose of the article is to determine the typology, stages of processes characterizing the institutional, political, and social changes that have occurred over 30 years of independence. The goal is related to the research question: Is the current state of Tajikistan's political system and society the completion of the post–Soviet political transformation, the stage of democratic transit, or the next stage of modernization, institutional modification? We will begin the search for answers by considering the theory and etymological foundations of these categories.
political transformation, political behavior, political science, transit, modernization, transformation, political system, Tadjikistan, institutional sphere, reformation
Krylov D.S..
Inclusive security architecture in the Middle East: peculiarities of functioning and Prospects for expansion
// International relations.
2021. № 3.
P. 1-14.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0641.2021.3.36184 URL:
This article explores the prerequisites for the creation and peculiarities of functioning of the inclusive security architecture in the Middle East. This system of ensuring and maintaining peace was established by Russia, and currently includes two cross-regional Middle Eastern powers – Turkey and Iran. The author analyzes the potential of involving new actors — Saudi Arabia and Israel – into the functioning of the security architecture. The article employs the method of SWOT-analysis for determining the advantages and disadvantaged of the inclusive security architecture in the Middle East, as well as outlining the major threats and capabilities of the system. The novelty of this research lies in giving definition to the concept of “inclusive security architecture”; assessing the strengths and weaknesses of the inclusive security architecture created by Russia in the Middle East; outlining the major threats and vulnerabilities of the system, as well as the potential attraction of new actors therein. The author also highlights the peculiarities of the key five pairs of conflict relations in the Middle East (Saudi Arabia — Iran, Saudi Arabia – Turkey, Saudi Arabia – Israel, Israel – Iran, and Israel – Turkey), the nature of which Russia should take into account within the framework of long-term planning. The conclusion is made that in the future, the inclusive security architecture may become one of the key pillars of peace and security in the Middle East, and gradually mitigate the conflicts in this region.
Russia, Syrian conflict, Middle East, international relations, inclusive security architecture, USA, Turkey, Iran, Israel, Saudi Arabia
Bocharnikov I.V..
Origins and evolution of terror and terrorism in the world political practice
// International relations.
2016. № 2.
P. 130-138.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0641.2016.2.67919 URL:
The article analyzes the evolution and the origins of terror and terrorism in the world political practice. For centuries, these phenomena had been the most radical ways to gain and assert political dominance within certain state-organized societies.The French Revolution was a special stage of their development, which institutionalized terror as a principle of revolutionary expediency. Subsequently, it served as justification of repressions against certain social groups and peoples in the major social and political convulsions of the XXth century. The research methodology is based on the system, structural-functional and comparative-political approaches, the methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction and observation.As an effective means of gaining political dominance, terror and terrorism were also used by the leading countries in their colonial policy. The methods of terror were actively used by the United States against indigenous peoples in the XIX century, by Britain and other colonial powers and Nazi Germany before and during World War II.In the modern political practice, terror and terrorism have become a global problem, and are used to gain and assert dominance by certain states and their alliances and international terrorist organizations.
color revolutions, security, state, interests, diplomacy, international relations, US foreign policy, world policy, Russia, political system
Semchenkov A.S..
System destabilization of modern states
// International relations.
2015. № 2.
P. 175-183.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0641.2015.2.66175 URL:
System destabilization of states is a phenomenon of contemporary domestic and world politics, which consists of
the destruction of the former political systems of national level through the social and cultural, the information, economic,
financial, organizational and administrative, the diplomatic, military and other means, and the following radical changes
of these states. The article considers the origins and the development of the concepts which characterize the technologies
of system destabilization of modern national states, both federative and unitary ones: guided chaos, network war, effect
attainment operations, preemptive war, geopolitical operation. Taking into account the content of these concepts and the
peculiarities of the world political practice, the author formulates the algorithm of system destabilization, which includes
several stages: the latent stage, the stage of tension escalation inside the country and on the international level, and the
destruction of the state-object of chaotization. The author defines the main factors of the stability of the state suffering from
system destabilization. Taking into consideration the content and the peculiarities of the system destabilization dynamics,
the author formulates the algorithm of measures and activities aimed at non-admission of modern states chaotization.
international relations, foreign policy, state, destabilization, guided chaos, network war, preemptive war, interests, security, geopolitical operation
Zholobova O.A..
The peculiarities of formation of regional policy
concept in modern Russia
// International relations.
2015. № 2.
P. 184-189.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0641.2015.2.66176 URL:
: In respect to the contemporary Russian reality it is reasonable to consider regional policy in the light of formation
and development of federative relations. The federal centre and relatively independent (within the frameworks of their
powers) subjects of the federation, which are in a permanent correlation and serve as systems of political institutions and
political interests, are the main actors of federative relations. Therefore, the relations within a system “center-regions” are
contentious by their nature: a region almost always strives for the extension of political autonomy, while the federal center
prefers the strategy of suppression. The methodology of the research is based on the system, structural-functional, and
comparative approaches, the methods of Russian studies, analysis, synthesis, modeling, observation, and expert evaluations.
In the conditions of the federal model of administrative-territorial system the possibility of carrying out of a complex
and systematized regional policy is determined by a consistency and balance of relations between the federal centre and the
subjects of the federation. At the same time, the domination of either centralization or decentralization forces to choose a
definite strategy of regional development: either a selective model in the conditions of a centralized federal model, or a general-system
model in the conditions of decentralization and a high level of financial and political autonomy of the regions.
international relations, regional policy, Russia, federalism, political regime, political system, security, political
culture, political traditions, regionalism
A. S. Skriba.
The Ukrainian internal power as the original of the state instability and the system crisis of 2014
// International relations.
2015. № 1.
P. 63-74.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0641.2015.1.65923 URL:
The article studies the influence of the Ukrainian internal environment on its state stability and regional politics
from the point of view of Kiev balancing between the European Union and Russia. The very internal environment is considered
in dynamics. The author emphasizes the range of social and political and social and economic processes, considering
them in the historical context from the moment of the Ukrainian independence in 1991 till the system crisis of 2014, which
spread to various spheres of the public life. The author uses the complex system approach to the study of domestic political
situation in Ukraine and its correlation with the regional policy. The author studies not only the modern Ukrainian crisis and
its participants, but also carries out the system analysis of those domestic factors which had been creating favorable conditions
for the large-scale and the long-term destabilization of Ukraine. The research shows that the domestic factors, such
as national disintegration, economic inefficiency, and social and political chaos, created the conditions for the current crisis,
and consequently compelled Ukraine to survive. In these circumstances the abilities and the will of Kiev to assume the maximal
and even the unpopular measures for the long-term stabilization of the Ukrainian society and state give rise to doubt.
Ukraine, disintegration, crisis, political process, foreign policy, Russian vector, European vector, political chaos, separatism, economic inefficiency.
A. O. Lasarya.
The peculiarities of ethno-political conflicts on the post-Soviet space
// International relations.
2015. № 1.
P. 75-77.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0641.2015.1.65924 URL:
The article analyzes the theoretical, conceptual and applied aspects of ethno-political conflicts settlement
on the post-Soviet space, defining the context of regional security on the post-Soviet space (South Caucasus region).
The modern society of this region is diverse and heterogeneous; it forms a complex structure which includes several
thousands of various ethnic communities, different in the population size, the linguistic, political, socio-cultural, civilizational
and religious guidelines. Undoubtedly, in their complex these differences to some extent determine the genesis of
ethno-political conflicts in this region. The methodological base of the research includes the following methods: system,
structural and functional, cultural and civilizational, comparative historical, comparative political, geopolitical, and the
methods of induction, deduction, observation, analysis, synthesis, and modeling. The end of the 20th century brought
into the world the variety of unprecedented challenges and threats. The decline of the socialistic order, caused by the collapse
of the USSR, marked the appearance of the expected critical ethno-political contradictions on the post-Soviet space.
They had been developing into bloody armed conflicts, and their endings caused the appearance of virtually independent
self-proclaimed states like Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Transdniestria and Nagorno-Karabakh.
international relations, foreign policy, Russia, South Caucasus, ethno-political conflict, diplomacy, state, interests, values, security.
S. M. Ivanov.
Iraq Oil Provokes New Conflicts
// International relations.
2014. № 4.
P. 530-539.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0641.2014.4.65633 URL:
According to OPEC, daily production of oil in Iraq in February 2014 grew by 400 thousand barrels and reached
3.4 mmbpd – the highest level in the last few decades. Out of that amount, about 2.8 mmbpd were exported. If the country
manages to maintain its average annual export at the level of 2.9 mmbpd, in 2014 it will earn about USD 100 billion
(in 2013 Bagdad got about USD 89 billion while annual export was 2.4 mmbpd). Iraqi authorities are planning to achieve,
by the end of 2014, the production of 4.5 mmbpd and in 2020 they intend to produce 9 mmbpd of oil. According to the
annual review published by the International Energy Agency (IEA), by 2030, Iraq may confidently become one of the three
global leaders in the production and export of hydrocarbons.
international relations, foreign policy, Iraq, Iraqi Kurdistan, oil, USA, conflict, interests, values, security.
Spiridonov, V.V..
Financial and economic reasons for the political crisis in Ukraine. A glance through the prism of analysis of the state
banking system.
// International relations.
2014. № 3.
P. 398-405.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0641.2014.3.64963 URL:
At the verge of 2013–2014 in Ukraine there was a wave of protest, which was caused by the wish for the social
and economic changes within the state, and it was mostly aimed against the ruling elite. The society broke in two opposing
groups: one of the groups was in favor of integration with the European Union, while the other one was for closer
cooperation with Russia. The result of the strife in Ukraine was the downfall of the government including the President
and the Government itself. Due to the above the financial situation in Ukraine became much worse, and the inflation
expectations grew. The grave domestic political crisis grew into a serious foreign political opposition, and Russia was
involved in it as an important geopolitical partner of Ukraine. This article contains an overview and analysis of some factors
of development of the financial sphere and banking system in Ukraine. The author provides overview and analysis
of the activities of the National Bank of Ukraine as well as the second-tier banks. The author defines the directions for
the bank activities and their territorial connections. The author also made an attempt to connect the dynamics of these
factors (namely, amounts and dynamics of credit operations and securities operations) and the ongoing negative political
international relations, foreign policy, Russia, Ukraine, political instability, diplomacy, economics, finances, security, values.
Feldman, P.Y..
Lobbying within the system of social and political institutions in the modern Russia.
// International relations.
2014. № 3.
P. 392-397.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0641.2014.3.64964 URL:
The article sets the following goal – to establish how strongly is lobbying rooted within the system of social and
political institutions of the modern Russia. Based upon the comprehensive and non-ideological approach towards the
interpretation of the lobbying phenomenon the author defines the main spheres for its institutionalization , within which
this form of interest representation became partially or completely systematized. Lobbying is traditionally understood
as influence of non-governmental structures onto the state government bodies, which is implemented via specific communication
instruments and tactics. The empirical basis for the scientific analysis was formed with the normative legal
acts, verbatim of the speeches of the President of the Russian Federation, materials from the websites of government
bodies, as well as mass media information. The author studies the Russian legislation, searching for the norms indirectly
regulating lobbying activities, also singling out institutions related to governments, which serve as “portals” for the lobbying influence on the government bodies. The key conclusion of the article is that in spite of lack of a specialized law on
lobbying in Russia, the sphere of lobbying is rather well-developed and its main actors act within certain rules with the
established set of technologies and stratagems.
politics, interest groups, pressure groups, functional interest representation, lobbying, institutionalization, political institution, Government Relations, law on lobbying, lobbying technologies.
Ivanov, S.M..
The fortune of the Soviet Kurds.
// International relations.
2014. № 3.
P. 384-391.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0641.2014.3.64965 URL:
It is well-known, that the Kurds are the people with thousands of years of history, and due to various historical
reasons, this people did not form its own state, and by the early XIX century, it dwelled in the territories of the Ottoman
and Persian Empires. Most of the Kurdish tribes had nomadic or semi-nomadic way of life. After the Treaty of Turkmenchay
was signed in 1828 between Russia and Persia, and in the Adrianople Treaty was signed between Russia and
the Ottoman Empire, some Iranian and Turkish territories became Russian, and they were populated with the Armenians,
Azerbaijanians and the Kurds. The Iranian regions (Urmia, Salmas, Khoy) and Turkish regions (Van, Erzurum, Kars) with
all of their population became part of the Russian Transcaucasia. Therefore, the Kurds living there became fully competent
subjects of the Russian Empire. However, it should be noted that some Kurd tribes settled in Georgia (Meskheti) in
XVI, and in early XIX they also settled near the Georgian fortress Queli. The Turkish and Iranian Kurds in the new territories
were loyal to the Russian government, since they saw the Russians, since they saw Russians as their liberators from
the Turkish and Persian oppression. It was no accident, that soon many Kurds joined the Russian military service, and
they were known for bravery and courage in numerous battles during the wars between Russia and Turkey.
international relations, foreign policy, the USSR, Kurds, political stability, diplomacy, state, nation, security, values.
Zhuravel, V.P..
Topicali issues of national security guarantees in the Northern Caucasus (based upon the example of the Republic of Dagestan)
// International relations.
2014. № 2.
P. 200-208.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0641.2014.2.64942 URL:
The article contains an attempt to analyze the processes in Dagestan, which is an important region in the
Northen Caucasus, from the standpoint of the support of the national security of the Russian Federation. As a conclusion,
the author offers a complex of measures against terrorism, as well as some proposals for the improvement of the
social, economic and spiritual spheres of the Republic of Dagestan. In the last two decades the Northern Caucasus has
became the most complicated and troubled region in the Russian Federation from the standpoint of social and economic
situation, state administration and resolution of various ethnic-national, religious, territorial and other contradictions
and conflicts, guarantees of national security. The President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin pointed out the tensions
in the national republics of the Northern Caucasus, and he noted that the weakening and the falling apart of the united
statehood in the early 1990s caused difficult consequences, not to say bloody conflicts, in the Caucasus. There was a civil
war in some regions. The international terrorists used this situation for the aggression against Russia and the people of
the Caucasus. The terror of the fighters caused stream of refugees and transferred persons. Economics and the social
structure have degraded, and in some Republic it was simply destroyed.
international relations, politics, Russia, the Northern Caucasus, Dagestan, fighting terrorism, modernization, conflict, federal power, state.
Raiklin, E.I..
The Ukrainian “pendulum”
// International relations.
2014. № 2.
P. 209-212.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0641.2014.2.64943 URL:
The goal of this article is to evaluate the events, which took place in November-December of 2013 in Kyiv – the capital
of Ukraine, and which were called the Euromaidan. Many scientists had some grounds to point out the similarities between
the December manifestations in the main maidan of Ukraine and the analogous events, which took place at the same place
at the time of the Orange Revolution – the state insurrection, which brought to power Victor Yushchenko, the pro-Western
leader, who was supporting the idea of Ukraine entering the NATO and the EU as soon as possible. Nevertheless, in addition to
obvious similarities, there are some differences and specific features, which should be taken into account in the analysis of the
Euromaidan as a social and political event. The methodology of studies is based upon the systemic, comparative economic and
comparative historic approach, analysis, synthesis and generalization methods. The main conclusion of the studies is however
much the new opposition stays at the Euromaidan, the destiny of Ukraine, both well-provided for and not, Western and Eastern
Ukraine shall directly depend upon the situation in Russia. While Russia remains oligarchic and corrupt and socially divided
state, socially and geographically divided Ukraine shall sail the waves of uncertainty searching for a union.
international relations, politics, Ukraine, color revolutions, security, the Euromaidan, opposition, power, conflict, Russia
Karyakin, V.V..
Social, political, ethnic and religious threats to the public security in the modern Russia
// International relations.
2014. № 2.
P. 213-221.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0641.2014.2.64944 URL:
The ethnic-religious threats to the national security of the Russian Federation may be classified depending on the
level of danger based upon political and terrorist activities of the bearers of ethnic and religious radical ideologies. Most of the terrorist attacks in Russia are committed by the Islamic radicals – Wahhabites, who hold the lead in the number
of extremist crimes. Both Russia and global community as a whole face the need to develop a new technology for the
prevention and regulation of conflicts and crisis situations, which are considerably different in their contents and course
of actions from the political conflicts of the recent past. This technology should include most efficient political, legal and
coercive methods, tested by previous experience, in combination with the instruments which correspond with the realities of
the globalized world. In some Russian regions, which are traditionally populated with the Muslim ethnic group, the Islamic
radicalism is closely intertwined with the ethnic national separatism, which is also the subject of this article.
international relations, foreign policy, Russia, ethnic separatism, extremism, threats, conflicts, security, interests, values.
Feldman, P.Y..
Conceptual bases for lobbying in modern Russia.
// International relations.
2014. № 1.
P. 16-20.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0641.2014.1.63742 URL:
The article concerns theoretical and practical aspects of lobbying. The author defines place of lobbying in the
Russian political life, analyzing the main means and technologies used for the communications between the interest
groups and state government bodies. The discussion of lobbing has been wavelike in its intensity in the Russian scientific
circles. It intensifies under the influence of government and experts, and after a short period of vivid discussion, then
it dwindles. Some researchers and politicians find a corruption element in lobbying, on the opposite, others consider
it to be means capable of considerably improving transparency of the relations between government and business. It is no accident that the development of the draft federal law on lobbying takes place within the framework of the
Presidential initiative against corruption. The problem of institutionalization and legalization of lobbying in Russia is
addressed from time to time by the government officials, researchers, leaders of the non-governmental organizations,
however, till the current time, there is no state concept for the formation of lobbying institution in Russia, and there
is no consolidated position of the expert community regarding place of this phenomenon in the Russian political life.
politics, society, lobbying, interest groups, political system, political process, Russia, power, state, government.
Skripnichenko, D.V..
Political modernization of the North Caucasian republics taking governor elections as an example.
// International relations.
2014. № 1.
P. 21-24.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0641.2014.1.63743 URL:
The asymmetry of the Russian federalism reflects itself in the process of managing the regional political processes,
including those of introducing the institution of direct governor election. In particular, in there is a number of Republics in
the Northern Caucasus, where there were no governor elections (the Republic of Dagestan), or the elections took place,
but their results destabilized the situation in the region (the Karachay-Cherkess Republic). That is why introduction of the
direct governor elections model, which was typical for the rest of the constituent subjects of the Russian Federation, might
undermine the stability in the region. Introduction of the direct governor elections also should take place with due regard
to the existing cultural and national peculiarities of these Republics. As one of the instruments for the improvement of the
procedure of the direct governor elections, the author offers to introduce the quotas for the small-numbered peoples. The
national quotas were previously used in Dagestan. However, this measure does not guarantee that a candidate representing
the small-numbered people may be elected to be the head of the Republic.
international relations, politics, Russia, elections, political stability, political regime, state, nation, Northern Caucasus, security.
Gerasimetsa, B..
Interaction between the civil society and government bodies in the Chechen Republic.
// International relations.
2014. № 1.
P. 25-30.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0641.2014.1.63744 URL:
The history of Russia includes varying experience in the sphere of social relations, and at certain period
they gained some features of civil society institutions. Today formation of a civil society is a topical issue, since in
the XXI century the state is inclined towards democratic conflict-resolution principles. In order to cast light upon the
relations between the civil society and government bodies, it is necessary to establish its nature, to understand in
which conditions a civil society is possible in the Russian Federation, and in the Chechen Republic in particular. Having
systematized and generalized possible definitions of civil society, one may characterize it as a society, where cultural,
legal, political and economic relations are developed, actors and institutions of the civil society interact with the state,
and they are not dependent on it. Civil society forms developed legal relations, which are rooted in government. This
is an ever ongoing process of improvement, and it has no final stage. The civil society may only exist in a rule-of-law
state. Here Russia has to face some difficulties, since the rule-of-law state can hardly be found in the conditions of
unemployment, corruption, polarized society, selfishness in many spheres of society and underdeveloped political
politics, civil society, Russia, the Chechen Republic, political stability, political regime, state, interests, values, society.
Raiklin, E.I..
Was the fall of “socialism”
in the USSR inevitable?
The causes of the evolution
of the “real socialism”
// International relations.
2013. № 4.
P. 471-480.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0641.2013.4.63337 URL:
In order to understand the causes for the fall of the Soviet “real socialism” one needs to analyze the “barrel
hoops” holding this system and the causes for their erosion. For a certain period of time the following four social and
psychological factors were holding together the Soviet “real socialism”, or a totalitarian state capitalism. The first factor
was pragmatic interests in sustaining the regime. Bureaucracy as a class was interested in support of the system of
bureaucratic privileges, allowing it to control and formally rule property of the society. The non-bureaucratic part of
the population was also interests in preservation of the status-quo of the social and economic system, since it (the nonbureaucratic
part of the population) valued stability and predictability of the situation as positive features of “socialism”.
The latter refers mostly to the post-Stalin period of time (after 1953). The second factor was ignorance of most of the
population including the higher ranks of bureaucracy on what was going on in the state and in the world. This ignorance
was supported by the government itself, since being confused, it thought of one matter, talked of another matter, and
did something altogether different, when it was necessary for support of their interests. The third factor was a fanatical
belief in coming of Communism as a kingdom of God on Earth. Raised by ignorance and supported by party bureaucracy
this new religion spread an optimistic view of the future, and that is why the present situation was regarded as acceptable
by a considerable part of the Soviet population. The fourth factor was the fear to act against the “socialist” system,
this fear being inhomogeneous. It included fear of those, who were not sure of the “socialist” character of the system,
but could not stand the pressure of fanatical believers, and nervousness of those who did not believe the kingdom of God
on Earth, but was paralyzed with fear of the almighty KGB.
international relations, politics, the USSR, socialism, political instability, political regime, state, interests, values, security.
Nikiforov, A.R..
Solidarity as a social-democratic value: political and psychological analysis of programs of the European
political parties
// International relations.
2013. № 3.
P. 345-352.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0641.2013.3.62919 URL:
The article includes analysis of solidarity as a key social-democratic value based on the new programs of the
social-democratic parties of various states. The Social-Democrats enter a new level of their development and gain support.
The review of their ideology led them back to the traditional social-democratic values, the ideas of solidarity gaining priority.
Analysis of the Russian and Western literature on Social Democrats shows that in late years (after 2008) the ideological
search undergone a considerable change. First of all, the change concerns the contents of program provisions of almost
all Social Democratic parties, many such parties accepted new programs in 2012/ While their contents vary, most of them
leave behind the idea of searching for the “third” way, which seemed to be the last stage of development of their ideology
to many scholars, and they return to the traditional social-democratic “left” paradigm.
international relations, politics, political psychology, social democracy, solidarity, ideology, interests, values, conflict, political movements.
Bunchuk, V.L..
Mechanisms for the implementation of the regional policy of Russia within the framework of the
evolution of federal relations
// International relations.
2013. № 2.
P. 152-155.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0641.2013.2.62712 URL:
The article is devoted to the study of the key mechanisms of implementation of the regional policy in the conditions
of the Russian asymmetrical federal model. The substantiation of the basic provisions for the formation of regional policy
was guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Federal Treaty and a number of constitutional and federal
law, the decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, and the resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation,
regulating the relations between the federal center and the constituent subjects of the Russian Federation, and defining the
bases for the functioning of the municipal self-government bodies. Currently, federal special purpose programs and special
economic zones are the key mechanisms for their implementation.
political science, politics, federal relations, federalism, regional policy, federal programs, special economic zones, mechanisms for the implementation, conflicts, state.
Bunevich, D.S..
The party system of Poland. History. Modern situation. Perspectives
// International relations.
2013. № 2.
P. 156-162.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0641.2013.2.62713 URL:
The article is devoted to the process of formation of the modern party system in Poland. The author analyzes the
Parliamentary elections (since 1991 to 2011), and characterizes the key political parties of Poland and their leaders. The author
shows the key contradictions among the largest parties on domestic and foreign policy and makes a forecast for the future
Parliamentary elections of 2015.
political science, Poland, elections, party, Parliament, Tusk, Palikot, Kazcynski, Russia, Germany.
Skripnichenko, D.V..
The ethnical dimension of political processes
// International relations.
2013. № 2.
P. 163-165.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0641.2013.2.62714 URL:
This article is devoted to the analysis of the role of the ethnic factor in the Russian and global political processes. The modern
ethnical political science has four main approaches to the interpretation of ethnicity and its place within the state political systems.
They are primordialism, functionalism, constructivism and structuralism. One of the first to appear in XIX century in Germany
was primordialism. This theory was developed by a historian and philosopher J.G. Herder. Within this approach ethnicity is viewed
as a genetic givenness, and it is characterized by such features as language, race, territory, religion and culture, that is by the features,
which the person possesses based on his origin, and the ethnical groups are formed based on these features.
political science, international relations, politics, ethnicity, political system, political process, ethnic and political conflicts, separatism, federalism, security.
Stepanova, E.N..
Democratic Progressive Party of Taiwan and the female electors
// International relations.
2013. № 1.
P. 37-49.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0641.2013.1.62096 URL:
The article includes analysis of the current political opposition in Taiwan, the elective strategy of the DPP, and the
electoral behavior, as well as the factors, which influenced the results of the recent elections of 2012 in the isle. How
correctly shall the political position of the DPP towards the mainland be formed? Shall it be the decisive factor for
the victory of the DPP in the coming Presidential elections? The relations between the Taiwan and the mainland
China shall serve as an indicator for positive and negative tendencies for the Eastern Asian region and the global
world as a whole.
political science, international relations, politics, Taiwan, conflicts, interests, DRC, elections, parties.
Bocharnikov, I.V..
The Northern Caucasian region: problems and perspectives of implementation of
the state policy of Russia.
// International relations.
2012. № 1.
P. 36-45.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0641.2012.1.61338 URL:
As the author of this article points out, the latest events show that the Russian policy in the Caucasus gains
a totally new quality. For a long time its priority was to guarantee domestic political stability and security
with considerable use of forceful methods. The article is devoted to the issue of implementation of the state
policy and to the search of the effi cient solution for the modernization of the Caucasus and for the improvement
of lifestyle of people in the region at the current stage.
politics, political science, the Russian Federation, the Caucasus, the Northern Caucasus, inner, military confl ict, address of the President