Muradov A.B..
Characters in the first film series dedicated to the Great Patriotic War: dramaturgical solutions and historical context
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2017. – ¹ 6.
– P. 1-14.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2017.6.22413.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2017.6.22413
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Abstract: This article presents the analysis of some narrative and compositional aspects and dramaturgical solutions in creating the characters of the three telefilms dedicated to the Great Patriotic War (“Call the fire itself” (1965), “Major Whirlwind” (1966), and “The Shield and the Sword” (1968). These are the first three telefilms, two of which are the very first fictional film series in the history of Soviet television, demonstrate the evolution of establishment of the tradition and principle of television narration: from a real hero to fictitious superhuman devoid of weaknesses; from preserving and transmitting memory of the historical events to adventurous film that resolves the existing ideological tasks; from random solutions to the principles of creating film series. The results of such evolution are demonstrated in the TV series about the wartime, filmed in the following decades, and namely in contract to war, in the author’s opinion, will be structures the first post-Soviet motion pictures.
Keywords: Post-Soviet motion pictures, Ideological tasks, Film series about wartime, Historical context, Evolution of tradition, History of Soviet television, Image of the main character, Dramaturgical solutions, Film series, Great Patriotic War
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Zhemchugova O.A..
Contrariety of the superhero image in the modern mass culture
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2016. – ¹ 11.
– P. 1506-1510.
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Abstract: The object of this research is mass culture; the subject is the superheroic discourse that originated in comics – the key textual structures of mass culture. The author examines the ambivalence of the superhero characters, which on one side, represent hope for the rescue from external threats, and on the other side, a symbol of internal threat coming from those to whom society usually trusts. The contemporary superheroic discourse poses the questions of “otherness”, spiritual self-growth, as well as attainment of personal identity. The author detects the key controversies in the image of superheroes based on three directions: form, content, and development. It is determined that the look of a superhero symbolizes its superhuman status, and also places him outside the framework of society. The inner content of the superheroic image is filled with contradictions between his identities, as well as inevitably includes the antagonistic images. The development of superhero can never be complete – he is forced to always be at the stage of initiation, shifting between the divine and human identities.
Keywords: superhero, narrative, comics, myth, textual structrures, mass culture, hero, identity, symbol, image
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Karagodina O.A..
Mercy and charity as the concepts of national idea in Russia
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2016. – ¹ 6.
– P. 865-872.
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Abstract: The article is devoted to the analysis of the role of life-meaningful orientations of socially significant activity in the context of search of national idea of the Russian society. It is supposed that its search has to be carried out proceeding from humanistic idea of mercy and existential need of the person to create the benefit. The author suggests criteria that must be met for the Russian national idea. The conclusion is that compassion and charity can become the concepts of the Russian national idea. These concepts reflect substantive values of development of the Russian super-ethnos. The national idea which was offered in article will allow to avoid negative consequences of globalization which goes on the way of a Westernization of the public relations and a alienation of the person both from the «I», and from «Another». The Russian national idea including concepts of mercy and charity will be able to promote preservation of values and ideals of our country.
Keywords: collective consciousness, mentality, «russian idea», national idea, spirituality, mercy, charity, superethnos, national values, spiritual ideals
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Suvorov M.A..
Features of the Contemporary Religious Situation and Forms of Social Influence on a Religious Personality
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2015. – ¹ 2.
– P. 243-250.
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Abstract: The object of the present research article is the process of transformation of social forms of religion in the globalized society. The research subject is the features of the contemporary religious situation which, under the conditions of virtualization and strengthening of a saturation of information streams, turns into a totally new communication space. One of its features is a new opportunity to have an impact on the consciousness of believers. Using the technology of memetics, the author of the present article conducts a research of modern technologies of social influence and manipulating consciousness of new generation of believers for the purpose of detection of its specifics. Based on opportunities of comparative and structural approaches, the author carries out the analysis of features, algorithms and mechanisms of social influence and manipulation with consciousness of believers in terms of contemporary culture. This research article is the first one to prove that memetics is focused only on modern processes of social transformation of the contemporary religious situation and religion which continues to reproduce eternal ideals and values, however does it according to conditions, requirements and opportunities of modern social reality. Within the framework of his research, the author defines peculiar features of modern forms of social development of religion, such as intensive and purposeful mixture of religion with other fields of activity; mass publication and distribution of products of religion; and growing influence of virtual and network communication which, according to the author, does not eliminate but emphasizes the intersubjective nature of the development of social forms of religion in general.
Keywords: subjectivity, memetics, manipulation, social influence, transformations of forms of religion, contemporary religious situation, religious consciousness, simulacrum, cyberreligion, virtual religion
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Handbook of Hyper-real Reli
Samarskaya, E. A..
Raymond Aron. ‘Ideal Typical’ Approach
to Studying Industrial Societies
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2014. – ¹ 10.
– P. 1450-1457.
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Abstract: The subject being studied is the ideal typical approach of Raymond Aron to studying industrial societies.
Raymond Aron created that method in the 50th of the 20th century when working on lectures about industrial
societies and analyzing their economic and social structure, political regimes and culture. The method was opposed
to the principle of the linearly ascending social progress followed by many Marxists of those times both
in the Soviet Union and abroad. Aron’s method was based on the comparison of the industrial policy in different
counties and classification of the types of industrial growth and therefore was also called ‘descriptive – generalizing’.
The author of the present article touches upon this topic for the purpose of solving modern issues
regarding future interaction between different historical communities. The author’s methodology included, first
of all, comparison of Aron’s intent and his conclusions that were not always the same; and secondly, comparison
of Aron’s liberal views with the views on the same matter showed by the French non-traditional left party. The
novelty of the article is in the fact that the author addresses to a very interesting historical and philosophical issue
about the struggle against Marxism and liberal concept of history on the 50th of the last century. The author
concludes that Aron initially wanted to destroy Marx’s theory of progress but later came to the solution that allowed
‘reverse Marxism’ when Aron put Western capitalism at the peak of the historical development instead of
the Soviet socialism. The other conclusion made by the author completes the first one and touches upon Aron’s
concept of the heterogeneity of cultures in the world. Based on the ideas of the non-traditional left party (presented
by Castoriadis and Ellul), the author show that the process of rationalization of modern societies involves
the sphere of culture, too. This creates a strong ideological opposition to Aron’s thesis about national cultures
being independent from the industrial growth.
Keywords: history, industrial society, historical types, science, technology, progress, politics, economics, rationalization, non-traditional left parties.
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Gluchman, V..
Mass Media and Virtual Morals in Slovakia
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2012. – ¹ 6.
– P. 44-50.
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Abstract: Mass media makes tragedies, crime and violence everyday reality in Slovakia and audience is
taught to get used to these phenomena. As a result, TV broadcasting creates a so called virtual moral that
can actually distort perception of the reality. At the present time, when TV companies can ‘survive’ only if
they have a high rating and show lots of adverting, mass media seems to do all that is not directly forbidden
by the law. Virtual morals as they are shown by the most famous Slovakian mass media are a reduced,
simplified and considerably distorted reflection of the reality.
Keywords: philosophy, journalist’s ethics, morals, society, mass media, manipulation of public opinion, information commercialization.
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Huber W. Violence: The Unrelenting Assault on Human Dignity. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1996.
Jirák J., Köpplová B. Média a společnost. Praha: Portál, 2003.
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Nádoba J. Petr
Poyarkov, S. Yu..
The problem of development of constitutional culture in Russia
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2009. – ¹ 6.
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Abstract: Abstract: In the article, culture of constitutionalism is viewed as an axiological and space category reflecting the level of constitutional development in the country. According to the author, constitutional culture is both the result of social and political processes in the country and the factor determining these processes through integrating politics, law and government.
Keywords: philosophy, politics, culture, constitutionalism, law, society, power, function, consciousness, value.
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2008. – ¹ 1.
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Abstract: Human cruelty is unique. In the living nature we do not find any examples of non-based aggression. Only humans are capable of doing it, and even when the goal is achieved, the aggressor usually does not stop and may for a long time enjoy the sight of other person’s ruin, stating that this calls for the full understanding of the wrongfulness of the latter’s behavior. What are the anthropological roots of this phenomenon?