V.E. Churov, B.S. Ebzeev.
Democracy and Electoral Process Governance:
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// Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law. – 2011. – ¹ 3.
– P. 24-35.
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Abstract: The constitutional order of the Russian Federation and the related problems of organization of the electoral
process are discussed in the present article. The legal status of the Central Election Commission is analyzed.
The authors explore contemporary approaches to the theory of separation of powers and analyze the constitutional
model of separation of powers of the Russian Federation. Issues related to political parties and the functioning of
the constitutional mechanism of democracy is also described. Questions of judicial protection of members of election
commissions’ rights are investigated.
Keywords: constitutional order, the electoral process, democracy, nation, sovereignty, government, public authority, election, Central Election Commission, human rights, political parties, legislation, judicial protection.
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M.A. Andrianova.
Legal Regulation of Mass Media Participation
in the Election Campaign in Modern Foreign Countries
(on example of USA and Germany)
// Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law. – 2011. – ¹ 3.
– P. 36-42.
Read the article
Abstract: This article examines the legal regulation of mass media participation in the electoral process. International
legal acts, as well as the constitutional acts of USA and Germany dedicated to the regulation of freedom of
the mass media, campaigning and informing in the election are analyzed. Special attention is paid to the allocation
of broadcasting time and publication between the participants of the campaign.
Keywords: comparative law, elections, campaigning, information, USA, Germany, the media, candidates, parties, debates.
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