Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich P.S. (2015). Spiritual Dispute of Civilizations. Philosophy and Culture, 10, 1429–1432. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67066
The article is devoted to the choice of a global project. Creation of a global civilization was initiated by the European culture. Therefore, there is an opinion that the Euro-Atlantic civilization is dominating in the modern world. This is the civilization which values are widely extended and affect the lifestyle of many peoples. However, there is also a so-called spiritual dispute ongoing between civilizations nowadays. American sociologist Samuel Huntington was the first one to mark out that tendency. Yet, the modern realities go beyond the bounds of Huntington's concept. It now becomes apparent that the Euro-Atlantic civilization is forced to meet the challenges of other civilizations and spiritual traditions. The author of the present article bases his research on the findings of today's comparative philosophy of culture. He has also used the achievements of philosophical anthropology which analyzes world processes from the point of view of human anture. In his article Gurevich has analyzed the global policy trends that appeared after Samuel Huntington's researches had been published. Rapid development of China and India has eventually changed the state of play in the world. Chinese civilization has become capable of running a global project of its own. In this regard, the author of the present article analyzes resources and claims of major civilizations for global leadership. The novelty of the author's approach to the problem is caused by the statement that none of modern civilization can actually prove their global projects to be immutable and universal.
culture, civilization, globalism, spiritual dispute of civilizations, global leadership, global projects, dewesternization, nationalism, rationality, sanity
Methodology of philosophical learning
Kulikov S.B. (2015). Phenomenological Principles of Structuring Science Images. Philosophy and Culture, 10, 1433–1440. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67067
The subject of the research is the mechanisms of structuring images of science within implementation of the phenomenological program of researches first founded by Edmund Husserl in the first third of the XXth century. The relevance and importance of the topic is caused by the two facts. Firstly, the relevance is caused by the great value which phenomenological development in modern philosophy has. The phenomenological program of researches is realized in the field of art, policy and culture in general. Secondly, researches that are based on the phenomenological approach to structuring images of science possesses the heuristic potential to overcome manipulative strategy revealing in the process of demystification (more precisely, demythologization) pf procedures for creating scientific knowledge. The methodology of the research includes the comparative analysis and hermeneutic reconstruction which allow to compare phenomenology with other options of understanding of science images and to reveal complete sense of phenomenology. The novelty of the research is caused by the special turn of philosophical thought which was required to be executed in order to understand the object under research, i.e. the image of science. The author comes to the conclusion that within phenomenology reviving some ideals of antiquity in modern culture, images of science are structured within the general denaturalization of knowledge which, however, doesn't coincide with historical forms of knowledge. From the phenomenological point of view, scientific activity is a process of creation of knowledge which implies procedures of justification and description as part of the cognitive mind. Such understanding of science images allows to understand their ineradicable plurality in modern culture and to explain the reasons of this plurality.
historicism, naturalism, methodology of philosophical research, phenomenology, ancient legacy, science images, demystification of discoveries, ideal, horizon, world of science
Ontology: being and nihility
Bazaluk O.A. (2015). What is Dasein? (Reminiscence of Martin Heidegger’s Ideas). Philosophy and Culture, 10, 1441–1450. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67068
The subject of the author’s research is Dasein. On the one hand, reminiscence of Heidegger’s ideas allowed the author to use reputable researches of a famous philosopher of the twentieth century as well as a large group of his followers and researchers of his work, and, on the other hand, to avoid a direct reference to Heidegger’s texts and theorists interpreting him. The author investigated the research question 'What is Dasein in the philosophy of cosmos?', however, he did not base solely on Heidegger’s ideas but only appealed to them. The author offered the so-called philosophy of cosmos as his own methodological structure for discovering and understanding Dasein to the maximum extend. The author has used the dialectical, system-structural, structural-functional research methods as well as methods of comparison, analysis and synthesis. The author’s main contribution to the research of the topic was a response to the following questions: 1. “What is philosophy?”, in particular, whether philosophy is: a) a certain kind of activity that appears as a response to historical events (Marx’s understanding of philosophy) or b) questioning i.e. asking questions about Dasein and being and the search for answers to them (Heidegger’s understanding of philosophy). 2. “What methodologies should be implied to discover all the variety of the meanings of Dasein?” 3. “What is Dasein?”
philosophy of cosmos, being, reminiscence, complication, Heidegger, complicating factors, complication causes, Dasein, philosophy, complication of existence
Philosophy of knowledge
Loreti A. (2015). Verificationism in Middle Wittgenstein's Works. Philosophy and Culture, 10, 1451–1459. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67069
In this article Loreti analyzse the concept of verificationism as it was presented by neopositivists and Ludwig Wittgenstein. The author of the article examines the versions of the verification principle in Carnap's and Schlick's works. The author notes that the main purpose of the Vienna Circle philosophers was to develop a criterion for demarking between sensible and senseless sentences, science and metaphysics. According to the author of the article, in the mid-period of his academic career Wittgenstein followed another version of verificationism according to which the meaning of a sentence was to be found empirically. The author of the article views Einstein's relativity theory and Brouwer's intuitionism as the sources for verificationism in middle Wittgenstein's researches. The author has applied the principle of objective textual analysis and tried to describe Wittgenstein's views and opinions through direct quotations of Wittgenstein. The author also provides quotations from works of such academicians as Schlick, Carnap, Russell and Hacker. Verificationism played an important role in Wittgenstein's philosophy, particularly in the mid-period of his philosophical writing. Wittgenstein's version of verificationism differs from the neopositivist formula. However, the teaching of verificationism brings us to even a greater philosophical issue. If we apply the veritification principle to all researches, historicans and scientists will have to only describe mere facts and data while non-application of verificationism will lead to empty and senseless statements taking into account that we have no criteria for using most of known terms both in our scientific and everyday language. That was the problem late Wittgenstein encountered and solved.
Carnap, proposition, intuitionism, mathematics, verificationism, Einstein, Wittgenstein, Schlick, Neopositivism, Brouwer
The torment of communication
Yakovlev V.A. (2015). The Information Program of New Epistemology . Philosophy and Culture, 10, 1460–1470. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67070
The subject of the research is the information program of formation of new epistemology. The author of the article examines the major ability of consciousness to generate not only the knowledge necessary in ordinary practice, but also to create epistemological structures which are necessary for all spiritual cultural and social practices. It is underlined that the information approach is growing more and more important in modern natural sciences and humanities. Especially important role is played by the term 'information' in a set of cognitive disciplines such as neurology, cognitive psychology, sociology and theories of artificial intellect forming a scientific basis of new epistemology. In his research Yakovlev has used the method of the conceptual structure reconstruction from Plato's Symposium as well as the method of critical analysis of modern epistemological concepts. The author provides the level-by-level analysis of scientific development in terms of its historical, institutional and personal aspects. The novelty of the research is determined by the following statements. First of all, the author describes the structure of a new (innovative) epistemology that is based on the information and communication approach to cognition. The author has also revealed the semantic structure of innovative epistemology as the transition of novatoin into innovation which is proves to be true by concrete episodes of formation of new programs in modern physics and cosmology. The author also touches upon isomorphism of communicative and information innovative processes of genesis and statement in science and culture and activity of scientific communities as well as research practice of individual scientists.
culture, information, epistemology, innovation, science, knowledge, communications, structure, resonance, creativity
History of ideas and teachings
Nikitina Z.I. (2015). The Problem of the Relationship Between True Religion and True Knowledge in Theophan Prokopovich's Creative Work. Philosophy and Culture, 10, 1471–1477. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67071
The article is devoted to the cognitive theory offered by Theophan Prokopovich as one of the representatives of the New European concept of knowledge and cognition. The author of the article analyzes Prokopovich' views on the source of human knowledge in terms of the development of modern philosophy. Nikitina also studies the model of the relationship betwen true religion and true knowledge as it is seen by the philosopher. In her article Nikitina provides an insight into the religious content of Theophan Prokopovich's cognitive concept. Philosophical views of an intellectual are represented as an integrity consisting of numerous theoretical and practical provisions, each of them being substantianted in Prokopovich' works written in different styles and for different philosophical, political, religious and social purposes. Philosophical views of Theophan Prokopovich are compared to New European philosophy in order to prove their topical nature and practical importance. The author of the article provides a comparative analysis of the views of Prokopovich and Locke on the problem of innate ideas. For the first time in the academic literature the author describes Theophan Prokopovich' cognitive concept as an element of the integral system of his philosophy but not as an individual theoretical concept. The author also proves the relation between his philosophy and philosophical and intellectual environment of those times as well as Prokopovich' ability to independently form views and concepts of the most important ideological issues of that epoch. The purpose of the present article is to demonstrate Prokopovich' understanding of cognition as well as the relationship between his philosophy and true religion.
Theophan Prokopovich, John Locke, cognitive theory, knowledge, religious truth, scientific truth, innate ideas, cognitive concept, true faith, true evidence
Philosophy of science
Tararoev Ya.V., Shapchenko T.V., Direglazov A.Yu. (2015). Ontological Content of the Term 'Symmetry' (the Case Study of the Musical and Physical Research). Philosophy and Culture, 10, 1478–1488. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67072
The present research is devoted to the philosophical problem of the ontological content of symmetry based on the case study of symmetry in music and physics. The authors of the article have analyzed forms and types of symmetry in music and demonstrate that in music symmetry plays a methodological role of building the musical content and is a direct form of musical thinking. The use of symmetry in physics are being viewed based on the example of CPT symmetry. The authors demonstrate that this symmetry has an ontological nature and basically has the same forms and types like in music. The main research method is the analysis of physical texts and musicological researches, texts related to logic and general philosophical texts. The analysis of how symmetry is used in music and physics allows to conclude that symmetry has a logical nature and is a generalization of the logical law of identity. Symmetry is a resemblance of objects when one feature of objects is different and other features are identical. This approach allows to explain asymmetric distortion and view it a a methodological principle for constructing reality along with symmetry.
symmetry, music, ontology, space, time, matter, symmetry axis, logic, reality, predicate
The dialogue of cultures
Paramonov D.O. (2015). Tradition and Revolution: Emotional Experience and the Search for Relevant Terms in European and Indian Philosophical Traditions. Philosophy and Culture, 10, 1489–1503. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67073
The article is devoted to the assessment of philosophical grounds for creating the terms that would explain the demand for social changes and revolutions based on subjective experience. For European classical philosophy revolutionary state of mind can be 'removed' only by self-consciousness while under the conditions of individual consciousness revolutionary query is unavoidable as an element of reflection. Can the tradition 'take' the place that German classical philosophers 'prepared' for self-consciousness? Does the tradition contain revolutionary energy? The opposition between revolution and tradition allows to extend the prospects and horizons of philosophisizing through involving other philosophical systems including Indian classical darshan into the scope of their philosophy. Another important traditional philosophy of India is the philosophy of Mimansa. Representatives of Mimansa developed their own conceptual framework allowing to 'bind' revolutionary energy and somehow eliminate contradictory dialects of self-consciousness whle avoiding revolutions and demands for radical social transformations. In his research Paramonov has used the comparative-historical method, philosopho-comparative approach to culture based on the study of the main works of M. Petrov, D. Zilberman, A. Paribka and V. Lysenko. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author searches for subjective, i.e. transcendental, cognitive and psychological grounds for such concepts and phenomena as 'revolution' and 'tradition' and compares Western European and Oriental (Indian) mental attitudes associated with these concepts and phenomena. The author describes the social and political environment of Indian traditional philosophy and offers his interpretation of the mission and functions of Mimansa as one of the darshans (i.e. branches of Indian philosophy).
social changes, revolution, tradition, dialects of a subject, European philosophical tradition, Indian philosphical tradition, rituals, darshans, Mimansa, Apurva
The history of humanitarian science
Popov E.A. (2015). Culture as a Research Object of Modern Social Studies and Humanities: the Problem of the Category's Survival. Philosophy and Culture, 10, 1504–1511. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67074
The subject of the present research is the category of culture as it is used in social studies and humanities. The author of the article pays attention to the fact that culture is the most frequent research subject in all kinds of sciences. Somehow this makes a researcher lose his intuition and the academic community to feel confused about what 'culture' is meant in a research in particular. This is what has formed the basis for the present research. Indeed, the question about whether the category of culture survives the methodic doubts is highly important. Every scientist has his own understanding of culture and therefore applies his own practices to such research and this is the circumstance that emphasizes the need for scientists to reach a certain agreement regarding the definition of culture. In his research Popov has used mostly the comparative method that allows to answer the question about the survival of the category of culture taking into account the trends of modern philosophy, cultural studies and sociology. The main conclusions of the research are the following: 1) socio-humanitarian sciences need to universalize thecategory of culture; 2) philosophy, cultural studies and sociology are the disciplines where the problem of the category's survival is especially pressing and therefore representatives of these sciences need to agree on a common definition of culture in their researches.
values, people, cognition, sociology, cultural studies, philosophy, society, culture, science, civilization
Philosophical anthropology
Chernov S.V. (2015). Characterology of Genuis: the Image of Genius Personality (the Case Study of Honoré de Balzac's Creative Life). Philosophy and Culture, 10, 1512–1530. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67075
Traditional psychological researches of personality are rather insufficient to undertand personality from the point of view of its integrity and completeness, neither do they allow to create an integral image of genius personality. Within the framework of an original branch of philosophical anthropology developed by the author of the present article and called 'characterology of genius', the author makes another attempt to view the problem of genius in a new light as rather a philosophical and anthropological problem than merely psychological issue. According to the author of the article, without solving this problem it would be impossible to fully understand the essence of human taking into account that the supreme states of spirit including genius throw light on that microcosm which we call 'human'. To prove and substantiate his original approach to studying human genius, the author analyzes creative life of a famous French philosopher and author Honore de Balzac (1799–1850). It was not by accident that the author chose Balzac for his research. Balzac's life presents the most visible phenomena of genius such as the phenomenon of action, peculiarities of a genius mind, values and aspirations of genius, creative genius and mission of a genius. The fact that Balzac also researched the phenomenon of genius in his works is important, too.
philosophical anthropology, characteristics of a genious, Honoré de Balzac, creative life of the genius, phenomena of genius, phenomenon of action, values and meanings, peculiarities of a genius mind, creative genius, mission of a genius
Spiritual and moral search
Polishchuk V.I., Gumerova G.A. (2015). Destiny and Ideas of Philosophy. Philosophy and Culture, 10, 1531–1537. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67076
The modern condition of philosophy as a special sphere of research and training course is considered, the concept of 'belief of philosophers' as a self-confidence and faith in themselves and their 'internal person' is applied. Russian professional philosophers knew about such belief, many followed that belief, too, but privately. In their classrooms they spoke of other things such as politics, art, laws of existence and cognition. Thus, true philosophical themes were replaced with the philosophical problems of politics, science, art, etc. There is an opinion that philosophy of culture will be the last philosophy 'of something' and be replaced only with the philosophy of human. In their research the authors have used the analytical and comparative research methods which was determined by the need to define the ideological essence in understanding the real value and problem status of philosophy. The authors conclude that a new idea of philosophy will be education culture as a form of existence created by its carrier and defining, therefore, all originality of humankind. Strictly speaking, even in the systematised modern philosophy of culture still remains within the borders outlined by Hegel. Logically, in the future it will be replaced with philosophy of the person. In this article it is underlined that it should be philosophy not 'about' the person but 'of' the person created by his independent thinking.
philosophy of culture, idea of philosophy, philosophy, culture, education, standard training, science, belief of philosophers, supression of philosophy, philosophy of the person
Tokmacheva P.A. (2015). Achievements of Historicism in the English Culture of the XIXth Century. Philosophy and Culture, 10, 1538–1547. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67077
The article is devoted to the phenomenon of historicism as a distinctive feature of the European mind in the XIXth century as well as the implementation of the phenomenon of historicism in Victorian culture. The author of the article traces back the prerequisites and the main stages of the development of historicism, describes the genres and styles influenced by historicism such as a historical novel in literature (illustrated by the novels of Walter Scott), archeological naturalism in theatre (plays staged by William Macready, Charles Kean or Henry Irving), the Neo-Gothic architecture (Augustus Pugin's and Charles Barry's projects), historicism in art (creative work of the Pre-Raphaelites). In her research the author has applied the descriptive method to state historical and factual material (including the description of new historical genres and movements in the art of the XIXth century) as well as the cultural-philosophical approach to interpreting this material. The author concludes that there were the two main directions of English historicism. The first one was addressed to the national Middle Ages (Medievalism) and the second one referred to Italian Renaissance (Italianism). The vastness of the material collected and analyzed by the author allows to conclude that historicism was one of the key factors in the process of development of the English national art. Projection on the historical trends of the century moved historicism from the periphery to the avant-garde of the European art.
historicism, Victorian culture, art of the XIXth century, English art, the Pre-Raphaelites, Neo-Gothic architecture, archeological naturalism, Art Nouveau, Renaissance, Italian images
Philosophy and culture
Trofimova R.P. (2015). The Cultural Policy of the Russian Civilization: Methodological Aspects. Philosophy and Culture, 10, 1548–1556. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67078
Cultural policy is an integral part of Russia's development as a local independent civilization. The civilizational approach to the development of culture in Russia qualitatively alters the research of these processes and enables scenarios of its development. The author of the article provides a complete analysis of the civilizational approach in the form of tables. Trofimova also provides a comparative research of the differences between the civilizational and formational approaches and their application to civilization studies and cultural policy. The results of this analysis allow to foresee the development of the three scenarios: progression, retrogression and stagnation. This research examines the development of these scenarios in the cultural policy of the Russian civilization in the post-Soviet period. First the author suggests that we should research different scenarios of the development of the Russian civilization. Based on the results of that analysis, the author provides a detailed description of different scenarios of the development of cultural policy in Russia. Due to the fact that Russian civilization is now in the process of selecting a preferred scenario, in the coming years cultural policy will develop contradictionary and will aim at a more stable line of development. The novelty of the civilizational approach described and used by the author of the article is caused by the fact that the author views cultural policy as a special algorithm of local civilization. According to the author, this algorithm defines the further development of Russian civilization in many ways.
cultural heritage, development scenarios, civilizational approach, algorithm of local civilization, cultural and economic systems, innovative local civilization, traditional civilization, culture, cultural policy, globalization
Philosophy of law
Karpova E.V. (2015). The Subjec of Legal Perception of Space: Philosophical Analysis. Philosophy and Culture, 10, 1557–1566. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67079
The subject of the present research is the subject of legal perception of space. In her research Karpova offers a definition of the subject of legal perception of space and analyzes peculiarities of the subject of legal perception of space from the ontological, gnoseological and axiological points of view. The thematic justification and importance of the topic are determined by the need to overcome the narrow gnoseological views on the subject prevailing in modern philosophical and legal concepts. The author attempts to create a concrete definition of the subject as the functions of a real person seen with all his diverse features, legal contacts and relations. The author has applied gnoseological, ontological and axiological approaches to the research. Karpova has also used the method of binary oppositions and the phenomenological research method. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author offers an integrated approach to studying the subject of legal perception of space. As a result of the research, the author makes the onto-gnoseological conclusion about the subject of legal perception of space as an active cognizing and acting Self endued with legal awarenes and free will. The subject of legal perception of space exists in the onto-gnoseological unity of the internal and the external, the perceiving and the perceived, in the axiological choice between the legal and illegal, as the guarantee for the ontological unity of legal existence, being ontologically united with the object of perception and gnoseologically opposed to it at the same time.
subject, space, perception, legal, legal activity, legal reality, legal environment, ontology, socioculture, philosophy of law
The stream of books
Reznik Yu.M. (2015). What Does it Mean to be a Philosopher in Russia. Philosophy and Culture, 10, 1567–1578. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67080
The subject of research is the state of contemporary philosophical thought and philosophical community development problems affecting thecontemporary society of philosophers. The basis for the analysis is the texts written by authors included in the book "Who Creates Philosophy in Russia" (Volume 3). The book was published in 2015 and it is a reference book that consists of two sections, introduction and conclusion. The first section ("Philosophical Discussions") containts the editor's interviews with leading philosophers of today's Russia. The second section ("Philosophical Manifests") sets out the theoretical credo of known researchers. The research method used by the author is the text analysis aimed at identifying the ideological and theoretical positions and professional and ethical preferences of the authors from this book who participate in the formation of the theoretical space in contemporary Russian philosophy. The author has also used the methods of classification and systematization of information about the authors. The main conclusions of the study are: 1) the definition of the mission of philosophers as a vocation and requirements to think universal beyond the totality of existence, to think themselves in freedom and to think of themselves (their own existence); 2) substantiation of the nature of philosophizing as a specific activity thinkers with such specific features as contemplation, asking for peace, creative imagination, freedom of thinking, open communication, etc.; 3) typological characteristics of the authors of the book in terms of genre or style they have used in their philosophizing (academic, independent and opposition-minded philosophers); 4) assessment of future Russian philosophy and identification of "problem areas" in the development of the domestic philosophical society including stylistic differences of participants in the philosophical discourse, nonproductive conflicts, etc.
society, communication, questioning, contemplation, philosophizing, cogitation, Russian philosophy, discourse, professional ethics