Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich, P. S. (2012). Are We Brutal Enough?. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 4–5. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59179
The editor-in-chief’s column is devoted to post-modernistic tendency to split and then bring together human
nature and personality.
philosophy, culture, post-modernism, disassembly, personality.
The issues of holistic world
Ursul, A. D., Ursul, T. A. (2012). Global (Universal) Evolutionism: Object Field and Topical Orientation. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 6–20. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59180
The article is devoted to the general scientific conception of the global (universal) evolution in which selforganization
of the material systems are the only and basic permanent process of progressive development in the
visible Universe. Self-preservation is shown as a dominating form of existence of different forms of the material in the
Universe that is materialized in items through evolution, in hidden matter (dark mass) through changes as some kind
of ‘proto-evolution’, in space vacuum (dark energy) — through movements and rest. The main advantage of studying
this type of evolution is thought to be a superhighway as the trajectory of evolution processes in the Universe lying in
the basis of constant self-organization of the material systems starting from the Big Bang and ending with the social
phase of evolution which has an uncertain and long-term socio-natural continuation.
philosophy, global evolutionism, information criteria, global studies of the space, self-preservation, selforganization, superhighway, sustainable development, evolutionary conservatism, evolutionary global studies.
Picture of the world in natural science
Klyagin, N. V., Ryabushkina, I. B. (2012). Society of the Future. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 21–31. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59181
Virtual reality will help the future society to survive the collapse of the Universe.
philosophy, impersonal dependence, Big Collapse, Ever Changing World, virtual reality, quantum web, personal dependence, superhighway matrix, time machine, super string technology.
Spectrum of consciousness
Karpova, E. V. (2012). Gnoseological Aspects of Socio-Cultural Perception of Space in Religious Beliefs. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 32–37. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59182
The article analyzes socio-cultural perception of space in religious beliefs as a mechanism, form of reflection
of the real world by the consciousness as well as the integrated image of space formed under the influence of religious
philosophy, gnoseology, religion, perception, belief, consciousness, socio-culture, experience, space.
Self-consciousness and identity
Zhou, Siyin. (2012). Poles of a Conservative Thought: Ideology of Conservatism by European Philosophers of the
18th — 19th Centuries in a Comparative Aspect. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 38–41. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59183
Conservatism is a mixture of diversified ideological, political and cultural movements based on the idea of
tradition and succession in a social and cultural life. Conservatism acquires various forms in the course of history but
it is generally characterized by the commitment to existing and long-present social systems and standards, denial
of revolutions and radical reforms and assertion of restrictive evolution. Its basic historical forms include liberal,
renovating, religious and utopian conservatism. According to the author, it would be useful to compare this ideology
with Chinese ideology during the times of Qing dynasty.
cultural studies, conservatism, comparativism, ideology, Enlightenment, the Romantic Movement, classes, society, utopia, religion.
Philosophical anthropology
Spirova, E. M. (2012). The Phenomenon of Symbol in Interpretation of Human. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 42–50. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59184
The article provides the idea that conception of a symbol s a special phenomenon determined philosophical
interpretation of human in many ways. In Antique culture human was mostly thought to be a biological creature.
Another interpretation of a symbol as a sign of another world invisibly connected with the earth changed the concept
of human, too. From now then, according to medieval concepts, human is interesting and significant not only for what he shows but also for what he hides. The symbol shows that human is not a mere connection of soul, body and spirit.
Human unites opposites and incompatibilities.
philosophy, human, allegory, symbol, image, biological creature, philosophical anthropology, sing, soul, mythology.
Philosophy and culture
Prokhorov, M. M. (2012). History and Culture of the Definitions of Existence and Humanism. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 51–61. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59185
Based on explication of philosophical culture of definition of existence the author of the article analyzes,
firstly, modern age and secondly, its typical historical form of opposition of dialectics and metaphysics as dialectics
of the classical and negative and thirdly, growing importance of humanization and hominization of people’s history.
philosophy, history, culture, existence, definition, negative dialectics, metaphysics, historical forms, opposites, dialectics, metaphysics, humanism, dialectics, existence, anti-humanism.
Myths and modern mythologies
Siyuhova, À. M. (2012). Understanding the social and cultural role of mythopoetic creation of the position of the
philosophers of antiquity: the projectionthe theory of elites. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 62–70. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59186
The article explains the role of folk art to preserve the spiritual foundations of society, the preservation of
the mental characteristics of ethnic groups. We consider the conflicting views of ancient philosophers to the place of
folklore in the social and artistic practice of nations. As a catalyst to do with mythology and art examines the views
of ancient philosophers to the person and work of Homer. Applying the theory of the cyclical development of culture
and the theory of Spengler Pareto elite, concludes that the idea of a cyclically evolving \"heart\" of the culture it is projected
on the socio-cultural features of the intellectual elite of antiquity and its views on such an important cultural
phenomenon, as folklore of ethnic groups.
Cultural, Society and the philosophers of antiquity, mythology, art, Homer, the social elite, the "soul" of culture.
Cycles and tides in the global world
Gezalov, A. A. (2012). Manifestation of Socio-Cultural Contradictions in Non-Linear Globalizing World and Ways
to Overcome Them. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 71–79. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59187
The author of the article assumes that the problem of socio-cultural contradictions is one of the most important
topics discussed by the world society and scientific community. Socio-cultural aspect of globalization as a complex
socio-cultural process requires a special approach. If we study certain aspects of globalization in a framework of
concrete disciplines, without taking into account the entire spectrum of socio-cultural transformations, it will lead to
simplification and unilateral interpretation of one of the most complex phenomena which sources can be easily found
in previous epochs but which influence on modern civilization has grown rapidly. Wide use of methods of integrated
disciplines including global studies allows to take a new look at the efficiency of chosen guides. In this respect, considered
opportunity to achieve certain forms of interaction between natural, social and cultural processes as conditions
for further existence of the humankind may appear to be one of the basics. It shows that previous issues of philosophy
and culture are growing more important today. However, it would be possible to describe the nature of the process
of ‘condensation’ of interaction and entirety of the world, which also shows itself in agricultural and economic inter
nationalization, intensification of information and communication connections, ethnocultural relations, only by the
means of interdisciplinary research.
philosophy, globalization, culture, paradigm, socioculture, transformation, modernization, society, innovation, multiculturalism.
Philosophy of science and education
Yakovlev, V. A. (2012). Metaphysical Principles of Natural Scientific Researches of the Phenomenon of Life. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 80–89. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59188
The article provides a brief summary of evolution of philosophical teachings about life. The main emphasis
is laid on the analysis of the problem of origin and nature of life in the light of new achievements in physics,
biology and chemistry during the 20th — 21st centuries. The author of the article describes the metaphysical status
of principles of invariant nature and periodicity in modern natural scientific researches of the organic matter. The
author also gives his critical review of the reduction approach –brining of living organisms’ features to the signs and characteristics of non-organic matter. Based on experimental data, the author describes the status of the ‘life’
issue and suggests a new approach to solving this issue based on the defining the phenomenon of life as a special
form of information reality.
philosophy, life, evolution, reality, invariant nature, periodicity, reduction, program information, consciousness.
Philosophy and art
Pereverzeva, M. V. (2012). Music, Chance and Relation Between Them. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 90–100. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59189
During the second half of the 20th century music had artistic and esthetic conceptions and methods in which
chance became an invariable factor in creating and laying a music composition like in aleatory — writing technique
allowing indeterminism of the music material and structure. Aletory composision may have a mobile material and
stable form, stable material and mobile form or mobile material and form. One of the main disadvantages of such
composition, especially since all the music elements are flexible, was the problem of formation. However, even if the
music piece is based on the principle of absolutely random sequence of elements or combination of sounds, special
structural factors make it whole and united. These factors are described by the author of the article based on the
examples of music by American composers in 1950-1960.
cultural studies, music, chance, aleatory, indeterminism, mobile, module, form, composition, structure.
Philosophy of technology
Smirnov, E. V. (2012). Chinese Room, Chinese Robot and ‘System Response’: Perspectives of a Strong Artificial
Intellect. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 101–108. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59190
The author of this article describes and analyzes the two basic strategies of objection to a well-known
thought experiment called Chinese Room argument: so called robot and system objections. The analysis allows to
assess the validity of critics of the argument’s opposition as well as provisions defended in the framework of so called
Chinese Room. In conclusion, the author conducts a thought experiment modifying the initial argument in order to
prove that a number of such conclusions are wrong.
philosophy, Chinese Room argument, artificial intellect, consciousness, functionalism, thinking, algorithm, connectionism, Turing test, program.
History of ideas and teachings
Rozin, V. M. (2012). Better Understanding of Aristotle (Philosophical and Methodological Reconstruction). Philosophy and Culture, 2, 109–122. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59191
The article is devoted to the development of Aristotle’s ideas and creative work. The author describes
the two stags of such development. At the first stage, the Stagirite, Aristotle entered into controversy with Plato
and gave description of categories as well as definitions of the first and second essences. At the second stage he
created the rules for discussion and learning and refused from linguistic conceptualization. At the beginning of
the article the author also discusses principles of philosophical and methodological reconstruction of creativity
and thinking.
philosophy, item, knowledge, truth, subject, reality, reasoning, learning, definition, standard.
The stream of books
Gurevich, P. S. (2012). About the Truth and the Path to It. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 123–125. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59192
This is the summary and critical review of the Encyclopedia of Epistemology and Philosophy of Science
published in 2009. The summary is prepared by Gurevich P. S., editor-in-chief of the Philosophy and Culture Journal.
philosophy, culture, epistemology, philosophy of science, encyclopedia.
The stream of books
Gurevich, P. S. (2012). Scenario of the Future. Philosophy and Culture, 2, 126–130. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59193
This is the summary of A. I. Utkin’s book ‘Institution of Economic Strategies’ published in 2001.
philosophy, culture, economy, institution, strategy.