Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich, P. S. (2013). Absurd but Beautiful. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 579–582. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62659
French author and philosopher Ablert Camus is often called the ‘artist of absurdity’. Albert Camus
wrote that the feeling of absurdity awaits us at every corner. This feeling cannot be clearly defined but it
is real. Mid XX century faced a new question about the meaning of beauty. Indeed, the Second World War
caused enormous deaths and destructions and made us think about the fortune and purpose of art. There
was even a thought that it would be impossible to come back to the usual beauty concepts after the horror of
detention camps.
philosophy, absurd, beautiful, beauty, Surrealism, fantasy, inspiration, creativity, automatic writing, author.
Spiritual and moral search
Chuprina, A. A. (2013). Philosophical Content of Understanding of the Family as an Indicator of
the Cultural Development of the Society. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 583–593. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62660
The article is devoted to the peculiarities of functioning of the family as the most significant factor
of the cultural development of the society. The author of the article also studies the socio-philosophical
concept of the comprehension of interdependence of the cultural processes in the society and the family from
the point of view of the axiological approach. The author also analyzes the influence of objective factors of
social development on the cultural content of the family in this day and age. The author focuses on the relevance
and importance of the designated problems taking into account socio-cultural transformations. The
problem is viewed through the prism of spirituality, the latter performing the role of the original basis in the
methodology of studying humans and society.
philosophy, family, culture, cultural process, value, spirituality, indicator, being, good morals, form.
Cycles and tides in the global world
Ursul, A. D. (2013). Scientific Thought as a Planetary Phenomenon
(On the 150th Anniversary of the Birth of Vladimir Vernadsky). Philosophy and Culture, 5, 594–609. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62661
The origins of scientific research globally planetary processes date back to V.I. Vernadsky, who
considered scientific thought as a “planetary” (global) phenomenon. The development of modern globalistics
and global studies, including an evolutionary perspective, is deployed in the light of scientific ideas, and in
his writings the doctrine of the noosphere from the very beginning was formed in planetary perspective as
a world noospheric globalism and in connection with this article discusses the modern transformation of
the doctrine with the concept of sustainable development. The scientist predicted a fundamentally new process
— the globalization of science, which is considered in the context of development and globalistics and
global studies. The author of the article also discusses the status and location of global research in modern
and future science.
global development, globalism, globalization of science, global issues, global processes, global studies, noosphere, evolutionary globalistics.
Fates and outlines of civilizations
Maslov, V. M. (2013). Post-Human in Mythology and Art: Specific Features and Significance. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 610–617. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62662
The article demonstrates a certain stage in development of system, dialectical and synergetic
views on the post-human and the theory and practice of revolutionary, major transformations of human
and society. High tech solutions (biotechnologies, cyborg technologies, information technologies, virtual reality,
artificial intelligence) provide an increasing number of opportunities for achieving post-human goals:
the Prometheus’ line (from mythology to Russian cosmism and trans-humanism) is in the focus of modern
post-human researches. Analysis of the post-human in mythology and arts, the Orpheus’ line, enriches and
specifies the general interpretation of the post-human. The relative value of post-human aspects in mythology
can be identified by people’s attempts. Post-human mythologies are removed by the means of art. Today’s post-humanity is mostly represented in science fiction and fantasy. The relative value of science fiction
is compared to scientific knowledge about the future. Fantasy world can be viewed as the ideal form
of achievement of post-human freedom and the pleasure principle. Demonstrated cultural shift from the
reality principle to the pleasure principle is another significant factor creating numerous problems for the
post-human future.
philosophy, futurology, Russian cosmism, trans-humanism, mythology, art, high tech, science fiction, fantasy, the pleasure principle.
Social philosophy
Lavrikova, I. N. (2013). Holiday Laughter, Political Interest. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 618–627. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62663
Researches of the social and political role of a holiday raised a question abut whether there are
major regulators of social opinions other than the methods creating fear? Can a holiday with all its ‘emotional’
attributes such as laughter, joy and celebrating, become such a method of influence in certain life
situations? Is it possible that some day the humankid will build their relations solely based on the grounds of
humanity and mutual protection and care…
philosophy, holiday, laughter, fear, death, political, power, culture, social, shared joy.
Social dynamics
Oleynikov, Yu. V. (2013). Post-Industrial Modernization Alternatives. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 628–642. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62664
Modern post-industrial modernization is viewed as an integrated dialectic contradictory process
of revolutionary reformation in all social spheres — revolution in human’s methods of influence on the environment
(technological revolution) that deeply changed the entire variety of social relations and transformed
our system of views regarding our place and role in nature and society (world perception).
philosophy, technological revolution, post-industrialism, modernization, revolution, evolution, world perception, society, human, development.
Tradition and innovation
Matveev, A. S. (2013). Communication Nature of Social Management. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 643–649. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62665
The purpose of this article is to view the communication nature of social management. For this
purpose, the author of the article describes different approaches to interpreting the term ‘management’,
the latter being viewed from the point of view of general philosophy, information approaches and the
classical management theory. The following conclusions were made based on the analysis conducted in
the article:
1. As one of the attributes of existence, management appears at all levels of existence from inanimate nature
to highly organized biological organisms and social systems.
2. The most important goal of social management is to solve the contradictions between the subject and
object of management.
3. All fundamental properties of management at all levels remain when the system is moved to the social
level but they take more complicated shape and become to based on new, specific properties of social
4. Under conditions of post-industrial information society, it is the convincing communication which comes
to the fore among all other methods of social management. It naturally causes a drastic development of
communication technologies aimed at a more efficient solution of tasks related to convincing the object
of management.
The practical relevance of this research is the insight into possible directions of the development of social
communication as the mechanism regulating society’s life.
philosophy, system, management, object, inter-subjectivity, communication abilities, subjectivity, entropy, principle, theory.
The dialogue of cultures
Gogotishvili, L. A. (2013). ‘Russian and European Philosophies’ Seminar (Part Three). Three-Day Discussion about the ‘Modern Type’ of the Philosophical
Thought. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 650–655. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62666
The first part of this publication contains the overview of F. Laruelle’s speech ‘Toward Philosophy
Recognized as Modern’ and its discussion during the Russian-French seminar held in Jerusalem in March
2013. The second part contains L. A. Gogotishvili’s article ‘Losev’s Philosophy of Language and Laruelle’s
Non-Philosophy of Language’. A. Losev’s and F. Laruelle’s language conceptions are compared against the
problem of operational-thematic expressions in philosophy. The question about whether there is a certain
cause and effect relationship between viewing the language as the central operational source and the decrease
of philosophy thematism is deemed to have no solution because the linguistic operationality and
direct thematism have different purposes of discursive strategies. Based on the comparison of Losev’s and
Laruelle’s operational principles (clipped monism and one-sided dualism), Gogotishvili reconstructs discursive
strategies established by the two philosophers.
philosophy, Laruelle, Losev, thematic invention, operationality, one-sided dualism, monism, discursive strategies, eidetic language, transcendent language.
The dialogue of cultures
Gogotishvili, L. A. (2013). Losev’s Philosophy of Language and Laruelle’s Non-Philosophy of Language. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 656–679. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62667
The first part of this publication contains the overview of F. Laruelle’s speech ‘Toward Philosophy
Recognized as Modern’ and its discussion during the Russian-French seminar held in Jerusalem in March
2013. The second part contains L. A. Gogotishvili’s article ‘Losev’s Philosophy of Language and Laruelle’s
Non-Philosophy of Language’. A. Losev’s and F. Laruelle’s language conceptions are compared against the
problem of operational-thematic expressions in philosophy. The question about whether there is a certain
cause and effect relationship between viewing the language as the central operational source and the decrease
of philosophy thematism is deemed to have no solution because the linguistic operationality and
direct thematism have different purposes of discursive strategies. Based on the comparison of Losev’s and
Laruelle’s operational principles (clipped monism and one-sided dualism), Gogotishvili reconstructs discursive
strategies established by the two philosophers.
philosophy, Laruelle, Losev, thematic invention, operationality, one-sided dualism, monism, discursive strategies, eidetic language, transcendent language.
Chesnov, Ya. V. (2013). Hermeneutics of Hidden Texts: Myth, Titanism and Longevity. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 680–691. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62668
The article departs from the usual treatment of hermeneutics as applied to the written form and
instead considers it in application to the spoken word of the popular culture. The hermeneutic tool used
preferentially is the notion of genotext introduced by Julia Kristeva on the basis of Russian semiotics. The
article shows the significance of the ideas put forward by Mikhail Bakhtin and Vladimir Bibler. The general
definition of culture is borrowed from the works of Pavel Gurevich. The liberation of the genotext from the
shell of the phenotext exposed the role of cultural sacrality and the titanic component in the self-definition of
the human being. Those are the starting points of the behavioral traits in long-lived populations. The author
considers the example of the Abkhaz culture which he had studied for many years.
philosophy, hermeneutics, genotext, myth, kinesics, legs, chthonism, Titans, long-lived people, Abkhaz.
Religions and religious renaissance
Fisher, N. (2013). Kant’s ‘Morally Definite Monotheism’ With Reference to Christology (continuation)
(translated by I. V. Kirsberg). Philosophy and Culture, 5, 692–700. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62669
Religious context of Kant’s philosophy of morals is shown as an essential part of philosophy.
Morals do not necessarily mean religion but they do lead to religion sooner or later. The first part of the
article offers a general description of Kant’s approaches while the second part talks about the meaning
and purpose of Kant criticizing speculative theology. The third part touches upon the ideal of humankind
loved by God. The impulse towards the eternal progress of the ideal of our own history is awaken in actual
meetings with people who dealt with the good morals, followed it and admitted the God’s ideal by trying
t achieve the saintliness in their lives. In this respect, Kant’s morally definite monotheism can be called
philosophy, morals, duty, law, will, blessing, perfection, love, faith, theology.
Philosophy of liberty
Parkhomenko, R. N. (2013). The Concept of Freedom in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 701–708. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62670
The author of the article traces back the formation and development of the concept of freedom in
Antique and Medieval European philosophy. Based on his research, the author clearly states that the modern
understanding of the concept of freedom have their roots in Ancient and Medieval philosophy. Following
philosophical and political ideas only developed further such theoretical categories as ‘applied’ aspects of
this concept and created the basis for modern democratic states.
philosophy, concept of freedom, ancient world, Middle Ages, free will, human, society, blessing, God, choice.
Dasein of the human being
Buharov, D. N. (2013). The Essential Properties and Needs as a Source of Human Identity. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 709–717. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62671
The author attempts to introduce an idea of potentiality of human being to actualize the spiritual
component of his nature in the contemporary discourse on human identity. He argues that on the basis of
this idea it becomes possible to identify not only “present’ human identity but also “possible” one. The author
specifies properties and needs of human being, which take place not due to his representation as a physical
and mental being. The very existence of them, in author’s opinion, is an indication of opportunities that are
often not taken into account in the study of human identity.
philosophy, identity, essence, existence, human, needs, properties, succession, value, spirituality.