Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich, P. S. (2012). Benefits of Human Life. Philosophy and Culture, 4, 4–5. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59389
The editor-in-chief’s column is devoted to the development of the needs and benefits of human life
from Aristotle to a German philosopher Schopenhauer. In this regard the editor in chief also discusses the
concepts of morals, spirits, will and guilt.
philosophy, culture, benefits, needs, spirit, moral, knowledge.
Ontology: being and nihility
Granin, R. S. (2012). Problem of Objectivization in Nikolay Berdyaev’s Philosophy. Philosophy and Culture, 4, 6–13. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59385
The article is devoted to Nikolay Berdyaev’s philosophy of spirit developed as part of his existential
metaphysics evolving around the relationship between existence of spirit and world existence, between
the numismatic and phenomenal. Based on Berdyaev, this is the objective function of human consciousness
which makes the form of such a relationship. The objective function of human consciousness hypostatizes the
mind constructs (universals and substances) and then socializes them, after which they gain a universally
binding meaning and their own existence. Berdyaev saw the struggle against the power of spirit objectivization
as a transcendent coming out of the borders of the phenomenal cause-and-effect world into the reality
of the pre-existence freedom — existential.
philosophy, reality, existentialism, realization, objectivization, symbolization, antinomy, eschatology, utopia, initiation.
Cycles and tides in the global world
Kostina, A. V., Khorina, G. P. (2012). Information Culture in the Concepts of Information Societies. Philosophy and Culture, 4, 14–20. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59386
It is shown that information culture has a number of features which are connected with the nature
of network messages and unction in the ‘network space’ and ‘timeless time’. The authors analyze the
concept of screen culture and compare it with the writing culture. They also provide a critical analysis of
the concept of technological determinism where technologies are defined as a driver of cultural development.
philosophy, information, culture, writing, screen, network, technologies, society, globalization, development.
Philosophy of science and education
Korsakov, A. I. (2012). Herbert Spencer about the Conditional Knowledge and Unconditional
Belief. Philosophy and Culture, 4, 21–30. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59387
The article considers socialization as a term which content is defined depending on an aspect selected
by a scientist. It is shown that in order to understand this term it is necessary to be based on provisions
of social philosophy, social studies and social psychology and take into account how the term was developed
in history. The author of the article also describes the basis of thesaurus concept of socialization.
philosophy, socialization, social studies, psychology, theories, thesaurus, society, process, problem, understanding.
Philosophy of history
Sizemskaya, I. N. (2012). Alexander Herzen’s Philosophic Insights. Philosophy and Culture, 4, 31–39. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59388
The article is devoted to one of the key ideas introduced by Alexander Herzen — his concept of
the ‘tumbled improvisation of history’ allowing to adequately represent the philosopher’s views on the
problem of variability of the historical process as well as the role of accident and goal-oriented human
activity. The author o the article interprets these ideas from the point of view of the modern social studies
and philosophy.
philosophy, history, nonlinearity of the historical process, historical improvisation, accident, possibility, chaos, order, progress, human as a subject of history.
Political philosophy
Parkhomenko, R. N. (2012). Jurgen Habermas’ Theory of Deliberate Democracy. Philosophy and Culture, 4, 40–49. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59379
The author of the article describes the details of prerequisites of Jurgen Habermas’ theory of society
and his concept of deliberate democracy that is based on discursive agreement of all members of the
society concerning essential social issues. With regard to the classical interpretation of democracy Haberman’s
principle of consensus is expressed in the idea that legal norms are legitimate not because they are
mandatory for all individuals but because these norms are willfully accepted by all members of the society.
The research showed that according to the classical theory of democracy, legal norms were to be willfully
accepted by individuals because the norms were just and fair. But Habermas’ principle of justice is based
on the democracy principle of acceptance of these norms by all individuals these norms relate to. Therefore,
justification of legal norms is performed not by the means of practical reason and theory but only trough
open discussion of all members of the society.
philosophy, democracy, liberalism, law, consensus, discourse, communication, society, individual, rationalism.
The issues of holistic world
Torukalo, V. P., Ivanko, N. A. (2012). Problems of Integral Society under Conditions of Modern
Socio-Cultural Instability. Philosophy and Culture, 4, 50–64. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59380
The article is devoted to the problems of retention of stability of modern society. The authors show
that socio-cultural instability is the result of expansion of cultural models and systems of values that are
represented as generally valid within the framework of the common global information space. Globalization
challenges can be successfully solved only by a state institution capable of ensuring efficient management
and social justice.
philosophy, socio-cultural reality, social system, development, universalization, instability, state institution, civilization, environmental studies, globalization.
Philosophy and culture
Starinkova, E. V. (2012). Classification of Décor in Crafts. Philosophy and Culture, 4, 65–71. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59381
General level of museology and problems related to the question about attribution are the primary
cause of a need in improvement of scientific classification and specification of terminology describing studies
of museum. Classifications in other spheres of humanities and natural sciences as well as terminology
adopted from botany and zoology can make the basis for terminology describing décor with the flora and
fauna elements.
cultural studies, crafts, arts, décor, flora, fauna, classification, terminology, museum, item.
Myths and modern mythologies
Plakhin, V. T., Koroselova, O. T. (2012). ‘Simplicity as a Negative Concept….’ (Myth and Advertising
as Generally Adopted Axiological Antagonists). Philosophy and Culture, 4, 72–77. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59382
The article is devoted to the comparative analysis of archaic mythology and modern advertising.
Comparative study is focused on the problem of complexity of transformations in the center of this discussion.
It is well shown that being the core of the myth as itself the process of transformation of Chaos into
Cosmos requires demiurge of sacrifice and maximum exertion. Quite on the contrary, advertising texts successively
transmit ideologeme of light existential and socio-cultural dynamics.
philosophy, mythology, creation, transformation, rite, initiation, advertising, socialization, simplicity, easiness.
Lazarev, V. V. (2012). Concerning Vasily Zenkovsky’s Understanding of the Evil in Russian Religious
Philosophy. Philosophy and Culture, 4, 78–88. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59383
The article is devoted to design studies of the ‘evil’ by Vasily Zenkovsky — historian, philosopher
and participant of a philosophical process discussing the following questions: Does human
responsible for all his actions? Are the abuse of power and freedom the same things? Is following of God a forced process? Is the evil real? Is the evil absolute? Can it be overcome? The author also describes dialectics
of attitudes towards the evil and talks about the integral world perception and organic synthesis
in mono-dualism?
philosophy, good, evil, dualism, mono-dualism, ethics, faith, organic synthesis, Zenkovsky, freedom.
Religions and religious renaissance
Shults, D. N. (2012). Teaching about Uncreated Energies and Theosis Conception in Western Medieval
Philosophy. Philosophy and Culture, 4, 89–94. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59384
The article is devoted to elements of teaching about uncrated energies and theosis conception in
Western Medieval philosophy. Based on the analysis of medieval philosophers’ works and modern researches
the author, first of all, shows that certain elements Gregory Palamas’ theory about uncreated energies
could be found in Western teachings about illumination (Augustinus and Bonaventure), Meister Eckhart’s
teaching about the form as well as teachings introduced by Thomas Aquinas and the official teaching about
the Catholic church. Secondly, the author proves that the Theosis conception can be found in all traditional
Western philosophies of all epochs. In particular, it is discussed by such authors as Tertullianus, Hilarius,
Ambrosius, Augustinus, Boethius, Anselmus and Thomas Aquinas.
philosophy, Theosis, deification, Palamas, uncreated, energies, blissful, vision, God’s grace.
Philosophy and art
Zhukovsky, V. I. (2012). Common Framework of the Theory of Fine Arts. Philosophy and Culture, 4, 95–104. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59378
The article describes the basic terms of modern theory of fine arts and the process o creation of an
image in a dialogue between a recipient and a creation. The author of the article also discusses the role of an
expert in arts who represents conceptual provisions of the theory. According to the author, an expert in arts
combines such professional aspects as knowledge, research and maieutics.
philosophy, creation, expert in arts, researcher in arts, maieutics in arts, affectation, trial, dialogue, image, style.
History of ideas and teachings
Koptseva, N. P., Luzan, V. S. (2012). Modelling of Culture and Cultural Policy in Russian Philosophy
at the End of the 19th — First Quarter of the 20th Century. Philosophy and Culture, 4, 105–116. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59374
Modelling of modern cultural policy should have an adequate philosophical basis. Works by Russian
philosophers of the end of the 19th — first quarter o the 20th centuries contain several heuristic models of
cultural policy. Based on the defined types of modeling of cultural policy we can define and choose the basis,
ideas, conceptions and principles of modern state cultural policy. The main methods used in the research
include: analysis of philosophical texts, modeling and detection of ideal types of cultural policy.
philosophy, cultural policy, models, subjective, objective, dialectics, Russian philosophy, culture genesis, ideals, processes.