Question at hand
Bedenko, V.N. (2020). Comedy film as a modern embodiment of the culture of laughter. Philosophy and Culture, 8, 1–10.
The object of this article is the comedy cinematography. The subject is the comedy cinematography as a manifestation of the culture of laughter. The author examines such aspects of the topic as the culture of laughter and the history of its conceptualization in the humanities knowledge, historical manifestations of the culture of laughter in different eras. Special attention is given to the idea that comedy film is a significant embodiment of the culture of laughter in modern art. The author analyzes comedy as genre of cinematography; substantiates the impact of comedy film upon society through the means of cinematography as an audiovisual art. The main conclusions of the conducted research consist in the determined functions of comedy film as a manifestation of the culture of laughter in the modern era; an idea that comedy cinematography along with manifestations of the culture of laughter of the previous historical eras, forms a specific anti-cultural world that demonstrates an underside of the surrounding world , and mostly of the society. The author’s special contribution into this work lies in consideration of the comedy genre of cinematography within the concept of the culture of laughter, which allowed highlighting the new aspects of this phenomenon and substantiating its significance in the spiritual life of modern society. The novelty consists in application of the conceptual framework of the culture of laughter with regards to the analysis of comedy film, which views the phenomenon at hand from the universal worldview perspective.
movie Comedy features, genre of cinema, entertainment, audio-visual image, comedy, cinema, laughter culture, Mainstream movies, social integration, screen culture
Philosophy of knowledge
Strigin, M. (2020). Ontology of a metaphor: the way from apophaticism to cataphaticism in the cognitive path to God . Philosophy and Culture, 8, 11–28.
This work reasonably substitutes the literary and aesthetic understanding of metaphor as a poetic technique of expressiveness with the epistemological understanding of metaphor as an instrument for expanding the semantic possibilities of perception. Ontological dimension of a metaphor is reconstructed in accordance with the concept of “inertia” of nature. Nature repeatedly reproduces the previously acquired in some area of the phenomenal, while appearance of a human proliferated such reproduction to the area of the noumenal. Repetition of such reproductions of the acquired testifies to the fractality of being. Metaphor turns the linear evolution of semantics into a complex nonlinear process through topological transformations. It becomes most efficient in the cataphatic operation of “composition”. Unlike apophaticism, metaphor not only takes to a new level of cognition, but also arranges all these levels in accordance with the fractal nature of being. Therefore, metaphor is the primary means for transforming fractality into an epistemological tool in the area of the noumenal. If analytical reasoning fractionize the idea, by increasing the entropy of semantics, the metaphorical assertions reduce it, focusing the thought and synthesizing new semantic patterns. Such a focus fractalizes semantics, which should ultimately result in a semantic explosion and, most likely, bring a man closer to God.
metaphorical statements, cognition, poetic device, topology, katafatika, apophatic, logics, fractal, metaphor, semantic patterns
Philosophy of knowledge
Sidorova, T. (2020). Methodological aspects of regulation of neuroresearch and neurotechnologies in neuroethics . Philosophy and Culture, 8, 29–45.
This article is dedicated to methodological questions in ethical regulation of neuroresearch. Neuroethics has emerged recently within the framework of the neuro-trend in modern technoscience; its regulatory capabilities are yet to be discovered. Sciences that study human brain and behavior orient towards existing institutions of ethical regulation, which do not consider the complexity and specificity of the emerging threats and risks. The author examines the circumstances for formation of the research ethics and points of intersection with neuroethics. Research ethics is viewed as a part of bioethics, which not only assessed the potential harm for the examinees, but also the social and anthropological consequences of scientific and technological development. The author provides a “narrow” understanding of research ethics as a system of rules within the framework of particular disciplines, and as a clinical research practice. Based on the historically established ethical regulation of clinical research and the forming beneath our eyes rules of modification of human genome and artificial intelligence, the author demonstrates contradictions and trends of the separate regulatory systems, which should be taken into account to prevent risks in neuroresearch and prediction of social implications of the spread of neurotechnologies. Ethical examination became a part of a complex system of international control of clinical research, which leads to fading of the value component aimed at protection of research subjects. The author underlines two factors that form the types of harm peculiar to neuroresearch: orientation towards technological realization and vulnerability of mental sphere as a subject of research. The conclusion is made on inefficiency of application of the calculation of harm/advantage in ethical assessment of neuroresearch. Leaning on the experience of bioethics, neuroethics requires development of the own systems of rules that would become the institutions of neuroethical regulation. For preventing formalization of ethical control, it is essential to advance extensive socio-humanistic assessment of new achievements in neuroscience, as well as neuroethical education for the scientists.
Declaration of Helsinki, ethics of artificial intelligence, human genome editing, clinical researches, research ethics, ethical review, bioethics, neuroethics, Good Clinical Practise, neuroscience
Social philosophy
Avakyan-Forer, A.G. (2020). Philosophy of economics of the Ancient Greece. Philosophy and Culture, 8, 46–52.
This article examines the philosophy of economic of the Ancient Greece. Philosophical thought of the classics of ancient philosophy raises value and moral-ethnical questions in economic sphere and seeks the ways for their solution. The subject of this research is the stance on economic goods of the ancient society. The goal consists in description of the economic ideas of Xenophon, Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. Modern philosophical studies do not give due attention to the philosophy of economics, which is not fair, since the discipline “Philosophy of Economics” is aimed primarily at clarification of the essence of philosophical problems of economics, substantiation of the need for scientific cognition of economic relations and the underlying socioeconomic laws. The novelty lies in carrying out a referential overview of philosophical concepts that reflect economic ideas in Ancient Greek philosophy of the classical period. The prerequisites of economic ideas within the system of philosophical knowledge reveal and substantiate two these: inseparability of economic knowledge from ethics and politics, and the regards household management as an art. Economic teachings can be found in works of many Ancient Eastern, Ancient Greek and Ancient Roman philosophers; however, the textbooks do not usually include the ancient economic thought into the general course. The author believes that the fundamentals of economics established namely in this era, and this fact cannot be wiped out of history. The philosophical understanding of worldview and scientific fundamentals, knowledge of economics and economic system as a whole, including everything related to the economy, its place in natural world, society and human culture is very important and should be studied in universities.
oikonomikos, Aristotle's economic teaching, Plato's economic ideas, philosophy of Economics, economy, ancient Economics, chrematistics, Domostroy, household management, Economics as art
Religions and religious renaissance
Bogachev, A.M., Blinkova, A.O., Prilutskii, A.M., Shurukht, S.M., Gaidukov, A.V. (2020). Religious, ethical and existential categories in the unconscious area of psychic reality of modern Russian youth: an attempt of comparative analysis . Philosophy and Culture, 8, 53–67.
This article presents the results of a preliminary multidisciplinary research of the specificities of youth’s response to various descriptors. Using the semiotic, in-depth psychological, theological and mathematical analysis of the collected associative chains, the author compares the responses of youth representatives to religious and ethical terms with colloquial lexemes, as well as determines sensitivity to these terms and proclivity for their logical and sensory-emotional perception. Particularly, method of semantic multiplication allows identifying strong and weak descriptors of semiosis under consideration. The author determines the trends that outline a number of structural and psychodynamic characteristics of psychic reality of modern Russian youth. The following conclusions were made in the course of this research: 1. Sensitivity (and corresponding awareness) to religious descriptors was demonstrated by less than half of the respondents, and a fifth of the entire sample of terms appeared to be unfamiliar to the respondents; 2. The analysis of ethical associative chains at the level of interpretation, indicated the existence of such a phenomenon as “indeterminate religiosity”, which implies a certain spiritual pursuit, which at the moment does not comply with the familiar to a respondent religions traditions; 3. The acquired data, on the one hand, correspond to the classic “Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs”, while on the other hand, spiritual pursuit of respondents and simultaneously scarce character of “existential” associations may testify in favor of the dominance of “ethical-spiritual” paradigm in psychic reality of respondents (which also complies with the Maslow’s research of later period in the area of “existential needs” and “peak experiences”; 4. All of the aforementioned means that the key to interaction with modern youth (including didactical and educational) is the paradigm of ethical values, which can also be connected with a latent spiritual pursuit.
hidden religious search, new generation, semantic factors, household tokens, ethical tokens, religious tokens, semiotic analysis, descriptors, religious terms, unconscious