Ivlieva, M.F..
On tax expenditure refunds
// Financial Law and Management.
2013. ¹ 2.
P. 142-149.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0765.2013.2.63331 URL:
this article is devoted to the problem of monetary funds formation, existing in parallel with
the public financial system. The article includes analysis of the Ruling of the Supreme Arbitration
Court of the Russian Federation N. 14278/08. The Ruling provides that the all of the travelling costs
necessary to arrive at the place of judicial hearing shall be charged from the taxpayer, who has lost
the case in favor of a tax body. The said costs are related to performance of obligations of a state body.
The author of this article offers to regard these payments as income from paid services provided by
budgetary institutions. The author evaluates the opinions of various legal professionals, including the
Ret. Chairperson of the Arbitration Court of Moscow A. K. Bolshova, Judge of the Constitutional Court
of the Russian Federation Kononov. A. L. Finally, the author points out that the problems of application
of budget legislation are addressed by the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation more
and more often.
budget expenditures, tax bodies, compensation of spending, budget, finances, Supreme Arbitration Court, Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, budget legislation, procedural legislation, public functions.
Moshkova, D.M..
On tax regulation of innovative activities in the
Russian Federation.
// Financial Law and Management.
2013. ¹ 1.
P. 105-110.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0765.2013.1.63274 URL:
The article is devoted to the problem of
tax regulation of the innovative activities in the
conditions of the innovative development of the
Russian Federation and the innovation policy of
the state. The article contains analysis of a number
of normative legal acts, documents and programs,
defining the terms “innovation” and ‘innovation
activity” for the taxation purposes, since the Tax
Code of the Russian Federation fails to provide
details on these terms. The author studies specific
features of taxation for the innovative activities
subjects. Additionally, the author discusses the tax
relief mechanisms for them, methods of tax stimulation
in this sphere (tax exemption for the VAT,
investment tax credit, etc.). The author points out
contradictions and shortcomings in the current taxrelated
legislation regulating innovative activities,
their taxation and tax benefits. Additionally, the
author formulates the propositions for improving
the legislation in this sphere.
innovations, innovative, regulation, taxation, stimulation, exemption, Research and Advanced Development, tax, legal, tax.