Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich, P. S. (2013). What is Negative Anthropology?. Philosophy and Culture, 3, 275–278. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62420
Today’s philosophical anthropology adopts methods of apothatic theology. Theological traditions connected
with gaining insight into God’s purpose through denial of all its attributes and notations became a frequent practice
in religious literature. It shows the fatigue from positive theology and appeal to final knowledge not only about God
but also about human.
philosophy, anthropology, apophatic theology, personality, human, life deserter, nature, superman, history, meaning.
Ontology: being and nihility
Kravchenko, Yu. P. (2013). Environmental Issues as Late Effects of Formation of Modern Time Science. Philosophy and Culture, 3, 279–288. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62421
The article is devoted to the main methodological and world perception provisions of science during the
Modern Time. The author of the article analyzes relations between human and nature at that period and makes an
attempt to find the basis of modern environmental issues in those provisions.
philosophy, human, nature, interaction, mechanism, metaphysics, experiment, rationalism, world perception, environmental studies.
Spiritual and moral search
Vlasova, V. B. (2013). Russian Path from Morals to Law (Continuation). Philosophy and Culture, 3, 289–302. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62422
This is the final part of the article ‘Russian Path from Morals to Law’ published in Philosophy and Culture
Journal (issue 7, 2012) and devoted to the history of Russian culture and unique features of the Russian mentality. In
the second part of the article the author pays most of his attention at peculiarities of formation of legal consciousness
in Russia and the objective relation between events of Russian modern history and Russian mental provisions (moral
and legal provisions in the first place). In conclusion the author points out the possible drivers and ways to improve
moral and legal aspects of social consciousness of Russians in the future.
philosophy, ethical orientation, mythology, religion, morals, legal consciousness, mental evolution, Russian culture, spiritual crisis, social self-consciousness.
Social dynamics
Storcheus, N. V. (2013). Between the War and Revolution. F. A. Stepun’s Articles in the ‘Army and Navy of Free Russia’
Newspaper. Philosophy and Culture, 3, 303–315. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62423
The article contains a brief review of F. A. Stepun’s articles published in the Army and Navy of Free Russia
Newspaper during the summer of 1917. Despite increased interest towards that philosopher, the given period of his
life has never been really studied by researchers. Therefore, the analysis of his articles that were not included in his
selected works and thus were not so popular is an important step allowing us a better insight into Stepin’s personality
and philosophy.
philosophy, history of philosophy, Stepun, war, revolution, peace, Russia, politics, 197, Russian handicapped.
Political philosophy
Mochkin, A. N. (2013). Revolution of Nietzsche’s Nihilism and Spengler’s Conservative Revolution. Philosophy and Culture, 3, 316–324. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62424
The article analyzes Nietzsche’s philosophy of late period (1888) that became the ‘high point’ of evolution of
Nietzsche’s philosophical views, the ‘finishing stroke’ of the period that has a direct influence on his ‘Will to power’.
The author underlines specifics of political recommendations and wishes of the philosopher for future generations
as described in his conception of the ‘great policy’, in particular, his prophesy addressed to the revolution of nihilism
that, based on Nietzsche, was a typical feature of modern epoch. As another version of interpretation of Nietzsche’s
philosophy, the author analyzes political philosophy of Spengler — a major philosopher of conservative revolution in
Germany in 20’s — 30’s of XX century. Spenger’s ideas made a great impact on formation of national socialism back in
those years. Spengler’s theory of ethical socialism touched upon both the ‘will to power’, ‘eternal return of the same’,
‘nihilism’ and the ‘theory of superman’ as the main Nietzsche’s ideas.
philosophy, ethical socialism, will to power, superman, nihilism, conservative revolution, reappraisal of values, ressentiment, development, degeneration.
Religions and religious renaissance
Fisher, N. (2013). Kant’s Comprehensive System of Philosophically Found Theology (translated from German by
I. V. Kirsberg). Philosophy and Culture, 3, 325–336. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62425
Kant’s philosophy is shown as a critical metaphysics that reviews traditional religion without denying it but
preserving it in its new form. This idea is stated in five parts. The first part talks about the relation between practical
philosophy and theological metaphysics. The second part describes Kant’s statement of the question about God fro
doctrine philosophy to ‘Critique of Pure Reason’. The third part analyzes critique of any theology based on speculative
principles of reason. The forth part talks about teachings on God’s existence as a postulate of pure practical reason
and the fifth part deals with the priority of pure reason over practical reason.
philosophy, Kant’s philosophy, critical metaphysics, mind, reason, theology, rational theology, physicotheology, faith, evidence of God’s existence.
Myths and modern mythologies
Maydanov, A. S. (2013). Dynamics of World and its Subjects in Vedic Cosmology. Part 1. Philosophy and Culture, 3, 337–349. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62426
Indian Vedas show that their authors had a quite established concept of the cause and the driver of any natural
phenomena, in other words, its actor and subject. Actors of cosmological processes and phenomena were Gods
who had a number of cosmic functions allowing dynamics and unity of the world. The author of the article describes
such heaven bodies and associated gods as Sun, Earth, Moon and some stars and planets from this point of view. The
author describes the genealogy of such gods and their relations as world actors. The diversity of features of heaven
bodies made the Vedas authors to invent diversified deification. The author of the article suggests a certain logic
scheme for analyzing gods’ images. This scheme includes a number of different hypostases of gods: description of
their appearance and spiritual image, cosmic and social functions and real referents. Analyzing the main gods from
this point of view, the author concluded that mythological images were synthetic mental constructs consisting of
components of different epistemological value. Myth-makers also shared their views on certain important universal
characteristics of the reality such as the law of universal circulation, both natural and social space, time and movement
within the Universe. In his article the author shares his logic of understanding the reality that is typical for the
initial stage of any cognitive process including scientific one.
philosophy, Universe, Sun, gods, time, movement, thinking, imagination, real, fictious.
Philosophy and culture
A. S. ogly Alekperov (2013). Multiculturalism in Space Between Politics and Culture. Philosophy and Culture, 3, 350–355. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62427
The author of the article analyzes the phenomenon of multiculturalism from the point of view of politics and
culture. The main idea is that multiculturalism is a totally political phenomenon with all the expected consequences.
Interaction between cultures is the process that can be in contact with politics but be outside the politics at the same
time. Multiculturalism offers not only ethnical variety but also interflow of cultures. Multiculturalism, in the first
place, suggests ‘peaceful co-existence’ of separated cultures but not their interaction. The maximum target that can
be reached under multiculturalism policy is the cultural tolerance. This is why multiculturalism promotes isolation
from the point of view of the author However, such ‘peaceful’ isolation is rarely met in reality because separation of
cultures create certain tension between them. This is why multiculturalism causes confrontation between cultures
but not their mutual enrichment.
cultural studies, multiculturalism, politics, culture, migration, ethnos, dialogue of cultures, globalization, identity, liberalism, poly-ethnicity.
Philosophical anthropology
Rostova, N. N. (2013). Philosophical and Anthropological Prerequisites of Identity Theory. Philosophy and Culture, 3, 356–365. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62428
The author of the article analyzes Erik Erikson’s theory of identity and reveals philosophical and anthropological
prerequisites of this theory. Based on the author, this theory is based on the concept of chaotic and fragmentary
human nature. Human starts with the fear for his own existence because there is nothing else in the world which
would create a ready for and basis for him. In order to survive, human has to have certain benchmarks in the world and act and live together in order to create such basis. Erikson thought identity to be such basis.
philosophy, identity, Erikson, anthropology, consciousness, ego, the Other, religion, self-identity, totality.
Frontiers and theories of knowledge
Baksansky, O. E. (2013). Managing Cognitive Process: Knowledge Management. Philosophy and Culture, 3, 366–381. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62429
One of the keys to increasing interest for knowledge management is the development of communication
and information technologies. These technologies allow to exchange lots of information disregarding geographical
locations of their actors and real time. The information flow is actually overwhelming and people begin to wonder
whether they actually need all this information or there are other, more convenient, ways of obtaining it. Answers
to these questions are rather positive because even though these technologies can change one’s consciousness and
forms of transferring and using knowledge, they cannot completely substitute for personal contacts (for example,
with virtual computer space). In reality, there are certain types of knowledge that can be developed and transferred
only by means of traditional approaches.
philosophy, information, knowledge, competence, competence models, education paradigm, knowledge management, education and teaching, information environment.
Philosophy and art
Sevastyanova, S. S. (2013). Dracula in Musical Comedy — Natural Stage in Development of Vampire Sub-Culture. Philosophy and Culture, 3, 382–392. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62430
The genre of musical comedy tries to catch up with a popular vampire sub-culture, too. ‘Beautiful’ fear cultivated
by modern art and fashion comes to musical comedy. Ball of Vampires by Jim Steinman, Sweeney Todd: The
Demon Barber of Fleet Street by Stephen Sondheim, Cannibal! The Musical by Trey Parker, Frank Wildhorn’s, Christer
Johansson’s and Simon Leclerc’s Draculas are great examples of that. Musical comedies about vampires have one feature
in common: they all have numerological symbols and similar musical and rhetorical patterns.
cultural research, musical comedy, vampires, Dracula, numerological symbols, musical and rhetoric figures, vampire sub-culture, new esthetical criteria of epoch, theme song, Stoker.
Philosophy of science and education
Yakovlev, V. A. (2013). Socio-Cultural Status of Science in European History. Philosophy and Culture, 3, 393–402. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62431
The article contains a critical analysis of the main directions in modern philosophy of science. It is underlined
that the Middle Ages formed hidden thoughts that were related to Christian metaphysics and gave birth to new
epistemological and axiological creative ideas that became very important for genesis of classical science during
Renaissance. Based on the system approach, science is mostly viewed as a certain result of innovation cultural processes
and the product of the transfer of local Ancient Greek innovation to universal innovation of European culture.
philosophy, science, Antique Times, binarity, system, probability, Christianity, innovation, resonance.
The stream of books
Shapinskaya, E. N. (2013). Aesthetician in Labyrinths of Post-Culture. Thoughts on V. Samokhvalova’s Book ‘Ugliness’. Philosophy and Culture, 3, 403–408. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62432
The article is devoted to the analysis of V. I. Samokhvalova’s book ‘Ugliness’ that reveals not only the problems
of actualization of the esthetical category in post-modern cultural environment but also different phenomena
of post-culture in which ugliness become a cultural dominant. Special attention is paid at the author’s views on mass
culture and numerous cultural practices which, based on the author, show the loss of axiological values and ideals.
The book will be interest for a wide audience and remind the readers about the eternal problems of the Good and Evil,
Beauty and Ugliness.
cultural studies, ugliness, post-culture, esthetics, beauty, mass cult, category, technology, Post-Modernism, beautiful.