Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich, P. S. (2012). Is Despotism Doomed to Fail?. Philosophy and Culture, 6, 4–6. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=60231
The article is devoted to despotism as a social phenomenon. The author stresses out the difference
between despotism and dictatorship.
The article is devoted to despotism as a social phenomenon. The author stresses out the difference b
Ontology: being and nihility
Fatenkov, A. V. (2012). Existential Ontognoseology: from Experience to Witnessing. Philosophy and Culture, 6, 7–18. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=60232
Existential ontology and ontognoseology counters are defined based on science and philosophy.
Experience and witnessing are shown as the basic epochs of existentionally founded process of cogitation.
The author of the article also describes certain anthropological consequences of existentional witnessing of
philosophy, ontology, ontognoseology, existentionalism, science, human, experience, touch, emotion, witnessing.
Methodology of philosophical learning
Amelchenko, S. N. (2012). Modeling as an Instrument of Ontology and Cultural Gnoseology. Philosophy and Culture, 6, 19–29. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=60233
Method of modeling is not studied enough and rarely used in modern ontology and cultural gnoseology.
A rare example of this method is M. Kagan’s conception describing the place of culture in the system
of human existence. Some of Kagan’s ideas can be developed and compelted which would allow to make
changes in the process of formation of objective knowledge in culture. This is the goal of the research of the
structure of ontological system that includes existence of objectivized and individual ideal approaches (elements
not mentioned by Kagan). The author of the article shows that this is the part of existence (human being)
where meaning, ideals and life goals of human and society are being produced. The research also shows
a dialectic connection between structure of existence (which levels and forms are conditioned by the formation
of culture) and the role of culture causing the variety of these elements and creating a representation of
such existence elements as the human, social and ideal.
philosophy, culture, being, modeling, human, society nature, system, ideal, social, material.
Social philosophy
Oleynikov, Yu. V. (2012). Drastic Transformation of Existence of a Socio-Natural Universe. Philosophy and Culture, 6, 30–43. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=60234
Technological revolution that uses nano-technologies (human initiated molecular, atomic and biological
processes) leads to anthropological transformation of deep structures of the material foundation
of universal existence. It also gives each human a power to interfere with fundamental living conditions
of biosphere and to influence the evolution of the entire socio-natural universe. However, there are a lot of
people who use technological revolution achievements in an infantile way and as the mean of production but
not living. It can destroy humankind. Human will survive only if he changes his social activities, becomes
mature and create a mature society.
philosophy, evolution, society, culture, human, crisis, being, existence, technological revolution.
Ideology and psychology of the masses
Gluchman, V. (2012). Mass Media and Virtual Morals in Slovakia. Philosophy and Culture, 6, 44–50. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=60235
Mass media makes tragedies, crime and violence everyday reality in Slovakia and audience is
taught to get used to these phenomena. As a result, TV broadcasting creates a so called virtual moral that
can actually distort perception of the reality. At the present time, when TV companies can ‘survive’ only if
they have a high rating and show lots of adverting, mass media seems to do all that is not directly forbidden
by the law. Virtual morals as they are shown by the most famous Slovakian mass media are a reduced,
simplified and considerably distorted reflection of the reality.
philosophy, journalist’s ethics, morals, society, mass media, manipulation of public opinion, information commercialization.
Myths and modern mythologies
Zhernosenko, I. A. (2012). Semantic Field of Griffon Image in Pazyryk Culture. Philosophy and Culture, 6, 51–59. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=60236
The article is devoted to one of the most discussed and contradictory image of the Altai ancient
culture — griffon which was a frequently used symbol in all Scythian myths. At the end of his study the author
concludes that the image of griffon is not only an attribute of Universal mythologies but it also plays the
role of a cultural constant which marks the borderline states and moments of ‘transfer’ both in the social and
sacral meaning of it.
cultural studies, mythology, cosmogony, semantics, solar, chtnonic, cult, symbol, griffon, Scythians.
Spiritual and moral search
Titov, V. A. (2012). Sophian Potentials of Russian Philosophy. Philosophy and Culture, 6, 60–69. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=60237
The article talks about the three methods of philosophy: Sophian, Epistemial and technemimic. All
these methods were formed in the Ancient Greece and occurred at different stages of philosophy development.
The author provides evidence that Russian philosophy is mostly based on the Sophian methods. This
thesis is illustrated by the example of the two great philosophers of the 19th century, Dostoevsky and Soloviev.
It should be noted that Sophian image of their philosophies had a very different basis. Dostoevsky’s philosophy
was based on contradictory and sometimes paradoxical human nature while Soloviev built his conception
on the idea of all-encompassing unity.
philosophy, sophian, idea, human, technema, definition, essence, existence, image.
Philosophical anthropology
Makeeva, S. G. (2012). Art Anthropology of Judas Iscariot in Literature of the 20th Century. Philosophy and Culture, 6, 70–81. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=60238
The article is devoted to interpretation of Judas Iscariot’s image studied by philosophers and
theologists of the 20th century as well as interpretation of those concepts from the point of view of art
anthropology. The author analyzes the topic of Judas betrayal and makes a conclusion that this topic
is some kind of a dominant idea in culture and psychology. As for the fact that there are many different
interpretations of Judas image in the 20th c entury, the author e xplains it w ith an active appeal to
hermeneutics methods of interpretation of Holy scripts as well as denial from traditional Christian
values. In conclusion, the author says that Judas is interesting for art anthropology not only as a ‘man
who betrayed’, but also as a ‘man who denied spiritual for the sake of material’, unforgiven man and,
finally, a man who perishes.
philosophy, Jesus, Judas, anthropology, art, law, court, betrayal, image, interpretation.
Spectrum of consciousness
Torgashin, A. Yu. (2012). About Impossible Ontological Non-Freedom. Philosophy and Culture, 6, 82–87. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=60239
The article proves the thesis about structural impossibility of ontological non-freedom and unconditional
compatibility of freedom and determinism. Moreover, it is the mechanistic determinism and
non-illusion freedom that are compatible as the author says. It is concluded that compatibilism and incompatiblism
are old-fashioned methods of the problem solution unlike the hypothesis about calorie as the explanation
of the warmth phenomenon.
philosophy, freedom, free will, freedom of choice, determinism, agnosticism, compatibilism, casuality, Dennet.
Self-consciousness and identity
Lukianov, G. I., Ignatov, V. N. (2012). Attitude to our Past History as the Factor of Formation of
Socio-Cultural Identity. Philosophy and Culture, 6, 88–95. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=60240
The article views the phenomenon of socio-cultural identity from the point of view of social studies
and philosophy. The author also considers mechanisms of identity formation both of humans and social
groups as well as the nation in general. The author describes ways and methods of self identification in the
globalizing world. Based on the author, self-identification must be positive and correspond to the inner cultural
requirements of the society as well as external social and cultural challenges. The study shows that in the modern world of high technologies and drastic transformation of political and spiritual values one can
form a stable socio-cultural identity if he addresses to our past history.
philosophy, identity, past, fragmentation, personality, subject, history, consciousness, communication, post-modernity.
Controversy and debate
Spirova, E. M. (2012). Symbol as an Image and Concept (Response to V. A. Podoroga’s Comments). Philosophy and Culture, 6, 96–105. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=60241
The article talks about a symbol as a concept of philosophical anthropology. The author tries to
show a double function of a symbol which can act both as an image and a concept. Such interpretation of
symbol was supported by the members of the Thesis Board when the author defended his thesis for a Doctor’s
degree. At the same time, the thesis arose many discussions and debates. In this article the author is answering
questions asked by Valery Alexandrovich Podoroga during defense who noted that symbol was closer to
an image than a philosophical concept.
philosophy, symbol, concept, philosophical anthropology, image, mystics, analysis.
Philosophy and art
(2012). Esthetics as a Life Style. Philosophy and Culture, 6, 106–118. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=60242
This is the interview with a professor Konstantin Dolgov taken on his 80th birthday.
philosophy, art, esthetics, jubilee, life style, Konstantin Dolgov. In his interview Konstantin Dolgov talks about his life and growth as a philosoph
Philosophy of postmodernism
Nedugova, I. A. (2012). Self-Creating Art. Philosophy and Culture, 6, 119–127. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=60243
The article describes the author’s approach to the analysis of cultural processes. The author gives
definition of dissipative processes in culture and defines unbalanced dynamic systems as creating such dissipative
processes. Illusory perception is the result of mixed subjective levels of human existence in our consciousness.
The article also contains classification of dissipative processes in culture.
philosophy, art, culture, system, subject, consciousness, illusion, symbols, signs, reflection.
The stream of books
Gurevich, P. S. (2012). World Perception Aspects of Russian Philosophy. Philosophy and Culture, 6, 128–132. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=60244
This is the review of A. Sukhov’s book ‘Russian Philosophy: Features and Representatives’ published
in Moscow in 2012.
culture, philosophy, world perception, Russian philosophy.