Panov D.S..
The formation of the CIA as a key instrument of U.S. foreign policy in the Cold War era
// International relations.
2024. № 4.
P. 156-165.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0641.2024.4.72575 EDN: RARUAW URL:
The object of the scientific article is the formation of the US intelligence agency. The subject of the study is the factors that served as the starting point for the creation of the Central Intelligence Agency as a strategic and analytical center within the framework of ensuring national security and a foreign policy instrument in the context of the formation of a bipolar system of international relations. The author examines in detail the evolution of the US intelligence agencies, the historical context of World War II, the disagreements of Joseph Stalin, Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt, and later Harry Truman on the post-war world order, as well as the paradigm of realism as the dominant view in American academic and political circles on international relations. Special attention is paid to the place and importance of the CIA in the formation of the US national security system, as well as the position of the political establishment on this issue. The historical-genetic method allows us to trace the historical conditions and stages of the development of the intelligence structure in the relationship, as well as the idea of the need for such an institution at the beginning of the Cold War. The narrative method describes the history of the development of the US intelligence agencies, which led to the formation of an important foreign policy institution with broad powers to carry out state tasks. The scientific novelty of this work lies in the position that the creation of the CIA was dictated by socio-political views on the situation in the world in a certain historical period. This is reflected in the views of academic and political circles regarding US foreign policy activities. As part of the institutional reform carried out in accordance with the adopted Law on National Security, the organization was an integral and key part of the "conservative U-turn". In fact, the intelligence structure is the embodiment of the realist paradigm of international relations. The high secrecy and broad powers of the intelligence agency have formed the basis for conducting secret political activities. It has become a strategic center for the administration of covert politics, bypassing democratic principles. In turn, this consolidated the reliance on the use of force, including covert force, as the basis of American foreign policy pursuing national interests within the bipolar system of the world. The CIA became an institution whose activities were aimed at containing the USSR in the conditions of the outbreak of the Cold War.
Truman, Stalin, NSC, Roosevelt, CIA, National Security Act, Cold War, Churchill, intelligence, USA
ZHANG Y., Kerimov A.A..
Conceptualization of the category of "soft power" in political science
// International relations.
2024. № 2.
P. 64-76.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0641.2024.2.69892 EDN: KDMOFR URL:
The subject of the study includes the analysis and interpretation of the concept of "soft power" in the context of political science. The purpose of the article is to investigate the phenomenon of "soft power" in the context of the definition of Western and Chinese scientists and to analyze the balance between "soft power" and "hard power".The modern world is going through a profound large-scale development, changes and restructuring. Economic, political, social and cultural contradictions are accumulating, which leads to an aggravation of the dilemma of global governance, an escalation of international conflicts and a new round of national ups and downs. These processes have become typical symbols of international society in the new era, and the study of the conceptual paradigm of the use of "soft power" in the global governance model has become the subject of research by many scientists in the field of international relations and political science. In preparing this study, the author used: systemic, neo-institutional, comparative and other approaches. Methods of analysis, synthesis, analogy and comparison in the context of identifying common features and contradictions of Western and Eastern models of foreign policy in the context of the implementation of "soft power". An analysis of the scientific literature of Chinese and Western scientists gives grounds to assert the distinctive and original nature of the Chinese definition of "soft power", as well as the positioning of China as such a force in its own foreign policy projections. It has been established that Chinese "soft power" not only goes beyond the original ideological sphere proposed by the author of the concept of "soft power", but also has characteristic Chinese features, and also demonstrates enormous theoretical and practical strength. Special importance is given to the traditional culture of China, which is the basis and advantage of cultural "soft power" and emphasizes its unique advantages. The soft power of China's national culture is visibly reflected in national cohesion, and the strength of national cohesion depends on its core value system and the recognition of its core values in the world.
Joseph Nye, Resource Diplomacy, China, national interests, ideology, cultural diplomacy, public diplomacy, soft power, international institutions, international relations
Wang T..
Learning Chinese in Russian Federation Schools: Status and Trends
// International relations.
2024. № 2.
P. 1-10.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0641.2024.2.70331 EDN: WWYYRN URL:
This scientific article is devoted to the study of the Chinese language in schools of the Russian Federation, its status and trends. The relevance of the research topic is due, first, to the growth of the popularity of the Chinese language in the Russia among schoolchildren and students of higher educational institutions; secondly, by strengthening bilateral relations between the People’s Republic of China and the Russian Federation in the context of «power transit» and restructuring of the international situation. The study is based on neo-liberalism, which views international relations as a non-anarchic structure with the primacy of international law, institutions and international trade. The main conclusion of the study is the characteristic of the history of the study of the Chinese language in Russia as cyclical. The practical interest of the Chinese language acquired only at the end of the 19th century and developed until the deterioration of relations between the USSR and the People’s Republic of China, when the orientation of the Chinese language in the Soviet Union changed from practical to scientific. Chinese is taught in schools in the Russian Federation on an equal footing with other foreign languages. The popularity of the Chinese language among schoolchildren is growing every year. Among the key problems of learning the Chinese language in Russian schools are the lack of teaching staff against the background of increased interest, the lack of teaching aids, the lack of native speakers, the concentration on learning Chinese at universities. The scientific novelty of the conducted research lies in the analysis of the history of the study of the Chinese language in Russia from the time of the reign of Peter I to the present day, the comparative analysis.
Power transition, Popularity, School, University, Chinese, USSR, Russian Empire, Russia, China, State Exam
Alekseev N.N..
Islamic Middle East: Characteristics and Some Features of Modern Transformations of Political Identity
// International relations.
2022. № 4.
P. 1-14.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0641.2022.4.39010 EDN: ENJJSG URL:
The subject of the study is the modern transformation of political identity in the Middle Eastern states and communities that profess Islam. The author examines in detail the complex of identifications that exist in the Middle East region. Particular attention is paid to the interaction and harmonization of religious, imperial, national and ethno-cultural identities. Regional features of identification transformations are considered both in the context of transformations in the global system of international relations, and taking into account the regional specifics of political processes and the general originality of the socio-cultural space. The general tendencies typical for all communities of the region under consideration are analyzed, as well as particular features of identity transformations as a factor of state policy on the example of Turkey and Iran. The novelty of the study lies in the analysis of transnational identification transformations in the Middle East region in the context of global trends towards the growing role of transnational identity in international relations and world politics. The author's special contribution to the study of the topic is the combination of fundamental theoretical approaches to the study of identity with the methodology of system analysis, which allows to more accurately describe the complex multi-level structure of modern identities, based on the current works of Russian, Western and Middle Eastern researchers. The main results of the study are the determination of general and particular features of identification transformations in the Middle East region, as well as the definition of the functions of religious and imperial identities in the system of identifications.
international relations, Middle East, ethnopolitical conflicts, islamic identity, ethnic identity, national identity, transnational identity, identity, regional studies, system of international relations
Trubachev V..
The phenomenon of data diplomacy: key terms, research methodology, and current challenges
// International relations.
2021. № 2.
P. 1-11.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0641.2021.2.35783 URL:
The key goal of this research lies in presenting the basic terminology and structure of the phenomenon of data diplomacy, as well as in forming the methodological framework based on the empirical manifestations of data diplomacy in the modern context. The subject of this article is the examination of the three semantic concepts of data diplomacy: “data in diplomacy”, “diplomacy for data”, and “data for diplomacy”, as well as the possibilities of their intersection and interaction for achieving political goals. Using the Russian and international political examples, the author describes the manifestations of these concepts in diplomatic practice. The relevance of data diplomacy emerges due to the ongoing technological changes, which provide new instruments and capabilities for traditional diplomacy. The existing gap between the emergence of new technological instruments, namely those related to big data, and their implementation in the traditional diplomacy of any country, requires deliberate attention and development of methodology that allows determining the key trends in transition from traditional diplomacy to data diplomacy. The main results of the conducted research consists in the formation of a framework for studying data diplomacy, as well as outlining the key legal, ethical, and technological challenges and problems of using big data and their impact upon the role and work of a diplomat, as well as interaction of various actors in the international relations. This brings novelty into the Russian scope of works on digital diplomacy, since the aforementioned framework of data and definition of the key challenges based on it have not been previously reflected in the Russian research.
categorization, technology, digital diplomacy, international relations, framework, terminology, big data, data diplomacy, diplomacy transformation, data diplomacy challenges
Alekseev N.N., Volkomorova A.A., Kurtyanik S.N..
The origins of modern nationalism of Sweden and Denmark: legislative analysis and identity issues
// International relations.
2021. № 2.
P. 12-25.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0641.2021.2.35996 URL:
The object of this research is the consequences of migration crisis in the European Union. The subject of this research is instruments for including nationalism in the sociopolitical agenda and legislation of Denmark, as well as the problem of interaction between the identities and Muslim ethnocentrism in the European Union. The article explores the theoretical aspects of the modern transformation of nationalism in Northern Europe, transition of nationalism from a marginal phenomenon towards a strong political force. Special attention is given to the analysis of legislative amendments of Denmark and Sweden in the conditions of migration crisis. The authors also discuss the problem of the conflict of identities in the European Union, interaction and transformations within the framework of the dialogue between immigrant communities and titular nations. The novelty of this research consists in carrying out a comparative analysis of the current development of nationalism in Sweden and Denmark, as well as their legislation on migration. The article covers the current processes pertinent to the problem of interaction of multiple civil-political and ethnocultural identifications, which is a pressing issue for the European Union. The authors’ special contribution lies in determination of the common and distinctive features in development of the modern Swedish and Danish nationalism, analysis of the foundation of the forming pan-European identity in the context of interculturalism and postnationalism. The conclusion is made on the crucial role of harmonization of the normative-value foundation of identity as a mediator of modern nationalization of the EU member-states.
multiculturalism, nationalism, migration legislation, Sweden, Denmark, migration, European Union, interculturalism, postanationalism, international relations
Kovalev A.A..
Geopolitical activity of Nordic countries in the Arctic and their defense programs
// International relations.
2020. № 3.
P. 1-17.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0641.2020.3.30778 URL:
The goal of this research consists in examination of current defense policy of Nordic countries associated with geopolitical activity in the Arctic, as well as the potential role of NATO and the European Union thereof. This goal is specified on the example of defense policy of Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Sweden and Finland. An overview is conducted on the role of defense policy of each state within the overall strategic picture of Nordic countries, as well as framework documents. Assessment is given to the defense plans of each aforementioned state. All Nordic countries along with Euro-Atlantic security institutions showed interest in the Arctic. Current risks in the area of security noticeably differ from those existed during the Cold war; each of the Nordic countries encourages the interested parties to responsible economic and political behavior. The article explores defense strategies of the countries that always belonged to the capitalist socioeconomic formation and had no socialist experience, although in the XX century, the island monarchies of Norway, Sweden and Denmark were able to implement most advanced accomplishments of social and technical thought and achieve extraordinary living standards and utmost level of social security for their citizens. Russia has vested interest in the Arctic region substantiated by the historical, cultural, geopolitical, and even pure geographical reasons. This justifies both, competition and cooperation with Nordic countries, which organically fit in the Western civilization.
international cooperation, integration, international law, Arctic, international security, geopolitics, European Union, NATO, strategy, defense
Filipović A..
The impact of right-wing populist parties upon national policy with regards to the Russian Federation: the case of the Progress Party (Norway) and the Danish People's Party
// International relations.
2020. № 3.
P. 18-53.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0641.2020.3.32336 URL:
The goal of this research consists in determination of impact of the Progress Party (Norway) and the Danish People's Party upon the policy of their national governments with regards to Russia. The Progress Party used to be member of the Norwegian government coalition from 2013 to 2020, while the Danish People's Party supported the Danish coalition governments from 2015 to 2019. The analysis of the origin, ideologies, political agenda, and policy of the parties give a more accurate explanation on their position towards Russia, as well as defines the level of their political willpower in influencing the government policy thereof. Research methodology is comprised of content analysis used in examination of the official documents of the Progress Party and the Danish People's Party, comparative analysis used in considering political programs of both parties, as well as various election results and other corresponding data. The conclusion is made that both parties have considerable impact upon the state policy of their countries with regards to the Russian Federation. Moreover, both of them demonstrated no political interest in making Russia the key vector in their foreign policy programs. Being neither of Russophile nor Russophobic nature, their presence in the government did not become the reason for deterioration or improvement of relations with Russia.
Nordic countries, right-wing populism, Russia, Denmark, Norway, Danish People’s Party, Progress Party, Arctic, Barents Sea, Baltic Sea
Amuhaya C.A., Moraru N..
European migration security moral dilemma: case study of migration flows between 2015 and 2019
// International relations.
2020. № 1.
P. 18-29.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0641.2020.1.32142 URL:
Whenever any state’s sovereignty is threatened, its first instinct is to protect itself. In 2015, the European Union was in the spotlight, recording unprecedented numbers of migrants, and as a result, refugee camps deteriorated to deplorable conditions. Illegal migration was perceived as a security threat in Europe, and member-states were forced to take measures that compromise the very foundation of the European Union. Suddenly, their policies were fuelled with anti-immigration sentiments; anti-immigration operations and agreements between the EU and migrants’ countries of origin were conducted and signed, as well as tougher border security policies were put in place, including fences. This resulted in record-low numbers of illegal migration by 2019. This article will analyze European Union’s foreign policy on illegal migration between 2015 and 2019, while underscoring the extreme measures that some states within the EU took to mitigate migration. This research highlights the moral dilemma posed by many Human Rights Organizations, putting into question Europe’s moral compass and values. A conclusion is made that in the matters of security, states are willing to take a moral backseat in order to safeguard its security and position in the global system.
sea patrol, walls and fences, border control, policies, internal and external security, moral dilemma, illegal migration, refugees, Europe, European Union
Danilov V.D..
Peculiarities of the Chinese Perception of the Soft Power Phenomenon
// International relations.
2019. № 1.
P. 74-80.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0641.2019.1.28951 URL:
The subject of this research is the Chinese percpetion of the concept of 'soft power' offered by Joseph Nye. The object of the research is the Chinese approach to the government's soft power as an important element of the national public diplomacy strategy. The researcher pays much attention to the evoluation of Chinese perception of external political activity and underlines that PRC adapts the concept of soft power and uses it not only as an tool to develop positive foreign image but also as the means of ensuring domestic stability and legitimacy. In his research Danilov has followed the most important principles of historical science such as the principles of historicism and scientific objectivity, the author has also applied the interdisciplinary approach. Based on the research results, the author concludes that projecting cultural and economic dimensions of soft power on foreign community, China emphasizes the succession of tradition and pays special attention to the development of the education and scientific cooperation as well as works on the image of a responsible and ready-to-cooperate actor. Even though developed countries still treat China with alert, this proves to be an efficient strategy with developing countries.
Peaceful development, Joseph Nye, Dialogue of civilizations, Confucius Institute, One Belt, One Road Initiative, Public diplomacy, «Soft power», the «harmonious world» concept, Cultural cooperation, China
Zabella A., Ezhov V.V..
The Development of Sino-Gabonese Relationship: the Past and the Present
// International relations.
2018. № 3.
P. 73-79.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0641.2018.3.26133 URL:
The subject of the research is the political and economic relations arising between the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Gabon. The object of the research is the history of the development of their relationship. The authors of the article focus on the status of Gabon in Africa and the role of Gabon in the development of Sino-African cooperation and extrapolitical interests of Gabon. The authors mention the main treates that have been forming the basis for the dialogue between these two countries and describe the reasons why these countries are interested in each other in this day and age. The methodology of the research include: 1. General research methods (comparison, description, etc.). 2. Historical: historical-genetic approach (that is used to analyze how China's external policy course has been developing). 3. Political expertise (opinions of experts in Sino-African relations, problems, perspectives of China's external policy). The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the following: 1. The authors define the place of Africa in external political priorities of the People's Republic of China. 2. They demonstrate that both countries are interested in their cooperation. 3. They carried out a comparative analysis of Gabon's policy towards the People's Republic of China and France. 5. They prove that there is a dependence between a changed model of China's development and China's policy towards Gabon.
Agreements, Sino-Gabonese rapprochement, political partnership, economic relations, background of relations, Gabon, China, China’s investment, Oil Industry, Bélinga project
Filippov V..
Priorities of Emmanuel Macron's African Policy: The Barchan Operation
// International relations.
2018. № 3.
P. 80-92.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0641.2018.3.27012 URL:
The object of the research is the 'Barchan' operation of the French armed forces in Sahel. The author of the article analyzes such aspects of the problem as the diplomatic cover of that pseudo peacekeeping operation, and supporting actions of the French expeditionary force from the side of the allies of the Fifth Republic for NATO and African states, satellites of France in Sahel (military-political alliance G5S). Filippov pays special attention to the definition of declared and true purposes of the military action as well as reasons that make the president Emmanuel Macron to increase military presence in the Sub-Saharan Africa. In the course of his research Filippov has applied the principle of historicism and comparative history method. The research is based on the chronics and analysis findings published by the French mass media. For the first time in the academic literature the author pays attention toi the fact that the operation 'Barchan' was initiated by the Elysee Palace claiming that they protected Mali citizens from Islamic extremists and against Taureg separatism, while the true objective of the French was to protect uranium minings in Mali and Niger under the aegis of Areva. As a result of his research, Filippov concludes that there is a lose situatin for the Elysee Palace: the more expenditures are taken by the Barchan operation, the more African Uranium costs for the French power stations and the less sense this expensive military campaign makes.
Uranium of the Sahel, Mission Minusma, G5S Alliance, Emmanuel Macron, the French army, Germany, USA, Niger, Mali, France
Papoyan A.R..
The Role of the Armenian Diaspora in Participation of the Republic of Armenia in International Affairs at the Turn of XX-XXI Centuries
// International relations.
2018. № 2.
P. 128-134.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0641.2018.2.25965 URL:
The subject of the research is an analysis of the impact of the Armenian Diaspora on international activities of Armenia. The relevance of the research topic is determined by a large number and authority of Armenian communities in the leading countries of the world, as well as by the fact that currently the Armenian diasporas are very active and continue to defend both their interests and the interests of the Armenian people. The author pays special attention, first of all, to Armenian public and charitable organizations. The purpose of the research is to assess the impact of diasporas on international affairs. The author applies methods of historical research in the work: the historical-genetic method is aimed at studying the origin of Armenian diasporas in different countries; the historical-comparative method allows to identify the most significant diasporas and the degree of their influence on political processes in different countries. The scientific novelty of the research is that the contribution of diasporas to the formation of Armenia as an actor of contemporary international relations has been assessed for the first time. Armenian (K. K. Tirabyan, D. Asatryan, V. Cardumyan, T. H. Mkrtchyan, A. Galstyan, L. A. Crtean) and Russian (A. Krylov) researchers have been concerned with this subject. As a source, the article uses the report by D. Helly, a expert on cultural aspects of external activity of the European Union.
France, USA, Russia, Republic of Armenia, the Armenian Genocide, the karabakh conflict, non-governmental organization, armenian diaspora, Azerbaijan, Turkey
Linke P..
Recent changes in Germany’s Policy in the Middle East
// International relations.
2016. № 2.
P. 124-129.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0641.2016.2.67918 URL:
This article focuses on the recent changes in the current Middle East policy of the Federal Republic of Germany. The purpose of this study is to identify and formulate the main trends of the evolution of German foreign policy in the Middle East. The object of the study is the foreign policy of the Federal Republic of Germany in the Middle East and North Africa. The subject of this study includes the main trends and patterns of the evolution of the Middle East policy of the Federal Republic of Germany at the present stage of development of the system of international relations and the world politics.The methodological basis of the research is the system, structural and functional and comparative political approaches, the methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, observation.The author draws attention to the high level of political dynamics in the relations of the Federal Republic of Germany with the leading countries of the Middle East region, which allows us to conclude about the transformation of the paradigm of Germany's foreign policy in this region. Particular attention is paid to Germany's foreign policy relations with Iraq and Iran in a wide range of spheres and the role of Germany in resolving the Iranian crisis (related to the Iran nuclear deal) and Germany's participation in the coalition against international terrorism. The paper also draws certain historical parallels.
color revolutions, security, state, interests, diplomacy, international relations, global instability, world politics, global information space, political system
Egorov, V.G..
Regime transformation
of the post-Soviet
independent states
// International relations.
2013. № 4.
P. 452-470.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0641.2013.4.63336 URL:
The article presents the author’s point of view on contents and vectors of regime transformation of the new
independent states, which differs considerably from a traditional point of view on the perspectives of the post-Soviet
political modernization. In spite of the unity of historical destinies of peoples and states in the post-Soviet territory,
the Russian political science pays little attention to the comparative analysis of the specific features of the political
development of newly independent states. Existing works in this sphere present an exception to a rule. However, the
mutual interdependency of the global processes, as well as the special role of matters facilitating or precluding the
formation of regional communities, requires the need to fill the gap in the social sciences. The political orders of the
post-Soviet independent states have a common feature, which is due to the historic context of their formation. In
the opinion of most researchers, studying the newly independent states, one characteristic feature of their political
landscape is immaturity of the new forms of political organizations, including national state formations, not having the
formal elements of sovereign states.
international relations, politics, Russia, the CIS, political transformation, political regime, democratization, post-Soviet territory, integration.