Khalimzoda Z.A..
Russian language in the educational environment of the Republic of Tajikistan
// Philology: scientific researches.
2024. № 12.
P. 144-152.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2024.12.69848 EDN: GCMJTY URL:
This article is devoted to the issue of studying the Russian language in the field of education of the Republic of Tajikistan, as well as in secondary schools, where education is conducted entirely in the Tajik language, taking into account the increased efficiency of mastering the Russian language. The question is raised about the need to take into account the native language of students when teaching Russian to Tajik schoolchildren. The grammatical categories of number, gender and case of the noun in the analyzed languages are analyzed, and the similarities and differences of the concepts under consideration are determined. Particular attention is paid to the issues of teaching the Russian language due to the fact that in the linguistic conditions of Tajikistan, in the absence of a natural Russian-speaking environment, the education system bears the main burden in learning and preserving the language. Today, among the various directions of socio-economic development of Tajikistan, special attention is paid to the issue of learning languages, especially Russian. Indeed, every year in our country the number of people interested in learning Russian and other languages of the East and West is increasing, and the number of young people interested in learning several languages is increasing every year. In the Republic of Tajikistan (RT), the educational process in the Russian language in secondary schools is built on a new program.Today, among the various directions of socio-economic development of Tajikistan, special attention is paid to the issue of learning languages, especially Russian. Indeed, every year in our country the number of people interested in learning Russian and other languages of the East and West is increasing, and the number of young people interested in learning several languages is increasing every year.
comparative typology, Tajik language, textbook, the language of international communication, the post-Soviet space, internal motivation, education, Russian, Tajik school, Russian school
Khakimova G.A., Zaharova S.A..
Metaphorical terms as a source of enrichment of the veterinary terminology system in German
// Philology: scientific researches.
2024. № 6.
P. 1-17.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2024.6.70929 EDN: JBPBDL URL:
The object of the study is the metaphor terms in the veterinary terminology system in modern German. The processes of metaphorization of veterinary vocabulary are considered as one of the sources of terminology formation, the analysis of veterinary metaphors in semantic, structural and etymological relations is carried out. Semantically, the terms-metaphors of the veterinary terminological system were grouped by the authors into 5 thematic groups, namely, "Animal body parts", "Diseases, their symptoms and pathologies", "Animals and living organisms", "Veterinary instruments and medicines" and "Diagnostic and therapeutic measures". Such types of metaphorical transference have been identified both by similarity of form and appearance, by similarity of functions, by similarity of impression, by similarity of location and by similarity in the way actions are presented. The main research methods determined by its purpose are semantic, structural and functional, the method of linguistic observation and description, in addition, elements of quantitative analysis are used. The material for the analysis was metaphorical terms in the field of veterinary medicine, taken from the "German-Russian veterinary Dictionary" by V. A. Beskhlebnov, as well as the veterinary lexicon in German. The main conclusions of the study include that, structurally, the most productive word-formation model among veterinary metaphor terms are determinative composites, followed in descending order by terminological phrases divided into attributive, genitive, attributive-genitive and prepositional, derivative metaphors are less productive and isolated cases of one-word metaphors have been identified. From an etymological point of view, the veterinary terminology system presents metaphor terms mainly of German origin, borrowings from other languages are found in small numbers. Metaphorical terms are firmly rooted in veterinary discourse, being one of the sources of replenishment of veterinary terminology.
determinative composites, metaphorization, term formation, German language, veterinary discourse, veterinary terminological system, metaphorical transfer, term-metaphor, terminological phrases, hybrid term
Shen Y..
Types of Chinese loanwords and their ways of translation into Russian
// Philology: scientific researches.
2024. № 6.
P. 95-104.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2024.6.70935 EDN: GKFBSE URL:
Foreign loanwords are one of the sources of replenishment of the vocabulary of any language. Words of foreign languages make up a significant proportion of Chinese neologisms. The purpose of this study is to classify borrowings in modern Chinese and briefly discuss the methods of their translation into Russian. The object of this article is loanwords in Chinese neologisms based on dictionary materials, and the subject of this work is the types of Chinese loanwords. The material selected for this article is based on the dictionary of "Chinese-Russian dictionary of new words and expressions". This article briefly analyzes the classification of Chinese loanwords, split into three categories: phonetic, semantic and phonetic-semantic loanwords. Then summarizes their main methods of translation using examples. The following methods were used in the work: random selection, descriptive, contextual and transformational analysis. The component analysis method was used to analyze individual words in the text. In conclusion, the types of loanwords from the dictionary since the XXI century are analyzed and the results obtained are summarized. It is shown that when translating Chinese borrowings into Russian, transcription, transliteration, lexico-semantic substitutions, and explication of these four translation methods can be mainly used. The scientific novelty of this article lies in the fact that, based on the analysis of specific examples, it systematizes three types of Chinese loanwords and discusses letter loanwords unique to the Chinese language, which enriches the current results of the study of Chinese loanwords. On the other hand, with the development of time and the constant appearance of new words, the need to translate new Chinese vocabulary into other languages has become acute. This article attempts to provide some reference value to the Russian translation of Chinese loanwords.
phonetic and semantic loanwords, semantic loanwords, phonetic loanwords, types of loanwords, translation of borrowings, Chinese loanwords, borrowings, loanwords, neologism, translation methods
Barebina N.S., Glyzina V.E., Skopinceva T.A..
On the issue of methodological reasons for language purism in Internet communications
// Philology: scientific researches.
2023. № 12.
P. 127-137.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2023.12.69377 EDN: OPXEDW URL:
This article highlights one aspect of the triad “speech – writing – electronic form of speech,” which represents the problem of literacy in Internet communications. The purpose of the work is to point out a number of problems in the form of linguistic purism, the lack of clear terminology in relation to electronic communication, and shortcomings in the methodological and conceptual apparatus applied to the analysis of this linguistic object. The subject of the study is the norms of the Russian language, the object of analysis is fragments of texts containing a linguistic error. The authors proceed from the well-known fact in linguistics that spoken language and written language are different sign systems. It is known that the electronic form of speech is a fixation of the norms of spoken language. Consequently, it is impossible to approach the analysis of this form of speech only with the help of theories suitable for analyzing static text. The article shows that the roots of intolerance towards errors in network communication on the part of folk linguists lie precisely in this. The authors give examples of linguistic errors from different language areas: social networks, news aggregators, fiction, transcripts of oral speech. The linguistic object discussed in the article in the form of an electronic form of speech represents a certain cross-section that gives an up-to-date picture of the linguistic environment, which is informative for linguists. The main conclusion of the article is the need for a practical search for special tools that will limit the cumulative effect of language errors. But to do this, it is necessary to eliminate the one-way textual approach to all language formats. The conclusions of the article can be used to develop a strategy for moderating Internet content.
speech creation, purism, text, electronic form of speech, writing, speech, language norm, monitoring, errors, textual approach
Si H..
The specificity of the representation of speech in family communication of the characters in A.P. Chekhov's novels
// Philology: scientific researches.
2023. № 4.
P. 53-61.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2023.4.40597 EDN: SKSDUY URL:
This article presents an analysis of the ways of representing inner speech in the stories of Anton Chekhov, depicting the family communication of the characters. The aim of this study is to investigate the introduction of verbs with a common meaning of speech activity, their semantics and functions in depicting speech as a component of family communication in the stories of Chekhov's mature period. The research is based on the principles and main provisions of the structural-semantic and functional approach; theories of conceptualization and language representation; linguistic and cultural theory; theory of artistic text and discourse, as well as theoretical foundations of family communication. During the study, it was found that the main technique used by Chekhov to convey inner speech is improperly direct speech, which serves to unite and interfere with the author's and character's modus in the hero's inner speech. In those Chekhov's texts where the narration is in the first person, in most cases verbs are used that convey external speech in dialogic family communication. Inner speech in these stories is not typical and is rare.
text in text, verb of speech, inner speech transmission, linguistic representation theory, stories, family, communication, indirect speech, inner speech, dialogue of the deaf
Kieva Z.K..
Problems of Differentiation of Components of Phraseological Synonymy in the Ingush Language
// Philology: scientific researches.
2022. № 12.
P. 78-85.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2022.12.39472 EDN: MSOCBZ URL:
This article examines the synonymy of phraseological units of the Ingush language as one of the types of systemic relations. The choice of the chosen problem is dictated by insufficient knowledge of idioms associated with synonymous categorical relations in this field of knowledge. On the basis of the component analysis of the units of the synonymic series, phraseological units that enter into the relations of synonymy are analyzed. The relevance of this study lies in the fact that in Ingush phraseology, phraseological synonymic relations are insufficiently studied, the types of phraseological synonymy according to semantic and stylistic principles are not covered. The author examines in detail one of the types of systemic relations – synonymy of phraseological units of the Ingush language, which have not been the subject of special study in works on phraseology. The main conclusions of the study are that phraseological synonyms are united by a common meaning and, at the same time, differ in semantic shades and images, belong to the same grammatical class, combine structural, semantic, stylistic characteristics in the process of functioning. We are interested in the interpretation of synonymous relations between phraseological units of various types in the Ingush language. The article attempts to determine the scope of the concept of a phraseological synonym in the Ingush language and to identify the characteristic features of the functioning of idioms as part of a synonymic series; to systematize the types of phraseological synonymy on semantic and stylistic grounds; to consider the characteristic features of the functioning of idioms as part of a synonymic series.
synonymy criteria, identity, phraseological unit, synonymy, phraseological synonyms, phraseological units, phraseology, a number of phraseological synonyms, dominant, Ingush language
Bilyalova S.S..
The ambiguity of the somatism "hand" in the Crimean Tatar and Turkish languages
// Philology: scientific researches.
2022. № 5.
P. 53-62.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2022.5.33402 URL:
Semantic derivation is a way of word formation, as a result of which the semantic structure of lexemes, including somatisms, expands. The article examines the similarities and differences of the somatism "hand" in the Crimean Tatar and Turkish languages. With the help of component analysis, the semantic structure of the "hand" somatism, the types of connections between lexico-semantic variants of the polysemant are considered. The purpose of the article is to study the "hand" somatism in the Crimean Tatar and Turkish languages, analyze the semantic structures of polysemants and identify similarities and differences. The semantic structures of the somatisms "k'ol", "el" ("hand"), "avuch" ("palm"), "parmak" ("finger"), "tarnak" ("nail"), "tirsek" ("elbow"), "bilek" ("wrist"). The analysis revealed a number of similarities in the lexical and semantic composition of multivalued somatisms. The semantic structures of polysemantic lexemes nominating different parts of the hand are largely identical, however, there are some differences. The main ways of formation of lexical meanings were determined. Thus, in the Crimean Tatar and Turkish languages, secondary meanings are formed by metaphorical, metonymic and functional transfers, which is due to the similarity of appearance, color, quality, functions, etc. Lexico-semantic variants formed as a result of semantic derivation are interconnected by radial, catenal and radial-catenal types of connections.
Crimean Tatar language, semantics, paradigm, lexico-semantic variant, semantic structure, polysemy, polysemy, somatism, token, Turkish language
Otsomieva Z.M..
Female image in the Avar toponymy
// Philology: scientific researches.
2021. № 11.
P. 55-66.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2021.11.34749 URL:
This article examines the female image within the national linguistic worldview based on the Avar toponymic lexicon. The subject of this research is the semantics of toponymic units with the content “characteristic of a woman”, methods of their formation and ability to reflect perception of the world of the Avar dialect speakers. The author explores the following aspect: 1) determination of the reasons for toponymization of female anthroponyms; 2) establishment of the role of the Avar anthroponymy in toponymic research; 3) clarification of the role of unit, which reflects different aspects of woman’s personality, that determine behavior and lifestyle within the toponymy of Gergebilsky, Gumbetovsky, Kazbekovsky and Khunzakhsky districts of Dagestan. The conclusion is made that the experience of combining obtained and systematizing toponymic units for describing the representations on the female image contributes to the formation of geographical proper names. It emerged that toponymic lexemes reflect the transition from immanent linguistics, which studies language within and for itself, towards anthropocentric (or anthropophilic) linguistics, which focuses on the study of human with all the characteristics. The article examines the linguistic aspects of toponymy; analyzes and classifies toponymic units that contain female names, taking into account the semantics and peculiarities of their use. The acquired linguistic conclusions can be valuable for further research within the framework of studying female image in different aspects.
dialect vocabulary, toponymic models, characteristics of a woman, lexico-semantic means, regional toponymy, geographical terms, language picture of the world, toponym, microtoponym, semantics
Kosyreva M.S..
Consumer lexicon in modern Russian Language
// Philology: scientific researches.
2021. № 11.
P. 1-8.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2021.11.36622 URL:
The subject of this research is the peculiarities of different types of translation activity in the process of teaching students of non-philological specialties at Hanoi National University of Education. Being the direct participant of bilingual communication, the student applies the following behavioral vectors: reproduction of the semantic-structural peculiarities of the original text and adaptation of the translation text to a new linguocultural perception. This is namely the key to success in the bilingual communication, since the translator fulfills the communicative, ideological, cumulative (culturological) and even a correctional functions attempting to create the original text without flaws and shortcomings of the original text due incompetence of its author. Fulfilling any of these functions, the translator must desubjectivize the original text (extract the subjective meaning) and the translation text (taking into account the characteristics of the addressee) for the purpose of adequate objectification of the translation text in accordance with the situation. In this regard, the modern methods and techniques implemented in the pedagogical practice of Hanoi National University of Education are particularly relevant. The scientific novelty of this research lies in the attempt to determine the peculiarities of using games as a means of improving effectiveness of the Russian language class and implementation of game-based learning at Hanoi National University of Education.
Terminology, Household vocabulary, Consumer vocabulary, Consumer society, International vocabulary, Globalization of Language, Dialogue of Cultures, Lexicography, Lexicology, Modern Russian Language
Pshenichnikova A.Y..
Culinary lexicon in the dialects of Spanish language
// Philology: scientific researches.
2021. № 11.
P. 38-54.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2021.11.36930 URL:
This article discusses the peculiarities of linguistic consciousness of the representatives of ethnoses of Latin American countries through the modern dialects of Spanish language. Analysis is conducted on the lexicon of the national cuisine of Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Peru, Ecuador, Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay. The article includes the analysis of linguistic zones of the Spanish language. The goal lies in examination of the lexicon of national cuisine of Latin American countries and, and creation of culinary dictionary of Spanish-speaking countries. The author aims to determine the national-specific gastronomic realities of Latin American countries through the prism of ethno-cultural space, and establish correlation between the uniqueness of gastronomic realities with the mentality and fragments of the linguistic worldview of Latin American countries. The conclusion is formulated on the impact of loanwords upon the national culinary lexicon of Latin American countries. The author draws a chart with the lexemes of national cuisines of Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Peru, Ecuador, Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay. In accordance with the linguistic zones of Spanish language, the national culinary lexicon is divided into three groups of indigenisms; considering the influence of other languages on the formation of the vocabulary of the regional Spanish language, the national culinary lexicon is divided into the following loanwords (Africanisms, Arabisms, Gallicisms, Anglicisms, and Italianisms). Lexical units, which are widespread in the territory of two, three, or four national dialects of the Spanish language are referred to as regionalisms. Lexical units that are characteristic to one national dialect of the Spanish language are referred to as variantisms. The proper names are allocated into a separate group. The scientific novelty consists in examination of the poorly studied national culinary lexicon of such Latin American countries as Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Peru, Ecuador, Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay.
indihenisms, linguistic zones, micro field, macro field, realities, linguistic picture of the world, anglicisms, gallicisms, arabisms, africanisms
Gunzhitova G..
Factors of vitality of the Buryat language
// Philology: scientific researches.
2020. № 12.
P. 41-50.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2020.12.34511 URL:
The subject of the research in this article is the factors of the vitality (viability) of the language and their influence on the development of the language. The author analyzes the actual parameters of the state of the Buryat language in the context of the main factors of vitality traditionally identified by researchers: the number of ethnic groups or the total number of native speakers, their share in the total population, language environment and language contacts, linguistic parameters, state policy, national identity, attitude to language, language reproduction, availability of materials for language learning, areas of use, place of residence of an ethnic group. The influence of the factor of the state language policy on the state and development of the language is also considered. The main conclusions are that the current state of the Buryat language in the context of the main factors of vitality is characterized by contradictory indicators. On the one hand, there are certain positive developments, on the other hand, there are factors that in many ways negatively affect his condition and development. Thus, the factors of the number of Buryats, their share in the total population of Russia, the Republic of Buryatia, the sphere of use, the place of residence of Buryats are characterized by negative trends. Certain positive aspects can be identified in the context of such factors as linguistic parameters, state policy, national identity, attitude to language, language reproduction, availability of materials for language learning.
language environment, number of ethnic groups, language reproduction, national identity, language and education, language policy, factors of vitality, language functioning, Buryat language, attitude to language
Ganieva E.S., Osmanova Z.S., Mazinov A.S..
Linguoculturological aspect of studying Turkic toponyms of Crimea
// Philology: scientific researches.
2020. № 5.
P. 28-41.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2020.5.33007 URL:
The object of this research is the Turkic toponymic units of the Crimean Region. The subject of this research is the Crimean Tatar toponymic lexicon in the linguocultural aspect. The article examines the Turkic (Crimean Tatar) toponymic system as a fragment of the linguistic worldview of its native speakers. The need is underlined for comprehensive characteristics of geographical denominations of the Crimean Peninsula, with consideration of linguoculturological components as a full-fledged element. The goal consists in description of the Turkic toponymic units of Crimean Region as a phenomenon generated by the culture of Crimean Tatars. It is determined that the semantic of Turkic toponyms is motivated by different associations related to images of the animals and their habitat, plants, historical events and legends that defined names of the objects, etc. There also nomens with unmotivated semantics, permitting variable semantization. As a result of analysis, the examined in linguoculturological aspect toponyms of Crimea of Turkic origin are classified by most significant thematic groups. The Crimean Tatar toponymic lexicon is viewed from linguoculturological perspective for the first time, which defines the scientific novelty of the research. The following conclusions were made: geographical denominations of Crimea are the cultural artifact of Crimean Tatars, reflecting the historical stages of their settlement, ancient migrations and interethnic contacts, economic activity. Political and social transformations, geographical specificities, location, territorial traditions, including those that no longer exist. The geographical nominations, alongside the instances of creation of toponyms based on external resemblance of geographical object with the realities surrounded Crimean Tatars (color, form), also used cultural and mental associative principles of nomination. This is why the terms included religious, somatic, legend-based, and other components.
linguistic and cultural aspect, toponym, geographical nomenclature, geographical names, lexis, the Crimean Tatar language, toponymy, Turkic toponymic system, world language picture, linguoculturology
Gabysheva L.L..
Nominations of the parts of the Yakut traditional dwelling: language and mythological structures
// Philology: scientific researches.
2019. № 6.
P. 207-216.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2019.6.30985 URL:
The subject of this research is the semantics of names of the parts of Yakut balaban (yurt), which is divided into right and left (male and female) sectors, and on the social grounds; according to the rituals, left part of the dwelling related to the Lower world, while right part – to the Upper world. These nomination have not been previously viewed within the system of the names of social groups, food, livestock, Shamans and other elements of the traditional color symbolism. Metaphorical names of parts of the yurt appear to be semantically and semiotically loaded; the analysis of their inner form determined an extremely capacious by content semantic structure, similar to the symbolic matrix of description of the world. The author uses a complex methodology: lexical analysis of the word is accompanied by culturological insights into the field of tangible culture, ritual practice, customs, etc. Examination of the dwelling as one of the key artefacts required the application of structural-semiotic method for studying the organization of its space. In comparing the language, mythological, folklore, ethnographic and other materials, the article follows the idea of semantic unity of the entire culture of the ethnos; at the same time, the text analysis remains predominantly linguistic. The novelty consists in determination of correlation between the linguistic and mythological structures: polysemy of nominations of the parts of dwelling finds substantiation in the context of the traditional worldview, characterizes with not only the spatio-temporal syncretism, but also the mythological identity of color, spatial directions, names of social groups, etc. The linguistic metaphor serves as a niche for cumulating culturally significant information, means of it compression and channel for translation.
Oral memory, Semiotics of the home, Picture of the world, Folklore, Mythological structure, Spatio-Temporal Terms, semantics, Metaphor, Turkic languages, culture
Vavilova K.Y..
Symbolism in the British folk ballads
// Philology: scientific researches.
2019. № 6.
P. 217-224.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2019.6.31548 URL:
The subject of this research is the symbols common to the folk genre of British ballad. The object of this research is the text of English and Scottish folk ballads. Review of the main studies dedicated to the texts of ballads is presented. In the course of analysis of the ballad genre, the author attempts to determine its key features. Special attention is given to the analysis of artistic expressive means of the medieval ballad texts. Among the poetic means, the paramount function is assigned to symbols; therefore, the author explores namely the semantics of symbols and their lexical representation. The five-volume collection by Francis James Child “The English and Scottish Popular Ballads” served as the textological framework for this research. The scientific novelty consists in the attempt to analyze the ballad poetics of the English and Scottish folk ballads. The article draws a number of conclusions on the identification of genre, describes its characteristic features, and analyzes the role of ballads within the system of folklore genres. The conducted research of the texts of British folk songs allows concluding that the central place in introduction of the main genre features is defined by the lexical means, among which an important place belongs to symbolism. Thus, ballad was not able to fully realize its genre categories and universalities without special tools that would allow formulating particular ideas. Ballads certainly represent a set of artistic expressive means, which attains a special function namely within the genre.
poetics, tragic nature, psychologism, genre, folklore, English and Scottish popular ballad, expressive means, symbol, symbolism, parallelism
Zenkevich I.V..
Factors that Form Interest in Studying the Russian Language in the USA
// Philology: scientific researches.
2019. № 4.
P. 99-106.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2019.4.30343 URL:
The subject of the research is the prefaces to Russian language study books written by American authors for the US audience. The author of the article analyzes these prefaces for motivational information the authors of study books decided to include in order to encourage American students to study Russian. The object of the research is motivation or factors that may form interest in studying Russian. The author of the article divides these factors into categories depending on language peculiarities and countries where Russian is an official language. The research methods used by the author include the continuous sampling method, analysis of information from prefaces, synthesis and classification. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author analyzes prefaces to Russian study books written by American authors for American students and examines motivational factors for studying Russian in the USA. The author concludes that all these factors can be divided into culturological, linguistical, geopolitical, social and scientific. The author of the article also suggests that at this stage of relationship between our countries, these factors must play the key role in promotion of studies of Russian in the USA.
common language, beautiful language, Russian speaking communities, language of science, international language, related Russian, foreign Russian, military might, political importance, Russian culture
Ignatov I.A..
The Word 'Personage': Development of Semantics and Today's Meaning for the Russian Language
// Philology: scientific researches.
2019. № 3.
P. 1-17.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2019.3.30069 URL:
In his article Ignatov analyzes the word 'personage' and structural component of the semantic field 'personality'. He demonstrates that the word 'personage' came into the Russian literary language by the end of the XIXth century. The beginning of the XXth century was marked with rapid development of this word semantics including the use of the word for denoting an individual. Lately the word 'personage' has been actively used in combination with other words that describe a person as an individual (human creature or figure) or a person from the point of view of his or her qualities and traits (personality). The author bases his analysis on the use of contextual and lexical-semantic research methods based on the material of the national corpus of the Russian language. The word 'personage' has never before become an object of special analysis in personality studies because the meanings of personage as an individual are not so often found in Russian dictionaries. However, the results of the research demonstrate that today this lexeme is actively used in the development of the semantic field 'personality' in Russian.
human, vocabulary, Russian language, semantic field, personage, lexical-semantic variants, word semantics, lexical-semantic method, contextual method, meaning widening
Gotovtseva L.M..
Russian Lexical Borrowings in the Category of Clothes of Heroes of Olonkho Epic
// Philology: scientific researches.
2019. № 2.
P. 207-214.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2019.2.29036 URL:
The subject of the study is the vocabulary borrowed from the Russian language. The object of the study is the vocabulary denoting the names of pieces of clothes of Olonkho Epic. The aim of the article is to identify the borrowings denoting pieces of clothes, in the course of which the following issues are solved: determination of the composition of the borrowed vocabulary of the names of clothes; general characteristics of thematic groups; consideration of the features of their functioning in the Olonkho epic. The primary attention is paid to the determination of the factors of penetration of lexical borrowings into the Olonkho language space. The study uses various methods of linguistic analysis: the method of continuous sampling, comparison, and descriptive method.The methodological basis of the study was the works of scientists on lexicology and linguostylistics: D. N. Shmeleva, L. P. Krysin, P. A. Sleptsov, A. T. Hrolenko.The specificity of the functioning of words of foreign origin in a folklore work remains an insufficiently studied object of research, which led to the novelty of the study. The main factors of penetration of lexical borrowings into the Olonkho epic space are alliteration and assonance. Since in the description of the portrait of the Olonkho hero the most important role belongs to his attire, the detailed description of his clothes also served as the basis for the appearance of lexical borrowings in the Olonkho epic.
nomination, Russianism, borrowing, Yakut language, olonkhos language, epic, folklore, clothes, alliteration, assonance
Mamutova Z.E..
Phraseological Semantic Field of Emotional State of a Person in the Crimean Tatar Somatic Phraseology
// Philology: scientific researches.
2019. № 2.
P. 215-222.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2019.2.29607 URL:
The subject of the study is the semantic analysis of the phraseological units of Crimean Tatar language, reflecting the emotional state of a person, and also the study of idioms in the framework of communicative linguistics. Phraseological nests and fields, consisting of somatic idioms, are presented as interconnected system elements. The object of the study is phraseological units of idiomatic character. Idioms are phraseological units that have stability, reproducibility, expressiveness, and the meaning of which is not derived from the sum of the meanings of their word components. Idioms were selected from the dictionaries by the method of continuous sampling. The methodological basis of the research is the works in the field of phraseology by N. M. Shansky [18], A. M. Emirova [20-27] and other scientists. In the process of the analysis of the somatic phraseology of the Crimean Tatar language, microfields of phraseological units with the meaning of positive and negative emotions, emotional states and reactions were revealed. Calculations showed that the microfield of somatic phraseological units characterizing negative emotions exceeds the microfield of phraseological units expressing positive emotions in a 2:1 proportion.
emotional state of a person, phraseological semantic field, phraseological nest, paradigm, somatic phraseology, the Crimean Tatar language, microfield, group, sememe, somatism
Mironenko V.V..
Positive and Negative Connotation of Phraseological Units with a Colour Component (the Case Study of the English Language)
// Philology: scientific researches.
2018. № 4.
P. 352-358.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2018.4.28013 URL:
The subject of the research is the semantics and structure of phraseological units which reveal the concept of ‘colour’ in the English language in terms of their universality and ethnic identity, as well as cognitive processes underlying the formation of phraseological values and their functioning in modern English. The phraseological units presented in the article, containing in their composition colour names and various images in the linguistic picture of the world, are the most expressive elements of the phraseological fund of the English language. The methodological basis is formed by the lexical analysis of phraseological units; a complex methodology is applied, based on lexical-semantic and descriptive research methods involving linguocultural analysis. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the first time the phraseological units of the modern English language containing the component ‘color’ are analyzed from the point of view of identifying cognitive mechanisms with the help of which concepts are rethought. The social and emotional evaluation marking of phraseological units through stylistic analysis is revealed for the first time.
characteristics, analysis, vocabulary, semantics, evaluation, component, colour, phraseological units, culture, language
Antonova N.A., Ignateva T.S..
Patterns of Formation of Phraseological Units in the English and Chuvash Languages
// Philology: scientific researches.
2018. № 3.
P. 259-265.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2018.3.27236 URL:
The aim of this word is to study the process of formation of phraseological units in the English and Chuvash languages. The authors of the article try to analyze phraseological variants, explain their origin and patterns of formation, and to define how these are related to the units that existed in the language before them, and what units remain in the language today. The subject of the research is the phraseological units expressive means in the English and Chuvash languages. The main research method used by the authors is the structured semantic analysis of phraseological units. The research material includes Shakespear's plays as well as writings of Chuvash authors. The researchers describe the origin of a certain group of phraseological units in detail. The theoretical importance of the research is caused by the fact that the results of the research can be used in further comparision and analysis of the English and Chuvash languages, as well as in teaching English and Chuvash. The rationale of the research is caused by the fact that cross-lingual matching of phraseological units in English and Chuvash is an understudied topic in the academic literature. As a result of analysing variants from the point of view of semantic relations between interrelated components, the authors come to the conclusion that substitution of components with synonyms is possible not only in free word combinations but also phraseological units. The increasing number of variants does not make a word combination 'free' but leaves it within the borders of phraseology.
the origin of phraseological units, etymology, the use of phraseological units, Chuvash, English, formation of phraseological units, phraseological variants, phraseological units, phraseology, phraseological phrase
Khakimova G..
On the Question about Synonymy of Terms in Veterinary Vocabulary (the Case Study of the German Language)
// Philology: scientific researches.
2018. № 2.
P. 52-60.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2018.2.26417 URL:
The article is devoted to the phenomenon of synonymy of terms in German veterinary vocabulary. The object of the research is the German veterinary term system and the subject of the reserach is the particular terms used in German veterinary. The aim of this research is to define synonymy of terms in German veterinary vocabulary and to describe the most productive sources of terminological doublets in German veterinary vocabulary. In her research Khakimova analyzes different groups of terminological doublets, in particular, word-formative (suffixal, compound words, abbreviations), synonymous terms derived from other languages; calque terms and eponyms. The author also describes sources of synonymy in German veterinary vocabulary. A detailed analysis of actual material has allowed to select the following research methods: linguistic observation and description, comparison and structure analysis. The rationale of the research is caused by the fact that the rapid development of science including veterinary medicine requires a constant work on professional competence from those who work in this sphere. Apart from professional skills and knowledge, this also requires knowing foreign languages for written and spoken cross-cultural communication. The author of the article concludes that the main reasons of synonymy of terms in German veterinary vocabulary is that there are borrowed terms used along with native German names, great variety of types of synonyms and a great number of eponyms.
composites, terminology synonyms, word-formative duplicate, terminological duplicate, word formation, types of synonyms, veterinary terminology, synonymy of terms, calque, eponyms
Vodyasova L.P..
Semantics and Functional and Syntactical Properties of Pronouns in the Modern Erzya Language
// Philology: scientific researches.
2018. № 1.
P. 66-76.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2018.1.25440 URL:
The subject of the research is the pronouns. The purpose of the research is to describe their semantics and functional and syntactical properties based on the analysis of one of Mordovian languages, the Erzya language. The research objectives include the following: 1) to describe the main kinds of pronouns depending on their functional and semantic properties; 2) to define their role in the language and speech (or text). The theoretical and methodological basis of the research includes researches devoted to the grammar of Finno-Ugric languages, in particular, Mordovian languages. The main research method used by the author is the descriptive method. The author used it to analyze semantics of pronouns and functions they perform in a particular context. The author selected literary texts written by Mordovian writers as research material. Based on her analysis, Vodyasova came to the conclusion that there are the following kinds of pronouns in the Erzya language depending on their semantics and functional and syntactical properties: personal pronouns, emphatic pronouns, сcount pronouns, reciprocal pronouns, demonstrative pronouns, interrogative pronouns, defining pronouns, reflexive pronouns, indefinite pronouns, and negative pronouns. These parts of speech acquire their particular meanings only during connected speech because they are used as the means of encouraging communication in the first place. The theoretical and practical importance of the research is caused by the fact that the author creates prerequisites for further analysis of parts of speech. The material offered by the author can be of use to linguists as well as PhD and Master Degree students majoring in philology. It would be useful to use the results of the research for basic and integrative courses and research projects.
substantivization, concrete definition, change of cases, discharge of pronouns, functional and syntactical properties, semantics, a special class of words, pronoun, erzya language, role in the speech
Matunova G.A..
Linguistic Means Used to Create the Image of a Working Woman in the English Printing Media of the 20th Century
// Philology: scientific researches.
2017. № 4.
P. 67-71.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2017.4.24824 URL:
The subject of this research article is the linguistic representation of the image of a working woman in newspaper articles that had been published in The Times since 1909 till 1914. The author of the article appeals to that period because it was the time when British society experienced the change in the public opinion on working women which was reflected in the language, too. The author analyzes The Times articles because it was the newspaper that played an important role in presenting events that happened in the Great Britain of the early 20th century. The author of the article uses the method of binar opposition to analyze gender stereotypes about working women presented in the English priting media before that period. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author analyzes changes in lexical means from the point of view of their dynamics. Having analyzed The Times articles published in the early 20th century using the method of binar opposition, the author concludes that stereotypes about working women were actually changed and that was reflected in the language, too.
Oladyshkina A.A..
Secondary Ethnonyms in the Hungarian Language
// Philology: scientific researches.
2016. № 4.
P. 347-350.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2016.4.68545 URL:
In her article Oladyshkina analyzes Hungarian nicknames that are understood as stylistically marked names of ethnic groups containing imaginative-expressive characteristics of the given ethnos as well as attitude of the person who gives such a name. In a broad sense, ethnonyms are viewed as names used to call residents of not only independent states but also certain districts or regions. The author of the article views Hungarian Urbanolect as a kind of urban dialect that combines all forms of the language commonly used in a particular city or town. The author also analyzes the main methods of secondary ethnonym formation: semantic change, morphological derivation and borrowing. The word formation anaysis of secondary ethnonyms involves a corpus of Hungarian secondary ethnonyms created as a result of сontinuous sampling from dialectic and variantological dictionaries. The author discovers that peculiar features of a language or dialect, typical names for professions, landscapes, personal names, etc. can serve as the basis for formation of secondary ethnonyms through derivation. The author also offers her classification of the main morphological methods of word formation as well as borrowed ethnic nicknames. The author makes a conclusion about ethnic stereotypes of Vienna residents when one commonly encountered or observed feature of ethnos representatives substitutes the entire ethnic diversity.
word formation, language world view, Variantology, Austrian German, Urbanolect, ethnic stereotype, ethnophaulism, Viennese Urbanolect, semantic change, morphological derivation
Nilogov A.S..
Decryption Methods From the Point of View of the Ontological Status of the Word/Antiword
// Philology: scientific researches.
2015. № 4.
P. 345-354.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2015.4.67373 URL:
In his article Nilogov again raises a question about the ontological status of the word which he understands as the manner and the fashion in which a word exists in a natural language. The topic is being viewed from the point of view of the methodological grounds of the philosophy of antilanguage, a new discipline created at the confluence of linguistics and philosophy. As an example of the ontological status of the word, Nilogov uses decrypted linguistic instead of language units when analyzing ancient writings (Ancient Egyptian and Sumerian and etc.). These units are obtained as a result of application of particular methods and techniques aimed at reconstruction of ancient texts' interpretation. In the course of his research Nilogov has used antilanguage, hermeneutical, cryptophilological, linguistic methods, decryption, reconstruction, philological, heuristical and etymological methods. As a result of the research, decrypted language units are classified as antiwords that are usually used in a natural language but at the same time non-obviously refer to antilanguage. In particular, the author defines the following kinds of antiwords: decrypted antiwords (that denote hypothetically decrypted words as well as all words from dead written languages) and non-decrypted antiwords (that denote words from dead nonliterate languages). Nilogov divides all decrypted antiwords into the following subclasses: particular decrypted antiwords (conventional decrypted antiwords), cryptodecrypted antiwords and quasidecrypted antiwords (pseudodecrypted antiwords).
ontological status of the decrypted antiword, decryption, Egyptology, Dyakonov, philosophy of antilanguage, Perepyolkin, egyptologism, decrypted antiword, antiword, Emelyanov
Khu L..
The Tendency to Teach Russian as a Foreign Language Amid Reformation in the System of the National Graduation/Entrance Examination (Chinese Gaokao)
// Philology: scientific researches.
2015. № 3.
P. 235-240.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2015.3.67176 URL:
On July 8, 2014 the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China released a new draft 'Gaokao' China 2017 regarding national graduation/entrance exams which results are crucial for Chinese students who want to study for a degree. The reformation of the Chinese national examination Gaokao is aimed at increasing the number of students at technical universities because the country needs a greater number of qualified technicians. At the present time teaching Russian as a foreign language is quite important. Due to the development of trade and economic relations between Russia and China in recent years, our countries have started to have more frequent contacts, therefore the Russian language has turned into an important mean of cross-cultural communication. Based on the analysis of the Heilongjiang province with 34 universities, 16 of which teach Russian, the author of the article wants to show where the Russian language can be learnt as a major. According to the author, teaching Russin has its own peculiarities at non-philological universities in China which is a result of the impact of students' native language, experience in speaking other languages and national traditions of teaching Russian. In reference with the above, the author believes that the time has come to make reformations in teaching Russian at non-philological universities. An important step towards such reformation is to encourage Chinese students study the Russian language in accordance with the requirements of the developing market economy.
graduate, university, education, inform, Gaokao, China, Russian, learning, non-philological universities, programme
Lyashenko V.V..
Love: From Word Etymology to Psychological Conception
// Philology: scientific researches.
2015. № 1.
P. 54-65.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2015.1.66423 URL:
The article presents a semantic analysis of the concept "love". The well-known Saussurean model of the linguistic sign, on which modern semiotics is based, recognizes a word as an integral structure formed by a ‘signifier’ and ‘signified’. In other words, the 'signified' is meaningless without the ‘signifier’ and does not exist apart from it. Benveniste defines 'signifier' as 'the phonic translation of a concept' and thus argues that the sound image of the word is neither accidental nor arbitrary. Following the systems approach, the author has used the following methods in his research: hypothetico-deductive method and analysis of lexicological sources. The novelty of the author's approach is caused by the fact that for the first time in the academic literature the psychological phenomenon is viewed from the point of view of its relation to the denoting term which plays a very important role for the development of intersubject communications and extends the methodologies of psychology. Using the principle of inseparable connection between the ‘signifier’ and ‘signified’, the author analyzes semantic parallels of the word 'love' in Indo-European languages. The article argues that love is active, creative, and connective by nature.
the function of the Soul, love, desire, thirst, sacrifice, existence, expectance, loneliness, existence together, establishment of relations
Skvortsova, E. L..
Japanese Spiritual Tradition from the Point of View of the ‘Physical Mind’ Problem
// Philology: scientific researches.
2014. № 3.
P. 246-257.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2014.3.65667 URL:
The subject under research is one of the typical features of Japanese mentality when the ‘here and now’
integral knowledge of the world is thought to be at least as important as the textual knowledge or even more important
than that. Quite often we see the following type of knowledge in the artistic tradition: the concept of the creative act
(as the integration of the act into dynamics of the world continuum) and the method of teaching (as a direct transfer
of knowledge from a teacher to his follower not only about profession but also about the sincere life). The concept of
‘true knowledge’ was inherited by Japanese people from Ancient China. In IV century B. C. Zhuang Zhou outlined the
two ‘steps’ of indirect, physically established knowledge of the world: at the first step the knowledge of the world is
formed by an infant who does not distinguish himself from the other world, at the second step the knowledge of the
world is formed by a professional who has a self-identity and has undergone a long training. In both cases human acts
spontaneously (‘naturally’) based on his self-assurance that his actions are the right ones. This aspect of knowledge
became the focus of research interest both in Russia and abroad. In particular, in Russia the poet Vasily Zhukovsky and
the writer Lev Tolstoy paid their attention at such ‘here and now’ knowledge of the world. The German philosopher
Eugen Herrigel devoted many years of his life to improving the balance between mind and body in kyudo – Japanese
marital art of archery. Eugen Herrigel wrote two books about it. The philosopher Michael Polanyi also devoted his
‘Personal Knowledge’ to that topic. In our country the mind and body problem was studied by L. Pugacheva and V.
Podoroga. In her research the author has used the comparative method as one of the main research methods used in the humanities. The author has compared the Western epistemological tradition which is focused on the impersonal
textual knowledge indifferent to the somatic nature of human and typical Far Eastern tradition which views the holistic
non-utilitarian (esthetical) knowledge of the world and human to be the basic initial and therefore the ‘true’ knowledge.
Holistic, physically embodied esthetical aspect of knowledge was before the textual knowledge historically. Up to the
10th century the Far Eastern tradition has been underlying the initial and true nature of such knowledge. However, we
should also keep in mind that the textual knowledge providing a static and schematic description of the world comes
first logically: in order to understand the dynamic aspect of knowledge, it is necessary to take the observer’s position.
The scientific novelty of the research is in the author’s applying findings of the Western and Russian epistemological
scientists to the mentality of Far Eastern counties.
shapeless, ‘physical mind’, autpoiesis, inexpressible, epistemology, Zen Buddhism, Japanese esthetics, pilgrimage, Daoism, Gaido.
Rudneva, E. G..
Dominance of New Words
// Philology: scientific researches.
2013. № 4.
P. 359-366.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2013.4.63729 URL:
The subject matter of the article is the destiny of the Russian language these days. There have been times
when people speak the language which preserves traditional features — vocabulary, grammar and syntax. But
there are also times when the language significantly changes and words from other languages are adopted as a
new vocabulary. Quite often new words are created as a result of particular social events and phenomena. When
the first aircraft was created, a new word “airplane” also appeared and became widely used. Today the Russian
language is experiencing the dominance of foreign words. English words are used even when there is no real need
in using them and sometimes it seems humorous. The author of the present article touches upon the problems of
communication and understanding. She advocates revival of the spoken word and rhetorics.
The author of the article uses the method of linguistic analysis as well as a comparative approach to new linguistic
phenomena. She also uses the hermeneutic method allowing to get a better insight into the process of word creation.
The theme of the article is not new. Many researchers, educators and psychologists have already appealed to this
problem in recent years. However, a rapidly changing environment requires a constant review of this matter. The
novelty of the approach described in this article is an attempt to view the problem not only from the point of view
of language studies, but also in terms of communication technologies. The author of the article raises a question
about whether we can actually become successful in our communication if our language is contaminated, overloaded
and has lost its initial purpose?
philology, communication, hermeneutics, information, humor, intellect, culture, meaning, knowledge.