Wuren G..
Linguistic Personality in the Old English Epic "Beowulf": a study of heroic and social elements
// Philology: scientific researches.
2025. № 2.
P. 14-24.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2025.2.73260 EDN: HZORUA URL:
The subject of the study is the system of hero nominations and titles in the Old English epic "Beowulf" as a reflection of the linguistic personality and cultural concepts of Anglo-Saxon society. Special attention is paid to the analysis of an extensive system of nominations for warriors and rulers, reflecting the complex social hierarchy and value orientations of society. The author examines in detail the nominations related to the institution of donation, which allows for a deeper understanding of the social mechanisms and cultural concepts of the era. The research is aimed at identifying the features of the linguistic worldview and the social structure of the Anglo-Saxons through the prism of the nomination system in the epic. This study also seeks to uncover the relationship between the linguistic features of the nominations and their cultural and historical context, which contributes to a deeper understanding of Anglo-Saxon society and its literary traditions. The research methodology includes linguistic, cultural and conceptual analysis, as well as elements of historical and comparative linguistics. A comprehensive approach is applied to the analysis of nominations in terms of reflecting linguistic personality and cultural concepts in them. The main conclusions of the study are the identification of an extensive system of nominations in the epic "Beowulf", reflecting the complex social hierarchy and value orientations of Anglo-Saxon society, as well as the establishment of a link between nominations and the institution of giving. A special contribution of the author is a comprehensive analysis of the nominations of heroes, which made it possible to identify deep connections between linguistic structures and the socio-cultural realities of Anglo-Saxon society. The novelty of the research lies in the integration of linguistic analysis methods with cultural and historical approaches, which provided a new perspective on the relationship between language, culture and social structure in the context of the Old English epic. The results of the research make a significant contribution to the fields of historical linguistics, cultural studies, literary studies and social anthropology, providing a new perspective on the relationship between language, culture and social structure in the context of the Old English epic. The analysis of the nominations in "Beowulf" revealed the deep connections between linguistic structures and the socio-cultural realities of Anglo-Saxon society.
military culture, institution of gift-giving, hero-ruler, hero-warrior, title, Anglo-Saxon society, nomination, Beowulf, Old English epic, language personality
Sadalova T.M., Lidzhiev M.A..
Myths and tales about the animals of the Oirats of Xinjiang
// Philology: scientific researches.
2023. № 12.
P. 28-37.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2023.12.69207 EDN: WGXGKP URL:
The subject of the study is the fabulous folklore of the Oirats of Xinjiang. The object of the study is the specificity of mythological and fairy-tale texts about animals. It should be noted that the fabulous folklore of the Oirats still remains little known to domestic researchers, despite the fact that attempts to study it began in the middle of the last century. The study of Oirat folklore is especially relevant for domestic Mongolian studies, since it is historically connected with the folklore tradition of Russian Kalmyks and Altaians. The author examines in detail such aspects of the topic as the study of fairy-tale texts and the identification of common artistic means, which allows us to establish and explain the general systemic connections between these ethnolocal folklore traditions. The research methods are comparative analysis and the method of interpretation of fairy tale text. For the study of fairy tale narrative, this approach turns out to be potentially heuristic: both directions mutually determine each other, revealing multidimensional connections of the once unified folklore tradition. Myths and tales about animals represent the ancient genre of fairy tale folklore of the Oirats of Xinjiang. The main contribution of the study consist in the statement the myths and tales' content retains mythological elements associated with the archaic ideas of the ethnos about living beings of the world around them. Particular attention is paid to figurative language, rich in expressive poetic expressions, an abundance of figurative means, and a large volume of vocabulary of the original language of the Oirats. All this testifies to the preservation of the fairy-tale-mythological fund and performing tradition of the Oirats of Xinjiang. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that during the analysis of fairy tales and myths about animals as a special genre, it was established that there is no allegory in the content of the archaic animal tale of the Oirats of Xinjiang, despite the fact that its main characters are animals. According to archaic views, man believed that animals were once people. Therefore, in many ways, the animal world was perceived as a reflection of the human world, and the morals of animals were equated with the same qualities of humans.
characters, plot, mythology, animals, fairy tales, folklore, archaism, oirats, genre, features
Alekseeva A..
About the Miscellany of Charms from the Collection of V. M. Undolsky
// Philology: scientific researches.
2023. № 12.
P. 119-126.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2023.12.69357 EDN: OOPGNI URL:
The article deals with a collection of handwritten charms of the second half of the 17th century from the collection of V. M. Undolsky (Russian State Library. F. 310. No. 1179). The manuscript was published twice by L. I. Sazonova and A. L. Toporkov (in 2000 and 2002) with a commentary, but it has not yet been the subject of textual and linguistic investigations, which are necessary in the study of texts circulating in the handwritten sphere. These purposes make possible to draw conclusions about the origin of the collection, the pecularities of its creation and sources. The article presents the results of the study manuscript de visu. The special attention is paid to the peculiarities of handwriting, scribe’s mistakes and reflections of live pronunciation which is considered in the context of the handwritten culture of Old Rus’. In present article the observations is based on the textual, linguistic and comparative research methods that are relevant in the study of medieval manuscripts. The investigation allowed to propose several commented refinements to the edition based on a detailed study of paleography, textual features, and language, as well as the involvement of other manuscript and printed texts, historical and dialect dictionaries. The scribe’s errors in the manuscript from the collection of V. M. Undolsky are related to the existence of the antigraph, which does not allow us to agree with the publishers’ assumption that the collection was recorded from an oral source. The dialectal features of the charms leads to the conclusion about the Central or Middle Russian dialect of the scribe. It is possible that the owner of the manuscript, Vasily Volotsky, is the podyachy Vasily Volotsky, who is mentioned in the documents of 1699 and 1701 years of the Arzamas clerk’s izba.
Velikoustyuzhskij collection, cursive writing, paleography, textual criticism, dialectology, apocryphal literature, folklore, Old Russian manuscripts, handwritten charms, Old Rus’
Van T..
Folklore in Social Networks (Using the Example of Twitter and Telegram)
// Philology: scientific researches.
2023. № 2.
P. 10-16.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2023.2.39253 EDN: HJEFIP URL:
Folklore is a very old phenomenon that has undergone great changes over the entire period of its existence. The telecommunications revolution has significantly changed our lives, and folklore has undergone the same changes, which has penetrated into the space of digital communications, social networks. This actualized the study of this topic in modern linguistic science. In accordance with the high relevance of this topic, folklore in social networks such as Twitter and Telegram became the object of the article's research. In the course of the work, general scientific methods of induction, deduction, synthesis, abstraction were used, as well as particular methods of linguistic research – descriptive method, typological method, method of formalization and method of logical comparison. Through the conducted research, it was found out that modern folklore has moved into the field of digital communications, where it has been actively developed, many new forms of folklore and channels for its dissemination have appeared. The results of the work can be used as a theoretical basis containing a systematic range of works on folklore, as well as as a basis for practical application when working in the field of Internet communications, public relations, mass media, journalism. Along with the development of society, language also develops, new forms of expression appear, thanks to the mass media it has become much easier to create and distribute them. Folklore is no exception in this sense – it has become one of the means of communication, expression of emotions to describe the current situation on the Internet, the pandemic is a vivid result of that. It has become the main theme of modern folklore since 2020.
media viruses, myth - making, meme, internet folklore, digitalization, Covid-19, pandemic, Internet, social network, Folklore
Yakovleva M.P..
Features of the Naming in the Epic of the Evenks
// Philology: scientific researches.
2022. № 12.
P. 1-10.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2022.12.39324 EDN: UDGSYB URL:
The epic of the Evenks – nimngakama nimngakan, in its diversity, imagery and volume is not inferior to the most famous examples of the epic genre of other peoples. The narrative parts consist of typed descriptions of nature, the actions of the hero, portrait characteristics, which are mainly motifs and traditional epic formulas. One of the key motives in the epic is the naming of the hero, because depending on the name, the fate of the epic hero also develops. The epic of each nation is unique, inimitable, peculiar. However, many motives, plots, images, formulas are similar. The subject of the study is the features of the naming motif in the heroic tales of the Evenks. The scientific novelty of the work consists in the fact that for the first time the naming motif in the nimngakans of the Evenks is analyzed in detail. The relevance of the work is due to the fact that research aimed at studying motives, plots will help to establish general patterns of the formation of the world epic tradition, at the same time, and identifying the specifics of each epic. The main research methods are comparative-historical and typological. Based on the materials of the epic, the author comes to the conclusion that the meaning of the name affects the plot of heroic tales, therefore, the indicated motive in the epic is an important link in the narrative. In the epic of the Evenks, the early features of the individualization of the hero-character are concentrated and reflected in his full proper name, therefore he has a mandatory definitive epithet.
image, epic hero, naming, plot, motive, nimngakama nimngakan, epos, folklore, Evenki, character
Sharonova E.A..
Folk Ballad: National Aspects of the Genre (Based on the Material of Russian Erzya, Moksha folklore)
// Philology: scientific researches.
2022. № 11.
P. 1-13.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2022.11.39204 EDN: KQTODS URL:
The subject of the study is the genre originality of Erzya, Moksha and Russian folk ballads, the object of the study is typical and rare ballad plots and characters, which allows us to consider the phenomenon in all the variety of genre aspects. The article, based on scientific literature and folklore material, characterizes the poetic techniques and visual and expressive means used in Erzya, Moksha, and Russian ballads. A special contribution of the authors to the study of the topic was the comprehension of the ballad through the prism of the memory of the myth, which is persistently present in it. Erzya, Moksha and Russian ballads are united in genre with their thematic diversity. Their characters and events represent different aspects of life, illustrate various aesthetic and moral codes, obeying a common poetic system. The scientific novelty lies in the consideration of the elements of the myth in the ballad, the content of which is transformed in it, it does not explain the myth and cannot do this, because it has lost its understanding. But she operates with the data of the myth, retains the attributes of the myth in her poetics, which allows her to have a complex genre constitution that leads away from a simplified understanding of the plots and images of the actors. Erzya, Moksha and Russian ballads are the product of national mentality, artistic and aesthetic, social, moral views. In them, the life of the people is concretized by the destinies of individuals, the emphasis is on spiritual life, on ethical, social, moral ideas – both traditional and those that have arisen at a new stage of historical development. Their attention is drawn to the tragic aspects of human existence caused by his negative reaction to the world.
myth, ballad consciousness, plot, character, Moksha ballad, Russian ballad, Erzya ballad, ballad, genre, motive
Vavilova K.Y..
Symbolism in the English and Russian fairy tale folklore: comparative analysis
// Philology: scientific researches.
2021. № 11.
P. 94-106.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2021.11.36438 URL:
The subject of this research is the symbolism in the English and Russian fairytale tradition. The object is the texts of the Russian and English fairy tales. Analysis of the texts reveals the typical functions performed by symbols in both folklore traditions. The author provides the examples of symbols and offers the interpretation of objects-symbols, symbols-zoonyms, color and number symbols, time and space symbols. Comparative study of folklore heritage of non-cognate languages reveals the fundamental commonness of a particular folk genre of different peoples in their perspective upon reality, methods of depiction, and ideological interpretations. The scientific novelty consists in conclusions obtained in the comparative study of the symbolism of fairy tale texts in the Russian and British folklore, which is important for determination of linguistic, semiological and cultural universals. The comparative study of folklore material of two traditions in the sphere of the poetics of folklore reveals the traditional universals and unique features on the level of symbolism of the fairy tale genre. Within the framework of the article, the author analyzes the functionality of thematic, animalistic, color, spatial-temporal, and numerical symbols. The acquired results are underpinned by a large number of text examples.
characteristic features, British tales, Russian tales, symbol, symbolism, folklore, genre, fairy tales, universals, analysis
Kuzmina A.A..
Other space in the Yakut heroic epic poetry (based on Olonkho of Vilyuysky tradition)
// Philology: scientific researches.
2021. № 11.
P. 9-18.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2021.11.36783 URL:
The subject of this research is the semantics, structure and plotline of other space in the Yakut heroic epic poetry. The object is the texts of the Yakut heroic epic poetry, namely Olonkho of Vilyuysky tradition. The goal lies in comprehensive analysis of the category of other space in the Yakut heroic epic poetry, particularly Olonkho of Vilyuysky tradition. The article employs the systemic analysis of Olonkho poetics, structural-semantic analysis, and comparative method. Special attention is given to construction of mythopoetic model of the world and correlation between space and plot of the epic poem. The acquired results can be implemented in folklore studies. The novelty of this research consists in the analysis of other space in Olonkho from the perspective of its semantics, structure, and narrative role. This article is first to describe the peculiarities of other space in the texts of Vilyuysky epic tradition. It is determined that other space in the Yakut heroic epic poetry Olonkho is depicted in form of the Lower and Upper worlds, “foreign country” in the Middle world, intermediate zones that hold an important place within the epic worldview and course of events in the plot of Olonkho. The author notes that the texts of Vilyuysky Olonkho preserve the traditional techniques depicting the three worlds; and the difference lies in emergence of the image of shaman dwelling in the intermediate zone, prevalence of the entry into the Lower world without demarcation of its boundaries.
semantics, plot, chronotope, spatial organization, different space, Vilyui epic tradition, Yakut heroic epic, structure, model of the world, epic locus
Gammakueva A.S..
Lak children's game folklore
// Philology: scientific researches.
2021. № 9.
P. 66-72.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2021.9.34665 URL:
The subject of this research is the Lak children's game folklore. Traditional folklore of the peoples of Dagestan is characterized by a wide variety of genres. Children's folklore, which in turn is also rich in genres, holds a significant place therein. Examination of children’s oral lore of the peoples of Dagestan, namely Laks, is substantiated by heightened interest in the spiritual values – customs, rituals, traditions of the past, which defines its relevance, significance, and practical value. A particular role in Lak folklore belongs to game folklore as an element of children’s folklore as a whole. Based on the most widespread games among Lak teenagers (such as “Shagai”), the author analyzes the rules, certain elements used in the course of the game, and peculiarities of making items necessary for the game. The author’s special contribution lies in the description of the nature, peculiarities and specifics of children's games in the settlement of Vikhli of Kulinsky District of the Republic of Dagestan using philological and comparative-analytical approach. This allows determining the ethnic specificity of the material under review. The study of game folklore is of particular relevance, as it promotes such crucial universal concepts as friendship, mutual help, comradeship, as well as develops moral and ethical qualities in children.
genre diversity, spiritual values, hildren's games, traditions, ritual poetry, game folklore, children's folklore, Lak folklore, poetic text, ethical education
Sharonova E.A., Sharonov A.M..
On the specificity of the worldview of Erzya and Moksha matrimonial myths
// Philology: scientific researches.
2021. № 8.
P. 1-13.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2021.8.36164 URL:
Mythology is the form of consciousness of the primitive and early class society, which reproduces the views of a human on cosmos, God, and society. The object of this research is Erzya and Moksha myths on matrimonial relations. The subject of this research is the specificity of the worldview of Erzya and Moksha myths founded on the matrimonial relations. Detailed analysis is conducted on the specificity of reflection of philosophical and sociological motifs in the Erzya and Moksha matrimonial myths that emerged in the context of formation of the patriarchal family based on the social, moral and legal norms of existence. The author also explores the uniqueness of matrimonial relations with deities and people. Which gives a conceptual perspective on the type and character of the ethnic family, and the role of family in human life. The conclusion is made that stating a family by deities and people is a continuation of creation of the world in the sphere of family and social life. The author’s special contribution to this research consists in the proof that the presence of the indicated aspect in the myth is the reflection of the naive idealistic ideas and spontaneous materialistic views; substantiation of the high humanistic status of a woman in family life; designation of the heroic traits given to a woman by birth as fundamental; comprehension of matrimonial relations between deities and people through the prism of co-creation. This article is first to analyze the peculiarities of the worldview of matrimonial myths and introducing it into the scientific context, which defines its novelty.
Human, family, wedding, motive, worldview, myth, mythology, God, philosophy, ethnos
Gasharova A.R..
The peculiarity of syntactic constructions of Lezgian folk riddles
// Philology: scientific researches.
2021. № 6.
P. 70-76.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2021.6.34296 URL:
The subject of this research is the peculiarity of syntactic constructions of Lezgain folk riddles. The object of this research is the aphoristic genre of Lezgian folklore – the riddles. Along with other folklore genres, riddles hold a remarkable place in the folklore poetics Lezgins, featuring prevalence of storytelling. The relevance the selected topic lies in the absence of specific research dedicated to comprehensive analysis of this genre of Lezgian folklore. The article illustrates the syntactic constructions of folk riddles of Lezgins. The conducted brief syntactic analysis is valuable for further research of this topic, since the linguistic aspect of studying folk riddles is yet to be explored. The scientific novelty is defined by the fact that Lezgian folk riddles, which are one of the ancient genres, require in-depth study. The conclusion is made that Lezgian folk riddles use mononuclear syntactic constructions to achieve concision in describing a propounded object or phenomenon. The interrogative or narrative sentences are commonly used. There are also riddles with compound syntactic structure. The acquired results can be used in the practical work of folklorists and linguists.
one-piece sentence, simple sentence, syntactic constructions, syntax, linguistics, folk riddles, aphoristic genre, Lezgin folklore, difficult sentence, members of the proposal
Kuzmina A.A..
The specificity of geocultural images of the cold in folklore and literature of the indigenous peoples of Yakutia of the Soviet period
// Philology: scientific researches.
2021. № 5.
P. 89-100.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2021.5.35560 URL:
This article examines the specificity of geocultural images of the cold in folklore and literature of the indigenous peoples of Yakutia (Yukaghirs, Evens, Evenks, Yakuts) of the Soviet period. The goal consists in studying the specificity of geocultural images of the cold in folklore and literature of the indigenous peoples of Yakutia of the Soviet period and tracing the dynamics of development of such representations. The subject of this research is the geocultural images that characterize the attributes of cold, such as “cold”, “winter”, “snow”, “ice”, “permafrost”. The study leans on works of the scholars dedicated to examination of the folklore worldview, “northern text”, anthropology and conceptology of the cold, and the questions of mythopoeia. The author employs linguoculturological, cultural-historical, semiotic, and geopoetic approaches. The novelty of this research consists in comprehensive examination of the peculiarities of representations on geocultural images with attributes of the cold and extensive coverage of the folklore and literary material based on the folklore materials and literature of the Indigenous peoples of Yakutia of the Soviet period. It is revealed that the indigenous peoples of Yakutia have different representations on these natural phenomena. In the folklore worldview, the representations on the cold mostly have negative connotation. The Yakut national literature of the early XX century adhered to the canons of the traditional worldview, and since the second half of the XX century, the severe climate of the North started to be perceived as something unique and positive. The acquired results can be applied in the field of folklore studies, literary studies, and anthropology in examination of the peculiarities of cultural texts of the North and the Arctic.
eternal Frost, ice, snow, winter, geocultural images, cold, indigenous peoples of Yakutia, literature, folklore, soviet period
Aiusheeva E.B..
Buddhist motifs in the Ehirit-Bulagat version of Geseriada
// Philology: scientific researches.
2021. № 2.
P. 21-27.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2021.2.32791 URL:
This article is dedicated to the analysis of Buddhist motifs in one of the Buryat versions of the Epic of King Gesar. The object of this research is the text of the Ehirit-Bulagat Uliger “Abai Geser Hubun” by M. Imegenov, which is considered most archaic, and thus, least susceptible to Buddhist influence. The subject of this research is the Buddhist motifs reflected in the epic narrative. The article also employs the texts of other Buryat Uligers as a comparative material. Special attention is given to the semantic analysis of the motifs under review. The author provides the historical data and refers the comparative-typological method. It is determined that the Buddhist motifs ingrained into the texts of Western Buryat Geseriada function on a surface semantic level and do not affect the narrative framework of the epic. The conclusion is made that the Ehirit-Bulagat version of Geseriada, unlike Unging versions, is less susceptiple to Buddhist influence; therefore, the research in such context allows understanding the peculiarities of the Buryat Geseriada as a whole, and furthermore, the disclosure of the key mechanisms of plot transformation of the Central Asian epic tradition.
Western Buryats, uliger, buryads, options, epic, Geseriada, Buddhism, lama, motiv, book
Vasileva A., Egorova T.P..
Translation of epic literature of the cognate linguocultures (on the example of Yakut translation of the Altai epos “Maadai-Kara”)
// Philology: scientific researches.
2020. № 12.
P. 22-33.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2020.12.34501 URL:
The subject of this research is translation techniques of the epic literature of cognate linguocultures – Altai and Yakut. The relevance of this work is substantiated by the fact that mutual translation of epic texts is continued within the framework of international translation project for releasing a series of bilingual editions “Epic monuments of the Peoples of the World” initiated in Yakutia in 2014. The team translators and editors requires theoretically grounded recommendations for translation into cognate languages using the intermediary language, which in this case is Russian. The difficulties of translation consists in the fact that both epic texts have common origin, similar literary-poetic characteristics and plots. In the course of this research, the author applied the analysis of lexical translation techniques and methods of reconstruction of syntactic peculiarities of the original; compares the similarities and differences between the literary techniques of both epics texts; describes the essence of translation transformations conducted by the creative team in translation of Altai epos into the Yakut language Conducted in the Soviet time academic translations of epic texts of the peoples of the USSR into the Russian language are of high quality and conveyed national identity of the original. Russian language as an intermediary language gives fullest possible comprehension of the content of the original. If the language is of third linguistic culture and incapable of accurately conveying the national realias and poetic beauty of the original, the translators can refer to the original in the language unfamiliar to them. In order to adequately convey a particular realia, the translators should understand the similarity of common Turkic realias in both linguocultures and resist the temptation to replace the Altai realia with the analogous of their native linguoculture; as well as be able to shape a new word or phrase so that they would sound organically in the target language, but at the same time look non-native, alien, and foreign.
Altaic language, Turkic linguocultures, epic poetry, heroic epic, studies on epics, folklore, translation, Yakut language, culture-specific elements, culture-specific words
Kuzmina A.A..
The concept of creation of folklore subcorpus of the national corpus of Yakut language: articulation of the problem, structure, and technique
// Philology: scientific researches.
2020. № 11.
P. 11-18.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2020.11.34168 URL:
This article is dedicated to the creation of a folklore subcorpus of the national corpus of Yakut language. The need for creating a folklore subcorpus is substantiated by fact that it illustrates the initial, historical path of development of a particular language, cultural and linguistic richness, and folk traditions. Language corpora are considered incomplete if not contain folklore texts. The development of such subcorpus has a number of theoretical and technological difficulties, which defines the relevance of this work. The object of this research is the folklore subcorpus of the national corpus of Yakut language. The subject is articulation of the problem, structure, and technique of creating this subcorpus. Attention is focused on the problematic of creation of a folklore subcorpus. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that this article is first to develop the concept of creation of the Yakut folklore corpus and determine the cognate problems, structure and technique of its formation. It is revealed that the structure of folklore subcorpus must reflect the genre differences, forms of record, authenticity, various databases that characterize a folklore text, its performer or register. The author determines the work stages and preparation technique of the folklore subcorpus. The conclusion is made that the folklore subcorpus can serve as a method for solution of fundamental and applied tasks of Yakut philology, as well as one of the ways to preserve folklore heritage of the Sakha people.
metadata, corpus folklore, Yakut folklore, Yakut language, national corpus of the language, folklore subcorpus, markup, textual criticism, concept of creation, databases
Vavilova K.Y..
Symbolism in the Russian folk art (on the example of romantic ballads)
// Philology: scientific researches.
2020. № 11.
P. 108-119.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2020.11.34242 URL:
The subject of this research is the symbols characteristic to the genre of folk ballade. The object of this research is lyrics of the Russian folk ballads. The following compilations of ballads served as the material for this research: “Russian Ballad” (edited By V. I. Chernyshev, N. p. Andreev, 1936), “Folk Ballads” (edited by D. M. Balashov, A. M. Astakhova, 1963), “Russian Folk Ballad” (edited by D. M. Balashov, 1983), “Ballads” (edited by B. P. Kirdan, 2001), “Epics. Historical Song. Ballads” (edited by A. V. Kulagina, V. A. Kovpaka, 2008). The author carefully examines the peculiarities of ballad symbolism and its functions. In the course of research, the following conclusions were formulated: consistency of the genre order depends on the presence of the system of artistic visual means; central in the poetics of ballad belongs to symbolism, parallelism, antithesis, epithets, and metaphors; symbolism in the romantic ballads is presented quite extensively; often a symbolic situation becomes a part of psychological parallelism presented in many ballad concepts; syntactic parallelism can be placed in any thematic link and amplifies by antithesis. In certain instances, antithesis appears an important technique for creating a tragic effect. Ballad poetics is subordinated to explication of the overall genre trend, including the reflection of fundamental universals and principles. The novelty of this work consists in the attempt of textual analysis of the major compilations of ballads, as well as in selection of the symbols for their further analysis within the framework of implementation of genre characteristics.
poetics, folklore, expressive means, syntactical parallelism, symbolism, genre, ballads, characteristic features, songs, analysis
Gasharova A.R..
The genre of folk riddles and forms of its application in ashug art of the Lezgins
// Philology: scientific researches.
2020. № 8.
P. 27-35.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2020.8.31859 URL:
The subject of this article is ashug art, namely improv singers. The object of this research is one of the genre varieties of ashug poetry – the dialogue songs. Roll songs hold a special place in non-ritualistic lyrical songs. With the historical development of the people, the contest songs stand out of the folklore poetry and take the form of riddles and solutions. These songs become a favorite genre of the Lezgin ashugs. Special attention is given to the transformation of the genre of folk riddles in the songs of ashug improvisators. Analysis is conducted on ideological-thematic diversity, as well as artistic distinctness of ashugs’ compositions. It is concluded that the poetic contest and dialogue songs, common in non-ritualistic lyrical songs of the Lezgins, received further development in the works of ashugs and improv singers. In later period, these songs appear in works of the classics of Lezgin poetry. The author's main contribution to this research consists in the analysis of ideological-thematic content and structure of poetic contest, presence of the genre of riddles therein, and as well determination of discrepancies between ashug riddles and folk riddles.
improvising singers, traditional, poetic size, dialog, roll songs, ashug art, folk riddles, Lezgin folklore, poetic debate, Lezgin literature
Mironov A..
“Insignificant” characters: on the one peculiarity of Russian epic concept of heroism
// Philology: scientific researches.
2020. № 1.
P. 72-82.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2020.1.32176 URL:
The subject of this research is the concept of heroism (bogatyrs) as an element of Russian epic mentality. The focus of attention is the peculiarities of epic understanding of bogatyr power that excludes the interpretation by an epic bard of “his” character as a giant. Meanwhile, the popular in science representation of particular characters of the Russian Epos (Svyatogor, Mikula Selyaninovich, Ilya Muromets) as giants is caused by their idealization, convergence of an epic with a tale or myth, as well as readiness to proliferate upon epics such laws of poetics that are considered universal from the perspective of ethnographic theory and strive of the scholars of mythological school to distinguish in epic heroes the characters of the ancient religious systems. Based on the analysis of epic records, the author demonstrates that the bogatyrs are not giant, but rather look as regular people. Special attention is given to the adjustment of a receptive stereotype, associated with perception of the epic image of Svyatogor, caused by a distorted interpretation of this image by illustrators of the epics in the XIX century.
Ilya Murometz, Russian menthality, system of values, concept of heroism, axiology of culture, bylinas, heroic epics, foklore, Mikula Selyaninovich, Svyatogor
Vagizieva N.A..
Traditional folklore in the children's cycle of family rituals of the Kadar ethnic group
// Philology: scientific researches.
2020. № 1.
P. 83-92.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2020.1.32288 URL:
Value orientations, national mindset, and ethnic self-awareness have formed throughout multiple centuries by the means of traditional folklore. The texts of older generation referred to children, children compositions and practices along with upbringing techniques in the bosom of family or community ensured the development of personality traits of a child, introduction to labor, behavioral and communication norms, rituals, and all aspects of the national culture. The traditional folklore of family ritualism of Kadar people creates an ideal environment for the development of a child. This article is first to study the traditional folklore of family ritualism of the Kadar ethnic group in the children's cycle, as well as semantics of the indicated ritual processes. The existence of traditions and rituals in modern society ensures the continuity and reproduction of the cultural foundations of the Kadar ethnos, spiritual and moral wellbeing of modern society. It is revealed that rational, traditional and theological methods and techniques were closely intertwined in the rites of the children's cycle of the family ritual of Kadar people, and were aimed towards upbringing a healthy new generation. One of the main leitmotifs in the lullaby genre of Kadar folklore consists in a problem of the moral and aesthetic ideal of personality.
play poetry, lullaby poetry, ritual poetry, children's cycle, rituals, traditional folklore, good wishes, kadars, naming, cradling
Aiusheeva E.B..
Buddha and his function in the Buryat Geseriada
// Philology: scientific researches.
2019. № 6.
P. 194-199.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2019.6.29631 URL:
The object of this research is the epic texts of Buaryat Geseriada presented in the Ehirit-Bulagat and Ungin storytelling traditions. The subject of this research is the image of Buddhist deity in the version of Buryat Geseriada. Special attention is paid to the peculiarities of the function of Buddhist character, as well as analysis of the symbols that comprise his name, detecting in each of them the modified forms of the most popular Buddhist character. In the course of the study, the author determines the substitutability with other epic characters related to Shamanic mythological images. The main research method became the comparative-typological method, which allows to compare the versions of the epic writings varying in place of existence, as well as identify their common images and ideas. The author is first to systemically examine the question of the function of Buddhist character in the Buryat epos, which has not been previously subjected to special research. The article also traces the peculiarities of his function on the epic text of Buryat Geseriada. The research represents a part of the comprehensive study of Buddhist elements and characters in the Buryat epic traditions, particularly in Geseriada.
Esege Malan, narrator, uliger, Buddhism, options, epic, Geseriada, budda, characters, motives
Illarionova T.V., Illarionov V.V..
The contribution of freelance correspondents to preservation of folklore of Suntarsky Districts of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia)
// Philology: scientific researches.
2019. № 6.
P. 50-56.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2019.6.31565 URL:
The subject of this research is the folklore of Suntarsky Districts of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia). The object of this research is the contribution of freelance correspondents to preservation of folklore their native region. The author cover in details the activity of the collectors of folklore of Suntarsky District – freelance correspondents of the Institute of Language and Culture (presently the Institute for Humanities Research and Indigenous Studies of the North of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences) I. Y. Nikolaev, T. T. Danilov. G. E. Fyodorov on recording and preservation of the samples of oral lore. It is underlined that their work was initiated by the prominent folklorist G. U. Ergis. The chronological framework covers the period from 1930’s to 1980’s. The author applied the comparative-historical method of research; the review was conducted using the chronology of scientific publications on the local folklore tradition of Suntarsky districts. The folklore notes made by the freelance correspondents of the institute Y. Nikolaev, T. T. Danilov. G. E. Fyodorov are stored in the manuscript collection of the Institute for Humanities Research and Indigenous Studies of the North of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences since the prewar period; many of them are published in the academic and popular scientific editions, as well as introduced into the scientific discourse and reached mass audience, creating a holistic image of the oral tradition and folk art performers of Suntarsky Ulus.
repertoire, folk records, folklorists, algys - good wishes, epic, folklore, freelance correspondents, folklore materials, folk art, folklore performers
Olzkhuu O..
The role of rising action in composition of the Mongolian heroic epos “Dzhangar”
// Philology: scientific researches.
2019. № 6.
P. 200-206.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2019.6.31582 URL:
This article examines the compositional structure of texts of the Mongolian heroic epos “Dzhangar”.The correlation between rising action and ending are viewed not only as the means of integration, wholeness, structural and thematic completeness of the text, but also as the key factor substantiating the realization of profound connotations. The goal of this research lies in determination of the functional role of rising action and ending in the texts of Mongolian heroic epos “Dzhangar” in its various versions. The object of study is the folklore of Mongolian ethnoses, while the subject it the texts of Mongolian heroic epos “Dzhangar” in its various versions. The scientific novelty consists in systematization of the questions of composition, description of the peculiarity of rising action and ending in the text of Mongolian heroic epos “Dzhangar”, and determine its expressive means. The author concludes that the rising actions of the various versions of “Dzhangar” are a significant part of epos, since they provide the important information on genealogy of the main character, depiction of his native land, wise and beautiful wife, and courageous warriors. Emphasis is made on the presence of the traditions for Mongolian versification anaphora, alliterations, and final rhythm. The endings in “Dzhangar” have the attributes of glorification and wishful thinking – one of the important genres of Mongolian folklore. There are certain motifs that allow reflecting the people’s dream of peaceful time using the artistic means.
ending, conception, composition, poetics, Dzhangar, heroic epic, Mongolian folklore, Genealogy of the protagonist, poetic techniques, visual means
Khalkharova L., Luvsantserengiin T..
The Image of Child in Mongolian Folklore
// Philology: scientific researches.
2019. № 4.
P. 81-90.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2019.4.30336 URL:
This article is devoted to Mongolian folklore, first of all, heroic epic and fairy-tales. The authors give comparative typological analysis of variants of The Epic of King Gesar, Epic of Jangar, and several fairy-tales from Mongolian and Buryat folklore. Lately there have been a lot of in-depth researches of folklore and influence of folklore on the development of literature and culture. This is what causes the rationale of the research. The aim of the research is to define artistic-stylistic peculiarities of images of children, i.e. expressive means that are used to depict heroes in epics and fairy-tales. The object of the research is Mongolian folklore. The subject of the reseasrch is the images of children in heroic epics about Gesar and Jangar as well as Buryat and Mongolian fairy-tales. The research methods included description, comparison, structural-typological methods that allowed to analyze the genre of heroic epic and fairy-tale as integral works and to compare Mongolian and Buryat variants of epics and describe their differences and similarities. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that for the first time in Mongolian studies the author makes an attempt to reveal images of children in epics and fairy-tales from the lexical-grammatical and semantical points of view. The authors describe lexical-semantic peculiarities of epics and fairy-tales and expressive means used therein. They conclude that images of children are marked with conventional epithets that describe their talents.
lexemes, variability, traditionalism, stable formulas, image of a child, fairy tale genre, heroic epic, Mongolian folklore, figurative and expressive means, characterization of a hero
Aiusheeva E.B..
Buddhist Character and Transformation of Motive in Buryat Geseriada
// Philology: scientific researches.
2018. № 4.
P. 334-340.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2018.4.27855 URL:
The subject of the research is the motive about transformation of Geseriada into animals who discover these transformations as a result of Buddhist character being embodied into them. Based on the analysis of several variants of Buryat Geseriada, the researcher analyzes the mechanisms of replacement of characters and completing the episode motive with Buddhist additions. As a result of the spread of Buddhism throughout the territory of ethnic Buryatia, buddhist images are interweaved with Buryat epos which causes transformation of motives and changes of the semantic contents of individual motives. In her research Ayusheeva analyzes transformation of motives based on the example of the analysis of one episode that is a combination of motives. The researcher has applied the comparative classifidation analysis to find similar episodes in epic texts in order to define their typological features. The results of the research has allowed the author to conclude that the ingression of Buddhist images and motives into an epic piece, as a rule, results in the transformation of traditional motives and gives the sound of Buddhism to Buryat uliger.
lama, bowl, uliger, Abay Geser, buddhist characters, buddhism, motive, buryat Geseriada, epos, transformation
Tinyakova E.A..
How Folklore Can Become a Historical Source
// Philology: scientific researches.
2016. № 1.
P. 21-25.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2016.1.67583 URL:
The object of the present research is the narrative functions of the forms of Russian traditional folklore culture, most of all, oral forms and vocal art. The subject of the research is the historical content of the narrative aspect of Russian traditional folklore culture. The purpose of the article is to present the historical content of Russian folklore culture as an additional historical discipline among other supporting historical disciplines such as genealogy, toponymy, heraldry etc. Historical content, kept in traditional culture, helps to make teaching Russian history more illusrative, besides learners are proposed to choose details and facts, present in folk tales and legends, folk songs and other forms of traditional culture and build up historic texts themselves, hence it is just the beginning of research approach to historic information. Russian foklore culture is represented as a historical text. Emelian Pugachev's revolt is given as the case study. Under contemporary educational process, strongly dependent on internet resources, this approach to collect details of historic facts in forms of traditional culture is very cognitively activating, because historic knowledge itself is vertical not horizontal. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author views Russian folklore as a historical text represented in the nation's collective consciousness. The new scientific approach implies a new research method. History, kept in forms of folk culture, presents mass historic conscience, polished through a lot of various opinions and confirmed in the course of history pacing. Folk culture is the treasury of historic moods that accompanied events, it follows the 'iceberg' principle: little is on the surface and much is to be discovered and guessed.
history, folklore, oral forms, traditional culture, mass (collective) consciousness, documentation, mythologization, interpretation, additional discipline, research
Rezvani V..
Representation of Woman’s Beauty in the Mirror of Russian and Persian Paroemiae
// Philology: scientific researches.
2015. № 3.
P. 212-215.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2015.3.67172 URL:
The article is devoted to the analysis of the representation of woman’s beauty in Russian and Persian paroemiae (proverbs) being the expression of ethnic culture and the main unit of linguistic consciousness. The attitudinal meaning of the declared concept is closely connected with the society behavior value navigators. The object of the research is a paroemia as an element of the Russian and Persian languge systems. Paremiae reflect the cultural and historical experience qualified by the following generations as the proverbial wisdom. According to the title of the article, the research focuses on paroemiae and the concept of beauty. Lexical indictors of such markedness are the following subconcepts denoted with the words 'beauty', 'beautiful', 'handsome' (Russian 'krasota', 'krasivaya', 'prigozhaya' and Persian ziba, khoshgel ,ghashang). The research method: To achieve the research objective, the author has applied the comparative method and the method of solid selection as well as analysis of dictionaries. The importance of the research is caused by the fact that the author analyzes the image of beauty in the paroemiae that were created in the languages with different structures. In the light of modern requirements of teaching the Russian language, the comparative study of Russian and Persian paremiology and at the same time culture of these peoples appears necessary and effective especially from the perspective of teaching the Russian language in the case of teaching Russian outside the language or cultural environment.
Russian, gender markedness, woman, beauty, culture, teaching, paroemiae/proverbs, Persian, comparison, languge
Flerov O.V..
Eskimo Languages from Social, Economical and Geopolitical Points of View
// Philology: scientific researches.
2015. № 1.
P. 12-18.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2015.1.66418 URL:
The object of research in this article is Eskimo languages. The subject of research is their place, status and prospects in the context of Russian Arctic coasts exploration. The author distinguishes linguistic and socio-linguistic peculiarities of Eskimo languages. Particular attention is paid to the status and prospects of Eskimo languages in the context of looking for a compromise between Russian Arctic exploration and preserving culture of native North peoples. The method of research in this article is linguistic, social, economical and geopolitical analysis of the present state and prospects of Eskimo languages as minor peoples’ dialects. The main author’s conclusions come down to the following. Preservation of minor cultures in the epoch of technical progress, innovations and modernization is impossible without sustaining and raising their language status. In Russia Eskimo languages are on the verge of extinction unlike in North America and Greenland. One of the ways of supporting Eskimo languages may be raising interest for their learning as foreign languages, especially taking into account the fact that exotic languages are on certain demand today. The novelty of the article is caused by the fact that the author views Eskimo languages not only in terms of linguistics and culture but also in terms of social, economic and geopolitical studies.
preservation, economy, politics, society, the Arctic Region, culture, the Eskimos, language, Polar North, minor peoples