Akimov O.Y..
The Self-Selfness of Vasiliy Rozanov
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2023. – ¹ 9.
– P. 106-127.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2023.9.44078.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2023.9.44078
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Abstract: Our approach bases on the explication of Rosanov’s creativity as the special intention, that implements the unspeakable Self-Selfness of Vasiliy Rosanov. The ineffability of Self-Selfness can be dialectical expressed by Rosanov through phenomena, of that consists the Rosanov’s world. This ineffability actualizes by Rosanov by means of understanding as a filled emptiness, that determinates the specialties and the structure of the understood objects. The exposition of this emptiness conditions the antinomies of Rosanov’s creativity: one sides is understanding by Rosanov the closed world, other sides it corresponds with the world of things. Rosanov mythically fills the void, using the intimate personal contact with the things. We consider the creativity of Rosanov as the synthesis of both this global directions of Rosanov’s theory: the vision of understanding through things, this vision causes the special perception of things by Rosanov. The things are by Rosanov neither material objects, nor the ideal essences. This are by Rosanov the givens, inherent to the understanding. At the same time Rosanov examines the things through understanding, including it with help of the carnivalisation in his own special world. This method defines in our opinion style and content of Rosanov’s works. The thinker realizes by means of the carnivalisation the understanding, according to the concrete things, creating the special world of life (reality). For Rosanov this world is the second world.
Keywords: hierarchy, thing, understanding, world, mask, carnavalisation, being, Self-Selfness, myth, event
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Yakovlev V.A..
To the new outlook of the question on dialectics
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2016. – ¹ 7.
– P. 935-944.
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the understanding of dialectics as a universality of the critical interpretational rationalism. The main stages of the establishment of a new dialectical method in the history of philosophy are being examined. Special attention is given to the Hegelian and the Marxist theories of dialectics. The author determines the essential cluster of the elements (core) of dialectics, which remains throughout the entire history of its development. The scientific novelty consists in the following statement: the linear dialectics of the XIX century is currently opposed to the nonlinear dialectics, the essence of which lies in the hermeneutic movement for the purpose of resolution of the contradictions between the part and the whole, private and public, secondary and primary. The object is being viewed alternately in different contexts, and the mind sort of executes a “shuttle” movement from the object to one “horizon”, from the latter to another “horizon”, and then back to the object. Unlike the linear scheme (thesis – antithesis – synthesis), the new understanding of dialectics first and foremost consists in the ability to fit an object into various, and most often opposite (contrary), conceptual contexts, which confront each other as binary oppositions.
Keywords: contradiction, rationalism, hermeneutic, semantic contexts, oppositions, binarity, dialectics, method, laws, culture
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Faritov V.T..
Dialectics and Transgression in Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel's and Friedrich Nietzsche's Teachings. Comparative Research
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2015. – ¹ 9.
– P. 1297-1305.
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Abstract: In a number of contemporary philosophical teachings the phenomenon of transgression takes the same place as the phenomenon of transcedence in classical metaphysics. The purpose of the present research article is to explicate the place and role of transgression in Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel's and Friedrich Nietzsche's teachings. Philosophical searches of the aforesaid philosophers were carried out at the border between classical and nonclassical philosophies and thus finalized classical metaphysics and anticipated conceptual findings of the XXth century. The author of the present article has conducted a comparative research of the dialectical interaction between transgression and transcedence in Hegel's and Nietzsche's works. In addition to traditional research methods the author has partly used the methodological tools of deconstructivist and poststructuralist approaches. Faritov has also applied the method of comparative analysis. According to the researcher, in Hegel's works transgression is shown as a dialectical process of denial, removal and overcoming of definite borders of particular discourses. Hegel included transgression into the metadiscourse about absolute Idea and Spirit. That is the point where transgression completes its function of extension of definite borders of particular final discourses to maximum and infinite certainty of the transcendental metadiscourse. Hegel's teaching deals with the internal transgression as part of the metaprospect of transdendence. Nietzsche refused from the idea of dialects being governed by the transcendence metadiscourse. Transgression prospects involves transcendence as a particular step to be made in the dialectical process.
Keywords: Nietzsche, Hegel, metadiscourse, discourse, prospect, transcedence, transgression, dialectics, removal, ways of existence
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Transgression in Hegel's Philosophy: from Hegel to Nietzsche
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2015. – ¹ 6.
– P. 818-829.
Read the article
Abstract: The subject of the study is the transgression as an ontological perspective of the philosophy of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. The concept of non-classical philosophy introduced into philosophical discourse by Georges Bataille explicated in the dialectic of the German classical philosopher. The transgression is presented as one of the defining moments in Hegel's philosophy. The main material of the research is "Phenomenology of Spirit". The author also refers to other works of the philosopher. Much attention is paid to the comparative analysis of the teachings of Hegel and Nietzsche in terms of what was similar and different in their interpretations of transgression. In his research Faritov has used methodological principles and guidelines of deconstruction, comparative philosophy, critical historical-philosophical and ontological research. The main result of the study is the explication of transgression as the dominant ontological perspectives of the philosophy of Hegel. In the teachings of Hegel transgression took a place of transcendence. Thus, Hegel goes beyond classical metaphysics and opens the way to creating a non-classical philosophical paradigm. It is shown that the Hegelian dialectic is one of the possible variants of philosophical discourse based on the perspectives of transgression.
Keywords: will to power, spirit, limit, border, fixed definiteness, transgression, Hegel, Nietzsche, becoming, enantiodromia
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Read the article
Abstract: The problem of the correlation between culture as the form and the result of human activity is
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On the Question of Categorical Concepts of the Part and the Whole and Their Dialectics
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– P. 40-49.
Read the article
Abstract: The article is devoted to the methodological meaning of the categorical concepts of the part and the whole from the point of view of development of Tadjik nation as an ethos. The author makes an attempt to give definitions of the part and the whole and explain their dialectics.
The purpose of this article is to show methodological meaning of certain categorical concepts in dialectics and the correlation between them. Keeping that in mind, their dialects show how neutral these concepts are even though they become more than concrete in the context of this or that aspect of reality. Based on that, the author concluded that these two categories are incomplete by their nature but BECOME compete in this or another aspect of reality or this or another philosophical teaching. This is the wonderful example of the methodological pluralism. From this point of view, Tadjiks can be considered a complete nation from one hand but they can be also viewed as diverse parts of nation scattered throughout Central Asia and Afghanistan on the other hand. However, we must admit that this is a complete nation when we talk about their language and identity.
Keywords: philosophy, cultural studies, categorical concepts of the part and the whole, dialectics of the categorical concepts of the part and the whole, pluralism of methodologies, thesis about the priority of the whole over the part, analytical approach to studyi
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