Bogolubov S.A., Suleimenov M.K..
Role of Ecology Law and its Structure Elements
in the System of Law
// Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law. – 2014. – ¹ 3.
– P. 540-548.
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Abstract: The article raises the problem of the place of environmental law and its structural components during the
dialogue between the two scientists. The system of law is built by the legislator, but it should be considered the real
prevailing construction of norms, institutions and brunches in the legal system of a particular State. Outcome of this
situation is seen in the consolidation in the legal system of the concept of an integrated brunch as an element of the
law structure. Moreover, the integrated brunch of law can be constructed only in the secondary structure of law. With
this approach, it must be assumed that the land, mining, water and forest law are the branches of law: environmental
law as an integrated branch, when natural resource law and nature protection law as subinstitutes of integrated
branch. What is above is a family of brunches or an integrated brunch. Land, mining, water and forest law are common
branches of law.
Keywords: civil law, natural resource law, land law, nature protection law, environmental law, integrated branch of law, overbranch, superbranch, branch of legislation, differentiation of legal branches.
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Sivakov D.O..
Ecological Function of State and its Financial Leverages:
Comparative Legal Analysis
// Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law. – 2014. – ¹ 3.
– P. 549-554.
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Abstract: The article reveals the urgent environmental challenges and state-legal response to them of modern society.
The views and information of other sciences: ecology, economics and political science are presented. Ecological function
of the state is given in close relationship with many other its functions. Particular attention is paid to the financial mechanism
for the transition to a green economy, which should be based on non-waste production. The urgency and scale of the
ecological crisis inevitably brings to life the multifaceted ecological function of the modern state. By historical standards,
the ecological function is new, but its significance in today's society and the state increases day by day. By the beginning
of the twenty-first century this function is a constant, which requires the carrying out of regular measures and costs. Like
any function of the state, it has its own subject, content, field of activity and different ways of the impact. The differences
between the state-legal impact on the ecological relationships in Russia and in neighboring Norway are determined. The
experience of the BRICS countries and the European Union is given. It is pointed out that Russia still lags behind many
other members of the international community in the field of protection of nature.
Keywords: environmental crisis, environmental law, tax, oil policy, business entity, the owner, green investments, environmental technologies, Norway, ecological function of the state.
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Legal Regulation of Fishing
in Russia and Abroad
// Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law. – 2013. – ¹ 1.
– P. 101-108.
Read the article
Abstract: Present analytical article reveals a number of problems in the legal fishing industry. The author discloses
the procedure for the use of marine biological resources in accordance with the laws of Russia and foreign countries.
Recommendatory provisions of international legal instruments are also discussed.
Keywords: fishery, aquaculture, legislation, fish industry fleet, fishing quota, authorization, agreements.
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Special Organs of State Control in the Field
of Land Usage and Protection According
to Ukrainian Legislation
// Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law. – 2012. – ¹ 5.
– P. 123-128.
Read the article
Keywords: zemlya
Banchuk O.A. Problemi teor?? ta praktiki ?nspekts?yno? d?yal'nost? publ?chno? adm?n?strats?? v Ukra?n? / Banchuk O.A. K.: Konus-Yu, 2009. 272 s.
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V.M. Zhuikov.
Legal Protection of Natural Resources —
Important Direction of the Environmental Policy
// Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law. – 2012. – ¹ 1.
– P. 44-49.
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Abstract: Forming a unified framework and discussion of state environmental policy includes the need to develop environmental
education, environmental, chemical, biological, energy security of Russia, the strengthening of state supervision
and control of social and productive in the field of environmental protection, while ensuring freedom of entrepreneurial activities in accordance with the law. The author of this article puts forward counter ideas in the sphere of woods
and fauna legislation of Russia.
Keywords: unified state environmental policy, natural environment, natural resources and objects, woods, habitat, fishery, hunting, ecological crisis, legislation, ship quota, legal monitoring.
Egorov E. Prioritety resheniya flotskikh problem // Rybokhozyaystvennyy kompleks. Informatsionno–anali-ticheskiy vestnik. 2009. Oktyabr'. S. 43–47
«Monitoring zakonodatel'stva o lesakh i zhivotnom mire». M.: Yurisprudentsiya. IZZiSP. 2011 g. 352 s.; re-daktsionnaya kollegiya: S.A. Bogolyubov, D.B. Gorokhov, D.O. Sivakov
Polyanskaya G.N. Izbrannoe / Sostaviteli: S.A. Bogolyubov, E.N. Mukhina. M.: Institut zakonodatel'stva i sravnitel'nogo pravovedeniya pri Pravitel'stve RF, 2010. S. 194.
Pravovoy mekhanizm gosudarstvennogo regulirovaniya i podderzhki agropromyshlennogo kompleksa / pod red. S.A. Bogolyubova. M.: IZiSP.Norma, 2009. 496 s.
«Pravovoe obespechenie edinoy gosudarstvennoy ekologicheskoy politiki Rossiyskoy Federatsii» (otv. red. S.A. Bogolyubov, N.I. Khludeneva). M.: IZZiSP–Yustitsinform. 2011. 280 s.
Pravovoy rezhim lesov po zakonodatel'stvu Rossii i zarubezhnykh stran: monografiya / pod red. Yu.I. Shuple-tsovoy. M.: IZiSP. Yustitsinform, 2011. 160 s
E.A. Belokrylova.
About Some Legal Issues in the Sphere
of Environmental Safety According to the Process
of Developing and Nanotechnologies Applying
in Russian Federation: United States
of America’s experience
// Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law. – 2012. – ¹ 1.
– P. 50-57.
Read the article
Abstract: The article covers political and legal issues in the sphere of environmental protection according to the process
of developing and applying nanotechnologies in Russian Federation and United States of America; lists the main criteria
of nanosafety, which have been suggested by international nano–community and reveals legal, socio–economic and organizational
problems in the mentioned fields in Russian Federation and USA.
Keywords: environmental legislation; enenvironmental safety; nanonechnology; nanoproducts; nanorisks; United S
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Monica C. John. Nanotechnology Law. Thomson West (June 2, 2010). P. 403–560.
Hodge, Graeme, Bowman, Diana and Karinne Ludlow. New global frontiers in regulati
E. A. Belokrylova.
Ensuring of Environmental Safety during
the Development and Application of Nanotechnology
in the Russian Federation and Foreign Countries.
// Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law. – 2011. – ¹ 3.
– P. 108-113.
Read the article
Abstract: The political and legal characteristics in the sphere of legal provision of ecological safety in the development
and application of nanotechnology in the Russian Federation and foreign countries are given. Significant legal issues
in this field are highlighted. Comparative legal analysis of relations in the field of environmental safety of nanotechnology
in foreign countries is presented.
Conclusions and proposals on the application of comparative legal mechanisms for the improvement of Russian legislation
in this field are formulateded in the present article.
Keywords: comparative law, the legal environmental security, legal protection of the environment, nanotechnology, nanomaterials, state environmental policy, comparative legal method, nano-risks, the European Union, the conceptual foundations of security.
Matsuura H. Jeffrey. Nanotechnology Regulation and Policy Worldwide. Artech House; 1 edition (July 2006). 206 r.
Grossalberg S. Towards European Strategy for Nanotechnology: Legal and Other Relevant Implications on Europe’s Approach towards Regulation in Nanotechnology. VDM Verlag Dr. Müller (25 Nov 2008). 136 p.
Bosso J. Christopher. Governing Uncertainty: Environmental Regulation in the Age of Nanotechnology. RFF Press (15 Feb 2010). 176 p.
Lacour S. La régulation des nanotechnologies: Clair-obscur normatif. Larcier (6 May 2010). 280 p.
Brownsword R. Rights, Regulation, and the Technological Revolution. OUP Oxford (6 Mar 2008). 300 p.
Hull, M. and Bowman, D. Nanotechnology Environmental Health and Safety: Risks, Regulation and Management (Micro and Nano Technologies). William Andrew (13 Dec 2009). 352 p.
Surhone M. Ambert etc. Regulation of Nanotechnology: Nanotechnology, Regulation, Implications of Nanotechnology, Nanoparticle, United States Environmental Protection. I
N.V. Kichigin.
International Legal Mechanisms
of Maintenance of Global Ecological Safety
on an Example of the Kyoto Protocol.
// Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law. – 2011. – ¹ 3.
– P. 114-120.
Read the article
Abstract: Threats of global ecological safety on an example of mechanisms of decrease in emissions of the hotbed
gases provided by the Kyoto protocol to the Frame convention of the United Nations about climate change
are considered in the present article. The policy of the Russian Federation on realization of the Kyoto protocol,
including is standard-legal maintenance of its requirements in the legislation of the Russian Federation is analyzed.
Keywords: the Kyoto protocol, the Frame convention of the United Nations on climate change, global ecological safety, the carbon market.
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