Question at hand
Bogdanova , M.V. (2021). The concept of cultural systems: problems and prospects . Philosophy and Culture, 8, 1–10.
Abstract: The subject of research in this paper is a range of cross-disciplinary problems related to the concept of "cultural system". Examination is conducted on the existing culturological approaches towards the definition of cultural systems; the question is raised on the appropriateness of using this concept in analyzing the spheres of human activity that are not traditionally associated with the concept of “culture”. The author dwells on the mathematics, medicine and religion, proving the effectiveness of culturological research of these spheres of life as the cultural systems. The theoretical and methodological framework is based on the concept of systematicity of culture. This article employs the analytical, comparative, and semiotic methods. The following conclusions are made: 1) any cultural system, besides its specific components, includes the general cultural components that typical to all cultural systems that are part of the single complex of “culture” and are not specific to its separate cultural systems; 2) the number of cultural systems determined within the culture largely depends on the research perspective, and is virtually limitless. The author’s special contribution, which also determines the scientific novelty of this article, lies in the proposed model of interaction of various cultural systems within a single culture.
superorganic system, cultural consistency, cultural systems interaction, religion, medical anthropology, ethnomathematics, cultural system, multiple system, interpretable frame, ellipse
Question at hand
Klimova, O.M., Lutsenko, V.E. (2021). Peculiarities of the matter of philosophy in the works of P. I. Linitsky . Philosophy and Culture, 8, 11–20.
The subject of this research is the doctrine of the representative of Kiev Theological Academy, prominent “Orthodox rationalist” Peter Ivanovich Linitsky on the matter of philosophy. Based on the analysis of his separate work, the conclusions are made on the essence of philosophy, its matter, tasks and role in life of the society. Attention is given to determination by the Russian scholars of universality of the nature of philosophy, its special place among other sciences. The philosopher sees the central objective of science in the development of general worldview, believing that this essential task stems from the nature of human mind, which seeks uniformity in cognition, as well as incorporation of the particular with the general. The article employs the spiritual-culturological approach in combination with dialectical approach, as well as methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison and generalization. This article is first to describe and analyze the philosophical-theistic views of the Professor of Kiev Theological Academy Peter Ivanovich Linitsky on the matter of philosophy and its specificity as a science. The author determines the attempt of incorporating the philosophy and religion into a close union, which ensures the integrity and completeness of human cognition.
subject, method, worldview, science, subject of philosophy, epistemology, philosophy, theism, synthesis, analysis
Question at hand
Trukhacheva, E.A. (2021). French Musical: history and specificity of the genre . Philosophy and Culture, 8, 21–35.
French Musical is “younger” than the Broadway, popular; however, there is yet no serious scientific approach towards its examination. The subject of this research is nationalization of the French Musical in historical and genre contexts. The goal is to disclose role of French Musical as a relatively young genre on the theoretical level. The article employs the interdisciplinary approach, which involves the scientific theories and concepts from other fields; historical-culturological approach, which reveals the factors contributing to assimilation of French culture with the traditions of other cultures; systemic approach aimed at examination of professional performance in French Musical as a result of development of the genre in late XX – early XXI centuries. The scientific novelty consists in introduction of the previously missing biographical materials and new information on the establishment and development of the genre of French Musical and its national specificity. The theoretical significance lies in characterization of the concepts of “French Musical”, “popular culture”, “interpretation of classical music”, “musical performance” in the context of art history knowledge, as well as methodology of science. The practical significance lies in broader understanding of the role of establishment and proliferation of French Musical, comparison of the use of chanson and jazz in the Musicals of France and the United States. The main result consists the statement that French Musical contains the key to understanding the French people, their thought pattern, and tastes. This genre allows them to express and defend their values and uniqueness.
Luc Plamondon, Alain Boublil, Claude-Michel Schonberg, Gérard Presgurvic, Kamel Ouali, Pascal Obispo, musical, France, Michel Berger, chanson
Man and mankind
Popov, E.A. (2021). Meaningless labor in the concept of David Graeber . Philosophy and Culture, 8, 36–44.
David Graeber (1961–2020) is a former professor at the London School of Economics, sociologist, and social anthropologist, prominent thinker of modernity; in the decades ahead, his views and social ideas will be highly demanded in social and humanistic knowledge. Assessment is given to his social theory of labor, which Graeber dedicated multiple books and articles, viewing labor as a futile phenomenon for the society and individual. He notes that meaningless labor in just a set of actions subordinated to some social force. The analysis of his ideas reveals several important vectors of modern social mentality: 1) in reconsideration of the role of labor in life of a person and society, the social frame of references (from the perspective of total sociality) is brought to the forefront, while the economic and political vectors of the assessment of labor assessment are shifted to the background; 2) meaningless labor becomes the social norm and generates the new system of values, for example, bureaucracy, administration, office, etc.; 3) gradually and with strong consolidation in society, labor becomes part of the active symbolic struggle (for example, for power) and symbolic exchange, which entails inequality between people and social commonalities. The article substantiates the heuristic nature of application of the concept of meaningless labor in characterizing the central ideas pf David Graeber, taking into account the fact that labor is viewed as an “imitation” of social value. This thesis is fundamental in comprehension of Graeber’s theory, as all his works contain a refrain on the need to reconsider the key social values (labor, money, finance, taxes, resources, and other), the nature of which is determined by both economic and sociocultural relations.
useless work, David Graeber, methodology of science, knowledge, universal value, social sciences, work, knowledge about society, society, globalization
Spiritual and moral search
Zubkov, S.A. (2021). The ecophilic principle of vegetarianism . Philosophy and Culture, 8, 45–52.
The object of this research is the ecophilic and ecophobic trends in collective consciousness. The subject of this research is vegetarianism as an ecophilic and eco-theological concept. The relevance of this article lies in the fact that vegetarianism as a theoretical-practical approach towards life sustenance allows assessing and outlining the solutions to the environmental problems. Vegetarian food correlates with the ethical position, systemogenetics of law and morality, and religious attitudes. The interrelation between vegetarianism and ecology is reflected in ecophilic approach towards environment. The author leans on the general scientific theoretical methods, such as genetic, comparative, systemic, and factor analysis; and provides an overview of the thematic literature. The conclusion is made that vegetarianism can be considered an indicator of ecophilia-oriented collective consciousness. The philosophical conceptualization of the problem of vegetarianism is the problem of bioethics and environmental ethics, as well as eco-theology. The ethical outlook upon vegetarianism consists in comprehension of the value of life of the whole creation and biocentric regard to all animal organisms. The eco-theological approach is demonstrated on the example of the theory and practice of vegetarianism in Vedic culture.
hinduism, sustainable development, Bhagavad-gita, sacralization of nutrition, ethics of ahimsa, ecophilism and religion, vegetarianism, deep ecology, ecology of spirit, ecotheology