Shuiskaya Y.V., Kalashnikova M.V..
"And the green lamp will not go out...": traditional features of Russian battle studies in M.Y. Elizarov's novel "The Librarian"
// Philology: scientific researches.
2024. № 11.
P. 156-164.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2024.11.72122 EDN: QBQEDE URL:
The subject of the study is the depiction of battle scenes in Mikhail Elizarov's novel "The Librarian" in the context of the traditions of Russian battle studies. The object of the research is the key motifs of the description of battles used in literature from ancient Russian novels to descriptions of the Civil War and the Great Patriotic War, in their refraction in the artistic world of Mikhail Elizarov. The authors consider in detail such aspects of the topic as the use of significant reference points of Russian battle studies and their peculiar concentration in the texts of chapters devoted to battles. Special attention is paid to the condensation in Elizarov's text of an intertextual dialogue with the motives of the main authors of classical Russian literature who wrote about wars and battles, as well as implicit references to their own fate – death in a duel. The study uses the method of contextual and cultural-historical analysis. The battle scenes in the text of the novel "The Librarian" are isolated, their significant motives in connection with the traditions of Russian battle studies are described. The main conclusions of the study are the conclusions about the presence in the text of Mikhail Elizarov's novel "The Librarian" of a collage of key motifs of the national tradition of battle scenes, starting with ancient Russian texts and ending with texts about the Civil and Great Patriotic War. A special contribution of the authors to the study is the tracing of the retrospective history of battle studies and the identification of its key motives. Yelizarov's novel was filmed in 2023, which led to increased interest in it, and the battle scenes in the series of the same name were displayed as close to the text as possible using direct quotes. The novelty of the research lies in referring to Yelizarov's novel precisely in the context of battle studies: with considerable attention to the text, this aspect has not been previously considered in modern literary studies.
reception, L.N. Tolstoy, M.A. Sholokhov, allusions, ancient russian literature, semiotics, Elizarov, battle scenes, intertext dialogue, intertext
Zav'yalov V.N., Sidorova A.Y..
Medical vocabulary in the dilogy of I. Ilf and E. Petrov "Twelve chairs" and "Golden Calf"
// Philology: scientific researches.
2024. № 11.
P. 165-178.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2024.11.72172 EDN: QHWWXK URL:
The relationship between medicine and literature has long attracted the attention of specialists, because medicine, as an integral part of human existence, is reflected in the field of culture. Based on this, the object of this article is the medical thesaurus of a literary text, and its subject is its lexical and thematic representation. The texts of the dilogy of I. Ilf and E. Petrov were chosen as the research material, because they have not yet been systematically described in this way. The aim of the work is to identify special groups of medical vocabulary in both novels and to determine its pictorial and expressive function. The relevance of the article lies in the fact that it describes the dilogy in the context of modern medical discourse research, which is very actively developing today. The article uses descriptive and field methods. In the first case, the necessary empirical research data are identified, and in the second, they relate to each other on lexico–thematic, poetic and discursive principles. The scientific novelty of the research is the approach to medical vocabulary in dilogy from the point of view of the "poetics of medicine". It is established that in both works the vocabulary naming the external anatomical components of the human body is widely represented. Along with this, there is a vocabulary denoting bone and cavities of the body, skin and hair, secretions and fluids secreted by the body. A special place in the dilogy is occupied by the names of diseases (mental and physical), their symptoms and consequences. All this is accompanied by vocabulary representing medicines, the medical care system, and medical accessories. Based on the conducted research, it was found out that the authors of the dilogy, I. Ilf and E. Petrov, understood medical topics well both at the household and clinical level. At the same time, the medical vocabulary used by them is an integral part of the visual and expressive fabric of both novels.
discourse, poetics, thematic group, semantic field, semantics, terminology, the medicine, medical vocabulary, novel, artistic literature
Maslova E.G., Minasyan E.T..
Literary Works and Language as a Source to Develop and Enhance ESP Courses for Economic Universities
// Philology: scientific researches.
2018. № 1.
P. 158-164.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2018.1.25477 URL:
The subject of the research is the modes of teaching business English through literature pieces specifically related to a typical business environment, word stock and terminology. The purpose of this article is to describe the role of literary arts aimed at improving students’ language competences by providing them with the opportunity to acquire language and business skills through exploring fictional situations and future profession-related topics. The research methods include analysis and generalization of learner-centered teaching approaches, observation, questionnaire survey and empirical studies based on the complex interconnection of culture and literature. This article presents results of the research that involved 120 learners of the 3rd year of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics. The research involved a survey based on the authors' tailored literary extracts focusing on economic insights and linguistic features which proof the utmost importance and novelty of the theme under study. The results of the research demonstrate positive effect of reading and analyzing literature items which enhance language skills, develop critical and analytical thinking abilities to perceive economic thoughts of diverse generations and cultures. The authors conclude that learners, who have achieved a particular level in their professional sphere and master business English, find it encouraging not only to get acquainted with the literary heritage, but also share increased level of commitment in studying humanities.
social and political context, business fiction, rethorical speech, business English, Ayn Rand, economics, literary works, economic issues, free market, capitalism
Akayeva K.A..
Complex Characteristic of Classical Mechanics Terminological System as a Fundamental Terminological System (Based on the Material of the Modern English Language)
// Philology: scientific researches.
2017. № 3.
P. 125-139.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2017.3.23461 URL:
In her article Akaeva gives a complex characteristic of classical mechanics terminological system drawing on the material of the modern English language. An attempt is made to describe the corpus of classical mechanics terminological system as a fundamental terminological system on the basis of the elaborated criteria of differentiation of terminological systems verbalizing fundamental and applied knowledge. The author studies the correlation of the notions «terminology» and «terminological system», analyzes the peculiarities of terminological zones of classical and quantum mechanics as parts of physics. During the research the corpus of the Russian- and English-language classical mechanics terms of the total amount of 1350 units of each language taken by the method of continuous selection from special texts on the topic in question is analyzed. The following methods have been used during the research: the methods of contextual and component analysis, reconstruction of structural, word-formative and semantic models of the lexical units under study, and quantitative and statistical processing of data. As a result of the research the author comes to the conclusion that the corpus of the English- and Russian-language terms verbalizing scientific notions of classical mechanics is a separate terminological system, the constituent parts of which are closely interrelated and used for the formulation of laws, theories, theorems, rules, principles within the conception. Classical mechanics terminological system is mainly of fundamental character and has a number of general and particular features of terminological systems. The character of terminological system to a certain extent influences on the formed structural and semantic, as well as cognitive peculiarities of terminological units, on the selection of terminological elements in the process of terminological nomination and determines the specificity of use of terms in certain genres of scientific discourse.
fundamental terminological system, terminological element, terminological zone, quantum mechanics, classical mechanics, terminological system, terminology, term, applied terminological system, nomination
Arkhangelskaya, I. B..
Herbert Marshall McLuhan and the Southern Tradition Literature
// Philology: scientific researches.
2011. № 4.
P. 38-47.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2011.4.59102 URL:
The author of the article analyzes a great Canadian sociologist and literary critic Marshall McLuhan’s views
on literature (1911-1980). His researches of the forming influence of electric and electronic means of communication
on human and society made him quite famous. The author of this article shows that an essential part of McLuhan’s
esthetics and world of art as well as an importance stage in his formation and development as a literary critic and
the theorist of communication still remains the literature of the American South – a so called ‘new critics’ approach.
He had personal contacts with the ‘southern’ intellectuals and published is works in the ‘southern’ literary journals
which helped McLuhan to assert himself and to make his name for the educational community.
philology, philosophy, conservatism, literature, study of literature, tastes, myth, didacticism, critics, method.