Balakleets N.A..
Vision and power: space outside the boundaries of Panopticon
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2018. – ¹ 9.
– P. 46-58.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2018.9.27422.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2018.9.27422
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Abstract: This article is dedicated to examination of the observable spaces established by authorities since modernity and existing in modern society. Leaning on the works of Michel Foucault, Jean Baudrillard, Gilles Deleuze, Patrick Joyce and others, the author explicates the potential and boundaries of impact of the visual means used by authorities overall, and Panopticon as one of such means in particular. Visual methods of exercising of power are viewed in the context of other sensory modalities of a human. The author determines the perceptive spaces of power, which serve as alternative to Panopticon of Jeremy Bentham. Along with the general scientific methods of research, the author also applies the methodological principles and paradigms of post-structuralism, social constructivism, and interdisciplinary approach. A conclusion is made that the principle of Panopticism is not the universal principle of organization of space of the power in modern society. The mechanism of power within the Panoptic space is realized due to the implicit metaphysical orientations that the enclosed within it individuals are guided by. The author’s main contribution lies in explication of the alternative to Panipticon perceptive spaces of power. The article introduces the term “Panaudion” for designating the acoustic space of the power, designed by Athanasius Kircher. The analysis contains the theoretical sources that are not translated into Russian.
Keywords: panopticon, space, modern society, subject of power, observation, vision, power, panaudion, Michel Foucault, Athanasius Kircher
Bakhtin M.M. Formy vremeni i khronotopa v romane // Voprosy literatury i estetiki. Issledovaniya raznykh let. – M.: «Khudozh. lit.», 1975. – S. 234-407.
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Zakharchenko G.V..
On some peculiarities of Max Stirner’s rejection of state
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2018. – ¹ 2.
– P. 24-32.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2018.2.24394.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2018.2.24394
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the complex socio-philosophical issues related to modern understanding of the ideas of rejection of the political and social role of the state. The object of this research is the socio-philosophical and socio-political ideas of Max Stirner. The author considers the peculiarities of comprehending the historical role of the state and its rejection in the process of social development. Special attention is given to the modern interpretations of the thoughts and ideas of Max Stirner, their consoance with new challenges and problems arising in the process of state’s activity. The author insists on the relevance of multiple ideas and regulations of Max Stirner, as well as their theoretical and practical applicability in modern sense of the complicated and contradictory tendencies of social development .The author is also assured in the value of Stirner’s understanding of human, society, and the state in creation of the new, alternative forms of socio-political organization of humanity. The key method of this research consists in analyzing of the text “The Unique and Its Property”, aimed at determination of the insufficiently clear sense of his comprehension of the rejection of state and social functions of the “union of egoists”. The author pursues correlation between certain principles of Max Stirner and the ideas of Kant and Fichte. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the author negates to accept the established interpretation of the creative heritage of Max Stirner as an Orthodox anarchist of the individualistic sense. The author concludes that some ideas of Max Stirner cannot be reduce to the purely anarchist rejection of the state, and his concept of the “union of egoists” contains practically valuable for the modernity regulations that help to better understand the concept and essence of the transformation taking place in the modern world in perception of the social role and functions of the state. In addition, the author examines the certain aspects of Stirner’s philosophy as a distinct social utopia that contains certain scientific value for understanding the possible prospects of human and social evolution.
Keywords: revolution, freedom, individualism, human, deconstruction, unique, state, anarchism, union of egoists, laws
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Zakharov K.P..
Sharia fighting the Islamic terrorism: capabilities and limits
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2017. – ¹ 10.
– P. 67-75.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2017.10.24188.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2017.10.24188
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Abstract: One of the relevant problems of Russian society lies in organization of the efficient counteraction to Islamic terrorism. Special role in preventing of such variety of extremism is played by the ideological struggle with the radical Islamism that must be of complex character. In absence of the integral ideology of counteracting extremism, which is just being outlined, it is essential to pay attention to the religious components that can be a favorable soil for extremism. In the course of fighting the Islamic extremism, remains relevant the position “Islam against Islam”. The author examines the possibility of implementing Sharia in the ideological struggle with the radical Islamism. The article applies the scientific-philosophical methodology of assessing the peculiarities of functionality of the religious normative system under the specific sociocultural circumstances. The effectiveness of such fight is defined by the present capabilities of Ijtihad that encourage the reformation of Sharia, specificity of public consciousness of Muslim population, as well as peculiarities of sociopolitical orientations of the diverse religious and political movements that interpret the corresponding assignments of Sharia in a specific manner. The author believes that the search for noncontradictory combination of Sharia with the acting national legislation looks promising.
Keywords: Jihadism, Ijtihad, Sharia, ideological struggle, Islamic radicalism, Islamic state, Islamism, Islam, Takfiri, Islamic extremism
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Rossiyskiy Kavkaz: problemy, poiski, resheniya. Nauchnoe izdanie /Pod obshchey red. R.G. Abdulatipova, A-N.Z. Dibirova. M.: Izd-vo «Aspekt Press», 2015. – 600 s.
An-Naim Abdullakhi Akhmed. Na puti k islamskoy reformatsii (Grazhdanskie svobody:, prava cheloveka i mezhdunarodnoe pravo) / per. O.Fadinoy; otv. red. i avtor posleslo
Skorokhodova S.I..
I. S. Aksakov about «Serbian tribe» and the Slavic question.
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2017. – ¹ 7.
– P. 53-64.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2017.7.23433.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2017.7.23433
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Abstract: The article considers the views of I. S. Aksakov on the Slavic question through the prism of those events and processes that most clearly, clearly, passed on the territory of Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Macedonia. Based on the works of the philosopher and journalism of the second half of the XIX century. It shows how heterogeneous in its political sympathies was the Serbian society: its «top» almost invariably gravitated toward the West, and the common people was the representative of the «Russian party». The idea that in the Russian society of the period, although there was no unequivocally positive attitude to the Slavic cause, the idea of a special vocation for Russia as a guardian of justice and balance throughout the world was much more prevalent. Considering and analyzing the philosophical and political ideas of Aksakov associated with the Slavic theme, the author applies the principle of historicism and integrity, as well as personal approach suggesting that views of the philosopher cannot be separated from or adequately perceived outside the context of his spiritual and practical life. A dialogical paradigm is used that allows comparing his ideas with the views of other thinkers. It is alleged that Aksakov influenced the socio-political atmosphere with his philosophical and political articles and speeches, exacerbating interest in the Slavic issue. Conclusions are drawn that the Slavic theme, which the Slavophiles deepened in their work, remains relevant at present time; for the majority of Russian philosophers of the XIX century is inherent deep intuition in cognizing the universal.
Keywords: Austria-Hungary, the Balkans, Serbian tribe, idea of Moscow Tsardom, idea of German unity, Djordje Petrovic Karađorđe, Aksakov, Turkey, Vasily Ostrozhsky, Slavic theme
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Dragel' L.V..
Legitimation and violence
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2017. – ¹ 6.
– P. 81-89.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2017.6.21240.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2017.6.21240
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the determination of peculiarities of interrelation between the government and society. The object is the examination of notions of “legitimation” and “violence” that characterize such interrelation. The author meticulously reviews various approaches towards the understanding of relationship between the government and society, which are provided in form of the normative and descriptive theories. Due to this fact, the article considers the possible level of congruency of the terms “legitimation” and “violence”, as well as their correlation with other notions, such as “discourse”, “physical violence”, “legitimate violence”, “justice”, “and agreement”. Methodology of this research is the analysis of interrelation between the government and society in form of reflection of the terms “legitimation” and “violence”, as well as viable synthesis of these notions. The main conclusion of consists in determination of the position of violence as a certain stage of evolution of legitimation in capacity of legitimate violence, the highest level of which is the legality. Perception of the legitimate violence as a final stage of evolution of legitimation leads to the distorted understanding of legitimation. Thus, legitimation is viewed as a process of development of a discourse that is based on the unspoken agreement towards active cooperation that is centered around the mutual understanding of individuals.
Keywords: physical violence, legitimate violence, discourse, society, government, violence, legitimation, agreement, justice, legality
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Goncharov V.V., Poyarkov S.Yu..
Human rights and freedoms as the ideal value of modern state
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2017. – ¹ 1.
– P. 47-50.
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Abstract: This article is dedicated to examination of the rights and freedoms of an individual as the ideal values of the modern state. The work substantiates the position that human rights as a universal category serve as a significant dominant in development of civil society alongside the counterforce of absolutization of political power of the state in the process of establishment of constitutionalism. Rights and freedoms are the ideal value of any modern democratic state; because firstly, a person represents the highest value of social development, and, secondly, the purposes of existence and functionality of the government apparatus itself. Thus, the recognition, consolidation in the existing legislation (primarily the Constitution), adherence to and protection of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, on one hand – is the cornerstone of formation and functionality of the government apparatus in modern democratic state as; and on the other hand – one of the main goals and tasks of the state.
Keywords: democracy, Constitution, people, modern state, ideal value, citizen, man, freedom, law, government
Parkhomenko R.N. Diskussii o liberalizme v sovremennoy Rossii // Politika i Obshchestvo. 2013. ¹ 8. C. 1052 - 1063. DOI: 10.7256/1812-8696.2013.8.9067.
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Balakleets N.A..
Subject and Power: essentialism and ways to overcome it in modern political philosophy
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2016. – ¹ 10.
– P. 1419-1429.
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Abstract: The aim of the present article is to study essentialist and post-essentialist approaches towards the subject of power. Modern political philosophy has revealed methodological inconsistency of essentialist interpretation of the ruler which was regarded as a phenomenon determined by supreme metaphysical essence (Wesen). Unsound is today the classical subject-object model of power in general. Using the ideas of Friedrich Nietzsche, Alexandre Kojeve, Louis Althusser, Michel Foucault and other thinkers, the author examines in detail the causes of the crisis and heuristic incompleteness of essentialism in political philosophy. The article considers the attempts to overcome it. The author makes explicit ambiguity of the ways of describing and characterizing of the power subject represented in classical and modern concepts.Along with general scientific research methodology the author uses constructivist and poststructuralist approaches, hermeneutic methodology as well as the method of comparative analysis of philosophical doctrines.The novelty of the research lies in the comprehensive and systematic characterization of essentialist theories of power, explication of methodological "problem areas" of essentialism and constructivism. The author concludes the methodological fruitless using of classical Cartesian subject category in modern political and philosophical studies. However, the total elimination of this category from the arsenal of the modern political and philosophical thought demonstrating a broad conceptual apparatus for the expression of subjectivity is also untenable. The special contribution of the author consists in non-classical interpretation of the category of power subject in the works of Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Carl von Clausewitz.
Keywords: Foucault, Kojeve, Servant and master, Metaphysics, Essentialism, Political philosophy, Trancendency, Transgression, Power, Subject
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Balakleets N.A. Ontologicheskie aspekty monarkhicheskoi vlasti (na materiale romana I.I. Lazhechnikova «Delyanoi dom») // Filologiya: nauchnye issledovaniya. – 2015. –
Nikonova S.B..
On humanitarian approach towards the problem of international conflicts. The review of International Likhachev Scientific Readings of 2016
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2016. – ¹ 9.
– P. 1294-1302.
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This article is dedicated to the reviews of the annual international forum, which takes place in the Saint-Petersburg University of the Humanities and Social Sciences. At attempt is conducted to examine the types and trends of humanitarian thought, as well as designate the characteristics of the direction that is presented in Likhachev Readings. The author gives characteristics to the general topics of the latest forum discussion: the problem of mission of the philosophy and humanitarian thought in the modern world, and possibility of the universal unity; as well as reviews the presented approaches towards the solution of international conflicts. It is demonstrated how all the reporters, despite the discordance of opinions, support the common idea of humanitarization of the modern culture. The relevance of the general topic of the forum consists in the problems of the dialogue of culture in the global world, which is substantiated based on the general ethical ideas, as well as structural-historical grounds, i.e. the result of development of a certain type of thinking, which simultaneously leads to universalization of culture, and recognition of cultural differences. The modern humanitarian thought is classified by the two types of relation to the aforementioned conflict. On one hand, it can be understood as the source of specificity of the modern culture based on such conflict. Such thought is called “paradoxical” and contain the radical critical movements of the present time. On the other hand, we can suggest that the understanding of the conflict creates the conditions for its overcoming, as well as humanitarization of the existing type of culture. Such though is called “humanitarian” in the article. The academic community of Likhachev Readings leans namely to the latter type of interpretation of the modern processes.
Keywords: global community, universalization of culture, cultural differences, conflict, humanitarization, paradox, international conflicts, modern culture, dialogue, humanitarian knowledge
Zhizhek S. O nasilii / Per s angl. M.: Evropa, 2010. 184 s.
Birzhenyuk G.M. Terrorizm kak predmet mul'tidistsiplinarnykh issledovaniy // Mezhdunarodnye Likhachevskie chteniya. 2016 god. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 19.06.2016)
Zhizhek S. Nekotorye politicheski nekorrektnye razmyshleniya o nasilii // Logos. 2006. ¹ 2. S. 3-25.
Guseynov A.A. Dialog kul'tur: predely kul'turologicheskogo analiza // Mezhdunarodnye Likhachevskie chteniya. Dialog kul'tur v usloviyakh globalizatsii. SPb.: SPbGUP, 2011. S. 61-65.
Lektorskiy V.A. Mezhdunarodnyy terrorizm i krizis kul'turnoy globalizatsii // URL: (data obrashcheniya: 19.06.2016)
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Galis G. U
Sharova V.L..
Russian world as a form of geocultural integration (to certain positions of P. B. Struve theory of culture)
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2016. – ¹ 6.
– P. 842-850.
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Abstract: The subject of this article is the analysis of integration possibilities and disintegration risks of the “Russian world” – a phenomenon that lately has attained a new sound, as well as became a subject for an extensive public discussion. The author makes an accent on the fact that the “Russian world” concept was being formed simultaneously in several platitudes: political, ethnical, economic, and cultural; thus the specificity of such phenomenon should undergo a comprehensive examination. Special attention is given to the issue of how the “Russian world” became an element of the Russian political culture; how harmoniously and/or controversially it combines ethnical, imperial, and national beginnings; which practical meanings can be determined with regards to this notion today. Based on the analysis of the theories on the heritage of the Russian philosophical thought, an attempt was made to translate a number of positions, associated with the “Russian world” concept, upon the modern sociopolitical reality of Russia, as well as critically apprehend the positive, promising, and potentially dangerous variants of interpretation of this notion in the current context. An impression can be formed that the term “Russian world” is an element of the present political language. At the same time, the attempts to mark the limits of the Russian world and to find its conceptual seed are taking place over a decade, and are certainly located not just in the political rhetoric, but also have a vivid philosophical aim. The article presents a number of conclusions pertaining to the current stage of existence of the Russian world, which has to overcome the inner contradictions, and continues developing in the conditions of significant geopolitical shifts and complication of the sociopolitical space.
Keywords: nationalism, theory of culture, P. B. Struve, geocultural strategy, integration strategies, Russian world, empire, ethnic identity, nation, political philosophy
Rattsel' F. Politicheskaya geografiya // Geopolitika: Khrestomatiya / Sost. B. A. Isaev. – SPb.: Piter, 2007.-512 str.
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Tishchenko N.V..
A prison metaphor within the modern Russian political discourse
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2016. – ¹ 5.
– P. 689-698.
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the prison metaphor in the Russian political discourse. The importance of metaphor in political statements and the dynamic of metaphoric preferences in the modern Russian political discourse are being demonstrated. The author determines the cultural-historical and philosophical aspects of the connection between the discourse of authority (both, official and oppositional) and the statements characteristic for prison culture; the social and cultural consequences of such interaction are also being detected. During the analysis of the literary and philosophical texts, two types of interpretation of the prison culture characteristic for the Russian culture, as well as their influence in the modern political discourse, are being detected. The author substantiates the methodology of defining the political metaphor, classification of metaphors, as well as distinguishes metaphorical models, which help interpreting the modern political reality. On the examples of speeches of the political figures of the XX-XXI centuries, the author emphasizes the typical ways of expression, within the context of which the prison metaphor is being used. Scientific novelty consists in challenging an entire list of debatable issues associated with the historical-cultural prerequisites of the formation of various types of political discourse, including foreign which attempts to interpret the Russian reality. The author defines the various strategies of application of a prison metaphor within political discourse, depending on its historical realities and ideological orientations.
Keywords: Political figure, Ideology, Human rights, Image of prisoner, Prison culture, Prison, Statement, Methodology of research, Metaphor, Political discourse
Doklad Upolnomochennogo po pravam cheloveka v Rossiyskoy Federatsii za 2014 god // Rossiyskaya gazeta. 7 maya 2015. ¹ 6667.
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Religioznye chuvstva vs svoboda slova. Opros VTsIOM. Press-vypusk ¹2901. 2015. [Elektronnyy resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
Prava cheloveka v Rossii. Opros Fonda Obshchestvennogo Mneniya. 2013. [Elektronnyy resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
Budaev E.V. Postsovetskaya deystvitel'nost' v metaforakh rossiyskoy i britanskoy pressy. Nizhniy Tagil: Nizhnetagil'skaya gosudarstvennaya sotsial'no-pedagogicheskaya akademiya, 2007. 149 s.
Zakon i poryadok v gosudarstve. Opros «Levada-Tsentr». 2014. [Elektronnyy resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
Evtushenko E.A. Kazanskiy universitet. Poema / E.A. Evtushenko. Kazan': Tatarskoy knizhnoe izdatel'stvo, 1971. 98
Tsendrovskiy O.Yu..
Images of the New Beginning: socio-political ideal of Nietzsche’s philosophy
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2016. – ¹ 2.
– P. 223-235.
Read the article
Abstract: Nietzsche’s socio-political thought and proposed by him all-encompassing reformation of culture and society is subjected to a thorough examination and reframing. In the first part of the article, the author determines a theoretical base of the project of structuring a new society of New Beginning and follows its strict genetic link with the metaphysics, philosophy, history, ethics, and anthropology of the thinker. The second part is dedicated to the reconstruction of Nietzsche’s ideal state and detailed narration and analysis of his core principles. In the conclusion, Nietzsche’s image of the future and its alternative scenarios is being described. The topic of the article despite the scientific traditions of Nietzsche studies is being examined from the systematic positions. It allows eliminating the gaps that exist almost in all of the researches in this area: calling Nietzsche’s political thoughts “naïve”, fragmentary, and inconsequent, they do not attempt to reconstruct the socio-political ideal of the philosopher, rather list his opinions on various near-political issues. The main conclusion consists in the fact that Nietzsche definitely had a vivid idea about the society of the New Beginning, with the following key theses: Nietzsche’s state possesses a hierarchical social structure and free mutually-opposite vertical mobility between social categories; is polytechnic with no discrimination; is multicultural and pluralistic; is global in its aspirations, etc.
Keywords: Nitsshe, Novoe Nachalo, nigilizm, pereotsenka tsennostei, preodolenie nigilizma, politicheskaya filosofiya, etika, filosofy budushchego, sverkhchelovek, Novoe vremya
Tsendrovskiy O.Yu. Filosofiya Antuana de Sent-Ekzyuperi: opyt rekonstruktsii // Litera. 2013. ¹ 4. C. 1 – 33. URL:
Tsendrovskiy O.Yu. Rim protiv Iudei: nitsshevskaya traktovka istorii i genealogii khristianstva // Filosofiya i kul'tura. 2014. ¹ 10. C. 1478 – 1487.
Khaydegger M. Chto zovetsya myshleniem? M.: Akademicheskiy proekt, 2010.
Lingis A. The Will to Power // The New Nietzsche: Contemporary Styles of Interpretation. – N.Y.: Dell Pub., 1977. P. 37-64.
Mochkin A.N. Labirint nigilisticheskoy revolyutsii F. Nitsshe // Filosofiya i kul'tura. 2013. ¹ 6. C. 766 – 775.
Klossowski P. Nietzsche and the Vicious Circle. Chicago: Chicago Press, 1998.
Ansell-Pearson K. An Introduction to Nietzsche as a Political Thinker: The Perfect Nihilist. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994.
Dombowsky D. Nietzsche’s Machiavellian Politics. N.Y.: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.
Conway D.W. Nietzsche & the Political (Thinking the Political). L., N.Y.
Chernovitskaya Yu.V..
Transformation of the Concept of Genocide in Modern Society
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2015. – ¹ 12.
– P. 1801-1811.
Read the article
Abstract: In her article Chernovitskaya analyzes the growth of the political, social, economic and other genocide practices in the world, their acceptability and emergence of new violent practices which underlines the conceptual crisis of the term 'genocide', its controversial and contradictory nature. This emphasizes the need for creating an objective criterion for defining genocide. Chernovitskaya underlines how important it is to move from the principle of political premeditation in determining genocide to the principle of the system regularities, according to which the political, economic and social changes combined with the negligence of the ruling regime lead to massive destruction of the group, despite the fact that the destruction of the group is not directly intended. At the same time, at the present stage of developmet of human society the most dangerous feature is becoming the tendency towards transformation of direct genocide into indirect kind of genocide. This tendency is manifested in delibirate economic interventions aimed at changing the cultural and historical environment, in biological interventions aimed at changing the natural environment, and etc. Widespread modern technology does not only brings a person beyond his physical abilities, but also reduces the responsibility of management systems and distorts the concept of responsibility leading to gradual weakening of personal moral responsibility.
Keywords: directed change, genocide, tendency towards transformation, intention, system regularities, indirect genocide, violent practices, technologies, moral responsibility, conceptual crisis
Konventsiya o preduprezhdenii prestupleniya genotsida i nakazaniya za nego ot 9 dekabrya 1948 g. // Mezhdunarodnoe pravo v dokumentakh / Sostavitel' N.T.Blatova, G.M.Melkov. M.: Profobrazovanie, 2003. 879 s.
Sm.: Kochoi S. Genotsid: ponyatie, otvetstvennost', praktika // Ugolovnoe pravo. 2001. ¹ 2. S. 95-97.
Vartanyan V.M. Ugolovnaya otvetstvennost' za genotsid. Avtoref... diss... k.yu.n. Stavropol', 2000. 27 s.
Sm. Traynin A.N. Izbrannye proizvedeniya. Zashchita mira i ugolovnyy zakon. M.: Nauka, 1969. 454 s.
Ternon Iv. Razmyshleniya o genotside. [Elektronnyy resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa (data obrashcheniya 13.02.2014)
Shatalov A.T., Myandina G.I. Evgenika v kontekste sovremennykh dostizheniy genetiki cheloveka // Evgenika v diskurse global'nykh problem sovremennosti / Otv. red. Yu.V.Khen. M.: Kanon+, 2005. S. 218-239.
Maylenova F.G. Vozmozhnosti modifikatsii prirody cheloveka segodnya // Bioetika i gumanitarnaya ekspertiza. Vyp. 2. M.: IF RAN, 2008. S. 83-94.
Omelaenko V.V..
Philosopho-Historical and Socio-Political Thought of Timofey Granovsky as a Source of Formation of the Russian Society's Self-Consciousness
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2015. – ¹ 11.
– P. 1648-1654.
Read the article
Abstract: The article is devoted to the analysis of creative work, educative and teaching activities of a famous Russian historian, professor, dean of the Faculty of History and Language Studies at Moscow University Timofey Granovsky (1813 - 1855). Special attention is paid to the views on the historical process and philosophy of history. Based on the memories of his contemporaries, the author of the article demonstrates the highly important role of teaching activities and educative projects of Timofey Granovsky in the formation and development of the liberal philosophy and politics in Russia. Using the method of social and historical re-enactment, the author describes the social and political environment in Russia of the XIXth century. This allows to explain it was Granovsky who became the main figure of enlightenment and Westernism that was just budding in Russia. Analysis of Timofey Granovsky's views and his educative activity demonstrates that he was a liberal philosopher. Based on the analysis of recently published researches, the author of the article shows that Timofey Granovsky's legacy is still of great current interest and importance to researchers in the sphere of Russian social studies.
Keywords: Timofey Granovsky, philosophy of history, philosophical club, educative activities, liberalism, Westernizers, Slavophiles, Alexander Herzen, Boris Chicherin, Moscow University
Bestuzhev-Ryumin K.N. Biografii i kharakteristiki: Tatishchev, Shletser, Karamzin, Pogodin, Solov'ev, Eshevskiy, Gil'ferding. Sankt-Peterburg. Izdatel'stvo: Tipografiya V.S. Balasheva, 1882. URL: (data obrashcheniya 16.11.2015).
Gertsen A.I. Byloe i dumy. M.: GIKhL, 1958. URL: (data obrashcheniya 16.11.2015).
Annenkov P. V. Literaturnye vospominaniya. M.: GIKhL, 1960. URL: (data obrashcheniya 16.11.2015).
Chicherin B.N. Moskva sorokovykh godov. M.: MGU im. M.V. Lomonosova, 1997. 304 s.
Granovskiy T.N. Lektsii T.N. Granovskogo po istorii pozdnego srednevekov'ya. M.: NAUKA, 1971. URL: (data obrashcheniya 16.11.2015).
Granovskiy T.N. Publichnye chteniya. Stat'i. Pis'ma / T.N. Granovskiy; [sost. A.A. Levandovskiy, D.A. Tsygankov
Mochkin A.N..
Myth and Politics in the Birth of Tragedy by Friedrich Nietzsche
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2015. – ¹ 7.
– P. 1017-1027.
Read the article
Abstract: In his article Myth and Politics in the Birth of Tragedy by Friedrich Nietzche Mochkin analyzes the integrative approach to studying the unprecedented phenomenon of the Paris Commune Friedrich Nietzche witnessed himself. The Birth of Tragedy is a very important work in Friedrich Nietzche's creative legacy because it does not only present the new philosophical teaching of the philosophy of life but also offers a new approach to understanding the classical Greek heritage since the times of the Weimar classicism, new interpretation of the value and role of art in the life of Greeks, so called 'aesthetic preservation', new interpretation of Schopenhauer pessimism in terms of Friedrich Nietzche's philosophy of life and, most importantly, attempt to solve the problems of the social development, assessment of social justice and the role and meaning of Enlightenment rationalistic solutions opposed to the traditional interpretation of social justice as it is presented in myths of the ancient times, in particular, personal social justice of a very contradictory mythological image of Oedipus or the prince Hamlet. In his research Mochkin also underlines that the Birth of Tragedy is the only holistic, devoted to one topic and complete essay of the philosopher which nevertheless presents all the proceeding scope of Nietzche's philosophical searches and insights. This is the work in which the philosopher shares his social and political attitudes and his conservative views on German social reality of the 80th of the XIXth century. For the first time he viewed ancient myth and politics as the symbiosis of political mythology and mythological politics completely opposing to Gründerzeit that was spread all over Germany as a result of multi-billion reparations from conquered France after Franco-Prussian War of 1871.
Keywords: philosophy, art, conservatism, liberalism, myth, modernism, justice, postmodernism, tragedy, traditionalism
Yung K.G. Izbrannye raboty. SPb, 2014.
Yung K.G. Dusha i mir. Kiev, 1996.
Elliot T.S. Polye lyudi. SPb, 2000.
Eliade M. Aspekty Mifa. M., 1995.
Eliade M. Mif o vechnom vozvrashchenii. SPb, 1998.
Eliade M. Mify, snovideniya, misterii. M., 1996.
Nitsshe F. Pis'ma. M., 2007.
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Nitsshe F. Soch. v 2 t.t. M., 1990.
Mochkin A.N. Fridrikh Nitsshe (intellektual'naya biografiya) M., 2005.
Mochkin A.N. Edip i Prometey v interpretatsii Nitsshe rannego perioda // Metodologicheskie i mirovozzrencheskie problemy istorii antichnoy i srednevekovoy filosofii. M., 1986.
Nitsshe F. Volya k vlasti. M., 2005.
Lauenshtayn D. Elevsinskie misterii. M., 1996.
Mochkin A.N. Kul't Dionisa i ego paradigmaticheskaya rol' v filosofii Nitsshe. Postanovka problemy // Antichnaya filosofiya v interpretatsii burzhuaznykh filosofov. M., 1981.
Mochkin A.N. Labirint evropeyskoy metafiziki i volshebnaya gora ellinizma v interpretatsii Nitsshe // Zarubezhnoe fi
Mishurin A.N..
On the Minos and How Leo Strauss Read the 'Minos' Dialogue
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2015. – ¹ 6.
– P. 853-865.
Read the article
Abstract: The present work consists of the two parts. The first part is the translation of Leo Strauss' article 'On the Minos', a classical example of Strauss interpretation of ancient texts. The second part is devoted to the analysis of the aforesaid work in which Strauss raised one of the most important questions of classical political philosophy - what is the law? The analysis is focused on the main aspect of legislation - public consent described by Strauss as the agreement between Socrat, the philosopher who possessed knowledge, and his nameless interlocutor who did not possess knowledge. In order to provide an insight into Strauss philosophy, the author of the article uses the method of attentive reading described by Strauss that allows to avoid superficial or trivial interpretation of the text. Leo Strauss is the philosopher who created grounds of non-conservative political ideology and is not so well known in Russia. Very few of his works have been translated into Russian and very scarcely analyzed. The question whether an agreement (i.e. law) is possible between two different types of people is quite a usual one because quite often people have to obey rules of incompetent legislators who were elected by incompetent electors. Strauss gave quite an unusual and original answe to that question.
Keywords: Leo Strauss, Socrates, Plato, Minos, Hipparch, Protagoras, consent, deception, politics, law
Aristotel'. Politika. M.: AST, 2005.
Aristofan. Oblaka // Komedii. t. 1. M.: Iskusstvo, 1983. S. 153-234.
Ksenofont. Vospominaniya o Sokrate // Sokraticheskie sochineniya. Kiropediya. M.: Ladomir, 2003. S. 19-167.
Platon. Protagor // Sobranie sochineniy v chetyrekh tomakh. T. 1. M.: Mysl', 1990. S. 418-476.
Platon. Minos // Sobranie sochineniy v chetyrekh tomakh. T. 4. M.: Mysl', 1994. S. 581-592.
Shtraus L. Problema Sokrata // Istoriko-filosofskiy ezhegodnik 2013. M.: Kanon+, 2014. S. 214-232.
Strauss L. On Plato’s Symposium. Chicago: The University of Chicago press, 2001.
Strauss L. The argument and the action of Plato’s Laws. Chicago: The University of Chicago press, 1977.
Strauss L. On the Euthydemus // Studies in platonic political philosophy. Chicago: The University of Chicago press, 1986. P. 67-88.
Strauss L. On Plato’s Apology of Socrates and Crito // Studies in platonic political philosophy. Chicago: The University of Chicago press, 1986. P. 38-66.
Aliev A.V..
The Diversity of Political Cultures in the Process of Political Globalization
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2015. – ¹ 4.
– P. 544-552.
Read the article
Abstract: In his article Aliev makes an attempt to look at the general, special and universal mechanisms of transformation of the different political cultures in terms of political globalization.Political studies of the transformation of political culture in the globalization process are of particular importance because the transformation of different political cultures in the process of political globalization may lead to unexpected results.The political culture of the modern world in the society of global relations contains elements of traditional political culture of each particular state.The concept of "political culture" is investigated within the framework of the various sciences. It should be noted that the concept of political culture is used in the current political science to understand what distinguishes the political cultures of different countries. This article attempts to light the essence of political culture, and in particular the problems of its formation in modern Azerbaijani society. The author of the article also talks about the different approaches to the study of political culture in Azerbaijan.
Keywords: traditional political culture, transformation, diversity of political cultures, society, political globalization, political cultures, philosophy, values, civilization, Eurocentrism
Gerder I.V. Idei k filosofii istorii chelovechestva / Otv. red. A.V. Gulyga. M.: Nauka, 1977. 703 s.
Gadzhiev K.S. Politicheskaya nauka. M., 1995.
Gadzhiev K. Politicheskaya kul'tura: kontseptual'nyi aspekt // Polis. 1991. ¹ 6.
Politicheskaya kul'tura: teoriya i natsional'nye modeli / Otv. red. K.S. Gadzhiev. M., 1994.
Galkin A.A., Krasin Yu.A. Rossiya: Quo vadis? M., 2003. S. 237-238.
Duka A.V. Politicheskaya kul'tura: problemy genezisa i printsipy tipologii: Diss. … kand. polit. nauk. SPb., 1995.
Hamelink C. Cultural Autonomy in Global Communications. New York: Logman, 1983.
Hanners U. Notes on Global Ecumene // Pablic Culture. 1989. ¹ 1. P. 65-75.
Mamedov F. Kul'turologiya. Baku, 2002. S. 7-14.
Gasanov R. Formirovanie grazhdanskogo obshchestva v usloviyakh transformatsii. Baku: «Kitab aləmi», 2003.
Ismailova S.A. Liderstvo i formirovanie politicheskoi kul'tury v sovremennom Azerbaidzhane // Molodoi uchenyi. 2011. ¹ 3. T. 2. S. 84-88.
Mamed-zade I. Politika i
Mochkin, A. N..
Friedrich Nietzsche about Time and Eternity
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2015. – ¹ 1.
– P. 56-66.
Read the article
Abstract: In his article Mochkin analyzes Friedrich Nietzsche’s attempt to create the theory of the ‘eternal return’. This
‘positive’ philosophy (in Nietzsche’s interpretation) was opposed to the liberal and socialistic theories of social development
or so called ‘theories of the future’ or ‘progressive development’ that dominated in the XIX century. Being a sort of
anti utopia and a conservative traditional response to the challenges of those times, the concept of eternal return was
taken by the philosopher as a ‘gift’ and ‘prophecy’ and became the central topic of late Nietzsche’s philosophy. This is an
esoteric concept that can’t be verified or demonstrated. The concept of eternal return has the two levels: the ontological
(cosmological or physicalized) level that was described by the philosopher only in his draft papers and the social-political
or existential level that was presented in his books ‘Thus spoke Zarathustra’ (1883) and ‘Beyond Good and Evil’ (1886).
As a ‘mental experiment’ the concept of eternal return is opposed to the moral and ethic values of the European civilization.
The concept of eternal return re-interprets and re-phrases Kant’s categorical imperative into an existential law of
the future society of ‘Great policy’, the theory of ‘superman’, ‘reassessment of values’, ‘nihilism’ and ‘will to power’. The
theory of eternal return was popular during the crisis of the conservative revolution in Germany in the 20th – 30th of the
XX century and had an influence on the society and the artistic elite of those times.
Keywords: philosophy, power, will, eternity, nihilism, reappraisal of values, superman, development, progress, conservatism, liberalism.
Lowith K. Nietzsches Philosophie der ewigen Wiederkehr des Gleichen. Hamburg, 1978.
Schlechta Nietzsches grosser Mittag. Fra/M, 1954
Eliade M. Mif o vechnom vozvrashchenii. SPb, 1998.
Shopengauer A. Sobr. soch. T.:. M., 2011.
Khaydegger M. Metafizicheskaya kontseptsiya Nitsshe i ee rol' v evropeyskom myshlenii. Vechnoe vozvrashchenie ravnogo. M., 1995.
Khaydegger M. Nitsshe. V 2 t.t. SPb 2006.
Nitsshe F. Pis'ma. M., 2007.
Nitsshe F. Volya k vlasti. M., 2005.
Nitsshe F. Zlaya mudrost'. M., 1993.
Nitsshe F. Soch. v 2 t.t. T.1. M., 1990.
Nitsshe F. PSS. T. 10. M., 2010.
Nitsshe F. PSS. T. 9. M., 2013.
Nitsshe F. PSS. T. 6. M., 2009.
Nitsshe F. PSS. T. 4. M., 2007.
Mochkin A.N. F.Nitsshe. Intellektual'naya biografiya. M., 2005.
Mochkin A.N. Paradoksy neokonservatizma. M., 1999.
Mochkin A.N. Rozhdenie "zverya iz bezdny" neokonservatizma. M., 2002.
Mochkin A.N. Ot idei sotsial'no-istoricheskogo razvitiya k tsiklicheskoy mifologii. (Kritika burzh
Prokofiev, V. N..
Epistemology of Power: Potential of Philosophical Methodology for the Legal Political Analysis of the Institution of
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2014. – ¹ 12.
– P. 1749-1759.
Read the article
Abstract: In his article Prokofiev points out that not all aspects of activity of presidency as an integrated institution of state
authority can be regulated by legal and political means. In itself, scientific research of this institution is closely connected
with the attempt of the humanity to solve the philosophical problem about creation an ideal legal model of state authority
organization. In this regard, the purpose of the present article is to prove that it is possible to apply the method of epistemological
analysis to studying the phenomenon of presidency. Using the methods of historical and comparative analysis Prokofiev
demonstrates the fact that today the human mind is still rather blind in understanding the institution of presidency. Such
understanding ‘degrades’ the nature of politics and law as the part of presidency and distorts it which, in its turn, hinders
the evolutionary development. The novelty of the article is in viewing the institution of presidency as a phenomenon that
was initially based on the philosophical-epistemological grounds and reflection. Therefore, the author of the article states
that detachment of the institute of presidency from these elements contradicts to the nature of the phenomenon itself. In
his research Prokofiev compares the epistemological paradigm with the rational paradigm as well as capacities of the legal
political instruments when analyzing this phenomenon. According to the author, multi-paradigmality and inter-disciplinary
basis of the reflective process associated with the phenomena prove that it can be a good topic for other researches. Applying
the systems approach to analyzing philosophical categories, Prokofiev makes an assumption that each ‘paradigm’ locus
and each element of the institution of presidency have their own epistemology and ontology. The epistemological approach
offered by the author of the article is new and may turn out to be rather efficient because it has a complex methodology and
allows to catalyze the evolution of the institution of presidency by better understanding elements of presidency and combining
institutional and non-institutional factors of its development. At the same time, Prokofiev admits that this approach has
certain drawbacks as a methodological instrument of analysis, too.
Keywords: episteme, institution of presidency, President of the Russian Federation, presidency, epistemology of power, epistemological competence, legal political reflection, reflection of governance, evolution of the institution of presidency, philosophical analysis.
Bardakov A.I. Epistemologiya vlasti i kul'tury v kontseptologii// Politicheskaya kontseptologiya. 2009. ¹ 4. S.55-60.
Degtev G.V. Stanovlenie i razvitie instituta prezidentstva v Rossii: teo-retiko-pravovye i konstitutsionnye osnovy. M.: Yurist'', 2008. 237 s.
Digesty Yustiniana: Izbrannye fragmenty/ Per. i primech. I.S. Pereter-skogo; otv. red. Skripilev E.A. M.: Nauka, 2009. 456 s.
Zuikov A.V. Institut prezidentstva ili variatsii na zadannuyu temu // Sravnitel'noe konstitutsionnoe obozrenie. 2008. ¹
S.35-52. 5.Irkhin Yu.V. Vzaimosvyaz' politiki, morali i prava// Vestnik Rossiisko-go universiteta druzhby narodov. Ceriya: Politologiya. 1999. ¹ 1. S. 7-15.
Platon. Gosudarstvo. M.: Nauka, 2009. 576 s.
Kalmykov A.A. Epistemologiya politiki – kognitivy vsekh stran, soedinyaites'! / Rossiiskaya politika XXI veka: nepoliticheskii potentsial politicheskogo: Materialy Mezhdunarodnoi nauch. konf. (23-24 aprelya 2009 g., Moskva). M.: RGGU, 2009. Ch. 1. 324 s. S.16-26.
Kenenova I.P. Vertikal
Ugrin, I. M..
The Category of the ‘Imperial’: Philosophical Analysis
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2014. – ¹ 11.
– P. 1584-1591.
Read the article
Abstract: The article is devoted to the problem of the imperial as a category of political philosophy. In the first part of
the article the author analyzes common myths related to the term ‘empire’ and proves these myths to be indefensible and very different from actual historical events. The second part of the article views the category ‘imperial’ in terms of
its relation to the ideologies that were popular in the 20th century, i.e. nationalism, socialism and liberalism. The author
describes the connection between the imperial idea and liberal, nationalistic and socialistic ideas. The author also
shows the close connection between the two categories, the ‘imperial’ and ‘civilizations’. The author gives a definition
of the positive idea of the empire. The main research methods used by the author include methods obtained from
comparative political studies, abstraction (which allows to withdraw from details that do not interest us), analysis and
synthesis (which provide the integral concept of the ‘imperial’). There are a lot of conjectures and prejudices around
the definition of ‘empire’ and these conjectures and prejudices do not allow us to see the essential features behind the
process of establishment of a state which was later called ‘empire’ by historians. According to the author, the category
‘imperial’ is inseparable from the categories ‘universal’ and ‘order’. If we are to give a very short definition of the empire,
we can call it a ‘universal order’. In the modern world captured by the wave of globalization, the question about
the universal order grows especially important and so does the question about the empire.
Keywords: empire, civilization, ideology, universal order, state, history, global, liberalism, nationalism, socialism.
E.I. Damirchiev. Problema imperii v nauke. // Pravo i politika.-2009.-¹ 11.
Shchuplenkov O.V., Shchuplenkov N.O. Aksiologicheskoe osoznanie idei rossiyskoy gosudarstvennosti v kontekste natsional'nogo kharaktera // NB: Filosofskie issledovaniya.-2013.-12.-C. 135-194. URL:
Fedotov G. P. Sud'ba imperiy // Fedotov G. P. «Sud'ba i grekhi Rossii». Tom 2, Sankt-Peterburg: izdatel'stvo «Sofiya», 1992.-S. 304-327.
Khardt M., Negri A. Imperiya / Per. s angl., pod red. G. V. Kamenskoy, M. S. Fetisovoy. — M.: Praksis, 2004.
Pain E. A. Mezhdu imperiey i natsiey. Modernistskiy proekt i ego traditsionalistskaya al'ternativa v natsional'noy politike Rossii. – M.: Novoe izdatel'stvo, 2004.
Solov'ev V. S. Mir Vostoka i Zapada // Solov'ev V.S. Soch. V 2-kh t. T.2. M.: Pravda, 1989.
Mezhuev V. M. Ideya natsional'nogo gosudarstva v istoricheskoy perspektive // «Polis». 1992.-¹ 5.
Makhnach V. L. Imperii v mirovoy istorii. Russkiy Arkhipelag. 1995. Rezhim d
Loktionov, M. V..
Modernistic and Post-Modernistic Understanding of Power
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2014. – ¹ 5.
– P. 704-710.
Read the article
Abstract: The subject under review of the present article is the power as a management resource and its modernistic
and post-modernistic definitions. The author of the article views the power not as itself or a category of its own but
rather as a certain resource which is used to govern the state and which we try to view from the point of view of methodology
used in researches of power and its being part of the management processes. The author also views the efficient
use of power firstly as a rational process during which cause-and-effect connections and relations are predicted
and traced and secondly as a process where a resource (power in our case) is used to the best advantage according
to the ‘contribution-return’ criterion.
The research is based on Jacques Derrida’s approach stating that the dynamics between centralization and decentralization
of power are also binary and cyclic. The main conclusion made by the researcher is that the general solutions
made regarding the ‘optimal’ balance between centralization and autonomy as well as the term ‘optimality’ in the
state management will be only theoretical while practical solutions should be considered only temporary.
Keywords: Machiavelli, treatise, Derrida, power, government, efficiency, optimality, politics, modernism, post-modernism.
A.A. Borisenkov O politicheskoy vlasti i ee svyazi s gosudarstvennoy vlast'yu // Pravo i politika.-2013.-5.-C. 634-641. DOI: 10.7256/1811-9018.2013.05.4.
Popov E.A. Vliyanie postmodernizma na sotsioyuridicheskuyu interpretatsiyu fenomena sovremennogo grazhdanskogo obshchestva // NB: Voprosy prava i politiki.-2013.-1.-C. 190-222. DOI: 10.7256/2305-9699.2013.1.461. URL:
E. I. Kozhukhovskaya Novye formy politicheskogo upravleniya (na primere ustoychivogo razvitiya) // Pravo i politika.-2011.-11.-C. 1798-1807.
Derrida Zh. O grammatologii. M., 2000. S. 19.
Kammings S. Rekonstruktsiya strategii. M., 2010. S. 110.
Derrida J. The gift of death. R. 14.
Derrida J. The gift of death. Second edition. N.Y., 2007. R. 11.
Zub A.T., Loktionov M.V. Strategicheskiy menedzhment. Sistemnyy podkhod. M., 2011.
Pfeffer J. Power in organizations. 1989.
McCan J., Galbraith J. Interdepartment relations // Nystrom P., Starbuck W. (eds). Handbook of or
Matveychev, O. A..
Aristotle’s Idea of “Slavery”
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2013. – ¹ 10.
– P. 1393-1396.
Read the article
Abstract: The present article is devoted to the analysis of ‘slavery’ in Aristotle’s interpretation as well as Aristotle’s
political concepts and theories applied to modern reality. The author of the article analyzes writings by Aristotle, Plato,
Hans Gadamer and Zakiriya. The author stresses out that Aristotle had many ideas that are undeservingly forgotten
nowadays or even rejected, mostly due to their wrong interpretation such as Aristotle’s concept of ‘mastery and slavery’.
Aristotle’s ‘slave’ would mean a peasant, industrial worker or modern software programmer. Based on Aristotle,
slavery is natural and it is quite natural that some people are born slaves even though they can be free officially while
others would never be slaves even if they become slaves in reality. The author of the article comes to the conclusion
that Aristotle’s ‘nature’ includes the entire universe structured according to a certain order. Besides that, Aristotle also
analyzed such topics as family and up-bringing.
Keywords: philosophy, theories, economy, politics, government, structure, slavery, human, family, up-bringing.
Borisenkov, A.A..
Poltical system — functional interrelation of components of political organism
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2013. – ¹ 8.
– P. 1112-1120.
Read the article
Abstract: The article is devoted to the nature and elements of the political system, specific features of its
formation, its inseparable connection with the political life, and its value for the political development. The
authors discuss the dependency of the political system upon the existence of political relations. The author
supports the position that a political system is a general form of political life, which has a functional relation
towards the components of political organism. The most important functions of political system are
presented as functions of the government and the opposition. They serve as the key elements of the political
system, they are interrelated and inevitable for the democratic political process. In the same line other
elements of political system are possible, and they include the superstructure functions within the political
organism, which are being formed in democratic condition. Establishing the nature of the political system
allows to establish and formulate the related law of political development. The author offers analysis of the
current interpretation of the political system within the official political science.
Keywords: politics, political activity, political government, political relations, government, opposition, political organism.
Borisenkov A.A. O kriteriyakh politicheskoy deyatel'nosti // Nota Bene: Voprosy prava i politiki. 2013. ¹ 4.
Borisenkov A.A. O politicheskikh otnosheniyakh i ikh vidakh // Nota Bene: Problemy obshchestva i po-litiki. 2013. ¹ 7.
Borisenkov A.A. Osobennosti politicheskogo razvitiya // Nota Bene: Filosofskie issledovaniya. 2013. ¹ 6.
Borisenkov A.A. Politicheskaya vlast' — politicheskaya substantsiya // Nota Bene: Problemy obshche-stva i politiki. 2013. ¹ 6.
Iston D. Kategorii sistemnogo analiza politiki // Antologiya mirovoy politicheskoy mysli: v 5 t. T. II. M., 1997.
Klyamkin I.M. Institutsional'nye vozmozhnosti «pakta Monkloa» v rossiyskikh usloviyakh // Po-lis. 1999. ¹ 4.
Politologiya / pod red. V.A. Achkasova, V.A. Gutorova. M., 2009.
Politologiya / pod red. S.G. Kiseleva. M., 2008.
Politologiya / pod red. V.N. Lavrinenko. M., 2001.
Politologiya / A.Yu. Mel'vil' i dr. M., 2010.
Pugachev V.P. Politologiya. M., 2010.
Smirnov G.N., Petrenko E.L., Bursov A.V. Poli
Borisenkov, A.A..
Political Life as a Mean of Political Development
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2013. – ¹ 6.
– P. 816-824.
Read the article
Abstract: The article is devoted to the definition of political development. The author describes the content,
stages, means, forms and grounds of political development and shows a close connection between political
development and political life. It is established that political life is one of the means of political development
or so called political evolution. Analysis of the structure of political development allows to make a conclusion
and understand grounds and forms of political life as well as particular factors of its destruction.
Keywords: philosophy, politics, political being, political life, political dynamics, political changes, political development, political evolution, political process, political progress.
Borisenkov A.A. O demokraticheskoy politicheskoy kul'ture i politicheskom progresse // Nota Bene: Filosofskie issledovaniya. 2012. ¹ 2.
Borisenkov A.A. O novoy paradigme v politicheskoy nauke // Nota Bene: Problemy obshchestva i po-litiki. 2012. ¹ 2.
Borisenkov A.A. O politicheskom protsesse // Nota Bene: Problemy obshchestva i politiki. 2012. ¹ 3.
Dmitriev A.V. Sotsial'nyy konflikt: obshchee i osobennoe. M., 2002.
Lapkin V.V. Tsikly, ritmy, volny: problemy modelirovaniya politicheskogo razvitiya // Polis. 2002. ¹ 4.
Momdzhyan K.Kh. Kategorii istoricheskogo materializma: sistemnost', razvitie. M., 1986.
Pantin V.I. Vozmozhnosti tsiklicheski-volnovogo podkhoda k analizu politicheskogo razvitiya // Polis. 2002. ¹ 4.
Politologiya / A.Yu. Mel'vil' i dr. M., 2010.
Solov'ev A.I. Politologiya: Politicheskaya teoriya. Politicheskie tekhnologii. M., 2010.
Filosofskiy entsiklopedicheskiy slovar'. M., 1983.
Shabrov O.F. Politicheskoe upravlenie: problema stabil'nosti i razvitiy
Kuchinov, A. M..
Approach to Analyzing Political Developments Through Their Relation to Socio-Cultural
Dynamics as an Alternative to ‘Political Culture’ Approach
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2013. – ¹ 4.
– P. 463-475.
Read the article
Abstract: The given article views theoretical aspect of studying the influence of socio-cultural factors on political
developments. The author of the given article describes the limitations of the ‘political culture’ approach that prevails
in Russian and foreign political science today. Since the mentioned approach is not sufficient, the author proves
that it is necessary to view dynamics of interaction between political developments and socio-cultural factors over
time because culture and politics have always been dynamic phenomena. The author also makes a summary of how
this issue relates to such social phenomena as dynamics of political regimes, influence of ethnic, linguistic, socialstratification
and religious features on political developments, influence of the level of common wealth, geographic
determinism, political and other cultural rituals, international relations, negotiations, identity, separatism, influence
on educational policy, up-bringing and etc. The author of the article also talks about practical application of studied
theories to solving topical issues of modern policy.
Keywords: cultural studies, culture, cultural dynamics, political culture, political developments, social dynamics, socio-cultural dynamics, socio-cultural factors, theory of culture, theory of politics.
Avanesova G.A. Dinamika kul'tury: ucheb. posobie. M.: Dialog-MGU, 1997. 57 s.
Akhiezer A.S. Rossiya: kritika istoricheskogo opyta: v 3 t. M.: Izd-vo Filosofskogo Obshchestva SSSR, 1991.
Burlatskiy F.M., Galkin A.A. Sovremennyy Leviafan: Ocherki politicheskoy sotsiologii kapita-lizma. M.: Mysl', 1985. 384 s., tabl.
Vasilenko I.A. Dialog tsivilizatsiy: sotsiokul'turnye problemy politicheskogo partnerstva. M.: Editorial URSS, 1999. 269 s.
Vasilenko I.A. Politicheskaya filosofiya: ucheb. posobie. 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. M.: INFRA-M, 2009. 320 s.
Vasilenko I.A. Politologiya: uchebnik / I.A. Vasilenko. 3-e izd., pererab. i dop. M.: Yurayt, 2011. 421 s.
Vasilenko I.A. Sravnitel'naya politologiya: uchebnoe posobie / I.A. Vasilenko. M.: Yurayt: Vysshee obrazovanie, 2009. 376 s.
Grushevitskaya T.G., Sadokhin A.P. Kul'turologiya: uchebnik dlya studentov vuzov / T.G. Grushevitskaya A.P. Sadokhin. 3-e izd., pererab. i dop. M.: YuNITI-DANA, 2010. 687 s.
Demchuk A.L. Lektsii po sravni
Mochkin, A. N..
Revolution of Nietzsche’s Nihilism and Spengler’s Conservative Revolution
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2013. – ¹ 3.
– P. 316-324.
Read the article
Abstract: The article analyzes Nietzsche’s philosophy of late period (1888) that became the ‘high point’ of evolution of
Nietzsche’s philosophical views, the ‘finishing stroke’ of the period that has a direct influence on his ‘Will to power’.
The author underlines specifics of political recommendations and wishes of the philosopher for future generations
as described in his conception of the ‘great policy’, in particular, his prophesy addressed to the revolution of nihilism
that, based on Nietzsche, was a typical feature of modern epoch. As another version of interpretation of Nietzsche’s
philosophy, the author analyzes political philosophy of Spengler — a major philosopher of conservative revolution in
Germany in 20’s — 30’s of XX century. Spenger’s ideas made a great impact on formation of national socialism back in
those years. Spengler’s theory of ethical socialism touched upon both the ‘will to power’, ‘eternal return of the same’,
‘nihilism’ and the ‘theory of superman’ as the main Nietzsche’s ideas.
Keywords: philosophy, ethical socialism, will to power, superman, nihilism, conservative revolution, reappraisal of values, ressentiment, development, degeneration.
Mochkin A.N. F. Nitsshe. Intellektual'naya biografiya. M., 2005.
Nitsshe F. Polnoe sobranie sochineniy. T. 6. M., 2009.
Nitsshe F. Polnoe sobranie sochineniy. T. 13. M., 2006.
Nitsshe F. Volya k vlasti. M., 2005.
Shpengler O. Zakat Evropy. M., 1999.
Shpengler O. Politicheskie proizvedeniya. M., 2009.
Shpengler O. Prussachestvo i sotsializm. M., 2002
Khaydegger M. Nitsshe. M., 2007
Borisenkov, A. A..
Peculiarities of Political Consciousness
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2013. – ¹ 1.
– P. 79-87.
Read the article
Abstract: The article studies political consciousness as a phenomenon and reveals its nature and close connection
between political consciousness and political knowledge as well as provides the definition of political
consciousness. The author proves the need in distinguishing political consciousness from conceptual consciousness
and therefore associated ideologies. This contributes to understanding of the actual contents of
political consciousness and overcoming misconceptions. The author also analyzes types of political knowledge
as well as contradictions and gaps in classification of such knowledge.
Keywords: philosophy, politics, political existence, political perception, political knowledge, political consciousness, political knowledge, political science, conceptual consciousness, ideology.
Borisenkov A.A. Ponyatie politicheskoy kul'tury // Filosofiya i kul'tura. 2012. ¹ 5 (53). S. 5-14.
Gadzhiev K.S. Politologiya (bazovyy kurs). M., 2011.
Gobozov I.A. Filosofiya politiki. M., 2002.
Demidov A.I., Dolgov V.M., Mal'ko A.V. Politologiya: uchebnik. M., 2005.
Irkhin Yu.V. Politologiya. M., 2007.
Novaya filosofskaya entsiklopediya. V 4-kh t. M., 2010.
Politologiya / A.Yu. Mel'vil' i dr. M., 2010.
Solov'ev A.I. Politologiya: Politicheskaya teoriya. Politicheskie tekhnologii. M., 2010.
Tavadov G.T. Politologiya. M., 2011
Borisenkov, A. A..
The Concept of Politics
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2012. – ¹ 10.
– P. 95-103.
Read the article
Abstract: Politics are viewed as a special governmental phenomenon. The author of the article studies the nature of
politics and the variety of its forms. It is shown that the state policy being developed in a modern democracy state
institution is the most complicated and developed political form allowing to reveal not only the nature of each policy
but also the patterns and rules of political existence. The author also gives the essential definition of politics.
Keywords: philosophy, politics, political existence, political content, variety of politics, political forms, state policy, nature of politics, leadership, leading resolution.
Antologiya mirovoy politicheskoy mysli. V 5 t. T. 1. M., 1997.
Borisenkov A.A. Politologiya: Teoriya politicheskoy zhizni. M.: GUU, 2009.
Veber M. Izbrannye sochineniya. M., 1990.
Gadzhiev K.S. Politologiya (bazovyy kurs). M., 2011.
Gobozov I.A. Filosofiya politiki. M., 2002.
Ledyaev V.G. Vlast': kontseptual'nyy analiz. M., 2001.
Marks K. Kapital. Kritika politicheskoy ekonomii. T. 1. M., 1973.
Parsons T. Sistema sovremennykh obshchestv. M., 1998.
Pugachev V.P. Politologiya. M., 2010.
Tavadov G.T. Politologiya. M., 2011
Mochkin, A. N..
Martin Heidegger Searching for Friedrich Nietzsche’s Metaphysics
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2012. – ¹ 9.
– P. 73-82.
Read the article
Abstract: This article is an attempt to analyze Nietzsche’s philosophy from the point of view of metaphysics. The author
of the article analyzes the greatest attempt in XX century to mystify Nietzsche’s philosophy made by Martin Heidegger
in his search for so called ‘metaphysics’. The article contains a comparative analysis of interpretations of Nietzsche’s
philosophy made by famous psychiatrist and philosopher of XX century Karl Jaspers and Martin Heidegger. It is
underlined that Jaspers and Heidegger had a very specific attitude to the main interpretations from the Nietzsche
Archives proposed by Oswald Spengler and Ernst Junger. Rejecting existential and vulgar sociological interpretation
of Nietzsche’s philosophy, Heidegger tries to view it as the final stage of a two-century development of metaphysics.
Martin Heidegger tries to construct Nietzsche’s metaphysics similarly to Antique philosophies before Socrates. The
author of the article also makes an attempt to describe authentic Nietzsche and his philosophy in which metaphysical
categories are combined with mythological concepts. New anthropology cretes a myth about super-human and ‘great
policy’ becomes Dionysus Epiphany.
Keywords: philosophy, life philosophy, metaphysics, ontology, existentialism, national socialism, positivism, energetics, will to power, super human.
Nitsshe F. Veselaya nauka. M., 1999.
Nitsshe F. Volya k vlasti. M., 2005.
Nitsshe F. Poln. sobr. soch. T. 10. M., 2010.
Nitsshe F. Soch. v 2 tt. M., 1990.
Khaydegger M. Vremya i bytie. M., 1993.
Khaydegger M. Nitsshe. V 2 tt. SPb, 2006.
Khaydegger M. Sud'ba nigilizma. SPb, 2006.
Evripid. Medeya. Ippolit. Vakkhanki. SPb, 1999.
Yaspers K. Nitsshe i khristianstvo. M., 1994.
Yaspers K.F. Nitsshe. Vvedenie v ponimanie ego filosofii. SPb, 2004
Borisenkov, A. A..
Democratic Political Culture and Political Progress
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2012. – ¹ 8.
– P. 54-61.
Read the article
Abstract: The article reveals peculiarities of democratic political culture and makes an attempt to give a
definition of this term. The author describes different concepts viewing democratic political culture as a
factor of systematization of political life and democratization of political influence and, finally, as a factor of
political process. The author also describes the role of political culture in socialization.
Keywords: philosophy, politics, political culture, democratic political culture, democratic culture, individual culture, political system, political influence, political progress, socialization.
Borisenkov A.A. Politologiya: Teoriya politicheskogo vliyaniya. M., 2011.
Borisenkov A.A. Politologiya: Teoriya politicheskoy zhizni. M., 2009.
Borisenkov A.A. Ponyatie politicheskoy kul'tury // Filosofiya i kul'tura. 2012. ¹ 5 (53). S. 5-14.
Borisenkov A.A. Termin “politicheskaya sotsializatsiya” — eto logicheskiy paradoks // Aktual'nye problemy upravleniya — 2002. Materialy mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii. Vypusk 6. M.: GUU, 2002.
Gadzhiev K.S. Politologiya (bazovyy kurs). M., 2011.
Glazunova N.I. Gosudarstvennoe upravlenie kak sistema. M., 2001.
Irkhin Yu.V. Politologiya. M., 2007.
Politologiya / Pod red. V.A. Achkasova, V.A. Gutorova. M., 2009.
Politologiya / A.Yu. Mel'vil' i dr. M., 2010.
Tavadov G.T. Politologiya. M., 2011
Pantin, I. K..
October Breakthrough: Prologue to Modern Age
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2012. – ¹ 7.
– P. 61-74.
Read the article
Abstract: The author of the article breaks the tradition to view October Revolution as the beginning of
socialism in Russia. In the author’s opinion, the deal is much more than that. It was impossible to solve
the centuries-long debates between millions of peasants and Russian nobility and bourgeois class and
to create the basis for modern civilization without deposing bourgeois class and destroying capitalism
which had been formed after 1861. Non-capitalistic path of our country after the civil war turned out
to be hard and dramatic due to economic and cultural undevelopment. Lenin was one of those few who
understood how fatal the Jacobinism model of the transfer to socialism was for new Russia. However,
Lenin understanding of Russia’s social perspectives came into collusion with communistic beliefs of the
majority of Bolshevik Party members who thought they could achieve socialism by simply destroying
bourgeois class and proletarian dictatorship. After Lenin’s death those beliefs were supported by Stalin’s
government. Thanks to Stalin, socialism is now associated solely with the forced industrialization.
Independent peasant household (during so called village collectivization) was sacrificed, terror against
discontented was started (so called struggle with the enemies of the people) and totalitarian power of
the party leaders was established (proletariat dictatorship). As a result, our country now has to catch
up with the other countries and modern civilization just like France long ago did. Nevertheless, Russia
has already made the first step towards Modern Age. Today the question is more about speeding up and
expansion of this movement in history.
Keywords: philosophy, revolution, Jacobinism, Thermidor, hegemony, Modern Age, compromise, socialism, proletariat, culture.
Gefter M.Ya. Stranitsa iz istorii marksizma nachala KhKh veka // Istoricheskaya nauka i problemy sovremennosti. M., 1969.
Gefter M.Ya. Iz tekh i etikh let. M., 1991.
Kapustin B.G. Sovremennost' kak predmet politicheskoy teorii. M., 1998.
Karpinskiy L. Zdravyy smysl perestroyki // Vek KhKh i mir. 1989. ¹ 1.
Kritsman L. Geroicheskiy period Velikoy russkoy revolyutsii (Opyt analiza t.n. «voennogo kom-munizma»). M.: Gosizdat. B. g.
Lebedev A.A. Problema politicheskikh kompromissov // Lenin kak politicheskiy myslitel'. M., 1981.
Lenin V.I. Gosudarstvo i revolyutsiya // Lenin V.I. Poln. sobr. soch. Izd. 5. T. 33. M., 1962.
Lenin V.I. Politicheskiy otchet TsK RKP(b) 17 marta // Lenin V.I. Poln. sobr. soch. Izd. 5. T. 44. M., 1964.
Lenin V.I. O kooperatsii // Lenin V.I. Poln. sobr. soch. Izd. 5. T. 45. M., 1964.
Lenin V.I. O znachenii zolota teper' i posle polnoy pobedy sotsializma // Lenin V.I. Poln. sobr. soch. Izd. 5. T. 45. M., 1964.
Lenin V.I. Pis'mo k s'ezdu // Lenin V
Borisenkov, A. A..
The Concept of Political Culture
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2012. – ¹ 5.
– P. 5-14.
Read the article
Abstract: The author of the article reveals the contents of the political culture and analyzes its interpretation
approaches which have formed in the political science lately. The author proves the thesis that political culture
is a form of social and actually existing culture. The article describes the main types of political culture
and based on that, forms the law of existence of political culture.
Keywords: philosophy, politics, political culture, individual culture, social culture, political activity, political behavior, technology of policy formation, democratic political culture, authoritarian political culture.
Almond G., Verba S. Grazhdanskaya kul'tura. Politicheskie ustanovki i demokratii pyati natsiy // Antologiya mirovoy politicheskoy mysli. V 5 t. T. II. M., 1997.
Achkasov V.A. Sravnitel'naya politologiya. M., 2011.
Borisenkov A.A. O paradigmal'nom znanii v politicheskoy nauke // Filosofiya i kul'tura. 2012. ¹ 3 (51). S. 7-14.
Borisenkov A.A. Politologiya: Teoriya politicheskogo vliyaniya. M., 2011.
Vostok i politika: Politicheskie sistemy, politicheskie kul'tury, politicheskie protsessy / Pod red. A.D. Voskresenskogo. M., 2011.
Gadzhiev K.S. Politologiya (bazovyy kurs). M., 2011.
Glazunova N.I. Gosudarstvennoe upravlenie kak sistema. M., 2001.
Irkhin Yu.V. Politologiya. M., 2007.
Marks K. Kapital. Kritika politicheskoy ekonomii. T. 1. M., 1973.
Politologiya / Pod red. V.I. Burenko, V.V. Zhuravleva. M., 2005.
Politologiya / A.Yu. Mel'vil' i dr. M., 2010.
Smirnov G.N., Petrenko E.L., Bursov A.V. Politologiya: kurs lektsiy. M., 2011.
Solov'ev A.I. Politologiya: P
Parkhomenko, R. N..
Jurgen Habermas’ Theory of Deliberate Democracy
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2012. – ¹ 4.
– P. 40-49.
Read the article
Abstract: The author of the article describes the details of prerequisites of Jurgen Habermas’ theory of society
and his concept of deliberate democracy that is based on discursive agreement of all members of the
society concerning essential social issues. With regard to the classical interpretation of democracy Haberman’s
principle of consensus is expressed in the idea that legal norms are legitimate not because they are
mandatory for all individuals but because these norms are willfully accepted by all members of the society.
The research showed that according to the classical theory of democracy, legal norms were to be willfully
accepted by individuals because the norms were just and fair. But Habermas’ principle of justice is based
on the democracy principle of acceptance of these norms by all individuals these norms relate to. Therefore,
justification of legal norms is performed not by the means of practical reason and theory but only trough
open discussion of all members of the society.
Keywords: philosophy, democracy, liberalism, law, consensus, discourse, communication, society, individual, rationalism.
Dabosin P. «Kriticheskaya» teoriya obshchestva i gosudarstva Yu. Khabermasa: metodologicheskiy aspekt. Izhevsk, 2001. 171 s.
Markov B. V poiskakh drugogo // Khabermas Yu. Vovlechenie drugogo. SPb., 2008. C. 6-7.
Motroshilova N. Khabermas // Stepin V., Guseynov A., Semigin G., Ogurtsov A. Novaya filosofskaya entsiklopediya v 4-kh tt. M., 2010. T.
C. 286-287. 4. Khabermas, Yu.: –– 1995: Demokratiya, razum, nravstvennost'. Lektsii i interv'yu. Moskva, aprel' 1989 g. M., 254 s. –– 2005: Politicheskie raboty. M., 368 s. –– 2006: Moral'noe soznanie i kommunikativnoe deystvie. SPb., 380 s. –– 2008: Vovlechenie drugogo. Ocherki politicheskoy teorii. SPb., 417 s. –– 2008a: Raskolotyy zapad. M., 192 c. –– 2008b: Filosofskiy diskurs o moderne. Dvenadtsat' lektsiy. M., 416 s.
Gosepath S. 2003: Gleichheit in Habermas’ und Dworkins Theorien der Gerechtigkeit. S. 96 // Pauer-Studer, H / Nagl-Docekal, H. (Hgg.) Freiheit, Gleichheit und Autonomie. Wien/Berlin. 2003. 395 s.
Pauer-Studer H. 2000: A
Glukhov, A. A..
Plato and His Political Idea (Platonism of Neo-Kantian Philosophers and
Heidegger’s Anti-Platonism)
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2011. – ¹ 12.
– P. 71-83.
Read the article
Abstract: The article analyzes Neo-Kantian interpretation of Plato’s works (most of all, in, Natorp’s book
‘Plato’s Theory of Ideas’) and its influence on Heidegger’s philosophy. Neo-Kantian philosophers gave Plato
special credit for invention of the ‘logical’, but their interpretation of Plato’s texts demonstrates their ignorance
of political contents of Plato’s dialogues. Despite the deep interest for ‘politics’ during his epoch, Heidegger
could take Neo-Kantian image of Plato at his own evaluation and base on such an image in his own
philosophy because it was a perfect variant to realize Nietzsche’s plan of ‘overcoming the platonism’. At the
same time, Heidegger’s own views are, in fact, very similar to the elements of Plato’s philosophy ignored by
Non-Kantian philosophers. A typical example here is his interpretation of the ‘idea about the good’ as an
insight revealed to very few ‘free minds and genius artists.
Keywords: philosophy, Plato, Heidegger, Natorp, Platonism, Neo-Kantianism, politics, idea, transcendentalism, sovereignty.
Arendt H. Philosophy and Politics // Social Research. 1990. ¹ 1 (57).
Berti E. Heidegger and the Platonic Concept of Truth // Heidegger and Plato: toward dialogue. Northwestern University Press, 2005.
Deleuze G. Nietzsche et la Philosophie. Presses universitaires de France, 1982.
Dodds E. R. Appendix: Callicles, Socrates and Nietzsche // Plato. Gorgias / Ed. by E. R. Dodds. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1979.
Dombrowski D. A platonic philosophy of religion: a process perspective. State University of New York Press. 2005.
Dostal R. Beyond Being: Heidegger’s Plato // Journal of the History of Philosophy, 23:1 (1985 : Jan.).
Foucault M. The Government of Self and Others: lectures at the Collège de France, 1982-83. N.Y.: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.
Gadamer H.-G. Philosophische Lehrjahre. Frankfurt: Klostermann, 1977.
Gadamer H.-G. Reflections on My Philosophic Journey // The philosophy of Hans-Georg Gadamer / Ed. by L.E. Hahn. Open Court, 1997.
Gadamer H.-G. Selbstdars
Golovko, Yu. M..
Religious and Philosophical Views of John Adams and their Role in Formation of his Political
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2011. – ¹ 11.
– P. 81-95.
Read the article
Abstract: John Adams (1735-1826) is a notable figure of the War of Independence, the second president of the USA and
one of the major politicians during the epoch of Enlightenment. His way to philosophical, religious and moral becoming
was difficult and full of events. Adam’s early interpretations of God and Bible, human and nature, devotion and virtue
cast light on his mature political and philosophical views. When he started to defend colonists’ rights in 1765, Adams
proved his principles which he had formed when graduating from Harvard. Going long way from new English pietism
to philosophical rationalism of the Enlightenment, John Adams did not only play an important role in determination
of nature and peculiarities of the revolution but also became its embodiment and personification.
Keywords: philosophy, Adams, Puritanism, deism, Enlightenment, rationalism, freethinking, humanism, civil, responsibility.
Adams Family Correspondence. 8 Vols. Ed. by L. H. Butterfield et al. Cambridge (MA), 1963. Vol. 1.
Adams J. Adams J. Statesman and Friend, Correspondence of John Adams with Benjamin Waterhouse, 1784-1822. Boston, 1927.
Adams J. Diary and Autobiography of John Adams. 4 Vols. // The Adams Papers. Ser.1. Diaries. Ed. by L.H. Butterfield. Cambridge (MA): Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1961.
Adams J. Legal Papers of John Adams. 3 Vols. in One. Ed. by L . K invin Wroth and Hiller B. Zobel. Cambridge (MA): Belknap Press of Harvard University, 1965.
Adams J. Letters of John Adams, Addressed to his Wife. 2 Vols. Boston, 848.
Adams J. Papers of John Adams. 14 Vols. to date, ed. by R.J. Taylor et al. Cambridge (MA), 1977.
Adams J. The Earliest Diary of John Adams, June 1753-April 1754; September 1758-January 1759. Ed. by L.H. Butterfield. Cambridge (MA), 1966.
Adams J. The Political Writings of John Adams. Ed. by G.W. Carey. Washington (D.C): Regnery Publishing, 2000.
Poyarkov, S. Yu..
The System of State Authorities: Definition, Principles, Functions
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2011. – ¹ 9.
– P. 103-115.
Read the article
Abstract: The article is devoted to the state authority as an object of the system analysis. The author of the article
describes the basic principles of the system of state authority and defines its main functions by analyzing the Russian
system of state authorities.
Keywords: philosophy, politics, state institution, state, authority, system, principles, functions, methodology, disengagement.
Anokhin P.K. Uzlovye voprosy teorii funktsional'nykh sistem. — M., 1980.
Afanas'ev V.G. Sistemnost' i obshchestvo. — M., 1980.
Akhlibininskiy B.V. Asseev V.A. Shorokhov I.M. Printsip determinizma v sistemnykh issledova-niyakh. — L., 1984.
Ellinek G. Obshchee uchenie o gosudarstve. — SPb., 2004.
Il'in I.A. Teoriya prava i gosudarstva. — M., 2003.
Kremyanskiy V.I. Sintez znaniya i problema upravleniya. — M., 1978.
Lokk Dzh. Soch.: V 3-kh tt. T. 3. — M., 1998.
Markov Yu.G. Funktsional'nyy podkhod v sovremennom nauchnom poznanii. — Novosibirsk, 1982.
Montesk'e Sh.-L. Izbrannye proizvedeniya. — M., 1955.
Polyanskiy N.N. Ugolovnyy protsess. Ugolovnyy sud, ego ustroystvo i deyatel'nost'. — M., 1911.
Sagatovskiy V.N. Sistemnaya deyatel'nost' i ee filosofskoe osmyslenie // Sistemnye issledova-niya. Ezhegodnik. 1980. — M.: Nauka. 1981. — S. 52-68.
Sviderskiy V.I. Nekotorye voprosy dialektiki izmeneniya i razvitiya. — M., 1965.
Salikov M.S. Sravnitel'nyy federalizm SShA i
Mochkin, A. N..
‘The Third Way’ of Mouller van den Bruck. The Right-Sized View
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2011. – ¹ 7.
– P. 125-136.
Read the article
Abstract: The article analyzes the development of neoconservative conception of the ‘great politics’ by F. Nietzsche
in Mouller van den Bruck’s work ‘The Third Reich’ and his theory of the ‘third way’ opposing to both
the liberal ‘Americanization’ and ‘Bolshevikization’ of Germany during a so-called ‘conservative revolution’
in the 20th-30th of the 20th century. The article studies the neoconservative attempts to create the ‘third party’
built upon the national revolutionary ideology as peculiar variant of ‘proto fascist’ party.
Keywords: philosophy, liberalism, nationalism, conservatism, Marxism, socialism, ‘philosophy of life’, democracy, culture, Nietzscheanism.
Dostoevskiy F.M. Dnevnik pisatelya za 1876 g. PPS. T. 10. SPb., 1895.
Meller van den Bruk. Tret'ya imperiya // Artur Meller van den Bruk. Andrey Vasil'chenko. Mif o vechnoy imperii i Tretiy Reykh. M., 2009.
Mochkin A.N. Nemetskiy natsional-sotsializm: tretiy put' // Sotsializm v perspektive postindu-strializma. M., 1999.
Mochkin A.N. Pravyy radikalizm kak analog levogo radikalizma // Filosofiya politicheskogo deystviya. M., 2010.
Mochkin A.N. Sotsializm v poiskakh tret'ego puti // Obshchestvennye nauki i sovremennost'. 1998. ¹ 5.
Nitsshe F. Volya k vlasti. M., 2005.
Nitsshe F. Soch. v 2-kh tt. M., 1990.
Oduev S.F. Tropami Zaratustry. M., 1971.
Shpengler O. Zakat Evropy. M., 1993.
Shpengler O. Prussachestvo i sotsializm. M., 2002
Korolev, S. A..
Micro-societies in the Russian Area of Power
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2011. – ¹ 6.
– P. 55-64.
Read the article
Abstract: The article views the two types of micro-societies existing in the global area of power, - the church
and the sect. The latter are based on the two types of discipline, - authoritarian discipline and the discipline
of inferential control. The author studies the situation of co-existence of the authoritarian discipline and the
discipline of self-organization, on the one hand, and political technologies and controlling mechanisms, on
the other hand. A certain balance between them is called the disciplinary balance.
The author pays attention at the universal nature of principles of organization of a society at the micro and
macro levels, hierarchization being the most important tool for the political structuring of the micro-society.
It is noted that coarse, Mongol-like technologies have prevailed at the macro-level in the Russian area. However,
autochthonous technologies have dominated for many centuries at the micro-level.
Keywords: philosophy, power, discipline, control, micro-society, hierarchization, society, Weber, Foucault, Podoroga.
Berdyaev N. Russkaya ideya. SPb.: Azbuka-klassika, 2008.
Bulavinskoe vosstanie (1707-1708 gg.). M., 1935
Veber M. Izbrannye proizvedeniya. M.: Progress, 1990
Zayonchkovskiy P.A. Samoderzhavie i russkaya armiya na rubezhe XIX-XX stoletiy. 1881–1903. M.: Mysl', 1993.
Zimin A.A. I.S.Peresvetov i ego sovremenniki. M., 1958.
Korolev S.A. Beskonechnoe prostranstvo. Geo-i sotsiograficheskie obrazy vlasti v Rossii. M.: In-stitut filosofii RAN, 1997.
Korolev S.A. Studencheskoe obshchezhitie «perioda zastoya»: eroziya reglamentiruyushchikh tekhnologiy // Svobodnaya mysl' — XXI. 2003. ¹ 7.
Makarenko A.S. Iz opyta raboty // Makarenko A.S. Pedagogicheskie soch. v 8-i tt. T. 4.
Podoroga V.A. Metafizika landshafta. M.: Nauka, 1993.
Cherepnin L.V. Obrazovanie russkogo tsentralizovannogo gosudarstva v XIV-XV vekakh. M., 1960
Mochkin, A. N..
Friedrich Nietzsche’s Great Politics and Conservative Revolution
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2011. – ¹ 4.
– P. 78-87.
Read the article
Abstract: The article analyzes Friedrich Nietzsche’s conception of ‘Great Politics’ created during the last years of his
creative work. The author of the article also describes the role this conception plays for formation of ideology of the
conservative revolution in Germany during the 20th – 30th of the 19th century.
Keywords: philosophy, conservatism, revolution, nihilism, Utopia, aristocraticism, rank, caste, power, perspectivism.
Drie La Roshel' P. Fashistskiy sotsializm. SPb., 2001.
Kozlovski Peter. Mif o moderne. M., 2002.
Mochkin A.N. Pravyy radikalizm kak analog levogo radikalizma // Filosofiya politicheskogo dey-stviya. M., 2010. S. 151-165.
Nitsshe F. Volya k vlasti. M., 2005.
Nitsshe F. Pis'ma. M., 2007.
Nitsshe F. Polnoe sobranie sochineniy v 2-kh tt. T. 2. M., 1990.
Rozenberg A. Mif KhKh veka. Tallin, 1998.
Khabermas Yu. Filosofskiy diskurs o moderne. M., 2008.
Yaspers K. Nitsshe i khristianstvo. M., 1994. Khaydegger M. O linii // Sud'ba nigilizma. SPb., 2006. Mohler A. Die conservative Revolution in Deutschland 1918-1932. Darmstadt. 1972
Fedotova, V. G..
Democratic Consolidation, Basic Theories of Solidarity and Conceptions of Solidaristic Practices.
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2010. – ¹ 11.
– P. 81-92.
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Abstract: The article is devoted to democratic consolidation, basic theories of solidarity and conceptions of solidarity practices. The author of the article defines the basic terms used in the article from the point of view of the theory and everyday
life. The article has two sections. The first section ‘Transitology as a variant of the modernization theory oriented at democratic consolidation’ views the term ‘consolidation’ in accordance with its meaning in transitology, - a variant of the modernization theory simplified to recognition of democracy and the market. There consolidation is viewed as the final stage of the democracy transit. The second section ‘Consolidation, solidarity and solidaristic practices’ covers concrete theories of solidarity and solidarism.
Keywords: philosophy, consolidation, solidarity, dialogue, convention, modernization, environment of concord, saturation, crisis, democracy
Bek U. Obshchestvo riska. Na puti k drugomu modernu. M., 2000.
Bek U. Chto takoe globalizatsiya? M., 2001.
Kapustin B.G. Konets “tranzitologii”? O teoreticheskom osmyslenii pervogo kommunisticheskogo desyatiletiya // Polis. 2001. ¹ 4. S. 6-24.
Mel'vil' A.Yu.Vneshnie i vnutrennie faktory demokraticheskikh tranzitov. Vyp. 1. M., 1999. S. 44.
Neformal'naya ekonomika. Rossiya i mir / red. T. Shanin. M., 1999.
Okara A.N. Sotsial'naya solidarnost' kak osnova novogo «mirostroitel'nogo» proekta // Ideologiya i filosofiya solidarizma. M., 2010. S. 7-42.
Khabermas Yu. Diskussiya o proshlom i budushchem mezhdunarodnogo prava. Perekhod ot natsional'noi k postnatsional'noi strukture // Vestnik Rossiiskogo filosofskogo obshchestva. 2003. ¹ 3. S. 17.
Khabermas Yu. Filosofskii spor vokrug idei demokratii. V kn.: Khabermas Yu. Demokratiya. Razum. Nravstvennost'. Moskovskie lektsii i interv'yu. M., 1995. S. 52.
Beck U. The Reinvention of Politics. Reth inking Modernity in the Global Social Order
Samarskaya, E. A..
Politics in an Industrial Society: A. de Saint-Simon and P.-J. Proudhon
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2010. – ¹ 6.
– P. 68-77.
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Abstract: The article describes what the two early representatives of the philosophy of industry thought of a state institution. Despite significant theoretical differences between their theories, both of them believed that activities in industry and science were a sign of aristocrats of the new industrial society
Keywords: philosophy, politics, society, manufacturing, human, history, science, mass, dialectics
Volgin V.P. Sen-Simon i sensimonizm. M., izdatel'stvo AN SSSR, 1961
Izlozhenie ucheniya Sen-Simona. M.-Pg.: izd-vo Golovacheva, 1923.
Prudon P.-Zh. Bednost' kak ekonomicheskiy printsip. M.: Posrednik, 1908.
Prudon P.-Zh. Frantsuzskaya demokratiya. SPb: izd-vo Golovacheva, 1867.
Prudon P.-Zh. Chto takoe sobstvennost' ili issledovanie o printsipe prava i vlasti. SPb, 1907.
Sen-Simon O promyshlennoy sisteme. Izbrannye sochineniya. M.-Pg., 1923.
Sobranie sochineniy Sen-Simona. M.-Pg.: Gosizdat, 1923.
Ansart P. Saint-Simon. P. PUF, 1969.
Dommanget M. Henri de Saint-Simon. P., Societe univ. d’education, , 1953.
Proudhon P.J. Systeme des contradictions economiques. P. Riviere, 1923.
Poltorakov, A. Yu..
“Memory the Comrade”: Political Functions of Memory in History
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2009. – ¹ 8.
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Abstract: Review: in the modern world the paradigm of memory in history has acquired the role of a very complex social and cultural phenomenon. “Historical memory” still remains a good tool for handling a political struggle (“historical content”
of ideologies and “historical material” for building political myths and ideologemes). In the context of the social and cultural development, “historical memory” is becoming a new political goal, some kind of the “social health”. The information society provides a wide range of opportunities
for manipulating “historical memory”: since there is so much information (or “information noise”) around us, it is becoming more difficult t define what is necessary to remember and what is better to forget. “Historical memory” plays the double role, of a tool and a goal of policy. Now it is also becoming a political value and gaining ontological, gnoseological and ethical meaning.
Key words: information society, memory in history, national identity, ethic and national self-consciousness, “policy of memory”, social communication, “social health”, totalitarianism,
values, civilization.
Saidov, A. H..
Introduction in the juridical kantology
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2009. – ¹ 7.
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Abstract: This is one of a few articles published under the title “Immanuel Kant’s metaphysics of law and modern age”. These articles enlighten the main ideas of metaphysics of law, i.e. Immanuel Kant’s philosophical and legal teaching in the context with the modern age. The author described in which way Kant’s views on law and government influenced the modern world formation in conditions of globalization. The author paid special attention at the main conceptions of Kant’s philosophy about international law and ways to achieve the eternal peace.
Keywords: Immanuel Kant, philosophy of law, juridical studies of Kant, life and work of Immanuel Kant, Copernicus’ reform in philosophy, philosophy of Immanuel Kant, studies about law and government, government, philosophical and juridical ideas.
Titova, A. O..
Revival of the Rome Empire: the issue of Carolingian idea of empire
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2009. – ¹ 6.
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Abstract: Abstract: the article is aimed at answering the question what made Carl the Great to declare himself an imperator and to revive the empire in the West and what that empire was like. The author is analyzing contradictory data and points of views on that event. It is concluded that Frankish empire was potentially universal because it was based on the idea of the Christianand the Roman empires altogether. The author suggested that Carl accepted the Roman tradition even though his Carolingian idea of empire had other elements as well. In conclusion the author also described the three “roots” of the Roman idea of empire which determined the historical development of the West.
Keywords: carl the Great, empire, “revival of the Rome Empire”, Carolingians, Christian empire, Frankish idea of empire, Roman idea of empire, histosophy, Pope.
Kanarsh, G. Yu..
Democracy and authoritarianism and post-Soviet and contemporary Russia. Part 1
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2009. – ¹ 5.
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Abstract: Abstract: the article considers a problem of correlation between the democracy and authoritarianism in post-Soviet and contemporary Russian politics. Relying on the researches of Russian political scientists, sociologists, social philosophers, the author has demonstrated that the origins of authoritarianism may be found in the political practice of the middle of 1990th. It is also demonstrated that the far evolution of political regime depended upon a failure of social and economical reforms of 1990th, but at the same time it is now getting its own way because of the deep transformation of the social structure of the Russian society.
Keywords: politics, power, society, modernization, reform, democracy, authoritarianism, conservatism, legitimacy.
Korolev, S.A..
Disciplinary technologies: Russia and europe
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2008. – ¹ 10.
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Abstract: The author discussed the problem which he called “social disciplining”. He described this phenomenon in detail based on Fuco’s works and payed special attention at Russia’s history and modern life.
Novichkova, T.A..
The phenomenon of the power in treatment by R.Aron
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2008. – ¹ 9.
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// Philosophy and Culture. – 2008. – ¹ 4.
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Syrodeeva, A..
The little hero.
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2008. – ¹ 2.
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Abstract: Now most psychological articles or pedagogical handbooks on raising children clearly state that children are individuals and their individuality should not be oppressed. But what is the value of the “small person’s world” for us, grown – ups?