Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich, P. S. (2012). Wishing for Truth, Wishing for Kindness. Philosophy and Culture, 3, 4–6. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59297
What does a modern human suffer from? Why deviant behavior is so widely spread nowadays?
What makes us forget about life values and what role does literature plays in all that?
philosophy, culture, human, society, truth, kindness, literature, deviations, values.
The new paradigm of science
Borisenkov, A. A. (2012). About Paradigm Knowledge in Political Science. Philosophy and Culture, 3, 7–14. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59298
The article studies the phenomenon of paradigm knowledge developing in modern political science
and stipulated by the revelation of political unity. The author o the article studies some peculiarities of how
this kind of knowledge was established as well as the role which it plays for development of political theory.
In the conclusion the author suggests a political paradigm as part of innovation-based approach to the study
of political content.
philosophy, paradigm, paradigm knowledge, political science, political being, political contents, political structure, political unity, integration of political theory.
Fates and outlines of civilizations
Shabanov, D. A. (2012). Ceremonial and Actual Superiority in Byzantine Polemics about the Rome
Primacy. Philosophy and Culture, 3, 15–26. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59299
The problem of ceremonial priorities and actual superiority is one of the main issues of late Byzantine
polemics with the Latin West. Despite the fact that the idea of the Pope primacy was met with rebuke
among Byzantine authors, many polemists based their arguments on specific conceptions of Barlaam of
Seminara who viewed hierarchy of episcopate as a ceremonial formality and, in act, denied the idea of actual
superiority. Early Byzantine views on the subject of superiority suggests a wider solution o the problem
where the superiority is understood as special service but not just a ceremonial function.
cultural studies, Areopagitica, Barlaam of Seminara, Dimitry of Cyzicus, Nicholas Cabasilas, superiority, succession, priority, primacy, patriarchy.
Social philosophy
Kovaleva, A. I, Lyukov V. A. (2012). Socialization: Socio-Philosophical, Sociological and Socio-
Psychological Aspects. Philosophy and Culture, 3, 27–35. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59300
The authors of the article views socialization as a term which content depends on the aspect selected
by the researcher. It is shown that when interpreting this term, it is necessary to be based on provisions of
social philosophy, social studies and social psychology and take into account how this term was established.
The authors also describe the basics of thesaurus conception of socialization.
philosophy, social studies, socialization, psychology, theory, thesaurus, society, process, problem, understanding.
Characteristics of society
Virin, M. M. (2012). Contribution of the Russian School of Researches o Evolution and Humankind
Development into the Information Society Conception. Philosophy and Culture, 3, 36–46. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59301
The article contains a review of the main provisions of prognosis theories introduced by famous
Russian scientists from the point of view of economic, socio-political, cultural, scientific and environmental
aspects of building a global information society. It is noted that unlike diversified and many-level futurological
conceptions of the future suggested by Western scientists, Russian (Soviet) scientists demonstrated succession
and methodological unity in their works, which, in fact, made them the ‘Russian school’. The author of the
article describes M. Moiseev’s principles of development o information society and tools of collective intellect.
The author also analyzes the global civilization model proposed by famous Russian scientists G. Osipova, B.
Kuzykina and Yu. Yakovts which allows to study interactions between civilizations in the 6 aspects: geodemographic,
geo environmental, geo technological, geo economic, geo political, geo social and cultural.
philosophy, futurology, information society, globalization, geo systems, evolution, co-evolution, socio-cultural, conception of the humankind future, trans-civilization model.
The dialogue of cultures
Titov, V. A., Lavrinenko, V. N. (2012). About Efficient Mechanisms of Cross-Cultural Communication. Philosophy and Culture, 3, 47–53. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59302
Technification of modern society is the result of globalization processes in all spheres o human life.
This article is devoted to the study of efficient mechanisms of cross-cultural communication taking into account
transformations of the world view for certain interests and motivations. Special attention is paid at
philosophical concepts and ideas at different stages of history.
philosophy, communication, society, religion, morals, globalization, ethics, values, world view, culture.
National character and mentality
Razin, A. S., Belov, A. V. (2012). Ethno-Confessional Factors of Economic Management in Post-
Industrial Society. Philosophy and Culture, 3, 54–65. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59303
The article analyzes the genesis of philosophical conceptions of modernization from the point of
view of economic activity. The authors of the article describe the relation between modernization and postindustrialization
models of socio-cultural development. The authors show the peculiar nature of national
economic management culture and raises a question about ethno-confessional economic management.
philosophy, ethno-confessional relations, ethno-confessional factor, modernization, post-modernization, post-industrialization, economic management, non-linear, local modernization.
Axiology: values and relics
Yakovlev, V. A. (2012). Christian Values in Science of the Modern Times. Philosophy and Culture, 3, 66–75. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59304
The author analyzes the problem of relation between Christian religious values which has been
formed in Europe over the last dozens of years, and axiological stereotypes of classical science represented
by such famous people as Galileo Galilei and Johannes Kepler. The author suggests new interpretation of the
reason for disagreements between the first theological and scientific concepts. Based on concrete examples,
the author shows that scientists did not only try to define the objective truth but also coordinated with the
Hole Scripture.
philosophy, values, Christianity, scientists, theology, mind, belief, truth, science, dialogue.
Spiritual and moral search
Spirova, E. M. (2012). Understanding the Symbol: from Hegel to Lacan. Philosophy and Culture, 3, 76–84. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59305
The article describes the dynamics which characterizes a modern interpretation of a symbol.
Based on Hegel’s heritage, the author shows that the general prognosis of a German philosopher about
decreasing role of symbolic forms of thinking was not eventually proved. Traditions of symbolic interpretation
o the world are only coming back to us today. The author o the article describes anthropological
meaning of a symbol and characterizes the image of human which was described in detail during Post-
philosophy, symbol, culture, thinking, symbolic, real, imaginative, myth, law, meaning.
Philosophy of science and education
Morozov, V. V. (2012). Education as the Process of Personal Socialization. Philosophy and Culture, 3, 85–95. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59306
The article analyzes the process of personal socialization which cannot be narrowed down to stereotypes
or constant changes. The moment of stability and the moment of changes are in dialectic unity here.
Both tendencies are very important or development o the new society.
philosophy, culture, socialization, personality, social experience, traditions, stability, society, style of life, cultural values, education.
Spectrum of consciousness
Trufanova, E. O. (2012). Escapism and Escapist Consciousness: Terms and Definitions. Philosophy and Culture, 3, 96–107. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59307
The main goal o this article is to clarity the term ‘escapism’, to analyze how it originated and how
it is used in modern socio-humanitarian sciences. It is shown that the term ‘escapism’ is very rarely studied
in philosophy and therefore, it needs a thorough analysis. The author suggests that we should view escapism
not only from the point of view of alienation of a person from the other world but also as an efficient creative
force as one of the elements of individual consciousness.
philosophy, escapism, Self, identity, escape, consciousness, dissociation, imagination, reality, virtual.
Philosophy of history
Leopa, A. V. (2012). Historical Consciousness as a Tool of Scientific Knowledge. Philosophy and Culture, 3, 108–114. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59308
The article shows that historical consciousness is a complex and diversified phenomenon of social
life. It is also viewed as a temporary shift of all kinds of social consciousness. At the same time, historical
consciousness is a method of scientific knowledge, i. e. historical consciousness might be defined as a subject’s
thought which has a certain history and meaning.
philosophy, historical consciousness, historical science, methods of scientific research, principles o historicism, knowledge, historical knowledge, thinking, social consciousness.
Philosophy of technology
Smirnov, E. V. (2012). Turing Machine and Human: Ontognoseological Aspect of Computer Metaphor
of Consciousness. Philosophy and Culture, 3, 115–123. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59309
The article considers current approaches to interpretation of computer metaphor of consciousness
in modern philosophy of consciousness and analyzes justification of the analogies ‘consciousness — mind’
and ‘program — hardware’. Based on the sign of such relation, the author suggests his own classification of
approaches: algorithmic, causal-cultural and causal-biological approaches to interpretation of computer
metaphor of consciousness. Base on this classification, the author makes certain conclusions about their role
in ontology and gnoseology and considers the perspectives of the idea about the ‘strong’ artificial intellect in
the framework of existing approaches to development of the artificial intellect.
philosophy, consciousness, artificial intellect, Turing machine, computer metaphor of consciousness, algorithm, cogitation, program, functionalism, connectivism.
The stream of books
Gurevich, P. S. (2012). Symbol as a Password o Culture (Topic Review). Philosophy and Culture, 3, 124–133. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59310
This is the summary of the books devoted to cultural researches: Ontology of Cultural Research.
Symbolic Space o Culture, Ontology of Cultural Research. Reflection of Culture and Samary’s book “Where
the Beams are Crossed’.
philosophy, culture, symbol, poetry, researches.