Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich, P. S. (2013). Human Life world. Philosophy and Culture, 1, 7–8. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62033
Life world is the central issue in phenomenology. By nature, it is noting else but clarification of the
meaning of human life in its cohesiveness and variety. It was Husserl who created the issue around human
life world that seemed to be an obvious and normal state of things. This is why philosophers did not study the
practical angle of human existence before him.
philosophy, lifeworld, phenomenology, meaning, cohesiveness, variety, world perception, life experience, deconsecration of philosophy, truth.
Philosophy and culture
Zapesotsky, A. S. (2013). Vyacheslav Stepin’s Activity and Semiotics Theory of Culture. Philosophy and Culture, 1, 9–29. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62034
The article contains the analysis of Vyacheslav Stepin’s views on culture. It is shown that the combination
of these views constitutes an articulate, fundamental theory that makes a significant contribution
to cultural studies. Vyacheslav Stepin’s works create a multidimensional, summative and coherent ‘picture
of the culture’. Culture is viewed as the system of supra-biological activity programs, specific method of coding
social information, system of social and spiritual programs. Particular attention is paid at Vyacheslav
Stepin’s cultural universals understood as the main elements of the system. It is also underlined that tere
is a certain organic interaction between philosophical and culturological categories. It is proved that Vyacheslav
Stepin’s theory of culture has a significant meaning both for theory and researches.
cultural research, culture, supra-biological program, human activity, information coding, cultural universals.
The dialogue of cultures
Titlin, L. I. (2013). The Problem of ‘Self’ in Polemics between Buddhism and Brahminism: History
of Inquiry. Philosophy and Culture, 1, 29–49. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62035
The article is devoted to the review of the key polemic writings of Ancient and Medieval India concerning
the subject and researches in this sphere in the West and Russia. The author provides a brief review
of Indian polemics concerning the subject in different philosophical schools and prepares the synopsis of
arguments and researches on this topic from Pali Canon to Medieval writings. Particular attention is paid
at the history of studying the most important Buddhist treatise, Abhidharma-kośa by Vasubandhu (IV century),
studied by a famous Russian researcher Fyodor Shcherbatsky as a part of his international research
project. The author also makes the emphasis on one of the key polemic writings on the subject that hasn’t
been translated from Sanskrit into Russian yet — Pudgala-viniscaya by Vasubandhu. The author of the article
also considers the latest translations and publications on this issue in Indian philosophy and provides
the review of the recent and most interesting foreign researches, conferences and approaches. The author
concludes that this issue is poorly explored in Russia and there are no translations or researches of the main
writings on this matter in our country.
philosophy, self, non-self, subject, atman, anatta, consciousness, Vasubandhu, Abhidharmakośa, Indian.
Space and time
Zima, V. N. (2013). The Problem of Ontological Status of Time in Philosophy of Science: Analysis
of the Main Challenges. Philosophy and Culture, 1, 50–59. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62036
The author of the article analyzes the main challenges and difficulties arising before researchers
during discussion of the ontological status of time. The author provides a comparative description of the
main approaches to the problem in Russian and foreign philosophies. It is shown that the method of solving
this problem depends on the way of perceiving the reality chosen by a researcher. The author also studies
arguments for objectivation of such time factors as its flow, three modes (past, present and future) and
dependence on changes described in a number of works by Russian philosophers. The author defines the
main tendencies in solving the problem about the status of time in foreign philosophy: denial of objectivity of time flow, interest for the ‘block time’ concept and denial of the fundamental nature of time. The author
also analyzes philosophical arguments for the block time concept and studies arguments against denial the
reality of time. The author also offers methodological principles aimed at proving the relevancy of using the
metaphysical terms and concepts for solving the problem of status of time in philosophy of science. The author
also describes the difficulties associated with the implementation of the programs creating out-of-time
metaphysics suggested by H. Price as well as ways to overcome these difficulties.
philosophy, time, eternity, temporality, metaphysics, science, reality, realism, anti-realism, ontology.
Philosophy of history
Sizemskaya, I. N. (2013). ‘Moscow is the Third Rome’: At the Origins of Russian Philosophy of History. Philosophy and Culture, 1, 60–68. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62037
The article is devoted to the philosophical contents of the messianic mythologema ‘Moscow is the
Third Rome’ within the framework of the history of Russian social ideas. Analyzing metaphysics of the national
mesianship, the author discovers the main vectors of how the idea of Moscow as the Third Rome influenced
the formation and development of the scope of problems in Russian philosophy of history.
philosophy, messianism, national identity, false nationalism, chosen nation, sovereignty, Russian Schism, philosophy of history, meaning of history, messiahship concept, national — universal, eschatology.
Fates and outlines of civilizations
Gorelova, T. A. (2013). Modernization or Social Progress?. Philosophy and Culture, 1, 69–78. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62038
The author of the article compares the terms ‘modernization’ and ‘social progress’ as a part of tendencies
in a modern society. The author descries the historical dynamics of these terms and analyzes sociocultural
and spiritual state of the modern Western and Russian societies. The author proves the assumption
that there is a need in social progress is the cohesive development of different elements — social, research
and technology, environmental, moral, spiritual and others.
philosophy, modernization, progress, social Darwinism, neo-liberalism, freedom, simulacrum, gift, trust, tradition.
Political philosophy
Borisenkov, A. A. (2013). Peculiarities of Political Consciousness. Philosophy and Culture, 1, 79–87. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62039
The article studies political consciousness as a phenomenon and reveals its nature and close connection
between political consciousness and political knowledge as well as provides the definition of political
consciousness. The author proves the need in distinguishing political consciousness from conceptual consciousness
and therefore associated ideologies. This contributes to understanding of the actual contents of
political consciousness and overcoming misconceptions. The author also analyzes types of political knowledge
as well as contradictions and gaps in classification of such knowledge.
philosophy, politics, political existence, political perception, political knowledge, political consciousness, political knowledge, political science, conceptual consciousness, ideology.
Philosophy of science and education
Kleschev, D. S. (2013). Philosophy of Intuitionism Against Pharisaism in Science. Philosophy and Culture, 1, 88–95. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62040
The article contains the thoughts on the rightness of implementing the law of the excluded middle
in Pythagorean theory of incommensurable segments.
philosophy, intuitionism, history, mathematics, Pythagorean, axiom, Gilbert, Brower, pseudoscience, Kantor.
Frontiers and theories of knowledge
Kutyrev, V. A. (2013). Does the Cognitization of the World Help Humankind to Survive?. Philosophy and Culture, 1, 96–106. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62041
Cognitology (knowledge management) is the theory of information thinking without consciousness,
images and psyche involved. Derived of reflection, such thinking turns into artificial intellect. It can
be interpreted as the post-human world of the Other from the ontological point of view. The purpose of the
philosophy of science is to form certain navigators in the spiritual elite environment that would help the processes of interactions between qualitative and cognitive forms of existence as well as transmission of such
capabilities into a society. To survive in the high-tech world, we must cultivate the kind of consciousness
which would be adequate from the geocentric and anthropological point of view.
philosophy, knowledge engineering, consciousness, thinking, information, the other, navigator, trans-modernism, geocentricism, anthropology.
The rational and the irrational
Shadur, I. M. (2013). About Rationality of Cogitation. Philosophy and Culture, 1, 107–118. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62042
The author raises a question about the grounds for considering this or that philosopher’s creation
to be close to rationalism. The author suggests that in order to answer this question, we should follow the
same gnoseolological and methodological values that fokrmed the basis of classical philosophical rationalism.
Moreover, the author’s research is based on the opinion that the subject of cogitation is experience in a
wide meaning of the word and this is why the empiric projection of cogitation makes an attempt to find the
criteria for fulfilling these values. Based on that, the author forms the definition of experience and defines the
basic values of rationalism and studies possible ways of relations between cogitation and experience from
the point of view of logics and their contents. As a result of the study, the author makes certain assumptions
about the relation between the structure of the thought and the structure of experience.
philosophy, rational, rationality, experience, culture, fundamental, methodology, expression, empiric, reduction.
Gurevich, P. S. (2013). Arthur Schopenhauer’s Esthetic Views. Philosophy and Culture, 1, 119–128. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62043
There is very little written about Arthur Schopenhauer’s views on esthetics, even though many
researchers did try to study that topic. It turned out to be not so easy to summarize the German philosopher’s
thoughts on the sublime, beautiful, genius, interesting and other esthetical categories. The term ‘will’
has a very broad meaning in Schopenhauer’s works because he claimed that any kind of natural force must
be viewed as the will. Basic natural forces, such as magnetism and heaviness make the lowest level of will
philosophy, esthetics, power, human, metaphysics, art, beautiful, sublime, interesting, genius.
Philosophy and art
Graschenkova, N. V. (2013). Thoughts on Documentary and Artistic Beginnings in Photography. Philosophy and Culture, 1, 129–135. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62044
From the mid XIX’s onwards European society has undergone significant social and cultural
changes which, in their turn, significantly changed the modern human’s views on art. The author of the article
studies the nature of a photographic image as a special way of perceiving the world around. The author
analyzes different approaches to the phenomenon of photography. On the one hand, photography is a new
attitude to the reality formed through human’s subjective judgments, and on the other, it is an opportunity
to adjust and survive, to obtain and keep knowledge about the world. By performing different functions,
photography has an opportunity to combine achievements in the spheres of both art and science and be an
object or a subject depending on goals of photography.
philosophy, photography, culture, society, art, image, documentary, artistic, need, information.