Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich, P. S. (2012). What Forms the Spiritual Culture of the Society?. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 4–4. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59496
In his column the editor-in-chief discusses spiritual culture of the society and its elements. The
author defines spirituality as one’s ability to experience high feelings, adore the depth and power of human
thought, feel love for his Motherland and create and put into life his ideals. At the same time, spiritual culture
of the society consists of such elements as our values and relics.
philosophy, culture, society, spirituality, spiritual culture of the society, values, relics.
Political philosophy
Borisenkov, A. A. (2012). The Concept of Political Culture. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 5–14. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59497
The author of the article reveals the contents of the political culture and analyzes its interpretation
approaches which have formed in the political science lately. The author proves the thesis that political culture
is a form of social and actually existing culture. The article describes the main types of political culture
and based on that, forms the law of existence of political culture.
philosophy, politics, political culture, individual culture, social culture, political activity, political behavior, technology of policy formation, democratic political culture, authoritarian political culture.
Chesnov, Ya. V. (2012). How to Get Anthropological Thoughts?. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 15–28. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59498
Virtual anthropological way of thinking is typical both for culture beams and anthropologist.
Based on that, the ethics of a field (ethnographic) research is being created. Empirical facts are organized
by the genre. Philosophy gives an anthropologist the logic of hermeneutical means as well as the vector of
humanitarian expertise.
philosophy, constants, thoughtform, understanding, virtual world, theatrical effectiveness, topography, fact, anthropologist.
Social philosophy
Bocharova, V. V. (2012). Violence as the Social Phenomenon in Rene Girard’s Interpretation. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 29–33. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59499
The article studies the conception of a famous French anthropologist Rene Girard about the nature of
violence as a social phenomenon and ways of its transformation in the primitive society, in particular, during
the transfer from barbarianism to civilization. Generally accepting this conception, the author yet notes that
there is the logic ‘error of the circle’: transformation of violence creates the conception thinking. The latter is the
condition for understanding the malignancy of violence for the survival of the primitive society.
philosophy, violence, society, conception, phenomenon, civilization, transformation.
Myths and modern mythologies
Maydanov, A. S. (2012). Roll Call of the Archaic and Modern Cosmologies. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 34–51. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59500
The article describes what Veda’s authors thought about cosmogenesis and analyzes the dynamics
of their views. The author of the article shows how the picture of cosmogenesis successively moved from anthropomorphous
to biomorphic and physiomorphic models. It is shown that the very first cosmology already
formed the main topics of the future cosmology concerning fundamental features of the Universe — the
beginning, genesis, structure, sources of dynamics and human as an element of the world. The author studies
peculiarities of cosmological way of thinking of archaic people, methods and techniques of that type of
thinking and the strategy of the Universe history knowledge that remains even nowadays. All these factors
are described from the point of view of their development and role for the modern cosmological thinking. The
article suggests new interpretations of a few extremely complicated but very informative images — Universal
demiurges who are being analyzed from epistemological point of view.
philosophy, Universe, cosmogenesis, primary reality, paradigm, model, cosmogonic ideas, method, fiction, polyvariability.
Nedugova, I. V. (2012). Dialectics of Culture and Consciousness: Objective Approach. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 52–60. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59501
The problem of the correlation between culture as the form and the result of human activity is
closely connected with evaluation of the objective side. Objective side can be viewed both as the ‘form’ and the’
result’ which is shown in the very first definition of culture as the form of human activity and as the objective
result of that activity. The author describes the objective approach by analyzing culture and consciousness
built on the principles of upward reflection (from the object to the sign, from the sign to the symbol, from the
symbol to extremely universal signs). If we view the process of activity, any objective element of culture is
designed, in this way or another, to serve as the mean of its actualization (stimulation, programming, realization,
physical life sustaining and etc.) and thus be included in the term ‘form of activity’.
philosophy, culture, object, symbol, sign, extremely universal signs, objectivity, activity, crisis, development, formation, systemacity.
Philosophy of knowledge
Lisina, E. A. (2012). Theory of the Ritual: Modern Conceptions. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 61–67. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59502
The purpose of his article is to cast light on the most significant conceptions of the ritual in modern
foreign science. The author of the article views Stael’s conception about ‘meaningless’ of the ritual, epistemology
of the ritual in Bell’s works, ethological theory of the ritual suggested by Rappaport, Grimes’ conception
about the social role of the ritual. The study is based on original monographs of the above mentioned
scientists. Summarizing the experience of ritual researches, the author of the article makes the following
conclusion. Works by famous modern theorists in the sphere of rituals have something in common — all of
these scientists understand that rituality, being taken as the element of everyday reality, is one of the most
powerful mechanisms of coping with the shock and catastrophes of both social, political and economic origins.
The conclusions and data provided in the article can be used as the basis for further researches of the
theory of ritual and history of modern social and philosophical thought.
philosophy, ritual, theory of the ritual, ethology, semiotics of the ritual, anthropology, traditions, modernity, foreign science, research of rituals.
The dialogue of cultures
Semenkin, N. S. (2012). The Destiny of the Russian Global Project. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 68–73. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59503
The article is devoted to the correlation between such terms as the Russian idea and Russian global
project under the conditions of globalization. The author of the article discusses the essence of the modern
Russian elite and its attitude towards the Western global project.
philosophy, globalization, western global project, cultural and historical types, information internet wars, global cabal, Russian idea, Russian global project.
The science of psychoanalysis
Pavlova, O. N. (2012). Homo Sexualis: Psychoanalytical Topography of Sexuality in Modern Culture
and Personality. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 74–81. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59504
Modern age is marked with intensive qualitative changes in human sexuality — extensive sexualization
of many spheres of the society and culture, on the one hand, and desexualization of intimate areas of the
human. Due to this, sexuality needs a new method of assessment. In order to understand the current state of
the sexuality, it would be interesting to look upon the problem from all sides — as a phenomenon at the joint
of philosophy and psychoanalysis, the two vectors of thoughts and views. The first vector of philosophical and
psychoanalytical research would be the analysis of peculiarities of modern culture and society forming sexuality
of the modern human, from the point of view of their morphogenetic and structural factors, with the focus
on new phenomena which has arisen only recently: narcissism, dissolution of sexual differentiation, feminization,
trans-sexuality, annihiliation of sexuality and many others. The second aspect of the research is the qualitative
characteristics that determine specifics of sexual identity of a modern human: narcissistic androgyny,
trans-sexuality, aleksisexuality, perversity and plurality of genders, hypersublimation.
philosophy, psychoanalysis, sexuality, culture, antique times, androgyny, narcissism, transsexuality, sublimation.
Philosophy and culture
Siyukhova, A. M. (2012). Ethic Mentality as an Identity Factor of Modern Circassians. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 82–90. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59505
The article is devoted to the main issues of ethic mentality of traditional Circassians that has been
formed under the influence natural, historical and economic factors, the latter are being realized in traditional
ethics and moral reference standards of behavior. Based on the results of the survey conducted among
young people, the author of the article describes the structure of mentality of modern Circassians.
cultural studies, Circassians, ethic, mentality, national, character, self-identification, reference standards, structure, culture.
Tradition and innovation
Chernova, A. V. (2012). Innovations in the System of Management. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 91–95. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59506
The article describes the definition and place of innovations in management. The author describes
the ways of implementation of these innovations in management practice and underlines the importance of
this issue at a modern stage of development of the modern society. The article also contains examples from
experience of civic organizations.
philosophy, innovations, organization, management, production, culture, society, human, perspectives.
Religions and religious renaissance
Kurganova, I. G. (2012). New Religious Movements. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 96–107. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59507
Research of new religious movements is thought to be one of the most topical and significant issues
both in philosophy, culture and pure theory because it touches upon the fundamental issues of religious studies.
According to the author, it is necessary to criticize one-sided, subjective approaches to interpretation of
the nature and socio-cultural role of new religious movements typical for apologists of religious innovations
as well as their confessional opposition teaching traditional religions. Special attention is paid at the methodology
of religious researches.
philosophy, culture, religion, religious studies, methodology, innovation, religious sect, cult, new religious movements, traditional religions.
Popov, E. A. (2012). Apostille of Artistic Communication in Philosophy, Art and Culture. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 108–117. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59508
The article makes an attempt to show the interaction between self-sufficient scientific disciplines —
philosophy, art and culture, - within the framework of artistic communication as the common apostille with
clearly expressed values and meaning. Traditional approach to philosophy as the system of values and standards
of human collective and individual existence is complemented with another interpretation: philosophy
is viewed as a socio-cultural system that, by the means of art and culture, forms super reality oriented at
a clear balance of the good and the evil, life and death, movement and stagnation (but not their opposition
as it is viewed traditionally). Artistic communication is some kind of an apostille that becomes typical for
philosophy, art and culture at the end of the 19th — 20th centuries.
philosophy, apostille, communication, symbols, art, culture, reality, life, everyday life, society.
The stream of books
Voronin, A. A. (2012). Humanitarian Expertise: Review. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 118–127. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59509
The review of the five books of selected works ‘Bioethics and Humanitarian Expertise’ was started
with the purpose to summarize relevant researches over the past 4 hours and provide a prospect of grounds,
approaches, methods and applications of humanitarian expertise. The author of the article gives a classification
of scientists’ positions on the matter taking into account the historical aspect — genesis and evolution of
relevant researches. Along with theoretical insights the author also describes practical examples of humanitarian
expertise in different spheres of activity.
philosophy, humanitarian expertise, method, bioethics, interdisciplinarity, object, item, purposes and procedures, risks and consequences, moral, politics, technologies.