Sidorenko E.L..
Anticorruption Standards of the OECD and its
Implementation in National Criminal Law
(Experience of Third Evaluation Round)
// Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law.
2014. № 1.
P. 85-88.
DOI: 10.7256/1991-3222.2014.1.64845 URL:
The article presents the results of research of experience of some European countries on the third evaluation
round of national criminal and administrative legislation on its conformity with anticorruption standards of the OECD. The
deep analysis of recommendations made by the Anticorruption Work Group of the OECD in final evaluation round of legislative
expertise of some countries allows to predict the third evaluation round results of the Russian Federation, to have
clear image of anticorruption policy of OECD character and to objectively estimate the opportunities of Russia to become a
member of this organization. The comparative legal method, system method, prognostic method and documental method
were laid down in the base of research. The author also implemented the cybernetic, declarative, linguistic methods and
methods of expert inquiry and other scientific methods. The article defines the priorities of anticorruption policy of OECD,
offers the comparative analysis of criminal law of European countries through the implementation of the OECD Work
Croup recommendations, determines the strategies of Russian criminal legislation development and highlights the importance
of creation of unique legal space on the international level for countering corruption.
OECD, bribery, illegal gratification, corruption, international cooperation, criminal liability, officer, international organization, sanctions, Convention.
Sevalnev V.V..
Combating Corruption: PRC’s Experience
// Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law.
2014. № 1.
P. 89-96.
DOI: 10.7256/1991-3222.2014.1.64846 URL:
Current issues of combating corruption in the People's Republic of China are considered in the article. The author proposes
a periodization of combating corruption in China, the comparative analysis of anti-corruption laws of the People's Republic of China
and the Russian Federation and the bodies authorized to fight against corruption in both countries is given. The author concludes
that the Russian Federation has already formed a comprehensive legal regulation of combating corruption, so on technicalities the
Russian anti-corruption legislation is more developed in comparison with China. At the same time, the author notes the relative
success of the Chinese experience in combating corruption and concludes that it is permissible to be used in the Russian Federation.
combating corruption, anti-corruption laws, legal regulation, information portal, PRC
Kresina I.A., Chemeris I.V..
Anti-Corruption Mechanisms
in the State and Municipal Organs of Ukraine
// Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law.
2013. № 1.
P. 89-94.
DOI: 10.7256/1991-3222.2013.1.62581 URL:
The article analyses reasons and conditions of corruption, describes the anti-corruption mechanisms in the
state and municipal organs of Ukraine, conducts comparative law analysis of anti-corruption legislation in Ukraine and
other states of the post-soviet space.
corruption, reasons and conditions of corruption, anti-corruption legislation, mechanisms of counteracting corruption, state service, municipal service.
Bartsits I.N..
Legal Mechanisms of Perfection of Expert
and Analytical Support for Anti-Corruption
// Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law.
2012. № 4.
P. 27-34.
DOI: 10.7256/1991-3222.2012.4.61468 URL:
The article describes the main aspects of the expert-analytical support to counter corruption. An analysis of
key issues related to the anti-corruption examination of experts, and the modern administrative procedures to minimize
corruption opportunities in the adoption and implementation of management decisions. The author presented the main
directions of anti-corruption.
governance, corruption, anti-corruption, anti-corruption mechanisms, anti-corruption expertise, administrative regulations.
Khabrieva T.Y..
Legal Problems of Implementation of International Anti–Corruption Conventions
// Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law.
2011. № 4.
P. 16-27.
DOI: 10.7256/1991-3222.2011.4.58793 URL:
The present article examines the legal problems of implementation of international anti–corruption conventions,
assesses the concept of corruption used in international instruments and current trends affecting its content.
Doctrinal definition of corruption is proposed. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of common principles of
countering corruption in legal public and private spheres, general and specific mechanisms of the implementation of the
international conventions aimed at struggling against corruption. Problematic aspects of the implementation of certain
provisions of the UN Convention against Corruption are considered.
corruption, a convention, implementation, anti–corruption instruments, the UN, Council of Europe, OECD, GRECO, code of ethics
Semilyutina N.G..
Enterprisers’ Organizations Against Corruption
// Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law.
2011. № 4.
P. 28-42.
DOI: 10.7256/1991-3222.2011.4.58794 URL:
In general business community is interested in fighting against corruption as corruption impedes market competition.
The article analyses forms of the enterprisers’ organizations and their activities which contribute to the transparent
doing–business conditions and fair for the business community.
anti–corruption activities, enterprisers’ organizations, chambers of commerce, self–regulatory organizations (SROs), commercial arbitration, standards of operations, transparency of doing business
S.E. Naryshkin, T.Ya. Khabrieva.
Evaluation Mechanism of Anti-Corruption Standards
of GRECO (legal comparative research)
// Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law.
2011. № 3.
P. 4-10.
DOI: 10.7256/1991-3222.2011.3.58569 URL:
The evaluation mechanism of anti-corruption standards of GRECO is described in the scientific article.
The problematic legal issues of its recommendations implementing are revealed. The authors made an analysis of
some of the provisions of Russian legislation aimed at combating with corruption, and make suggestions for its
anti-corruption standards, combating with corruption, GRECO, appraisal mechanism, recommendations, conventions, resolutions, legislation, legal doctrine, the crimes, administrative offenses, responsibility, control.
I.G. Timoshenko.
Law in Struggle Against Corruption in Public Sphere:
Foreign States Experience.
// Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law.
2011. № 3.
P. 11-23.
DOI: 10.7256/1991-3222.2011.3.58570 URL:
The Article deals with analysis of basic ways of anti-corruption struggle mechanisms in foreign states.
The author examines legal anti-corruption measures in the field of regulation of such spheres as civil service,
members of parliament activities. Improvement of electoral legislation, control procedures, and other issues are
corruption, struggle, conflict of interest, civil service, parliament, control, legislation