Lobanova T.N., Seredenko V.M..
Linguo-axiology of military-political discourse (based on the material of Chinese and English-language media resources)
// Philology: scientific researches.
2025. № 2.
P. 157-171.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2025.2.72932 EDN: OGYNEY URL:
Today any language is subject to the processes of digitalization. The new virtual reality of Internet media and the new discursive format (visual-display text) need the revision and re-actualization of many values. For the first time, the linguo-axiology of military-political discourse (based on the material of Chinese and English-language media resources) acts as a research subject. The main content of the study is concentrated around the analysis of the concepts of “linguo-axiology” and “military-political discourse” from the linguistic point of view. The study of language functioning of modern discursive practices in foreign-language media is the most urgent direction of modern socio-humanitarian knowledge, including linguistic science. The aim of the article is to study scientific-theoretical concepts and approaches to the development of the interdisciplinary phenomenon of linguo-axiology of military-political discourse as a methodological key in analyzing foreign-language (digital) media. Media linguistic analysis, discourse analysis, the method of multimodal text analysis, etc. are used as research methods. Results suggest that the concept of linguo-axiology is revealed (based on the material of Chinese and English-language media resources). The present study concludes that the approach is worthwhile and promising for further research.
political linguistics, digital language, Internet communication, media-discourse, the method of multimodal text analysis, discourse analysis, discourse, political-military discourse, Chinese language, linguo-axiology
Zubova T.B., Kalinin O.I..
Evaluativeness as a discursive characteristic: properties and typology
// Philology: scientific researches.
2025. № 2.
P. 172-187.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2025.2.72801 EDN: OHYPEH URL:
The subject of the work is the content of evaluativeness as a discourse characteristic, reflecting the speaker's subjective attitude to the objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality. The work pays considerable attention to the differentiation of evaluation and evaluativeness. Evaluation is defined as the expression of an individual opinion with a positive, negative or neutral coloring, based on social and cultural norms and experience. Evaluativeness is considered more broadly as a set of linguistic means that make it possible to convey a subjective attitude at various levels of discourse. The goal of the work is a systematization of the evaluativeness concept, including its differentiation from modality and tonality, as well as the description of the types and characteristics of evaluative statements. The work focuses on the description of explicit and implicit forms of evaluation expression, their role in media discourse and their influence on the formation of public opinion. General scientific methods (analysis, synthesis) and logical comparison method can be considered as methods of conducting the work. Thus, evaluativeness is a key characteristic of discourse, influencing its semantics and pragmatics. This category is shown in explicit and implicit forms, each of which plays an important role in creating the axiological structure of the text. The work specifies the differentiation of evaluativeness, modality and tonality. In terms of cognitive and discursive approach, evaluativeness integrates modality aspects (grammatical characteristics) and tonality aspects (emotional and stylistic features), acting as a universal category for the media discourse analysis. The novelty lies in the systematic approach to the analysis of evaluativeness using various linguistic theories and stressing its key elements. The research results can be applied in the study of mechanisms of forming public opinion, the development of methods for analyzing media texts, as well as in teaching linguistics and communication theory.
sentiment analysis, cognitive and discursive approach, linguistics, explicit evaluation, implicit evaluation, discourse, value, evaluativeness, media discourse, evaluation forming
Prolygina I.V..
Types and markers of narrative discourse in Galen's Anatomical Writings
// Philology: scientific researches.
2025. № 2.
P. 34-42.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2025.2.73458 EDN: HECUML URL:
A significant part of the voluminous corpus of texts by Galen (129–210/217 AD) are composed of works written in the genre of narrative prose. In this article, using the material of his anatomical works, in particular, the work "On the bones for beginners", different types of narrative discourse and their linguistic markers are analyzed, such as first-person statements, self-references, transitions from the past tense to the present or future, metadiscursive expressions and appeals to a fictitious interlocutor, expressions of the author's opinion or value judgments, the use of extraclausal components, such as interjections and particles of the ancient Greek language. The results of the study showed that the style of narrative prose by Galen is characterized by features of conversational diaphonic discourse, which implies a continuous dialogue with the reader. Despite the author's distinct style, it is noted that Galen's prose has a number of common features with the works of the sophists of his time who belonged to the circle of the Second Sophistic, such as Lucian or Aelius Aristides, and, on the contrary, differs greatly from the technical prose of his medical contemporaries, for example, from the works of Rufus of Ephesus, Soranus or the authors of the Pseudo-Galenic corpus of texts. Further study of the narrative discourse in Galen's texts opens up broad prospects for the analysis and mapping of his texts, which will allow us to see the intertextual layers of his works that are hidden to this day, as well as to understand the specifics of Greek prose of the imperial period. The article may be useful to philologists, linguists, historians of science and medicine and find application in lecture courses and practical classes on the analytical reading of ancient authors.
rhetorical argumentation, intertextuality, metadiscursive expressions, markers of discourse, ancient medical prose, particles and interjections, narrative discourse, anatomical writings, types of discourse, Galen
Tan J..
The functions of figurative units in mediatized political discourse
// Philology: scientific researches.
2025. № 2.
P. 188-196.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2025.2.72894 EDN: OICONE URL:
The subject of the study is the function of figurative units in mediated political discourse, their influence on the perception and interpretation of information by the audience. The object of the research is mediated political discourse, represented in the texts of Russian and Chinese internet blogs, interviews with politicians, and political talk shows reflecting current political realities. The author examines in detail aspects such as the concept of mediated political discourse and imagery, the use of figurative units to enhance the impact on the audience, perform evaluative functions, and soften or intensify the content of the message. Special attention is paid to comparing the types of figurative units used in political communication in both countries, their significance in creating a convincing image and strengthening the emotional connection with the audience. Using continuous sampling, more than 150 texts from political talk shows, interviews with politicians, and blogs were collected and analyzed in terms of figurative units. The article proposes a new approach to classifying figurative units in mediated political discourse, identifying five key types: metaphors, figurative comparisons, idioms, precedent phenomena, proverbs, colloquialisms, and swear words. The author introduces a functional classification that allows a more detailed examination of the role of these units in political communication. Attention is paid to three functions of figurative units: the impact function, the evaluative function, and the functions of intensifying or softening content, which helps to better understand the mechanisms of influence on public perception and the political context. Figurative units in mediated political discourse play a crucial role in shaping political image, enhancing persuasiveness, and influencing public opinion. The influence of figurative means on the perception of information and evaluation of political events is key for shaping political views.
Media Discourse, Political Discourse, function of mitigating content, function of strengthening conten, evaluative function, influencing function, figurative units, mediated political discourse, Imagery, Political Communication
Shindel' S.V., Maslova A.N., Kosheleva O.N..
Confirmation as a genre of religious discourse (on the material of ego-documents of Lutherans of the Brunnenthal colony XIX-XX cc.)
// Philology: scientific researches.
2025. № 2.
P. 197-219.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2025.2.72957 EDN: OIQTQK URL:
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The article is devoted to the Povolzhie Germans' confessional ego documents. The subject of the study are linguistic and extra linguistic markers of religious genre considering the examples of confirmation certificates of Lutherans lived in Brunnental settlement. Confirmations in the form of written certificates contain quotes from the Bible, fragments of preaching, lines of hymns, and choral verses in the German language. Extra linguistic markets include graphic images of plots of Bible stories, the image of the Savior, Gothic fractures, peculiarities of artistic design (floral components and predominance of red colour), fragments of musical spiritual culture. The set of linguistic and extra linguistic markers organizes specific distinct structure in the form of value prescriptions for a Lutheran. Comparative method made it possible to classify ego documents samples. Semiotic, lingo cultural methods contributed to identification of religious discourse. The scientific novelty lies in a complex character of examination of samples of confessional ego documents of Lutherans lived in Brunnental settlement from the point of view of their genre specifics. The relevance of the work is due to the need to study the uniqueness of religious discourse on the basis of authentic written certificates remained. The totality of identified linguistic and extra linguistic markers allows us to attribute confirmation certificates to a secondary genre of religious discourse in Protestantism. The theoretical significance of the study is in the fact that the given work contributes to the development of the theory of discourse, characterizing one of its types, namely religious discourse. The result of the study may be used at lectures and seminars on the subject "Theory of language" ang may interest those who study German confessional lingo culture.
extra-linguistic markers, linguistic markers, religious discourse, Brunnenthal Colony, Volga Germans, German language, Lutherans, confirmation certificate, confessional ego-documents, Confirmation
Ahmadova U.M..
Conceptual Foundations of Digital Newsdiscourseology as a Fundamental Subdiscipline of Newslinguistics: Overcoming Outdated Scientific-Theoretical Models
// Philology: scientific researches.
2025. № 1.
P. 105-113.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2025.1.73029 EDN: BKBNHD URL:
The study primarily focuses on identifying the limitations and inadequacies of media linguistics and internet linguistics, which can no longer comprehensively address the specifics of the modern informational landscape due to outdated scientific and theoretical frameworks. There arises a need for clear delineation of the conceptual boundaries of the aforementioned disciplines to prevent methodological ambivalence. Additionally, in response to these challenges, the development of a distinct discipline – newslinguistics, exclusively dedicated to the study of the news landscape – is proposed. Within this framework, its specialised subdiscipline, newsdiscourseology, is introduced to encompass the exploration of all aspects of digital news discourse. A central construct of this subdiscipline is the concept of the hypernews – a type of inclusive text characteristic exclusively of next-generation news platforms. Consequently, the establishment of newsdiscourseology is regarded as a critical response to the demands of the contemporary informational paradigm, characterised by hypertextual, interactive, polycoded, and multimodal structures. Further investigation of this issue entails the creation of a new scientific and practical foundation, including the identification and structured representation of implicit linguistic patterns embedded within contemporary digital news platforms. Assigning these patterns explicitness and specificity will contribute to enhancing users’ cultural and intellectual levels, fostering their critical thinking, and advancing related scientific practices. These developments will also enable the creation of sophisticated software utilities, integrated into browser-based linguistic applications and automated analytical-statistical linguistic databases. These innovations will furnish the foundation for the synchronous and automated analysis of hypernews, the formulation of strategies for optimising news content consumption, and ensure accessibility for a broad spectrum of users, ranging from system administrators to the general public. Pursuant to the proposed paradigm shift, continued exploration within the domain of digital informational communications offers significant transformative potential for addressing the complex challenges of the information age.
multimodal text, polycode text, hypertext, hypernews, genre ambiguity, media linguistics, internet linguistics, digital newsdiscourseology, newslinguistics, information bubble
Zibrov D.A., Sludneva L.V., Skopintseva T.A., Kim E.O..
The emblematization of the discursive markers of the new ethics
// Philology: scientific researches.
2024. № 12.
P. 153-160.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2024.12.72245 EDN: FUYPNQ URL:
The subject of the study is the functional and semantic features of emotive vocabulary. Based on a review of works on related topics, it is concluded that the neologism "new ethics" correlates with linguistic material, which is the rhetorical antipode of the rational mode of discourse. The object of the study is represented by statements and lexemes conveying the ideas of the new ethics as a denial of the practice of discrimination based on gender, nationality, appearance, religious affiliation, self-identification and others. The article provides examples of discursive markers that function in the texts of news articles, as well as occur in network communication in the form of posts and comments. The hypothesis is presented that the new ethics has a certain linguistic expression and has discursive emblems that act as indicators of the specifics of discourse and perform certain functions. During the work on the article, the continuous sampling method was used to collect empirical material. The units that actualize the semantic field of ethics and shaming were selected. The fragments extracted from the texts were analyzed using the linguistic stylistic method and contextual analysis to identify the formal and expressive content of the text units. The main conclusions of the conducted research are the conclusions that the discursive emblems of the new ethics are easily recognizable signs that have the following functions: unification, polarization, mobilization of society. These signs, being correlated with existing classifications of emblems, are presented in the work as open sign phenomena. Their belonging to historical, cultural, moral and other values is shown. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that the criteria of the language of new ethics are proposed and described in the form of inclusivity, sensitivity to context, trigger, virality of content. A special contribution of the authors to the study of the topic of influencing in communication is the description of the linguistic symbols of the new ethics in the media discourse, which receive an emblematic interpretation. An intermediate conclusion is that emblems can serve as a kind of codes that convey certain ideas or values, both negative and positive properties.
context, trigger, emblematization, unification, polarization, communication, discourse, emblem, marker, new ethics
Fomenko E., Popova A..
On the issue of using the features of the Chinese-language media discourse in teaching Chinese
// Philology: scientific researches.
2024. № 8.
P. 128-150.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2024.8.71294 EDN: YKCSUE URL:
The subject of the research in this article is the peculiarities of the discourse of Chinese-language media in East and Southeast Asia. The authors pay close attention to identifying linguistic tools used in them as part of the editorial board's targeted strategy, as well as the possibilities of using texts of this kind in the development of communicative competence when teaching interpretation and translation in a pair of Chinese – Russian languages. The source of materials for the study was the Internet news portals of a number of leading newspapers in mainland China, Hong Kong SAR, Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia. The subject of the study is the discourse of texts on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. The possibility of comparing texts posted on various media platforms was provided by the unity of the subject and the synchronicity of publication (October–November 2023). The following methods were used in the study: typological analysis in the selection of specific media, the study of selected articles using contextual and comparative analysis, linguodidactic analysis to determine the potential of using the type of texts under study as educational material. The authors solved the following tasks: criteria for the selection of Chinese-language media and news articles were developed, an analysis of the structure, vocabulary, grammar, and means of artistic expression of texts of Chinese-language media in the Asian region was carried out, patterns determining the features of the discourse of articles of a particular media were identified; targeted strategies of selected media resources in the representation of news publications were described; a conclusion was given on the possibility of using materials from Chinese-language media of Asian countries in the process of teaching translation from Chinese to students of various specializations, including linguistics, regional studies, Oriental studies. The relevance of this study is due to the need to expand the linguistic and regional horizons of future Sinologists in the context of the intensification of relations between Russia and China, as well as the countries of Southeast Asia. The authors did not find any works comparing the linguistic techniques of the discourse of Chinese-speaking media resources in China and Southeast Asian countries, as well as considering the possibility of using texts of this kind in teaching Chinese. This study is intended to partially fill this gap in sinological linguodidactics.
translation studies, Southeast Asia, Chinese language, linguodidactic analysis, journalistic style, Chinese-language media, teaching methods, media discourse, pedagogical linguistics, regional studies
Barebina N.S., Zibrov D.A..
Logical and linguistic features of conductive arguments in environmental media discourse
// Philology: scientific researches.
2024. № 7.
P. 142-151.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2024.7.71218 EDN: OMTZSG URL:
The subject of the study is the logical and grammatical structure of conclusions. The object of the study is conductive arguments. The authors of the article consider the implementation of such arguments in an environmental media discourse. Unlike formal logic, natural language argumentation is more often based on examples, analogies and reasoning that do not ensure the full truth of conclusions, since they can only be true with a certain degree of probability. Probabilistic arguments can have different interpretations and lead to different conclusions. A variety of such arguments is the class of conductive arguments. These are arguments that contradict other arguments presented in support of a particular conclusion. The study of conductive arguments is relevant because their role in argumentation has been little studied. In addition, environmental topics in the media give contextual characteristics to the argumentation, which makes it possible to trace the change in logical canons in reasoning. The method of reconstruction of argumentative discourse using the analytical tool "Argumentative Step" was used in the work. The elements of argumentation were analyzed in accordance with the model of argumentative functions. A theoretical analysis of the literature has shown that conductive elements in the process of argumentation do not receive sufficient coverage in Russian argumentology. The analysis of empirical material revealed a significant number of non-deductive conclusions in the argumentation. As a result of the study, the following conclusions were drawn. 1. Conductive arguments are an immanent part of the proof structure. 2. The textual constructions corresponding to the conductive arguments reflect the semantics of the counterthesis, the balance between arguments, reservations, as well as the extension of the thesis, that is, the expansion of the scope of the thesis. In the analyzed texts in English, markers of opposition and limitations were found, such as conjunctions, particles, prepositions "but", "even", "although", "even if", "in spite of", "despite of", "unless". These markers indicate the presence of conductive arguments in the text.
restriction, clause, counterthesis, inference, thesis, conclusion, conductive argument, extension, argumentation, balance
Iurkovskaia E.A..
The discourse strategy of irrationalizing the perception of an English-language opinion article
// Philology: scientific researches.
2024. № 5.
P. 103-113.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2024.5.70656 EDN: CCZCKS URL:
The subject of the study is the discourse strategy of irrationalizing the perception of an English-language opinion article. It was suggested that the leading intention of the author is an attempt to influence the readers' opinions and behaviour, which contradicts the conventionally recognized purpose of this media genre to express the author's opinion. The author’s strategic goal is to select the most effective linguistic means to convince the reader of the need to make a certain decision or perform an action that activates predominantly irrational forms of human thinking. The effectiveness of this strategy depends on the fact that the reader does not realize the author's manipulative intentions. The task of a linguist is to explain this to the readers, thereby developing their critical thinking skills. The study is based on the theory of Critical Discourse Analysis, aimed at identifying and “exposing” manipulative discourse strategies. A discourse strategy means generating discourse as an interconnected sequence of speech acts gradually implementing the discourse producer's intention. The analysis of speech acts forming the opinion article discourse was carried out using the method of calculating speech acts by J. Searle. An attempt has been made to demonstrate the pseudo-assertive and indirectly directive nature of the opinion article. The most effective way to achieve the desired effect is to strategically irrationalize the perception of the article by disguising its directive macro-proposition under an assertive statement and repeating it to create a “no-alternatives opinion” feeling, as well as selecting certain linguistic means actualizing irrational forms of human thinking such as figurative, stereotypical, associative.
increasing gradation, antithesis, critical thinking, stereotype, discourse strategy, indirect directive, irrationalization, opinion article, Critical Discourse Analysis, manipulating public opinion
Glukhova E.S..
Features of the use of cognitive biases in native advertising
// Philology: scientific researches.
2024. № 2.
P. 90-102.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2024.2.69683 EDN: WETNCC URL:
The aim of the study is to detect cognitive biases embedded in native advertising articles and their hidden influence on the addressees in order to increase sales of their product. The identification of cognitive biases and the linguocognitive mechanisms behind them is aimed at combating manipulative practices in advertising and increasing awareness of a wide audience when perceiving advertising messages. This study is a development of the concept of effective communication and the technology of "Smart tuning". Cognitive biases in native advertising are chosen as the object of research, and the subject is the ways of verbalization of cognitive biases. The research material is selected from sponsored content articles in both Russian and English segments of online communication. The relevance of this research lies in the significance of analyzing native advertising in media discourse from the perspectives of cognitive linguistics within cognitive-discursive and biological approaches. The main research methods are the method of interpretation, the method of discourse analysis and random sampling statistical method. It is determined, that the use of cognitive biases to persuade addressees into making purchases is widespread in native advertising, particularly in the form of sponsored content. At least one cognitive bias was identified in 80% of the analyzed advertising articles. The following cognitive biases were identified: bandwagon effect, framing effect in various subclasses, authority effect, emotional reasoning, fear of missing out, narrative fallacy, halo effect, compromise effect, contrast and anchoring effect, confirmation bias, catastrophizing. These cognitive biases involve such linguocognitive mechanisms as framing, imagining in the form of intensification and positivization, focusing, inspiration, involvement in communication and in the game , pseudo-dialogue, personalization, spin doctoring, catastrophizing, which indicate a synergistic cognitive impact on the addressee.
narrative fallacy, emotional reasoning, discourse analysis, framing bias, effective communication, manipulation, media discourse, linguocognitive mechanisms, native advertising, cognitive biases
Egoshkina V.A..
The specifics of the representation of speech strategies and tactics in educational audio podcasts
// Philology: scientific researches.
2024. № 2.
P. 103-118.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2024.2.69816 EDN: WCHKSA URL:
The object of the research is educational audio podcasts presented on the platform (Radio Mayak audio podcasts): "100 Minutes" (16 issues), "Literary squabbles" (11 issues), "Understand yourself if you can" (15 issues), "Conversations about Literature" (14 issues), "Diary his Wives" (11 issues), as well as episodes of the audio podcast hosted on the platform – "Between the Lines" (7 issues), published from 2021 to 2023. The subject of the study is the pragmastilistic specificity of media texts represented in empirical material. The purpose of the work is to present various interpretations of the term "audio podcast", to consider definitions of the concepts "speech strategy" and "speech tactics", approaches to their classification, as well as to identify and describe dominant communicative strategies and tactics explicated in educational audio podcasts. To achieve the stated goal, methods of content analysis, linguistic stylistic and pragmastilistic analysis of media texts were applied. Despite the fact that audio podcasts are now in demand among the audience and are presented on various platforms, including on the websites of major radio stations and streaming services, this media phenomenon still needs scientific reflection. Thus, the works of Russian researchers have not yet formulated a generally accepted definition of an audio podcast, nor has a unified point of view been developed on how to consider an audio podcast as a new kind of radio or an independent format. In addition, the communicative and pragmatic specifics of media texts explicated in audio podcasts have been studied very little. This determines the relevance and scientific novelty of the research undertaken. As a result of the analysis of empirical material, dominant speech strategies and tactics implementing them were identified. Conclusions are drawn about the stylistic originality of the analyzed media texts.
pragmastilistics, media stylistics, media linguistics, media text, media discourse, educational audio podcast, audio podcast, speech tactics, speech strategy, convergence
Lobanova T.N..
Linguistic means of expressing communicative strategies in non-cooperative discourse (based on the material of English-language talk shows
// Philology: scientific researches.
2024. № 1.
P. 138-149.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2024.1.69507 EDN: EOFVYE URL:
Every year there is a rapid development of the media sphere, including its visual and discursive component, which contributes to the development of the "digital language" and the "language of television", the parallel development of YouTube journalism as a media phenomenon, which are evolving along with all the ongoing processes. Any language is susceptible to this, especially English, which is the most widespread and popular in the world. The study of linguistic issues of the language of television shows, the language of talk shows in line with the anthropological paradigm of modern linguistics in its broadest sense (issues of the functioning of language in various types of discourse, journalism and PR, media linguistics and political linguistics) and its central concepts such as the manipulative influence of language, linguistic personality, pragmalinguistics of language and text as part of it are an integral part of both the theory of language and the linguodidactic component of foreign language teaching (English as a foreign language). Taking into account the current conflicting political situation in the world, aggravated political and armed conflicts, the study of non-cooperative discourse in the media of English-language talk shows is certainly of scientific novelty. The main content of the research is concentrated around the analysis of the concepts of "non-cooperative discourse", "PR-discourse" from a linguistic point of view. Media linguistic analysis, discourse analysis, the method of multimodal text analysis, etc. are used as research methods. Results suggest that the concept of non-cooperative discourse is revealed (based on the material of English-language talk shows). Even so, the present study concludes that the approach is worthwhile and promising for further research.
digital language, political linguistics, Internet communications, talk show, television discourse, discursive practices, the method of multimodal text analysis, journalism and PR, discourse analysis, non-cooperative discourse
Menzhulina D., Gunko Y.A..
The specifics of the functioning of a structural metaphor in a public dialogue
// Philology: scientific researches.
2023. № 12.
P. 147-157.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2023.12.69403 EDN: QHDOIQ URL:
The purpose of this study is to identify and describe the specifics of the functioning of metaphorical transference and its role in public dialogue. The material for the analysis was transcribed video recordings of an interview with Daria Zlatopolskaya in the framework of the program "White Studio" of the television channel Culture. The object of the study is a structural metaphor, "that is, those cases when one concept is structurally metaphorically ordered in terms of another" [11, p. 35]. The subject of the study is the process of origin and the nature of the deployment of metaphorical transference in public dialogue. The authors pay special attention to the description of the mechanism (model) of the functioning of metaphor, as well as the integrating function of metaphorical transfer in public dialogue. In addition, the paper presents linguistic tools demonstrating the transfer of signs of the source sphere to the target sphere in metaphorical projection. The method of scientific observation, the descriptive method (including methods of observation, generalization, interpretation), the method of semantic analysis, the method of contextual analysis, the method of pragmatic analysis. The scientific novelty of the study lies in considering the role of structural metaphor in building a public dialogue, in looking at metaphorical transfer not as an unusual use of a word, but as a transfer of one situation to another, unfolding throughout the whole communicative episode or part of it. As a result of the study, it was concluded that metaphorical transference is the result of the co–creation of speakers, the stimulus of which in most cases is set by the presenter. Metaphorical transference connects the communicative episodes of a TV interview as a communicative event, performing an integrating function. During the conversation, the presenter and the interlocutor actualize certain aspects of the source sphere or the target sphere, as a result of which the metaphor narrows or expands. The constant return to a given metaphor determines the nonlinear structure of public dialogue.
communicative episode, communicative event, television Interview, public dialogue, dialogic speech, structural metaphor, cognitive metaphor, metaphorical transfer, metaphor, structure of the dialogue
Mardanova M.A..
The Road as a Sphere-Source of Metaphorical Expansion in the Modeling of the Education System in the Russian Media Pedagogical Discourse
// Philology: scientific researches.
2022. № 9.
P. 30-41.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2022.9.37773 EDN: BUADOD URL:
The subject of the research in this article is the metaphors with the word "The Road" used in Russian Internet resources devoted to education issues when describing various concepts of the education system. The object of study is the media pedagogical discourse presented by publications in the Russian Internet sources Bulletin of Education and Vesti Obrazovaniya for the period from March 2019 to February 2022. The main method of research is linguistic-cognitive analysis. With regard to the implication of the concept sphere "Education", the image of the road is productive for describing the nature of pedagogical interactions and the state of the education system as a whole, as well as expressing an assessment of development trends in this area. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that for the first time the Russian media-pedagogical discourse is the object of studying metaphorical word usage, representing the conceptual sphere of "Education". The main conclusions of the study are the following provisions. The use of metaphorical nominations with the source sphere "path, road" in the media pedagogical discourse is important when describing the activities of subjects of the education system. These nominations allow us to form a metaphorical model of "Education is a road" with a frame structure of "The right way", "The Wrong way", "Slowing down", "The end of the road". Concretizing and ordering the phenomena and events taking place in the educational environment, media texts actualize metaphors with the source sphere "The Road", where the educational process is perceived as the right or wrong path.
linguistic and cognitive analysis, conceptual sphere, metaphor, russian media discourse, metaphorical model, concept, frame, stereotype, media pedagogical discourse, the picture of the world
Рамирес Родригес П..
Phraseological translation of specialized speech: contrastive analysis of sports press in Russian and Spanish
// Philology: scientific researches.
2022. № 3.
P. 64-81.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2022.3.35626 URL:
This article discusses one of the most relevant topics from the point of view of translation: collocations in the sports press. The reason why this field was chosen is due to the great interest of linguists to include new words in dictionaries due to the influence of other areas of the language and the spread of sports in society. The result of the observed processes is that even native speakers of the Russian language find it difficult to read and understand sports news, and for foreigners interested in sports, these features of the sports press may present insurmountable difficulties, since the actual sports vocabulary is present in textbooks and dictionaries is limited. The analyzed corpus does not have the representative power inherent in large national and parallel corpora, however, this study has revealed several interesting phenomena and outlined ways to further study sports discourse: further study of collocations and productive models based on the material of large Russian and Spanish language corpora, Yandex search engines, blogs and other lexicographic online tools is of undoubted interest. In the process of assimilation of collocations, difficulties arise, since stable phrases are always difficult and impossible to predict. During the study, we saw that usually the components of combinations in one language do not coincide with other languages, since there is an influence on the language of the culture in which their own use of metaphors manifests itself. The compilation of multilingual educational dictionaries and the identification of productive collocation models can significantly expand the field of mastering the Russian language by foreigners and develop skills in predicting the meanings of unfamiliar words and collocations when getting acquainted with different types of discourse.
collocation, sports discourse, stable expressions, Context, metaphorical element, Fixing, Sports press, Idiomatic, Comparative analysis, Cultural values
Zoidze E.A..
Promotion of a book in the publishing Internet discourse
// Philology: scientific researches.
2022. № 1.
P. 1-16.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2022.1.37279 URL:
The relevance of this research is substantiated by sustained interest in the study of discourse applicable to various social institutions. Publishing discourse appeared in the limelight of the linguists not that long ago. The activity of publishers as a discursive practice intersects with the activity of commercial organizations and libraries. The communication of publishers with other actors in the process of book distribution is also carried via Internet. The goal of this research lies in examination of the means of book promotion in the online publishing discourse. The study leans on the material of the three websites of the English-language publishers. Analysis is conducted on the verbal text and audio-visual communication channels between the publishers and the audience. The analysis of practical material demonstrates that the publisher’s abstract implements the informational and evaluation functions. The additional sources of information on the publisher imply the citations from peer reviews, information about the author, various polycode texts (images and videos), as well as hypertext links to other commercial resources. The leading role in implementation of the informational-advertising functional is assigned to lexicon. Namely the nouns and adjectives affect the appellative-emotional functions. Perlocutive effect of the publisher’s abstract is enhanced by inclusion of citation text, both from the promoted work and reputable sources (newspapers and journals). Citations from peer reviews are usually presented fragmentary, and contain only complimentary statements, which form the attractive image of the book. The conducted research contributes to the development of marketing linguistics, the study of publisher’s paratext, publishing activity as discursive practice, and has prospects for further research in the area of marketing strategies aimed at promotion of books of various formats and genres on the offline and online platforms.
communication, blurb, promotion and advertising, publisher-created paratext, Internet discourse, publishing discourse, informative function, evaluative function, impact, book
Golikov L.M..
Utilitarian attitude and norm in the discourse of Russian nationalists (on the material of the social network “VKontakte”)
// Philology: scientific researches.
2021. № 11.
P. 86-93.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2021.11.36843 URL:
Expressions with the predicative “expediently” manifest as a regular means of realization of modality of necessity, which is diverse in the semantic characteristics. The article aims to determine the type of the meaning of necessity and the nature of potentiality contained in such expressions in the discourse of Russian nationalists in the social network “VKontakte”. The article employs the methods semantic and pragmatic analysis. The author describes the predicative “expediently” as a modal operator of necessity, and the structure of the situation of necessity reflected by the expressions in the specified pragmatic conditions. The author reveals the semantic characteristics of combination of the utilitarian and deontic modalities that recognize such forms as the norm. It is established that expressions with the predicative “expediently” in the discourse of Russian nationalists manifest as the target norms and norms of operational preference. Such examples, due to their semantic and pragmatic characteristics, are the traditional method for realization of the speech act of appeal. The obtained results can be used in linguistic expertise, as they represent the significant diagnostic attributes of speech act of appeal in the pragmatic conditions of sociopolitical discourse. The scientific novelty is consists in the fact that this article is first to characterize the expressions with the predicative “expediently” as the forms of realization of meaning of the norm, which are recognized as the speech act of appeal in the discourse of Russian nationalists.
target norm, normative goal setting, normative compulsion, deontic modality, utilitarian modality, modality of necessity, predicative целесообразно, operational preference norm, discourse of Russian nationalists, appeal
Romanova N.G..
The problem of text generation in teaching philological fundamentals of professional activity
// Philology: scientific researches.
2021. № 8.
P. 75-86.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2021.8.36129 URL:
The subject of this research is the problem of text generation in teaching students the philological fundamentals of professional activity. The practice of creating media texts and communication products implies not only a set of representations on the media trends, process of medicalization, and pragmalinguistic characteristics of mass media texts, but also consistent philological knowledge, specific condition and strategies of media education, which contribute to successful production of the necessary content. Methodological framework is comprised of the general scientific method of comparative analysis, as well as the methods of philology – compositional and semantic-stylistic analysis that allowed determining typical difficulties faced by the students in the process of text generation: incomprehension of the genre boundaries and content benchmarks, problem of selecting the necessary text modality, lack of factual information on the topic, its unreasonable duplication. The author assesses the quality and specificity of the creative speeches of the students (announcements, peer reviews, interview texts); as well as analyzes their perception by the students for clarifying the problematic area of text generation and search for effective solutions within the framework of educational communication. The acquired results allow outlining the key and additional conditions for the improvement of text generating skill of the future specialists in the field of mass communications, the stages of solution of the problem of text generation and their content. The defining in formation of the text generating skill became the approach towards media text as a multilevel message, the key parameters of which are determined by the implied communication medium, form of perception, peculiarities of creation, category of authorship, and thematic orientation.
communication competence, mass communication, genre, text, mediaeducation, mediatext, mass media, text generation, copywriting, speech activity
Seregina M.A..
Tourism discourse: linguosemiotic peculiarities of functionality of paremias
// Philology: scientific researches.
2021. № 3.
P. 59-66.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2021.3.33475 URL:
The subject of this article is the determination and analysis of linguosemiotic peculiarities of functionality of phraseological units of syntactic level in the tourism discourse. The object of this article is the Russian and German paroemias as a hyperonym in relation to proverbs, proverbial expressions and sententious sayings. These set phrases have grammatical structure of the sentence and are used in the literal and figurative sense. The goal of this research is to determine and analyze the semantic, syntactic and pragmatic peculiarities of implementation of paroemias in guidebooks and brochures in the Russian and German languages, which demonstrate ethnocultural specificity of the peoples. The author employs interdisciplinary approach, which is substantiated by active use of the scientific category “tourism discourse" in different sciences. The main conclusion consists in the presence of linguosemiotic peculiarities of the functionality of paremias in guidebooks and brochures. Using the analysis of lexical-semantic structure of the Russian and German paremias, the author determines the semantic dominants of paremiological representation of the concepts of tourism discourse in the Russian and German linguocultures that contain ethnocultural stereotypical representations of the peoples on traveling; and this defines the author’s special contribution. The novelty lies in proving fact that the functionality of paremias in the language of guidebooks and brochures has syntactic peculiarities that are revealed in their integration into the context for cohesiveness of the tourism discourse. Pragmatic peculiarities are determined by the choice of strategies and tactics aimed at drawing attention of the tourists and increasing interest in the services rendered.
national and cultural specifics, functioning, lingvo-semiotic features, German paremias, guidebooks and avenues, tourist discourse, Russian paremias, proverbs, proverbial sayings, sayings
Milyukova A..
Discourse of a special event in mass media (on the example of Robert Rozhdestvensky Altai Regional Literary Festival)
// Philology: scientific researches.
2020. № 12.
P. 208-221.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2020.12.34773 URL:
The subject of this article is the components of media discourse of a cultural event. Based on the quantitative content analysis and critical discourse analysis of media materials, the author examines peculiarities of the discourse of Robert Rozhdestvensky Altai Regional Literary Festival held since 2007. Analysis is conducted on the quantitative characteristics of publication dynamics (distribution of the material by type of media; by tone i.e. the context of mentioning – positive, negative, or neutral). Characteristic to these media texts is given from the perspective of organization of the discourse: determination of the tone of mentioning and discursive role of the mentioned individuals and organizations – active or passive, representation of communicative events. It is established that the event is covered primarily on the media platforms of regional authorities. Among the most frequently cited subjects in a positive context are the common participants, prominent figures, members of the poet's family, representatives of commercial organizations — sponsors and partners; while in a negative context – political parties, mass media, and administration. An active discursive role characterizes the organizations and representatives of culture and education, among whom are famous actors and authorities, including the governor; less active are the members of poet’s family, political parties, and commercial organizations. Therefore, most discursively active and presented in a positive way are the authorities, organizations and representatives of culture and education. Discursively passive participants are the common participants of a special event. The article demonstrates the positioning of the head of the region within structure of media discourse.
information cause, media discourse, cultural event, special event, Robert Rozhdestvensky, critical discourse analysis, content analysis, discourse, discursive role, discursive subject
Palanchuk N.V..
Introduction of the concept of “Putin’s Games” in the foreign media discourse: aspect of relevance
// Philology: scientific researches.
2020. № 7.
P. 68-77.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2020.7.33304 URL:
The subject of this research is the representation of the linguocultural concept of “Putin’s Games” in the English-language media dedicated to 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi. Within the framework of linguoculturological approach, analysis is conducted on the aspect of relevance of the concept of “Putin’s Games”, reflected in the number of linguistic means of appeal to this concept. Consideration of over 160 English-language articles from the leading British and U.S. publishers allowed determining such peculiarities in representation of the concept of “Putin’s Games” as the diversity of linguistic means appealing to the concept in a relatively low frequency of utilization of individual linguistic units; accentuation of close affinity between the name of the Russian President and the 2014 Winter Olympics. Foreign media discourse verbalizes the concept of "Putin's Games” on different linguistic levels. A wide variety of lexical expressions appealing to the concept, reflect connection between the President and the Olympics not only in an explicit way (through the President's first and last name), but also implicitly (metaphoricity, irony). Neologisms and phraseologisms used by journalists for describing "Putin's Games" bring in additional emotional coloring to the content of this concept. The stylistic techniques applied for verbalization of the concept involve different linguistic levels: the discourse presents phonetic, lexical, and syntactic visual means. Precedent phenomena contribute to enhancement of negative connotation, and also describe the geopolitical interests of Sochi Olympics. The acquired results underline the relevance of the concept of “Putin’s Games” for the English-language media discourse.
phraseological unit, neologism, lexical unit, media discourse, concept Putin’s games, the aspect of relevance, linguacultural concept, stylistic device, precedent phenomenon, Olympics-2014
Kirichenko N.R..
To the question of studying the American mass media discourse on immigration
// Philology: scientific researches.
2020. № 1.
P. 142-152.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2020.1.28475 URL:
This article is dedicated to the analysis of discourse of the modern American mass media communication space dedicated to the subject field of immigration. The work describes the existing attitudes of mass media and population to the problem of immigration and immigrants, characterized by contradiction and polarization, as well as demonstrates various processes of stereotypization of perceptions on the migration discourse. The subject of this research is the current American mass media discourse on the topic of immigration. The main goal lies in determination of attitudes developed by the American mass media and society on the immigrants, which concepts are used for their description, and how it affects the social perception of such complex phenomenon as immigration. The article is structures on the basis of text interpretation of factual material, with application of two methods of discursive analysis: analysis of lexical means for determining explicit representations; and analysis of grammar structures for determining implicit meanings. The research displays that mass media accommodate different points of view, and at the present moment, the public space of American mass media indicates different types of discourse revealing polar understanding of immigration, The President of the country is one of those, who vividly expresses negative attitude to the problem of immigration and immigrants. On the other hand, the neoliberal discourse seems more neutral and even compassionate. Therefore, the trend of describing immigrants in negative connotations is reducing. Despite the attempts of country’s leadership to create a negative image of an immigrant, the analysis of contradictory attitude to them proves that the role of mass media in formation of public opinion is not as significant.
illegal immigration, shaping public opinion, neoliberal discourse, the problem of immigration, the image of an immigrant, mental models, mass media discourse, immigration discourse, immigration, textual interpretation
Ovchinnikova O., Rezunova M..
Complex analysis of professional discourse: peculiarities of functionality of argot of French police officers
// Philology: scientific researches.
2020. № 1.
P. 153-163.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2020.1.28596 URL:
This article is dedicated to the peculiarities of functionality of argot of French police officers on derivational and semantic levels. The analysis of empirical material determined the key trends of derivation of the reference group, as well as the link between the leading functions of argotic lexicon with selection of ways and sources of harvesting lexical repertoire. It was revealed that in argot of French police officers prevails derivation based on the imagery reconsideration: metaphor allows realizing ludic function of argot, while metonymy is more often used for crypto-alalic purpose. The argot of French police officers also features an active process of borrowing lexemes from other languages; American and British versions of English language serve as the main donors. In the course of research, the author determines the semantic dominants of argot of French police officers: in lexical repertoire prevail the lexemes related to various type of legal violations, which similar to other argots, due to the thematic limitation of lexicon is nonfunctional. In majority of instances, synonymic rows include lexemes with different connotation; however, in some areas, the series is comprised of lexical units allowing to designate differentiation within the concept class. Using particular examples, the article explores other types of wordplay based on polysemy and homophony. It is noted that wordplay on the basis of homophony carries spontaneous character, while other types are more complicated and require certain background knowledge.
metonymy, metaphor, derivation, word formation, french policemen slang, professional slang, vocabulary, lexicon, semantic dominants, synonymy
Cherkun E.Y..
The 'Bildung' Topic in Messages Made by Male Authors (the Case Study of the German Newspaper 'Die Zeit'
// Philology: scientific researches.
2019. № 5.
P. 9-18.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2019.5.29758 URL:
The subject of this research is the analysis of linguostylistic peculiarities of German messages on the Bildung topic. The object of the research is the texts of messages taken from Die Zeit newspaper and made by male authors. Cherkun focuses on the construction of gender identity of male addressers from the point of view of speech strategies and tactics used in German messages. Data for study includes messages and essays on educational issues that had been published in the German newspaper Die Zeit during the period since 2014 till 2016. Gender differences of men's writing style are described by the author from the point of view of structural, contextually determined and communicatory-functional features in accordance with the classification of Klaus Brinker. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author answers the qustion how German messages on Bildung construct gender identity of male addressers from the point of view of the communicatory structure of a text and what speech strategies and tactics are used. The results of the research is of practical important for studies of modern mass media and development of gender linguistics, linguocultural studies and linguostylistic studies.
text, newspaper, speech tactics, speech strategies, communicative-functional features, contextually-conditioned features, structural features, theme-rheme deployment of the text, author-man, message
Kornienko E..
Title Metatext in Publistic Heritage of Russian Educator N.I. Novikov
// Philology: scientific researches.
2019. № 2.
P. 242-249.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2019.2.29668 URL:
The subject of the analysis is the titles of works, published in unique editions of philosophical and socio-political journals of the XVIII century, which were released by Russian educator of the second half of XVIII century N.I. Novikov: "Zhivopisets" ("Painter"), "Vechernaya zarya" ("Evening dawn"), etc. The title in the magazines of the XVIII century performs communicative and stylistic functions – informative (including informative and compositional) and influencing one. Taking into account the headings with "zero" and "negative" information content, the impact is recognized as a functional dominant. Title metatext is considered as a toll of modeling a polydiscursive linguistic personality of N.I. Novikov. Semantic-denotative analysis proves that headings characterize the content, structure, genre form, and also provide other information about the organized text space. They organize the composition of the journal; mark the sequence of presentation of various fragments. The substantive parameters of the polydiscursive linguistic personality model are clarified based on the analysis. Titles of journal texts are systematized in structural, functional and stylistic aspects; titles with "zero" and "negative informativeness" are highlighted. The author includes headings aimed at double actualization of readers' experience and knowledge in a separate group: they are the point of the prospectus for the text and the point of retrospection for the social context. Metacognitive and metatextual functions of the header are identified.
discourse, prospections, influencing functions, informative function, informativity, publicistic text, title metatext, Novikov, polydiscursive linguistic personality, linguistic personology
Fedorova N.V., Karpova A.V..
The Structure, Language Features of English Business Letters and Algorithm of their Translation into Russian
// Philology: scientific researches.
2019. № 2.
P. 250-259.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2019.2.29664 URL:
The subject of the study is the features and translation into Russian of texts of English-language business communication (on the example of business letters). The material for the analysis was the English texts of business communication - letters of various types with which the authors worked in the framework of professional activity. Taking into account that the content of the elements of a business letter that make up a document, their design, and placement on the form of the document are set by standards, modern basic standards and differences in the design of business letters in domestic and foreign practice are analyzed, the need for knowledge of the basic standards in the field of office work when translating business communication texts is justified. In the process of research authors used methods of continuous sampling, linguistic observation, description, and the comparative method. The conducted analysis of numerous samples of business letters allowed to describe the basic algorithm of their translation into Russian, taking into account the structural and linguistic features of business letters and including a review of the letter in order to understand its general meaning and determine the type, pre-translation analysis of the text, the translation itself, editing the translation and bringing the translation text in accordance with the structure of business letters and the rules accepted in the domestic office work. Considerable attention is paid to the aspect that is important in the translation of documents but often is ignored by authors and translators - the quality of the translation. The work has practical significance, which manifests itself in the possibility of using the research materials for pedagogical and educational purposes, in the development of textbooks, courses, seminar programs, and also in the professional sphere when translating relevant texts from English into Russian.
speech etiquette, translation algorithm, blank, elements of a business letter, standard, document, business letters, business communication, business correspondence, the English Language
Gorokhova A.I..
Semantics of Non-Verbal Symbols of the North in the Film Discourse (On the Material of Ethnographic Films about North Yakutia)
// Philology: scientific researches.
2019. № 2.
P. 96-103.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2019.2.29678 URL:
The subject of the research is culturally stereotypic symbols, with the help of which the culture manifests itself in the modern ethnographic film "24 snow" by M. Barynin. Audiovisual symbols of the North express metonimic relations between primary content and secondary meaning, and by means of their semantic meaning they create a film image of the North as a territory of not only particular ethnoses but also as a bank of natural and ethnocultural resources, which is attractive because of its untouched, harsh, and dangerous nature, and at the same time filled with meaning life. The principal linguistic approach to the film discourse by Y. M. Lotman allows using such research methods as the method of interpretation of symbols, the method of describing the film frames, the method of vocabulary interpretation. The novelty of the research lies in the analysis of the meaning of non-verbal symbols, captured in the frames of the film from the point of view of the linguistic approach to film discourse.
shot, semantics, metonimic symbols, culturally stereotypic symbols, non-verbal symbols, film discourse, ethnographic film, film language, semiotic system, North
Mavleev R.R., Fomin A.G..
Confrontation Rhetoric in the USA and the PRC Military-Political Discourse (on the Material of the Inaugural Speech of US President Donald Trump and Speech of Chinese President Xi Jinping at the World Economic Forum in Davos)
// Philology: scientific researches.
2019. № 2.
P. 148-161.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2019.2.29931 URL:
The subject of the study is the military-political discourse in Chinese and English languages. The aim of this article is to identify of the pattern and specifics of military-political confrontation rhetoric in Chinese and English languages, and also a to conduct a cognitive discourse-analysis of the inaugural speech of US President Donald Trump and speech of Chinese President Xi Jinping at the World Economic Forum in Davos. The article indicates that the speech of US President Donald Trump and the speech of Chinese President Xi Jinping reflected the confrontation rhetoric between two countries. Moreover, it is confirmed that the materials chosen for the analysis are an example of military-political discourse (MPD).The methodology of the study provides the following stages: (I) analysis of the political language functions, reflecting the confrontation rhetoric in Donald Trump and Xi Jinping's speeches, (II) creation of cognitive maps, and also (III) creating an integrated cognitive-structural model of MPD. For the first time, the rhetoric of confrontation in the military-political discourse of China and the United States is concluded based on a comparative analysis of the speeches of the heads of states of China and the United States.As a result of political language functions analysis, descriptive analysis of an integrated cognitive-structural model of the discourse, and also creating cognitive maps of the speeches of US President Donald Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping, the hypothesis of the existence of the confrontation rhetoric between the heads of the two countries, who entered into a dialogue-confrontation even before the first official meeting, was confirmed.
confrontation rhetoric, cognitive-structural model, frame, concept, cognitive map, political language functions, military-political discourse, cognitive mechanism, linguistic reality, identification function
Kornienko E..
Idiolect and Idiostyle: the Correlation of Terms
// Philology: scientific researches.
2019. № 1.
P. 265-271.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2019.1.28871 URL:
The article presents a theoretical research of the terms 'idiolect' and individual style or 'idiostyle'. The author fo the article outlines the problems in the sphere of studying the phenomenon of idiostyle and idiolect that need to be solved such as differentiatio between conventional and individual, the use of idiostyle outside creative writing, quantitative features of idiostyle, etc. The author offers a classification of idiostyle aspects such as cultural historical, genre, psycholinguistic, cognitive, axiological, systems structural, linguopoetical, semantic stylistical, etc. The author demonstreates that the communicative-stylistic (pragmatic) parameter is the most important for creating an individual style. To create the idiostyle model, the researcher defines the writer's intentions in the texts under study. The main instrument for the differentiation between terms is the terminological line 'linguistic personality - speech personality - communication personality'. The image of the writer is the result of his or her use of the idiostyle as part of text and intra-textual relations. The practical realisation of the communicative stylistic aspect is demonstrated based on the analysis of a creative legacy of a journalist, publisher and Russian educator of the XVIIIth century N. I. Novikov. The idiostyle is viewed as the key characteristic of the authorship and a result of targeted writing activity.
explication, stylistic, discourse, idiostyle, idiolect, linguistic personality, individual, conventional, intention, образ автора
Ilova E.V..
Acteme as a Unit of Theatre Communication: Differentiation Principle, Linguistic Status and Linguosemiotoc Classification
// Philology: scientific researches.
2018. № 4.
P. 374-386.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2018.4.22205 URL:
The subject of the research is the acteme as the basic unit of theatre communication. Acteme is a complex sign of triad nature. Ilova provides a detailed description of the structure and system of theatre communication and defines two schemes of theatre communication, simplified and complicated. The basic principle of aceme segmentation is the linguosemiotic principle, the basic function thereof is to transfer and fix an aceme in the mind of the audience as a target of cognitive influence of concept and image representation created in the minds of cognitive influence actors. The researcher offers her own classification of actemes with a detailed description of each type of aceme. In the process of her research she has applied the descriptive method that also implies observation, generalisation, interpretation and classification. The use of the structured method has allowed to analyze the structure of theatre communication and the constructive method was used to develop models of theatre communication. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the researcher introduced the term 'acteme' and offers her classification of actemes. The author defines acteme as a linguosemiotic combination that consists of concepts and images of the real or imaginatory world created and cognitively processed by a group of actors (playwright, stage director, art director, composer and actor) and then transmitted to another actor (audience) in order to influence the latter in the course of theatre communication. Classification of actemes has three hypertypes, nonverbal, verbal and mixed. Each hypertype is divided into subtypes: nonverbal actemes can be visual, audial, and semiotic; verbal actemes can be dialogical, monological and polylogical, and mixed actemes can be symbolic, static and dynamic.
verbal-non-verbal, impact, theatre, semiotics, communication, discourse, sign, acteme, coded interaction, communication model
Avatkov V.A..
Foreign Policy Discourse Between Turkey and Russia: from 2015 to 2016
// Philology: scientific researches.
2017. № 2.
P. 70-76.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2017.2.19536 URL:
The object of the research is the foreign policy discourse of the Turkish establishment in relation to Russia, first of all, during the turning period of 2015 and 2016. The author of the article focuses on individual lexical preferences of the Turkish leader Erdogan. Avatkov examines forms and methods used by the Turkish leader to express his thoughts both from the philological and politological points of view. Special emphasis is made on introduction of this or that text in a certain political context that deines lexical and phraseological preferences of the speaker taking into account particular features of the audience. The article is based on the discourse analysis that involves both philological and politological methods to study politicians' speeches. The main conclusion made by the author is that there has been a growth in the number of negative connotations in the Turkish political establishment in relation to Russia throughout 2015 starting from the events when Crimea joined Russia and geopolitical disagreements between the two countries appeared. This fact has had a certain impact on the overal radicalization of foreign policy and rhetorics by the Turkish leadership.
arabism, islamization, Turkish, foreign policy, Russia, Erdogan, Turkey, discourse, political discourse, semantics
Boyko M.E..
The Operator Approach to the Theory of Literature: Narrative Operators, Their Features and Scope of Application
// Philology: scientific researches.
2016. № 3.
P. 268-276.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2016.3.68245 URL:
The subject of the research is the solution of the problem regarding the relationship betwen fiction and reailty by using the so called 'operator approach'. Boyko analyzes the reasons that encouraged researchers to introduce 'narrative operators' in the theory of literature, in particular, the 'fiction-operator'. He also analyzes arguments of Hector-Neri Castañeda against the operator approach as well as his thesis that the difference between fictional statements and reality statements is the nature of predication. Boyko analyzes the features of narrative approaches and introduces the term 'narrative-analytical operator' that has the feature of linearity. The main research method used by the author is the operator approach based on the analogy with the operator calculus in mathematics and natural sciences. It is demonstrated that the operator approach to the theory of literature has a great heuristical power and allows to formalize certain complex issues as well as to provide clear, strict and efficient solutions. The author proves that the ambivalency theory of Hector-Neri Castañeda does not oppose to the operator approach but on the contrary constitutes one of its logical consequences. It is stated that the operator approach is one of the most powerful instruments in the modern theory of literature. The author of the article also outlines a range of important issues that can be solved by the operator approach.
fictional discourse, theory of literature, structuralism, semantic operator, semantics, narratology, narrative operator, David Lewis, formalization, fiction
Arapov, A. V..
Modern Orthodox Religious Poems (in the Voronezh Region)
// Philology: scientific researches.
2013. № 3.
P. 254-265.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2013.3.63572 URL:
There is practically no succession between religious poetry of the mid XIX century and modern religious poems.
Over the past hundred years, many changes happened both in style and content of religious poems. Russian folk culture
underwent certain transformations, too, caused by the destruction of the traditional peasant’s culture and traditional
life style. Even a peasant himself lives mostly in history but not in reality, to say nothing about a townsman. In the XIX
century, life was monotonous and cyclic and following agricultural rhythms for the majority of authors and audience
of religious poetry. But in the XX century existential issues became especially important as well as a Christian’s will
and life in the alien or even hostile environment. Authors of religious poetry addressed to Jesus’ life as an example for
Christians who faced a critical situation. Selected works analyzed by G. P. Fedotov, for instance, had very few poems
about the Savior’s earthly life, while modern religious poetry has many poems like that.
Orthodoxy, veneration of the Saints, religious poetry, G. P. Fedotov, traditional culture, modern religious life, the Voronezh Region, evolution of religious consciousness, folk poetry, Art Nouveau epoch.
Oreshkin, A. S..
Quixotism as a Passion for Irrationality
// Philology: scientific researches.
2012. № 2.
P. 53-58.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2012.2.59601 URL:
The article discusses Miguel de Unamuno’s interpretation of Miguel de Cervantes’ ‘Don Quixote’. Unamuno
viewed Don Quixote as the key to the philosophy of the person and the heroes of the novel were given the status of
mythological archetypes conveying the spirit of the nation.
philosophy, philology, Don Quixote, Unamuno, insanity, truth, existentialism, human, personality, interpretation.
Morkina, Yu. S..
Narodosol and Tede
(the case of philosophical analysis
of one poem)
// Philology: scientific researches.
2011. № 1.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2011.1.58106 URL:
The article analyses a particular poetic text from the point of view of its philosophical content. The author
describes the concepts the content of the poem consists of from the point of view of their philosophical meaning and
perspectives. The author also introduces the term ‘mode of the concept comprehension’ and defi nes the romantic,
heroic and ironic modes of the concept comprehension.
philosophy, poetic expression, text, the system of concepts, philosophical anslysis, ironization, romanticization, heroization, ‘das man’, chaos, author.