Fates and outlines of civilizations
Beishenova, A.T. (2018). On the concepts of Oswald Spengler and Arnold J. Toynbee about the “Decline of the West”. Philosophy and Culture, 3, 1–7. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0757.2018.3.25569
One of the first significant futuristic concepts concerning the subsequent fate of the Western European civilization and its relationship with other cultures and civilization that emerged in the early XX century are the well-known concepts of O. Spengler and A. Toynbee, interpreted in the fundamental philosophical-theoretical works “The Decline of the West” and “A Study of History”. Despite the theoretical depth and high level of originality of these works, many of the positions still carry a polemical character. The nature of current relationship between West and East in many aspects is defined by the globalization process, which in accordance with the logic of development of the human kind leads to the creation of a universal world economic and financial system that, however, due to a number of reasons escalates the previously existed and generates the new obstinate contradictions, part of which have civilizational roots or at least civilizational specificity. This resulted in origination of diverse concepts; some of them of futuristic character, or in other words, structure and substantiate the future world view in the nearest historical perspective, as well as relatively remote. The strong majority of modern peoples currently experiences the significant cultural transformations that concern its foundations, and will only increase in the future that undoubtedly requires their scientific-theoretical contemplation and assessment. This article is an attempt to comprehend the historical transformation of the West, utilizing the views of O. Spengler and A. Toynbee.
approach, religion, responce, challenge, moral, culture, civilization, conception, society, history
The conscious and the unconscious
Lvov, D. (2018). The notion of “archetype” in Russian-language scientific publications over the period of 2015-2016. Philosophy and Culture, 3, 8–16. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0757.2018.3.24562
This article discusses the use of the notion of “archetype” in the Russian-language scientific publications over the period of 2015-2016. The author underlines the headings of publications that contain the notion of “archetype”, provides a table indicating the number of publications in accordance with headings, as well as carries out a gradual analysis of application of the notion of “archetype” in each heading. A conclusion is made on the convenience use of the notion of “archetype” in examination of the phenomena located on the border of the conscious and unconscious aspects of human being. Qualitative quantitative analysis of the documents is applied. As the units of analysis were selected the publications presented in the search engine of the website of the scientific electronic library www.elibrary.ru. The main result of this work is defined by the provided table with reflection of the frequency ratio of use of the notion of “archetype” in various fields of scientific research, as well as brief general characteristic of the corresponding practices of application of this notion. It is demonstrated that the majority of publications containing the notion of “archetype” in the headings is attributed to research of the texts and other cultural phenomena. The author also suggests the five basic practices of using the notion of “archetype”.
unconscious, notion, language, culture, humanities, publications, archetype, Jung, symbol, Russian
History of ideas and teachings
Chirkov, A.A. (2018). Modernization theory in the Russian historical science. Philosophy and Culture, 3, 17–33. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0757.2018.3.24609
The object of this research is the modernization theory in the context of Russian history. Based on the historical, philosophical, sociological, and politological studies, is conducted the analysis of evolution of the “modernization” concept. The author examines the historicophilosophical meaning of the modernization theory, giving particular attention to the philosophical-historical views of the modern Russian scholars on modernization theory. The article considers some aspects of scholars’ views upon the philosophy of history, relationship between the society and the government, development of the economy, politics and ethics, the role of personality in historical process. The scientific novelty is defined by drawing special attention to the impact of peasantry upon the country’s modernization process. The terminology of modernization theory is attributed to the researchers of the XIX – early XX centuries. The process of establishment of the concept took place in the middle of the XX century. At the same time, modernization theory still remains at the stage of development and improvement, which is confirmed by the principle of historicism. In the course of examination of modernization on the Russian historical process, the author noted the phenomenon of permanent modernization. Modernization in Russia has begun with the reforms of Peter the Great and continued until Stalin’s reforms. The key factor that delayed modernization in Russia was the lack of necessary reforms in rural areas.
society, science, modernization, Russian history, History, Modernization theory, revolution, evolution, reforms, peasantry
Social philosophy
Gritskov, Y.V., Fen'vesh, T.A., Zabelina, E.Y. (2018). The problem of perfection and immortality in the philosophy of Russian cosmism . Philosophy and Culture, 3, 34–41. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0757.2018.3.24592
The subject of this research is the problem of the finiteness of human existence within the framework of the philosophy of Russian cosmism. The article touches upon the theme of human perfection as an imperative factor of reaching immortality. The authors examine the two models of understanding of death and immortality within the philosophy of Russian cosmism in the context of comprehension of the phenomenon of perfection. The religious-philosophical and natural scientific models coexist in the Russian cosmism and divide cosmists into two factions; however, neither of the models fully reveal the possibility of the actual solution of the set by Russian cosmism tasks. Methodology of Russian cosmism implicates the need for the all-encompassing cognition of the world, studying of the subjects and occurrences in the process of their development and evolution, which potentially leads to the synthesis of the two diverse models of comprehension of the phenomena of death and immortality. The main conclusion lies in the statement that the philosophy of Russian cosmism on the assumption of achieving human immortality does not consider it outside the concept of perfection, but rather immortality is viewed as a result of reaching the human perfection. Depending on the model, there are differences in representations on the human perfection; but based on the methodology of the Russian cosmism, it is impossible to view a thing or occurrence in its relation to other thinks, cosmos, and its evolution. Thus, the path to solution of set by the Russian cosmism tasks lies in the synthesis of the two models, in other words, in synthesis of the religious-philosophical and natural scientific approach to the problem of death, immortality and human perfection.
natural scientific model, religious and philosophical model, social philosophy, fear of death, perfection, death and immortality, Russian cosmism, evolutionism, organicism, Russian philosophy
National character and mentality
Skacheva, N. (2018). Phraseology as a cultural code to cognition of successful intercultural communication with German business partners. Philosophy and Culture, 3, 42–48. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0757.2018.3.25640
The subject of this research is the axiological phraseologisms as representatives of the axiological contents of German culture. The notion of axiological phraseologisms has appeared fairly recently. Dictionaries alongside the scientific works do not provide definition to the notion of axiological phraseologism. In this research, the axiological phraseologism is directly related to the definition of axiological, which is both, from perspective of temporal space – relevance of application, as well as the understanding of value as national values. The author uses the semiotic approach towards examination of the axiological contents through the prism of axiological phraseologisms. Phraseologism, as cultural texts, code information about the values of the people. Using the method of survey, the author determined the basic values of German people. Axiological contents of German culture, coded in the axiological phraseologisms, reveal the meanings of the relevant values of the people. Examining the axiological contents through the prism of axiological phraseologisms of German language, the article studies the language and culture of Germans. The relevance is substantiated by the uneasy relations between Russian and Germany. Thus, for maintaining business relations between the countries, businessmen must study the culture and language of their business partner. Different lands, different laws (andere Länder - andere Sitten) as claims the German proverb. Knowledge of the meanings and axiological contents of German culture can prevent the misunderstanding and conflicts in intercultural communication with German partners.
intercultural communication, semiotics, axiological phraseological units, valuable content, values, German, language, culture, business relationsships, business partners
Volodina, A.V. (2018). Aesthetics of Gilles Deleuze: to the immanentistic philosophy of art. Philosophy and Culture, 3, 49–63. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0757.2018.3.24571
This article makes an attempt to comprehensively understand the notions and methods of the aesthetic theory of Gilles Deleuze presented in the works “Francis Bacon: The Logic of Sensation”, “What is Philosophy?”, “Cinema”, and others. The subject of this research is the conceptual foundations of Deleuze’s aesthetics that previously were not sufficiently covered in the scientific literature. Deleuzian philosophy of transcendental empiricism suggests an original theoretical approach to examination of art, aesthetic experience and sensation; the author of the article recites its prospect and innovativeness. According to this approach, art is not viewed in light of its special ontological or axiological status; on the contrary, the central becomes the study of its function – as production pf a special regime of space, and the place of origination of sense. The distinctness of Deleuzian aesthetics is revealed through the notion of sensation, which manifests as the core of criticism of the concept of the work and the traditional subject-objects scheme in application to art. Sensation is interpreted as a complicated composite construct that includes the space of aesthetical, as well as non-artistic corporeity and specific type of perceptive subjectivity. This allows expanding and reconceptualizing the notion of aesthetic comprehension, as well as develop the new productive methods of discourse on the nonfigurative and contemporary art.
percept, sensation, philosophy of immanence, Deleuze, aesthetics, art, affect, subjectivity, sign, image
Philosophy and culture
Rakhimova, M.V. (2018). TV series “Once Upon a Time” as an instrument of formation of aesthetic sphere of postmodernism by the means of populore. Philosophy and Culture, 3, 64–71. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0757.2018.3.25472
Thus article characterizes the popular culture of the United States and populore as the forms of culture, as well as analyzes the TV series “Once Upon a Time” as one of the instruments of formation of the new cultural codes within the framework of aesthetic sphere of postmodernism. The author draws attention to the specificity of populore closely related with the culture of everyday life and traditional culture. In addition, the author makes an accent of such cultural means of postmodernism, as paradoxicality of reasoning, alternativeness and freedom of aesthetic interpretation of the traditional meanings. The scientific novelty consists in examination of the phenomenon of “populore”, fairly well-known in the Western scientific tradition, analysis of this phenomenon within the current aesthetic-cultural development and perspective, as well as the impact of “populore” upon the establishment of the aesthetic sphere of postmodernism. The author also points at the convergence of the mass Americal everyday- and folk culture using the examples of TV series like “Once Upon a Time” and animated movies like “Shrek”.
mass culure, folklore, postmodern, culture code, aesthetic sphere of postmodern culture, populore, popular culture, once upon a time, convergation, interpretation