Krotkova N. V..
Sergei A. Kotlyarevskiy as a Representative of Soviet Jurisprudence
// Financial Law and Management. – 2014. – ¹ 3.
– P. 184-198.
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Abstract: The article highlights the views of S. A. Kotlyarevskiy on the Soviet constitutional system,
as well as his analysis of financial activity of the Soviet state. It is shown that in the search for an appropriate
balance of interests, Kotlyarevskiy examines in detail the relationship between the USSR
and republics and tries to build an optimal boundary line in distribution of competence to ensure the
successful functioning of the federation. The bulk of sources consist of works by Kotlyarevskiy in Soviet
period. When studying his papers it is important to relate the chronology of works with the facts
of his personal biography and political events in the world and Russia. The main principles of the present
study are: historicism, documentalism, comprehensive and unbiased analysis, critical evaluation of
the material. The research work uses the following general research methods: logical, historical, comparative,
sociological, and deduction, induction, analysis, synthesis, hypothesis, analogy, and others.
It is concluded that Kotlyarevskiy considers the Soviet constitutional system mainly from the formal
dogmatic point of view, however, he attempts to give political characteristics of social structure of the
USSR and its republics. He was one of the first scholars who carried out a systematic analysis of the financial activities of the Soviet state for the first years of its existence and gave valuable practical recommendations.
He is justly considered to be one of those who stood at the origins of the Soviet state,
administrative and financial law.
Keywords: Sergei A. Kotlyarevskiy, state, Constitution, federalism, financial legislation, fiscal relations, budget of the USSR, local budgets, income tax, agricultural tax.
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