Naryshkin S.E..
International Community
in the Fight against Corruption
// Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law.
2012. № 3.
P. 4-5.
DOI: 10.7256/1991-3222.2012.3.61308 URL:
The article is devoted to the consideration of corruption as one of challenges to the development of state
and society. Different aspects of combating corruption are considered. The author pays special attention to improvement
of legislation in the sphere of combating corruption and to strengthening of control over law enforcement
process in this sphere. The author accentuates significance of the legislative power using mechanisms of parliamentary
control and cooperation with the executive power. Attention is paid to the need of international cooperation in
the sphere of combating corruption and to the need of Eurasian integration.
combating corruption, improvement of legislation, parliamentary work, law enforcement, international cooperation.
Khabrieva T.Y..
Scientific and Legal Anti-Corruption Issues
// Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law.
2012. № 3.
P. 6-14.
DOI: 10.7256/1991-3222.2012.3.61309 URL:
This article is based on a report submitted by the author of The First Eurasian anti-corruption forum and
the Seventh International School of young scientists and lawyers. In this paper the problems faced by modern legal
science in the study of the socio-legal phenomenon as corruption. In addition, the author justifies the necessity of
forming of a system of International scientific monitoring of corruption.
corruption, law, sociology, jurisprudence, legal theory, responsibility, regulatory impact assessment, regulation, regional studies.
Stepashin S.V..
State Financial Control in Combating Corruption
// Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law.
2012. № 3.
P. 15-17.
DOI: 10.7256/1991-3222.2012.3.61310 URL:
The article is devoted to the consideration of the role of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation
in combating corruption in public and private spheres. An overview of existing and planned anti-corruption
projects is provided. It is emphasized that the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation constantly improves
its standards of outer financial control in accordance with the most progressive national and foreign experience of
combating corruption.
combating corruption, audit, financial control, the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation.
Zorkin V.D..
Corruption as a Threat
to the Stable Development of Society
// Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law.
2012. № 3.
P. 18-19.
DOI: 10.7256/1991-3222.2012.3.61311 URL:
The present article examines the legal problems of combating corruption. Principal trends of the improvement
of anti-corruption legislation of the Russian Federation are proposed. Particular attention is paid to
the combating organized crime as a social basis of corruption and developing legal means of counteraction against
corruption in the public sphere including the problematic aspects of confiscation of property, lifting immunities of
public officials, etc. The author emphasizes that the main goal and objective of combating corruption is to provide
rule of law environment.
combating corruption, improvement of legislation, conflict of interest, confiscation of property, organized crime.
Kroytner M..
Key Aims and Functions
of the International Anti-Corruption Academy
// Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law.
2012. № 3.
P. 20-21.
DOI: 10.7256/1991-3222.2012.3.61312 URL:
The article is devoted to the activity of the International Anti-Corruption Academy, its main tasks and
functions. The author pays particular attention to the value of the Academy for the development of anti-corruption
system in different countries.
International Anti-Corruption Academy, GRECO official observer, the UN conventions, an interdisciplinary approach, European community
Vasilevich G.A..
Legal Aspects of Countering Corruption
// Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law.
2012. № 3.
P. 22-25.
DOI: 10.7256/1991-3222.2012.3.61313 URL:
The article is devoted to the issues of legal organization of countering corruption in the Republic of Belarus.
The failures of state bodies and other organizations activity in countering corruption are underlined. The author gives some recommendations on improvement the system of preventive, organizational and legal activity to
increase efficiency of anti-corruption activity.
fighting with corruption, criminal legal measures, preventive, organizational and legal activity, system of state bodies, corruption crimes.
Smagulov A.A.
Kazakhstan Experience of the Fight against Corruption
// Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law.
2012. № 3.
P. 26-28.
DOI: 10.7256/1991-3222.2012.3.61314 URL:
In this article the problems of improvement of mechanisms of combating corruption in Republic of Kazakhstan
are revealed. The author analyses the main anti-corruption normative-legal acts of Republic of Kazakhstan.
fight against corruption, anti-corruption program, anti-corruption system of Republic of Kazakhstan.
Nematov A.R..
Carrying out of Anti-Corruption Expert Examination
of Normative-Legal Acts as Factor
of Combating Corruption in Tajikistan
// Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law.
2012. № 3.
P. 29-33.
DOI: 10.7256/1991-3222.2012.3.61315 URL:
In this article the experience of combating corruption in the Republic of Tajikistan is analyzed. The author
analyses institute of anti-corruption expertise of normative-legal acts in Tajikistan; problems and perspectives of
its improvement are revealed.
corruption, anti-corruption policy, anti-corruption expertise of normative-legal acts, combating corruption, anti-corruption legislation.
Marcou G..
Fight against Corruption in France
// Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law.
2012. № 3.
P. 34-38.
DOI: 10.7256/1991-3222.2012.3.61316 URL:
The article discusses the French experience in the field of combating corruption, as well as acting in the
country, the legal regulation of issues of criminal responsibility in this area, the practice of administrative control
and management of conflicts of interest.
corruption, legal regulation, international experience, a conflict of interest, criminal penalties, election campaigns, administrative controls, administrative procedures, and monitoring.
Abidin S.Z..
Activity of the Corruption Eradication Commission
and Role of Official Powers in Fight against Corruption
// Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law.
2012. № 3.
P. 39-40.
DOI: 10.7256/1991-3222.2012.3.61317 URL:
The article is devoted to the consideration of experience of the fight against corruption in Republic of
Indonesia. The author examines activity of one of main links in system of the fight against corruption in Republic
of Indonesia — Corruption Eradication Commission, and positive changes which took place from the moment of
establishment of Corruption Eradication Commission.
Corruption Eradication Commission in Republic of Indonesia, anti-corruption measures, fight against corruption, corruption-related offences.
Vlasova N.V., Rafaljuk E.E..
Legal Science in the Search for the Legal Mechanism
of Combating Corruption
// Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law.
2012. № 3.
P. 41-53.
DOI: 10.7256/1991-3222.2012.3.61318 URL:
The article covers the problems of lawmaking and law enforcement process in the sphere of combating
corruption; contains scientific ideas and new approaches in the fight against corruption formulated b y t he participants
of the 1st anti-corruption Eurasian forum, and within it, the VII International School for young lawyersscientists
on the topic «Legal innovations in combating corruption» held in Moscow on 30th —31st May 2012.
legal innovations, Eurasian space, combating corruption, civil society, legal advocacy, conflict of interests, corruption risks, UN Convention against corruption, anti-corruption expertise.