A.N. Chertkov.
State Sovereignty of Russia: Features of State, Basis
of Democracy and Guarantee of Territorial Integrity.
// Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law.
2010. № 6.
DOI: 10.7256/1991-3222.2010.6.58211 URL:
Actual legal problems of the state sovereignty of the Russian Federation are considered in the article and ways of problems solving are offered as well. The basic tendencies of regulation in this sphere and three aspects of the state sovereignty of the Russian Federation are revealed.
law, sovereignty, territorial, development, integrity, state, legislation, regulation, democracy.
N.V Varlamova.
Constitutional Status of a Person: Contemporary Tendencies
and Models of Regulation.
// Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law.
2010. № 6.
DOI: 10.7256/1991-3222.2010.6.58212 URL:
The author analyses the evolution of the constitutional regulation of human rights and freedoms and describes the basic features of the constitutional status of a person in Western, Islamic, socialist and African countries.
human rights and freedoms; constitution; constitutional status of a person; comparative law.
E.V. Kudryashova.
Problems of Checks and Balances System in the
State Financial Planning: Foreign Practice.
// Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law.
2010. № 6.
DOI: 10.7256/1991-3222.2010.6.58213 URL:
The article is devoted to the problem of the executive and representative powers role in the field of financial planning.
The author draws attention to the “technocratic trend” which means the dominance of executive power in the public financial planning. Experience of balancing the trend from the practice of some states can be found in the article.
planning, financial law, budget, checks and balances.
S.A. Sheynfeld.
Constitutional–Legal Basis
of the German Mining Law.
// Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law.
2010. № 6.
DOI: 10.7256/1991-3222.2010.6.58214 URL:
The present article deals with the constitutional and legal frameworks for mining rights in Germany. The relevance of this study due to the presence of a stable system of mining rights in Germany, as well as the presence of the need for improvement
of Russian legislation on mineral resources, including the experience of foreign countries with a federal form of The present article deals with the constitutional and legal frameworks for mining rights in Germany. The relevance of this study due to the presence of a stable system of mining rights in Germany, as well as the presence of the need for improvement
of Russian legislation on mineral resources, including the experience of foreign countries with a federal form of government. The article analyzes the constitutional and legal principles of property rights in relation to mineral resources like natural resources, the provisions of the Basic Law of Germany on the division of powers between the federation and federal states, constitutional and legal framework for the protection of the environment for the use of mineral resources, as well as provisions of applicable international law to legal regulation of relations in the field of subsoil use in Germany.
comparative Law, Germany, mineral resources, property, federation, land, power, provision, protection, international
Sobolevskaya Yu.V..
Legal Regulation of State–Confession Relations in European Countries: International and National Influence.
// Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law.
2010. № 5.
DOI: 10.7256/1991-3222.2010.5.57752 URL:
The article deals with the modern tendencies of the state–confession relations’ development on the European area. The author analyses constitutions of the European countries from the point of religion phenomenon; investigates the influence of international documents and the European Court of the human rights practice on national legislation of freedom of worship.
State, church, freedom of worship, international and national legislation
Ledeneva M.A..
Contracts and Obligations:
Acute Issues of Theory and Practice.
// Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law.
2010. № 5.
DOI: 10.7256/1991-3222.2010.5.57753 URL:
In article author describes the unknown to Russian law system non–accessory security right over real property. Basic Guidelines for a Eurohypothec is the result of work, initiated by the Association of German Mortgage Banks. In article
analyzes basic elements of eurohypothec and the possibilities of it application in mortgage bank industry.
Securing obligations, non–accessory hypothec, eurohypothec, mortgage