Methodology of philosophical learning
Mekhed, G.N. (2018). Philosophy as a borderline of rationality. Philosophy and Culture, 6, 1–16.
This article is dedicated to examination of the nature of philosophy. The author juxtaposes the common within the former USSR definitions of philosophy as a type of worldview or a specific science with his own definition of philosophy as an autonomous meta-rational discipline, which subject is the detection and research of the universal and antecedent bounds of knowledge. The major difference of the proposed concept of philosophy is the negative transcendentalism – an appeal to the conceivable absoluteness and universality of the bounds of mind, such as the Gödel's incompleteness theorems of any formal system, in the conditions of an evident inconceivability of the absolute truth and crisis of classical rationality, based on the free from value dimension objectivism and the idea of absolute justification. At the same time, the author questions if there is a way to compile a list of threshold questions, as well as how to make certain of its boundedness. Although the author does not come to an unequivocal conclusion, the reasons about such potential feature of boundedness as a need for exceeding the bounds of present discourse into a richer logics, meta-discourse for the final solution of a question. To illustrate his position, the author refers to the so-called “hard problem" of consciousness” posed by D. Chalmers, as well as briefly discusses the “transcendental naturalism” of C. McGinn.
McGinn, Popper, Metaphilosophy, Trancendental naturalism, Epistemology, Rationality, Philosophy, Chalmers, Gödel, Nagel
Space and time
Tolstukhin, A. (2018). Mosaic method for the logics of time. Philosophy and Culture, 6, 17–28.
The subject of this research is logics with the linear flow of time. Currently, such system are represent interest not only from the philosophical perspective, but also have practical application in the field of informatics. For both of the indicated areas of knowledge, relevant is the question of proof of formulas in the system, in other words, presents of the decision procedure. Since the early XXI century, one of the approaches towards the problem of decidability of the temporal logics is the procedure of recursive structuring of the model for a formula, which is realizes in accordance with the mosaic principle, small fragments of large model that manifest as “construction” elements” of a supposedly infinite model. The work conducts a detailed analysis of the recent case studies dedicated to this problematic, as well as their systematization. The author is the first to perform a detailed analysis in the Russian language. The article presents not only the idea of mosaic method, but also demonstrates the key lemmas proving the effectiveness of this approach. The next step can be considered the development of calculation based on the mosaic method, proof of its consistency and completeness.
decision procedure, linear, flow of time, defects of temporal structure, mosaics, modal logic, temporal logic, Mosaic Method, satisfability, saturated set of mosaics
Philosophy of language and communication
Bagaeva, O.N. (2018). Deputy Director-General, National Fuel Company LLC. Philosophy and Culture, 6, 29–38.
The subject of this research is analysis of the concepts of dialogueness and communication within the philosophical views of Nikolai Alexandrovich Berdyaev and Semyon Lyudvigovich Frank. The object of this research is the problem of dialogue and communication in Russian philosophy of the early XX century. The author determines the origins and conceptual grounds of communicative reasoning of N. A. Berdyaev and S. L. Frank, as well as the discrepancies and similarities of these substantiations. The article reveals the place and importance of the communicative philosophy of Nikolai Berdyaev and Semyon Frank within the context of the history of Russian and Western European philosophy of the early XX century. The research leans on the universal principles of comprehensive approach, with proper combination of a number of hermeneutic methods with genetic that allows defining the profound origins of the philosophical concepts of N. A. Berdyaev and S. L. Frank. The scientific novelty lies in implementation of multifarious analysis of the problem of dialogueness and communication in philosophical views of the two outstanding national philosophers N. A. Berdyaev and S. L. Frank. The author’s contribution consists in analysis of the sources and theoretical foundations of communicative concepts of Nikolai Berdyaev and Semyon Frank alongside the determination of the key moments of similarity and discrepancy in the conceptual grounds of their systems.
alienation, loneliness, friendship, communicative act, communication, unity, alien, dialogue, individualization, interaction
Spectrum of consciousness
Kormin, N.A. (2018). Cogito ergo sum: establishment of the aesthetic existence . Philosophy and Culture, 6, 39–47.
The subject of this research is analysis of the process of establishment of aesthetic representations in Descartes’ philosophy, who abruptly turns the epistemological plot of European culture. It is determined how the lines of his thoughts on cogito intertwine with the fabrics of understanding of the aesthetic establishment of the existence of ego, comprehension of transcendental resemblance on the theatrical stage, as well as how the cogital orientations frame the language of a whole action in certain branches of art. The author reveals based on which other work this theatrical oeuvre has been created and what is the idea behind it? Cogito is presented as the existence of cogitative and experiencing it, adding an ultimate form of aesthetic manifestation. The scientific novelty lies in patterning of Descartes’ aesthetic orientations associated with the range of their conditions: harmony, reverence, generosity, joy of spirit, conceptual programs for sensual experience, activity of floating to consciousness imagination, ability to reasoning and improvement, determination of aesthetic meaning of Descartes’ fundamental postulate: cogito ergo sum, representation of how it can be converted into aesthetic format.
French philosophy, history of philosophy, philosophy of art, egologia, cogito, esthetics, art, consciousness, philosophy, Descartes
Question at hand
Aliev, R.T., Avtorkhanova, D.M. (2018). Evolution of approaches to the problem of Other/Alien: from philosophical comprehension to the phenomenon of Other/Alien as an object of historical-culturological discourse. Philosophy and Culture, 6, 48–57.
This article is dedicated to the examination of evolution of the theoretical-methodological approaches towards comprehension of the phenomenon of Other/Alien as an object of historical-culturological discourse. The authors hold the view that initially the phenomenon of otherness was a subject of philosophical comprehension, but with the development of scientific thought, technologies and mediatization of the modern society, the problem of Other/Alien acquires a qualitatively new characteristic. The interest to the phenomenon of Other/Alien is not coincidental, as its defined primarily due to the escalated attention from mass media, journalism, literature, politics and other spheres of social life. However the key problem at that level is the method of labeling of Other/Alien. This article represents a continuation of the studies on evolution of the theoretical-methodological approaches to the problem of Other/Alien. The previous worked has already dicussed the interest of the ancient authors, medieval theologians, and thinkers of the Age of Enlightenment of Modern History to this problem, as well as the philosophes of such disciplines as phenomenology (E. Husserl), ethical philosophy (E. Levinas), existentialism (J-P. Sartre). In the current article, the authors reveal the approaches to the problem of Other/Alien in the works of M. M. Bakhtin, B. Waldenfels, P. Ricœurl; postmodernists J. Derrida, G. Deleuze, F. Guattari; structural psychoanalyst J. Lacan; theoretician of orientalism E. Said; and other post-colonialists, supporters of small groups (SubAltern Studies), Russian culturologists and historians.
Vision, Body without organs, SubAltern Studies, Structural psychoanalysis, Postcolonialism, Postmodernism, Alien, Other, Orientalism, Otherness
Meaning and silence
Medvedev, V. (2018). Translation as a philosophical problem. Philosophy and Culture, 6, 58–67.
This article determines the philosophical aspects of translation, which as demonstrated, relate to the problem of the identity of meaning. This problem has not been successfully resolved in the logical semantics. The author criticizes the “theory of expression”, according to which a thought (meaning) is formed at the pre- and extra-linguistic level, while merely being expressed in the language; as well as the “paradigm of name”: perception that the main function of language expressions is the denotement of a subject, that the world as such divides into the subjects, properties, actions independently of the language. The article analyzes and compares the existed in classical philosophy and present in modern philosophy approaches towards the problems of understanding, meaning of the text, correlation of mind and language. The author advocates the theory that translation always means interpretation. It can be realize at various levels: denotation, connotation, intertextual connections, etc. As the meaning of text generally is a “thing-in-itself”, because the meaning does not exists before and besides its expressions, we cannot compare different translations with a certain absolute standard. Thus, there do not exist the absolute criteria of an unequivocally accurate translation. The interaction of semantic worlds can bring out the new shades of meaning.
interpretation, connotation, naming paradigm, theory of expression, thought, language, translation, sense, text, intertextual connections
Philosophical anthropology
Lopatinskaya, T.D. (2018). Technogenic person in the virtual space of social networks. Philosophy and Culture, 6, 68–77.
The subject of this research is the philosophical analysis of formation of the new sociocultural type – a technogenic person. Comprehension of the new sociocultural type is presented with consideration of its social, anthropological and other grounds. An important aspect of research is the philosophical analysis of virtual space of the social networks, in other words, the direct space of functionality of a technogenic person. The subject of analysis is defined through examination of the self-identification processes of a technogenic person, which introduce the new features into the joint processes of information exchange. Methodology is based on the sociocultural approach that allows determining the specificity of virtual space of the social networks. Studying of the problem of formation of a new sociocultural type – a technogenic person – is conducted by the means anthropological approach. Examination of the distinctness of modern culture leans on the capabilities of the information society paradigm, which links the key factors of social dynamics with the technological innovations. The scientific novelty consists in the following: 1) substantiation of the fact that special place in the process of self-identification of a technogenic person holds the worldwide web and the virtual social networks emerging within, which in turn, introduce the specific features into the joint processes of information exchange; 2) proof that in technological society a significant portion of interpersonal relations is built through the prism of technological device, which leads to transformation in the social structure, and thus public consciousness itself; 3) substantiation that due to the wireless information channels is created a countless number of interpersonal contacts, which changes the quality of communication. Concurrently, the direct communication is reduced to the minimum, and a physical object represents an audio and video phantom.
culture, consciousness, self-identification, cultural identity, technogenic human, social networks, virtualization, virtual space, society, people
Philosophy and culture
Naumova, T.V. (2018). Can the modern Russian intelligentsia be considered a special sociocultural phenomenon?. Philosophy and Culture, 6, 78–89.
The Russian intelligentsia as a sociocultural phenomenon in its presents stage is an important and insufficiently studied problem. In the middle of 1960’s it has already become an object of research among the national specialists, and still remains a subject for discussion. Over the recent 25 years, a wide circulation obtained the statement that the occurred problems resulted in disappearance of intelligentsia, i.e. a special sociocultural phenomenon that existed in the Soviet Union until the Revolution of 1917. The publications were replacing the term “intelligentsia” with the notion “intellectual class”, meaning the population of persons with a certain level of education that significantly differ from the rest. Thus, special relevance acquires the question whether or not intelligentsia retains as a sociocultural phenomenon or have had its day. The authors lean on the works of Russian thinkers of the XIX century – philosophers, historians, economists, as well as the current level of theoretical knowledge on intelligentsia and the analysis of actual processes taking place in the modern Russian society. A conclusion is made that in modern Russia, intelligentsia still remains as a social group and legitimately considered a special sociocultural phenomenon. An attempt is made to carefully analyze the intellectual and educational, ethical and moral, and cultural aspects that characterize the affiliation to intelligentsia.
moral, intelligence, authority, intellect, competence, education, intellectual activity, intelligentsia, intellectual, identification