Elistratov V.S., He Y..
Modern chinese students at russian universities: Compiling summary portrait of cultural and linguistic personality
// Philosophy and Culture.
2025. № 1.
P. 18-28.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2025.1.73037 EDN: ARSAUL URL:
The subject of the research is that the article attempts to create a summary portrait of the cultural and linguistic personality of a Chinese student in modern Russian universities. The connection of the Chinese cultural and linguistic personality with the archetypal elements of the national image of the world determines its constant components with all changes in individual properties and qualities. At the same time, existing explicit or implicit stereotypes may be only part of a generalized portrait. The Chinese cultural and linguistic personality is based on a property that is often formulated by Sinologists as vitalism. The vitality of the modern Chinese audience is explored in connection with such phenomena as "gelotocentrism" and "phagocentrism", dating back to the traditional Chinese worldview. "Gelotocentrism" allows us to understand why laughter becomes one of the dominants of the psychological atmosphere in the classroom, as well as to identify the effectiveness of "laughter didactics" at various stages of learning. Various methods were used in the course of the research, including observation, literature analysis, historical and literary research, comparative and discourse analysis. "Phagocentrism" is not just "filling the stomach", but a peculiar form of possession of higher knowledge, a mental "orientation in the space of Being". In addition, for Chinese living in Russia, food is one of the most effective ways to solve adaptation problems and relieve psychological stress. The relevance of the research is determined by the novelty of the approach, since the novelty shows that phage therapy and gelotherapy are considered as the most important modes of human existence, and their significant role in the philosophy of education is emphasized. Tracing the connection between the history of Chinese culture and its current state in the aspect of international education, the study demonstrates that associative-sympathetic thinking is directly related to the vitalistic perception of the world. Vitalism, in turn, presupposes "holism" as an integral form of mastering reality.
Chinese audience, cultural-linguistic personality, laugh didactics, holism, phagology, gelotology, vitalism, cultureme, emic unit, overall portrait
Terzic A., Kovalev A.A..
Changes in traditional values in Russia: modernization and retreat
// Philosophy and Culture.
2024. № 11.
P. 49-69.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2024.11.71587 EDN: NJMJZZ URL:
Globalization tendencies in harmonizing social norms and their impact on social values can lead to significant clashes between modernization and tradition. This dynamic is particularly evident in Russia, where certain social groups exhibit varying degrees of resistance to these changes, reflecting a broader societal tension. Russian society is deeply rooted in conservative values such as security, solidarity, universality, and traditionalism. These values are often positioned in opposition to the more liberal and individualistic West-European cultural model, creating a clear cultural divide. The study investigates the extent to which the Russian value system diverges from other European national cultures and explores whether substantial changes in the Russian mentality have occurred under the pressures of globalization. To address these questions, the research draws on empirical analysis of quantitative data from the European Social Survey, which included Russia in 2006 and 2016. This data provides a solid basis for understanding the evolution of social values in Russia over the last decade. Additionally, the study examines recent public policy shifts in Russia that increasingly emphasize the importance of traditional society as a crucial safeguard for the nation's sovereignty and security. Ongoing political, economic, and cultural confrontations between Russia and the West have intensified the discourse on the perceived threat of Western cultural norms. Despite observable trends toward more open and individualistic lifestyles in Russia, the research findings suggest that the changes in mentality remain modest. This highlights the resilience of traditional values in maintaining Russia’s cultural identity and state sovereignty, even amid strong globalizing forces.
Western European culture, Social changes, Mentality, Conservatism, Russia, National sovereignty, Globalization, Cultural identity, Modernization, Traditional values
Zheng W..
The red color in Russian, French and Chinese linguistic cultures on the example of phraseology and proverbs
// Philosophy and Culture.
2024. № 4.
P. 75-85.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2024.4.70532 EDN: SLFVSC URL:
The research conducted in this article is aimed at analyzing color symbols in Russian, French and Chinese linguistic cultures using the analysis of phraseology and proverbs. The research methodology is based on a comparative analysis of phraseological units and proverbs containing color components in these languages. In the course of the study, both common and unique features in the color symbolism of each of the linguistic cultures under consideration were identified. Through a comparative analysis of phraseology and proverbs in different languages, it was possible to better understand how color embodies cultural norms, worldview and historical contexts in each nation. This allowed us to see which aspects of color are particularly significant for each culture and what associations and symbolic meanings are associated with them. Special attention is paid to the analysis of differences and similarities in the interpretation of color in the idiomatic expressions of each language. This allows us to understand which cultural and historical factors form unique views and ideas about color in each of the linguistic cultures under consideration. The study also highlights that the interpretation of color symbols in idiomatic expressions depends on the cultural and historical contexts of each language. Idioms are a reflection of the collective consciousness and worldview of the people, and the study of color phenomena in idioms helps to better understand national identity and linguistic evolution. In addition, the study found that the red color can acquire different meanings and connotations in different languages, despite common dictionary definitions. This indicates that the use and attitude towards the color red depends on the cultural and historical characteristics of each language group. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that it combines linguistic analysis with the analysis of cultural characteristics and uses the methodology of synergetic symbolism. This approach allows us to understand how the interaction of different colors creates new symbolic meanings and associations specific to each culture.
Linguistic picture of the world, Proverbs, Phraseologisms, Color designations, Chinese language, French language, Russian language, Red color, Coloratives, Comparative analysis
Namzhilova E.S., Tsyngueva D..
The value core of the traditional culture of the Buryats as an object of socio-cultural design
// Philosophy and Culture.
2024. № 3.
P. 1-20.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2024.3.70059 EDN: IRPZWY URL:
The authors consider in detail the features of the socio-cultural design of ethnocultural activities based on the actualization of traditional values and heritage in the Aginsky Buryat district. Since the end of the twentieth century, there has been an intensification of activities for the development of ethnic culture in the district, and often the initiative comes from the people, and it is implemented in the form of socio-cultural projects of cultural institutions, education, non-profit organizations. In connection with these features, it becomes relevant to analyze the value core of the Buryat culture, which becomes the object of socio-cultural design at the present stage. To study this issue, methods of external and included observation, content analysis of ongoing socio-cultural projects were used; scientific literature on the topic of socio-cultural design and values of Buryat culture was analyzed. The research material was social practices and projects implemented in the Aginsky Buryat district. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that the socio-cultural processes emerging in the social environment, initiated by tribal communities and social groups of peers, are studied. In the Agin Buryat district, these social groups are the subjects initiating innovative social practices aimed at actualizing and reviving the cultural core of the people. On the basis of these practices that have arisen in the popular environment, social projects of government bodies and institutions of the social sphere, culture, and education are being created and implemented. As a result of the conducted research, it was revealed that socio-cultural design at the present stage actualizes the values of the native language, the continuity of the family and tribal community, love for the native land, strengthening friendly ties with fellow countrymen and peers during the implementation of socially significant practices.
innovative practices, peers, family-clan communities, phenomenon fellow countryman, social practice, traditional values, socio-cultural design, socio-cultural projects, value core, values
Vinokurova M.A..
Peculiarities of food culture in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
// Philosophy and Culture.
2023. № 10.
P. 125-132.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2023.10.68824 EDN: JYGTBU URL:
The article examines the content of human nutrition, based on an axiological approach to understanding culture: food can become a carrier of spirituality and cultural value meanings. In this connection, the semantic meanings of such concepts as "food culture" and "gastronomic culture" are revealed. In modern science, everyday food culture correlates with the definition of "gastronomic culture", although to date there is no unambiguous understanding of this multidimensional cultural phenomenon, which is a specific attribute of each regional culture. The subject of the study is the food culture in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The object of this study is the peculiarities of everyday food culture in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). To identify possible gastronomic brands of Yakutia, a pilot survey was conducted among residents of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The presented article is relevant due to the fact that currently in modern culture there is a growing interest in the field of everyday food culture. The topic of food covers all areas of popular culture. Many books and periodicals on culinary topics are published. Exhibitions and competitions of culinary art are held. The catering system is actively developing. And these issues seem relevant today from the point of view of cultural knowledge and deserve close theoretical study.
Yakutia, national cuisine, gastronomic culture, yakut cuisine, culinary culture, food, food culture, daily life, culture, sakha people
Pisarenko Y.N..
"The Russian Idea" in the Postmodern situation: modern forms of the concept's existence on the example of Neo-Eurasianism
// Philosophy and Culture.
2022. № 6.
P. 10-17.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2022.6.38179 URL:
The subject of the research is the concept of "Russian idea" from the point of view of its transformation in the conditions of the modern postmodern paradigm. The characteristic markers forming the modern cultural-historical and philosophical paradigm are revealed – the specifics of their influence on the concept of "Russian idea" are analyzed. An example of the modern representation of the "neo-Eurasian" version of the concept as interpreted by A. G. Dugin demonstrates how in a postmodern situation, even ideas that are in discursive opposition to postmodern principles inevitably turn out to be embedded in the modern paradigm. Russian postmodern situation determines the specific forms of existence of the concept of "Russian idea", which, in turn, are representative for the analysis of phenomena, processes and transformations of modern Russian culture and the study of its dynamics. The novelty of the research lies in the analysis of the "Russian idea" as a concept with an unchanging semantic core, fixed through the presence of cross–cutting terms, as well as in identifying the characteristic types of modern forms of existence of the concept - Messianic, conservative-protective, nationalist, neo-Eurasian, political-ideological, liberal and others. The article analyzes and identifies the patterns of the constitution of the concept "Russian idea" in the conditions of the postmodernist paradigm, examines the specific markers characterizing the concept in the postmodern situation. The "Russian idea", on the one hand, is opposed to postmodernism as an axiological antinomy, on the other hand, modern markers of the concept are revealed, making it part of the postmodern system.
grotesque, deconstruction, intertextuality, the situation of Postmodern, Postmodern, neo - Eurasianism, messianism, Russian idea, simulacrum, pastiche
Zhang H..
The image of Boris Godunov in the drama by A. S. Pushkin and opera by M. P. Mussorgsky: comparative analysis of philosophical-aesthetic, psychological and social components
// Philosophy and Culture.
2020. № 7.
P. 31-40.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2020.7.33393 URL:
The subject of this research is the image of Boris Godunov viewed in three different aspects in the eponymous drama by A. S. Pushkin and in the opera by M. P. Mussorgsky. The goal consist in description of multifacetedness and complexity of image of the Tsar, as well as his main traits in representation of the poet and the composer, which helps the performers in staging the opera “Boris Godunov”. A comparative analysis of drama and opera is conducted in accordance with the tree main categories: philosophical-aesthetic foundation, psychological portrait, peculiarities of social environment and place of the hero therein. The main conclusions consist in determination of the important sides of possible interpretation of the image of Tsar as: 1) basic philosophical idea that underlies the entire play, and thus defines the role of Godunov in the artistic concept of stage director and actor; 2) key psychological traits that set the emotional tone for the image of Tsar Boris Godunov; 3) nature and specificity of relations between the protagonist and other characters. The scientific novelty of this article is defined by an attempt to determine the key trends in creating an artistic image of the hero by means of theoretical analysis of representations on protagonist in the drama by A. S. Pushkin and opera by M. P. Mussorgsky. The author believes that the range of qualities and traits imposed by these prominent upon Boris Godunov would help the novice actors to find the key to their unique interpretation of this character.
psychological component, philosophical and aesthetic component, the interpretation of the party, comparative analysis, artistic image, Opera by Mussorgsky, tragedy of Pushkin, Boris Godunov, social component, stage performance
Starodubtseva M..
Anti-extremist ideas in the Eurasian works of N. S. Trubetzkoy and their reflection in the studies of L. N. Gumilyov
// Philosophy and Culture.
2020. № 7.
P. 41-52.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2020.7.33541 URL:
The object of this research is the problematic raised by the representatives of political-legal doctrine of Eurasianism, which retains its relevance, despite the fact that the history of classical Eurasianism ended over 70 years ago. Geographical position of Russia along with its spatial-temporal orientation, or using the term of Pyotr Nikolaevich Savitsky “topogenesis”, foredooms the national political-legal ideology to pursuit of new ideas and concepts attributed to this characteristic of the country. The subject of this research is the relevance of classical Eurasianism, namely the ideas of its founder N. S. Trubetzkoy with their anti-extremist vector. The author also compares the ideas of N. S. Trubetzkoy and L. N. Gumilyov, and determines the common anti-extremist position. The main conclusion consists in proving the author’s hypothesis on anti-extremist nature of the ideas of N. S. Trubetzkoy and L. N. Gumilyov. A vivid testimony is reflected in the essence of Trubetzkoy’s “revolution of consciousness”, which rejects “fascinating intentions of Romano-Germanic civilization”, declaring itself “the center of the universe”, while it is necessary to understand that all cultures are equivalent to the fact that there is no highest and lowest cultures. N. S. Trubetzkoy claims that the “revolution of consciousness” lies in toppling the idols of egocentrism, in other words, the national haughtiness and chauvinism. Another conclusion is proof of the hypothesis on anti-extremist nature of Eurasian ideas of L. N. Gumilyov. He advanced arguments for polycentrism according to the theory of ethnogenesis, which is based on natural science. The idea of ethnoses itself, as the main point of Gumilyov’s theory, speaks of the evident anti-nationalistic and anti-extremist character of his theory, which again proves the author’s hypothesis.
nationalism, Turanian civilization, correlation, identity, ethnicity, Eurasianism, Gumilev, Trubetskoy, chauvinism, egocentrism
Skacheva N..
Phraseology as a cultural code to cognition of successful intercultural communication with German business partners
// Philosophy and Culture.
2018. № 3.
P. 42-48.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2018.3.25640 URL:
The subject of this research is the axiological phraseologisms as representatives of the axiological contents of German culture. The notion of axiological phraseologisms has appeared fairly recently. Dictionaries alongside the scientific works do not provide definition to the notion of axiological phraseologism. In this research, the axiological phraseologism is directly related to the definition of axiological, which is both, from perspective of temporal space – relevance of application, as well as the understanding of value as national values. The author uses the semiotic approach towards examination of the axiological contents through the prism of axiological phraseologisms. Phraseologism, as cultural texts, code information about the values of the people. Using the method of survey, the author determined the basic values of German people. Axiological contents of German culture, coded in the axiological phraseologisms, reveal the meanings of the relevant values of the people. Examining the axiological contents through the prism of axiological phraseologisms of German language, the article studies the language and culture of Germans. The relevance is substantiated by the uneasy relations between Russian and Germany. Thus, for maintaining business relations between the countries, businessmen must study the culture and language of their business partner. Different lands, different laws (andere Länder - andere Sitten) as claims the German proverb. Knowledge of the meanings and axiological contents of German culture can prevent the misunderstanding and conflicts in intercultural communication with German partners.
intercultural communication, semiotics, axiological phraseological units, valuable content, values, German, language, culture, business relationsships, business partners
Pudov A.G..
Symbolic explication of the ethnocultural evolution: on the example of Sakha people
// Philosophy and Culture.
2018. № 1.
P. 32-38.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2018.1.25165 URL:
This article turns particular attention to the symbolic interpretation of the phenomenon of ethnos and ethnic culture that fits into the constructivist paradigm of ethnology. As the basis is taken the presence of a unique secondary symbolic spectrum of consciousness, development at the stage of ethnogenesis and accomplishing a function of edification of the ethical in a person. In this angle, ethnic culture appears as social code and psychomental structure bound to the traditional life-sustaining system, rooted by ritual, and its fundamental core is the mythologically concepted unique spectrum of ethnic symbols of consciousness. Such metaphysical-symbolic articulation of the phenomenon of ethnos and its culture raises a question on the possible termination of their existence, as a results of destruction of the symbolic spectrum of secondary mythological symbols. The scientific novelty is defined by conclusion on the symbolic nature of ethnos and its culture, which is explicated through the unique interpretation of the universal for human of any culture initial symbols of consciousness, which establish the cultural code of a person. This secondary after the verbal interpretation spectrum of ethnic symbols represents a cultural code of ethnos. The contemporary nations that did not lose the indicated ontological symbolic constructs can possibly experience their renaissance and modernization. The latter appears as the synthesis of the symbols of diverse cultures that is demonstrated on the examples of modern Yakut cultural practices – theatre, cinematography, dance, and fine arts.
Yakuts, ethnic culture, ethnogenesis, ethnos, ethnology, consciousness, symbolic spectrum, symbols, ethnocultural modernization, Yakut art
Lipskiy V.N..
Nikolay Berdyaev about Dualism of National Identity
// Philosophy and Culture.
2015. № 12.
P. 1824-1831.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2015.12.67262 URL:
The research is devoted to the contradictions of national identity. Nikolay Berdyaev offered a number of antinomies through which contradictory nature of national identity can be viewed. The first antinomy is about passion and intolerance specific for the Russian mind. The researcher demonstrates how passion and intolerance are manifested in various spheres of Russian life. The other antinomy sounds like 'Russia is the most ungoverned country in the world', on the one hand, while on the other hand Berdyaev saw Russia as the country with the most rigid government structure. Methodologically this contradiction was determined by the influence of the East and West which, in its turn, contributed to the development of the Russians' 'messianic consciousness'. Dualism of national identity is an interesting topic not only from the point of view of history taking into account the fact that today's Russia is at another 'turning point' just like in Berdyaev's times but also because Berdyaev's idea about the relationship between national and European values will allow to take another look at what is happening in our country today.
antinomy, dualism, patience, humility, intolerance, national identity, life, death, mission, values
Safonov, A. L..
Nation and Ethnos as Essentially Different Social Phenomena: the New Paradigm of Sociogenesis
// Philosophy and Culture.
2014. № 7.
P. 1006-1012.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2014.7.65291 URL:
The author of the article discusses essential relations, differences and similarities of nation and ethnos as
the two scientific categories of the social and philosophical discourse and as social communities that actually exist
in the reality and describes their ontological grounds. The author also touches upon peculiarities of the processes of
ethno-genesis and nation-genesis including the processes of ethno-cultural fragmentation of nations under the conditions
of globalization and multi-culturalization, discusses the role of nations and ethnos as systematically important
social group actors in the processes of formation, transformation and differentiation of the modern global society
and provides an insight into the theories of socio-genesis, their classification and methodological concepts. The researcher
carries out a comparative social and philosophical analysis of the main concepts of socio-genesis in terms of
nation and ethnos as the actually existing phenomena of social reality and categories of the social and philosophical
discourse studied in the process of their historical development. The author establishes a hypothesis about the qualitative
difference between ethnos and nation as long-existing different social communities which genesis is related to
different spheres of social existence, in particular, spheres of everyday life for ethnos and political spheres for nation.
Results of the comparative analysis of the theories of socio-genesis show that a sustainable dualism of the theoretical
approaches to the genesis of social communities (constructivism-primordialism) reflects the non-similarity of nation
and ethnos as continuously stable phenomena of different social nature.
ethnos, nation, socio-genesis, ethno-genesis, nation-genesis, constructivism, primordialism, instrumentalism, ethnocultural fragmentation, globalization.
Chesnokova, L. V..
The Concept of Heim (Hearth and Home): Shelter from the Existential Fear in German Culture
// Philosophy and Culture.
2014. № 5.
P. 719-724.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2014.5.64929 URL:
The author of the article describes one of the most important concepts in German culture, the concept of
Heim (Hearth and Home). The author provides a definition of the concept and describes its etymology and traditional
use in German culture. The author also describes the main features of this concept from the point of view of the German
national mentality including emotional fullness and the feeling of protection, safety and psychological comfort.
Moreover, the author compares this German concept with associated terms in other languages and cultures. The
author underlines that the concept of Heim (Hearth and Home) satisfies one of the main human needs in privacy and
personal (safe) space and protects humans from feeling homelessness as well as experiencing the existential fear
(Angst). For a German person, his own tidy and cozy home is the place where the order and safety reign and where he
can feel protected from anxieties and threats and chaos of the outside world.
cultural research, cultural concept, German culture, national mentality, home (Heim), hearth, existential fear (Angst), existential homelessness, feeling of safety, privacy.
Drikker, A. S..
Historical Perspective and the Problem of National Self-Identification
// Philosophy and Culture.
2014. № 4.
P. 553-562.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2014.4.64228 URL:
Specific feature of Russian history is the regular genesis of single-type systemic crises. In order to brake the
vicious circle and to realize actual potentials it is necessary, first of all, to understand the deep inside reasons of this
process. Sources should be found in both ancient and modern history of Russia that provides enough material for
analysis and search for better solutions of eternal problem, self-identification being the central problem here. Many
century history of this problem is described as the result of the strongest West influence and painful opposition to it.
This inferiority complex is most clearly found out at the level of values. The way to self-affirmation in the global world
(also as well as in feudal) is the search for values and goals which would be harmonic for our culture instead of the
fashionable purposes and values.
self-identification, evolution, value, an inferiority complex, reforms, Westerners, Slavophiles, adaptability, history, elite.
Gusaeva, K. G..
Similarities and Differences in Formation of the National and Confessional in Multi-Ethnic
// Philosophy and Culture.
2013. № 10.
P. 1447-1452.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2013.10.63419 URL:
The author of the article studies peculiarities of Islam in Dagestan. The author views the balance of the national
and confessional aspects from the point of view of history and culture as well as their interaction in modern age of
development of the Republic of Dagestan.
philosophy, confession, ethnicity, nation, Dagestan, traditions, culture, religious consciousness, Islam, national factor.
Chesnokova, L.V..
Gemütlichkeit (coziness) as one of the key concepts in German culture
// Philosophy and Culture.
2013. № 8.
P. 1121-1130.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2013.8.63103 URL:
The article contains analysis of one of the key German concepts: the concept of coziness
(Gemütlichkeit). Much attention is paid to the etymology of this term and history of its use in the German culture.
The author provides for the key characteristic features of this concept, namely, the connection with the
inner world and soul of a person (Gemüt) and the material conditions of the surrounding atmosphere. The
article includes analysis of the social element of this phenomenon and comparison of this term and similar
terms in other cultures and languages.
cultural studies, concept German culture, Gemütlichkeit (coziness), Gemüt (soul, inner world), home, hearth, Angst (existential fear), individualism, bourgeois culture.
Chesnokova, L. V..
The Concept of Longing and Yearning (Sehnsucht) in German Culture
// Philosophy and Culture.
2013. № 6.
P. 825-833.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2013.6.62768 URL:
The article is devoted to one of the most important terms in German culture, the concept of longing
and yearning (Sehnsucht). Special attention is paid at etymology of the concept and its interpretation
in philosophy. The author describes the main features of longing: uncertain pattern, no significant reason,
inability to satisfy it and connection with one’s being. The author also underlines the ambivalence of that
feeling and views how that concept was reflected in German poetry and Romanticism fine arts.
philosophy, culture, cultural concept, longing and yearning (Sehnsucht), romanticism, mentality, Weltschmerz (cosmic sadness), Fernweh (crave for travel), Heinweh (homesickness), Caspar David Friedrich.
Amelchenko, S. N..
Deconstruction of a Mental Code of Russian Culture in Terms of Globalization
// Philosophy and Culture.
2013. № 2.
P. 171-181.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2013.2.62328 URL:
Traditionally, philosophers who study Russian mentality focus on typical contradictions and ‘unsurpassable’
binarity viewed by Lotman as the source of destruction of Russian culture and by Kondakov – as the opposition which
made it possible for the culture to exist till late XX. At the same time, the phenomenon considered has stable harmonious
properties, too. These properties form the mental code of Russian culture. This code has become the axiological
and conceptual costant of Russian culture and created the unique nature and successive development of Russian culture throughout the history. To study the code, the author suggests to use deconstruction as a research method,
because it allows to reconstruct its hidden mechanism and to change its configuration according to a new historical
environment. This approach, combined with the methods of structuralism and psychoanalysis, has shown that binarity
was typical for the structure of the mental code only at early stage of its development. Now the mental code consists
of the three elements which allows Russian culture retain its entirety as well as to keep a decent position in the multicultural
in conditions of globalization.
philosophy, Russian culture, mental code, structure, function, the must mode, identity, reconstruction, destruction, deconstruction.
Slezin, A. A., Scheplenkov, O. V..
Russian Youth of the First Wave Emigration as a National
and Cultural Phenomenon in History
// Philosophy and Culture.
2012. № 7.
P. 75-84.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2012.7.61239 URL:
The article is devoted to social and cultural background of the phenomenon of Russian youth movement
outside their native country. The authors of the article describe certain measure which, at least for a
while, allowed to stop de-nationalization of growing generation.
philosophy, history, emigration, youth, succession, acculturation, mentality, nation, identity, cultural studies.
Razin, A. S., Belov, A. V..
Ethno-Confessional Factors of Economic Management in Post-
Industrial Society
// Philosophy and Culture.
2012. № 3.
P. 54-65.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2012.3.59303 URL:
The article analyzes the genesis of philosophical conceptions of modernization from the point of
view of economic activity. The authors of the article describe the relation between modernization and postindustrialization
models of socio-cultural development. The authors show the peculiar nature of national
economic management culture and raises a question about ethno-confessional economic management.
philosophy, ethno-confessional relations, ethno-confessional factor, modernization, post-modernization, post-industrialization, economic management, non-linear, local modernization.
Odintsova, E. V..
Culture, Everyday Life and Holidays in the Life of Russian People during the Last Third of
the 17th Century
// Philosophy and Culture.
2011. № 11.
P. 73-80.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2011.11.58897 URL:
The article is devoted to the analysis of Russian people’s everyday life during the last third of the 17th century
as a part of the historical process of changing human consciousness. The author of the article also discusses how a new form of social and everyday life was formed when Russia adopted elements of Western European culture. The article
descries the bright moments of everyday life and holidays of the Russian people as well as interest of foreigners who
arrived at and lived in Russia during the last third of the 17th century. The article is based on historical, cultural and
culturological approaches.
cultural studies, Russia, society, holiday, everyday culture, foreigners, urban mentality, feudalism, clothes, power.
Aleynik, R. M..
The Human of Ethnics
// Philosophy and Culture.
2011. № 10.
P. 41-49.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2011.10.58783 URL:
The epoch of globalization is characterized by a paradox combination of the growth of multi-ethnocultural
interactions, population and genetic shift of peoples and reinforcement of ethnic identity at the same
time. However, there are still vivid debates around the terms ‘ethnos’ and ‘nation’ between primordialists and
constructivists in Russian philosophy and ethnology. It also gave birth to a new interpretation anthropology
which studies cultural differences and meanings of human activity and various social coalitions in comparison
with discrete units of anthropological (ethnological) analysis and relations between them.
philosophy, human, globalization, culture, ethnos, integrity, anthropology, self-consciousness, primordialists, constructivists.
Matveeva, A. I., Stozhko, K. P..
Spiritual Basis of the Russian Mentality
// Philosophy and Culture.
2011. № 9.
P. 76-84.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2011.9.58687 URL:
The article reveals the spiritual basis of the Russian nation. The author defines the fundamental basis of the
personal ‘integrity’ which is, at the same time, the measure of personal spirituality. The author studies the concepts
of ‘spirit’ and ‘spirituality’ based on the classical tradition introduced first by Aristotle, Plato and Hegel and then by I.
A. Ilyin, N. O. Lossky, V.S. Soloviev, E. N. Trubetskoy, P. A. Florensky, S. L. Frankl and other religious philosophers who
represented the ideal-realism philosophy. The article also provides a detailed analysis of N. O. Lossky’s views on the
Russian mentality.
philosophy, spirituality, integrity, combination, character, duty, responsibility, personality, basis, people.
Yatvetski, B. V..
Role of Cultural Centers in Development of Co-operation between Israel and Russia
// Philosophy and Culture.
2010. № 9.
P. 69-73.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2010.9.57627 URL:
The questions of international cultural co-operation are gaining growing importance in modern international relations. Nowadays there is not a single country which wouldn’t pay attention at the problems of building solid cultural and scientific contacts with other nations. Many modern researches and politicians believe that being the process of spiritual, creative and intellectual communication, culture suggests the process of mutual enrichment with new ideas in the context of cultural exchange, and thus, plays an important communicative role uniting groups of people of diverse social, ethnical and religious characteristics
cultural studies, cultural policy, universal language, multi-cultiralism, globalization in culture, creative process, cultural heritage, dialogue, in the sphere of culture
Shilov, V. N..
Russian Society and Russian Ethnic Culture
// Philosophy and Culture.
2010. № 8.
P. 57-63.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2010.8.57575 URL:
The article claims that formation f the Russian civil nation is one of the directions of consolidation of the Russian society. Russian ethnical culture is viewed as the basics of Russian culture and Russian nation. It is supposed that the openness of the Russian personality and Russian culture enable representatives of other ethnos both to join them and to participate in their development
cultural studies, society, nation, ethnos, culture, Russian, consolidation, assimilation, multi-culturalism
Sontag, S..
Artiest as an Example of Martyr
// Philosophy and Culture.
2010. № 1.
P. 72-77.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2010.1.57177 URL:
Susan Sontag is an American author, literary theorist and political activist. In her article Sontag reviews the famous diary by Cesare Paverse which was published after his suicide and became a rather important event in literature. Susan Sontag studies Cesare Paverse’s views on personality, life and love.
philosophy, art, artist, Cesare Paverse, love
Shazhinbatyn, A..
Immanuel Kant about Ethnicity as an Anthropological Problem
// Philosophy and Culture.
2009. № 10.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2009.10.56985 URL:
Review: the phenomenon of ethnicity is usually viewed in the social, cultural and psychological aspect. However, according to the author of the article, ethnicity can be analyzed as an anthropological problem. In that case, the phenomenon becomes part of the anthropological teaching. The author illustrated his idea with Kant’s views on the national character. Being a philosophical anthropologist, that German philosopher tried to find out how different peoples reacted to beautiful things and ideas
philosophy, psychology, philosophical anthropology, ethnicity, national character, aesthetic sensitivity, feeling, spirit
Marcuse, H..
Reason and revolution. Hegel and the rise of social theory (translated by E. N. Fedina)
// Philosophy and Culture.
2009. № 6.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2009.6.56705 URL:
Abstract: selected extracts from H. Marcuse’s work “Reason and Revolution” in which the author analyzed Hegel’s dialectics and Hegel’s views on human as the subject and the object of social processes.
philosophy, history, object, subject, dialectics, logics, Hegel.
// Philosophy and Culture.
2008. № 12.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2008.12.56105 URL:
The article is devoted to analyzing the main peculiarity of Russian philosophizing, - primary epistemological beliefs of the “synthetical paradigm”. Russian philosophizing is based on the idea of wholeness of existence and the idea of complementability of all forms of experiencing it from conception thinking and image perception, cold rationality and “believing mind” to intuition and mystical perception of the world.
// Philosophy and Culture.
2008. № 11.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2008.11.56090 URL:
The author reflects on the role of education at the start of a new civilization. He raises a question about the anthropological turn and speaks of opportunities of the modern education. The author also criticizes never-ending reforms of as stable a system as education is.
Shazhinbatyn, A..
National character and national stereotypes
// Philosophy and Culture.
2008. № 10.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2008.10.56038 URL:
The author analysed various “national character” concepts and showed the role of national stereotypes in formation and destruction of the national character as a phenomenon. At the same time, the author spoke of specific methods for studying the national character. He also described types of personalities and personal traits.
Erofeeva, N.N..
Mythologem of the woman in the presentations of the different people of the World.
// Philosophy and Culture.
2008. № 9.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2008.9.56031 URL:
Sherkova, T.A..
Personal phylosophy in Russian personalism.
// Philosophy and Culture.
2008. № 7.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2008.7.55877 URL:
Davtyan, M.A..
Feudal conciousness of the modern japan.
// Philosophy and Culture.
2008. № 6.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2008.6.55866 URL: