Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich, P. S. (2012). Globalization and Multiculturalism. Philosophy and Culture, 8, 4–5. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61247
Globalization is a new form of modernization succeeding the epoch of conolization and
industrialization. Being the reflection of objective social processes, this phenomenon is fundamentally
revolutionary and violent. It is not only that the USA tries to subdue gigantic transformations to the interests
of the ‘golden milliard’. There is no doubts that globalization, being mostly IT phenomenon, is opposite to
culture deep inside.
philosophy, culture, globalization, civilization, history, society, European world, social status, problem, economics, identity.
Ontology: being and nihility
Neretina, S. S. (2012). Augustine after Heidegger: Time and Being. Philosophy and Culture, 8, 6–16. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61248
Analyzing Augustine’s conception of the relation between time and being as part of Heidegger’s
readings allows to define features of Augistine’s theological conception. Augustine views time as a forced
attention towards an item being considered and being is related not to the essence but to the opportunity to
be and not to be. The author also makes an attempt to interpret the terms associated with time and being
such as existential, the other, retention, protention, attention.
philosophy, time, quantity, retention, protention, attention, being, name, intention, meaning.
Frontiers and theories of knowledge
Kutyrev, V. A. (2012). Cognitization of Reality in its Philosophical and Historical Interpretation. Philosophy and Culture, 8, 17–26. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61249
The author views historical forms of cognitive modeling of the world: ontology, gnoseology,
epistemology, knowledge engineering. In cognitivism the semantic cogitation (Logos) is replaced with the
formal one (Mathesis). Cognitivism is based on the philosophy of Kant and Husserl — transcendentalism.
Their inconsistency is replaced in post-modernism (Deleuze) with identical relation and contradiction
between difference and repetition. This means that ‘our’ objective world is being replaced with constructive
and cognitive, i.e. post-human.
philosophy, gnoseology, epistemology, knowledge engineering, transcendentalism, postmodernism, identical relation, difference, nigitology, Mathesis universalis.
Apresyan, R. G. (2012). Words of Love: Eros, Philia, Agape. Philosophy and Culture, 8, 27–40. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61250
On the basis of the contextual and semantic analysis of Ancient Greek words: eros, philia, agape (based
on mythology, philosophy and Scripture the author makes the following conclusion: if we take into account that
language practices were different at different epochs (classical Ancient World, late Hellenistic Greece, early
Christianity) and in the first place those differences were related to knowledge, then a frequent supposition that
there are different words denoting love in the Greek language is some kind of a semantic myth. There was no such
a Greek language which would actually differentiate these terms. Copresence of these words, although they seem
to be so much differentiated in their meaning, does not go beyond the frames of general dictionaries.
philosophy, cultural studies, love, eros, phili, agape, Adar, semantics.
Social philosophy
Babochkin, P.I., Kamaldinova, E. Sh. (2012). Socio-Cultural Reality of Modern Russian Society. Philosophy and Culture, 8, 41–45. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61251
The article provides an analysis of socio-cultural reality which represents the space with its own
dimension, metrics and time. The structure of this new reality is defined by the type of society as a social
subject. Social time is connected with the consciousness of society which has a history and is a history
carrier itself. Previous social experience, knowledge of Russian cultural traditions plays an important role
in socio-cultural formation of young people and personal up-bringing.
philosophy, society, socio-culture, experience, subject, activity, human, mobility, development, world perception.
Social dynamics
Kilshakova, N. M., Makhamatov, T. M. (2012). Civil Society and Structure of Citizenship. Philosophy and Culture, 8, 46–53. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61252
The article is devoted to the dialectics of formation of civil society. Formation of civil society is
performed into the two following directions: up (from the bottom) and down (from the top). Civil society is
internally contradictory. State institution, political parties, social organizations and citizens’ positions play
an important role in overcoming these contradictions.
philosophy, civil society, national idea, state institution, centralizing and decentralizing beginnings in a modern society, citizenship contradictions, modern society, structure, citizenship, democracy.
Political philosophy
Borisenkov, A. A. (2012). Democratic Political Culture and Political Progress. Philosophy and Culture, 8, 54–61. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61253
The article reveals peculiarities of democratic political culture and makes an attempt to give a
definition of this term. The author describes different concepts viewing democratic political culture as a
factor of systematization of political life and democratization of political influence and, finally, as a factor of
political process. The author also describes the role of political culture in socialization.
philosophy, politics, political culture, democratic political culture, democratic culture, individual culture, political system, political influence, political progress, socialization.
Philosophy and culture
Dobrokhodov, A. L. (2012). Author as a Cultural Subject: Interdisciplinary Aspects of the Issue. Philosophy and Culture, 8, 62–68. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61254
The article analyzes a number of S. S. Averintsev’s works viewing the problem of cultural evolution
as a series of concepts about authority in literature and an author as a cultural subject. Special attention
is paid at the interdisciplinary nature of hermeneutic methods introduced by Averintsev and based on
methodology of language studies, philosophy and cultural studies. It is proved that formation of the ‘author’
concept has become one of the most important moments of formation of new European ideal of creativity,
personality and intelligence.
cultural studies, author, authority, subject, character, culture, interdisciplinary, personality, individual, language arts.
Myths and modern mythologies
Kozolupenko, D. P. (2012). Concerning Specific Nature of ‘Ancient’ or ‘Primitive’ Mythology: Poetic
and Socio-Psychological Approaches to Research of Myth. Philosophy and Culture, 8, 69–85. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61255
The author describes the two main approaches in myth research: poetic (interpretative) and
socio-psychological. As a part of the first approach, the author describes the three concepts originating in the
Ancient World and still being used with some alternations nowadays. All of them have the same drawback:
they are principally interpretive which is unacceptable when related to a myth. The advantage of the second
approach is that there is an attempt to interpret myth not on the basis of research logics but to define relations
and objective laws typical for mythological world perception. These laws and relations may seem awkward
to a modern European but this approach tries to understand what role it could have played in the primitive
society as well as what psychological and social functions the myth had.
cultural studies, myth, mythopoetics, specific nature, world perception, research, interpretation, logic, symbol, archetype.
Philosophical anthropology
Panova, E. L. (2012). Medicalization of Health: Illusion Capable of Destroying a Human. Philosophy and Culture, 8, 86–95. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61256
The present article views the problem of construction of human by the socio-cultural environment
from the point of view of factors determining subjective perception and understanding of such phenomena
as health and sickness. Good will and non-violent nature of such construction is in many ways supported by
mass media, the latter being an efficient tool in formation of a mass human — passive object of socio-cultural
metamorphoses. Health is shown as a social institution that determines universal norms and pathologies at
all levels of life supporting activity of human (bodily, psychic and social). The research of life style in mass media as some kind of ‘anthropological measure’ allows to outline certain coordinates for a modern human
to construct his body and psyche.
philosophy, medicalization, health, biomedicine, human, technologies, artificial environment, nature, body, psyche.
Man and mankind
Bovykin, V. I. (2012). Philosophy of Artificial Intellect: Terminology and Methodology Issues. Philosophy and Culture, 8, 96–105. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61257
The article provides a unique opportunity to solve the issue of creating artificial intellect not in
technological and non-technological spheres but from the point of view of transformations of natural forms
of the intellect, in particular, collective thinking. The author postulates principal restrictions of creative
opportunities of human in the sphere f creating new objects and describes experience of creating artificial
intellect in the sphere of administration.
philosophy, methodology, consciousness, artificial, intellect, transformation, administrative, technology, machine, intellect.
Philosophy of love
Eselev, E. A. (2012). ‘Love for Wisdom or Wisdom of Love’ (Emmanuel Levinas’ Anthropology of
the Other). Philosophy and Culture, 8, 106–112. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61258
The article is devoted to the problem of creating anthropology of the Other in Emmanuel Levinas’
works as a variant of development of general ontological range of problems about the relation between
terms ‘similar’ and ‘the other’. Solutions and approaches suggested by a French philosopher have made a
great influence of formation of post-structural paradigm in modern philosophy, in particular, philosophy
of difference. Failure of classical metaphysics of the subject determined a search for new ways describing
human and his relations with the othe world. Levinas gave a definition of human from the point of view
of responsibility for the other and supposed outcome beyond the limits of being in ethics. It has become an
important step in development of ontological and ethical problems of modern philosophy.
philosophy, Levinas, similar, the other, ethics, differences, the Other, otherness, Self, identity.
History of ideas and teachings
Mikhaylenko, Yu. P. (2012). Turgot: Highest Peak of Activity of Philosophers and Economics in
Pre-Revolution France During the 18th Century. Part 1. Philosophy and Culture, 8, 113–128. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61259
Turgot has ended the social and economic program of bourgeois innovations developing under
conditions overripen feudalism of bourgeois concepts. Innovators acted within the framework of French
Enlightenment. They prepared ideological revolution back in 1789. Turgot raised the economic theory up to
the highest level, anticipating Adam Smith in some teachings — for instance, in his approach to origins of labor
theory of price, relationship and turnover of national capitals in agriculture, trade, and et. As the minister
of finances, Turgot implemented market measures of freedom of entrepreneurship activity overcoming
opposition of the old philosophy adepts. His polemics with Louis the King about the administrative reform
outlined distribution of forces during pre-revolutionary period. However, after Turgot lost his position,
reactionists tried to eliminate all his work and reform. But then revolutionists of the 1789 adopted Turgot’s
ideas and put them into life. Marx described Turgot as a great person both as an administrative figure and
founder of social and economic theory. Even in modern Russia Turgot achievements help us to understand
complicated processes of market economics.
philosophy, Louis the 16th, capital, farmer, merchant, gobmeen man, banker, Luther, Dante, labor.
(2012). Post Report about Meeting with Daniel Denett. Philosophy and Culture, 8, 129–129. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61260
Report about the Moscow meeting with a great philosopher, American professor and author of a
number of works on philosophy Daniel Dennett.
philosophy, Daniel Dennett, meeting, discussion, mass media.