Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich, P. S. (2013). Fyodor Stepun about the Status of Philosophy of Culture. Philosophy and Culture, 6, 733–735. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62758
Philosophy of culture deals with a huge number of facts. These facts are described in cultural anthropology,
sociology of culture, theology of culture, ethnology, cultural philosophy and history of culture. However,
contradictory empirical facts do not always clarify metaphysical problems. Progression from one cultural
epoch to another significantly transforms the cultural panorama. This creates a need in a theory which would
describe the cultural process as something whole, variants of socio-dynamic models, archetypical situations
and patterns of repetition and transformation of constant element of culture. Philosophy helps to understand
diverse human experience and how it is possible to turn human to cultural cosmos. Philosophy of culture tries
to go deep into the most unexpected and constantly renewed paradoxes of human existence while a cultural
philosopher is meant to define general standards for evaluating existing cultural states. The question about the
status of philosophy of culture was also discussed by a famous Russian philosopher Fyodor Stepun.
philosophy, philosophy of culture, truth, philosophy of life, romanticism, human, soul, knowledge, East, Stepun.
Ontology: being and nihility
Knyazeva, E. N. (2013). Atomism and Holism in Modern Complexity Theory. Philosophy and Culture, 6, 736–745. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62759
Atomism and holism are viewed as the two opposing but at the same time completing each other
approaches in the modern theory of complex self-organizing systems (this theory is also called the ‘complexity
theory’). Atomism is related to complex world structures and their fractal organization which bring us to
elementary and further indivisible structural fragments that lie in the basis of complex space-and-time structures.
Atomism refers to studying levels of existence and elements, parts and subsystems. At the same time,
it is shown that the entire complexity theory is filled with holism and this holism often has an evolutionary
nature. In evolution of complex self-organizing systems holism is associated with the appearance of emergence
features of holistic structures and discreteness defined by a set of structures – evolution attractors. Modern
atomism also refers to so called perception frames in cognitive science. Based on the system and evolutionary
approach, the author offers certain arguments proving the hypothesis about the appearance of alphabetic
writing and the teaching about atoms in physical nature (as introduced by A. Kozyrev and V. Lysenko).
perception frames, fractality, complex systems, continuity, linguistic hypothesis, holism, discontinuity, atomism, evolutionary epistemology, emergence.
Theological foundations of being
Yakovlev, V. A. (2013). Sacral Trinity of Being. Philosophy and Culture, 6, 746–755. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62760
The article presents an analysis of the categories of being from the point of view of philosophy
and natural science. The author underlines the heuristic function of this category for a number of physical,
biological and cognitive sciences. Taking into account opinions of modern scientists, the author suggests
and proves the hypothesis about information programs of material development, living systems and mental
and cognitive structures. The author also provides the general description of being as unified information
environment of the universe and culture.
philosophy, being, material, life, consciousness, creative ideas, information, program, science, culture.
Space and time
Zima, V. N. (2013). Parmenides and Static Concept of Time. Philosophy and Culture, 6, 756–765. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62761
The author analyzes the contents of the static concept of time and the main forms of this concept
in modern philosophy. The article also studies the relation between the static concept of time and views of
the Antique philosopher Parmenides of Elea. The author analyzes opinions of modern researchers who actually
admit that there is such a certain relation between them. It is concluded that it is impossible to study
Parmenides’ views as any form of the static concept of time. The author shows that it is important to analyze
the Parmenides’ approach to being and existence in order to set out the problem of time in philosophy and to solve the problem about ontological circumstances of time objectivation. The author traces back tendencies
to solve the question about the relation between time, eternity and plurality in late neo-Platonism and
concludes that the solution is that the eternal but not temporal interpretation of this relation prevails. It is
concluded the method of presenting time as B-series in modern philosophy (so called static concept of time)
allows not only temporary, but also a-temporary and even eternal interpretation. It is pointed out that the
main role of alternative interpretations is that they again raise a question about the actual difference between
ontology of time and ontology of eternity.
philosophy, time, eternity, plurality, temporality, a-temporality, ontology, Parmenides, neo- Platonism.
Philosophy of history
Mochkin, A. N. (2013). Labyrinth of Friedrich Nietzsche’s Nihilistic Revolution. Philosophy and Culture, 6, 766–775. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62762
The article presents the very first attempt to perform a positive reconstruction of Nihilistic Revolution
outlined by Friedrich Nietzsche in his late works (1882-1888). Even though it was rarely noticeable in
his works published during the philosopher’s life, the theory of nihilistic revolution showed itself in a form of
certain sayings and expressions and remarks included in his ‘Will to Power’ which had never been finished.
As a result of the ‘will to power’ and ‘eternal coming back’ developed by the philosopher during that period,
the concept of nihilistic revolution opposed to social-democratic theories of social development, socialistic
and Darwinism theories which dominated in XIX century. Completely denying the historical heritage of
XVII-XVIII philosophy, Nietzsche developed the idea of ‘reevaluation’ and replaced Christian nihilism, social
justice and Christian retribution with the idea of the Great Politcy and new social anthropology, i.e. the
theory of a ‘superman’. When working on his ideas of nihilistic revolution, the philosopher developed a new
time of reasoning which he called ‘Divine Image of Thought’. Applying the motto Sapere audi discovered by
Kant, Nietzsche followed many socialistic and reformatory ideas to their logical end. The philosopher also
formulated many ideas as a forecast of the future totalitarian regime of national states in XX century and
anticipates global political activities of the ‘Masters of Earth’ and methods of future political order. In the
process of writing his theory of nihilistic revolution, Nietzsche raises a question about the ‘social price’ or
ressentiment of the future social development, methods of social development of the humankind in general,
purposes of such development and the place of philosophy in this development.
philosophy, power, will, nihilism, super-man, Darwinism, rationalism, utopia, revolution, Enlightenment.
Philosophy and culture
Shichanina, Yu. V. (2013). From a Creator/Subject to a Copywriter/Moderator: Transformation of
the Authorship Phenomenon in Modern Culture. Philosophy and Culture, 6, 776–7884. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62763
The research is focused on the phenomenon of authorship and transformation of this phenomenon
in modern culture as a result of appearance of a new information-based type of culture and virtual environment.
These cultural changes including new textual methods and methods of text reproduction, new writing
resources, electronic texts and Internet hypertexts, new reading habits and etc. allow to see the authorship in
a different light. Even though this can be considered to be an author’s ‘philosophical death’, modern culture
still views an author as a creator and demiurge and, at the same time, it has a tendency to deprive of personal
character and erase the uniqueness and authenticity of writing as well as dependence of text on virtual
mediators. Modern information civilization has changed writing resources, reading habits and the dialogue
‘author-text-reader’ which led not only to transformation of the author’s function but also to appearance of
new multi-media forms of virtual self-expression and creativity.
philosophy, author, virtual world, text, hyper-text, transformation, moderator, copywriter, free-lancer, culture, world perception, society, human, development.
History of ideas and teachings
Vorontsova, I. V. (2013). Marcel Herbert’s Symbolism and Christian Modernism. Philosophy and Culture, 6, 796–805. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62765
Ideological grounds of Roman-Catholic Modernism and Russian Christian Modernism (‘Neo-
Christianity’) doctrines included symbolism. The article raises a question about M. Herbert’s ‘symbolism’
and its role for the Russian Christian modernism combined with the problems of traditional religious consciousness
during that period (1880-1910) The author also touches upon the relation between Catholic modernism
and Herbert’s philosophy. French modernism was closely connected with pragmatism and Russian
researchers studied both phenomena at the same time. Discussion of the Russian religious intelligentsia
(1909-1910) turned out to be related to epistemological problem just as Herbert imaged. Both Herbert and
modernists became disappointed in ‘symbolism’ as a mediatory mean of denoting the transcendental.
philosophy, Neo-Christianity, Herbert, symbolism, Divine, Savoyard symbol, Modernism, Merezhkovsky, theology, consciousness.
Philosophy and art
Nikolsky, S. A. (2013). A Poet and Power (Notes on Osip and Nadezhda Mandelstam’s Views on
‘The Time of Bolsheviks’). Philosophy and Culture, 6, 806–815. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62766
Perception of the Russian country after the October Revolution is well shown in Osip Mandelstam’s
poems and very well completed with the memoirs written by his wife. What role did that October play for the
country? What happened to people as a result of the civil war, ‘military communism’ and collectivization?
How did the Bolsheviks power and Russian intelligentsia change over the twenty years after the Revolution?
Answers to these questions can be found in Mandelstam’s works. The same questions are deeply and fairy
addressed by his wife in her memoirs.
philosophy, world perception, culture, power, nation, human, society, intelligentsia, life, death.
Political philosophy
Borisenkov, A.A. (2013). Political Life as a Mean of Political Development. Philosophy and Culture, 6, 816–824. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62767
The article is devoted to the definition of political development. The author describes the content,
stages, means, forms and grounds of political development and shows a close connection between political
development and political life. It is established that political life is one of the means of political development
or so called political evolution. Analysis of the structure of political development allows to make a conclusion
and understand grounds and forms of political life as well as particular factors of its destruction.
philosophy, politics, political being, political life, political dynamics, political changes, political development, political evolution, political process, political progress.
National character and mentality
Chesnokova, L. V. (2013). The Concept of Longing and Yearning (Sehnsucht) in German Culture. Philosophy and Culture, 6, 825–833. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62768
The article is devoted to one of the most important terms in German culture, the concept of longing
and yearning (Sehnsucht). Special attention is paid at etymology of the concept and its interpretation
in philosophy. The author describes the main features of longing: uncertain pattern, no significant reason,
inability to satisfy it and connection with one’s being. The author also underlines the ambivalence of that
feeling and views how that concept was reflected in German poetry and Romanticism fine arts.
philosophy, culture, cultural concept, longing and yearning (Sehnsucht), romanticism, mentality, Weltschmerz (cosmic sadness), Fernweh (crave for travel), Heinweh (homesickness), Caspar David Friedrich.
Philosophical anthropology
Shilovskaya, N. S. (2013). Cultural Meanings of Humanism. Philosophy and Culture, 6, 834–841. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62769
The article is devoted to the key meanings of humanism in relation to culture. The author shows the
contradicting nature of humanism as the love for mankind. Humanism is shown as a search of a human for
his own self. The author also discusses the questions about relations between a human as a subject and being
in history of culture. Humanism, as a discovery of a human of his being and discover of human as being are
opposed to human anti-humanism (subject-without-being).
philosophy, humanism, culture, human, love for mankind, subject, activity, being, existence, subjectivism.
The rational and the irrational
Morkina, Yu. S. (2013). Creative Situation. Philosophy and Culture, 6, 842–851. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62770
The author of the article describes a complex dynamic structure of a creative situation and shows
the relation between creative situation and learning situation. Based on a philosophical approach and the
theory of complex systems and phenomenological approach, the author also offers a new description of an
insight, an important element in creating and learning activities. The author describes a pre-insight state of
mind and its role in the creative process. The author also shows that a creative situation includes not only an
individual mind but also his social environment. More than that, existential views influence the individual
and social context, too. The role of a creative situation and creation of something new are being analyzed
based on the definitions of chaos and self-organization.
philosophy, creativity, knowledge, complexity, situation, insight, chaos, work, definition, meaning.
Philosophy of science and education
Shadrina, V. I. (2013). Fear in Educational Process: Social and Philosophical Analysis. Philosophy and Culture, 6, 852–859. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62771
Fear is not only one of the basic feelings but also a powerful factor influencing the development of
the system of education. The author describes the most disputable positions and their solutions which allows
to find out a number of contradictions within the system. The article discusses the potentials of the education
phenomenon because education can not only convey cultural values and reflect the reality but can also form
philosophy, education, culture, fear, potential, dialogue, childhood, determinism, being, values.
The stream of books
Gryaznova, E. V., Paskhin, E. N. (2013). Review of the Monograph ‘Global Evolutionism: Ideas,
Problems, Hypotheses’ Written by Ilyin I. V., Ursula A. D. and Ursul T. A. Philosophy and Culture, 6, 860–867. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62772
The present article analyzes the monograph written by Ilyin I.V., Ursula A. D., Ursul T. A. and
called ‘Global Evolutionism: Ideas, Problems, Hypothesis’. We believe that the authors have developed a
complex, information synergetic approach to studying evolutionary processes. This approach is not only
a trans-disciplinary methodological innovation. It is actually an approach which better reflects the idea
of global evolutionism by combining ongoing and future and past processes of global evolution altogether.
Global evolutionism is shown as a combination of ideas, concepts, problems and hypotheses devoted to one of
the main evolutionary processes in the Universe, a permanent self-organization of material systems which
leads to progressive development of non-organic and organic nature and then society. Global evolutionism
offers a wide range of opportunities for studying global processes and systems which cannot be studied by
traditional methods. The monograph also contains much information to be used in global studies as well.
philosophy, global studies, global evolutionism, information approach, information synergetic approach, cosmic consciousness, co-evolution, noospherogenesis, sustainable development, noospherology.
Philosophy of language and communication
Neretina, S. S. (2013). Discursive Take-Off. Philosophy and Culture, 6, 7885–795. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62764
Jacques Derrida and Aurelius Augustinus have been traditionally thought to be representing the
opposing tendencies: the former attracted attetion at what he called the phonetic writing or logocentrism and the latter followed the onto-theological approach which was based on the idea of the World being created
by Word. However, the analysis of relations between an item and a sign, designator and designatum,
writing and sound, as described in Augustinus’ diaologue ‘About the Teacher’, shows that both philosophers
had much in common.
philosophy, item, sign, writing, sound, designatum, meaning, nothing, logo-centrism, grammatology.