Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich, P.S. (2013). Social chaos in the works Jean Baudrillard. Philosophy and Culture, 8, 1043–1046. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63094
The article contains non-trivial interpretation of the social chaos. The author takes the concept
of Jean Baudrillard as a basis, and then he shows that the breaks of history, various catastrophes and extreme
events should not be regarded as failures within the planned, linear and rational development of the
social processes. The chaos is not a deviation from the established historical roadmap. It does not exist as a
backside of the rational interpretation of social processes. J. Baudrillard shows that social cataclysms, and
extraordinary events are regular, since they are similar and they correspond to the social system itself. At
the same time, the author notes the inconsistency of thoughts of the French philosopher, who considers that
the ripening of the social disasters allows to get rid of irrational formations to some degree. Therefore, the
critical pathetic of his original concept is not consistent. The position of the French philosopher is such that
chaos gives birth to chaos, and at the same time it frees the historic process from various mystical events. It
obviously requires additional arguments or more convincing illustrations.
philosophy, chaos, history, cataclysm, society, rationalism, irrationalism, accident, regular evil, virtuality.
Spiritual and moral search
Vasiliev, A.A. (2013). National soil in the worldview of F.M. and M.M. Dostoevsky, A.A. Grigoriev
and N.N. Strakhov. Philosophy and Culture, 8, 1047–1056. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63095
The article is devoted to one of the forgotten pages in the history of Russian thought — the ideology
of return to soil. Its followers supported the preservation and actualization of the Russian people’s soil, as a
sacral archetype within the national consciousness, defining the spirit and values of the people.
philosophy, soil, land, tradition, return to soil, people, organic, spirit, Orthodox Christianity, religion.
The issues of holistic world
Shagiakhmetov, M.R. (2013). Worldview and methodology. Philosophy and Culture, 8, 1057–1064. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63096
Based upon the systemic approach, the author of this article provides analysis of the changes in
the worldview from the time when rational mind appeared, as well as the development of philosophical
methodology. By showing interdependency and complementary character of idealism and materialism the
author supports the conclusion on the need to develop methodology in order to overcome its limitations and
its separation from reality.
philosophy, worldview, methodology, thinking, system, idealism, materialism, dualism, development, transcendentalism.
Fates and outlines of civilizations
Gaikin, V.A. (2013). East and West: sources of differences and results of development. Philosophy and Culture, 8, 1065–1068. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63097
While globalization makes the global community into the united global economic complex, it shall
not be able to totally level out the cultural and philosophical differences between the East and the West, since
these differences root in thousands years of history, they are supported at the genetic level as matrixes of
two ethnic and social systems (Mongoloid, Caucasoid), and the confrontation between these two systems
may end in racial war.
philosophy, East, West, Mongoloids, Caucasoid, globalization, racial war, culture, philosophy, culture, matrix.
Social philosophy
Frolova, M.I. (2013). De-individualization as an object for social and philosophical reflection. Philosophy and Culture, 8, 1069–1076. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63098
The article contains an attempt to reveal nature, causes and forms of processes of de-individualization
of a human being in the situation of global social and anthropological crisis. A human being in
a modern age becomes dependent upon various forms of de-individualization (political, economic, media, religious, everyday). The variety of economic offers and political pluralism do not guarantee individual
freedom. Rather, they mask the lack of freedom. The thinkers, who wrote about de-individualization of a
human being pointed out that the main reason for it was lack of ability and wish to follow the high values.
Aiming solely for success, an individual cannot find himself. Neither hypertrorphy Ego, nor dissolved Ego
may bring happiness to a person. Such a tragic alternative serves as a basis for deviations, which are so
common in the modern society. The nature of the de-individualization processes is that mass society forces
a person to make his personality into the means for achieving success, which makes self-development a
secondary factor.
global social and anthropological crisis, human individuality, alienation, manipulation, freedom, dialogue, Fromm, Ortega-i-Gasset, Heyzinga, Buber, Markuze.
Social dynamics
Struk, E.N. (2013). Explication of the category of a limit in modern philosophy. Philosophy and Culture, 8, 1077–1082. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63099
The article aims to broaden the methodological basis for the social and philosophical studies of the
limit to development of a society. The author points out the topical issues regarding formation of social and
philosophical discourse on limitation to development of the society.
philosophy, limits, changes, development, measure, conversion, process, discourse, category.
Philosophy of history
Korolev, S.A. (2013). Fundamental historical processes: Russian specific features. Philosophy and Culture, 8, 1083–1101. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63100
The article concerns specific features of fundamental historic processes in Russia (colonization,
modernization, globalization). The author singles out such specific features as: hypertrophy of historical
subject, persistent lack of resources, climatic determination, stadial violations, discrete character of these
processes, their fragmentary and non-systemic character, reversibility of results, excessive costs, growing
heterogenic character of the area. The author also analyzes the problems of social and cultural determination
of the fundamental social transformations, such as phenomena of Russian ascesis and fellow elders.
Much attention is paid to the influence of pseudo-morphosis and pseudo-morphic type of development upon
the fundamental historic processes in Russia. Finally, the article includes analysis of the secular element of
global historical processes, as well as the changes, which hypothetical transition of Russia into the phase
of post-secular development and de-secularization have caused. Finally, the author points out the failure of
the direct historical optimism, since history contains much more ambiguous and paradoxical matters, than
its followers may imagine. In the point of view of the author, Russia does not firmly follow the path of the
progress, rather its development is sinusoidal, and at times spiral.
colonization, modernization, globalization, pseudo-morphosis, Russian ascesis, secularization, de-secularization, religion, church, progress.
Philosophy and culture
Fatenkov, A.N. (2013). Worldview quillets of innovative Russia. Philosophy and Culture, 8, 1102–1111. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63101
The article contains analysis and critical evaluation of the worldview situation, which is supported
by the government structures of the state. Among the dismaying worldview quillets, the author views the
lowering of the role of philosophy as responsible free thinking in favor of dogmatism of religion; declarative
objectivism of science and utilitarian — commercial type of thinking; introduction of elements of secular
eschatology; the government favoring the efficiency principle in the issues of organization of social life. With
the reference to the authentically philosophical worldview, as provided for by the expression of Heraclithus,
the author formulates and provides basis for a number of specific challenges towards religious and churchly
Christian views and practices, alliance of the church and government. The author supports the need and desirable
character of metaphysically correct discussions between philosophers and theologians. It is pointed
out that it is not acceptable and harmful to have a vulgar pragmatic approach to education and science. The
text contains a number of references to the ideas of Niccolo Machiavelli with his non-servile and realistic
view of human being and world.
human being, worldview, philosophy, religion, science, ideology, ideocracy, Russia, eschatology, efficiency.
Political philosophy
Borisenkov, A.A. (2013). Poltical system — functional interrelation of components of political organism. Philosophy and Culture, 8, 1112–1120. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63102
The article is devoted to the nature and elements of the political system, specific features of its
formation, its inseparable connection with the political life, and its value for the political development. The
authors discuss the dependency of the political system upon the existence of political relations. The author
supports the position that a political system is a general form of political life, which has a functional relation
towards the components of political organism. The most important functions of political system are
presented as functions of the government and the opposition. They serve as the key elements of the political
system, they are interrelated and inevitable for the democratic political process. In the same line other
elements of political system are possible, and they include the superstructure functions within the political
organism, which are being formed in democratic condition. Establishing the nature of the political system
allows to establish and formulate the related law of political development. The author offers analysis of the
current interpretation of the political system within the official political science.
politics, political activity, political government, political relations, government, opposition, political organism.
National character and mentality
Chesnokova, L.V. (2013). Gemütlichkeit (coziness) as one of the key concepts in German culture. Philosophy and Culture, 8, 1121–1130. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63103
The article contains analysis of one of the key German concepts: the concept of coziness
(Gemütlichkeit). Much attention is paid to the etymology of this term and history of its use in the German culture.
The author provides for the key characteristic features of this concept, namely, the connection with the
inner world and soul of a person (Gemüt) and the material conditions of the surrounding atmosphere. The
article includes analysis of the social element of this phenomenon and comparison of this term and similar
terms in other cultures and languages.
cultural studies, concept German culture, Gemütlichkeit (coziness), Gemüt (soul, inner world), home, hearth, Angst (existential fear), individualism, bourgeois culture.
Theological foundations of being
Serzhantov, P.B. (2013). The studies devoted to the True Orthodox Christian movement. Philosophy and Culture, 8, 1131–1140. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63104
The article contains the approaches in religious studies towards the True Orthodox Christian movement.
The modern studies of the apocalyptic TOC attempt to capture its phenomenon in its whole throughout
almost a century of its existence. The author evaluates the similarities and differences between the Orthodox
Christianity and True Orthodox movement, analyzing them in detail.
philosophy, religious studies, Christianity, Orthodox Christianity, True Orthodox movement, Apocalyptic, movement against the codes, anti-globalism, post-secular, modernity.
Boyko, M.E. (2013). Structural analysis and typology of actors in narrative culture. Philosophy and Culture, 8, 1141–1151. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63105
The article is devoted to the developing method of structural analysis and a new typology of
diegetic actors in the narrative and mimetic narrative forms. In order to form a typology of actors, it is
offered to use a notion of character, which should not be just mechanically transferred into the theory
of narrative culture from psychology, since imaginary actors have no referent figure outside of diegetic
world, and, strictly speaking, they have no psyche. However, the actors may be reduced to a combination
of characteristic features. It allows to introduce the term of character structure of actors. Consequently,
there appears a new typology of actors depending on the structure of their characters — the actors with
0-character, the actors with simple character, and the actors with complicated character. The author offers
a quantitative definition of character closeness of actors by providing them with dot-positions in the
multi-dimensional space.
philosophy, cultural studies, diegetic person, narrative culture, structural analysis, structuralism, semiotic, character structure of an actor, typology of actors, artistic discourse.
Savvina, O.V. (2013). Ethical regulation in higher education institution and conditions for its efficiency. Philosophy and Culture, 8, 1152–1163. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63106
Currently ethical codes and ethical regulation in the higher education institutions become more
and more popular in the USA, the Western European states and Russia. At the same time structure and organization
of ethical regulation are not clearly defined, and some researchers deprive ethical regulation of
the very term “ethical”. The nature of this matter is quite ambiguous.
philosophy, Code, University, regulation, ethics, professional, corporate, compliance, higher educational institution, management.
Philosophy of science and education
Rozin, V.M. (2013). The term “space” in the cultural and scientific areas. Philosophy and Culture, 8, 1164–1173. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63107
The article contains a study of formation and changes in the term “space” in culture and science.
The author analyzes the prerequisites for this term in art, philosophy, science (including the works of R. Descartes,
I. Newton, L.Euler). Having introduced a novel term of space and time and having made the work of
our mind primary compared to the natural processes by giving space, and not time the leading role, Henri
Bergson has provided the conditions for, first of all, criticism and revision of the natural scientific conceptualization
of space, and, secondly, for the formation of new terms for time and space in humanitarian and
social sciences, better reflecting life and changes in the studied phenomena. The author views two key stages
of the formation of the term “space”, which were studied — the works of Aristotle (as one of the conditions for
the conceivable movement) and in the Modern Age as the condition for the mathematization of movement.
The author discusses the conditions for the transfer of the term “space” from the natural sciences to the social
and humanitarian sciences (the change from the physical movement to changes, models to schemes and key
philosophy, space, time, length, event, movement, change, cognition, reality, concept.
Philosophy and art
Masalskiy, K.I. (2013). Subjective idealism of Makoto Shinkai. Philosophy and Culture, 8, 1174–1179. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63108
The article evaluates the elements of subjective idealism in the art of the anime — director Makoto
Shinkai. The author analyzes a number of works of Makoto Shinkai in order to distinguish its subjective
idealistic component. The author also gives analysis of the artistic value of certain works and art of Makoto
Shinkai as a whole.
philosophy, idealism, art, anime, individuality, subjectivism, worldview, reality, Makoto Shinkai, Berkley.