Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich, P.S. (2012). Human Concept in Philosophy of Life. Philosophy and Culture, 9, 4–6. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61430
History of philosophical anthropology, in fact, does not consider the problem of human as it has been formed
in the philosophy of life. However, the above mentioned topic was somehow covered by this branch of philosophy. In
particular, Friedrich Nietzsche, Ludwig Klages, Theodor Lessing and Leo Frobenius touched upon very important
philosophical anthropology issues in their works. Their ideas are continued and developed now.
philosophy, philosophical anthropology, life, spirit, mind, sociality, human, being, will, intuition.
Ontology: being and nihility
Yakovlev, V. A. (2012). Metaphysics of Nature and Human Existence. Philosophy and Culture, 9, 7–16. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61431
The article briefly describes the prehistory of metaphysics of nature and human existence. The author of the
article analyzes the modern role of the above mentioned issue in general philosophy, religion and natural sciences.
The author also provides grounds for the definition of metaphysics as the core of spiritual theoretical activity — the
combination of creative eidoses research projects are based on. The author describes the seven binary metaphysical
programs of the Ancient World which later determined the main branches of science.
philosophy, metaphysics, existence, creative ideas, principles, Christianity, oppositions, binary, innovations, programs.
Picture of the world in natural science
Yurkevich, E. V. (2012). Information-Related Peculiarities of Combination of Material and Spiritual Aspects of Living
Systems Existence. Philosophy and Culture, 9, 17–27. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61432
Based on the summary of the models of managing living systems, the author analyzes the connection between
the material and spiritual aspects in mechanisms of information exchange between the above mentioned essences.
Based on the supposition that construction or analysis of an object starts with the determination of the goal, the author
suggests his own concept of the system applied to the description of natural and man-made entities. The author also
suggests to use the concept of functional reliability when describing humanitarian systems. Functional reliability means
part of the entire reliability of the system characterizing the researcher’s self-assurance and commitment to achieving
the goal the system has been constructed for. It is also assumed that the functional reliability of the system is the most
general synthesis and analysis criterion. The author suggests his own model of description of information exchange
between living entities. The model involves the sign, image and symbolic levels of interactions. Using this model, life
can be viewed s a form of information exchange between material and non-material substances which defines their
systems organization. It is shown interactions between material elements cause the response to information exchange
between sign levels. A living entity can perceive information exchange as well as form and transfer information at the
sign and image level and use information at the symbolic level according to his spiritual qualities and features. Human
is the only one living creature who can form information exchange at the symbolic level according to his spiritual
qualities and goals.
philosophy, system, purpose, information, sign, image, symbol, function, reliability, life.
Philosophy of history
Korolev, S. A. (2012). Double Meaning of History: Fundamental Processes in Russian Government. Philosophy and Culture, 9, 28–44. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61433
The article describes peculiarities of the fundamental historical processes in Russia such as modernization,
colonization and globalization. The Author underline that all these processes have a very complex structure — not only
because they combine numerous elements, but also because they involve numerous differently directed vectors. In accordance
with this presumption, the author analyze the entire symbiotic process of modernization/de-modernization,
the process of de-colonization as a inevitable product of the type of colonization which has been dominating in Russia
throughout centuries as well as contradictions of globalization process from the point of view of asynchrony of their
economic and socio-cultural elements.
philosophy, multi-vector nature, modernization, de-modernization, archaicism, colonization, de-colonization, globalization, government, government technologies.
Connection of times
Pavlenko, S. A. (2012). Historical Aspects of Changing Axiological Range in Eastern Siberian Society (Mid XIX —
Early XX). Philosophy and Culture, 9, 45–60. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61434
The article is devoted to the process of hanging axiological range of the society in Eastern Siberia at the turn
of XIX-XX centuries. The author touches upon the issue of the break in succession of values between generations. According
to the author, it started to change the cause and role of values in history researches and studies of the main
influencing factors and diagnostics of values.
philosophy, history, values, changes, diagnostics, succession, Eastern Siberia, XIX — XX centuries, generations.
Social philosophy
Fedotova, V. G., Yakovleva, A. F. (2012). Science and Modernization. Philosophy and Culture, 9, 61–72. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61435
The article is devoted to a rarely studied issue about the relationship between science and modernization, science
and society of Art Nouveau. It is shown that this relationship is not reversible which makes the problem even more
difficult. The author also describes the role of both natural and humanitarian sciences in modernization and reveals the
important role of axiological adjustment of innovation technologies, the latter being especially important for Russia.
philosophy, modern age, science, socio-humanitarian, natural scientific, knowledge, mastery, everyday life, dialogue, modernization.
Political philosophy
Mochkin, A. N. (2012). Martin Heidegger Searching for Friedrich Nietzsche’s Metaphysics. Philosophy and Culture, 9, 73–82. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61436
This article is an attempt to analyze Nietzsche’s philosophy from the point of view of metaphysics. The author
of the article analyzes the greatest attempt in XX century to mystify Nietzsche’s philosophy made by Martin Heidegger
in his search for so called ‘metaphysics’. The article contains a comparative analysis of interpretations of Nietzsche’s
philosophy made by famous psychiatrist and philosopher of XX century Karl Jaspers and Martin Heidegger. It is
underlined that Jaspers and Heidegger had a very specific attitude to the main interpretations from the Nietzsche
Archives proposed by Oswald Spengler and Ernst Junger. Rejecting existential and vulgar sociological interpretation
of Nietzsche’s philosophy, Heidegger tries to view it as the final stage of a two-century development of metaphysics.
Martin Heidegger tries to construct Nietzsche’s metaphysics similarly to Antique philosophies before Socrates. The
author of the article also makes an attempt to describe authentic Nietzsche and his philosophy in which metaphysical
categories are combined with mythological concepts. New anthropology cretes a myth about super-human and ‘great
policy’ becomes Dionysus Epiphany.
philosophy, life philosophy, metaphysics, ontology, existentialism, national socialism, positivism, energetics, will to power, super human.
The dialogue of cultures
Fedorova, Yu. E. (2012). Journey to the Truth” the Structure of Philosophical Poem ‘The Conference of the Birds’
Written By Farid ud-Dun Attar (XII Century). Philosophy and Culture, 9, 83–93. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61437
The article is devoted to the description and analysis of the structure of ‘The Conference of the Birds’ poem
written by a Persian Sufism poet and philosopher Farid ud-Dun Attar living at the turn of XII-XIII centuries. This poem
is one of the most famous Attar’s works and considered to be a brilliant example of a Sufism didactic poem. The Conference
of the Birds is an allegoric description of Sufism conception of the knowledge of God which is based on the story
of birds traveling to the palace of their king Simurgh. This allegoric description can be changed and translated to the
language of philosophy. In this case the key problem of the poem would become the problem of truth (Haqiqa) and the
general structure of the poem can be interpreted as a part of Sufism conception of the journey to the Truth.
philosophy, Islamic philosophy, Farid ud-Dun Attar, poem ‘The Conference of the Birds’, journey to the Truth, knowledge of God, Sufism didactic poem, Medieval Persian poetry, Simurgh, seven valleys.
Dasein of the human being
Kasavina, N. A. (2012). Therapy and Technology: How to Work on Existence?. Philosophy and Culture, 9, 94–104. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61438
Social technologies of psychotherapy are the result of a long process of theory formation as well as social and therapeutic
practice involved in a particular culture and form of world perception. In existential psychotherapy such technologies
help to revel the problem of universal human experience allowing to find ways to solve particular crisis situations. Concrete technologies of working with personality in existential psychotherapy connected with philosophical and psychological conceptualizations
of such fundamental elements of human consciousness and psyche as the feeling, meaning, value and life
define the relation between these technologies and particular existences or combinations of existences.
philosophy, existential, psychotherapy, technology, existence, emotion, feeling, depression, science, experience.
Philosophy of science and education
Baksansky, O. E. (2012). Methodological Grounds for Modernization of Modern Education. Philosophy and Culture, 9, 105–111. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61439
Philosophy of education which became an independent discipline in the second half of XX century was formed
as result of interactions between numerous philosophies and systems of education as well as interactions between
educational experience and reflection. In XXI century convergent type of cogitation came to the first place. That type
of cogitation was based in diverse technologies, in particular information, convergent, social and bio-technologies.
Convergent technologies establish a new strategy of civilization development and this is why require social and humanitarian
interpretation. It is necessary to use fundamental traditions and ability to create universal knowledge in
order to create the cognitive standard as one of the key directions of the global development of convergent technologies.
philosophy, philosophy of education, convergent technologies, bio-engineering, bio-information sciences, bio-technologies, knowledge methodology, cognitive science, cognitive representations.
Frontiers and theories of knowledge
Danielian, N. V. (2012). Role of Constructivism under Conditions of Transfer from Information Society to the Knowledge
Society. Philosophy and Culture, 9, 112–119. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61440
The given article is devoted to the increasing role of constructivism in the process of transfer from the information
society to the knowledge society. The author analyzes the term ‘knowledge society’ based on publications by
different philosophers and defines the main difference between the information society and the knowledge society to
be the usage of non-scientific knowledge. In a new society the border between science, society and social culture are
erased. Based on the analysis of the main views of certain famous philosophers on the process of education the author
makes the suggestion that the purpose of education is now becoming the formation of human as he is. This means we
have to refuse from using formal information and start to use ‘living knowledge’. The author makes a conclusion that
being one of the forms of knowledge organization, construction also means the ability to build a new order which
would answer a person’s goal. Thus, in knowledge society the term ‘knowledge’ is understood as the encompassing by
the reality which is continuously turning into the construct of scientific and cognitive activity.
philosophy, knowledge, society, information, entity, reality, education, science, constructivism.
Value and truth
Omelchuk, R. K. (2012). Methodological Prerequisites to Ontological System of Faith. Philosophy and Culture, 9, 120–130. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61441
The article studies the theoretical and methodological grounds for ontological approach to faith. It is shown
how history of philosophy formed the attitude to faith as the characteristics of human existence. It is proved that faith
should not be viewed only as the phenomenon of religion or knowledge theory because it is closely connected to the
process of personal growth. The present article will be of interest not only to philosophers but also to all those who are
interested in topical issues of human life and existence.
philosophy, faith, truth, value, system, personality, ontology, existence, methodology.
Spiritual and moral search
(2012). Interview with a Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladislav Alexandrovich Lektorsky Dedicated to
His Anniversary. Philosophy and Culture, 9, 131–138. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61442
This is the script of the interview with Vladislav Lektorsky taken by Pavel Gurevich. In his interview Lektorsky
talks about his researches, crisis in the theory of knowledge and different epochs in philosophy.
philosophy, culture, anniversary, theory of knowledge, Vladilsav Lekstorsky.
Prokofiev, A. V. (2012). Protection of Future Generation Interests: Utilitarian Perspective. Philosophy and Culture, 9, 139–150. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61443
The given article analyzes pluses and minuses of the utilitarian ethics as the grounds for moral criteria of the
decision making process which touches the interests of future generations. The author shows that utilitarianism does not have any difficulties with involvement of future generations into the moral community and this is the advantage
compared to moral conceptions based on agreement. However, it also requires the discounting of future benefits and
costs which in its turn demands special ethical grounds. The author shows the conditional and situation nature of all
arguments for the benefit of discounting and makes a conclusion that utilitarian approach cannot be the only one
officially recognized methodology of ethics of the future. Utilitarian methods of decision making process including
the analysis of benefits and costs play an important role in social and ethical researches dedicated to the problem of
protection of interests of future generations but they must be combined with other ways and methods of discovering
of the public good from the point of view of generation relations.
philosophy, morals, ethics, economics, utilitarianism, justice, future, discounting, resources, eco systems.
Philosophy of postmodernism
Nedugova, I. A. (2012). Archaicism in Culture: Study of Phenomenon. Philosophy and Culture, 9, 151–159. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61444
The author develops the conceptual grounds for the processes of cultural dynamics: expansion and contraction
of the cultural field. The article contains a comparative analysis of the terms ‘new archaic nature’ and ‘post-modern’.
The author also studies regular patterns of the existence of the system of culture from the point of view of synergetic and
non-linear approach. Expansion and contraction cycles change one another. When the system of culture is contracted,
the phenomenon of archaicism appears. Expansion of the system causes another phenomenon — post-modern. The
author develops the system of influence of the contraction process on formation of delusive consciousness. The author
also presents the conceptual model of philosophical reflection of delusive consciousness.
philosophy, post-modernism, post-modern, archaic nature, culture, dynamics, objectivity, hierarchy, dissipation, change.
History of ideas and teachings
Mikhailenko, Yu. P. (2012). Turgot: the Highest Rise of Activity of Philosophers and Economists in Pre-Revolutionary
France of XVII Century. Part 2 (Continuation). Philosophy and Culture, 9, 160–172. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61445
Turgot has ended the social and economic program of bourgeois innovations developing under conditions
overripen feudalism of bourgeois concepts. Innovators acted within the framework of French Enlightenment. They prepared
ideological revolution back in 1789. Turgot raised the economic theory up to the highest level, anticipating Adam
Smith in some teachings — for instance, in his approach to origins of labor theory of price, relationship and turnover
of national capitals in agriculture, trade, and et. As the minister of finances, Turgot implemented market measures
of freedom of entrepreneurship activity overcoming opposition of the old philosophy adepts. His polemics with Louis
the King about the administrative reform outlined distribution of forces during pre-revolutionary period. However,
after Turgot lost his position, reactionists tried to eliminate all his work and reform. But then revolutionists of the
1789 adopted Turgot’s ideas and put them into life. Marx described Turgot as a great person both as an administrative
figure and founder of social and economic theory. Even in modern Russia Turgot achievements help us to understand
complicated processes of market economics.
philosophy, Louis the 16th, capital, farmer, merchant, gobmeen man, banker, Luther, Dante, labor.
History of ideas and teachings
Stavtseva, O. I. (2012). Dialogue of Cultures Against the Background of Mutli Culturalism Crisis. Philosophy and Culture, 9, 173–179. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61446
The article contains the summary of the XII International Likhachev Readings held on May 17-18 2012 in St.
Petersburg University of Professional Unions. The Readings were devoted to the transformation processes in all spheres
of culture as well as various aspects of globalization. The author of the article pays much attention to the critics of the
multi culturalism conception, the problem of world unity and cultural diversity, combination of economics and culture,
anthropological crisis of the consumer society and integration processes. The main idea uniting all these topics is the
concept of cultural dialogue as the grounds for harmonic and efficient interaction of cultures at a modern stage.
philosophy, globalization, dialogue of cultures, multi culturalism, personality, cultural integration, civilization, humanitarian education, human transformation.