Ontology: being and nihility
Karpenko, A.S. (2013). Principle of Plentitude in Philosophy. Part I. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 1508–1522. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63544
The author of the article analyzes logical consequence of the principle of abundance described by Arthur Lovejoy in his book ‘The Great Chain of Being’ (1936). Arthur Lovejoy asserts that all potentials of existence must be fulfilled. The principle of abundance is completed with the principle of plentitude that requires practical implementation of all what is thought to be possible. Fulfillment of the principle of plentitude causes numerous ‘stratifications’ of space, time, world and all. This is the conclusion modern cosmology has come to as well. To save ourselves from absolute chaos, we need to limit the principle of plentitude. Therefore, we approach the most fundamental problem in ontology: how does the impossible become possible? The series includes the following articles: 1. Introduction. 2. The Great Chain of Being. 3. The principle of abundance. 4. The unified. 5. Theodicy. 6. Ontological evidence of God’s existence. 7. The problem of eternity. 8. The limits. 9. The impossible. 10. Theories of incompleteness. 11. Borders of mind? 12. Destiny of human. 13. Everett worlds. 14. The principle of plentitude in action. 15. On the way to intelligent Multiverse. Annex. Alternative Reality: Gaius Iulius Caesar.
Everett worlds, borders of mind, undecidability, Godel about incompleteness, impossibility, eternity, theodicy, principle of abundance, Multiverse, symmetric distortion.
Fates and outlines of civilizations
Maslov, V.M. (2013). Post-Human as a Paradigm in Modern Culture. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 1523–1531. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63545
The article is devoted to the role of Transhumanistic and Post-Human concepts in the culture of industrial civilization. The methodological basis of the research consists of modern definitions of the ‘paradigm’ that expand the term and make it apply to all forms and representations of cultural phenomena. Post-Human cultural testing shows how many facilities of spiritual and mental culture require a new conceptualization (some personality theories and sociobiology) and are starting to be interpreted from the point of view of Post-Humanism (Humanism, Post-Modernism and Friedrich Nietzsche’s super-human). The concept of universal evolutionism appears to be the form of accumulation of all implicit and explicit post-human aspirations and opportunities of modern industrial civilization. In some cases, the relation between the theory of universal evolutionism and Post-Humanism tasks is conditioned by scientific and technological development. Modern quantitative improvements in the sphere of high tech directly leads to implementation of Post-Humanistic orientation at overcoming well-known limits of human as biological species called homo sapiens. All that allows to state that Post-Humanistic ideas can actually become dominating in the spheres of philosophy and ideology of mankind.
philosophy, futurology, post-human, transhumanism, high technologies, paradigm, humanism, super human, universal evolutionism, technology-related risks.
Frontiers and theories of knowledge
Knyazeva, E. N. (2013). Evolutionary Thinking in Science and Philosophy. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 1532–1542. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63546
The development of evolutionary thinking is under consideration in the article; heuristic possibilities and possible limits for interdisciplinary synthesis of knowledge are estimated. It is justified that synthetic, integrative and holistic trends – in contrast to disciplinary differentiation of science in the epoch of Modern time – are predominant in science of the XXI century. Evolutionary thinking which is understood in the broadest sense of the word is based nowadays not only on the theory of biological evolution, but also on the modern theory of complex adaptive systems, network science and nonlinear dynamics. Such a form of thinking becomes a foundation of a new naturalism which allows us to formulate strategies of evolutionary, naturalistic explanations in epistemology, ethics, politics, esthetics. Taking as an example evolutionary epistemology, the author analyses its modern trends of development and demonstrates how this field meets interdisciplinary challenges of the modern scientific knowledge.
interdisciplinarity, naturalism, non-linear, synthesis, complexity, holism, evolutionary epistemology, evolutionary thinking, evolution, emergence.
Picture of the world in natural science
Zima, V. N. (2013). From Metaphysics of Time to Atemporal Metaphysics: Exploring Some Difficulties of Ontology. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 1543–1547. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63547
The explication and the analysis of some basic difficulties which realization of the project of «atemporal physics and metaphysics» in modern philosophy and a science faces is undertaken. It is shown, that key idea of the given project is attempt of representation of the objective reality (or so-called «the ultimate reality») as reality that is timeless at its fundamental level. The question on the ontological status of concepts of \"time\" and «the ultimate reality» from the point of view of the ontology of sciences is analyzed. Conclusion that concepts of \"time\", from one hand, and «the ultimate reality», from other hand, when latter one is considered as a synonym of the objective reality, are ontologically incompatible, is supposed. Ontological resources of the interdisciplinary approach to the problem of time in a context of the question of \"the ultimate reality» are explored. Some ontological criteria for the objectification of time in the ontology of science and metaphysics are formulated. Heuristic potential of the thesis of \"Realism\", as the fundamental metaphysical premise of a science, for the decision of a question on the nature of «the ultimate reality» and its temporal features is shown. Some difficulties connected with terminological aspect of a problem of elaborating of «atemporal metaphysics are analyzed.
ultimate reality, eternity, time, philosophy of science, time: interdisciplinary researches, metaphysics of time, timelessness, atemporal metaphysics, ontology of science, objective reality.
Philosophy of history
Klyagin, N. V. (2013). Paul Ricœur and Historical Truth. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 1548–1558. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63548
Paul Ricœur (1913–2005) is famous for his studies of the phenomenon of human will and human as a subject assigning a specific meaning to the surrounding reality and human as a conscious individual providing material for the phenomenology of spirit. The present article is devoted to the philosopher’s views on objectivity and subjectivity in history that is important not only for philosophy and history but also for individual’s world perception in general. Historical and philosophical conception of Paul Ricœur pays attention at the subjectivism of a historian himself. This conception can be completed with such objective beginnings of historical research as materialistic interpretation of history and anthropological interpretation of history. Ricœur also offered some kind of a triad describing his point of view on the subjective aspects of historical research: the subject of the research, his subjectivity and so called ‘historical traces’. The latter hasn’t lost its importance even today.
acceleration, anthropology, history, personal dependence, materialism, neoteny, object, statistics, subject, financial dependence.
Axiology: values and relics
Markin, A. V. (2013). Aletheia . Philosophy and Culture, 11, 1559–1563. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63549
The present article contains an essay about philosophy, creativity and art; the power and the value of the representational thinking and word; linkage between philosophy and poetics; and the truth as a presentation of beauty. The essay is based on the idea that creative proportion is learnt through the content of existence and connects philosophers, poets, authors, artists, sculptors and architects. The author of the article neither proves nor disproves the existence of truth. The author does not describe particular features of truth, either. The essay is devoted to a special attitude to the faith in truth and the apparent value of such faith for unlocking the potentials of consciousness. The author does not think it is important to focus on a literal reading and pronunciation of a Greek word. Nevertheless the author does not claim that his author’s translation is true. In this research, Aletheia is a symbol of open and heuristic knowledge and intentional truth.
philosophy, aletheia, truth, beauty, wisdom, creativity, impression, expression, intention, proportion.
Value and truth
Koptseva, N. P. (2013). The Problem of Truth in Philosophy of Religion. Peculiarities of Conceptualization of Truth in Buddhist Philosophy . Philosophy and Culture, 11, 1564–1573. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63550
The purpose of philosophical research is to view philosophy of religion as a special form of philosophical knowledge that differs from history of religion, psychology of religion and religious studies. Analyzing the development of philosophy of religion from Immanuel Kant to adepts of social anthropology, we can define the main problems and definitions associated with philosophy of religion. Philosophy of religion has its own way of viewing and solving the classical philosophical problem of truth. It is the philosophy of religion which views truth as part of the absolute. In philosophy of religion revelation in a particular branch of religion is viewed as the representation of the absolute. Description of peculiarities of definition of truth in philosophy of religion is completed with the insight into Buddhist philosophy. Mahayana philosophy of Nagarjuna and Yogacara school provide examples of modeling the absolute unique for religious culture of the Asian Pacific countries. It is expected that apophatic modeals of truth in Orthodox theology can encourage efficient communication between Russian intellectual community and intellectual communities of the Asian Pacific just like Buddhist Mahayana schools.
philosophy, truth, value, religion, revelation, philosophy of religion, Buddhism, Mahayana, apophatic theology, Nagarjuna.
The science of psychoanalysis
Levit, L. Z. (2013). Arthur Schopenhauer’s ‘Will to Life’ and Person-Centered of Concept of Happiness: Missing Links. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 1574–1581. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63551
The author of the article considers a number of important provisions of Arthur Schopenhauer’s theory (about the will to life, egoism and happiness) and compares them to the author’s Person-Oriented Concept of Happiness (POCH). It allows the author to answer certain questions raised by the German philosopher and develop a practical approach called Psychotherapy By Personal Singularity (PPS). At the end of the article it is concluded that Person-Oriented Concept of Happiness developed by the author has important intersection points with Arthur Schopenhauer’s philosophy. In the author’s opinion, Schopenhauer’s philosophy does not deserve to be called pessimistic philosophy. POCH also makes an important contribution to the concept of the great German philosopher because it offers an individual a particular method of restricting the ‘lowermost’ forms of egoism and developing of higher forms of egoism in order to realize one’s personal potentials and live a truly happy life.
philosophy, happiness, egoism, personal singularity, self-realization, person-centered concept of happiness, Schopenhauer, ‘will to life’, POCH, Eudaimonia.
Spiritual and moral search
Popov, E. A. (2013). Art: Dialogue between State, Society and Human . Philosophy and Culture, 11, 1582–1587. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63552
Today’s social and humanitarian science does not fully consider the problems of art development. Art development is usually studied in philosophy and art history. However, art as the phenomenon of social human life and a system of communication between society, state and human can present academic interest for other spheres of knowledge, for example sociology of culture, sociology of art and social cultural studies. The author of the present article raises a question about dialogue existence of art where art is viewed not as the phenomenon of art communication but as a form of interaction between state, society and human. Special attention is paid at the reasons that make it possible for art to exist at the level of efficient interaction between state, society and human. A good dialogue in this system of communication can create the environment where the ‘humanitarian’ image of art is preserved.
culture, art, social world, dialogue, state, society, human, communication, distinctive character of art, total sociality.
Shokhin, V.K. (2013). Is a Good Definition of Goodness? (Experience of Ancient Philosophy) . Philosophy and Culture, 11, 1588–1597. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63553
George Moor’s basic theorem about indefinability of goodness has been the topic of debates in metaethics up to the present. It is quite understandable because the solution of this question has an influence on many ethic programs. However, this problem is mostly solved a priori and just in theory. The author of the article describes how it is possible to solve the problem from the point of history and philosophy. If, in spite of the evident proof that goodness has a ‘simple’ and ‘absolute’ meaning and therefore it is an indefinable concept, history and philosophy provide certain definitions of this term, then Moor’s position can be corrected. If not, then Moor’s theorem will be proved a posteriori. The author of the article analyzes definitions (and proof that there are no definitions) of goodness in ancient philosophy from the first Indian philosophers to Sextus Empiricus.
George Moor’s basic theorem about indefinability of goodness has been the topic of debates in metaet, this problem is mostly solved a priori and just in theory. The author of the article describes how i, in spite of the evident proof that goodness has a ‘simple’ and ‘absolute’ meaning and therefore it i, history and philosophy provide certain definitions of this term, then Moor’s position can be corrected. If not, then Moor’s theorem will be proved a posteriori. The author of the article analyzes definitions (and
Khanolaynen, D. P. (2013). Esthetics of Reproductions in Modern Art. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 1598–1606. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63554
The article is devoted to art work during an era of its technical reproduction. The author of the article proves that it is necessary to view reproduced art as a separate category. The aspiration of the author to rethink some tendencies of development in the field of the modern art caused consideration and differentiation of the following concepts: original, copy, reproduction, authenticity, plurality and reproducibility of an artwork. The author of the article proves the thesis that reproduced arts are not ‘original’ in a strict sense of this word. Besides, the concept of explicit versions inspired by ideas of the Canadian professor of philosophy of D. Lopez is developed. The new concept \"explicit version\" is compared with the traditional terms ‘copy’ and ‘original’. Besides, on the basis of the analysis of different examples of creative works, the author defines interactive art as a special type of reproduced art proving that the result of interaction between the audience and interactive work is an explicit version but not a new original art work.
replication of art work, diverse art, reproduced art, interactive art, computer art, modern art, original, copy, explicit version, authenticity.
Philosophy and culture
Artamoshkina, L.E. (2013). Biography as a Cultural Text: From Philosophy of the Act to Social Ontology. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 1607–1612. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63555
The article is devoted to conceptual grounds of biography as a cultural text. The author of the article analyzes provisions of E. Levinas’ social ontology, the latter being an essential method of research of biography as a cultural text. Levinas’ methodology allows to conduct phenomenological assessment of sociality based on the attitude to the Other. The author of the article also analyzes such terms as ‘event’, ‘act’ and ‘acting/participating thinking’ offered by Mikhail Bakhtin in his theory of subjectivity. The author of the present article proves that it is possible to view the above mentioned problem from the point of view of the concept of the Other and philosophy of the act. The concept of ‘existence and co-existence’ offered by Mikhail Bakhtin as a method of viewing biography from the point of view of the ethic beginning. The author also concludes that Bakhtin’s philosophy of the act and Levinas’ social ontology as the main methods of analysis of biography as a cultural text. Addressing to Bakhtin’s and Levinas’ methods provide grounds for defining principles of mutual complementarity of the phenomenology of individual memory and sociology of collective memory. The author of the article also offers a strategy for analyzing biography as a cultural text.
biography, deed, event, the Other, text, sociality, phenomenology, intersubjectivity, culture, memory.
Philosophy and art
Zhukovsky, V.I. (2013). Art Work in the Center of Artistic Culture. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 1613–1620. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63556
The article is devoted to the terms ‘culture’, ‘artistic culture’ and ‘art work’. Culture is defined as human activity aimed at cultivation of ideals. Ideal production is viewed as a process of preservation and change of samples of reproduction of public life esteemed for ideals and unique culture of the individual person. It is claimed that the art culture is a subsystem of the culture capable of generating equilibrium ideals. Models according to which basic ideals of culture are formed are allocated and analyzed. The author of the article describes art work as a central element of artistic culture and defines the concepts of art work and art image as part of researches of actual problems of art. Art work is studied as an artificial and skilfully made piece of work. The author also describes the creative process of the dialogue between the artist and art material or art work and the audience and formulates the operational approach to interaction between the audience and art work.
culture, artistic culture, art work, art image, artist, art material, ideal, audience, model, finesse.
Philosophy of science and education
Shagiakhmetov, M.R. (2013). System Ontology. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 1621–1630. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63557
The author uses a system approach which allows to overcome the limits of viewing ontology as an isolated discipline. As a teaching about the unity of the world, ontology is viewed as a part of the representation system prevailing in the society with reference to the development of the individual on one hand and social practice on the other hand.
philosophy, ontology, existence, truth, dualism, linearity, adequacy, world view, system, unity.
The stream of books
Gurevich, P.S. (2013). A Well-Deserved Respect of a Classical Author. Philosophy and Culture, 11, 1631–1639. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63558
The book is devoted to the anniversary of the birth of a classical author in modern philosophy Paul Ricœur (1913-2005). The book contains the text of the speech of the philosopher’s ‘Cogito crisis’ read at the International Conference dedicated to the 400th anniversary of René Descartes (held at Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 1993), lectures ‘Hermeneutics, ethics and politics’ (read at Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 1996) as well as materials from theoretical conferences ‘Paul Ricœur as a Philosopher of Dialogue’ (Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences in2006 ) and ‘New Perspectives of Hermeneutics in Social Studies and Practical Philosophy’ (National Research University ‘Higher School of Economics’ in 2001). Paul Ricœur is a famous philosopher of the XX – early XXI centuries. Along with Martin Heidegger, Edmund Husserl and Ludwig Wittgenstein, Paul Ricœur is a classical author in modern philosophy. In his works Paul Ricœur summarized theoretical concepts of philosophers of a whole century and created his own original teaching about human and his opportunities. Paul Ricœur also suggested a number of ideas which can triger philosophical researches in this coming century. The author of the present reviw also underlines special contribution of Vdovina in distributing and analyzing Paul Ricœur’s ideas in Russia as well as effors made by other researchers and translators such as A. Gustyr, O. Machulsky, I. Blauberg, E. Petrovskaya, N. Motroshilova, E. Shulgi, A. Pavlova, A. Borisenkova and A. Philippova, S. Zenkina, V. Vizgina and others.
philosophy, hermeneutics, personality, phenomenology, philosophical anthropology, imagination, identity, event, ethics, discourse.